New York. New Rules. Scream VI Mafia Game Thread

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Jul 28, 2021
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Again, prefacing that this isn't where I would be headed nor am I suggesting it - but is this saying that you categorically wouldn't ever vote for Juice on D1?

I know someone said before, but one of these times when Juice is acting "off" is going to be because Juice is actually mafia. In fact, if she is (either in this game or a future one), she's now going to know that she's got at least one person who just won't vote her out.

I understand your stance, but I am just a bit concerned that you could be blinding yourself with that approach and I'm not sure why a player as good as yourself wouldn't see that possibility.

Not knowing the dynamics of the players in question but continue to dislike Man's posts, feel like busywork - doesn't really commit to a read of Sky or Juice here but ties them both together while shading Sky for town reading.

Bottom part of that post doesn't make sense, only townies can blind themselves.

What logic is this?

I'm by no means a fan of long day ones. I hate them because in my experience day one is just a bunch of shit posting until we finally throw a dart at someone. I went back on WC through like all of our games at one point to see how many times we hit a mafia on Day 1, and I think it was like 4/35 or something like that.

But, with that said...the longer the day the more posts people make, generally speaking, or the more we get reads. And the more we get reads, the more likely we are to suss people out.

So I would disagree with you on this one.

If I voted anyone right now it'd be Sky. Less for her sussy post but more so how defensive she got afterwards about it when I mentioned it was a weird post. And I'm sure she'll come in here and say something like "how dare you say that I'm sussy you must be mafia for this!". I call that defense "The Gipper".

Sully burns a lot of oil with an aggressive reaction to an NAI topic about long days or something.

So to answer the question I asked you last night - you’re stance to not vote for Juice on D1 was purely out of principle and you’d allow objectively bad play or comments to slide because of it?

I’m glad that you seem to have walked that back slightly with this post but I think based on earlier comments, the worse she looks, the worse you do for them.

Noting this from a progression standpoint, if Mando continues to kick dirt around without applying any real pressue to Juice this is probably disingenuous.


Isn't that a daisy?
Sep 13, 2022
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Pittsburgh, PA
Sully burns a lot of oil with an aggressive reaction to an NAI topic about long days or something.

Seems like you're cherry picking or tunnelling on two very specific players. Any reason why you decided to rep in and focus on Man and I right out of the gate?

As for the post you're quoting it was one of my first of the game where there was not much to discuss. I wouldn't call it aggressive or "burning oil". You pointing it out days later is probably even more wasteful, but worth noting.


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Jul 28, 2021
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Seems like you're cherry picking or tunnelling on two very specific players. Any reason why you decided to rep in and focus on Man and I right out of the gate?

As for the post you're quoting it was one of my first of the game where there was not much to discuss. I wouldn't call it aggressive or "burning oil". You pointing it out days later is probably even more wasteful, but worth noting.

Watch your tone when you're speaking to me.

First and foremost, this is a loaded question - it's framed presuming I decided to arbitrarily pick out your comments to focus on, which makes no sense. I am reading up and giving my impressions as I go. You're implying I have an agenda, if you don't buy my stated reasons for commenting on those posts, then there's nothing more I can say.

(Frankly, even if I was scum, I'd be giving takes based on what I was reading and not some preloaded plan on who to pick on, but w/e)

Secondly, what is "wasteful" about giving my takes on early posts? There's not a fucking expiration date lass. Sounds like you're feeling a bit nervous your posts are shit and you're coming up with some dumb excuse for why I shouldn't catch up.


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Ultra's tone tells me that this is not scum/scum, it might be a bit lighter if it were a distance


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Jul 28, 2021
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Ultra's tone tells me that this is not scum/scum, it might be a bit lighter if it were a distance

Real quick can you tell me who gipper refers to


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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welcome Ultra!


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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any other content worth catching up on. Been DM'ing DND since about half 6 UK time


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Jul 28, 2021
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Sky's stance was that she was not prepared to lynch Juice, and seemingly even scummy play on Juice's part wouldn't have shaken that stance. At that point in time, Juice had not made any of the questionable posts that she has since made, and thus, there was no reason for Juice to be suggested as a target.

My point of those posts was to evidence that Juice could actually be taking advantage of Sky if that was Sky's position. Which is what I even said in the thread when Juice suggested that I was saying that Sky was trying to pocket her, when I was actually suggesting it could be the opposite. Neither Juice or Sky responded to that.

I read this post like 3 times and have 0 clue what point this guy is trying to make

Nah just get me out. I’m fed up with this. This is exactly what happened in the last game and I’m not prepared to waste any more of my time beating the same drum over and over again.

Apparently being cautious and wanting to think and talk things through is a bad thing here. Sorry I don’t throw a vote down first and think later and I’m more interested in trying to discuss hypotheticals when we have no actual tangible information to go off because it is day fucking one.

Don’t quote my posts or tag me.

Weak. Funnily enough, this is probably the towniest thing I've seen from him, but I'm not going to read into a very emotional response all that much without knowing the person in question

Now, considering what I've already picked up on, I find the following chain of posts pretty interesting and all too coincidental:

What are our actual realistic vote options at this point? Man, Wang, Jango, OMB? Probably more realistically Man and Wang?

Am I the only one who susses out Sky and the lack of logic in some of her arguments/defense? I also don't really understand what half of Jango's posts even mean, is that normal?

Need to do a deeper dive on Man's posts.

Can you actually list your reasoning for voting Man?

Official Vote: OMB

Now I'm sure you'll really think I'm scum. My reasoning for voting you? I don't like the fact that you're listing people as scummy and not actually basing it on anything that's been posted in the thread.

The Man back and forth I also read and don't quite understand what scum vibes you're getting. He explained himself to you in a response and you sort of just ignored that.

I wouldn't even call what you're doing tunnel vision but more so just twisting your own narrative to make certain people look scummy. AND THAT, my dear Sky, is not town behavior.

It's not really a one vs the other to me at this point. I don't have enough to get an actual read on Man, and OMB flipping scum wouldn't clear him by any means.

If Man flips scum, I would definitely back off OMB for a bit though.

Man flipping town would make OMB look really bad for sure, but we already know he's going off essentially nothing for his scum reads to begin with.

OMB flipping town would probably make me look worse than Man at this point. I think Man is sussing OMB for the same reasons I am, and it's the fact that he's calling us scum without any actual basis. See when I called Sky out for being defensive, it was in response to my posts where I actually was giving reasons and asking questions. OMB isn't asking questions and his entire scum read list was all just shit about us as players and nothing about the game. I don't think he even read any of our game posts when he made it.

Ok yes, but you listed four names you thought were scum and only one of those had ANY actual reasoning. If you worded it more as "these are some people to be wary of based on past game experiences" then sure.

But you have to actually connect that to posts from THIS game for it to work.

Man has way more posts than you and I, and I went through them and a lot of them are actually asking questions and making reads. Can you quote which post you saw as fluff and why it concerns you?

And also in his last post, you said he didn't come off as a townie, what specifically in that post gave you that read (other than disagreeing with you)?

Genuinely, if you can convince, I'll vote for Man. But you HAVE to actually give some damn reasons man.

A couple of observations here:

- Sully who's been rather aggressive all game suddenly pumps the breaks and wonders why other players are suspecting Man - I think it's notable that this is really their first attempt at actually defending a player. At every other junction they've been pushing suspicion

- Right when Mando starts to get some heat Sully spearheads the OMB wagon. Drops a post that seems very self aware about how they'll look for the push, not the first preemptive defense they've made either.

- Can't seem to actually decide how they're reading man, is kind of defending them but doesn't really commit to a position and puts the onus on the player who they are suspecting to *prove it* to them.

This shit doesn't make sense. If you're suspecting someone, and you give all the reasons Sally did why the case on them is bunk, this should be a rather slam dunk town read, instead they hesitate, defending-them-while-not-defending them. I see good equity here.


Isn't that a daisy?
Sep 13, 2022
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Pittsburgh, PA
Someone please let me know because I specifically signed up for this game because I was told the toxic assholes weren't playing


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Jul 28, 2021
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Although how sold are you on one of me or OMB being mafia, and how does that rank against your view on John?

You placed a vote on me arbitrarily at the beginning of the game and left it there for almost two actual days and then worked backwards into coming up with the reasoning. Then you decided to switch onto OMB.

OMB going and flipping town would make you my top scum lean. In fact, if I go then you need to be considered as well by everyone that’s left, but they’d probably want to try OMB first. There’s a possibility that you and OMB are s/s, but you being mafia and OMB being town is something I can see being more likely and from your position, it makes sense you’d want to make it so it’s one or the other.

What I’m getting at is that I think with that McHenry comment you’re trying to steer the conversation away from yourself tomorrow because you know you’re going to be considered regardless of how me or OMB flip because of your flip flopping.

I have seen OMB as town just get things completely wrong as he has here - OMB being OMB - and I can absolutely see mafia jumping on his misinformed logic to try and force a lynch, made easier by the random vote you placed on me at the start.

Vote: Grim

I could go with an OMB lynch, sure, but I think there’s more possibilities where Grim is mafia than OMB is.

What is more likely to you? OMB just getting it completely wrong and others latching on, or OMB being right but unable to actually prove it?

I’m more inclined to think that he’s town with an awful read he can’t prove than mafia because he’d have a team helping him come up with some retrospective reasoning, wouldn’t he? Obviously they might not be helping him, but it’s strange they’d let him flounder like this and not help him come up with something to answer these questions with, isn’t it?

This is interesting as the vote is split and Mando isn't wearing self pres on his sleeve at all, his ensuing posts honestly come across as way townier than his early ones. I also don't think him and Sully are S/S because they're feeling each other too much. Sully might be just pocketing them.


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Jul 28, 2021
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Wtffff is this the guy everyone hates who said he wasn't playing anymore? Cause if so I'm out lol



I'm telling you to not burden me with bad faith accusations when I'm just getting into the game, SCUM. Don't play victim now! You saw me sub in and thought you could have a free meal! Ho wrong you were. I shall soon have your head. Cower and flee if you must.
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