Can’t even comprehend the stupidity honestlyOnly you know why, in all honesty.
Maybe you're trying to get the town points you need to get over the line and reach endgame
I claimed this hours ago![]()
Which is why we lynch Poyser. It helps make the Alco/Wang situation more clear and robs scum of their figurehead if (when) he flips WeiObviously Big Man could have been it though so Alco could have just stolen that which would explain the bogus usage.
I really find it hilarious how you're all high and mighty about bogus usage. Watching the claimed BG is not bogus usage. God damn.You didn't claim your character.
Here's the thing. My PM after Jeff's death said that in order to forge an alliance I would require compliance from the Sun family providing one of them was left alive. TBH I thought Jeff V2 flip as Xun just meant Sun, then I saw Lethals flip though and it was was 'Sun'. Having a second 'Sun' makes a ton of sense. Especially having a leader of the Sun family which Alco is now claiming.
Obviously Big Man could have been it though so Alco could have just stolen that which would explain the bogus usage.
I’ve offered fuck all? I’ve told you it makes no sense for alco to fake info and Wang is scum lmaoPoyser you've offered fuck all to this phase and you already fucked Jeff twice when I told you he was town now time for you to die
Also how is it a slight possibility that he's the gf?
He claimed.vt. the only gf potential people are like him, you, me, and rugrat ATM.
There's a high chance of him being gf if you don't try to make it about 1/14 chances when it obviously.isnt
No wtf
Can someone shoot poyser? That would be grand
But who says the godfather has to claim vt? They don’t. It could easily just be one of the unprovable roles or big mans role as I already said
in fact your progression makes literally no sense. You were 100% sure alco was scum and now because of flavour he claimed you think he’s town despite even pointing out yourself that you think he’s claiming big mans role lmao. And you’re back to pushing a dead persons read to try and lynch somebody that is cop confirmed when there are still presumably 3 scum to find. It’s dumb. Who is my team?