UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Jun 3, 2010
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UWF Raw 10/23: Goldust Vs Chris Jericho

Marlena: Action.

Goldust begins to sing a famous swing tune to begin his promo.


Goldust: "And now, the end is here and so I face the final curtain", 'My Way', Frank Sinatra, 1969. Yes, old blue eyes puts it oh so perfectly Chris Jericho. Yes, the final curtain is drawing on you Jericho, and I know you can sense it, I can sense it, this may be one of my final features and I want to go out... with a bang... do you?. Chris, I know you, I know you well, I know how you think, what you eat, drink and where you sleep, I've been watching you oh so close, and I can tell you are not taking this match at all seriously. Who can blame you really, I mean, when did old Goldust ever catch a break in this mean old world, I mean, I'm the son of a plumber, the brother of a sociopath and I have an unhealthy association of all things bizarre. But I beg of you Chris, please, pull the wool from under your eyes and look me in the eye and you will see a man ready to go out swinging... to go out with that bang, and that bang will be with you 'Y2J'. But I can tell you want nothing to do with Goldust, I can tell you probably won't even bother to converse with me... but why would you, big music star, big actor... and it's funny that I did quote Sinatra as you, you'd like to think your a bit like Sinatra, a jack of all trades. But you... you are simply a jack-off.

The crowd pop, but it's a mostly mixed reaction as Goldust continues.

I mean after this business gave you everything, after you took everything out of it for your own benefit you're just going to leave soon and go and tour with your little rock band or be in a few b-movies on the Sci Fi Channel. Bravo, bravo, no really, good job. It's better than what Goldust has got to look forward to... or is it. When I take my leave, exit stage, I will leave knowing I have a legacy, people will remember me as 'The Bizarre One' people will remember the name of... Goldust... and dare I say it, more so than they will remember the name of Chris Jericho here in UWF. You were a pretty big deal, but now your a changed man Jericho, you've changed for the worse and it's about time the end of the world came your way and I'm ready to be the bearer of that end Chris. So I'll see you on Raw, I'll be there with bells on, and I will be ready to shatter your dreams and bring down the final curtain. I will bring about the end Jericho... and I don't know if any of us will survive it. That's not certain, but what is certain is that after Tuesday night on Raw, you and these people will never forget the name of... Gooooldust.

Marlena: That's a wrap.

Dod Draper

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Re: RAW 10/23 - Cody Rhodes vs John Morrison


Morrison removes his glasses, as he raises his mic to respond to Cody.

Morrison: Keep telling yourself that, Cody. Keep your head firmly buried in the sand. I've got no doubt you'll be doing the same thing in a few weeks time, when the walls of your title reign are caving in around you, and you're drowning in a pool of denial. Begin to accept it; this is the end. Hold your breath, and count to ten, as the earth beneath you collapses. I'm not like you; I don't just speak because I have some sad delusion that people care what I think, I speak to signal my intent. I speak to let dimwitted goofballs, such as yourself, know exactly what's coming next. Call me clairvoyant, call me psychic, hell, call me the smartest man you've ever met. Just know one thing; John Morrison is always right.

Morrison slowly steps round the ring, eying Cody as he moves.

Morrison: Another thing I'm sure about, Cody, is that you weren't ever dashing. I mean, seriously, look at you. You look like a 15 year old golfer. I've seen people more dashing than you on those goofy shopping channels. Put some cream pants on you, and you'd look like the white Carlton Banks. Just grow a mustache, if you're actually capable of mustering such testosterone. Speaking of which, I read the other day that a man's beard grows fastest during sex. I guess that'd explain why John Morrison can grow a rugged beard with consummate ease, whilst you've been using the same disposable razor to shave your whiskers since you were 12. I bet you've got some weird, intense answer to that, something along the lines of "whilst men like you are shaving, men like me, Cody Rhodes, are prowling Facebook and satisfying ourselves, or slaughtering our neighbour's dog". Whatever. I've got interest in hearing it.

Morrison looks out to the crowd and looks around the arena. He takes a moment to sample the atmosphere, before he turns back to Cody and continues.

Morrison: Call me flavor of the month all you like, because by doing so, you're simply acknowledging the meteoric rise of John Morrison. To the narrow minded, small-time thinkers such as yourself, everything is flavor of the month. Ali was flavor of the month, Joe Montana was flavor of the month, Babe Ruth was flavor of the month. You don't buy into anything great because you refuse to believe greatness exists beyond the pathetic parameters of your mind. The only things that aren't flavor of the month to a man like you are Jenga, knitting and baking. Well, step back, and allow John Morrison to blow your mind. Forget all you've ever known and step forth into the next era of professional wrestling. You've got no idea what's to come.

With a dark smile plastered across his face, Morrison lowers his mic and awaits a response from Cody.

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Raw 10/23/12: AJ Styles vs Undertaker

Fans in the arena cheer when all of a sudden a similar image appears on the titantron


fans begin to cheer as AJ Styles is shown backstage as AJ begins to speak

AJ Styles: Well, well, well. Look who is back in business. None other than I AJ Styles. Last week I told people to get there DVR's ready, and I told people I would deliver, and I just did that. Jericho and I we probably had one of the best matches here on Monday night Raw, and not only did we put on and stole the show, we made everyone else on the roster push themselves to the limit. Which I love to see. When a cast of guys well push each other to make each other better. That right there is phenomenal. Now this week I have another big task at hand, another huge name you can say in the wrestling world. My opponent is a successful man, and that man is known as the Undertaker.

fans in the arena cheer hearing the dead mans name. AJ paces around and he begins to speak again

AJ Styles:I guess UWF really wants to see if I am legit. Not every day that someone gets an automatic shot against the Undertaker. Undertaker is a household name where ever you go. People know he is, heck just the name of his gives you ghoosebumps. I can tell I have them right now, but really too me I see this match right here as two opportunities for me. Opportunity number one would be that I show the UWF management and roster that I am legit, and opportunity number two. Well that is going one on one with one of the greatest this business has ever produced.

AJ goes and he begins to drink some water. AJ smiles into the camera and he begins to speak

AJ Styles: So remember ladies and gentlemen I remind you. Make sure you get your DVRs ready because you don't want to miss this. The young kid from Georgia, a man looking to redeem his previous mistakes, a man known as "the Phenomenal One". Taking on "the American Badass", taking on the dead man himself the Undertaker. Undertaker I respect what you have done in this business. I respect what you have accomplished over time, but just like my Atlanta Falcons right now are doing in the NFL I am going to dominate... and going to remain undefeated here in the UWF. That is a fact that nobody can deny because I am simply.....

Fans respond with phenomenal as AJ stares into the camera and says it with great determination.


AJ throws his water bottle down as he walks out as the screen fades to black


Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Re: Raw - Scott Steiner versus James Storm (non title)

Holla! If Ya Hear Me!

The arena is covered in a red hue as the music of Scott Steiner plays through the PA system. From behind the curtain, emerges the man with the largest arms in the world. Steiner is wearing his chain mail hood, sunglasses and ring gear as he stands out on the stage. Steiner flexes both of his massive biceps, and yells out at the crowd

"It's the Big Bad Booty Daddy, BITCH!"

Steiner beckons towards the back, and out from the curtain comes a slightly dejected looking Petey Williams and a the exotic Rhaka Khan. The fans boo loudly at the emergence of the whole trio. Steiner yells intelligible things to Williams before tussling his head and walking down towards the ring. The other two follow as Steiner leads the way. He gets to the bottom of the ramp, before grabbing the camera man's camera, and making it focus on Steiners biceps. Steiner flexes and kisses his arm, before shoving the poor man away. Steiner clambers up the steel steps and a few feet behind are Petey Williams and Rhaka Khan. They all enter into the ring, and now James Storm is out numbered. Steiner demands a microphone and is handed one from the ring technician.



Scott Steiner: Shut your punk ass, redneck mouth! HUH!? You ain't nothin but flip floppin trash, with a stupid hat! So you can take that stupid catch phrase and shove it! I don't need to listen to you run your mouth, tryin to talk yourself up. You seriously think you stand a chance? You seriously think that you can come out here and say a bunch of crap about steroids and your girly passion about this business, and make me stand here shakin in my boots? HUH!? Like I give a damn about that. I got these arms and however I got the largest arms in the world, still doesnt change the fact that I could crush your head like a tin can with them! These arms are gonna be the ones that take you by the throat and crush your damn windpipe so I dont have to hear your stupid accent no more! Because I dont get half the crap you said!

The fans boo at Steiners rant, as he continues to berate James Storm

For some stupid reason, you think I care about these redneck sympathizers and their stupid opinions. Is that all you got?? Thats the best you can do? Is make fun of my friggin age and the fact that these people don't like me? You're a bigger idiot than you look! I'm going to mop the floor with your drunken ass on RAW, and make it look easier than when I whipped the Undertakers ass last week! You wanna talk about records? Huh?? how about the fact that I'm undefeated! Big Poppa Pump took out The Undertaker, and he hasn't even showed up this week. Same goes for The Rock, and hell, maybe even you! So you really think you got a set? You really think you can handle Freakzilla? After I do the most damage to the punks on this show, and am undefeated, you think that because you got that third rate piece of redneck trash belt in your possession that it means you're something?! Well you ain't nothing but a BITCH!

Steiner laughs and makes sure that Williams and Khan are nodding in agreement, before continuing.

Thats the only damn word I'd use to describe you, other than white trash, idiot, drunk and maybe cousin lover. But that stupid belt you have doesn't mean you have the size, the dominance, or even a package large enough to handle the Big Bad Booty Daddy! You're pathetic! You're just another indy league reject that these people like because they remind them about how friggin sad they are! When they look at Scott Steiner, all these men see is what they are jealous of. They wish they could be like me, and make their hooches hollar. They wish they could be as big of a threat in this ring, and in the bedroom like Scott Steiner is. Your stupid ass should be afraid that I'll take that beer bottle and put it where your dumb catchphrase belongs. Hell, maybe I'd make Petey do it, since I'm sure that he could take you and beat you so bad, you'll run home crying to your mama.

Steiner slaps Petey on the chest, nearly collapsing it, and Williams holds it, trying not to show the pain. Steiner looks pleased and speaks again.

You aint nothin but an embarrassment to this company, this business, and to yourself! I'm gonna take you out and make sure you don't wanna come back next week. Thats what happend to 'Taker, thats what happened to Rock, and you ain't even close to bein in their league, let alone mine! You're gonna regret talking a big game, because all thats gonna happen is you going home in a body bag! So holla! If you hear that, Bitch!

Steiners neck is bulging as he throws his microphone down at the ground. The impact makes a PFFT noise and all Steiner does is pace around the ring, looking like a caged animal. Williams gets in the way and tries to get Steiner to calm down, but only gets shoved into the corner for his troubles. Steiner looks ready to go, as Storm responds.



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Re: Hardcore Championship: Christopher Daniels vs James Storm(c)

Immediately after Daniel lowers his microphone, he gets his wish granted.


Longnecks & Rednecks starts playing through the arena speakers. It is playing for a while when all of a sudden, The Cowboy, James Storm walks through the curtain and walks out onto the entrance ramp. He's got his Hardcore Champion proudly placed on his shoulder. He's got a beer bottle in his hand as usual. He is standing there, drinking beer and he is just watching people go crazy as they see their Hardcore Champion. When he has enough, he grabs his Hardcore Championship, puts it in the air and pyros explode. The Cowboy continues on his way down to the ring as he puts the Hardcore Championship back on his shoulder. James Storm is in front of the ring but before he enters, he gets closer to a fan and pours some beer right in his mouth. Storm then begins climbing the ring-steps. He stops there as he nods his head to the rhythm of his theme song. He then enters the ring, asks for a mic and is granted one. Storm looks directly at Daniels. The Cowboy is not looking happy tonight.


James Storm: Listen ta' me, sucker. I'm comin' from a really busy weekend, ma' head hurts and I got angry at everythin'. I get angry at seein' a fly, I get angry at a wall, I get angry at a sandwich so when 'ya come out 'ere and 'ya talk 'bout Da' Cowboy, I'm mo' than angry so I'm tellin' 'ya now. 'Ya better stop 'cause otherwise I'll be stickin' ma' boot into yo' ass faster than Felix Baumgartner divin' from dee' outer space.

Storm puts on his sunglasses.

James Storm: Now le'mme ask 'ya somethin'. Who da' hell do 'ya think 'ya are? Don't answer dat, I know exactly whatch'a are...a lil' bitch. 'Ya certainly ain't a man dat deserves a shot at ma' title. See, when I won da' hardcore championship I said I won't give out title shots ta' every guy who wants it. I said dat if someone wants a piece a' me, he's gotta go and earn it first. But it seems like Da' Pope thinks somethin' else. He ain't all 'bout doin' da' right thing. He gave 'ya a shot at ma' title. 'Ya hear me? Ma' title. Da' Hardcore Championship belongs ta' James Storm and dat ain't changin' anytime soon. I am James Storm, a man who kicked yo' ass month or two ago. I've beaten 'ya fair and square so now I'm wonderin', how did 'ya get dis shot? First, 'ya haven't been 'round since I kicked yo' ass. Sure, 'ya showed us yo' bald head every single week. 'Ya had a nice vacation, huh? 'Ya didn't do shit. 'Ya jus' kept on tellin' us dat yer not ready ta' wrestle. So, 'ya couldn't step inside a' 'rasslin ring but 'ya could go ta' Rio. Damn, man...yer full a' shit, I can smell it from where I stand right now.

People give Storm a positive reaction. Storm then makes a little pause while he corrects the placement of his cowboy hat.

James Storm: I know how 'ya got dis shot. 'Ya 'oiled up' Da' Pope, right? I don't mean da' kinda oilin' up 'ya do with yo' boyfriend befo' 'ya jump ta' bed fo' so boopy-loopy times. I mean dat 'ya paid him a great amount a' money. Even if it wasn't Da' Pope, I'm sure 'ya bought dis title shot from somebody 'ya lil' prick. There ain't no different way 'ya could get dis shot. Shawn Michaels beat me couple a' weeks ago, if he'd wanna, I'd be mo' than glad ta' give it ta' him but he didn't want it. Hell, I'd even give Scott Steiner a shot. Not 'cause he deserves it but 'cause I wanna piece a' dat dirty flucker. But 'ya? 'Ya ain't deserve shit man and come next, I gon' prove ta' everybody dat Da' Cowboy cannot get beat ba' someone like 'ya, 'ya birdie-lookin' wannabe of a friend.

Storm is looking really angry as he continues talking.

James Storm:
I faced some really delusional men in da' past but 'ya jus' made it ta' da' top 5. Talkin
' 'bout how 'ya fell down from heaven and stuff like dat. When I look atch'a I truly belive 'ya fell down from heaven 'cause 'ya look like 'ya landed right on yo' head, man. Someone else would ask what is wrong with 'ya but I won't 'cause I know exactly whatch'a are, Chris. Yer nothin' mo' than faker phony. 'Ya come out 'ere and 'ya say how much 'ya love dis place, how much 'ya love dese fans but sooner or later you'll turn on 'em. You'll stab 'em right in their backs jus' like 'ya stabbed me, Ay Jay, Kaz and Bobby. *Storm turns to the crowd* Don't worry guys, I'll prevent 'im from doin' dat. See, Chris. I ain't gon' allow 'ya ta' stab 'em in their backs. I'll do so ba' stabbin' 'ya as well but I ain't gon' stab 'ya in yo' back, I'm gonna stab 'ya right in yo' freakin' eye 'ya roody doody.

James Storm takes a little pause. He begins to walk to the right and to the left as he is drinking beer.

James Storm: 'Ya can come out 'ere and try ta' fool dese people but 'ya ain't gon' fool me. I know 'ya fo' a decade, 'ya can't hide from me. I know 'ya didn't change. 'Ya never changed. When I look in da' past I realise 'ya were always dat skeeky freak wearin' make-up and paintin' his nails so when 'ya get home 'ya can put on a nice blonde wig and pretend ta' be Marilyn Monroe, right? But eh, next week I won't be dealin' with 'ya like with Marily Monroe. I will be dealin' with 'ya like women are dealin' with breast cancer...I will simply try ta' erase 'ya fo' good. I have ma' word, da' word of a cowboy and when a cowboy says somethin' he'll do whatever it takes ta' make sure he does what he said. So if I don't win next week I'ma cut my legs and arms and I'ma call maself torsoman so yer damn right I'm all 'bout gettin' messy. 'Ya can think 'ya want me ta' get messy but da' truth remains dat deep inside a' yo' brain 'ya know 'ya don't want Da' Cowboy ta' get messy. Hell, two months ago I was nowhere 'round bein' messy and I kicked yo' head in dat hard dat 'ya think yer a freakin' angel. I don't like angels so next week I'll be kickin' 'ya in yo' chin dat hard dat you'll get send right back ta' heaven!

James Storm: Yo
' turn, bitch. Go ahead and tell these people dat I'm nothin' mo' than a fat alcoholic with no talent 'cause dat's sooooo original and somethin' nobody told me befo'.

Storm makes a gun with his finger and "shoots" Christopher Daniels.



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UWF Championship: Cody Rhodes(C) vs. Batista

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Championship: Cody Rhodes(C) vs. Batista

The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and looks at the crowd who boo's him heavily. Batista demands a microphone and is given one.



Cody freakin' Rhodes, my opponent this week for your championship. Y'see Cody, there's a reason why I'm on RAW now and not Smackdown. They were all afraid of me, everyone on Smackdown were afraid, afraid of knowin' that I'll break Rey Mysterio in half again! It just took me one win to prove everyone that I can indeed be right up the top once again, but I was moved to RAW 'cos they needed a freakin' challenge. Apparently nobody could beat ya here, nobody... Well, that's a fact gone wrong 'cos I don't give a damn if you beat MVP, Christian, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Chris Jericho and whoever, those people are nobodies to me! Ya claim you're some frickin' nightmare that these people should be worried about ya, who the freakin' hell are you tryin' to kid? You're just a scrawny little piece of crap Cody! But for some reason you've been able to outsmart everyone and keep that damn championship, quite impressive knowin' ya kept that belt nice and warm for me. Now I'm on RAW, I'm goin' to be in the main event week in, week out. Everyone here has watched my domination on Smackdown, they know what I can deliver to this very ring and you Cody... you've got no idea. While many people have fallen before you... I shall not. Not to a person who's dad struts around in freakin' polka dot attire and a brother that is freakin' confused he has to wear face-paint. Honestly Cody, I'm confused about you 'cos the last time I remember you bein' around was you in a frickin' mask claimin' you were ugly and people didn't deserve to see ya damn face. But now you seem to be 'Dashing' or whatever you're tryin' to call yaself, the fact is Cody... Nobody gives a freakin' crap about you! These people don't give a crap 'bout me either but I'm positive they'd rather see me kick your teeth so far down ya throat that you won't be able to digest for weeks!

Batista gets more serious as he lowers his tone a little.

I don't deserve this? I think you're not understanding properly, ever since my arrival... I've deserved a shot! I was thrown in multi-man matches which made the odds a lot harder for me to win, I came so close but if it wasn't for Big Show I'd still be World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown! Never once did I get my one-on-one opportunity, this week I get you and it's a freakin' treat! Happy Halloween Cody! While that was a few days ago, the treat is me winnin' the damn belt! I've had to wait four months to get what I want, I ain't goin' to stop until I get what I want, on RAW I'm goin' to make everyone have a hard time. There's no alt-routes, there's no escapin' me at all... I will break everyone's freakin' skull, when I become your new UWF Champion, not one, not two, not the locker room will be able to stop me! The Pope is a smart man, he chose me to come over here because he knew it was best for business. He knew on Smackdown I was overlooked, I wasn't given the proper opportunity. Freakin' John Cena is always in that spotlight and that little freakin' worm Rey Mysterio keeps squirmin' about! But it ain't 'bout Smackdown no more, it's about RAW, it's about 'The Animal' Batista! You might have shut down the rest of ya old folks but you're nothin' Cody! You're just like ya damn father, you're just like ya brother once I'm done with ya! You're goin' to turn into a schizophrenic psycho! It angers me knowin' that you came out here with absolutely nothin' to say 'bout ya biggest test to date! Ya think I'm an easy opponent do ya? Do ya Cody? Well I ain't a freakin' easy opponent, I don't like people who are over-confident and I can see that on ya damn smile, I can see that in ya freakin' eyes! I'm goin' to rip 'em open, I'm goin' to grab a bone or two and stick 'em out of place Cody! I'm goin' to spear ya and cut ya in half, then I'm goin' to Batista Bomb ya all over the freakin' ring and make you my rag doll! 'Cos I ain't givin' up until I walk out of 'ere your new UWF Champion!

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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: UWF Championship: Cody Rhodes(C) vs. Batista

OOC: Sorry to step in but really Andrew? You complain all the time about not going anywhere and your direction on SD, so you get moved to RAW and get a title shot, but do THIS? Really? 1-1. Sorry but this is stupid and you have proven why you will never win a World Title in E-feds that have credibility. I hate to step in like this, and tbh I probably don't have a right, but there's people that work their ass off for title shots and would relish to be in the position you are in now.
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Re: UWF Championship: Cody Rhodes(C) vs. Batista

OOC: Sorry to step in but really Andrew? You complain all the time about not going anywhere and your direction on SD, so you get moved to RAW and get a title shot, but do THIS? Really? 1-1. Sorry but this is stupid and you have proven why you will never win a World Title in E-feds that have credibility. I hate to step in like this, and tbh I probably don't have a right, but there's people that work their ass off for title shots and would relish to be in the position you are in now.

Removed OOC, didn't realise it was set for the 6th. May be able to TT on either Sunday Night or Monday.
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Nov 7, 2011
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Re: Hardcore Championship: Christopher Daniels vs James Storm(c)

Christopher Daniels doesn't have to wait to long. The Cowboy puts on a big smile for the first time since he came out to the ring. He then raises the mic to his mouth and begins to talk.


James Storm: Ehm...Now I get it. Dis is jus' a part a' yo' Halloween costume right? No, seriously. I mean, there is a chance dat
'ya were dressed up as an angel and dis way a' talkin' jus' happened ta' remain witch'a, right? 'Cause in ma' church they taught me dat angels talk like dis but when I look atch'a I don't see an angel so there ain't no other reason wha' 'ya talk like 'ya talk. But Chris...'ya do know dat Halloween is already over, right? So now it's fo' 'ya ta' get in yo' head and start talkin' like a grown up 'cause when 'ya talk 'bout heaven shining upon yo' bald head it sounds mo' than crazy and I'm sure as hell dat 'ya don't wanna me ta' a psychiatrist, do 'ya? He would come 'ere, waste no time and he would grab yo' arms and put 'ya into an psychiatric clinc. Sure, 'ya would find some friends over there but if 'ya would get taken over there, I wouldn't get a chance ta' kick yo' ass one mo' time.

People begin to cheer for The Cowboy as he is the one they like more from the two. The Cowboy begins to talk to Christopher Daniels like he is some sort of a psychiatric case.

James Storm:
We live in da
' 21st century, man. 'Ya cannot come out 'ere and talk 'bout how higher powers talk ta' 'ya. If 'ya would do dat 2012 years ago, people would make 'ya a god but today yer not makin' yerself look like a god, today yer makin' yerself look like a fool but don't worry...I see dat da' first Last Call Superkick didn't quite connect on da' money but da' second one I'ma give 'ya will and I will finally kick some sense into yo' head and once and for all show 'ya dat 'ya don't deserve ta' be in da' Hardcore Championship picture 'cause yer nowhere near my league. See, if god's would really be talkin' ta' 'ya, they would tell 'ya ta' pack yo' bags and leave fo' good so 'ya don't get hurt. But unfortunately fo' 'ya, they didn't do so, so on RAW, you'll end up grittin' yo' teeth once again, chooby man.

Storm backs up in the corner while he continues to drink his beer.

James Storm: Look, Chris. It's well known dat if 'ya wanna break through in dis business, 'ya gotta be original. But yer not really original. See...yer always talkin' 'bout da' dark and light stuff but yer not dee only one. Hell...there's like six or seven mo' people like 'ya in dis company and yet, non a' dem has tasted success, really. Jus
' take Abyss as an example. He would come out ta' da' ring every single night and talk 'bout how his future is written in da' starts or how dark powers told 'im dat he'll soon take over En Eks Tee but yet...da' guy ain't did shit over there on En Eks Tee and he'll never do shit over there...jus' like you'll never be able to touch me and take away ma' Hardcore Championship and I don't care if yer a fallen angel or a fallen devil or a fallen kiddo wit' a cape...I don't care if god's made 'ya into what yer now 'cause apparently they didn't do much of a good job. So yes...go ahead...talk 'bout whatch'a want. Keep on insultin' me, keep on tellin' me how yer da' Hardcore Champion at dis very time but da' fact remains dat I am better than you and I have dis piece a' success on ma' shoulder ta' prove it!

The anger in Storm's voice slightly escalates.

James Storm: At some points, yer right. I only have maself. I am a self-made man. I am a self-made champion. While dee only thing yer able ta' do is ta' go to Da' Pope and cry how yer not gettin' whatch'a deserve, I'm spendin' ma' time in da' gym, workin' on maself, improvin' maself. While 'ya travel all 'round da' world I spend ma' time in dis ring, givin' dese people all I have in ma' tank so when 'ya tell me dat I'm standin' alone against 'ya, I don't get it as an offense 'cause it's da' truth. I've been ma' own man since I can remember. When someone pushed me in school I didn't care if I'm da' little guy...I pushed back, I never backed down and dat's da' reason wha' I'm standin' 'ere tanight as da' Hardcore Champion. I earned ma' spot in dis company! I got beat exactly six times since I debuted...SIX DAMN TIMES yet I'm still 'ere and I'm not cryin' how I got ma' teeth kicked down ma' throat 'cause there were also times when I was kickin' some teeth down people's throats. Ask Curt Hawkins. Since I've beat his ass at da' Clash of Champion in what people call da' most brutal hardcore match in RAW's history, he disappeared. Huh...wha' am I tellin' 'ya dis? 'Ya know what it feels like gettin' yo' teeth kicked down yo' throat ba' Da' Cowboy, don'tch'a, Chris? So when 'ya tell me dat yer gonna beat me I tell 'ya...go and watch da' Curt Hawkins match...go and watch da' Last Man Standing match...go and watch da' Bobby Roode match. Watch those, pay attention, then come back and think again...am I gonna be able ta' beat dis guy in his own enviroment? Let me save 'ya some time and let me answer dat fo' 'ya...NO...yer not gonna be able ta' beat me in ma' own enviroment and dat's somethin' 'ya can put yo' money on.

People go absolutely crazy while Storm makes a little pause.

James Storm: So yeah...I don't give a damn if 'ya and yo' gods think dat I'm unworthy a' da' Hardcore Championship 'cause me and dese people...we know dat da' guy I already beat sure as hell ain't worthy a' dat Championship. Now...'bou
t da' fact dat 'ya have gods ba' yo' side. I see I ain't gon' take dat away from 'ya ba' jus' simply talkin' but I know exactly what I have ta' do ta' show 'ya dat gods don't follow 'ya. See...if ba' some miracle I will actually lose ma' championship, yer right...I will blame maself and maself only but if...no...no...no...WHEN I beat yo' ass one-two-three who will 'ya blame? Gods? Will 'ya blame gods fo' not makin' 'ya better? Will 'ya blame gods fo' bein' a naive wannabe of a man dat can't get da' job done? I might be from da' south but I ain't no stupid prick. Everytime 'ya put what seems to be a hard question to answer in front a' me, I answer it wit'out a problem and then, I ask 'ya a question yer not gonna be able to find an answer fo'. So befo' 'ya actually answer ma' question I wantch'a ta' step inside a' yo' head and think...think...what are you goinv ta' do after 'ya get beat ba' me once again? Will 'ya blame gods? Will 'ya disappear and visit some crazy-ass monks somewhere in Himalayas? Do whatever 'ya wanna do but blamin' gods won't help 'ya so as visitin' some monks in robes won't. They might show 'ya mo' beatiful things but they will never and I mean NEVER teach 'ya how ta' beat James Storm. Nothin's gon' help 'ya so I am really...Sorry 'Bout Yo' Damn LUCK!

James Storm doesn't say his catch phrase with as much energy as he used to in the past but it still his a touch to it. Storm lowers his microphone, climbs the turnbuckle and sits at the top of it, showing Christopher Daniels how confident he really is.



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Re: UWF Championship: Cody Rhodes(C) vs. Batista

Batista isn't impressed one bit as he is quick to address Cody Rhodes.



Unable to break through? Is that how you freakin' see me Cody? When I stepped foot here I was dominate, I was the 'Most Dangerous Man on the Planet' and I still frickin' am to this very day! There's always a downfall in a career and whilst you have yet to experience a downfall, it is soon near. Sure, call me the Big Bad Batista, sure you've won in multi-man matches because you've somewhat managed to outsmart people but never once did you face me. It doesn't matter how many freakin' no-good jobbers you take on, it doesn't matter who the hell you beat. The fact is you've not beaten me here, I ain't faced you yet but this week we will collide. Ya claim I can't win this match, you're talkin' yourself up like there's no freakin' tomorrow, well pal... Let me break it to ya that once I'm done with ya you won't even see the ring again 'cos I'll have you sent into retirement! There's a lot about ya I don't like, I don't like anybody 'ere, I ain't here to make friends at all. Enemies are goin' to come at me and soon I'll be the biggest target in UWF, do you think that surprises me? It doesn't, I've seen people bitch and moan all week 'cos I've got this opportunity and they don't. The critics are bitchin' as well, but this week is the time I shut every damn critic up and show the world that I am the new UWF Champion, you can forget about every single person in that locker room. Nobody and I mean nobody deserves this opportunity more than I do, I've been waitin' and waitin' for this moment and I'm goin' to seize it Cody. Then I'm goin' to pay a visit to your brother and ya father, I'm goin' to break their freakin' skull too, I ain't here to destroy you, I'm here to destroy every single freakin' person!

Cody is looking at Batista as Batista leans over the ropes.

I don't need ya freakin' life story either Cody, while you've changed your freakin' look more than ya daddy changed ya diapers it's proven you are a lost cause to this world. You don't even know who you are Cody, you think you know who you are but you don't! Dusty was the American Dream, you're the so-called American Nightmare... Lies! You're nothing Cody, you couldn't even freakin' send this kids into a nightmare. You're not dangerous like I am, you cannot inflict pain like I can... You cannot do the things I can do, you couldn't break my freakin' skull if you tried, you see Cody... I'm the man with the Iron Fists, I could smite you and have you knocked out cold. You're just a generic Cody Rhodes, you leech off your brother and father's history in order to make yourself look good. I didn't take shortcuts to get here Cody, I took the hard way and this week you're going to see why you'll be on the ground after the 1, 2, 3 dreaming about what could have been... but you'll end up having nightmares about the incident. I'm not goin' to be a name on your list, I refuse to be a name on your list, you can continue trying to break me down but I'm not going to be broken at all, I'm going to overcome all the freakin' odds and flog you around like a freakin' dead horse! I ain't goin' to be late, I'm goin' to be freakin' early! I'm goin' to be prepared to break ya damn skull, I'm prepared for the fight of my life. After this match, the newspapers, Hollywood, everyone... There goin' to call me, they're goin' to ask me to do things for them... I'm the new face of UWF, not you, not anybody else. This Championship is comin' home with me back to Washington D.C, once I'm done... You're more than welcome to come find me, cash in ya rematch so I'll beat you again... I'm goin' to show Smackdown they've made the biggest mistake of their lives and you Cody... You're goin' to feel the wrath of the Batista Bite.

Batista drops the microphone as the crowd is 50/50 not knowing who to support in this match.



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UWF Raw: AJ Styles vs Shawn Michaels

Ready to


Fans cheer like crazy hearing the noise of the phenomenal one making his way too the ring. AJ is smacking his lips as he smiles and he does his trademark pose. Fans start to cheer as AJ walks down the ramp and he begins to interact with some of the fans. AJ goes and he enters the ring and does his trademark pose once more. AJ smiles as he gets a microphone handed too him and AJ begins to speak too the crowd.


AJ Styles: Now I know what many people are wondering... and really to be honest with you I'm not going to cover right now, nor am I concern with it. People are probably wondering my thoughts on the whole situation between Petey Williams, Scott Steiner and I. Well let me tell you I don't know what those two lunatics are up too, but they are the least of my worries. Right now I have another huge match coming up here on Monday night Raw. Everyone saw the claim I made at the king of the ring. People may thought it was arrogant, or people may tought of it as the truth. I basically said I was better than any member wrestling that was wrestling in the king of the ring tournament.. and really one man was in that tournament and I look to make a point with the statement I made.

Shawn Michaels. Now there is no doubt I respect the heart break kid, of who he is as a human being and person. Though I feel it is kinda fitting Shawn that my Atlanta Falcons will be taking on your Cowboys this weekend Shawn, because it is almost like a test for you. You see Shawn you may feel like you got tested at the king of the ring, but you weren't facing AJ Styles Shawn. You were not facing the man that is simply known for being phenomenal, and in that ring Shawn with all the experience you have I am going to wrestle circles around you. I am going to make you realize that this young whipper snapper is hungry and is looking for another huge win against a legend in this sport.

In a three week timespan since I've been back I have defeated names like Chris Jericho, the Undertaker, and I am looking at you Shawn too be added at the list of names on my list. Shawn this match it may be important for you to gain momentum, but this match for is to back up all the talk I made live on pay per view. So right now Shawn I hope you're ready because you're going to be taken on one phenomenal ride.

Fans cheer as AJ awaits in the middle of the ring


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Nov 7, 2011
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Re: Hardcore Championship: Christopher Daniels vs James Storm(c)

As Daniels is standing in the corner James Storm gets closer to him and slowly raises the microphone to his mouth.


James Storm:
Listen, man. We
're 'ere fo' what? Ten, fifteen minutes but ever since 'ya came out 'ere 'ya keep sayin' da' same thing. Gods dis, gods dat. 'Ya said many things but yet it so happens dat 'ya make no sense. Yer like a broken record. Dee only difference between yoself and a broken records is that some people would rather listen ta' a broken records than ta' whatch'a have ta' say. Ain't I right? *People pop which means they agree with James Storm.*It's da' same ol' shit every time 'ya get time on da' microphone. Fo' month yer gettin' under ma' skin. Do 'ya know how many young men would kill ta' have some mic time in a company such as You Dubya Eff? So everytime 'ya come out 'ere and talk 'bout same things over and over again, yer takin' away their time and dat makes Da' Cowboy angry. IT MAKES EVERYBODY ANGRY. Fo' dis past month when 'ya showed up on people's Tee Vee screen they grabbed their remote controls and they changed channel. Wha'? First reason bein' dat yer jus' plain ugly and if kids would see yo' face late at night, they wouldn't be able to sleep good. Second reason bein' is yo' predictability. Yer mo' predictable than John Cena back in the day. Dat says somethin', doesn't it? So Chris, I'm tellin' 'ya. If 'ya don't have somethin' new ta' say then jus' shut up 'cause everytime 'ya show up on RAW after a commercial it's like seeing another commercial. Yer like a freakin' tele-shop host.

Storm makes few steps back from the challenger.

James Storm: Man, what is wrong with 'ya? Since I came out 'ere I've been insultin' 'ya and 'ya jus' keep talkin' 'bout some damn monks or whatever. 'Ya really are stupid. Every other man would try ta' refute ma' words when dee entire world is watchin' but 'ya do somethin' else...'ya keep provin' dat everythin' I said is right. What is wrong with 'ya? Are 'ya really dat stupid or 'ya jus' lost yo' balls? I'm sure dat those monks took 'em away from 'ya, right? 'Ya spent a month with monks so I'm not wonderin' why yer actin' da' way yer actin'. I know yer not clear right now but da' fact dat I spent a month with those monks is tellin' me dat 'ya were never clear. I mean...those are some scary mofo's. I wonder, what did 'ya do wit' em? Were are jus' talkin' ta' gods all day and then at night 'ya came together and made a huge gay orgy or what?! I bet dat 'ya were all givin' lil' boys money jus' so 'ya could touch 'em, ain't dat right 'ya pedophile freak?!

People react with a huge "OOOOOOH" this time.

James Storm: Yer gettin' all a dis wrong. At our last meeting 'ya weren't at dat dark place 'cause of yoself. I k
now why 'ya don't remember. Gettin' yo' head kicked in ba' James Storm was what putch'a into dat dark place. It must have been somethin' horrible...seein' me come from da' very corner yer standin' at right now...seein' me raise ma' foot and then after half a second kissin' ma' boot and afterwards lying on the ground with your lights knocked out. It sure is a traumatic experience. Nobody likes bein' knocked out, "bein' in da' dark place" in yo' words but 'ya know what people do? 'Ya know what men do? They open their eyes so they can see light but 'ya weren't able ta' do dat on yo' own, Chris. Do 'ya know what dat means? It means dat yer not man. Yer not even close ta' bein' a man jus' like yer not even close ta' takin' ma Hardcore Champion away from me. So 'ya can wait all 'ya want and think dat good things happen ta' those who wait but it's not da' truth. Good things happen to those who don't spend their time sittin' on their asses somewhere with monks. Good things happen ta' those who stand up and they don't wait...they TAKE what they want and they don't stop until they get what they want. Jus' like me. Since I came 'ere ta' dis company I had good times and I had bad times but I decided ta' stand up and take what I want and I did jus' dat...I did somethin' dat yer never...never ever gon' be able ta' do!

The crowd is getting more and more electrified.

James Storm:
Sometimes I don't know what 'ya wanna be. No, seriously. Do you wanna pretend to be ju
s' one a' those dark character dat are ruinin' dis business fo' years now or do 'ya wanna be one a' those comedians who are ruining it even mo'? Really...some a' those sentences 'ya say...I don't know if those are supposed to sound funny or dark. Like dese: "Know this James; a higher power is indeed involved. I know they won’t interfere in our match, as I have asked them to." 'Ya saw me laughin' ma' ass off when 'ya said it, right? Actually, Chris...I'm really sad dat 'ya told gods not to interfere in our match 'cause I'd really love ta' see gods floatin' in da' ring, helpin' 'ya out. Remember when Shawn Michaels had God by his side as his Tag Team partner? Dat was really funny but when 'ya talked 'bout how 'ya told gods not ta' interfere dat was like at least hundred times funnier than dee Aych Bee Kay & God.

James Storm wants to take a shot of beer but the beer bottle is empty. He just throws it out from the ring and continues.

James Storm:Yeah, I am confident but my confidence goin' ta' next week is eligible. It's really eligible fo' a man who holds a victory over 'ya. See...'ya might be in dis business fo' a long time but 'ya talk like yer a kid. Only a little kid or someone who doesn't know a damn 'bout 'rasslin would say dat men who are confident fall under pressure. If there's someone who knows somethin' 'bout bein' confident and then fallin' down in a loss then it's yoself, Chris. Last month 'ya were confident as well but yet you've fallen like a bird dat got shot ba' a hunter. I was da' hunter in 'ya were da' bird. I shot 'ya and I caused 'ya ta' fall down from da' sky. But it looks like I shot 'ya in yo' wing...but dis time I'ma aim a bit better and I'ma shoot 'ya right between yo' damn eyes!
James Storm makes a very short pause and people know that he is leading into the end of his speech

James Storm:
Not only yer delusional and stupid but yer also not able ta' use right words. Fo' example: "Perhaps I am destined to fail miserably as punishment for some horrible things I have done in the past." Perhaps? Dat sounds like 'ya actually have a chance. Le'mme correctch'a...you'll not "perhaps" fail. You "will" fali miserably and you'll know dat I was right all along when 'ya kiss ma' foot fo' a second straight time! SORRY....'BOUT YO' DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN LUCK!

James Storm drops the microphone and his theme song immediately starts playing. Storm gets closer to Daniels and says: "See 'ya Tuesday, bitch." After that he he grabs his Hardcore Championship, puts it in the air and then leaves the ring. He is walking up the entrance ramp when he stops turns around and flips the bird before leaving.

OOC: I'm done here man, I won't have time to do more. But let me tell you something now. This is by far my favourite session ever and I don't care if I win or lose because I had the time of my life (e-fedding life of course) TTing against you. Good luck.
Sep 27, 2011
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UWF Raw 11/13/12 - HBK vs Christian


The crowd roars as HBK comes out from the back. HBK smiles to the crowd as he claps at their direction. HBK drops down to his knees and prays as his pyro goes off


HBK heads to the ring and as he gets inside the ring, he is handed a microphone


HBK: Over the last few weeks, Shawn Michaels hasn't been himself. I went into The King of the Ring tournament with one goal in mind and that was to beat Kurt Angle and add to my legacy of accolades by becoming the King of the Ring. However, I out looked myself and didn't focus on my match with John Morrison as much as I should of. You see a lot of times, if my mind is focused in one place, I am not able to do so in another. That's why John Morrison beat me two weeks ago. I didn't wrestle the perfect match and I know I can. John Morrison you are still not better than me in this ring, one match will not prove that, but a legacy will. Now going forward last week on Raw, I face AJ Styles for the first time in my career and once again, my mind was elsewhere. I hate to use excuses because it's true, my mind was on the fact I blew it at The King of the Ring. I know though and it's not to sound arrogant or anything because I am only telling a fact and that's AJ, should there be a next time, there will be a different outcome. I know that and all these people know that. This is not the HBK that everyone knows and has watched over the last twenty plus years.

HBK pauses for a moment as the crowd gives HBK an applause

HBK: Right now, I do not deserve this applause you all are giving me. I haven't been myself lately. I allowed Kurt Angle to get the better of me, but now, now that's past me and it's time to focus on the task at hand. You know, over the weekend I considered retirement and considered going back to my home in San Antonio and you know, just ending it for the Heart Break Kid. But I don't want to be that guy that doesn't know when to call it quits and lately I probably should, I have lost three matches in a row now and not focusing on my matches either. But I can't go out like this, I know I can still be the show stoppa in this ring. And so the task at hand now is, Christian. Christian is coming off decimating the biggest S.O.B. in history inside Hell in a Cell. Christian you took apart Steve Austin like he was legos and I reference legos because my kid built me a nice set not long ago and then my daughter tore it up because I made her eat her vegatables, but that's another story.

The crowd has a nice laugh as HBK smiles

HBK: Not to lose focus here, but Christian, you are the guy I need to face right now. I need someone to face in this ring to show to everyone that HBK still can perform at a top level in this business. I am far from retirement, this is my last run and I am going to keep fighting until there is nothing left in this old body. Our match may be just a normal singles match, but it has the making to be a brutal encounter, one that may send back up out here before things lose its control. I have no issue with you Christian, you are a heck of a talent, but right now HBK needs this one. And I am going to crawl and grind my way through this match until there is nothing left in the tank. I have been in the ring with you on severl occasions and the outcome has been evenly faired. This time, this time I'm going to get one up on you. Tonight on Raw, the Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels is going to deliver a show like no other and I will!

HBK lowers his microphone and awaits Christian's arrival


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Mar 19, 2012
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UWF Raw 11/13/12 - Mankind vs James Storm

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