UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle raises his microphone, looking at Shawn with fury in his eyes. His gaze focused on the Heart Break Kid, ready and willing to give him the response he is looking for.


Kurt Angle: I didn't ask you for your opinion, Shawn. I don't freakin' want it! I dared you to hit me in my face and you wouldn't do it. You don't have the balls, Shawn. You don't have the stones. All you have is your memories of a past that you want to relive, while I... on the other hand, relive it every single day of my life. James Storm wanted to change who I was, he wanted me to start hugging ugly women and kissing ugly babies... but I wouldn't have it. I told Storm, just like I told you... there's not a damn thing I'm doing these days that I'm not proud of. I'm making a hell of a lot of money on Raw, Shawn... I'm gonna keep making it too. I'm winning matches, and that figure is going to get higher and higher... starting with you this week. Like I give a crap about who you think is the best, if you think I'm nothing more than a liar. I can be a liar in your eyes, but I'm the best freakin' olympic champion in mine.

Kurt starts laughing now, looking at Shawn with a new found pathetic view. He changes his anger to pity in a split second, showing his insane streak once again. It doesn't stop him, though as he keeps talking.

Kurt Angle: What you don't understand is that the Ankle Lock is nothing at all like that piece of crap baby kick you call your Sweet Chin Music! The Angle Slam and the Ankle Lock are two of the most respected moves in the history of profesional wrestling, got it? I won't stand for you disrespecting it, because when you do... you disrespect me. Remember what happened the last few weeks, Shawn... when you disrespected me? I made your life miserable, a literal living hell. I came and attacked you when you at your strongest, when you were at your weakest... and it goes to show you that I am completely and wholeheartedly... better than you. You can dress it up fancy if you'd like, but I showed the entire damn world that you're nothing more than a weak pathetic little man. That you're worth nothing to the stature of this show, of this brand, anymore. You don't deserve to be in a match at Clash of the Champions, let alone with the great likes of myself. But I'll take it, Shawn... because someone needs to show you the pecking order around here.

Kurt laughs some more, with the crowd booing the hell out of him. He's really taking it to Shawn now... and Shawn watches, shaking his head in disgust at the words that Kurt has to say to him.

Kurt Angle: I'm going to make you wish you never asked for this match, Shawn. Before you know it... you'll be gone from this show, stuck in a hospital bed in Texas. You'll have your entire family weeping by your side... but there will be nothing they can do for you. Your ankle will be snapped in pieces, you won't be able to walk right for months. All because you had something to prove. Tell me, Shawn, just exactly what the blue hell do you think you're going to prove Tuesday Night?

Kurt turns to Shawn, expecting him to answer that very question he poses. Shawn does, but takes his time in answering the question, thinking about what to say to his nemesis here in the ring right now.


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Re: UWF Championship: Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes

All of a sudden the lights go out in the arena the fans start to cheer when all of a sudden


fans cheer for the image of Jericho when all of a sudden

the Walls


Jericho turns around as he smiles at Cody Rhodes. Jericho makes his way down the ramp and the fans go crazy. Jericho goes and he leans back against the ropes as the fans go crazy. Jericho gets in the middle of the ring as his jacket still sparkles in the bright lights. Jericho goes and he looks at Cody Rhodes and he speaks towards Cody


Chris Jericho: You know Cody... there is a certain line I want to say to you right now, but really it is played out just like all your speeches. Cody please explain too me all the times you have defeated me? Huh Cody? Oh yeah I remember now in the World heavyweight championship battle royal you defeated me, but when I came back after a long absence and defeat you to become the number one contender for the undisputed championship. I remember defeating you one on one in this very ring. So this little claim you have that you defeat me every single time, it is getting old just like your legacy Cody. Cody we understand the meaning of Cody Rhodes 6:25 you don't need to repeat yourself time after time again. We understand people call you all these different terms... and Cody as much as you talk you still don't get it. You don't get the fact that you will not win.

Cody do you understand what I am saying when I say that? You feel that you always have some competitive advantage over us, but you don't Cody there is no advantage that you have over me... and over Stone Cold. You don't Cody. Time after time Cody you try to escape the shadow of your father Dusty Rhodes, and of the shadow of Randy Orton you're still stuck in those shadows. You look to break out, but you've never seized the opportunity, and Cody instead of being a man, and instead of being a fair sport you decide to take your anger out on people who don't deserve it. Tell me Cody Rhodes why me? When I was this close to becoming the UWF champion why did you decide to screw me? Was it jealousy that it couldn't be you to end the reign of Stone Cold Steve Austin? Look Rhodes I understand jealousy is something that runs in your veins... but why was I the victim? Because I cost you in the chamber, and you couldn't bare the fact there is someone better then you. Cody do I have to remind you.

I am the best in the world at what I do. I excel above the expectations people put me at, that is why I am the best. That is why you're still stuck in the place you're at. You don't know how to break the covenant glass ceiling that we speak of in this business. You need to figure out how to break this glass ceiling, but sadly Cody your time won't be coming here at clash of champions. At clash of champions there is one man who will be walking out as the world heavyweight champion it will be I....

All of a sudden​

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Championship: Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes

Suddenly the titantron lights up.


Stone Cold: I want you all ta' realize exactly what's going on right now. By simply sticking their noses where they didn't belong for a few weeks and talking about how they want another title shot, Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho were granted another title shot. It seems when Stone Cold said that anyone that wants a title shot can have one, there were some people that took that a little too literally. That doesn't mean all you gotta do is ask me for a shot at the You Dubya Eff Championship and I'll give ya one, and it sure as hell doesn't mean all ya gotta do is attack me when I'm not looking and I'll give ya one. What it means is anyone that wants a shot at the You Dubya Eff Championship can have a shot at it as long as they've earned the right to get a shot at it. If Chris Jericho or Cody Rhodes had went on ta' win King of the Ring next month and I had ta' defend my title against either of them again, I would've been fine with that, because they would've earned it. But being given another go because Vince is sick of seeing them run amok? That bullshit doesn't fly with me.

I know you didn't make this match so that you could watch me whoop their ass Vince, it eats you alive that I'm the You Dubya Eff Champion and have been for four months. The fact that the son of a bitch that never went to the top in You See Dubya is now carryin' yer new company on his shoulders keeps you up at night. But you're not the only one that's sick about it, son, Stone Cold knows that for a fact. There's people that are angry about it because they say holdin' this belt has made me cocky, there's people that are angry about it because they feel like I shoulda' dropped it by now. You're setting me up ta' fail, and my detractors are salivating at the opportunity ta' see it, but guess what, I'm not gonna fail, especially not in a match with guys that I've beaten before, both singularly and when they were together in the same match like they're going to be Tuesday night. I'm gonna make sure yer plan blows up in yer face, Vince, but not in the same way it has in the past, because this time you've crossed the Texas Rattlesnake for the last time.

This go around the repercussions are gonna be a lot worse, because this time my anger is at a level that I'm not going to calm down from until my opponents' frequently flapping little gums are too swollen and bruised ta' ask you for another title match. And I will knock the block off of any referee, backstage agent, or medical official that tries ta' keep me from doing it. I will not watch something I have made the most prestigious belt in the company go to one of these bottomfeeding failures and turn it into a meaningless trinket. This that I'm holding is not some third tier championship like the In Ex Tee Heavyweight Title or something that looks like it should be defended on Sesame Street like the piece of shit R-Truth is holding, and it's definitely not a fake ass prop that I wear around. It's not a belt borrowed from the Dubya Dubya E like the World Heavyweight Championship, it's not a recycled Dubya See Dubya concept like the Tee Vee Title, and it's not something anyone can hold like the Hardcore Championship. Am I forgetting one? The bottom line is the belt I'm holding is the only one in this company worth being called a championship. This is the You Dubya Eff Championship, which means it is the belt that represents the company, and since I'm holding it, I am the company.

If you think that makes me sound cocky, then so be it, at least I can say I earned the right. Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes, if you boys want ta' put a piece of gold around yer waists I suggest ya go after one of those titles I just named, because you beating me until the E Em Tees can't resuscitate me is the only way yer gonna get any closer ta' this one than you already have. And I say that fully aware of how determined you are ta' finally make this time around the charm, Cody. Given how long I had ta' fight and how many people I had doubtin' me, you think I'd be more sympathetic but the fact of the matter is I have no sympathy, when it comes ta' life overall and especially when it comes ta' this right here. You talk about your desire ta' hold it as if no one on this planet can possibly want it more, but you're wrong, because I want it more, Cody. That's why I have busted my ass promo after promo, both on-air and between shows like this one right now, and have busted my ass ten times as hard match after match to literally set the bar around here in regards to what it means to be not only a soup-er-star, but a champion.

Whether Chris decides ta' show his face and take part doesn't matter, because whether it's one or both that I'll be looking at, I'll continue using this microphone as a bladed weapon, and keep attacking the jugular.

The screen fades to black as the camera returns to Cody in the ring.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle

An irrate HBK is finally ready to speak as he puts the microphone to his mouth


HBK: You don't get it! Your parade around here like you have won the Super Bowl or something for attacking me from behind. No Kurt, I wasn't at my best when you did that. The thing that seperates guys like you and guys like me is we aren't thick headed. You are from a shadow of a doubt one the most thick headed indvivduals I have ever been in the ring before and I have faced many of them, but you draw the line. You can and will never be able to hold me down because I will always come back. Kurt, unbelieveable (claps his hands) you are the only one to see past the marrage that is Shawn Michaels. You attack a man while he doesn't even know it, so congratulations, mission accomplished. You know the impact I have on this business. You know the impact I have in this ring. But most importantly than that, you know that it doesn't matter what time of the year it is, deap down inside you, you are a scared individual that needs to get the upperhand. But, not me Kurt. I am not going to stip to your level and hit you. Trust me, I know I can, but I will not reach to being that kind of a person you are because I'm better than that. It may not be a popular thing, but it's the way I do things and if people do not like it, then that's fine because there are plenty of people out there including our peers that will think otherwise. And the one thing I bet there hoping for is me kicking your butt all over this ring at Clash of the Champions.

The crowd cheers as that promo came from a different side of HBK that people haven't heard from in a long time. Kurt Angle doesn't care for what HBK has to say, but HBK doesn't stop talking

HBK: You will look at me when I am talking to you. What you have done to me these last few weeks is not going to compare to what happens to you by the hands of yours truly, Shawn Michaels. Kurt Angle, for the last five years, as an individual competitor I have faced absolutely everyone who came in front of me. The good, the bad, the talented, the no talent. The one I like the best is the futures of CWF, or the stars of tomorrow. But my favorite of all time is "the greatest of his generation". Which is something you believe, but I am still waiting to face that guy and even though we've been in the ring together before, my thoughts on you have changed. You're not the best I've been in the ring with. To be that kind of a man, you have to have earned my respect and you, you lost that when you attacked me from behind. So you want to know what you and all those people have in common, either their no longer here or their jerkin' the curtain someplace else. While I stand here with the test of time in CWF and ready to resurrect my career.

The crowd cheers for HBK as he lowers his microphone before he continues to take moment to think about what he has to say next

HBK: You came along back in the early 2000's and you appeared to have set. I may not have been around that time, but I still watched and you were a ruthless competitor that when he wanted something he went out and got it. Many great feuds you had with the likes of The Rock, Stone Cold, and my best friend, Triple H. You won many titles during that run and then you met me and we had one of the best and most talked about matches in WrestleMania history and you beat me. Then I got one back on you months later. All of a sudden you started losing that set as you got weaker and were getting beat over and over again. So you left the company and that set got smaller and smaller. But flash forward to now and you saw that I came back, so you jumped me from behind and nearly beat me with an inch of my life. And that set you once had grew came back and grew bigger because you wanted to take a chance and do something that no one has been able to do before and that was "end my career". You attacked me not because I say I am the best in our generation, you attacked me to get back your pride that I took away from you. Kurt Angle, this Tuesday, Clash of the Champions, you're going to find out there is a big difference with having a set and knowing what to do with them. Because this Tuesday, the Heart Break Kid is going to take them and kick them down your throat!

A massive pop from the crowd for what HBK just said. HBK lowers his microphone and waits for a response from Kurt Angle who seems a little bit stunned by what just came out of the mouth from HBK as he didn't expect to hear that from someone like him.


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Mankind vs. Y.E.S

The lights suddenly go dark once more and a gold spotlight is centred on the stage with Goldust being spelled out in a Hollywood Star like style. This is when 'Gold-Lust' hits the PA system and the crowd begins to boo.


Before too long the song hits into it's main melody and from the back walks Goldust with Marlena by his side. He spins around in the spotlight as gold confetti falls from the ceiling. The pair of eccentrics then make their way down the ramp together.


Goldust and Marlena get up on ring apron and walk along it together. Marlena sits on the middle rope and takes a big draw from her cigar and as Goldust enters between the ropes Marlena blows the smoke in his face and Goldust shakes with excitment. Goldust then gets into the ring. Marlena grabs a microphone from a ring tech and holds it up in front of Goldust as he begins to speak.


Goldust: "Hear my soul speak. Of the very instant that I saw you, Did my heart fly at your service" - The Tempest, William Shakespeare, circa 1611. Yes, even quotes as old as that can best describe the moment I and Mankind made our... special bond. We duked it out in a wonderful duel, yes we did, we threw everything we had at each other and we both embraced at the end because we both knew didn't we Mankind?, that we, we were meant to be together. As a unit, as a team, as partners. I looked at you Mankind, and I saw a look in your eyes. Not that of a deranged, unhinged psychopath longing for violence and suffering. No, I saw a soul in there. A lost soul, a soul longing... to belong, and who better to belong to than the most daring, dashing and oh so outrageous, 'Bizarre One'... Goldust. Together?, we can be anything we want to be Manny... I'm going to call him Manny!... together we can see the stars in Hollywood, we can sail ships off the coast of Monaco but first, first Manny we must become the Tag Team Champions of the world. We must become the most talked about, the most looked at, the most known team in the world Manny... and I just know, deep down in the cockles... of my heart, that we can do it. We can do it whenever we want. Me, you and Marlena, we can do it as a threesome.

The crowd don't quite know how to react to the oddball pairing, so as a result the reaction is one that is mixed.

Our opponents however, make a different threesome altogether. Yet, tonight they are simply a two-some. I'm not complaining, I don't think that Bray Wyatt guy is my cup of tea anyway... far too preachy, too much hate, where's the love?. Right here Bray, right here is where love is. However I know that this is not about love between the most diabolical team in the world today and Goldust and Mankind. No, there will be no love gained or lost from our encounter. Maybe some enlightenment. Not from you two, no, from me. I can enlighten you as to just how dangerous, daring and despicable we can be as a pair. Damien Sandow... I know you can be daring, I mean looking at your colour coded panties and your little purple knee pads, I just can't help but think you could even be as 'daring' as me. I make myself laugh sometimes Damien, because we all know, nobody can be as daring as Goldust. However I do know you can be dangerous along with Daniel Bryan. Hell, I'd say it's pretty obvious as you both hold some amount of gold around those tight, muscular waists...

Goldust rubs himself down as he speaks about them waists.

But I know that those belts would look oh so much better around the waists of Manny and myself. I know you two look down on us as nothing more than morally bankrupt renegades and that makes me feel more dangerous, it really does, so I implore you two to start thinking of us more as that dangerous force. I think we could live up to that moniker Manny... I think we could be dangerous... I think we could break some ground and I think we could break some bones and oh, that just gets my juices flowing Manny. I know you feel the same. So Damien, Danny, I would get yourself prepared for that dangerous force, you should get ready for a pair of morally corrupt, deranged, bizarre, out-there madmen... and I would get ready to be stripped of those titles personally by the man who's name you will never forget...



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Re: Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Mankind vs. Y.E.S

Sandow speaks up raising one finger to draw attention


Damien Sandow:

Excuse me..."Gentleman" and yes I do use that term lightly, but I believe we've had enough of this tomfoolery. First things first both of you seemed to take liberties when referring to your, yes Your, tag team champions. To you two it is not Damien, and it certainly not "Danny". It is Mr. Sandow and Mr. Bryan when you refer to us, see we are men of class and dignity and we will be spoken to as such. You two are so low on the totem pole you do not even have last names, and yet it seems fitting seeing as something else commonly known to have just one name in our society are animals. And that is precisely what I see you as, However you are not two men who are entirely brain dead. You are both quite the anomaly but you both know how to present that to your opponents and defeat them from the mind, a tactic many don't see coming and fall victim too easily. You two do however represent what is wrong with our society, and with this company as a whole.

Sandow turns towards Goldust raising his hand as if gesturing towards him but when he sees him he almost gets a look of disgust and brings his hand down.

What was it you called it? Dangerous? that is precisely the issue, you two are in fact dangerous. But not dangerous from a physical standpoint, you are capable of it but you are by no means a daunting task when it comes to the technical ability Mr. Bryan and I are capable of. No you are dangerous not to your opponents but to these people, the unwashed masses of the UWF Audience. For it is the likes of the two of you whose pores simply leak of their miscreant ways, seeping out towards the poor defenseless audience, you are the airborne virus of incompetence and you are infecting the audience with every appearance you decide to make. And as far as both of your obsessions over my in-ring attire, Pink is a color that represents Good health and life and good health and good life is what I bring to the UWF Audience should they decide to drop their ignorant ways and follow my words. And purple is a color of wisdom and enlightenment which needs no further explanation as to why I choose it. Of course I didn't expect the likes of you two to understand that, especially with the way you choose to look when you come out here to ring.

*Sandow turns his attention to Mankind, he looks to take a step but decides to simply take a step back before speaking*

And as for you, Mankind is it? rather appropriate considering you are a good representation of the abhorrent way the human race has turned out to be in these ignorant times. Simple minded, easy to manipulate, out of shape ignoramuses. I am straying away from the topic at hand, you mentioned you did not understand my detest for the Hardcore championship. It is a simple one, it is a title that's only purpose is to show who the greatest miscreant at the time is in our business. It is a title not of Skill, not of talent, not of grandeur, or of wrestling. It is a title people such as yourself win because they, like cavemen, bonked one another in the skull with a weapon more times than the other. Mr. Bryan is a former holder of this championship but he brought that title to a level that earned him a spot at the World heavyweight Championship, meaning Mr. Bryan is only an exception to the rule.

*Sandow now takes a step closer to his partner, speaking to him*

I honestly cannot fathom what is this brands obsession with the deranged, it's as if everywhere you look from the world title picture to these two miscreants you see nothing but unstable mental cases. Rather saddening to see what a brand can become without our guiding light.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Mankind vs. Y.E.S

“OH, YES!!”

The eerie wail resounds off the walls of the arena as the crowd, fully knowledgeable of who it is that speaks, erupts into a frenzy of rabid marking. Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow spin toward the entrance in disbelief. Mankind, still rocking back and forth, smiles a wicked smile and looks up as if expecting the new arrival to descend from heavens. Smoke bellows from the entrance, as all present are frozen in the moment. Appearing in the white smoke is the short, pudgy form of none other than PAUL BEARER!


He steps out onto stage slowly and methodically and pears ominously at the crowd. That only feeds the fervor of the fans who remember his days as manager of some of the darkest superstars ever to grace the ring. Suddenly, his head turns to face the scene in the ring. There is no smile on the face of Paul Bearer tonight. In fact, the look on his face is one of anger and twisted disapproval.

OH, MANKIND!!! Oh, you poooooor lost soul! Don’t listen to these charlatans for they know nothing of the ways of enlightenment! Oh, but that doesn’t stop them from spreading their lies and leading these poooooor people down the road to ruin!

Finally coming out the initial shock of the moment, Bryan and Sandow begin to make light of the managerial Icon.

Damien, OH, Damien. To have such a sweetly demonic name and, yet, be so ignorant of the fate that unfolds before you! What you face at CLASH OF CHAMPIONS, you may not consider the best of opponents, but they are the harbingers of the end of your control and influence on the U.......W......F! They have been called by the dark, chthonic forces to repossess the belts of gold and reign as the LORDS of GOLD AND DARKNESS! To unify the bizarre and the broken! And end your age of misguided so-called enlightenment! They called me the FATHER OF DESTRUCTION; and I have come to unify two brothers from different mothers to become a force of destruction, drama and madness!

Paul Bearer stops a moment and, then, focuses on the self proclaimed greatest wrestler in the world.


AND DANIEL BRYAN!!! You may have held the Hardcore title, but you are far from what a Hardcore champion is meant to be. You think Hardcore is about being reckless? OH, NO! You could not be farther from the truth. Hardcore is about pushing one’s self past the limits thought humanly possible; taking violence and pain and suffering to a whole new level. Something all others think EXTREME, the devotee of the true spirit of Hardcore lives and breathes. Dangerous and unpredictable. That is Mankind.

To accentuate his final part, Paul Bearer holds his left hand out toward the ring as the confused and befuddled Mankind pulls himself up in the corner by the ropes and starts pacing madly around the ring again.


Mankind: I’m sorry; I have to break in here. I’m still trying to figure out what the Kiingons have to do with Hardcore…and I’m also trying to get rid the image left in my mind of the two of you totin’ poles.

The crowd cheers and chuckles at YES’s expense as Paul Bear rises up the steel steps.

Mankind: But, you’re right. We’re both animals; wild and untamed. But that doesn’t mean we’re unintelligent. Because it all becomes clear to me with the blessed union between Goldie and myself and, now, the arrival of the ultimate in management from the Darkside, that fate itself agrees with everyone here…

The two members of Yes raise their hands a bit and shrug as if to ask what in the world he’s talking about.


Mankind: Fate thinks you suck too.

That engenders a strong pop as Goldust laughs and the crowd begins to chant: YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!

You refer to these incredibly confused people as unwashed, and THANK GOD! Because all you want to do is WASH their brains and turn them into your zombie drones! Much like the world has tried to brainwash me into buying into lie that people like YOU are the norm. I mean, look at you two! You make a cute couple and all, but consider what the kids are gonna end up looking like. Obviously they’ll all have beards, but the combination of ugly you two bring to the table will leave them all recluses. And Sandow, I can respect your take on your wardrobe. Pink may be the color of health. But, pink is also the color of a rather flamboyant and happy lifestyle. (Mankind holds his hands out toward Damien in an apologetic way) Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Paul Bearer has entered the ring and takes his place between Goldust and Mankind as Marlena lights up a cigar. Sandow has had enough and has begun to yell at Mankind, but backs off as Bearer’s eyes widen wildly. He puts one hand on Mankind and points at Sandow and Bryan with the other.

Don’t apologize to the likes of these two, my confused and beleaguered adopted son! They are not worthy of your respect or concern. OH, NO! They are worthy only to face the fires of fate at the hands of Silver Screen legend, GOLDUST, and the embodiment of madness and violence, MANKIND!


Once again Sandow rolls his eyes and Bryan starts to yell at Mankind.
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Brock Lesnar

Jun 22, 2010
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Re: UWF COC 9/25: HBK vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle listens to what Shawn has to say with great fury and anger in his eyes, waiting for his chance to jump in. And as soon as he sees it, he decides to take himself up on the offer. He picks his microphone up to his mouth and begins to speak, letting Shawn know just exactly how he felt.


Kurt Angle: You just don't get it, Shawn! It's not about the past, damn it! You stand there rambling on about what I did when I first came into this business, about how I was a different person years ago. That's what happens Shawn, when a person in my stature gets disrespected year after year. These people, as beloved as you believe them to be... they chanted that I sucked for years! The boys in the back, they overlooked me every chance they could for years! I'm not about to take that lying down, so I didn't. I knew you would react like this, being in the position that you're in, trying to relieve glory days of a past that should have ended years before it did. I didn't have to retire, Shawn... because I'm a machine this ring. Day in and day out, I wrestled my ass off... because it wasn't a job to me, Shawn. It was a lifestyle, it was the very thing that made me get up in the morning... and that still holds true to this day. I didn't take a four year break, I didn't go through the same recovery you did; because I didn't have to. I don't need to take a break, Shawn. I don't need to quit until I physically am unable to do.

Kurt realizes that he's talking about the past a bit as well, which makes him do a quiet double take. He switches his game up, ready to blast Shawn about the things that mattered in the present. He continues letting Shawn know everything that was on his mind at the moment.

Kurt Angle: Listen, Shawn... I'm not going to talk about the past either. It's there for a reason. You don't understand that you aren't stepping into the ring with a weaker version of anything I've used to be. I've gotten stronger, I've gotten smarter. Shawn, I've gotten more dedicated than I ever have been in my freakin' life. If I was a betting man, I'd bet on my own damn self because that's how good I know I am! This week at Clash of the Champions, we're not going for any title. We're not even going for these people. It's about you, it's about me. I'm not going to let you stand there and think for a single second that you have what it takes to beat me. I've gotten the better of you ever since you decided to come back the same week as I did. Ever since you decided to make these people give a crap about you again. You should have stayed home, Shawn... you should have stayed home. Because now that you didn't, you've opened yourself up to a fight that you know you can't finish. What I did to you a couple of weeks ago backstage, it was just the beginning. It was just the very thing that you needed to know... that I was serious about everything I say when I'm out here in this ring. Weeks after, you still held the grudge... and Shawn, I'm the type of guy that backs every damn thing I do up. They call me the best wrestler in the world for a reason, it's because of the superior skill I have when I get into this ring. You may not think I still got what it takes, but I'll be damned if I'll let you prove it at Clash of the Champions. It's not about anything more than who is better than who. I'm not going to take anymore of this crap, Shawn. I'm getting out of this ring before I actually do hurt you... because you're not going to like what I have to say when my hands are wrapped tight around your ankle. You're not gonna like it one damn bit.

Kurt drops his microphone and leaves the ring. As he goes walking up the ramp backwards, he motions to Shawn one more time.

"You're freakin' done Shawn! You're done!"

Kurt can be heard throughout the arena without a microphone, because the crowd is completely silent as Kurt's music plays. Shawn waits in the ring, shaking his head that Kurt already left the party early. It looks like these two men will meet each other again... at the supershow.


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Feb 20, 2011
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Re: UWF COC 9/25 - Kofi Kingston (C) vs. John Morrison


Kofi Kingston’s theme song plays over the arena much to the dismay of the capacity crowd. Kofi Kingston steps out onto the stage with his gleaming new United States Championship accompanied by Abraham Washington and Nelson Mandela of all people. The duo walk down the entrance ramp, climb up the steel steps and get into the ring. Kofi raises his title up for all to see before Abraham grabs a mic that was laid out for him.


Abraham Luther Washington: My name is Abraham Luther Washington, founder of All World Promotions and I am here today with a great man, the winner of a Nobel Peace Prize and former president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela and also my client, who I am proud to introduce to you all today as your champion. The champion of the United States of America, Kofi Kingston. The man who you all have ridiculed, the man you have racially abused since he joined this company is now standing on top of you all. Nelson Mandela also wishes to say a few words which he will get to in a little while but please, listen carefully to what Kofi and Nelson have to say.

The fans rain down boos at them. Kofi yells at them to shut up when Abraham calms him down and gives him the mic.

Kofi Kingston: I told you all. All of you, no-one believed in me. Abraham was the only guy who believed I could do it. I am the first black champion in UWF history. Times have changed, no longer is UWF ruled by guys like CM Punk, James Storm, Chris Jericho who are constantly abusive, no longer can management put me down, or single me out due to the colour of my skin. In fact, it shows how pathetic America is, a Ghanaian is better than you all, and you have the audacity to single me out. I am better than all of you! I am the champion of your pathetic company whether you like it or not. Now, onto John, you are pathetic, you don’t even deserve to be in a match with me. I mean, trembling at the sight of a ‘man’ who spends more time looking in the mirror than actually fighting, I don’t think so. You’re kicking my door down and taking my title? IS THAT A REFERENCE TO AUTHORITIES KICKING DOORS DOWN AND TAKING FAMILIES BACK IN AFRICA!? You are racist. I win my title yet people continue to insult me! I’m sick of it, maybe after tonight people will treat me with more respect. You can talk all you want John, talking doesn’t win you titles, you can talk about your little paradise all you like, but at Clash of Champions, there will be Trouble in Paradise.

Kofi lowers the mic and hands it to Nelson Mandela who addresses the UWF universe.

Nelson Mandela: Good evening. I’m here tonight to announce a great thing, accomplished by a great man. A man who has fought and not give up. Kofi Kingston, keep fighting, keep fighting against those who choose to try to inflict pain to you. These people aren’t worth your time, I was one that fought, Martin Luther King, he fought and now we are both renowned all over the world for it. Well, let’s get on with it. Ladies and Gentleman, I am delighted to announce Kofi Kingston to be the next winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, which will be presented to him on December 10th. He has won this for ‘his services in the fight against racism.’ Now, I expect him to be treated with more respect after all he has gone through, that is it from me.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: UWF Championship: Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes



The fans erupt into passionate cheering as the theme music of the one and only Rattlesnake begins to play over the PA system and echo throughout the arena. It isn't long before Stone Cold himself walks through the curtain, his title worn proudly over his shoulder, as the crowd erupts into louder and more passionate cheers.


After a moment, Austin begins walking down the ramp towards the ring, making his way up the steel steps and along the apron, stepping over the middle rope and entering the ring. Stone Cold walks over to the nearest corner and ascends it, throwing up the Stone Cold Salute with one hand and raising his championship belt as high as he can with the other hand. Austin steps down and heads to the corner diagonal from the one he was just standing on, repeating the process. Austin steps down again after posing and repeats the process with the remaining turnbuckles before signaling for a microphone from the ringside officials. He is granted one as he makes his way into the ring.

The fans erupt with further excitement as Austin stands there with the microphone in hand, soaking in the adoration further. His theme music fades out until it can no longer be heard playing, making the deafening "Austin!" chants more audible than they were before, as they echo throughout the arena and seem to shake the place. After a moment, Austin raises the microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.


Stone Cold: Your baby, huh? Well I'm forced ta' question what kind of a father you are, Cody, for letting your baby get taken away and kept from you in the first place. If you were that dedicated a father, Austin Aries cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase would've made no difference, you would've been fully alert and made his cash-in a failure. And you preventing Austin Aries from successfully cashing in would've prevented Wade Barrett from later winning the title in a triple threat match, which of course would've prevented me from winning the belt from him at Backlash and going on to becoming the longest reigning champion in You Dubya Eff history. So as for your baby getting taken away, you have no one to blame but yourself, and being kept away from it for so long, well, that's your fault too. Myself and the other holders of this belt knew the psychological trauma you being in custody of this child would bring, so it was prevented by all means necessary.

You were given two opportunities to prove that you were a changed man and accept the responsibility, but you failed in both custody hearings, and as a result the whole world has definitive proof that you were never meant to be the father of this baby. The fact that she remains in my care and has been kept out of harm's way for this long provides all the evidence needed that I am a suitable caretaker and that for the betterment of the quality of her life, the longevity of Raw, and the overall success of the You Dubya Eff, the child should remain in my custody. You have proven that the type of man you are is a bitch, and because you feel sorry for yourself for failing as a parent, you want the entire world around you to have pity as well. Every time you have picked up a microphone for the past four months, and even longer than that, you have shared the same sob story, telling everyone that your daughter was wrongfully taken away from you, arguing why you deserve another chance to be in her life.

I don't think you're crazy. As I've said before, I think this whole thing is a cry for attention, you think that if you plead insanity not only will you get the sympathy you want, but it'll give you an edge going into all yer matches. I mean, who wants to wrestle the crazy guy, right? I'm not buying it, yer just a pathetic son of a bitch that's reached the end of his pitiful rope and are scrambling desperately for whatever he can grab hold of. Well now that yer at the end of that rope, I'm gonna hang you with it, but don't worry I'm not gonna take yer life away. After the ass kicking I give you for coming near my daughter with ill intent, you'll wish I'd kill ya, but I won't. I'll tighten the noose and look into yer beady little eyes, watching the iris of both eyeballs disappear as they roll back into yer head. I will listen to you choke and watch as your hands clutch at your throat, trying to loosen the rope even slightly. Then, just as you're about to slip from this life to the next, boom! I'm gonna kick ya in the stomach and bring ya down with a Stone Cold Stunner.

After that, I hope ya think twice about comin' near my family. I hope that when you do have that thought, cuz ya will, that instead of remembering how ya lost it in the first place, you'll remember how ya lost something a lot more important that last time you tried ta' make me lose it. The bottom line is this, boys, and some of this I'm gonna repeat so I can be certain it sinks in. The You Dubya Eff Championship is my precious little baby, not yours or Jericho's. Tuesday Night Raw is the house that she was first left in my care, and it is the home I will continue to raise her in.

Really you're in a win-win situation, Cody. If you beat me on Tuesday night, you get rewarded with the You Dubya Eff Championship. But if you lose, you still get rewarded, because then you will be able to move on to someone else and this Rattlesnake will no longer be yer problem. However, if you do win, that reward will be short-lived and bittersweet, because I'll be pursuing that title more fiercely than I've defended it, and you will know the true meaning of mental instability.

Stone Cold lowers his microphone and looks at his opponents, waiting to see which one of them speaks next.


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Sep 19, 2010
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Re: UWF Championship: Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho vs. Cody Rhodes

Jericho looks at Stone Cold Steve Austin almost ignoring Cody Rhodes right now


Jericho begins to speak to Austin

Chris Jericho: How dare you Austin? How dare you not mention me at all. First you have the audacity to come out on the titantron and not mention me what so ever... and instead of coming out here putting the main focus on me, you hear me Austin me! You decide to to talk to this insect on your radar in Cody Rhodes. Austin Cody Rhodes is not someone you need to worry about. The person you need to worry about is me Austin. I am the one that you need to be focused on. Austin I am the only opponent in your reign as world champion here in the UWF. You were down for three until Cody decided to stick his nose in business where it did not belong.

Austin I am going to be the winner in this triple threat match and you may doubt the fact all you want, but it is going to happen. Austin Cody likes to talk about his competitive advantage that he likes to believe has over us, but the thing is Austin and Cody it is I with the competitive advantage. I am the best in the world at what I do. I know it seems redundant at me repeating myself, but this is a guaranteed honest 100 percent. Whatever else you would like to add too it truth. I know everything about your guys in ring style, your guys motives, and your guys hopes and dreams.

Cody you may deny it all you want, but you feel discomfort about this match up. You feel that you may not be ready for the level I am at. You alsp feel your nowhere near the level of Stone Cold Steve Austin. You feel you need to put this facade that your on a elite level to believe it. You ooze yourself with all this confidence, but really Cody those confident emotion you have contained in your body. That confidence is only there to assure yourself. It is not there to make you feel better, it is there to put a seed in your mind. That is all your confidence is there for. As for you as a wrestler your a pretty shaky performer. You have your good days or your bad days, but you know how to work a match, but the one thing you lack Cody is heart. You lack the heart it really takes.. and until you realize that junior you'll never be on my level.

Now when it comes to you Austin... You have the claim to become the greatest wrestler of all time. In fact you may be considered that right now. Though Austin you have done so much with your in ring brawling style. You've done alot in your career and we have been rivals for the longest time. We've never really liked but we have respected each other, and Austin to further cement our respect for each other. I will respect your decision when you surrender the world heavyweight championship to me this Tuesday at Clash of Championship. Cause Austin it will happen when you wake up after this match, and you see me Y2J Chris Jericho the new UWF world heavyweight champion!

Fans give a mix reaction to Chris Jericho as he awaits a response​

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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UWF RAW 10/2 - Jericho vs. Morrison

The crowd is silent, before...


The crowd are on their feet as John Morrison struts out onto the stage, with his US Championship upon his shoulder, and poses on the stage, as the camera captures the moment in glorious slow motion. As he poses, Kelly Kelly and Natalya walk out from the back to accompany him. Morrison, followed by Kelly and Natalya, then strides down the ramp, eying the arena around him. He climbs the steel steps and steps into the ring. Morrison saunters across the ring and clambers up onto the turnbuckle.


He poses for the fans, as countless camera flashes go off before him. He steps down, and wanders over to the other corner of the ring to collect a microphone from ringside. He then turns back to the middle of the ring, and begins to speak.


Morrison: Carpe diem; seize the day. At Clash of The Champions, that is exactly what John Morrison did. I kicked down the doors of apartheid and threw the old regime to the kerb. The tyranny was usurped, and in a profoundly correct way, John Morrison reigns supreme. UWF may want to keep The Guru of Greatness at bay for as long as they possibly can, but we all know there is no stopping the unstoppable. The momentum of the driven inevitably conquers the will of the weak-spirited, and that was illustrated perfectly when I savagely beat Kofi Kingston down like the dog that he is. The buck stops here, and as promised, I stand before you a champion. Do you think that I'll relent, now, though? Think again. John Morrison will not stop until I stand before you as the UWF Champion, and even then, that will just be the beginning. The Government of Morrison is forthcoming, and I implore you all to be spectators in the greatest theater of all, as the greatest attraction of all steps forth and takes his natural birthright as the ultimate conqueror of mere man; the divine, inevitable, victor in a battle of wits. Like the chess grandmaster, I strategically plan and methodically brush aside my opponents; I always win, and I always get what I want.

Morrison pauses for a brief moment, before he pushes on.

Morrison: My reward for becoming United States Champion is a battle with Chris Jericho. Fresh off being defeated at Clash of The Champions, Chris Jericho probably envisages some form of glorious return to victory this Tuesday on RAW. He probably had some naive image of grandeur; a hope of a fresh start. Think again. Wake up, Jericho. Smell the coffee. The man who stands before you isn't the some feeble 'yes' man willing to lie down and take a beating for the right price; no tame dog, whimpering at the thought of a world championship contender... what stands before you is a raging bull. A raging bull, angry that it's not in the title picture; a raging bull which will flatten any matador who tries to tame his will. Be afraid, Jericho, be very afraid. You're stepping onto the rail track when there's a freight train flying down the rails, heading straight for you. There's only one way down from the top and you're being superseded at a rate more exponential than you can ever imagine. The future is now; believe the hype.

Morrison picks up a stride round the ring as he continues.

Morrison: I relish the challenge. I relish the experience. John Morrison is living like there's no tomorrow, because there isn't one. I want it all, and I want it now. Chris Jericho is a man content with his life. What awaits him is a frightening realization of his spot. Not just his spot, though; everybody's spot. John Morrison finally gets the primetime he deserves this Tuesday, and I hope that the UWF roster is huddled round a television set in the back, as I exhibit my mastery on the grandstage. Beating down a former world championship contender is the message which will be heard round the world, and that is my exact intention. Nobody is stopping John Morrison. Not now, not ever.

Morrison lowers his mic and awaits Jericho's entrance.



Aug 5, 2012
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San Francisco
Raw 10/2 Petey Williams versus The Rock

The titantron lights up and the camera feed is live. Standing in close up view is the backup backstage interviewer, Lauren, which is met with a mild cheer. The camera zooms out and in the now wide picture the audience sees Scott Steiner, Petey Williams and Rhaka Khan. A large amount of boos flood the arena, as the interview begins.

Lauren: Ladies and gentlemen, my guest at this time, Petey Williams.


Scott Steiner: HUH!? Whoa whoa whoa! Hold on you dumb bimbo, Petey ain't your guest. I'M your guest! Don't play no games, I know the way you looking at me, Big Poppa Pump. Why interview Petey Williams when you can get more than just the largest arms in the world?

Lauren: With all due respect Scott, no. And Petey is the one with the match against the Rock, not you.

Scott Steiner: What? Wait, yer telling me that I call out The Rock and this stupid punk gets the match!? Are you kidding me!?

Lauren: I'm sorry Scott, thats just all we have time for...

Scott Steiner: Forget this crap! I'm outta here! Come on Khan!

Steiner storms off and the incredibly tall Rhaka Khan turns heel and follows him off screen.

Lauren: Well.. now that he's gone. Petey, straight to business. You've been selected to face the Rock here on Tuesday Night Raw, while this is just your first match in the company. How does all of this make you feel?


Petey Williams: Lauren, drawing the Rock here in my first match on Raw doesn't frighten me. I'm an experienced, well versed, technical wrestling Canadian God, and I've faced my fair share of challenges in the past. As far as the caliber goes, I may not have faced anybody on the Rocks "level", so to speak, but everybody should be well aware that I've been in and succeeded in high profile matches. This may not be easy, but it sure as hell isn't impossible. What I have to do on Tuesday night is out wrestle The Rock. I've got to out smart the Rock, out pace the Rock, out maneuver the Rock when I step into that ring. I've been training for a long time for my Raw debut. I didn't want it to end up as some flash in the pan, like so many other guys out there have before me. Guys like Austin Aries; Won the belt, then disappeared. 15 seconds of fame cashed in and left. Samoa Joe; Tag Champ, fought at Vengeance, dropped off the face of the earth. I'm not like one of those guys, I'm so much better than them. Even so, now that I've been training with Steiner, I feel more confident than ever. He may be the rudest, ignorant, and most physical coach I've ever had.. But Scott Steiner is one of the greatest in this industry and he's still the man. He may kick my ass when I speak out of turn and make me carry his bags. That doesn't bother me though, because at the end of the day, I get to train with the man thats shaping my career for the better.

Lauren: Well you bring up a good set of points Petey, but I mean... it's the Rock. You're telling me and everybody in the world that you think you can beat the Rock?--

Petey Williams: Let me stop you right there. I don't think I can beat the Rock. I know I can beat the Rock. And let me address the Hollywood Superstar right now. Rock, You may not know me but I sure as hell know you. I know what you're all about Rocky, I know the games you play and the little catchphrases you throw out that make all the people laugh and love you. But words will not help you when you Wrestle somebody like me. Words will only make you end up taking the Canadian Destroyer a lot quicker than you would like. I think you understand that, in so many words, I am not to be taken lightly. Your open challenge may have been accepted by Scottie, however, I'm Maple Leaf Muscle and you'll have to go through me if you're going to even stand a CHANCE against Steiner. So, with that Rock. Why don't you just perform your little charade down in the ring, play it up and make fun of me for whatever you want. Take your punches now Rock, because in a few days receiving them from Petey Williams. The Canadian God of technical wrestling.

Lauren: Those are certainly some bold words on the behalf of Petey Williams. Anything else you want to say?

Petey Williams: No Lauren, I think I've said enough for right now.

Petey looks on confidently into the camera, before he walks off the screen. The camera fades out as the fans await the arrival of The Rock.


I know its seems a bit short, but I think you and I can get some fun posts in Itch!

Sep 27, 2011
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Raw 10/2 - HBK & Angle vs. Mankind & Goldust


The crowd erupts as HBK comes out from the back. HBK comes out from the back all smiles as he claps his hands at the fans for his appreciation for them. As HBK heads down to the ring, he stops and drops to his knees, prays, and then holds his arms in the air as his pyro goes off


HBK gets up to his feet and is excited and ready to go as he slaps hands with the fans as he heads for the ring. As he heads into the ring he heads for the farthest turnbuckle, climbs to the middle turnbuckle and once again claps at the fans. As HBK hops off the turnbuckle he is handed a microphone


HBK: For a guy who just lost a match last week on Raw, I am in a pretty good mood here tonight. Normally people who lose will come out and mope about it and try to have people feel sorry for them, but I am not going to be one of those people. The reason for that is simple, last week I wrestled one of the best matches of my life and although I came up short, I am proud of what I did in this ring. As for my tag team partner, Kurt Angle, this has just begun for us because I am not through with you just yet. But you and I will be saved for another day as on Raw, you and I will be teamming up for the first time in history. Trust me, I will have an eye on you throughout the match to see if you are going to get a cheap shot in on me and or try to leave the match and leave me to defend myself against two other men. That is the Kurt Angle I know, but I am challenging you to prove me wrong. This is for one night only as I do not see you and myself going for tag team gold anytime soon. And speaking of tag team gold, that brings up to our opponents, Goldust and Mankind.

The crowd boos at the announcement of those two names. HBK smiles as he knows probably what they are thinking

HBK: Goldust and Mankind, you two fell short of winning the tag team championship last week at Clash of the Champions. It's ok, I also lost my match. But this week you do not take on the tag team champions, no this week you take on and I hope he takes this as a sign of respect, you take on two of the very best to ever step foot in this ring, in The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels and the Olympic Gold Medalist, Kurt Angle. I have been in the ring with the two of you before and I know what kind of a strange match to expect out of the both of you, but now having to deal with the both you at the same time, is going to be a tricky thing. I know the mind games the both of you present, but you will not get that past the Showstoppa. I will alter those mind games and play them on you. So Mankind and Goldust, this Tuesday on Raw, get ready because you will find out why when Kurt Angle and HBK are in the ring together, you will be in for a wrestling lesson!

HBK lowers his microphone as someone has interupted him.............


ooc: something to get started, good luck boys!


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: Raw 10/2 - HBK & Angle vs. Mankind & Goldust


No sooner has the entrance music for Mankind started and the lights fade to combination of darkness and blue, than we see the crowd react in a way as confused and splintered as Mankind himself. No doubt remembering the valiant attempt by Mankind and Goldust to unseat the tag team champions, YES! But, they also know what this man is capable of. Mankind slowly steps out onto stage, slightly hunched over on his right side and just dares to peer through his long, unkept locks to leer at the crowd. As he steps out onto the ramp, his head jerks uncontrollably as if in spasms. But suddenly, he stops and stares at the ceiling as the camera zooms in.



Then, as quickly as he stopped, Mankind begins to descend the ramp toward the dark ring, still ranting to himself. He doesn't slap hands or even dare look at the fans. No, he seems preoccupied with something that must be dealt with. Ascending the steel steps, he stops at the top; looking lost and confused. He asks a scared ring attendant for a microphone. Then, he looks to the ceiling and pleads!

I'm sorry! I am truly sorry. We tried ...I would like to say we tried our best, but I know that's not true...because, if we had done our best we would have stripped the titles off of those two World Beard and Mustache championship runners up. And they would have won too if not for that guy from Germany and his FU MANCHU!

The crowd gives him a slight ovation and he smiles the best Mankind can.

Thank you, but it is truly undeserving. I mean, we promised you that the tag team known as YES would be unseated from their thrones and, well, we just didn't get the job done!! I mean, I'm not sure I can even step in the ring with you, Shawn.

Mankind looks over at Micheals and, then, turns away in shame.


No, I'm afraid I'm not worthy. I mean, you're the Showstopper; Mr. Wrestlemania. And me? Well, I'm sure as HELL not a SEXY BOY.

The crowd erupts and there are some catcalls from some ladies in the audience.

Thank you, Mae Young. I had no idea you were here. But I digress. My point, Shawny is that I'm not sure I can face Goldie and I have no idea where Paul Bearer went. Probably too ashamed to be seen in the ring with me...

Suddenly, the lights flicker and the crowd erupts although they have no idea what comes next. The lights go off and, after a pause, come back on to reveal the pudgy form of Paul Bearer in the center of the ring standing right next to Shawn, holding a shiny, new golden urn high for all to see.



Suddenly, Micheals jumps out of his skin and retreats to a safe corner in one of his patented overreactions. Once at a safe distance, he looks around the ring as if to say 'Where the hell did he come from?'

You misgivings concerning your worthiness are unfounded, MANKIND! It is not about your worthiness. OH, NO! It is about your calling!! And you have been called to be the harbinger of the Elder gods; the sign of the end-times!!

Paul Bearer turns to Shawn Micheals and points with his free finger.

And, you, Shawn, YOU are to be the first sacrifice to usher in the new age! (Turning to Mankind) You, my confused follower, are to BRING ME THE HEART OF THE HEARTBREAK KID!!!

The crowd boos a little and Mankind looks a little confused and scared at the notion. He begins to shake his head violently; refusing to do it. But, Paul Bearer just answers him with a series of wild nods and ghastly, googly eyes! Mankind looks tormented and, yet, Micheals looks a little concerned about that last statements. BUT, as Paul Bearer continues to scold Mankind, he is interrupted...


ooc: Not my best, but let's see where this goes!

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