I think it's still a fair argument. Miz was a microwave for the IC Title. Need the title to mean something for a bit? Give it to Miz he'll make it matter.
Gunther by far has the greatest Intercontinental Championship REIGN of all time that's all but indisputable at this point. But Miz made that shit matter multiple times. As such it's fair game to give him is flowers for it.
I don't remember him making it matter at all honestly. I remember Dolph Ziggler arguably making it matter that one time when Miz was champion.
I mean sure, Miz with the title was more significant than when guys like Wade Barrett, Curtis Axel and Ezekiel Jackson had it.
But, I put Miz on the same tier as champs like Rollins, Ambrose, Ziggler, Jeff and Kofi. Upper midcard workhorses who feel like they give the title credibility, rather than guys who are given the title so that the title can give them credibility.
The GOAT IC champs in my opinion include Gunther, Jericho, Razor, HBK, Mach, Perfect and I guess Honky if I must include him