null as you can see lolHow are people reading PHEN0M rn? Can't get a read on him one way or the other tbh
Ask @August why I think that. Not really my information to expose.@Sister Abigail I'd like to know why you were calling August town earlier now please, we need to work through a reasonable PoE here as we're likely going to start losing town leaders shortly, so we need to get town o nthe same page
Can someone shoot OMB btw bc we'll probably end up lynching him since no one believes he's only a survivor with nothing else as a role I'm pretty sure lol would save us a day
How are you leaning me as mafia when I told you I was indy1. Barry
2. OMB
3. August
4. Doddsy (Chevy)
5. Chris
8. Necro
10. Jeff
12. Mox Girl
13. Lethal
15. Goatnom
18. Wanger
20. Tweet
22. Sister Abigail
23. Chimp
roughly where im at
I been trying to be helpful. I didnt have to tell you guys that I was indy .
No just a VT survivor if I get to endgame and i am alive I win with either side and I rather win with town.And you're just a plain survivor? No other abilities right?
How are you leaning me as mafia when I told you I was indy