DX, you creating WAW again, it will probaly last 2 months like it did last time. But I hope you can prove me wrong, and shove it in my face if! you can write for 2 months straight, with no late shows, or nothing, so thats 2 PPV's, and 6 weekly shows. Cause every BTB you have, is either gaven up on, or dumped, and you just create a new one. But I think you can prove me wrong anyways

and also, I saw your BTB Yearbook thing, and you comment had me wondering, cause DXD brought it up aswell, in the last few posts in this thread, is that you only need about 3-4 posts from yourself, but you said that my NCW thread had 49 or whatever pages, and you were saying it was all spam. It really isnt, cause it is totally different from every other BTB in IWF, cause people need to trash talk. Thats all I need to say