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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - WWF European Title: Eddie Guerrero (w/Chyna) vs. Perry Saturn (w/Terri Runnels)

The Radical buddies are starting to branch out on their own, and this would be Perry Saturn’s biggest win in the WWF. The match was okay though disjointed in places, Saturn looked gassed a couple of minutes in and his offense was sloppy. Eddie had some type of belly problems as he wrestles the whole match with a T-shirt on, i think that's one of the reasons he dropped the title here. Another reason is he was really over at this point so it was time for him to move on to the IC title. **


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - WWF World Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian vs. The Acolytes
Edge & Christian head out for their tag title defense but Edge gets on the mic and says Christian really is sick … of being in Dallas. Edge then says the Stars proved they’re not repeat champions while the Cowboys are repeat offenders. Christian takes the mic and says if John F. Kennedy spent five more minutes in Dallas he would have killed himself, which is a bit far to go for heat. Edge is about to unveil their 5-second pose but the Acolytes cut them off with Bradshaw offering a counterpoint. Bradshaw says Dallas teams have won every sporting championship while Canada is only known for high-octane beer and the two guys holding the titles. Bradshaw then brings up how Dick Murdoch, Bruiser Brody, The Von Erichs and the Freebirds wrestled in this building. then promises one more memorable moment and it’s on. So after all of that and the build of E&C ducking the APA the match ends in a DQ ending to this feud.The match itself wasn't anything bad but E&C should have gotten a pinfall over the Acolytes, even if had to be a dirty win. *

WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - Steel Cage Match for the WWF Intercontinential Title: Val Venis (w/Trish Stratus) vs. Rikishi
So at long last we have the blowoff to this violent blood feud. Standard cage rules here where a man can win by pinfall or escaping the cage. Decent enough cage match but the splash off the top was awesome. I wasn't a fan Tazz costing Kishi the match but you would think that would lead to a match between the two but that's not what happen, so looking back it seems like a waste. **1/2 - **3/4


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle

This was fucking awful, really bad stuff here Taker didn't really do anything to make Angle look good especially seeing how Angle was just about to become a main eventer, you would think Taker of all people would bump for him but he didn't. 1/2* I wasn't a fan of Takers ring work from 00-03.


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - Last Man Standing: Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley) vs. Chris Jericho

I FUCKING LOVE THIS MATCH. Just a damn physical match with great action and psychology. Jericho still look bad Ass even in the loss, cause he want toe to toe with THE GAME and almost won, this is a case of both guys elevating each other with their hatred. Another reason i love it so much cause it didn't have any silly overbooking with a bunch of run-ins. Just two guys beating the shit out of each other. ****3/4 What an emotional roller coaster. And HHH continues to be GOD off PPV matches in '00.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Fully Loaded 2000 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: The Rock vs. Chris Benoit (w/Shane McMahon)

Excellent match here, Benoit brought his usual A-game while Rock held his own here. I didn't mind the finish when Benoit won the title just to have Foley come out and call for the rematch. But if your gonna do that don't have the match end 2 minutes after at least have them go 5-10 more, but that finish did leave you feeling that Benoit would get another title shot next month but that didn't happen he would get it in 2/3 months in a fatal four way and the same false finish would happen again. UGH!!!!! **** - ****1/4


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE NXT (9/5/12) - Kassius Ohno vs Richie Steamboat

This only lasted four minutes and ended by DQ after Ohno went to the eyes twice :no:. Fuck that, should have been so much better. After the match Ohno attacks Steamboat and we get a rolling elbow to the back of the head :mark:. Daddy Ricky gets in the ring to check on his son after Ohno leaves and yells at the refs for not coming out earlier

WWE NXT (9/5/12) - Audrey Marie vs Paige

Holy shit this Audrey girl's body is amazing, and her face doesn't look messed up like it did during that NXT shoot. Match was short, but pretty decent, definitely better than any divas matches we get on Raw or Smackdown. Loved the finish Paige used here.

WWE NXT (9/5/12) - Leo Kruger vs Percy Watson

Kruger looks completely different here, not wearing trunks, but instead some cargo pants, and he's acting crazy as hell. So far, I'm enjoying this 20x as much as his "Royalty" gimmick he was doing before. This was a pretty boring squash though, nothing really of note, and I zoned out.

WWE NXT (9/5/12) - Brodus Clay vs Ryan Collins

No one gives a fuck about a 30 second Brodus squash.

WWE NXT (9/5/12) - The Ascension vs The Usos

This was actually much better than expected, it stated off really fast-paced, then slowed down, but I loved The Ascension on offense during this one. The hot tag should have been a lot better though, could have been great with how much Jimmy was worked over, crowd just wasn't hot enough. The ending was weird though, JR called it an inverted neckbreaker, but I have no idea what it was Cameron actually did, oh well, it looked cool. Good main event, but this was a pretty poor show in-ring wise.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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WWE Superstars (9/6/12) - Antonio Cesaro vs Justin Gabriel

The crowd chants "USA" during the match :lmao the commentators can't even help but make fun of them. This was a damn good match though, sucks that the crowd was silent except for that one part and then towards the very end. Cesaro worked over the midsection phenomenally, and Gabriel sold it pretty good, with Striker putting it over great on commentary. Ending moments were ridiculously fast-paced and we got an uppercut before Cesaro's Neutralizer :mark:

WWE Superstars (9/6/12) - Layla vs Natalya

Oh man, these two look great. This was some pretty good stuff at the start, then Layla does her stupid dancing stuff, but she slapped her ass :wank: and then Nattie's :wank: :wank: :wank:. I was thoroughly impressed with this match, definitely enjoyed it. Why is this not the divas PPV match for the next year? Or maybe two?

WWE Superstars (9/6/12) - Alex Riley vs Damien Sandow

Sandow saying "REMAIN QUIET" during the match :lmao. This match was just completely nonstop, crazy how fun to watch it was, and the crowd was hot the whole way through.

WWE Superstars (9/6/12) - Epico & Primo vs Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

Primo attacked Little Jimmy and that gets R-Truth all pissed :lmao. This was pretty good, Primo looked especially great. His exchange with Kofi early on was just special. Once again, how PTP gets time on Raw or Smackdown with E&P and Kidd and Gabriel not doing anything, I'll never know.


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Dec 6, 2010
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UltraMantis Black vs Hallowicked - CHIKARA: Through Savage Progress Cuts The Jungle Line


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Dec 19, 2010
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Joe vs. Kobashi - 2005

Yep, everybody knows this match is amazing. A classic within every sense of the word.

Joey Mercury vs. Jeff Hardy vs. some other kid - Death before Dishonor 2003



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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 07/24/2000 - WWF Hardcore Title: Steve Blackman vs. Road Dogg

X-Pac comes out with Road Dogg and joins the commentary mentioning he and his buddy are engaging in a friendly rivalry to see who is the better singles wrestler. Road Dogg gets in the first shots and goes for a whip, Blackman reverses it but Road Dogg hits the juke ‘n jive punches. Road Dogg goes for the big right but Blackman cuts him off with a forearm then tees off on him with right hands. Blackman brings a pair of trash lids in the ring then whips Road Dogg and whacks him in the knee with a lid. Blackman clocks Road Dogg in the back of the head with the lid then bulldogs him onto it for a near fall. X-Pac says he’s considering running in to help his pal but Road Dogg told him he wants to do this by himself. Blackman brings a trash can in and wedges it in a corner between the ropes then works Road Dogg over nearby and goes for a whip. Road Dogg reverses it and Blackman slides to stop himself from hitting the can but Road Dogg trips him into the can with a drop toehold then dropkicks him headfirst into it. Road Dogg mocks Blackman with a kung-fu pose then brings him out to the floor and waffles him with the lid. Road Dogg hits Blackman with an Atomic Drop onto the steps then nails him with the trash can from the ring. Road Dogg pulls out a broomstick as he heads back in the ring but Blackman also brings in his fighting sticks. Blackman blocks Road Dogg’s swings while getting in his shots but Road Dogg eventually connects with his stick. Road Dogg poses before taking another swing but Blackman rolls under it then works him over with the sticks. Blackman mocks Road Dogg with some DX chops then hits a back supelx while using the sticks for a near fall. Blackman then slides a chair in and whips Road Dogg but Road Dogg comes back and DDT’s him into the chair. Road Dogg takes a swing with the chair but misses and Blackman pump kicks the chair into his face for the pin. Blackman departs when X-Pac decides he’s going take his turn challenging for the Hardcore title on Smackdown. **1/2 This was allot betten then expected. Looks like this is the start of the END for DX.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Raw Is War 07/24/2000 - WWF World Tag Team Titles: Edge & Christian vs. The Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz

Once the Hardys and Dudleys are out they jump E&C on the ramp and bring them in the ring to start us off. The Hardys kick Christian back out to the floor while the Dudleys whip Edge and hit a double shoulderblock. Things settle down to Edge and Bubba Ray in the ring and Bubba whips Edge then hot shots him on the top rope. Bubba goes for the ropes but Christian trips him from the floor and Edge hits an elbowdrop before tagging out. Christian works Bubba over with punches and kicks then tags in Edge to take over on him with his own shots. Edge has Christian toss him one of the tag belts and readies a swing when the referee takes it away from him allowing Bubba to roll him up from behind for a two count. Edge drills Bubba with a DDT and Bubba tries to fight back but Edge rakes his face before hitting a dropkick. Christian tags in and helps Edge whip Bubba but Bubba coes back with a flying clothesline on both tag champs. Bubba crawls to his corner and tags in D’Von who takes it to E&C and plants Christian with a Curtain Call. D’Von covers but Edge makes the save so Bubba tosses him over the ropes. Bubba sets Christian on his shoulders while D’Von climbs to the top rope and hits him with the Dudleyville Device then covers but Matt breaks up the pin. Bubba clubs Matt through the ropes and pops Jeff off the apron and the referee keeps them from coming in and Bubba sets Christian up while D’Von climbs to the top rope for the headbutt to the groin but they add the “Wassup” for the first time. The Hardys make it in but Bubba clotheslines them both down then tells D’Von to get a table ready on the floor. Bubba and D’Von pull a table out from under the ring when Edge and Christian dropkick it into their faces. Christian holds Matt as Edge goes for a spear but Matt escapes and Edge ends up taking out his own partner. Matt nails Edge with the Twist of Fate while Jeff climbs to the top rope and connects with the Swanton Bomb. Jeff covers Edge but Bubba pulls Jeff off him and out to the floor before the three and whips him into the steps. D’Von whips Edge and the Dudleys plant him with the 3D then D’Von covers but Christian distracts the referee. Matt meanwhile climbs to the top rope and nails D’Von with the guillotine legdrop to prevent the three count. However Edge suddenly tosses Matt through the ropes then covers the fallen D’Von and steals the pin to retain. **1/2 Match was good but just felt a little too rushed or they didn't want to give us too much cause of the TLC match that would take place at the next PPV.


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Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Smackdown 07/27/2000 - Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz and Kane vs. Edge & Christian and The Big Show (w/Shane McMahon)

E&C come out to the ring wearing oversized foam cowboy hats and Chriatian gets on the mic calling the fans in Texas bug, smelly, tobacco-chewing fattes. Edge takes the mic and says everything’s bigger in Texas before bringing out Show. The Dudleys take it to E&C to start while Kane just watches from the apron. Bubba Ray Dudley chops Christian in a corner and elbows him in the head then whips him into a backdrop. Bubba follows up with a clothesline then tags in D’Von while I again asks why they need tags in a no-DQ match. The Dudleys whip Christian and connect with a double clothesline. D’Von goes for a whip and Christian reverses it but D’Von comes back with a flying shoulderblock. Edge comes in but D’Von drops him with a right hand. Edge distracts the referee while Christian hits a low blow followed by a Slop Drop. Show tags in and hits a clothesline on D’Von before stomping him down in a corner. Show throws D’Von across the ring then whips him and hits a powerslam. Edge tags in and lays the boots to D’Von then sets him on the top rope. Edge goes up for a superplex but D’Von throws him down to the mat then hops down and hits a clothesline. D’Von tries to make a tag while fighting Edge off but Christian comes in and hits a back suplex. Kane then comes in with out a tag and pops E&C with uppercuts then plants Christian with a tilt-o-whirl slam. Kane clotheslines Edge over the ropes and tosses Christian out then then dares Show to come in and face him. Show climbs in and Kane unloads on him with right hands when Shane starts to climb in the ring but Kane spots him so Shane backs off. However that allows Show to come back with a clothesline him and then Show throws Kane over the ropes. Show goes out after Kane while Bubba hits Edge with a backdrop then sets him up while D’Von climbs to the top rope and hits the “Wassup” headbutt. The Dudleys go out and slide a table in the ring while Show rams Kane into the ringsteps. The Dudleys bring out a second table when E&C try to knock the table into them with baseball slides but the Dudleys are wise to this trick and raise the table up, causing E&C to miss. The Dudleys ram the table into them then slide it in the ring and Bubba sets it up while D’Von rolls Edge in. D’Von whips Edge and the Dudleys drive him through the table with a 3D for the win. The Dudleys aren’t done yet as Bubba sets up the other table while D’Von works over Christian. D’Von then whips Christian for another 3D but Christian bails out to the floor. Suddenly Show comes back in and lays out both Dudleys with right hands when Kane comes in and grabs Show by the throat. Shane breaks up the choke so Kane grabs him looking for a chokeslam but Show helps Shane escape before chokeslamming Kane through the table and leaving him laying. ** Pretty nice 4 minute match, I like that they kept the workhourses in the match most of the time instead of trying to do the Big man/Big man stuff of the 2-1 stuff.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 07/27/2000 - Intergender Tag Match: Chris Jericho & Lita vs. Chris Benoit (w/Shane McMahon) & Trish Stratus

It was supose to be HHH in this match but he was starting his Love triangle angle and took off upset at Steph, show Foley put Benoit in the match. Benoit and Jericho lockup to start before exchanging shots and Jericho gets the advantage. Jericho whips Benoit but Benoit comes back with a shoulderblock. Benoit comes off the ropes and Jericho leapfrogs over him then ducks a chop before hitting his own chops. Jericho whips Benoit into a corner and charges at him but eats a boot. Benoit comes out but Jericho ducks a clothesline and hits an enzuigiri. Benoit bails out to the floor while Trish comes in but Lita knocks her down. Trish rolls out to the floor and Jericho slings Lita into a baseball slide on Trish. Benoit comes back in and Jericho goes for a whip but Benoit reverses it and suplexes him onto the top rope. Shane pulls Jericho down to the floor and stomps away at him before throwing him back in. Benoit hits a gutbuster then climbs to the top rope and hits the diving headbutt on the injured ribs. Benoit covers Jericho but Lita pulls him off so Benoit throws Lita through the ropes and turns into a spinning heel kick from Jericho. Jericho goes for a whip, Benoit reverses it but Jericho connects with a flying forearm. Jericho comes off the ropes with a bulldog but only gets a two count. Jeircho whips Benoit but lowers the head and Benoit kicks the face then decks Lita off the apron. Jericho puts Benoit in the Walls of Jericho but Trish comes in and pulls Jericho off Benoit. Trish goes for a slap but Jericho blocks it and puts Trish in the Walls of Jericho. Benoit breaks it up with a right hand when Lita comes off the top with a huricanrana on Benoit. Trish rolls out to the floor but Lita slings herself over the ropes into a pescado on Trish. Jericho whips Benoit into an elbow then connects with the Lionsault and grabs the pin. ** Fun match for the most part, it was an angle advancement to kick start the Jericho/Benoit feud again.


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Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Smackdown 07/27/2000 - WWF World Heavyweight Title: The Rock vs. Kurt Angle

So Angle’s first shot at the WWE title is given away on free TV. Rock comes in ready to go but Angle is hesitant to get in the ring with him. Eventually Rock decides to go out and fight with Angle on the floor before throwing him in the ring. Rock goes for a whip, Angle reverses it but lowers the head and Rock kicks the face. Rock hits an elbow then lays the boots to Angle and works him over in a corner. Rock goes for a whip and Angle reverses him into the opposite corner then charges but eats a boot. Rock comes out but runs into a powerslam and Angle gets in his shots. Angle goes for a whip but Rock reverses him hard into a corner and clotheslines him from behind. Rock goes for a whip but Angle reverses it and hits an elbow followed by a back suplex. Angle stomps away at Rock just as we see Shane McMahon and Chris Benoit making their way down the ramp. Angle chokes Rock on the midde rope then distracts the referee while Shane chokes him. Angle tees off on Rock but Rock blocks a right and starts fighting back. Rock comes off the ropes but Angle throws him over the ropes then distracts the referee while Shane clotheslines Rock on the floor. Angle throws Rock back in the ring and covers him but only gets a two count. Angle pounds on Rock and whips him but Rock connects with a flying forearm. Rock goes for a whip but Angle reverses it and Benoit pulls Rock out of the ring then crotches him on the barricade. Angle brings Rock back in and covers him but still only gets a two count so he applies a chinlock. Rock begins to fade as the referee checks the arm and it drops once, twice, but Rock keeps it up the third time. Rock fights out of the hold but Angle rakes the eyes and unloads on him. Angle comes off the ropes but runs into a belly-to-belly suplex and both men are down. Angle comes off the ropes but Rock ducks a clothesline and hits his one of his own. Rock goes for the Smackdown and Angle ducks it but Rock comes back with a DDT for a two count. Rock goes for a whip but Angle counters into a belly-to-belly suplex. Angle tries to recover and charges at Rock but runs into a spinebuster. Rock starts to set up for the People’s Elbow but sees Shane on the apron and knocks him off. Rock hits Angle with a Dragon legwhip then goes into the Sharpshooter but Benoit comes in and nails Rock from behind to break the hold. Rock goes out and attack Benoit then throws him into the steps before tossing him in the ring. Rock brings in a chair and whacks Benoit with the chair then whacks Angle and that causes the referee to call for a DQ. After the match Shane comes in but Rock scares him out of the ring and chases him up the ramp. Benoit comes up but Rock catches him and hits a spinebuster on the ramp. Angle is then announced as the winner and he celebrates with the WWF Championship belt even though he didn’t win it. Rock takes exception to this and charges back in the ring as Angle swings the title belt at him but misses. Rock drops him with a right hand then grabs his belt but Angle bails out to the floor. Rock then poses in the ring and stares down as Shane and co. *** Damn good match with a crappy finish but i see why they did it.


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Dec 6, 2010
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Da Soul Touchaz vs BDK (Lince Dorado, Tim Donst & Tursas) - CHIKARA: Through Savage Progress Cuts The Jungle Line