This Guy

This Guy is one Sad Guy
Today my TV bit the dust. Before my wife and I got married, probably shortly after we started dating so probably in 1996 or 97, my father-in-law (obviously he was not my father-in-law then) bought a new 60 inch Big Screen TV. Its a nice RCA TV. Now yeah its not Widescreen, or HDTV or anything fancy like that, but its a nice TV. Anywho, in 1999 my wife and I got married and with money always being tight we moved in with her parents. In 2003 or 04 (sad that I don't remember), my father-in-law passed away. Last year my wife took over the old entertainment room where he used to watch all his tv and what not. But she didn't watch tv much there so the TV was just collecting dust. One day my mother-in-law told me I might as well move it into my entertainment room and get some use out of it. So I did. Unfortunatly being 10 plus years old of a TV has caught up to it and sadly it is done. Its only been a few hours and I miss it already. Sadly I don't have the money to buy a new one either. So please contribute to the Buy This Guy a new bigger and better TV Fund.
For the record this story is true, but the TV fund donation thing was a joke. I'm just sad cause I was getting into this big tv thing
Today my TV bit the dust. Before my wife and I got married, probably shortly after we started dating so probably in 1996 or 97, my father-in-law (obviously he was not my father-in-law then) bought a new 60 inch Big Screen TV. Its a nice RCA TV. Now yeah its not Widescreen, or HDTV or anything fancy like that, but its a nice TV. Anywho, in 1999 my wife and I got married and with money always being tight we moved in with her parents. In 2003 or 04 (sad that I don't remember), my father-in-law passed away. Last year my wife took over the old entertainment room where he used to watch all his tv and what not. But she didn't watch tv much there so the TV was just collecting dust. One day my mother-in-law told me I might as well move it into my entertainment room and get some use out of it. So I did. Unfortunatly being 10 plus years old of a TV has caught up to it and sadly it is done. Its only been a few hours and I miss it already. Sadly I don't have the money to buy a new one either. So please contribute to the Buy This Guy a new bigger and better TV Fund.
For the record this story is true, but the TV fund donation thing was a joke. I'm just sad cause I was getting into this big tv thing