Over the many years of the WWE, many great, and talented superstars have come and go. Some rise to fame, and stardom, while others fall to only be a pleasant memory in the mind of WWE Fans every where. This list will countdown the Top 10 Superstars that WWE missed their chance with.
10. Rhyno
It might be his lack of charisma, when compared to other, or the fact that WWE just thought that his mic skills didn't compare. Lets face it, Rhyno was around when a lot of competition was there. Triple H, Stone Cold, Rock, Jericho, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and many others we're jumping to superstardom in the full swing of the Attitude Era. Rhyno had the body, and could pull off some decent matches in a time where decent matches were considered good. Rhyno looked the part, walked the part, but WWE didn't capitalize on what a mega star he could have been. TNA almost got it right. Rhyno will always be known as that "Gore guy."
9. Chris Masters
He was big, he was muscular, he had the good looks. He was something straight out of a Vince McMahon wet dream. During his first run in the WWE, this young man was thrusted right into the main card. Did the pressure get to him? Drugs soon dragged him down, and he was released. Later he cleaned up his act and came back to what would seem like a successful run. However, he was used as a jobber, and would only really wrestler on the meaningless show, Superstars. Where he usually put on match of the night. Now that he has been released, it is interesting to see if another company can take this guy, and make him their star. Hes a World Champion in a box. Just open.
8. Matt Hardy
It is often thought, where would he be today, if he was made the Main Eventer in the WWE? Would he still be there? Would he have a better head on his shoulders? Regardless, the name Hardys have become controversial in the wrestling business. During the Attitude Era, a young, death defying team was taking wrestling by storm. The Hardy Bros. Matt and Jeff exploded on the scene, and both seem to be on the right one way track to super stardom. After years of ups and downs, they both just about found their way there. But Jeff would be the one that entering the ranks as Main Eventer, and world Champion. A rank Matt Hardy would, and never will leave to see. The Hardy story is a sad one. But would it have been different if Matt was made a star?
7. Raven
What a character. Raven. The man of mystery. He had it all. He could have been huge. He could have been like Undertaker, Kane, Mankind. The many mysterious characters who came before him. I could watch him for weeks. Storylines that they could have done with him. It truly is a tragedy to see how Raven was used. Mainly as the Hardcore guy, who never really went anywhere.
6. Shane Douglas
"Hey! I got a great idea. Why don't we take a great ECW Champion, and make him a joke of a character!" Those were most likely the words Vince said when hiring Shane Douglas. It's amazing how WWE can take an already made star, and misfire with them. Reportedly, backstage politics saw an end to Douglas, as Shawn Michaels, the bug in Vince's ear just "didn't think he had what it took." Ending Douglas' one year run in the WWE. He should have been the next big thing.
5. Lance Storm
I still get mad when thinking about how they didn't use Storm. This man was practically a world champion that walked in on them. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm. Should have been two of the biggest names in WWE history. They say he didn't have charisma. Bullshit. Lance used it to his gimmick, and got it over better then anyone else could. No wonder he ran off to other companies, because it's clear WWE doesn't know what a star is.
4. Test
It might have been drugs that brought him down, it might have been backstage politics, but regardless, Test was a great character. He had an awesome gimmick, and for a man of his size, could entertain. But sadly, he never even really got a chance at the Main Event. He would be teased, then pulled away.
3. William Regal
In the words of Zack Ryder "ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO!?" This guy has no world title runs to his name. None? William Regal was, and is one of the best workers the WWE has ever seen. And as far as I know, he only messed up once. Hes going to go down in History as one of the greats that should have been world champion. Like Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, Rick Rude, Owen Hart, and many more.
2. Colt Cabana
Thats right Smarks. The one that CM Punk is always talking about. His best friend. Colt Cabana. And internet sensation. WWE had him in their grasps, and what do they do with all great talent they get? They let them fall. Anyone remember Scotty Goldman? Yeah, not a surprise, seeing how in almost 7 months he was used on TV like 4 times, tops. I wonder now if WWE knows how badly they screwed up. But it may not be to late, if they want, I'm sure WWE can get Colt Cabana back in there hands. Just don't screw up this time.
1. Ricky Steamboat
They had him. They had the Dragon. They made the Dragon. And they let him go. Ricky was way before his time in the WWE. He was a God in a land of Cartoon characters. A little man in a land of giants. It wasn't his time yet, and the WWE missed their shot. Although they like to claim fame to Ricky, thats not true. It's the NWA who made this man. But in his short 3 years, he showed the world what he could do on a main stage, and his match with Randy Savage and WrestleMania III is still talked about to this day, and regarded as one of the best of all time.
And that's my list! Honorable mentions go out to Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Ken Kennedy, MVP, Dynamite Kid, Bobby Lashley, Chavo Guerrero, and more. Thanks for reading.
10. Rhyno

It might be his lack of charisma, when compared to other, or the fact that WWE just thought that his mic skills didn't compare. Lets face it, Rhyno was around when a lot of competition was there. Triple H, Stone Cold, Rock, Jericho, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and many others we're jumping to superstardom in the full swing of the Attitude Era. Rhyno had the body, and could pull off some decent matches in a time where decent matches were considered good. Rhyno looked the part, walked the part, but WWE didn't capitalize on what a mega star he could have been. TNA almost got it right. Rhyno will always be known as that "Gore guy."
9. Chris Masters

He was big, he was muscular, he had the good looks. He was something straight out of a Vince McMahon wet dream. During his first run in the WWE, this young man was thrusted right into the main card. Did the pressure get to him? Drugs soon dragged him down, and he was released. Later he cleaned up his act and came back to what would seem like a successful run. However, he was used as a jobber, and would only really wrestler on the meaningless show, Superstars. Where he usually put on match of the night. Now that he has been released, it is interesting to see if another company can take this guy, and make him their star. Hes a World Champion in a box. Just open.
8. Matt Hardy

It is often thought, where would he be today, if he was made the Main Eventer in the WWE? Would he still be there? Would he have a better head on his shoulders? Regardless, the name Hardys have become controversial in the wrestling business. During the Attitude Era, a young, death defying team was taking wrestling by storm. The Hardy Bros. Matt and Jeff exploded on the scene, and both seem to be on the right one way track to super stardom. After years of ups and downs, they both just about found their way there. But Jeff would be the one that entering the ranks as Main Eventer, and world Champion. A rank Matt Hardy would, and never will leave to see. The Hardy story is a sad one. But would it have been different if Matt was made a star?
7. Raven

What a character. Raven. The man of mystery. He had it all. He could have been huge. He could have been like Undertaker, Kane, Mankind. The many mysterious characters who came before him. I could watch him for weeks. Storylines that they could have done with him. It truly is a tragedy to see how Raven was used. Mainly as the Hardcore guy, who never really went anywhere.
6. Shane Douglas

"Hey! I got a great idea. Why don't we take a great ECW Champion, and make him a joke of a character!" Those were most likely the words Vince said when hiring Shane Douglas. It's amazing how WWE can take an already made star, and misfire with them. Reportedly, backstage politics saw an end to Douglas, as Shawn Michaels, the bug in Vince's ear just "didn't think he had what it took." Ending Douglas' one year run in the WWE. He should have been the next big thing.
5. Lance Storm

I still get mad when thinking about how they didn't use Storm. This man was practically a world champion that walked in on them. Chris Jericho and Lance Storm. Should have been two of the biggest names in WWE history. They say he didn't have charisma. Bullshit. Lance used it to his gimmick, and got it over better then anyone else could. No wonder he ran off to other companies, because it's clear WWE doesn't know what a star is.
4. Test

It might have been drugs that brought him down, it might have been backstage politics, but regardless, Test was a great character. He had an awesome gimmick, and for a man of his size, could entertain. But sadly, he never even really got a chance at the Main Event. He would be teased, then pulled away.
3. William Regal

In the words of Zack Ryder "ARE YOU SERIOUS BRO!?" This guy has no world title runs to his name. None? William Regal was, and is one of the best workers the WWE has ever seen. And as far as I know, he only messed up once. Hes going to go down in History as one of the greats that should have been world champion. Like Mr. Perfect, Roddy Piper, Rick Rude, Owen Hart, and many more.
2. Colt Cabana

Thats right Smarks. The one that CM Punk is always talking about. His best friend. Colt Cabana. And internet sensation. WWE had him in their grasps, and what do they do with all great talent they get? They let them fall. Anyone remember Scotty Goldman? Yeah, not a surprise, seeing how in almost 7 months he was used on TV like 4 times, tops. I wonder now if WWE knows how badly they screwed up. But it may not be to late, if they want, I'm sure WWE can get Colt Cabana back in there hands. Just don't screw up this time.
1. Ricky Steamboat

They had him. They had the Dragon. They made the Dragon. And they let him go. Ricky was way before his time in the WWE. He was a God in a land of Cartoon characters. A little man in a land of giants. It wasn't his time yet, and the WWE missed their shot. Although they like to claim fame to Ricky, thats not true. It's the NWA who made this man. But in his short 3 years, he showed the world what he could do on a main stage, and his match with Randy Savage and WrestleMania III is still talked about to this day, and regarded as one of the best of all time.
And that's my list! Honorable mentions go out to Brian Kendrick, Paul London, Ken Kennedy, MVP, Dynamite Kid, Bobby Lashley, Chavo Guerrero, and more. Thanks for reading.