Seems to me like you just took temperature of who was posting and added them to your town reads, as to not attract suspicion for potentially townreading someone who'd only made 1 post.He could certainly have switched things up true but I dunno about that immediate and as I said they're light reads not like I'm just gonna stick to it all game if he acts up.
Indeed, my reads were based on the people that had been active in the game so far
What would you prefer I just based my reads on people who hadn't posted yet?
Tweet I said, Jeff seems like standard Jeff and is generally pretty obvtown.
What the hell is this bullshit turnaround?
I have no idea what the hell you're claiming
Harry Potter was on this train! Woah you sick bastards killing the prince that was promised
tl/dr when I was mad EV approached me about making a site for mafia. its not some big secrect, nor will anyone give a shit. it was entertained as a fleeting thought, and I havent spoken to EV via PM in like 2 months. I also dislike Odo on a personal level, big fucking shock I know. Pretty sure he knows, and doesnt give a fucking shit either. neither does smark or anyone in this section. if anyone wants to shit on me, mock me, laugh at me, by all means do it. ill happily take the hit for this dipshit to stop posting. I have nothing to hide at all . Can we play now boys? just ban his ip and get this trashbag out of here so we can move on.
as i said, hate me, shit on me, i can take it, i really do not care: im here to play mafia andkickass at it, that aint changing anytime soon
Only going to be a short burst (that's what she said).
Gift: Flay
Why you gifting flay @Lethal Banks ?