What's to insinuate?You just tried to insinuate the staff holds down your view points which was your attempt to insult me first and is the label not apropos considering that's their argument?
That's stupid.....obsessing over something isn't the same as liking it.Using a No True Scotsman argument doesn't help your case, bruh. Anybody who likes watching wrestling in any capacity is a geek.
Didn't you say you're trying to shut this down?Which is demonstrably false as I said because look at your incredible hot take being talked about and not shut down. There's a difference between having a hot take and derailing a thread.
Varying degrees of geekness does not make it any less geeky. Admit you are a geek who likes wrestling and who has consistently posted on a forum about said shows for over 10 years.Deezy said:That's stupid.....obsessing over something isn't the same as liking it. Someone who has saw Marvel movies isn't the same as the person who is writing fanfic (Thread reply)
Casual......no varying degrees.Varying degrees of geekness does not make it any less geeky. Admit you are a geek who likes wrestling and who has consistently posted on a forum about said shows for over 10 years.
Casuals don't talk wrestling on forums. They may tweet a couple times, but even that borders geek territory.Deezy said:Casual......no varying degrees. What's being on a message board have to do with being a geek? Only geeks have access to Internet? Free form discussion is just for geeks now? News to me. (Thread reply)
Having 50,000+ messages, and being the only one commenting for months to years on said message board regarding the shows is geeky. You are a geek. Quit trying to misconstrue the argument. You are a geek, Deezy. Admit. It.Deezy said:Casual......no varying degrees. What's being on a message board have to do with being a geek? Only geeks have access to Internet? Free form discussion is just for geeks now? News to me. (Thread reply)