You can have a town hacker. If I get voted out, I sure as hell hope you get lynched next,Can we get this lad gone please
how hard is it
vote Chris
So I've done my read through. I've got some quotes and shit for later on, but the general gist is this:
* I found it intriguing that Doddsy would open with a potential GOOD GUY of Poyser (typically Doddsy likes to ruffle his feathers)
* Tweet's token role statement...very....kweh! NAI though
* Alco's vote on JoeExotic seemed very opportunistic to me. JoeExotic laugh reacts to this post, then his very first post is "
Sorry im late... did i miss the party?" You were around enough to laugh at a vote and not address it, so why no input?
* Juice getting wound up over the Tweet statement and vote, then exchange with DMK was tiresome and eerily reminiscent of the nonsense between her and Hank in FF. Could be scum trying to maintain her town game, could be stubborn town doubling down.
Anyway, before my quotes come in,
Vote: Hank
He's eerily quiet. A town Hank is hitting the high notes, ruffling feathers, shaking the ground and such. He's not even paper pushing so far, just lurking in the shadows and I expect more from him
ok so, a few thoughts/feelings:
regarding alco and his claim: I'm not really feeling that as a fake for scum (obviously possible but as I said, not feeling it, as knowing of smarks fakes generally work, theyd be somewhat provable and this role aint it) . POSSIBLY some sort of 3rd party recruiter type, however, or its answer. In any case...
vote ingo
I'm happy to go back to this as he tickled me early as well
still lots of ppl need to post more. that lethal entrance was fucking lame (ill be patient), hank has been as useful as...well nothing and I dont see how anyone can really read him town. Haza made a poyser read with no explanation.
this is all..errr...well crap I cant work with. get your asses in gear please
edit: of course lethal just posted, so that part can be disregarded
TOWN: TWEET Hank - - - - - - - - - - DMK ---------------LETHAL- NULL/NEUTRAL - - - - - - - - - Alco - - - - - Poyser ---INGO ----------- : SCUM
Vote: Ingo - until I feel you are not only interested in self preservation, this vote will remain
Well if Juice has voted, and she's so brilliant at solving the game, I'm sure she cannot possibly be incorrect
Vote: Igno
I don't like that Lethal - has just sheeped my vote.
I’m not fully caught up atm but just wanna say that before people dismiss Alco’s claim as likely not fake; Rop3 did have a TOWN RECRUITER claim in a smark game when we were scum together. Still think he’s prob my preferred lynch atm but it’s early and I think we could get some good mileage out of
vote evans
I don’t really like his play this game, and I think so many people have given thoughts on him now without anything picking up on him that we could get some good data here
I could help out on Ingo but I can’t really say he’s stuck out to me one way or the other. And I still don’t really see the push on Chris atm plus also that’s who alco wants to push and I don’t really have any reason to trust Odo as it stands
Vote: Lethal
you can't act so butt hurt for me calling you out for selectively reading - and then turning out to not have actually read my largest post in which ive analysed the game. Anyone that is catching up - has ZERO % chance of missing that post. I would implore you to start actively trying to play mafia games - by actually READING - rather than pretending to be active.
Analysis One
Unvote: Lethal
I think a number of our most inactive players are going to end up flipping scum - and perhaps Ingo isn't getting the coaching he would need as a newer player
Vote: Ingo
vote Evans
vote ingo
Chris can get his tomorrow
Uhhh lol
vote Ingonious
Unvote: Ingo
I can feel a bandwagon forming - on quite a weak player imo.
Oh lol the claim.
vote Ingo
You can have a town hacker. If I get voted out, I sure as hell hope you get lynched next,
Just simply don't like it... it just caught my eye as I was catching up... but do not worry fellow game person i am currently creating a reads list which will determine who i think is a bit of awhy's that?
Town --- Chris ------- Craig ---- Neutral Joe ----------------Hank---- Mafiacould you give some reads on chris, Hank, Craig proton and JoeExotic before you die please?
Just simply don't like it... it just caught my eye as I was catching up... but do not worry fellow game person i am currently creating a reads list which will determine who i think is a bit of a
You might be red... you might be blue you'll find out soon.
VOTE IGNO btw![]()