I be less weary of Wang atm then I am of people trying to push his lynch. I know for like me personally I'm not gonna be as active this game because I will literally be working the next like 4 days onto of the 5 days in a row I have worked rn.
I be more leaning towards
Man/SS/Grim/Sully one of those four as being mafia.
As of the moment I don't think Grim is mafia more him just playing a town game but having it to where he can go

and see I lead town to victory vibe. A smog Grim usually a town Grim.
Sully is pretty Crafty when it comes to being mafia and usually will casual try and get lil seeds to plant for later in game so if he is scum I def go back and read his d1 post if flips scum.
SS is sort of same way and will be thinking two steps ahead will engage leading to post where a majority of town will feel the right way to go unless it something that feels lil more obvious
I be hard press to vote juice/sky/or gip either as that seems east mislynch
Man on the other hand I can usually nail if he's mafia and I got a red flag here and there om his post
Not enough to vote yet