1. Ace - I'm happier with Ace with his responses to my points but still a bit underwhelmed by his pushes/directions, not necessarily suspect of him, I'm just not confident in believing he's town yet IMO, so I'll stay null here.
2. Evans
4. Alco - pretty much the same points as my previous reads list. Pushing directions, not hiding/sheeping.
5. Jeff - I was torn between CP/Jeff during their interactions over the Lethal mistake. Jeff has seemed town through the game. I still didn't mind the Haza wagon. I know the result wasn't great, but the reasons for lynching were there IMO. I'm not liking how he's refused to Lethal go on a readback. Almost seems like he's trying to prepare that wagon by breadcrumbing things about his claim being convenient etc. I'm not overly enamoured by his choice of directions either. Haza pretty much lynched himself, I'd just expect a bit more leadership and unafraid to go for big boys. Moving to a null read and if I could vote, I'd back Jeff wagon for a claim here.
6. Lethal - Lethal still is giving me vibes of his last scum game and his vote on Smark was

but the effort levels of today and the fact I don't think he makes a claim like Odin as scum. I'll move from suspicious to a town lean of the lightest of blues.
7. Barry - consistently on Phen0m and was pushing for that wagon + my other reasons from the previous reads list. I'm happy to say Barry is someone I have no interest in lynching right now and I'd be very surprised if he wasn't town.
8. Tweet - not a lot has changed for me with Tweet either. He looks like he's trying to advance things.
9. Smark - since he's come back, he's picked up where he left off previously, pushing directions and clearly giving his thoughts. Still a solid town read for me. I think the Xenus thing might be a bit of a tunnel being based off hostility? (nothing offensive meant here pal) more on this below!
10. TKOK - simply for being poisoned by shooting Phen0m lol
12. OMB - As I've said with Barry, this feels like a town OMB. He's not cowering, he's being antagonistic. I get the thought behind his "lynch me!" "here's my perk!" "don't lynch me pls" looks odd, but I think that's just OMB being OMB rather than alignment indicative. On play, I'd lean town.
13. Xenus - I'm still null on Xenus, I disagree with him scum reading Tweet, he's engaging with players and having discussions - it feels Xenus is playing town but I'm with Smark that something doesn't feel right. I just don't agree with the reasons over hostility when he was complimenting Lethal lol.
15. Gambit - pretty much the same reason Barry upgraded from a lean to royal blue town read for me. Nailed Phen0m on top of my previous reasons of confidently pushing his own ideas / directions and not backing down when challenged over them.
16. Doddsy - Hasn't really done anything to stop thinking he's a town lean but I'd like to see more reasonings for his scum reads / sussed directions of Tweet & Big Man.
17. Chloe - seems to be constantly trying to lead town to the Haza wagon, asking everyone their opinions but not really sharing a lot of her/his/its own? Lots of "I like wagon analysis" "I'd analyse that" but I've yet to see a proper reads list or anything other than questions at Xenus and trying to wagon CP.
18. Rugrat - uh, would like to see more?
19. Big Man - promised detailed thoughts on Xenus and hasn't delivered them, also said he was reading back and hasn't followed up. Not a fan of people promising to deliver posts but then disappearing.
21. Brutus - Struggling for a read on Brutus, he seems engaged though at least through his recent posts, I'd like to know why he's so sure on Ace being town though.