WWF 1998 Review

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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Wow I always forget that after everything that happens Foley still comes back out for the main event FUCK!

But yeah watching that HIAC match is still so surreal


Nov 13, 2010
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I've watched that HIAC match so much I can even tell you what the fans in the first row were saying.
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That HITC match will be Foley’s legacy. But god damn those bumps
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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WWF Champion: KANE
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

June 29th, 1998
Cleveland, Ohio

Recap of the WWF Championship match from last nights King of the Ring PPV.

Jerry Lawler and JR start off RAW together, no more bum ass Cole or Kevin Kelly for the first hour :mark:

The owner of the WWF, Mr. Vincent McMahon comes down to the ring with, Commissioner Slaughter and Gerald Brisco. The ring has the red carpet and the WWF Championship in a class display. Vince says it gives him great pride to stand before you tonight. "OH, WHAT A HAPPY DAY" We have a NEW a new WWF Champion. A NEW WWF CHAMPION! today marks the dawning of a new era in the WWF, an era of popularity and prosperity, respect and dignity, and even civility. A giant breath of fresh air has cleansed the WWF of the foul mouth, of the unseemly hand gestures, and cleansed the WWF from the beer swilling. A champion who is a man among men. A champion whose lips have never so much as tasted an alcoholic beverage. A champion who has never uttered an obscenity in his entire life and whose only hand gesture is to salute the flag of the United States. I give you a role model and a champion for the new millennium, "I, GIVE YOU KANE" Kane and Paul Bearer come down to the ring, Paul says the WWF is indeed a place where dreams can come true. There's no way that anyone can understand what this occasion means to his son and himself this evening until you've walked a mile in his son's shoes. was there for twenty long years and he watched his son, YOUR CHAMPION, I watched him dream and sit in a room with his pictures all around of his brother. He watches him watch WWF Superstars on Saturday and say "DAD, I WANT TO BE LIKE HIM!" He told him that he could be better than him! It's not wrong to dream. He was harassed and ridiculed and put down, but tonight, OH YEEEEES! Undertaker, you are now standing in the shadow of his little brother. Vince then presents the WWF Championship to KANE. But, Stone Cold Steve Austin's music hits and out comes Austin. He grabs a mic and says he's gonna make this short and sweet, cause there isn't much to talk about. He and Vince both know the stipulation was the man that drew first blood from their opponent wins the match, but you and I know, that, that big son of a bitch didn't bust me open. Did I get busted open? You're damn right, but it was The Undertaker that did it. He's out here because he wants a rematch with Kane, right here tonight. All he's gotta do is say yes. Vince says everyone would like to see it and Austin says to do it then, TAKE THAT STUPID LOOK OFF YER FACE AND ACT LIKE THE OWNER OF THE WWF! Vince says maybe he doesn't deserve it and says it's fine with him as long as it's alright with Paul Bearer. Paul says it's okay with him if it's okay with Kane. Austin dares someone in this ring to have some guts. He asks Kane how it feels to have his big brother win the title for him now he has to ask himself "Can I beat Stone Cold?" he's gonna go through life knowing I was the WWF Champion but my brother won me the title. Austin again asks Kane for a title match tonight, and Kane nods YES!

JR announces the BRAWL 4 ALL TONIGHT!

Droz makes his way down to the ring, but SABLE comes out...She says Vince McMahon is proud to sign to an exclusive WWF contract. STEVEN REGAL!

Droz vs. Steven Regal
Sable joins commentary, so the majority of the match King and JR talk about how Sable returned and what's her relationship with Vince. As for the match, it's a solid Regal showcase, sweet uppercuts, and forearms. He rides and wears down Droz who looks lost af. Droz has a shitty comeback, Regal then hits a double-armed butterfly suplex off the top and locks in the Regal stretch for the win.

Michael Cole is in the ring and introduces the 1998 King of the Ring, Ken Shamrock. Cole asks him how it feels to be King? and Ken says it feels good to be King, he says he's competed in the fights all over the world, had a career in the UFC and Japan, but competing in KOTR has been one of the hardest things that he's ever had to do and it's a great accomplishment. Speaking of great things, he has to give credit where credit is due to Rocky Maivia for showing something he hasn't seen in him before. He fought him one on one for once and he's not saying he agrees with all the bullcrap he did to him like hit him in the face with a chair, and they still have an issue, but he'll give him credit for being a true champion and warrior. Owen Hart comes out and says he won the King of the ring 2 years ago and is a better King than he will ever be. Owen says If Shamrock has any guts in his spineless body, he'll step into HIS zone and his court tonight, and he'll prove that he's the real king. THE BLACK HART! Ken says he remembers he broke his ankle, and his challenge is accepted. Triple H and Chyna, then come out. Hunter says if you want a match to determine who is the KING OF KINGS and challenges them to make it a three-way. Ken the repeats the same thing and challenges them to a 3 way :lmao Triple H mocks him for it and says he's catching on. Ken then repeats it again and challenges them to get in his zone :lmao


First Round match in the Brawl For All: Marc Mero vs. Steve Blackman
Blackman has 3 quick takedowns, as a small portion of the crowd either BOOOOOOO's or yells THIS IS BULLSHIT :lmao Blackman has another takedown as the first round ends. Blackman is up 25 points to 0. Blackman continues to outclass and destroy Mero, who keeps looking for the right hand, so everytime Mero throws Blackman moves and takes him down. He does it 3 times before the 2nd round ends. The crowd continues to shit all over this with "WE WANT ......." over this, Blackman continues to take him down and avoid Mero punches to end the 3rd. Blackman wins on points.

Backstage: Kevin Kelly is with Kane, Paul Bearer, and Mankind. Kelly asks Kane why he would grant Austin a rematch? Kane and his voicebox says "BECAUSE I KNOW I CAN BEAT STONE COLD AGAIN...AND IS A GREATER CHAMPION THAN MY BROTHER EVER WAS"

In the parking lot, Biker TAKER arrives.


Dick Togo (w/Yamaguchi-san) vs. Val Venis
Val hits on Mrs. Yamaguchi-san who is sitting in the front row, during the match Dustin comes through the crowd and asks to have a word with JR, he then begins preaching his new found beliefs in GOD. Sadly the match is short around 3 minutes, but everything is solid, both men get time to do stuff before Val hits the Money Shot for the win. After the match; Val continues to flirt with Yamaguchi-san's old lady, Mr. Yamaguchi-san comes over and slaps Val. So the rest of Kientai come out but Val grabs a chair and nails them all with chair shots to the head. **

Edge is in the crowd again.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Steve Austin, he asks how confident Austin is given he lost the title 24 hours ago. Austin says he didn't lose the title, the Undertaker stole it from him and he's now pissed him off so this interview is over and he shoves Cole away.

Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock
So, during Owen's entrance, Ken attacks Owen from behind and they brawl down to ringside as Hunter watches on. This is really good and got a ton of time for 1998 RAW. Granted they do a lot of the 1-1 with the other on the floor, and getting caught just waiting for their spot to come back in. But, it's one of the rare time which I'm fine with as all the little 1on1 interactions ruled. The match gets better as time goes by, with how they just want to hurt one another and it doesn't matter who's in the ring. We then get a bunch of 3 men spots, until Rocky comes out and hits Triple H with the IC Title as Shamrock and Owen fight on the floor. Shamrock throws Owen into the railing and then goes back in and covers to win. **3/4

After the Match; Owen attacks Ken in the ring, as DX attacks Rocky on the stage, but the Nation runs out and they all brawl to the back. Owen tries the figure-four around the ringpost, but he fucks it up so he holds on for dear life to not fall. It looks cool though.


The Undertaker comes down to the ring, Michael Cole then joins him, Cole says people think he owes them an explanation and asks why he interfered in the WWF title match, Taker says he owes nobody a thing and says it's It's common knowledge that he and his brother Kane have no love lost, and that's mainly because of the manipulation of Paul Bearer. The day may come where Kane and he have to destroy each other, so so be it, but he was not about to sit back and watch his little brother set himself on fire because he wants to live up to the LEGEND OF THE UNDERTAKER! So he did what he did. Cole says he cost Stone Cold the title, and Undertaker says he did what he had to do. Vince McMahon then comes out to the stage and asks if he's supposed to believe he has compassion. He says he did it because he thinks he can beat his brother Kane for the title and because he DOESN'T think he can beat Stone Cold Steve Austin. Vince calls him the most singularly the most vile, contemptible, and evil individual that the Devil ever placed on this Earth. Hell hath no fury like he will find if he interferes tonight, that's a warning, heed it. Taker leaves the ring and goes up the ramp, as Vince leaves.

First Round match in the Brawl For All: Mark Canterbury vs. Bradshaw
Mark Canterbury is Henry O. Godwinn, I guess he wants to use his shoot name for this shoot shit. This is a sack of shit, but slightly more entertaining than the Blackman/Mero match as their just trying to outpunch the other, they rarely connect but Bradshaw threw more punches so he's up 5-0 after the first. Round 2 is a lot better, Bradshaw comes out throwing them bar room strikes he almost KO's Mark but he holds on for dear life for the bell. The crowd begins shitting on this as the 3rd starts, Mark comes back with a takedown and they stall before Bradshaw hits a couple of body blows as the bell rings. Bradshaw wins off points.


LOD 2000 come out minus Sunny, JR claims shes "under the weather" Animal says they have a big surprise tonight for them, a long time ago when they were just two punk kids from Chicago a great man saw success in them and brought them into wrestling and got them to win every title possible and now he's back, and they bring out Paul Ellering.


Hawk says Paul Ellering is the best thing to come to Cleveland ever, He says Paul is their best friend and mentor and hands the mic over. The DOA then comes out and Paul introduces the LOD to his new team, the DOA. They then beat down the LOD and leave with Paul. WHY IS THIS FEUD STILL A THING?!?!?!?!?

Backstage: Kevin Kelly asks The Undertaker if he plans on heed the warning Vince gave him earlier, and Taker says nobody tells him what to do and leaves.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kane (w/Paul Bearer)
Again super enjoyable, due to Austin's amazing high energy brawling, and the crowd being hot for everything, that also gives Austin extra as he flys around do whatever he can to beat on Kane and wear his big ass out. Kane also puts up another great effort in his bumping but still being build as a monster, Austin targets Kane's ankle and knee so he can't stand, but Kane fights it off, he does the limp sell to start but then just leaves it and goes on offense. Paul interferes so Austin goes after him, AND KANE DOES A CHINLOCK for about 2 minutes. The Undertaker comes out to watch midway through too. Austin makes a comeback but walks into a chokeslam, Kane picks him up for the Tombstone but Austin wiggles out, he ducks a boot and hits the Stunner and covers Kane for the clean win. WOAH! **3/4

Undertaker enters the ring, Paul Bearer goes over to distract him from the floor which allows Austin to hit Taker with the stunner. Austin leaves, as Kane and Taker sit up at the same time ignoring each other, and staring at Austin who gives both men the middle finger to end RAW.


Taker and Kane begin brawling in the ring, Taker ducks the clothesline and hits Kane with a chokeslam. He leaves, but first, he drops Paul with a right hand. Kane and Paul then head up the ramp with Bearer yelling "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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I think the godwins started using their real names when they became Southern justice


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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This hasn't been the best 6 months for matches, but so far this is the top MOTYC's.

20. Jeff Jarrett vs. Bradshaw - WWF No Way Out OF TEXAS! **3/4
19. The Rock vs. Ken Shamrock - WWF King Of The Ring **3/4
18. Aguila vs. TAKA Michinoku - WWF WrestleMania XIV **3/4
17. Triple H vs. Owen Hart - WWF In Your House: Unforgiven **3/4
16. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels - WWF WrestleMania XIV **3/4
15. The New Age Outlaws vs. Chainsaw Charlie & Cactus Jack - RAW January 26th, 1998 **3/4
14. Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kane - RAW June 29th, 1998 **3/4
13. Triple H vs. Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock - RAW June 29th, 1998 **3/4
12. Dude Love vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - WWF In Your House: Unforgiven **3/4
11. Kaientai vs. TAKA Michinoku & Bradshaw - WWF Over the Edge ***
10. Kane vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - WWF King Of The Ring ***
9. X-Pac vs. Owen Hart - WWF King Of The Ring ***
8. Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie vs. The New Age Outlaws - WWF WrestleMania XIV ***
7. D-Generation X vs. The Nation of Domination - WWF Over the Edge ***
6. Kane & Mankind vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin & The Undertaker - RAW June 15th, 1998 ***1/4
5. Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker - WWF Royal Rumble ***1/4
4. Terry Funk vs. Mick Foley - RAW May 4th, 1998 ***1/4
3. Non-Sanctioned 8-Man Tag Team Match - WWF No Way Out OF TEXAS!***1/4
2. Dude Love vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin - WWF Over the Edge ****
1. Mankind vs. The Undertaker - WWF King Of The Ring

PPV of the Year so far: King Of The Ring
I mean, it's not only got the most insane match in WWF history but a pretty underrated Main Event, that embodies what the AE is. A dope Owen/Pac match, a solid Rock/Ken, and a shockingly good Outlaws/NMEx match.

Mid-Year Tag Team of the year: The New Age Outlaws
This isn't really close, outside the 2/3 months Charlie and Cactus spent together feuding with the Outlaws, there hasn't been any other team. DOA suck, LOD suck, NWEx are god awful, RnREx nope, Headbangers are like the 3rd best tag team but they're way down.

Mid-Year Wrestler of the year: Mick Foley AKA Mankind AKA Cactus Jack AKA Dude Love
Once again, I don't wanna say this isn't close because the roster is full of talent but just look at the current MOTYC list. Foley literally goes out and puts his body on the line every night, is a top 3 promo guy too. I would put Owen at 2, because of consistency and he's one of the select few that seems like he wrestles every week, even if on occasions he seems like he doesn't give a fuck or puts out lazy performances. It's crazy, cause Austin also has been great whenever he wrestlers but it's a rarity which is great, but hurts his WOTY race. Maybe I should start an MVP award, and call it the Austin award or the Flair Award. Give it to the guy that doesn't wrestle every night, but is here every night and is usually the highlight of the show.
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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You deserve at least 10 grand for this. Awesome work.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

July 6th, 1998
State College, Pennsylvania

Recap of Stone Cold Steve Austin regaining the WWF Championship from last weeks RAW airs.

The Undertaker makes his way down to the ring, he grabs a microphone and says "I WANT A TITLE SHOT, AND I WANT IT RIGHT NOW" We cut to the back, with Cole looking for Austin he eventually finds him but Austin says he doesn't have time for him and walks right past him. Austin comes out to a monster pop, in the past 4 weeks Austin has come out to 4 different t-shirts, that's how you know he's pushing the merch right now. Before Austin even enters the ring, Vince quickly comes out onto the stage. He yells to wait just one damn minute, he asks whats wrong with this picture? he'll tell you the inmates are trying to run the asylum. He asks who named The Undertaker the #1 contender and who the hell Austin thinks he is. He thinks he can come out here and defend the title whenever he wants to and against whoever challenges him? No. He defends the title when HE says he defends it. He defends it against an opponent of HIS choice. However, since the two of them are hell-bent to get it on, he's inclined to allow it to happen. As a matter of fact, at the next pay-per-view, named Fully Loaded. They can be in the ring together and get it on, and he doesn't care if they tear each other apart. But so there's no misunderstanding, not the way they'd think. They could do this the easy way and let them fight, but they've both decided to do things the hard way, so they're going to be tag team partners against Kane and Mankind. And, since Undertaker is so hell-bent on being WWF Champion, that means he and every other WWF superstar will hang on his every word later tonight when he names a #1 Contender! And as for how he feels about Steve Austin once again being the WWF Champion?


Austin chases Vince to the back, and Taker follows too


First Round in the Brawl For All: Brakkus vs. Savio Vega
This is awful, Brakkus is a jacked up no talented man so he pretty much gets gassed 20 seconds in. Savio just keeps swinging because Brakkus's muscles don't allow him to dodge or block. After the first, it's 5-5 as Brukkus took him down, 2nd round is just the same as the first, Brakkus gassed and can't dodge as Savio just throws punches, 3rd round Savio destroys him at will with takedowns and punches. LOL! Savio wins off points.

Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee)
This happens for a few minutes, it's cool. Both men get some shit in, but they don't go all out for this meaningless TV match. King Mabel jumps the rails and attacks Shamrock for the DQ. FUCK~! Mable hits the big splash before leaving through the crowd.

Backstage: Michael Cole asks Ken Shamrock how he is. And Ken says he doesn't need his weak ass sympathy, and if Mabel is any kind of a man, he'll meet him here tonight.

Vader vs. Bradshaw
LOOOOL @ Vader still wearing his mask, even though he lost the "Mask vs. Mask" match at the PPV. Dope for 2 minutes as they just beat the shit out of one another with punches, UNTIL KANE AND MANKIND RUN OUT FOR THE DQ. Kane hits Vader with the Chokeslam, as Mankind has the Mandible Claw locked on, on Bradshaw. Kane follows up by dropping Vader with a Tombstone. PYRO~!

The DOA (Skull & 8Ball w/Paul Ellering) vs. The Headbangers
Ellering coming out wearing a pink "Who's gonna beat us" wifebeater, while driving out on a Purple/Yellow bike while his new team is in all black is pretty funny to me. Sadly, this gets more time than the past two matches combined. This is also awful as it's 90% of DOA doing awfulness on offense and half-ass bumping. Ellering joins commentary, and shits on LOD for being washed up. IT'S-A NEW ERA, THE ERA OF THE INTERWEB AND THE ERA OF DOA, He calls them agents too :lmao Fucking Russo man :lmao DOA wins with a shitty double team assisted backdrop.

Terry Funk vs. D'Lo Brown (w/The Godfather)
D'Lo wrestling with the chest protector, FUCK YEAH! So this is a ton of fun, D'Lo does a bunch of moves directed to the chest and also uses his protector as a weapon. Cool moment was D'Lo daring him to chop him, but Funk outsmarts him and starts punching away at his jaw. Funk then hits the Asai Moonsault again, and just like in the Mark match his knee/shin hits the rails again. He rolls D'Lo in and hits another Moonsault, but does it to the lower back for two. D'Lo rolls to the floor and distracts the ref allowing The Godfather to nail Funk in the back of the head with a gold chain, D'Lo recovers and hits the Low Down for the win. **1/2


After the Match; The Undertaker storms down to the ring, he hits bother D'Lo and Godfather with chokeslams. Funk then uses Taker to get to his feet, he goes to thank him for saving him but TAKER THEN CHOKESLAMS HIM TOO!

Mr. McMahon comes down to the ring, he says now time for the moment everyone has been waiting for. But before he announces the #1 contender he would like to introduce a number of individuals to step forward in this very ring, Mankind comes out first, who is clearly still hurting. Vince then brings out KANE, followed by Taker.

Vince asks who it should be. He says Mick risked life and limb, and he feels his pain. He feels his hurt, and he wants to publicly thank him for all he's ever done for the WWF, but is it enough to be announced as #1 Contenders. He turns to Kane and says last week he called him a role model and a champion for the new era. How could he have known he's one of the stupidest men he's ever seen in his life? Vince backs off after that and says giving Stone Cold that shot was dumb, but he can forgive. And any man who would put in writing that he would set himself on fire is alright with him, and maybe it should be him. He turns to Taker and calls him an evil diabolical excuse for a human being and asks why he should be named the contender. Because he almost took Mankind's life? Because he set his own brother on fire? Does he know if he's as good as Stone Cold Steve Austin? Because he wants to be champion again more than life itself? Vince says they'll compete for it tonight in a triple threat match.

First Round in the Brawl For All: Hawk vs. Droz
So, this is terrible, it's that two guys that think they can box try to box. Hawk is 5 after the first, 2nd round is just like the first but now they're connecting with big rights hands. Droz wins that so it's even 5-5. Hawk's nose looks broken, so that's nice. 3rd round is a mess, they both spit out their mouth pieces and stall for the most. Neither man does shit so IT'S A DRAW. LOL!

Marc Mero and Jacqueline come down to the ring, she says she's been quite long enough and it's time to talk. She takes full responsibility for her man losing that fight last week. Everyone knows her man is the greatest boxer in the world, but the day before that fight was their two month anniversary, so they went 12 rounds the night before until his tank was empty. Before he met her, he was deprived for a very long time and this woman he had wasn't able to fill his needs. Sable wasn't able to fill his needs. She looks real good, but there was no motor under that hood. Sable then comes out and says she's always had her pedal to the metal, but Marc's tire was flat. She says back then, they didn't make Viagra to keep his tank full. Jackie says she's 100% woman and knows what a man wants and has the goods. She says this body is primo real estate and Sable asks how many times it's been rented out. Jackie calls her a skank and says to show it off in a bikini contest at Fully Loaded.

Dustin Runnels vs. Val Venis

This only goes a few minutes until Kaientai hits the ring and attacks Val for the DQ. Mr. and Mrs. Yamaguchi-san come down to the ring, Togo hits Val with a Back Senton. They hold him up and Yamaguchi-san says he's half the man he is and no more HELLO BABIES. LADIES. He says he's gonna get him, and he slaps Val.


D-GENERATION COME OUT DRESSED AS THE NATION :mark: Hunter is dressed as Rocky, Pac is dressed as Mark Henry with full Blackface, Gunn is dressed as the Godfather, Dogg is dressed as D'Lo but has a B on his chest protector so it's B'Lo. They have some white guy dressed as Owen, and Chyna is Chyna.

Gunn says "PIMPS UP......HOES DOWN................WESTSIIIIIIIIDE"

Hunter has the letters IC taped over his Euro title, he says "The CROCK just came from the bathroom, and you should have smelled what The Rock was cooking. He ain't faking, you should have smelled what The Rock was baking" B-Lo does the head shaking and runs around the ring. He then lies down and Crock does a fake People's Elbow but doesn't drop the elbow. Crock says "As a matter of fact, when it comes to the Crock and the ladies, and the Crock hits Rock Bottom, the Crock has no choice but the lay the smack down on himself" B'lo jump in with the "YOU HEAR THAT THE BROTHER SMACKS HIMSELF DOWN" And more head shaking :mark:

FUCK YEAH! The white guy does a spot on Owen impression, he says he looks like a damn road sign and asks if he's a school crossing. He tried to be a tough guy but couldn't grow his damn beard in. And if anyone smells what The Rock is cooking, it's him. Look how big his damn nose is. Mark does his best Fat Albert impression he says he doesn't know what the Rock is cooking, it smells like shit but he'll eat some anyway. The Crock takes back the mic and asks how he gets his pecs to go all the way around his back like that. B'lo goes to repeat it, but they tell him to SHUT UP and he goes back to climbing the ropes shaking his head. Hunter says the Nation need to Know their role and shut their mouths as they got two words for them. SUCK IT!

King Mabel vs. Ken Shamrock
Ken sells the ribs the entire time so that's cool, Mabel does a decent enough job working it and using his weigh as a weapon. Shamrock catches a flying clothesline into a Fujiwara armbar before switching it to the Ankle Lock for the win. Ken refuses to break the Ankle lock after the match until refs have to come from the back to pull him off. KEN SNAPS AND BEGINS RAINING DOWN PUNCHES ON POOR MABEL!

Vince McMahon and Paul Bearer come down to ringside, Vince joins commentary. BUT AUSTIN'S MUSIC HITS and he too joins commentary.

Mankind comes out, followed by Kane. They play Taker's music but he doesn't come out, they play it again and still nothing.
Vince gets up from commentary and he gets in the ring. He talks to Tony Chimmel and he announces that due to the fact that The Undertaker is not here, because he is CHICKENSHIT, Mr. McMahon has determined that Kane and Mankind will wrestle in a one on one no holds barred falls count anywhere match. Mankind is on the floor and refuses to get in. He says he's not giving for him anymore and he will not fight his friend Kane. Vince has the bell rung anyways.

Falls Count Anywhere match to determine the #1 Contendership for the WWF Championship: Mankind vs. Kane (w/Paul Bearer)
Vince yells at Kane to attack Kane, but he just stands in the ring. Austin and Vince continue to argue on commentary. Kane eventually leaves the ring and grabs a chair. He teases hitting Austin but instead nails Mankind with it. He rolls Mankind back in and covers for the win.


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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

July 13th, 1998
East Rutherford, New Jersey

Recap of The Undertaker's MASTER PLAN from last week airs.

Shawn Michaels is BACK! He joins commentary, JR asks when is he gonna be back in the ring? Shawn jumps around dodges the question. The Undertaker then comes out for the opening match. WAIT! RAW STARTING OFF WITH A MATCH!

After Taker, and Vader come out. THE LIGHTS GO OUT! Kane, Mankind and Paul Bearer come out. AND JR QUESTIONS IF THE BROTHERS ARE IN CAHOOTS?!?!?!?!?!?!

The Undertaker vs. Vader
JR announces Taker vs. Austin, will happen at SummerSlam. This is cool, but Vader has been neutered so outside of his nice corner strikes and a squash it's a Taker showcase, he hits all his stuff and finishes Vader off with a Chokeslam followed by a Tombstone for the win. After the match; Mankind grabs a chair and goes to nail Taker, but KANE GRABS THE CHAIR AWAY! That allows Taker to grab a chair of his own, Kane then hits Vader in the back with a chair as Taker and Mankind watches on. Kane then leaves as everyone is puzzled.

First Round in the Brawl For All: Bart Gunn vs. Bob Holly
JR announces that Cornette quit as their manager since they're part in this ridiculous. Another one of those, guys that think they can box so they do that, Bart is pretty great as he seems like he's not taking this serious so all his punches look half-assed but he's connecting so it makes Bob how is trying so hard look even worse. Bart is up 5-0 after the 1st, 2nd round is all Bart he's starting to take this serious and just jabs the shit out of Bob. 10-0. 3rd is still all Bart as now he's looking for the KO. But can't get it so he wins on points.

After the fight, Bob is a sore loser and tries to fight Bart, but Bart fucks him up some more and Bob bails :lmao

Backstage, the Nation is standing by.

Jason Sensation joins JR, King, and Shawn on commentary. King gets him to do Owen again, he does Bret and Shawn says "WHO THE HELL IS THAT, SOME MID-CARDER?" :lmao He does a Taker, Shawn and Austin impressions too. Lawler has him do Owen again, JR asks why he's here and Jason says he's here out of respect and this is a dream of his.

The Nation are in the back, The Rock was flattered, but there ain't nobody, AND THE ROCK MEANS NOBODY, who could ever be the People's Champion if you smell what The Rock is cooking, jabroni. Godfather says Badd Ass wants to be a pimp, BUT PIMPING AIN'T EASY. Mark says tells X-Pac should worry less about his chest and more around his hands ringing his scrawny little neck. D'Lo says Road Dogg runs around screaming, but he'd better recognize that he ain't the one to mess with. Owen says he's going to come out there and slap the piss out of this little punk.

Lawler has him do more Owen impressions AND OWEN RUNS OUT AND SLAPS THE SHIT OUT OF HIM :mark: Owen throws Jason in the ring and puts on the Sharpshooter. The rest of the Nation comes out to try and break it up, they begin to argue as DX run out and everyone brawls.

The Rock & Owen Hart vs. Triple H & X-Pac (w/Chyna)
So this is fun, and gets a ton of time too. DX wins the brawl early as both Owen and Rocky bump huge for them. JR announces at Fully Loaded it will be Triple H vs. Rocky, in a 2-3 falls Title for Title match. The match settles down, Pac/Rock and Pac/Owen rules a ton. The Nation isolates him, they don't target anything just beat him down with Pac taking awesome bumps and selling the whole time. Shawn refuses to comment on his status with DX and if he's talked to Hunter recently. Rock nails the People's Elbow for two, Chyna and Owen start arguing on the apron, which distracts the ref allowing Hunter the nail Rocky with the Euro title, Pac then covers but only gets two. Rocky recovers first and knocks Hunter off the apron, Owen then jumps him on the floor too but Pac hits the X-Factor for the win. Pretty, Awesome that Pac worked the whole match Hunter never tagged in and it almost puts Pac on their level now with this huge win. **1/2

Sable comes out looking insane as usual, she joins commentary. Shawn makes a bunch of sex and hard on jokes.

Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. Steve Blackman
Angle/Fuckery match, JR keeps asking what her relationship is with Vince, but she refuses to comment. Shawn then asks if Vince is his competition, but Sable says she will talk to him later. I SWEAR IF SHAWN SMASHED SABLE AND SUNNY IN THEIR PRIME YEARS BRUHz. This goes a minute or 2 until, the Sable chants make Jacque mad so she gets in Sable face, that distraction allows Mero to hit the low blow, TKO. Jacque goes up top but Sable pushes her off. Blackman recovers and kicks Mero in the face and covers for the win. *1/2

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws (w/Chyna) vs. Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer)
The Undertaker also comes out to ringside, Mankind not taking time off after that Cell match still blows my mind granted this is Mankind's first match in 2 weeks maybe a week and a half but still. The Outlaws target Mankind's injured arm from the throw off the cell, even Chyna gets involved whipping him in the arm with one of the belts. They target it for about 40 seconds until Kane tags in, and the Outlaws get into their bag bumping around. Owen and Rocky then come down, as Mankind gets tagged back in. They immediately do the double KO spot leading to Dogg and Kane getting the hot tag, the match breaks down with Gunn hitting Mankind with a piledriver and hitting the Fame-Asser on KANE, BUT Hunter and Pac attack Owen and Rock on the stage, all 4 brawl to ringside and shit is a mess. BUT D'LO COMES THROUGH THE CROWD AND HITS DOGG WITH THE LOW DOWN WITH THE CHEST PROTECTOR! Kane then hits the Tombstone and covers for the win. NEW CHAMPS! **1/4

Backstage: Vince is with DX and Road Dogg is holding his neck. Triple H says he needs a referee that can handle everything and says maybe Vince should be a referee again. Vince admits they got screwed and Road Dogg says to do something then, and Vince says he will as we show replays of the finish of the match.

Kaientai (w/Yamaguchi-san) vs. TAKA Michinoku & Too Much
Angle/Fuckery/Russo match, the match for 90% is good with TAKA doing the majority of the work, all the Japanese bump around and do their stuff. Too Much get upset at TAKA for being serious and being head and shoulders above them so he dropkicks them out of the ring, so he dropkicks Taylor. Teioh slams him and Togo hits his Back Senton on Scotty for the win. After the match; Lawler's kid attacks TAKA and sends him off. He then bails.

Val then comes out. He says last week when their gang of three attacked him from behind and he took his hand and slapped him across his face, he realized two things. Number one, he was wrong. Number two, he realized that no man should ever mess with another man's wife. So with that in mind, he would like to offer them his deepest sincere apologies. Furthermore, to show exactly how sincere he really is, he wants to offer them a special viewing of his latest video, "Land of the Rising Venis". In the video, Val is under the covers and getting blown. He asks if she found the remote, and Mrs. Yamaguchi comes out from under the covers. THESE WHOES AIN'T LOYAL! Yamaguchi-san freaks out and Val says when they get a taste of the Big Valbowski, they never ever come back.

Vince McMahon makes his way down to the ring, Vince says in a few moments he will addresses if they will have the tag team rematch in this very ring tonight. But at this moment but first, he wants to introduce you to the most demonic and twisted soul in the history of the WWF, The Undertaker. He asks him what "WHAT WON'T HE DO" to become WWF Champion, and says to look what he did to Mankind. He made a statement that nothing or nobody will get in his way. And then notwithstanding him Chokeslamming everyone into oblivion, he went and pulled his stunt last week, and it was a bit of genius. He even fooled him, and he's not easy to fool. The question is whether or not he's had some help from his brother. Vince says he's refused everyone that asked, but he cannot refuse him. The question is, is he in cahoots with his brother Kane? Undertaker says he can go to Hell and Vince asks who he thinks he is. Austin comes out and grabs Vince's mic, he says Taker told him to go to hell so turn around and let me kick you in the ass to get a headstart. As far as The Undertaker goes, they're on the highway to hell at SummerSlam, and he can at least respect that he had the decency to challenge him face to face. There's a roadblock, when they have to be partners. He doesn't know what the hell's going on with he and Kane, but he wants to know right now is if it's gonna be them against two opponents or Stone Cold Steve Austin against three opponents. All he wants to know is where the hell he's coming from. Taker says you go to HELL with him. D-Generation X then comes out and Triple H takes the mic, he says everyone in the WWF wants answers but with all due respect to the two toughest SOBs today, DX wants their answers too. He says the Outlaws WILL get their rematch tonight and Vince is going to get his answer too and says they want THREE referees. One on the inside, and 2 special enforcers on the floor which is Austin and Taker, then he can really find out of Taker and Kane are in cahoots. Vince says he's got it, so Hunter thanks him by telling him to SUCK IT!

First Round in the Brawl For All: The Godfather vs. Dan "THE BEAST" Severn
FUCK YEAH! Godfather stuffs all the chokeslams, and even lands a big body blow, but because Dan threw more punches Dan is up 5-0 which is Bullshit. Dan keeps trying to take Godfather down, which fails every time AS HE'S DOING IT WEARING FUCKING BOXING GLOVES. THE IDIOT! Round 2 ends with Godfather landing more strikes so it's even, 3rd is a lot of the same, stuff takedowns and Godfather falling over. Ref screws Godfather over with a takedown so Dan wins off points. TERRIBLE!

WWF Tag Team Championships: The New Age Outlaws vs. Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) [Special Enforcers: The Undertaker & Stone Cold Steve Austin]
The Outlaws are desperate now, so they turn this into a brawl. Gunn and Mankind brawl on the floor, Gunn bends Mankind's arm in the rails and throws the steps into his arm taking him out for the time being. Shawn jokingly says it's been a tough month for Mankind. The Outlaws try to keep it 2-1, but it doesn't work cause TV time fucks this. Mick does a good job not using his left arm like at all even though Gunn and Dogg work it. The match settles down and Kane takes over, he slows down the pace allowing Mankind to recover enough to get back onto the apron and even get in. They briefly isolate Dogg, but Mankind is the weak link so Dogg fights him off and Gunn has a really nice hot tag. The match breaks down, with the ref getting bumped. Road Dogg low blows Kane and applies the inside cradle, Austin slides in the count but TAKER PULLS HIM OUT! Kane recovers and hits a chokeslam and Taker then goes in to count, but Austin pulls him out. They begin to argue so Kane attacks Austin, while Mankind attacks Taker. I guess the match is over. **1/4

The NATION AND DX ALL RUN OUT AND BRAWL! Austin and Taker begin hitting almost everyone with either a Chokeslam or Stunner as RAW ends.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: The Rock
WWF Tag Team Champions: Mankind & Kane
WWF European Champion: Triple H
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

July 20th, 1998
Binghampton, New York

Vince McMahon comes down to the ring. He says tonight is a night for reflection. Tonight is a night for showing proper respect for your fellow man, and tonight is a night for retribution if you don't. Let us reflect upon recent events. Of the now #1 contender, The Undertaker. He shows the footage of how he became #1 Contender two weeks ago. He had to ask himself where Kane was that night? Was he locked up somewhere? Did The Undertaker order a special Kane suit? Did The Undertaker work in conjunction with his brother? He asked that question last Monday, and shows footage of Taker telling both Vince AND Stone Cold to go to hell. In a stroke of genius it came to him last Monday, I ordered the tag title rematch with Stone Cold and The Undertaker as enforcers, and shows the footage again and then when Kane attacks Austin to kind of save Undertaker post-match. Vince brings out Taker, who makes his way down to the ring. Vince says he's disappointed in him, and now it's time to talk about RESPECT! He hurt his feelings when he told him to go to Hell. He's responsible for giving him the opportunity and he humiliated him. If in fact, he is going to be champion, and the champion he thinks he is. He can't do it alone. He can't do it with the support of these people, HE NEEDS HIM. Last week, he was disrespectful and insolent and he won't take it anymore. He has to learn to show the proper respect and if he does, he won't be a flash in the pan like Steve Austin is destined to be. He asks one last time if he and Kane are in cahoots. Taker doesn't say a thing, so Vince yells at him "ANSWER ME DAMMIT" Vince says to have it his way. Retribution then! He says this is going to hurt him just as much as it's going to hurt him, and he's forcing him into doing this. IN THIS VERY RING! It will be The Undertaker vs. BOTH Kane and Mankind. Vince tries to tell him to leave but then stops him and says The Undertaker can go to hell too. TAKER THEN TURNS AROUND AND HITS VINCE WITH THE CHOKESLAM. FUCK YEAH! Patterson and Brisco come running out, but they both get dropped. Sarge comes out, and he gets chokeslammed too.

Backstage, The Nation are all talking. JR claims one person will challenge Triple H for the Euro title. NEXT!

WWF European Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna) vs. D'Lo Brown (w/The Rock)
JR announces that The Rock will also have to defend the IC title tonight, against someone from DX. fuck yeah, cocky, head shaking, chest protecting D'Lo was my guy. He keeps 1uping Hunter and yelling at him "HE BETTER RECOGNIZE" So, this is a fun time. Both men get their shit in, not much selling at all. But, it's solid. Rocky trips Hunter from the floor, so Chyna shoves him into the ringpost. The ref gets distracted as Chyna grabs a chair and goes after Mark on the ramp. Rock then re-enters the ring and hits the Rock Bottom and D'Lo covers for the WIN. **1/2

Backstage: The Nation are all celebrating.

Backstage: Hunter swears Rocky will not be leaving this building as IC champion, Pac then yells Rocky won't be smelling what he's cooking. BYTCH!

First Round in the Brawl For All: Pierre vs. Steve Williams
Dr. Death keeps taking him down as he's fighting a guy with ONE EYE! Outside that, this resembles the fights you see at bars, no skill just two big bastards throwing haymakers. Pierre sneaks in a quick takedown to end the round. 15-5, 2nd round sees Dr. Death daring and suckering Pierre in to throw that right hand so he can take him down, he does it once but that's about it. He then blasts Pierre in the back of the head which knocks him loopy to end the round. 35-5 :lmao 3rd is a murder, Pierre still hasn't recovered from that shot to the back of the head and ONLY HAVING ONE EYE So Dr. Death just pummeled him with shot after shot to the point where the ref has to call for the bell.

The whole Kaientai fraction including Mr. and Mrs. Yamaguchi-san, he says his wife Kyoko has disgraced him. He yells at her and says she insulted him and he'll show her something. He says he's going to punish her his way and makes her hold the ropes for all of them to get in. He gets a paddle out and makes her get on her knees, but Val Venis runs out to save. Val then carries Mrs. Yamaguchi-san off to the back.

Skull, 8ball and Paul Ellering come out. Animal comes out, he signals for HAWK BUT HE DOESN'T COME OUT SO DOA ATTACK HIM FROM BEHIND! They beat him down as Paul tries to run over Animal, but Hawk makes the save. But the numbers are too much and they get left laying. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JR announces this for Fully Loaded.

Jeff Jarrett (w/Tennessee Lee & Southern Justice) vs. Steve Blackman (w/Ken Shamrock & Dan Severn)
This is fun for 3 minutes, Jeff bumps around as Steve is getting with strikes and putting together a string of offense. Blackman misses a splash off the middle rope and hurts his knee which allows Jeff to take over, he targets the legs but it goes nowhere and Steve hits the Bicycle Kick to the chest to win. After the Match; Owen sneaks down and throws Ken into the steps before running to the back.

Backstage: The Undertaker has his bag and jacket. Cole tries to interview him but he storms off and leaves the building.

JR is in the ring and introduces the WWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin, JR says this Sunday Austin is going into war with a man he doesn't know if he can trust, he then asks what's going through his mind. Austin says going into Fully Loaded he still wants to know if it's Austin and Taker or Austin vs. all 3 of them, he's rolling into Fully Loaded to beat someone's ass whether he has help or not. as far as The Undertaker hauling ass outta here, he doesn't know if he left because he didn't want to fight his brother Kane or if he just wanted to screw Vince McMahon before Vince McMahon could screw him. But if anybody deserves to be screwed, it's Vince McMahon. Vince then comes out onto the stage, he says he's going to do the screwing tonight. So in that very ring, it will Steve Austin vs. Kane and Mankind tonight. Austin says he ain't gonna do it and he can get in his car too, and Vince says if that happens, then he'll strip him of the WWF Championship and put it around The Undertaker's waist. Austin nods and says he'll beat their ass then, and when he gets through with that, he's gonna beat the living shit outta him too. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

Recap of Jason Sensation mocking Owen, and Owen beating him up.

The Nation gets sent to the back, so Owen has to go solo.

Owen Hart vs. Faarooq
Faarooq is trash and this is one of Owen's mailing it in performances. They do stuff, it's pretty boring and uninspiring. Crowd chant "Owen is a nugget" so Owen gets on the mic mid-match and yells that he's not a nugget. He then does some more legwork/lower back work before locking in the Sharpshooter for the win. After the match; Ken runs down, but Owen bails through the crowd all the way to the back.

Backstage: Paul Bearer, Kane, and Mankind are standing by. JR asks Paul whose side The Undertaker is on. Paul says they would have found out tonight if his son got his hands around his neck and destroyed him in front of the world, but he tucked tail and ran. Mankind says he's glad Stone Cold remains because kicking his teeth in gives him a sense of inner peace and he's predicting a very very peaceful evening. Have a nice day!

Sable, Maro, Jacque stuff happens in the ring, they continue to call one another whore, skank and shit like that. Jacqie then rips off Sables' terrible dress revealing her bra and panties. She then throws Jacqie to the floor and leaves. Mero then enters the ring, but Edge then comes through the crowd and spears Mero. UGH!

Shawn Michaels is BACK! And he's back on commentary :mark: FUCK YEAH! Time for more inside jokes.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL They show footage of the Scorpio/Skull Brawl 4 All match. It must have been so bad to be edited out. Scorpio wins.

Backstage: The Nation is standing by, Rocky says the difference between DX and the Nation, is that DX is full of empty threats. Tonight The Rock is gonna walk in IC champ and leave IC champ.

The entire Nation comes out, followed by DX come out minus Road Dogg who is off as he got hurt in last weeks Tag Team match. Everyone brawls until refs and agents break it up and send everyone not involved or have a managerial license to the back.

WWF Intercontinental Championship: The Rock vs. X-Pac (w/Chyna)
This gets some time, but not a lot. Pac's bumping and selling is the best in the company as Rock continues to develop too. They go back and forth with some nice strikes and counters until Pac dies off a hotshot. Rock targets the head and previously broken neck which makes a lot of sense. It's solid but not amazing. Pac kicks out of the people's elbow and hits a desperation X-Factor but took too long to cover so Rocky's able to kick out at two. He hits the Bronco Buster, but Rock counters with a scoop slam for two. Rock then falls to the floor, as PAC FAKES A KNEE INJURY. WHICH ALLOWS CHYNA TO GRAB THE IC TITLE AND NAILS ROCKY WITH IT, PAC THEN COVERS BUT ROCK KICKS OUT! They continue to battle but the ref gets taken out. D'Lo comes through the crowd, but Hunter is right behind him to stop it. He pedigree's Rock but a ref from the back runs out and DQ's Pac. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?! **1/2

DX and The Nation all run out for another STABLE BRAWL! Again agents and referees come out to separate everyone. The Nation bails and DX celebrates, Hunter then gets some THOT to let them THANGS OUT!


go to WWF. come after RAW to chat with Shawn and Vince on a show called "Code Red"

2-1 Handicap Match: Kane & Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Super fun for 5 minutes, Awesome brawling and again the crowd contributes a ton. Obviously, it's mostly Austin/Kane because Mankind is still a mess. But, Austin tries to keep Kane on the floor to brawl with him while he can try to pin Mankind in the ring. The numbers catches up to him so he just begins slamming the back of Mankind's head into the ring post until Kane makes the save. Shawn randomly yelling "HE'S THE RATTLESNAKE, BABY" and "CAHOOOOOOTS" is the greatest. 2-1 finally catches up to Austin, as Taker walks out with a chair. He gets on Austin's corner with the chair. Austin hits Mankind with the Stunner and tries it on Kane, but it's blocked. They fight into the corner and Taker swings and hits Kane when Austin just kind of moves, and the bell is rung for the DQ.

Austin then grabs the chair from the floor, and whacks Mankind with it and then gives one to Taker for making him wrestle this match. And for trying to hit him with the chair. D.T.A.


Nov 13, 2010
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Dan Severn got hosed in that Brawl For All....when s motherfucker is on their back...it's a takedown.


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Feb 25, 2012
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Still think having guys legit shoot on each other is one of the dumbest and dangerous things pro wrestling has ever done.

I’m starting to sound like :cornette
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Nov 13, 2010
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So they should just be stiff instead?


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Nah. Just don’t think the concept needed to happen.

And hindsight being 20/20; what good did Brawl for All do? Failed to get Dr. Death over and the winner got chumped at Mania.