Zack Ryder has nothing for the package, I mean, honestly, it was nice to see him pushed but he flopped underneath the pressure, sure, he gathered a huge following but he couldn't stain the level that people expected of him, but most defo should of a proper United States Championship run.
Cody Rhodes best work was when he was Phantom of the Opera-esque gimmick but his current gimmick is pretty damn bland and boring but at the end of the day, his newer gimmick isn't pushing material unfortunately.
From the current roster, the only two I wanna see some nearer to the World Title/WWE Title is Damien Sandow & Ryback (Not a massive fan of Ryback but he'd be great as a Champion in my opinion). NXT/FCW roster, they need to bring up Dean Ambrose & Bray Wyatt.
You're welcome.