
yea actually have every ppv have a meaning unlike a mindless ppv with an average card...lockdown, now that has a concept
Owned, yeah your right. Not Every PPV has to have its own meaning. Like Summerslam, which i think is the #2 PPV the WWE puts out.
Holy random PPV's Batman. However the only REALLY GOOD match on there is Edge/Taker.
Yeah, i wasn't trying to knock the card out of the park. I based the card, to be about as good as a big four, slighly better than the no way outs. The main theory of the topic was the concept, and if you htink the concept would work. A majority dont like the card, even though i still think its better than 3/4s of the wwe ppvs. I didnt add HBK, Orton, Batista, CM Punk, Kennedy RVD and others. I would have been real easy to make kennedy vs cena. But i didnt want this card to over shadow wrestlemania. I was focusing more on unpredictable matches.
Hmmmm, not the best PPV card ever, but it's not bad either 7/10
The concept people. I still dont see how the card is sub par. Sure its no Dream card, but at the same time it features some great original matches. The matches also serve purposes in pushing superstars. Edge/ Taker for that one big classic matchup. Cena vs Carlito. Carlito needed this push a while back, so since im making a lineup, might as well throw him in there. I can't recall him ever getting a shot besides the eliminatiion chamber. i could be wrong. Lashley vs MVP. 2 athletes. Lashley wouldn't lose at this stage in his career, and hopefully working with MVP, he could help bring out lashley character, and in ring ability. Beniot vs Nitro. 2 contrast of styles. I dont think we've seen this one yet either. Umaga vs Booker. Probably the one big match getting the most heat. It serves for comedy and i think these two could put on a solid match, as booker moves more towards face. Then the 2 tag matches and womens. Bash these matches if you want but the wwe has crapped on the tag division.