Kayfabe The Backstage Thread

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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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*Aleks looks around the hallway before looking down at Zayne. He points to himself*

Aleks: Me?

*Emerson nods and Aleks eats a piece of Pepper Jack from the platter, chewing as he speaks*

Aleks Frost: Well if you've watched any wrestling in the past years that involved a crazed man in face paint ending careers, then...yeah, you'd know me from somewhere. If not...

*he swallow the cheese*

Aleks Frost: Then I'm slacking.

*he eats another piece, watching Zayne nonchalantly*
*A big smile comes across Emerson's face as he claps his hands together*
Emerson Zayne: Wait, I think I got it! You're the Amazing H, right?! I've heard so much about you!

Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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*A big smile comes across Emerson's face as he claps his hands together*
Emerson Zayne: Wait, I think I got it! You're the Amazing H, right?! I've heard so much about you!

Aleks Frost: Close, but no cigar.

*Aleks hops off the equipment box, causing the now empty platter to fall onto Emerson. He dusts the crumbs off his jeans as he speaks*

Aleks Frost: H was a good rival of mine in the past. He taught me a thing or two as well.

*Frost turns around and quickly grabs his kendo stick, swinging it 180, only to stop just a centimeter from Zayne's temple. A sweat drops falls from Emerson's brow, his eyes are wide. His signature smile now at an all time low of joyousness. It's quiet for a few seconds before Aleks breaks the silence by laughing and retracting his weapon*

Aleks Frost: Oh God! *laughter* it never gets old! I think you just pissed yourself!

*Zayne blinks and Aleks' leans down by his ear, Frost's voice is as cold as ice*

Aleks Frost: The names Aleks Frost...and you're lucky I'm not who I used to be.

*He backs away and twirls the kendo stick, placing it over his right shoulder when it completed it's course. Aleks turns on his heel and begins walking off towards his locker room. He makes a peace sign with his left hand that's visible by Emerson (who's smile is now back to 70% joyousness)*
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Aleks Frost: Close, but no cigar.

*Aleks hops off the equipment box, causing the now empty platter to fall onto Emerson. He dusts the crumbs off his jeans as he speaks*

Aleks Frost: H was a good rival of mine in the past. He taught me a thing or two as well.

*Frost turns around and quickly grabs his kendo stick, swinging it 180, only to stop just a centimeter from Zayne's temple. A sweat drops falls from Emerson's brow, his eyes are wide. His signature smile now at an all time low of joyousness. It's quiet for a few seconds before Aleks breaks the silence by laughing and retracting his weapon*

Aleks Frost: Oh God! *laughter* it never gets old! I think you just pissed yourself!

*Zayne blinks and Aleks' leans down by his ear, Frost's voice is as cold as ice*

Aleks Frost: The names Aleks Frost...and you're lucky I'm not who I used to be.

*He backs away and twirls the kendo stick, placing it over his right shoulder when it completed it's course. Aleks turns on his heel and begins walking off towards his locker room. He makes a peace sign with his left hand that's visible by Emerson (who's smile is now back to 70% joyousness)*
Emerson Zayne: Hmmm...I think I'm going to like that guy!
*Back to his usual level of happiness, Emerson rises up, dusting the cheese off of himself. He then takes a piece that was left on his shoulder, which he eats as he walks in the opposite direction of Aleks*
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Jake Lott: Ok everyone we are an under an hour away from the start of Winter Wonderland live on Payer-View. So get a word from one of the women wrestling tonight Lilith Young.

*The cuts backstage to the locker room to Faith Brewer and Lilith Young are about to start the interview.*

Faith Brewer: Now Lilith, With the hard times lately like the loss last week are you sure you can even compete in the right mindset tonight,

Lilith Young: You see, There's one thing that I can't stand. That makes my blood boil. It's being ignored. And being ignored I can’t stand being looked over. I’m a rose bright with fire. I’m disappointed, I’m disgusted that the championship I should have is around the waist of someone with no integrity! I should be out there with the title. I was finally given a chance, But this girl snuck her cheeky win last week and I get punished. I Pour my life into this and everyone walks over me. Everyone tells me I'm not good enough and I still go out and show why I’m a fighter. Why I will not quit, Why I will not give up. This fire is not fading anytime soon and Alyssa Herveaux will see one on one that when you play with a black rose you get burned.

*Lilith Sits on the locker bench and wipes her head.*

Lilith: I’m not going down with a fight I'm not going down that easy. It will take more than this just to break me. I'm not going down without bleeding. I was not trained to let roadblocks stop me. just like that. I’ve come back from worse and loss is just a loss, But defeat is accepting that loss and not even trying to do anything about it. I Never let a loss set in and break me.So you can throw me to the wolves because I will come back the leader of the whole pack.

*Lilith Walks out of the locker room slamming the door.*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Reese MaCleod: Terra..Hey Terra, can I get just a few questions in?
*We come to see Terra walking down the hallway, pulling her suitcase behind her, while Reese is quickly following behind*
Reese MaCleod: Terra, please? Why did you turn on your friend, Christina Morgan, at Winter Wonderland?
*Terra continues walking at a slightly faster pace, to which Reese continues to follow, though at this point he is beginning to limp as the chasing is taking a toll on his bad leg*
Reese MaCleod: Why did you help Vanessa retain her championship?
*At this point Terra has arrived at her locker room and is quickly making her way inside*
Reese MaCleod: Terra, please!?
*Reese catches up to her at the door, to which Terra turns around and says*
Terra: You want answers, then tune in to my match tonight. Because I after I beat that cheap Becky Lynch cosplay, I may decide to speak a few words about it. Now if you don't mind, get lost!
*Terra slams the door in Reese's face, but that doesn't seem to faze him as he quickly turns his attention to his leg, releasing slight grunts of pain as he sits down on the ground*
Honorable mentions: @Hybrid @Fireshock @Jet Starr @impactking
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Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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*William McCoy is seen doing push-ups in the public locker-room before his match. He’s in his black ring gear with a towel over his neck. Vincent Branam enters the locker room and sets down his duffle before taking a seat by William*

Vincent Branam: Getting ready for your big match huh?

*McCoy doesn’t stop doing push-ups as he replies in his usual country accent*

William McCoy: Yes sir. Would you believe that a guy who started wrestling in a Walmart would end up here, competing in a Gold Rush match his second week in?

*Vincent laughs*

Vincent Branam: No I wouldn’t. It’s a big opportunity for sure, don’t squander it alright?

*William stops his push-ups and stands, stretching his arms instead*

William McCoy: I’ll try not to…. And who knows, I might even win the whole thing.

Vincent Branam: Yeah, you might. I’ll be rooting for ya kid.

*Vincent smiles and William gives a thumbs up before walking over to a chair that has his Chicago Cubs jersey draped over it. He picks it up, puts it on, and like clockwork, a stagehand pokes his head through the door*

Stage Hand Dude Man McGee: You’re on William.

*William nods and throws a few air punches before following Stage Hand Dude Man McGee to the entrance curtain*


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Doctor Lindsay: Okay, let me know if this hurts at all.
*We see Emerson laying on a table wearing his new blue themed gear to match his now blue hair as Doctor Lindsay extends Emerson's right leg straight up*
Emerson Zayne: Still feels a little tight, but otherwise fine. Now can you tell me again why Mr. Starr is making me go through this?
*Doctor lowers Emerson's leg back down and begins writing something on his pad as Emerson sits up on the table*
Doctor Lindsay: You are competing in a high profile ladder match tonight, and he wants to make sure that your knee won't give out on you.
Emerson Zayne: I understand that. I'm just curious as to why that would matter to anyone?
*Doctor Lindsay looks to the blue haired freakshow with a quizzical expression*
Doctor Lindsay: He just wants to make sure that you're cleared to compete.
Emerson Zayne: Oh, okay. I was just curious, because it's not like anyone really showed any concern towards me when I was attacked by the Syndicate..
Doctor Lindsay: Wait just a-
Emerson Zayne: You don't have to defend anyone. I know I'm not really important around here...hell, I doubt anyone really likes me.
Doctor Lindsay: Why do you have to be so pessimistic?
Emerson Zayne: I'm sorry. It just the way my life's always been, you know?
*Emerson attempts to put his usual grin back on, though he seems to struggle to hold it this time*
Doctor Lindsay: I'm-
*Emerson quickly brushes it off, now back to his happy-go-lucky self*
Emerson Zayne: Let's forget about that though. Am I good to compete?
Doctor Lindsay: Oh- Well overall I think you should be fine, but I want you to wear this knee brace just as a security measure.
*Doctor Lindsay assist Emerson, showing him how to put the knee brace on*
Doctor Lindsay: And if anything goes wrong in that match, just through up the signal and we'll get to you as quickly as possible, okay.
Emerson Zayne: Got it! Thanks doc!
Doctor Lindsay: Also, I think that maybe you should seek out some counseling when you have the time.
Emerson Zayne: Nah, my last one said I was a lost cause, whatever that means.
*Emerson shrugs before hopping off of the exam table. He shakes out his right leg one more time before heading off for his match. Meanwhile, Doctor Lindsay releases a big sigh*
Doctor Lindsay: And I thought everyone was just exaggerating about him....

Honorable Mentions: @Jet Starr @Frosty @Fireshock @MintMidget69 @Papa Franku's ear


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*On the Pre-Show, We cut to backstage to see Chris Young still in his street clothes about to be interviewed by Christy McCarthy. Chris has his arms crossed and looks like something is really on his mind.*

Christy McCarthy: Chris Young, Do you have anything to say about your match tonight?

*Chris Stays quiet and just keeps looking around. His face has a look of deep sorrow and anger. He looks at his championship and sighs and shakes his head and he walks away, dragging the belt with him. Off camera, the sound of a loud crash can be heard and everyone rushes over to see Chris laid out with blood dripping from his head as his body lies in the middle of the hallway with his famed baseball bat next to him. The screen fades out as he is carried off to the medical room.
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The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Faith Brewer: Thank you for joining me tonight, as with me I have the challenger for the Spark World Championship, Terra Hayze!
Terra: My match starts in less than a minute, so if you don't mind, can we hurry this up?
*Faith nods at this*
Faith Brewer: I'll just skip to the main question. How were you able to convince the Board of Directors to give you this match?
*Terra chuckles a bit*
Terra: I gave everyone my reasons last week on Ignition, and the Board of Directors just so happened to see my way.
Faith Brewer: We-
Terra: -But that wasn't the only thing they saw my way on.
*A look of confusion comes over Faith*
Faith Brewer: What do you mean by that?
Terra: Well that you will just have to catch next week during the third installment of the TerraNova show.
Faith Brewer: But-
*Terra then walks away, heading towards the ring for her match*
Faith Brewer: Terra Hayze everyone...


May 13, 2013
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*Lord Fireshock is by the guerrilla position, anticipating his match against the wrestling stand out chosen by Jet Starr. As Lord Fireshock is counting down the minutes till his match, he notices Faith Brewer slowly approaching him in the corner of his eye. *

Faith Brewer: Lord Fireshock, before you highly anticipated match against the wrestling stand out chosen by our General Manager Jet Starr, do you have any thoughts or idea of who this mystery opponent may be?

Lord Fireshock: Sadly no. I have spent the last week, trying to work out who this person could be. Using my incredible wealth, I have even gone to the lengths of hiring a private investigation team to try and work out this. But, no dice. Jet, has put this person against me not to showcase his skills or mine. No, it’s so he can try to punish me for helping to break his brother’s arm like a kit kat bar in two.

Lord Fireshock: Unfortunately, for whoever this person, daring to step into the ring with me tonight at Adrenaline Rush, they are not facing any normal wrestler. No, they face the punisher of the Syndicate, he will learn like everyone in Ignition our message. We are not here to take part, we are here to take over. If only, if only I had a camera backstage to see Jet’s face after I wipe the floor with this peasant minded wrestling stand out.

*Lord Fireshock pauses*

Lord Fireshock:
Jet, once again your plan is going to back fire and the blood of this wrestler will be on your hands. Hope you can deal with that old buddy.

*Lord Fireshock smiles at the camera, before walking through the curtain to this match*

Mentions: @Jet Starr

Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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*We see William McCoy as he is walking down the backstage corridors towards the locker rooms, towing along his black suitcase. He is in a slim fit navy jacket and matching pants. A neatly pressed white dress shirt lays underneath with a black tie hugging the collar. Each step he takes with his red Nike Air Force One hightops causes his matching scarf to swing. A smile is on his face as Louis Goddard walks towards him, microphone in hand.*

Louis Goddard: Excuse me, Mister McCoy, could you answer a few questions for me?

*McCoy stops and twirls his mustache*

William McCoy: I can, my good man.

Louis Goddard: Excellent. *Ahem* Last week at Adrenaline Rush you were involved in the inaugural Gold Rush match, facing off against Minho, Emerson Zayne, and War for the chance to obtain the briefcase that would allow you to challenge for any title, anytime. During this match, War reinjured Zayne's knee as he was caught in the ladder, and shortly after that, The Syndicate came and attacked Minho, putting him through a table, and ending his night. The match came down to you and War going back and forth before he reversed your Death Blossom into his version of a sit-out powerbomb. We then saw him ascend the ladder, effectively bringing down the case to win while you desperately tried to stop him, only getting your arm on the first step before passing out. Do you have anything to say about this match?

William McCoy: That match was a pure spectacle to anyone and everyone who watched it. Showing the fierce competitiveness of all who were involved in it. That, of course, all ended when War took advantage of a caught up Emerson, and the Syndicate reared its ugly head to take out Minho. The fact that these men would stoop to interfering in a grand match is appalling and shows that they need to be educated on how to be gentlemen.

Louis Goddard: And how do you plan on "educating" these men?

William McCoy: Simple. Through a beating that they will never forget. Because you see, tonight I have a match against the ne'er do wells themselves. Joining me in this lesson is the World Champion himself, Luis Alva ... something. Together, we shall humble the Syndicate and give them a little course in "Gentlemen 101". Now ... is that all you wish to ask me?

Louis Goddard: Yes it is.

*William nods and smiles*

William McCoy: Then I shall be on my way. Have a good evening Mister Goddard.

*William strolls off towards his destination, ending the interview*
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May 13, 2013
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*Lord Fireshock is backstage, watching things unfold between Terra Nova, Jet Starr and Marie Quinn on a TV backstage*

Lord Fireshock: Ahhh, this is just too good. Haha.

Lord Fireshock: Bruce I am out of popcorn, be a good body guard and go grab some more for me.

Bruce: Sure boss.

*Bruce walks off to grab some more popcorn at the concession stand*

Lord Fireshock: Not salted this time though.

Lord Fireshock: Now back to the highlight of my day.

*Lord Fireshock goes back to watching the action unfold on the tv screen*

Mentions: @Jet Starr,@Emo
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Patriot Pants

LDW Champion (855+ days)
Jan 23, 2017
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*We see William McCoy strolling down the corridors of the backstage area. The Gentleman himself is dressed in a dashing black fitted suit with a white dress shirt underneath the jacket. He is also dressed in a matching black bow tie, vest, and Converse Weapons shoes. He also has one more accessory of importance ... A backstage V.I.P pass that hangs from his neck in place of his scarf. As he walks, he runs into Faith Brewer, who looks all to eager to spring an interview on him*

Faith Brewer: Hi, William. Not on the card tonight?

*She says as she points to the V.I.P pass*

William McCoy: No, tonight I am an average wrestling fan, who has purchased an overpriced pass to see his favorite superstars.

*He picks the pass up to look at it*

William McCoy: I mean really. It cost me almost double my seat price. I probably paid for Minho's horrendous new haircut with this thing.

*That last line caused Faith to let out a laugh*

Faith Brewer: You might have. Anyways, I have no questions to ask you tonight. But you're more than welcome to accompany me to see Jet.

*William lets the pass fall back to where it was*

William McCoy: While that is a generous offer, I must decline. I have a time slot to see Luis Alvarado and get his autograph. *He leans in to whisper* I paid extra for it. *he leans back out as she lets out a chuckle* So I hope your meeting with Mr. Starr goes well.

*And with that, the suited "Modern Day Gentleman" makes his way downtown, walking fast, autograph bound (dun ah dun ah dun ah)*

Mentions: @SupaHeeroh @Jet Starr
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The man with the rear that makes the girls cheer!
Apr 14, 2016
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Faith Brewer: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, The Korean Sensation, Minho!

*The camera pans around to show a rather annoyed Minho.*


Faith Brewer:
Minho, it seems like you aren't on the card for the upcoming pay per view, Viewer's Choice... How does that make you feel?

How does that make me feel? How do you think that makes me feel?! Not only me, but Wendi is also off the card! She beat Christina Morgan last week yet Christina still gets a championship match! How does that work? Answer me this Faith... Have I done something wrong?

Faith Brewer:
I don't quite understand the question...

Well lets see... The first month I got here I was a main event talent! I had an Ignition World Championship match at the very first pay per view! But... Ever since then I've just been thrown to the back of the line... Almost forgotten about... How does that happen in such a small space of time, I don't understand, do you?

Faith Brewer:
No, I...

And now... Now I'm not even good enough to be ON THE CARD?! Something isn't right. Something needs to change and I...

*Minho spots someone.*

What are you doing here?


The Artiste
Apr 14, 2016
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Faith Brewer: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my guest at this time, The Korean Sensation, Minho!

*The camera pans around to show a rather annoyed Minho.*


Faith Brewer:
Minho, it seems like you aren't on the card for the upcoming pay per view, Viewer's Choice... How does that make you feel?

How does that make me feel? How do you think that makes me feel?! Not only me, but Wendi is also off the card! She beat Christina Morgan last week yet Christina still gets a championship match! How does that work? Answer me this Faith... Have I done something wrong?

Faith Brewer:
I don't quite understand the question...

Well lets see... The first month I got here I was a main event talent! I had an Ignition World Championship match at the very first pay per view! But... Ever since then I've just been thrown to the back of the line... Almost forgotten about... How does that happen in such a small space of time, I don't understand, do you?

Faith Brewer:
No, I...

And now... Now I'm not even good enough to be ON THE CARD?! Something isn't right. Something needs to change and I...

*Minho spots someone.*

What are you doing here?
*The camera pans over to show Alex standing there with a bag of Tostitos*
Alex Pierse: Having a snack before the chaos. Did you want some?
*He extends the bag out to Minho*
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