Jeff 3 - Poyser, Alco, Doddsy
EV 1 - Chloe
TKOK 1 - Magic
Magic 2 - Rugrat, Lethal
Haza 12 - Jeff, Tweet, Barry, Gambit, Big Man, Xenus, Phenom, OMB, CP, Ace, EV
OMB 2 - Smark, Haza
CP 2 - Lethal, Ace
Lethal 1 - Magic
Xenus 3 - Big Man, Tweet, Chloe
Phenom 2 - Barry, Gambit
Jeff 2 - Doddsy, CP
Gambit 1 - Phenom
Doddsy consistent on Jeff, Alco doesn't vote.
Chloe votes EV but then finishes on Xenus for D2 - why the shift?
Rugrat doesn't vote D2
I went CP, have explained why
Jeff doesn't vote D2.
Barry/Gambit voting together. BigMan/Tweet voting together. Xenus doesn't vote D2. Nom going for Gambit. OMB doesn;t vote D2. EV doesn't vote D2.
Alco, Rugrat, Jeff, Xenus, OMB, EV voted on D1 but not D2. All except Alco were involved in the phase.
Scum team: Rugrat, Jeff, Xenus, OMB & EV
Night ended at 5am my time, not sure how you want me to vote, because I voted Tweet and CP Day 2. Great idea though to just look at final wagons, makes perfect sense.
So hostile. Interesting you jumped on the wagon for Haza near the later end when there was this mad dash to get a lynch in and aren't voting on day 2.You’re also shading the proven Actor for not voting on a Day there’s a no lynch
Vote Jeff
Is this what I think it is?![]()
If this what we think it is, I don't think I'll be able to do what I wanted to do as I don't want to steal his thunder as we're allOh shit @NotBrutus is that what tweet thinks it is or a read?
I get POISONED for going with my gut and shooting Phenom,and I CAN'T even get healed?
Don't let anyone talk shit about you. You the real MVP.I get POISONED for going with my gut and shooting Phenom,and I CAN'T even get healed?
If you were forming a case, do it still just in case. We effectively missed out on a day yesterday with a no lynch so lets go stuff done because Brutus and other might be a while as they will be doing a draft.
I get POISONED for going with my gut and shooting Phenom,and I CAN'T even get healed?
Will not lynch today for certain:
Smark, Evans, Lethal (could be indy the more I think about it but I lean towards some weird pseudo survivor role if he is), TKOK, Chloe
Town leans:
Barry (Only scum if bussing), Magic (could still be indy but I can't see him being aligned with Phenom right now), OMB, Brutus, Xenus (though that was based on day 1 and my reads that day weren't great), Ace (gut)
So I want to lynch out of:
Big Man
One of my town leans might be wrong tbf but for now I want to focus in that pool imo. Thoughts guys? I think a power player has to be scum as yesterday felt like a mess overall. No one took the lead and maybe I should have. Maybe I might have to?
If this what we think it is, I don't think I'll be able to do what I wanted to do as I don't want to steal his thunder as we're allhere!