"There's probably no god, now stop worrying and enjoy your life"

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No, it's not just atheists that have to understand...
So you're saying that just because religious people have had beliefs for a long time, it makes it worse for atheists to promote their beliefs of non-religiousness?

That's retatrded.
IMO, neither should have to post any billboards, or any ads, or even tll anyone of thei own beliefs. I'm content just to keep my non-religiousness to myself, and the world would be a better place if everyone did the same.
But that''s obviously not going to happen, so everyone just has to fucking realise that if they're going to promote their religion, they should exxpect other people to exercise their right to counter that, and vice versa.


It's rather pretentious and ignorant to believe humans are the highest beings throughout the universe imo.

Problem with atheists I've met is the fact they often are hypocrites. They don't want religion shove down their throats, but then what makes them think Christians want atheism shoved down theirs, or it being made a joke of?

It's not like I'm a mormon, but I do believe in God or some higher power. The Bible isn't meant to be taken literally (especially the creation myths, ffs), it's just a book of morals. And if people can use religion to give themselves hope and make themselves happier, people should respect that.

As for the billboard, it's extremely disrespectful. I wouldn't be offended, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be. You don't believe in God. We got the message a long time ago, move on and enjoy your own lives.

It's no more disrespectful than when people talk about God infront of athiests.

It's kinda funny how you called us hypocrites yet you are being one. You say that we should respect people for their beliefs yet you fail to respect ours. We have just as much of a right to express our beliefs as you do. There was a Christian book store (it's now closed) at the mall across from where I live. It's basically the same as putting a sign on a bus. You get a store that celebrates your religion, we get an ad on the side of buses. I really see no difference because both situations include beliefs. I don't believe in God so why do I have to look at a store that's full of God?

Thing is, in regards to my last sentence that I bolded, I never complained about the place. It never bothered me because I respect what other people believe in. You aren't respecting our beliefs because you are upset at an ad that goes against your beliefs.

You can't say that you aren't offended by it because you clearly are.

Moonlight Drive

@ Mike: You've misunderstood. Not trying to say that one belief is superior, but for some people, religion is all they have and know. Although a lot of religious people are fucking Blue which sends an unfair stereotype (like those idiot ministers screaming about death to fags and dykes) ,but that is indeed the same for atheists. I'd prefer what you stated, I'd be much more content to just sit back and have everyone keep it to themselves.

It's no more disrespectful than when people talk about God infront of athiests.

It's kinda funny how you called us hypocrites yet you are being one. You say that we should respect people for their beliefs yet you fail to respect ours. We have just as much of a right to express our beliefs as you do. There was a Christian book store (it's now closed) at the mall across from where I live. It's basically the same as putting a sign on a bus. You get a store that celebrates your religion, we get an ad on the side of buses. I really see no difference because both situations include beliefs. I don't believe in God so why do I have to look at a store that's full of God?

Thing is, in regards to my last sentence that I bolded, I never complained about the place. It never bothered me because I respect what other people believe in. You aren't respecting our beliefs because you are upset at an ad that goes against your beliefs.

You can't say that you aren't offended by it because you clearly are.
I don't find that disrespectful tbh. Atheists worlds aren't built around that belief, while many Christians lives are. I'm not going to bother complaining if I see a Buddhist speaking about Buddha when I'm around, doesn't bother me.

As for the bookstore, I don't understand the big deal. If atheists are the so-called 'intelligent' ones, why not use some of that profound intelligence to ignore the bookstore and just walk past it? It just say's 'Christian Bookstore'. I don't think anybody would care if there was an Atheist bookstore anyway.

And I can guarantee I'm not upset, as I'm far from an ultra religious person.

What I'm trying to say is, atheists weren't brought up to have their lives run by religion. Most Christians were. Promoting atheism is fine, just the way this billboard is set out I think some would find offensive.


Wow, it was so awesome how you just totally missed the point of my post and proceeded to insult athiests.

Get over yourself.


Religion is not a bad thing... if used and followed properly. People who use religion as moral boundaries to live their OWN live's by are doing no one harm with their beliefs. If religion is something that helped you through some hard times, gives you strength, takes a little weight off your shoulder...right on man, go for it.

Religion is not the reason why people shove it down your throats...it's the people who shove it down your throats who are the reason....you follow?

Alright....let's say there was no religion. If there was a study that said that eating steak would make you peaceful, help you live longer and all around make you a better person; those same people who shove religion down your throats would be trying to get you to eat steak. It's simply a personality type

To come from the other side and say there could not possibly be a god is completely ignorant as well. We don't know what there is out there... there could be anything. (THIS STATEMENT IS MADE IN BOLD BECAUSE THIS IS ALL WE CAN ARGUE, ANY MORE THAN THAT AND YOU ARE PRETENDING TO KNOW SOMETHING YOU DON'T)

To deny the existense of Jesus is also pretty thick headed. Hey man, he sounded like a pretty likeable guy to me..lol. Telling someone that what they believe in is not real and they're wrong is the EXACT SAME THING as overly religious people shoving it down your throats.

So bottom line...allow people to believe in whatever the hell they want. Put whatever ads you want on buses, trains, planes, bus stops, commercials...whatever the fuck....it's no different than a Pepsi Ad when it comes down to it. If your conviction in something is strong enough, no ad should be able to sway you otherwise.
Whatever you choose to believe in...or not believe in... more power. As long as it's something that when you think of it makes you feel happy knowing that you think it's real.


So bottom line...allow people to believe in whatever the hell they want. Put whatever ads you want on buses, trains, planes, bus stops, commercials...whatever the fuck....it's no different than a Pepsi Ad when it comes down to it. If your conviction in something is strong enough, no ad should be able to sway you otherwise.
Whatever you choose to believe in...or not believe in... more power. As long as it's something that when you think of it makes you feel happy knowing that you think it's real.

Right, I agree, but that has to go for both sides. The problem is, some religious people think that'sfine, as long as the atheists don't state their believe (or lack of), and some atheists think it's fine to state their bleiefs, as long as the religious people don't state theirs.
Like I said, there's prople who are too uptight on their side of thought. But what I'm syaing is, it's stupid for religious people to bitch about ads like this, when they do their own ads, and it's also stupid for atheists to bitch about religious ads, when they have their own.

Like I said in my last post, I'm happy keeping my non religious beliefs to myself, and if everyoen did that, it'd be better, but since that won't happen, everyone might as well psot all the ads they want... it's not doing any harm, and if you don't like what the ad is saying, ignore it. Goes for both sides, really.

Headfirst For Hardcore

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Feb 8, 2007
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I don't have a problem with atheism, but I really dislike how some of the fanatical ones are all about bagging and trashing people that believe in a higher being. That's fine if you don't agree with whatever is said, but doing something like mocking what people call a Savior or a Deity is not cool.

And there is SOMETHING after death, nothing just stops. Just saying.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

I never believed in any god. I remember all the shit my mother would give me about how real he is.

Still don't believe in any of these gods. Existence is a fucking mystery that can't be solved.


I don't have a problem with atheism, but I really dislike how some of the fanatical ones are all about bagging and trashing people that believe in a higher being. That's fine if you don't agree with whatever is said, but doing something like mocking what people call a Savior or a Deity is not cool.
Happens from both sides dude, both sides.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Happens from both sides dude, both sides.

Not entirely true. You can say it happens from both sides, but I see more mockery from the Atheist then from the Theist/God side. I never really see people that believe in God go after atheism like they do for religious. I know that for some people that don't believe in God, their reasons for their argument against a God is just saying how bad or how "fake" a religion is, as opposed to why they think there isn't a God.


^You don't see people say how people who don't believe in god are messed up? You don't see people give non-religious people dirty looks? You don't here soem of the remarks rom religious leaders and churches about non-religious people?
You, my friend, live a sheltered life then.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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^You don't see people say how people who don't believe in god are messed up? You don't see people give non-religious people dirty looks? You don't here soem of the remarks rom religious leaders and churches about non-religious people?
You, my friend, live a sheltered life then.

I see that stuff all the time every single day. But what I was saying was how some Atheists like to MOCK religion, and just dismiss whatever is said and make a complete parody of it. I never said that religious people don't do that stuff, but mockery happens more with atheists.


I'm atheist, but I believe that it is right to respect other people's religion. People can believe what they want to believe, and science shouldn't always be trying to show new facts on various beliefs.

It's kinda funny that people that aren't atheist's get offended when there is ONE atheist advertisement, but everywhere you look there is something about Catholicism, Christianity etc etc in everything we see, do and hear.