DZW-Danger Zone Wrestling

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Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity




The scene opens in the Pepsi Center at Denver,Colorado where thousands of fans have occupied the seats to witness the new generation of wrestling. The birth of D. . Z. . W! The cameras start panning out all over the arena showing the fans holding various signs. The turn out was more than expected and it was only a matter of seconds before things get rolling. Marilyn Manson's "This Is The New Shit" slowly fades and the cameras go to ringside where DZW's announce team was. They were "JJ" Jeff Jackson, A new face in the business and more than familiar face. Former 3 time wCw champion . . Diamond Dallas Page.

Jeff Jackson: Welcome to the birth of D. .Z..W! I am you're announcer for the night "JJ" Jeff Jackson and beside me is my partner the man, the myth, the legend. . Diamond Dallas Page. . DDP!

DDP: Thats right JJ and things are starting with a BANG!

Suddenly the opening riff to "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed plays and the fans let out a huge pop. Though unsure of who's theme it was they knew it was someone who would deliver. Suddenly from behind the curtains comes the owner of DZW , Michael Taylor. Sporting a nice black tux he walks down to the ring. He walks up the steps and enters the ring. He looks around with a grin on his face as the fans start the first ever DZW chant.


Michael Taylor with a mic at hand which he got from a staff member earlier is overwhelmed, Now that his dream is being fulfilled. He then takes a deep breathe before starting to talk.

Michael Taylor: Welcome to D. .Z . .W! First of I have to say is thank you for showing up tonight, See 10 years ago, I was one of you guys. I was a fan sitting at the back row with the rest of the die hard fans of this sport. Yes , this sport. See for years we have seen promotions turn professional wrestling into an act. . A joke even. They sought more about fancy lighting, boring storylines , and corny gimmicks. Well not here. . Not in D. . Z. . W! Here we do it right. Here we give you action. . and I don't mean hanging four rat cages around the ring and having to grab the right one to win the match. No. . I mean in you're face. . Fast paced wrestling!

DZW is here to show all of you that professional wrestling is not dead. No where near it even. Tonight you guys are witnessing history. Tonight you guys are witnessing the rebirth of Professional wrestling! Again I'd like to thank you for the support and feat you're eyes as the wrestling world gets a wake up call coming from D . . Z . .W!!

The fans let out a huge pop once again as "Violence Fetish" plays throughout the arena and Michael Taylor stands in the middle of the ring , Looking around once more knowing he has achieved his dream and is now living it as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and the opening match is on its way.

Chris Reynolds:This match is scheduled for one fall! On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 255 pounds, from The darkest depths of Hell, Vampiro!!!

Vampiro's music continues to play as he comes out from behind the curtains and slowly walks down to the ring. He slides into the ring and taunts the fans."Hybrid Stigmata" by Dimmu Borgir hits the building and Delirious comes crawling to the stage from behind the curtains.

Chris Reynolds:
and his opponent, weighing in at 194 pounds, from Edge of Sanity, Delirious!!!

He then stands up and runs around ringside playing to the fans. He then slides into the ring and sits in one corner.


Vampiro vs Delirious

The bell rings as Vampiro tests out the ropes. Delirious walks around the ring going crazy for a minute due to the sound of the bell. Vampiro gets a little confused but being a veteran he pokes Delirious in the eyes. Delirious delivers a kick to the head of Vampiro. Delirious grabs Vampiro and applies an arm wrench. Delirious then reverses it with an arm wrench of his own. Vampiro then gets out of it and hits Deolirous with a back drop, Slamming his opponent to the mat. He then picks up his opponent the head and Vampiro chops Delirious with great velocity. The sound echoes throughout the arena as Delirious' chest turns red. He then whips Delirious to the ropes but Delirious ducks out of an attempted clothesline by Vampiro and bounces back with a lariat.

Delirious stalks his opponent as he makes his way up and hits Vampiro with a single arm DDT. Vampiro then makes his way up again using the ropes but Delirious continues his attack and clotheslines Vampiro to the floor, In the process sends himself crashing to the floor as well. Referee Mike Ferrer starts the count (.1) The two men make their way up and Delirious stands up first having the least damage and goes towards Vampiro. (..2) Vampiro executes a jawbreaker on Delirious breaking his momentum. Vampiro moves back to his feet. (...3) and bounces the head of his opponent on the barricade. (....4) Vampiro then lifts Delirious up and slams his head on the barricade once more.(.....5) Delirious is dazed as Vampiro hits him with a few rights to the head before sliding him back to the ring.

Vampiro slides in the ring as well and starts stomping on his opponent. He then picks up Delirious by the head and puts him in between his legs. Vampiro looks around the audience, Taunting them before he lifts their favorite on his shoulders and hits the thunderous powerbomb! The ring shakes and Vampiro pins his opponent hooking the legs as Referee Mike Ferrer goes down to count.1. . 2. .No!

Delirious gets an arm up and Vampiro is shocked after undermining his opponent. Vampiro stands up and waits for his opponent to make his way up to his feet before hitting Delirious with a clothesline. Vampiro then grabs Delirious by the head and drags him to the turnbuckle. He then starts to choke Delirious with his boot as the ref counts. Vampiro breaks at 4 and whips his opponent to the opposite corner. Delirious counters by whipping Vampiro instead to the corner and hits him with a lariat. Delirious then continues hitting Vampiro with lariats which Delirious calls the Neverending Story. Delirious starts screaming knowing he has the advantage as he hits Vampiro with the last lariat. Vampiro then sits on the corner, Exhausted from the attacks of Delirious. Delirious goes to the opposite side of the ring and hits Vampiro with The Panic Attack knocking Vampiro out.

DDP:Badda Bing... Badda Boom... Badda BANG!

Vampiro falls to the mat and rolls across the turnbuckle as Delirious makes his way up the turnbuckle. Vampiro then slowly attempts to make his way to his feet and as he is half way up from out nowhere comes Delirious hitting Shadows Over Hell! Delirious gets up and covers Vampiro. Referee Mike Ferrer makes the count. ...1 ...2 Vampiro kicks out!

Vampiro gets an arm up as Delirious gets frustrated. He then starts clapping his hands to pump up the audience as he makes his way to his feet and waits for his opponent to stand up as well. Vampiro makes his way up slowly as Delirious stands behind him. Delirious then reaches for Vampiro's arm passing in between Vampiro's legs, Looking for a Chemical Imbalance II but it gets blocked and Vampiro goes behind Delirious instead and puts him in a pumphandle postion. Lifts him up and hits Delirious with a Nail In The Coffin! The impact makes the ring shake as Vampiro puts his two hands on the chest of Delirious and the ref counts. . 1. . .2 . .3!

DDP: and we've got ourselves a winner!

JJ: Props to Vampiro for the win but we got to cheer both these competitors on for an awesome match to open the debut show of DZW!

Chris Reynolds:The winner of this match, Vampiro!

Vampiro's theme hits as he looks down on his first victim in DZW as the camera fades to black for commercial.

Vampiro's theme hits as he looks down on his first victim in DZW as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and it opens in the boiler room where it shows nothing but rusting pipes with water dripping from it. The camera then moves down and then right, As it continues to move to the right it shoes a boot. The camera moves up further and it showed the man wearing a brown long sleeved jacket with a tattoo of a dagger on his chest. The camera moves all the way to the man's head and it was non other than Raven.

He can be seen wearing black mascara on his eyes the very eyes that are looking into blank space. He slowly looks at the camera and begins to talk.

For months I have been sitting idly in one corner to another. Waiting for a chance to once again beat a man senseless to a point that he crashes to the mat with the blood flowing from his face. Feeling each and every drop of it, Even tasting some of it. Well tonight my wait has come to a halt. Tonight R-V-D will perish in my hands. He will feel the anguish and pain that all my foes have experienced. Tonight I will become DZW's first World. . Heavyweight..Champion! So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quote The Raven Nevermore!

Raven looks away from the camera once again looking at blank space as the camera moves away from Raven and shows the smoke coming out of the boiler room as the camera slowly fades to black.

The scene re-opens in the arena with the fans at awe after witnessing Raven's promo from the screen. They then start to settle down as Dustin Rhode's music hits the building and he walks down to the ring with the look of determination on his eyes.

Chris Reynolds:On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 232 pounds, from Charlotte, North Carolina, Cody Rhodes!

Rhodes then slides in and plays to the fans.The lights then go dim and the stage produces a ring of flames and from under the stage comes Gangrel being lifted up to the stage.

Chris Reynolds:and his opponent, weighing in at 240 pounds, from The Other Side of Darkness. . Gangrel!

Gangrel steps over the ring of fire and slowly walks down the ring with a golbet of blood on hand. He walks up to the steel steps, Takes a sip of blood and spits it on to the audience.


Cody Rhodes vs Gangrel

Cody Rhodes checks out the ring as the bell rings, The two lock up in the middle of the ring and Gangrel being the bigger man shoves his opponent to the mat. Cody Rhodes with the look of disappointment climbs to his feet. Cody attempts to lock up with Gangrel again and Gangrel grins knowing he'd just win again but Cody uses his head and kicks Gangrel in the back of the leg. Rhodes then applies an arm wrench to Gangrel. Cody Rhodes comes from behind and bulldogs Gangrel to the mat. Cody then goes for the quick cover Gangrel. Mike Ferrer counts. 1 . . kick out!

Cody stands up and punches Gangrel in the head as Gangrel tries to recover. Rhodes suddenly uses a snap mare takeover on Gangrel. Gangrel falls to the mat below and immediately gets back to his feet. Gangrel aggressively approaches Rhodes with the intent to turn the momentum to him but Rhodes hits him with an arm drag. Rhodes stomps on Gangrel.Rhodes then waits for Gangrel to make his way to his feet and short clotheslines Gangrel. Cody kicks Gangrel in the stomach and hits Gangrel with a neckbreaker. Cody Rhodes climbs to the top turnbuckle and Missle Dropkicks the recovering Gangrel. He then goes for another pinfall. . 1. . 2. . Kickout!

JJ: So Close!

Rhodes gets frustrated and picks Gangrel up to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Rhodes places his head down for a back body drop but Gangrel sees this and hits Rhodes with a kick to the chest. He then clotheslines Rhodes after and makes the young athlete fall to the mat below. Gangrel then catches his breathe before hitting Rhodes with a Trapping Suplex. Gangrel runs to the ropes and hits Rhodes with a quick elbow drop to the chest. He then grabs Rhodes by the head and whips him to the corner. Gangrel attempts a corner splash but Rhodes gets out of the way causing Gangrel to hit the turnbuckle. Gangrel turns around dazed and Rhodes kicks Gangrel to the gut and does a perfectly executed ddt. The two crash to the mat and lay there senseless.

Suddenly the fans start to boo as slowly walking down the ramp is Brood member Kevin Thorn who has a threatening look on his face. Rhodes uses the ropes to slowly make his way up and sees Thorn. He goes across Thorn and warns him not to go in. The ref also warns Thorn and has his attention towards him not seeing Gangrel grab the goblet from the corner of the ring. Rhodes turns around to his opponent and gets nailed with the goblet causing the blood spill out of it. Gangrel then throws the goblet to the outside of the ring as Thorn can't help but to let out a sinister grin. The ref then warns him for the last time before turning around to a seemingly bloody Rhodes being pinned by Gangrel. He then counts . .1 . .2. . 3!

Chris Reynolds: The winner of this match, Gangrel!

JJ: Oh come on! Rhodes was already in a disadvantage entering the match much more with that monster Thorn at ringside!

DDP: Why don't you do something about it Jeff?! . . .Thought so. .

The ref tries to raise Gangrel's arm but before he could even reach it the lights turn red. The Brood's music then hits the arena and the lights are acting up, Switching from red to non. Bits of Gangrel and Thorn can be seen beating Rhodes further up as the lights switch red when suddenly the lights go off totally. The fans are buzzing, Wondering what has happened as the lights go back on and a chilling site surprises the audience. In the ring was Cody Rhodes filled with blood all over his body that is laying out cold on the mat. It was no doubt that it was DZW's first site at the Brood's signature. . Blood Baths. . The scene slowly fades to black for commercial as more referees come down the ring to help Rhodes.


The cameras come back from commercial and it opens backstage with Leticia Cline holding a microphone in front of a set.

Leticia Cline: Welcome back to DZW, I am Leticia Cline, DZW's official backstage interviewer and here with me tonight is a man who is no stranger in the squared circle. The Samoan Submission Machine . . Samoa Joe.

The camera zooms out showing Samoa Joe standing next to Leticia wearing a brown shirt and a pair of jeans with his arms crossed as the fans let out a huge pop.

Leticia Cline: Thanks Joe for giving us a little of you're time. So tell me, Why join DZW?

Samoa Joe: Well Leticia before I start kissing DZW management's ass let me give you a little history lesson. See way before the name Samoa Joe was a household name. I was working on an indy promotion called ROH. In that very promotion, I was unstoppable. Hell, I was invincible. Since I was at the top a promotion called TNA signed me. Yeah, You know that promotion that fed on WWE has beens. So yeah. I come in there thinking I had a chance at the big time and for a few months I was. Till they started to screw me over for a couple of WWE rejects. My championships were given taken away from me and not once did I win them back and it's not because I didn't have what it takes. . It was because management there was crap!

So I decided to finally leave that dump and started working on Japan for a couple of months but one day I got a call, A call from out good ol chairman Michael Taylor. He said he knew what I was going through and could help me get back whats mine and thats the spotlight and a World Heavyweight Championship.

Leticia Cline: So Joe what are you're pla. . .

Just as Leticia was about to finish her 2nd question to Samoa Joe, A voice interrupts her from behind.

????: World Heavyweight Champion huh? I don't think so brother. . Cause The Alpha Male has arrived at DZW!

It was non other than the latest addition to DZW. . Marcus Cor Von. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt with stripes and black pants. Joe looks irritated and grabs the mic from Leticia.

Samoa Joe: Oh is that right. . .Chump? Well why don't you prove that you're better than me right now?!

Joe steps up to Cor Von as The Alpha Male removes his buttoned shirt and throws it to the ground. The two face off as security rushes to separate them. The two stare holes right through each other as the camera fades to black.

The camera re-opens in at ringside where the two members of Triple X are standing in the ring waiting for their opponents.

Chris Reynolds: This match is a tag match for the DZW Tag Team Championship titles. In the ring the team of Elix Skipper and Senshi, Triple X!

The two wait for their opponent when suddenly the MCMG's theme hits and they come out from the curtains and pose on stage pointing to their open palm. They then remove their entrance gear and rush to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: and their opponents . .From Detroit Michigan . . The Motor City Machine Guns!


DZW Tag Team Championship
Triple X vs MCMG


The bell rings and Skipper starts the match for his team while Shelley starts for his.Elix Skipper locks up with Shelley and quickly goes for a headlock. Alex whips Elix to the ropes and attempts a flapjack but Primetime sees it coming and jumps over the leaning Shelley, He then runs to the ropes and hits him with a springboard moonsault as Shelley turns to face him. Alex Shelley moves back to his feet. Skipper hiptosses Alex Shelley. Shelley then stands up and hits him with clothesline but Skipper ducks away and hits him with a Crescent kick. He then brings in Senshi for Triple X. Senshi enters the ring and uses a snapmare takeover on Alex Shelley following it up with a stiff kick to the back that echoes throughout the arena. Sheley lays on the mat and Senshi knees the face of Alex Shelley and rolls back to his feet. He then stalks Shelley and Senshi executes the jumping sidekick on Alex Shelley.

Shelley is on the mat suffering the effects of Triple X's offense as Senshi picks him up kicks him right to the chest. Shelley's chest is turning red as Senshi continues with another stiff kick to the chest. He then hits him with a knife edge chop before whipping him to the ropes. Shelley holds on the rope and Senshi goes for an offensive but Shelley outsmarts him and ducks away, Sending Senshi out to ringside. Shelley then grabs on the ropes and slingshots himself towards Senshi. They both fall to the thin padding below as Elix Skipper enters the ring and runs to the ropes before jumping through the top and middle rope hitting both Shelley and Senshi. All 3 men lay on the floor and try to get back up as Chris Sabin rallies the fans and runs to the ropes as well. Just as the 3 men outside stand up Sabin jumps and hits them with a senton. All 4 men fall hit the floor as the fans start a "This Is Awesome" chant.

[MARQUEE]This Is Awesome!! *Clap Clap - Clap Clap Clap* This Is Awesome!! *Clap Clap - Clap Clap Clap*[/MARQUEE]

JJ: DZW is the only place for action like this!

Alex Shelley and Senshi slowly move back to the ring. Alex Shelley with a high crossbody on Senshi. Alex Shelley gets back to his feet. They lockup. Alex Shelley sends Senshi to the corner of the ring. Senshi makes the tag to Elix Skipper. Elix Skipper climbs to the top turnbuckle and Missle Dropkicks Alex Shelley. Elix Skipper with spinning headscissors on Alex Shelley sends him hard to the mat. He then whips Shelley to the ropes and he himself runs to the ropes as well. They meet in the middle of the ring and hit each other with a double clothesline. They lay in the middle breathing heavily and slowly crawl to their corners. Shelley gets close to Sabin and leaps towards him for the tag. Skipper does the same and tags in Senshi and the two exchange forearms. Senshi wins the exchange and whips Sabin to the ropes, Senshi tries to go for a clothesline but Sabin ducks as he comes running back dropkicks the gut of Senshi. Suddenly out of nowhere comes Shelley who superkicks Senshi at the same time as Sabin enziguris him. Sabin then goes for the pin. . 1 . .2. .Kickout!

Senshi kicks out as Primetime enters the ring and Shelley hits him with an inverted atomic drop and Sabin runs to the ropes to hit him with a dropkick to the knee. Shelley then goes on top of Prime time in a camel clutch position and Sabin dropkicks him right to the face.

Chris Sabin is up again and Senshi is put in a tree of woe position on the corner and Chris Sabin rushes to him and hits a dropkick! Chris Sabin is back on his feet. Shelley sends Elix Skipper to ringside and they exchange blows there. Chris Sabin punches Senshi repeatedly. Chris Sabin nails Senshi with a springboard dropkick. Senshi then makes his way to his feet and Sabin tries to lift him above his shoulders for the Cradle Shock but Senshi struggles his way out and school boys Sabin while holding the tights and Referee Mike Ferrer makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3

Chris Reynolds: The winners of this match, and new DZW Tag Team Champions, Triple X!!!

JJ: No! Did you see that? He had a handful of tights!

DDP: Well in order to win you need to do whatever it takes kid.

Senshi slides out of the ring upon hearing the bell and walks up the ramp with his partner and is handed the DZW Tag Team Championship belts. Senshi with a grin on his face raises the belt as the camera fades to black for commercial.


The cameras come back from commercial and it opens at ringside where the fans are waiting for the match they have waited for the whole night. The Main Event. Suddenly . .

((One Of A Kind!))

RVD's music hits and he walks down the ramp with confidence as the fans cheer him on.

Chris Reynolds: It is now time for our Main Event of the evening! and it is for the DZW World Heavyweight Championship! First on his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 237 pounds, from Battle Creek, Michigan, Rob Van Dam!!!

He then slides into the ring and does a 360 turn in the middle of the ring before doing his signature taunt while saying the initials R-V-D. Raven's theme hits and he walks down to the ring.

Chris Reynolds: and his opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Palm Beach, Florida, Raven!!

He goes up the apron and up the turnbuckle doing his signature taunt of spreading his arms before going in the ring and immediately goes face to face with RVD. The ref breaks them up as they continue to talk trash at each others face.


RVD vs Raven


The ref separates them for a while as Raven removes his coat. RVD tackles Raven to the mat and pummels him with forearms. He gets the count of five as the ref breaks them up and they circle th ring. They lock up and RVd goes for a wrist lock. Raven counters with a wrist lock of his own and RVD reverses to a headlock. Raven then forces RVD to the ropes and pushes him to the opposite side, As Rob Van Dam bounces back to Raven he ducks away from a clothesline attempt. He then springboards to the ropes and hits him with a kick. Raven falls to the mat as RVD moves over his opponent and hits him with a corkscrew leg drop. Raven slowly makes his way to his feet while holding his throat and RVD tries to go for an offensive but Raven knees Rob Van Dam Rob Van Dam to the gut causing Mr.PPV to fall on his knees. Raven punches Rob Van Dam in the head. Raven then lifts RVD up to his feet and whips him to the corner before hitting him with a running corner clothesline followed by a bulldog. Raven goes for the pin. . 1 . .2 . .Kickout!

RVD kicks out as Raven looks at the ref saying it was 3. He then grabs RVD by the head and smashes his head on to the turnbuckle. He then goes up the middle turnbuckle and pummels on RVD's forehead. Upon reaching the 6th punch he gets blocked and RVD hits him with a forearm of his own. Raven gets dazed as RVD gets out of position and goes up the top turnbuckle while Raven is on it. He then goes for a top rope sunset flip and they crash to the mat as the ref counts. . 1 . .2. . Kick out! Raven kicks out the pin attempt as RVD stands up. Raven uses the help of the ropes to stand up as well and RVD clotheslines Raven to the floor below. RVD follows by sliding out and throws forearms on Raven. The ref then starts to count. (..1) RVD puts Raven in a suplex position and inverted vertical suplexes Raven to the barricade having him lay chest firs on the barricade. (..2) RVD then goes up the apron as Raven continues to lay on the barricade (..3) RVD does his trademark R-V-D taunt along with the fans saying his initials (..4) RVD leaps off the apron an hits Raven with a corkscrew leg drop making him fall of the barricade and on to the floor. (..5) The fans start to let out a huge pop as the counts is on 5 and both RVD and Raven lay on the floor breathing heavily.

RVD uses the steel steps to make to his feet and drags Raven into the ring. Raven lays on the edge of the ring as RVD runs to the ropes and is unsuccessful after Raven brings up his knees. RVD favors his back as Raven uses the ropes to make back up and he takes a quick breather. He then stomps on RVD for awhile before grabbing him by the hair and Irish whips him to the corner with great force. RVD bounces chest first from the turnbuckle as Raven runs to the ropes and hits him with a running clothesline. Raven then makes his way up to his feet stalking RVD and as RVD stands up he gets kicked to the gut followed by a Raven Effect! RVD is nailed head first to the mat as Raven goes for the pin 1 . .2 . . Kickout! RVD gets his foot on the rope only by instinct as the match continues. This just shows how important the World Heavyweight belt truly is for these two competitors.

JJ: I thought it was over right there! This main event is turning out to be a match of epic proportions

DDP: Psh. . I've done better.

JJ: Sure you did . .

Raven then gets frustrated and gets frustrated. He goes outside the ring and grabs a trash can from under the ring as the ref warns him not to use it. He slides into the ring and stalks RVD, Preparing to smash the trash can above RVD's skull. The ref takes it away and Raven exchanges words with the ref. Raven then hits knee on to RVD's gut and tosses him outside the ring directed to the ramp. They exchange blows up the ramp as the ref counts. (..1) They continues to exchange blows and continues to walk up the ramp. (..2) They reach the stage and Raven knees RVD's chest (..3) and grabs him by the head before smashing RVD's head to the set. (..4) Raven then his RVD with 2 right hands before hitting a discuss punch which causes RVD to fall on the stage. (..5) RVD crawls to make his way up and reaches the edge of the stage. (..6) Raven approaches him and picks up RVD suddenly out of nowhere both Raven and RVD at the same time get hit with a Pounce from Marcus Cor Von who was still wearing his street clothes. (..7) Raven and RVD fall from the stage on to a couple of tables with some equipment o top of it. They lay motionless as the fans start to chant.

[MARQUEE]Holy Shit!! Holy Shit! Holy Shit![/MARQUEE]

JJ: Oh My god! He isn't even supposed to be in this match!

RVD and Raven still lay below the stage as Marcus Cor Von has a sadistic smile on his face. He had an agenda and it looks like his showing us what it is and its the DZW World Heavyweight Championship. The fans start buzzing as the camera once again focuses on the fallen men below the stage.

DDP: Why the hell Marcus Cor Von did that is a mystery now but I'm sure next week on DZW. We will find out exactly why he did this sickening act.

JJ: Thats all the time we have and we will see you next week here on D. . Z . .W!

The camera focuses on Cor Von who looks around the arena with a sinister smile on his face as the camera fades to black.


Quick Results:
Vampiro vs Delirious
Gangrel vs Cody Rhodes
MCMG vs Triple X
Raven vs RVD - No Contest


bm: m/e I also liked the tag team match.
wm: gangrel and cody rhodes
bp: samoa joe
wp: n/a
af: that was a pretty good show. ill be reviewing


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Raven vs. Rob Van Dam. It was a really good match up between the two. the ending was good and builds up the DZW Heavyweight title. Although I must admit Vampiro vs. Delirious was a very close second *Vampiro mark*

Worst Match: Was not too thrilled by Gangrel vs. Rhodes. Just didn't really catch my interest. Wasn't a bad match but just those two do not make me want to watch.

Best Promo: The Samoa Joe type shoot. Very good and in character for Joe. I like him airing his grievances.

Worst Promo: Raven promo. I just though Raven could have said a lot more considering how good he is on the mic. he can cut some great promos and I hope to see that utilized more in the future.

Additional Comments: Terrific first show! I love the fact that Vampiro, gangrel, and Delirious are in here and are featured for their great wrestling. Your product is unique and match length is great! Very lengthy and detailed. A bit of spelling problems here and there but nothing to gripe at. I will surely be checking out more of your shows. You got one guy hooked I tell you that much!

Show rating= 9/10

Edit: Didn't want to post again spamming your thread. Well thanks for being a fan of SWA and I hope you drop by a read Wrestleslam soon!
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
If i had to review my own show I would have exactly said what you said Andrew(SWA GM) , I really wasn't too happy with my promo with Raven especially because I love writing promos using his style, but I was to psyched and am still getting started with the btb so I went through with the promo I had. Don't worry I'm sure you'll be seeing more and better Raven promos in the future.

As for the Samoa Joe promo, I was exactly going for that! :D Nice to see that you noticed how it was Joe-like to do shoots on air.

Spelling errors and typos. . Well Yeah, Its a long write so very unavoidable but yeah. I'll try not to rush next time.

Thanks for reviewing man :) Been a fan of SWA as well.

Also thanks to Sharkboy for the quick review :)


Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Yay! A month in the making.

Very good show all the matches and promos were written well

Evil Austin

I like it Your writting is very nice but i do find it funny that it took you nearly four months to make show 1,,, Now we wait until this time next year for show 2 just joking but year it was good....
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity
I like it Your writting is very nice but i do find it funny that it took you nearly four months to make show 1,,, Now we wait until this time next year for show 2 just joking but year it was good....

lol yeah, But I actually wrote this only in a span of 2 days. I just really didn't have time because of school and shit. But I got time now cause our summer vacation just started. So expect more activity from this btb :)


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Hey Horza sorry for what i said in this thread earlier. I didn't mean it like that.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2008
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
ok then:

BM: Tag team.
WM: Gangrel vs Cod Rhodes (i couldnt get into it.)
BP: Samoa Joe was in character but i dont watch TNA much but it was good and the few times i have seen TNa he has been good.
AC: Great show it was very good. There wre a few errors in spelling but the writing was deatiled and i thought that it was of great class.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
BM - Main Event was great, nice to see 2 former ECW guys on your show
WM - Gangrel/Rhodes - I like Gangrel in the manager role more than an active wrestler.
BP - Samoa Joe telling people how it is
WP - N/A
AC - Good debut show, hope you stick with this BTB, it's really interesting. I want to see a new Raven's Nest with Raven, Gangrel, Vampiro and maybe Thorn. Looking forward to the next show, great job this week, it was really easy to read.

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
BM: RVD/Raven, just what you would expect from those 2. Tag Match was not far behind though, but i felt that if i was watching the match it would be slower in the pace of the match than what you would expect from those two teams. ( If you get what i mean)
WM: Cody Rhodes/Vampiro, Just couldn't get into the match but im not a big fan of both.
BP: Samoa Joe, i really liked him shooting on TNA and it also give a feel of how he will act in DZW.
WP:N/A fought they were all good.
AC: Good to see this btb make a return with the debut show.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity

DZW is pleased to announce that we have signed a very meticulous wrestler. He has worked for various promotions before and is now a part of DZW's elite roster. He is Sharkboy! and he is gonna have his debut match next week. Only here at D. . Z. . W!



Watch out for more future signings only here on

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: RvD vs. Raven and Vampiro vs. Delirious are okay!

Worst Match: Gangrel vs. Cody Rhodes, I didn't get into it, sorry...

Best Promo: Samoa Joe

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Great show, this debut show is for so many months in the making and you made it great.The matches are okay and so does the promo but I gotta agree with the Raven one. I am checking out your next show and see how will Marcus get involve between Raven and RVD.
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Edge Of Sanity

Show Date: March,21.2008
Show Location:


Cobo Arena - Detroit, Michigan


Brood vs MCMG
#1 Contendership for the DZW Tag Team Championship


Shark Boy vs ????



Gauntlet Match
Morrison vs Homicide vs Evans vs Delirious vs Aries vs Danielson
No Limits Championship

Ric Flair speaks about the DZW World Heavyweight Championship situation


Samoa Joe vs Marcus Cor Von