SWA: Sadistic Wrestling Alliance

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Active Member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
(Here is the second and final part of Hallowfest)

World Tag Team Championship
The Hardyz vs. LAX

Lillian Garcia: “The following tag team contest is for the World Tag Team Championships! Introducing first, the challengers, representing the Latino Nation, Homicide and Hernandez, LAX!â€￾

(Homicide walks onto the ramp with a Mexican flag on his back and Hernandez walks out with the Puerto Rican flag on his back. They walk down the ramp looking to the fans and they both slide into the ring. Each go to a separate corner and raise up the flags they had on their backs.)

Lillian Garcia: “Now introducing the World Tag Team Champions from Cameron, North Carolina Matt and Jeff, the Hardy Boyz!â€￾

(Jeff steps out first followed by Matt. Jeff dances around as the pyro shoots out from the stage and over the crowd. Matt throws up the V1 sign as they walk down the ramp touching the hands of the fans. They both slide under the bottom rope and Matt walks to a corner and stands on the second turnbuckle throwing up the V1 sign again. Jeff runs at a corner and jumps onto the second rope. They both jump off the turnbuckles and stand in their corner.)

Matt Hardy and Homicide start out the match by meeting in the middle of the ring in a collar elbow tie up. Matt pulls Homicide into a side headlock. Homicide pulls himself out of the headlock and grabs the wrist of Matt. Homicide ducks under Matt’s arm synching in the wrist lock. Matt reverses it and locks the wrist lock onto Homicide. Matt begins to land forearm shots to the bicep of Homicide but Homicide moves into Matt and lands a knee lift to the gut of Matt. Homicide grabs the arm of Matt and whips him across the ring. Matt bounces off the ropes and Homicide attempts a hip toss. Matt blocks it and floats over and attempts a hip toss of his own. Homicide blocks it and attempts a clothesline. Matt ducks under the clothesline and than stands behind Homicide and waits. Homicide turns around to receive a kick to the gut. Matt runs back and bounces off the ropes and attempts a swinging neckbreaker but Homicide pulls himself out of Matt’s grasp at the last second. Homicide begins to stomp on the back of Matt until picking him up to his feet. Homicide pushes Matt against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Matt reverses it and Homicide bounces off the ropes. Matt leapfrogs over Homicide and Homicide stops right behind Matt. Once Matt turns around Homicide leaps up and catches Matt with a hurricanrana. Homicide picks up Matt Hardy by the hair and drags him over to his corner. Homicide tags in Hernandez and Hernandez enters the ring. Homicide holds up on arm of Matt and Hernandez lands a big boot to the ribs of Matt. Hernandez grabs Matt before he can walk away and picks him up for a scoop slam. Hernandez walks towards the middle of the ring and slams Matt down onto the mat. Hernandez backs up and quickly tags in Homicide who is already perched on the top rope. Homicide leaps off and lands a frog splash on Matt Hardy. Homicide hooks the leg and the referee counts 1…2 and Matt kicks out. Matt sits up holding his ribs and Homicide picks up Matt to his feet and locks him in a side headlock. Homicide backs up to Hernandez and tags him in once again. Hernandez enters the ring and lands a straight right hand to the ribs of Matt as Homicide lets Matt go. Hernandez grabs Matt by the head and shoves him into the corner. Hernandez grabs the middle rope and begins to give Matt three shoulder blocks to the gut. Hernandez grabs Matt by the head again and begins to pull him out of the corner but pulls him right into a knee to the gut. Hernandez picks up Matt in a bear hug and begins to violently shake Matt. Hernandez stops Shaking Matt and pops his hips and tosses Matt Hardy in an over head belly to belly suplex from the bear hug position. Matt lands and arches his back as one hand rests on his rib. Matt rolls onto his hands and knees and begins crawl towards Jeff. Hernandez gets to his feet and runs at Matt and punts him right in the ribs. Matt rolls onto his back once more clutching at his ribs when he was just fingertips away from tagging in Jeff. Hernandez grabs the leg of matt and drags him to the middle of the ring. Hernandez steps over Matt and grabs him around the throat. Hernandez lifts Matt to his feet and attempts to send him overhead with the cracka jack but Matt lands a thumb to the eye. Hernandez releases his vice grip around Matt’s throat and Matt runs back and bounces off the ropes and attempts a cross body but Hernandez catches him. Hernandez stands in the middle of the ring holding Matt and gets ready to slam him down when Jeff ascends to the top turnbuckle and missile dropkicks Matt’s back sending Hernandez on his back. The referee counts 1…and Hernandez pushes Matt off of him with power. Hernandez charges Jeff Hardy who is standing on the ring apron again. Jeff ducks in between the middle and top rope and drives his shoulder into the gut of Hernandez. Jeff than grabs Hernandez from behind the head and drops down to the arena floor giving Hernandez a hangman. Hernandez backs up and Matt gets to his feet and turns Hernandez around and places a well placed kick to the midsection. Matt backs up and gives Hernandez a swinging neckbreaker. Hernandez lays flat on the mat and Matt stumbles over and tags in Jeff. Jeff quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and waits for Hernandez to stand up. Hernandez finally gets to his feet and Jeff leaps off the tope and nails Hernandez with a whisper in the wind. Homicide rushes into the ring as Jeff gets to his feet. Jeff ducks under a clothesline from Homicide and once Homicide turns around Jeff unloads with a series of right hands until grabbing the arm of Homicide and whipping him into a corner. Jeff climbs up onto the second turnbuckle and begins to nails Homicide in the face with right hands. Hernandez gets to his feet and rushes at Jeff in the corner but Jeff grabs the top rope and hops onto the ring apron. Hernandez crushes Homicide in the corner and Jeff reaches over the op rope and lands a right hand to Hernandez. Matt comes from behind Hernandez and turns him around. Matt lands a discus right hand to the jaw of Hernandez sending him back first into Hernandez. Jeff enters through the ring ropes and runs at the ropes. Matt drops down on his hands and knees and Jeff bounces off the ropes runs at the corner and lands the poetry in motion on Homicide and Hernandez. Hernandez stumbles out of the corner and Matt and Jeff both pick an ankle and Hernandez falls to the mat. Homicide falls out of the corner and right on top of Hernandez in the 69 position. Jeff spreads the legs of Hernandez and leaps up landing the double leg drop driving the head of Homicide into the crotch of Hernandez. At the Same time Matt front flip leg drops the crotch of Homicide right into the head of Hernandez. Homicide rolls off of Hernandez and out of the ring. Jeff immediately covers Hernandez 1…2…and Hernandez kicks out of the pinning predicament. The referee tells Matt to get out of the ring and he does while Jeff stomps away on Hernandez. Jeff picks up Hernandez to his feet and attempts to whip him into an unoccupied corner but Hernandez reverses it. Jeff runs at the corner steps on the second turnbuckle and to the top but Homicide runs along the ring apron and knocks Jeff’s feet out from under him. Jeff straddles the top turnbuckle and Matt hops off the ring apron and runs along ringside aiming for Homicide but the referee cuts him off and tells him to get to his corner. Homicide slides into the ring and Hernandez pulls Jeff Hardy off of the top rope and pushes him into the corner. Hernandez grabs his wrist and whips him across the ring. Homicide backs himself into the corner and Hernandez whips him and he lands a flying forearm to the face of Jeff in the corner. Homicide moves out of the way and Hernandez hits Jeff with a huge body splash in the corner. Matt gets on the ring apron and the referee turns and tells Homicide to get out of the ring. Homicide exits the ring and onto the apron and goes to his corner. Hardy uses the ropes to hold himself up in the corner and Hernandez comes over and drives his shoulder into the gut of Jeff. Hernandez pulls Jeff out of the corner and lifts him up onto his shoulder. Hernandez pushes Jeff off of his shoulders onto his knee. Hernandez goes for the cover 1…2…and Jeff gets a shoulder up. Hernandez gets up and tags in Homicide. Homicide enters through the ropes and picks up Jeff to his feet. Homicide and Hernandez whip Jeff across the ring and Jeff bounces off the ropes. Jeff runs into a double clothesline from LAX. Homicide picks up Jeff and takes him down with a snapmare taker over. Homicide sits Jeff up and locks on a sleeper hold. After a few minutes Jeff begins to come back as He slowly manages to get to his feet. Jeff rises to his feet and turns to his side and connects with repeated elbows to the stomache of Homicide. Jeff turns to Matt and moves quickly to tag him in but Homicide reaches down and snatches a leg of Jeff. Jeff turns to Homicide and lands a spinning back mule kick to the chest of Homicide. Homicide rolls to his corner and tags in Hernandez and Jeff scrambles on his hands and knees and tags in Matt. Hernandez rushes at Matt and Matt runs at Hernandez. Matt takes a short hop and dropkicks Hernandez right in the knee knocking him face first onto the mat. Hernandez quickly gets to one knee and Matt runs back and bounces off the ropes and lands a dropkick to the face of Hernandez. Homicide gets up and rushes Matt but receives a short arm clothesline. Homicide gets right back up and walks into a back body drop from Matt. Matt turns to Hernandez and helps him to his feet and attempts to whip him into a corner. Hernandez reverses it and runs at Matt and receives a boot to the face for his effort. Matt hops up onto the second rope and leaps at Hernandez and catches him with a reverse bulldog. Homicide slowly gets up and Jeff picks him up to his feet. Jeff sets him up for a Russian leg sweep and Matt gets up and walks to the other side of Homicide and grabs him around the next. In tandem Matt and Jeff land a Russian leg sweep and a side effect of Homicide. Matt quickly goes for the cover 1…2…and Hernandez breaks the pin up. Hernandez bends down to pick up Matt but Jeff throws a kick up into the chest of Hernandez. Hernandez stands straight up and looks at Jeff as he backs up against the ropes. Hernandez rushes at Jeff but Jeff falls to the amt pulling the top rope down and Hernandez goes crashing to the outside. Hernandez slowly gets up and Jeff grabs a hold of the top rope and slingshots himself over the top rope attempting a cross body but Hernandez moves out of the way and Jeff hits the floor. In the ring Matt picks up Homicide to his feet and lands a big right hand. Homicide wobbles on his feet in the middle of the ring and Matt runs back into the ropes. As Matt bounces off the ropes, Hernandez reaches in and trips Matt so he lands face first onto the mat. Matt slowly gets to his feet and Homicide runs back and bounces off the ropes. Matt barely gets on his feet when he is hit with a running tornado DDT from Homicide. Homicide rolls him over for the cover 1…2…and Matt kicks out. Homicide gets up and argues with the referee and Hernandez hops up onto the ring apron. Jeff gets up and pulls the feet out from under Hernandez. Hernandez hits his chin on the ring apron and stands there holding his jaw while Jeff backs up and climbs onto the guard rail. Jeff runs along the guard rail and leaps at Hernandez but Hernandez catches Jeff around the throat and sets him down on the ground. Hernandez than launches Jeff with the cracka jack and as Jeff lands his right leg slams hard against the steel ring steps. Jeff clutches at his leg as Hernandez rolls back into the ring. Hernandez picks up Matt to his feet and Matt lands a few right hands to the head of Hernandez. Matt backs up against the ropes and attempts another cross body but Hernandez catches him once again. Hernandez lifts up Matt into a powerbomb position but Hernandez stops it and Matt lays there upside down as Hernandez holds his legs. Homicide backs up and bounces off the ropes and lands a dropkick to the face of Matt Hardy. Hernandez picks up Matt into the powerbomb position once again and throws Matt with the border toss. Homicide goes for the cover 1…2…and Jeff Hardy grabs the leg from Homicide from the outside and pulls him off of Matt. Jeff knocks Homicide down with a clothesline and is noticeably limping. Hernandez rushes to the outside and they both begin stomping away on Jeff. Matt ascends the turnbuckles and leaps at the two of them and lands a crossbody on them both from the top rope. All four men are laid out on the outside as the referee begins to count. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…and Matt and Homicide manage to get back into the ring before the count of ten. Matt and Homicide begin to exchange lefts and right in the middle of the ring. Meanwhile on the outside, Jeff’s hand reaches under the ring as Hernandez gets up and reaches down for Jeff. As Jeff gets to his knees, Jeff pulls out a steel chair from under the ring and slams it into the gut of Hernandez. Hernandez hunches over and falls to his knees and Jeff raises the chair above his head and slams it down on the skull of Hernandez. Inside the ring Homicide has Matt in a side headlock and Matt backs up against the ropes and pushes Homicide off. Homicide bounces off the ropes and runs into a boot to the mid section. Matt grabs Homicide in a front facelock and pulls him more towards a corner. Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Homicide as Jeff slowly ascends to the top turnbuckle of the corner Matt is in front of. Jeff holds his leg for a second before leaping off the top rope and landing the Swanton Bomb on Homicide. Jeff clutches at his leg and Matt covers Homicide. 1…2…3!

Lillian Garcia: “Here are your winners and still World Tag Team Champions Matt and Jeff, The Hardy Boyz!â€￾

Jim Ross: “The Hardyz pulled out one hell of a victory here tonight!â€￾

Jerry Lawler: “It was an amazing match up and a great effort by Homicide and Hernandez. Well it looks like you can stop a revolution.â€￾

Jim Ross: “It looks like it but right now we have got a train wreck waiting to happen.

Jerry Lawler: “Up next we have the Immortal Hulk Hogan and the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Folks this one is a match that has been building and building and now it’s time to explode!â€￾

Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair
Lillian Garcia: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Venice Beach, California weighing in at 303lbs the Immortal Hulk Hogan!

(Hogan walks onto the stage and flexes his muscles as “Real Americanâ€￾ plays in the background. Hogan walks down the ramp with the red and yellow boas around his neck. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring. Hogan takes the boas off and begins flexing for the crowd.)

Lillian Garcia: “And his opponent from Charlotte, North Carolina, weighing in at 230lbs the Nature Boy Ric Flair!â€￾

(“2001â€￾ plays as Ric Flair struts out onto the stage in a blue robe. Flair turns around and Nature Boy is printed on the back in diamonds. Flair walks down the ramp and up the steps and enters the ring. Flair keeps his eyes on Hogan as he takes the robe off and tosses it over the top rope.

Hogan and Flair stand face to face in the middle of the ring as the crowds cheer in anticipation. They both look out to the crowd and than to each other with fiery eyes. Flair raises his arms and shoves Hogan back. Hogan stands with wide eyes as he than walks to Flair and locks up in a collar elbow tie up. Flair pulls Hogan into a side headlock and Hogan backs Flair up against the ropes. Hogan pushes Flair off and Flair goes across the ring. Flair bounces off the ropes Hogan drops to the ground and Flair stops right before stepping over Hogan and drops a knee right across the back of Hogan’s head. Hogan rolls on the mat holding the back of his head while Flair rises to his feet pointing to his head smiling. Flair slowly walks to Hogan and sits him up, Flair than locks on a reverse chin lock. Hogan struggles as he reaches his hands up to the air. He moves his body to the side and begins to rise to his feet. Flair kicks the back of Hogan’s Calf muscle sending him back down to one knee. Flair wrenches in the hold a bit more as Hogan once again begins to rise to his feet. As Hogan gets to a vertical base, Flair shifts his body to lock in a side headlock. Flair than takes Hogan down with a side headlock takeover and Hogan lifts his legs and catches Flair in head scissors. Flair kicks out of the leg scissors as he rolls to his feet and Hogan does the same. They stand face to face in the middle of the as the fans cheer. They lock up in a collar elbow tie up and Hogan leans back and than foreword shoving Flair down to the mat. Flair gets up immediately and lunges at Hogan locking in another collar elbow tie up. Flair pushes Hogan back into a corner and Hogan begin to push out of the corner and shoves Flair all the way across the ring. Hogan moves in but the referee stops him as Flair puts his upper body underneath the bottom rope. Hogan backs off as Flair gets to his feet and kicks the bottom rope frustrated. Hogan stands across the ring and tells Flair to come on. Flair walks along the side of the ring holding onto the top rope. They stop and stare each other in the eye and go for a collar elbow tie up but Flair ducks under Hogan’s arms and does the Nature Boy strut. A frustrated Hogan walks slowly with his hands on his hips as Flair walks along the ropes once again looking out to the crowd. They stand across the ring from each other and go for a collar elbow tie up but this time Hogan ducks under Flairs arms and runs a hand through his hair. Hogan struts for a moment before letting out a loud Woooooo. Flair stands frustrated as he immediately goes in for the collar elbow tie up. They lock horns and Flair grabs Hogan in a side headlock. Flair spins around and locks on a hammerlock. Flair reaches down and grabs the leg of Hogan with the hammerlock still applied and Hogan falls face first to the mat. Flair still applies the hammerlock as Hogan immediately shifts his weight to sit up. Hogan falls to his stomache on the other side and than to his knees escaping the hammerlock but Flair still wrenches the arm. Flair stands too his feet and wrenches on the arm some more as Hogan remains on his knees. Hogan gets to his feet as Flair wrenches on the arm. Hogan gets to his feet and Flair grabs Hogan by the hair and pulls him back down to the mat. Hogan slowly gets to his feet again and looks at Flair and throws a hard right hand to the face of Flair. Flair lets go of the wristlock and falls to the mat. Flair rolls out under the bottom rope and Hogan soon follows. The referee hops out of the ring and tells Flair to get back in the ring. Hogan comes behind Flair but Flair grabs the referee and holds him in front right as Hogan is about to strike. Hogan stops and rolls back into the ring as Flair walks away. Flair walks to the steel steps and climb through the ropes and into the ring. Flair and Hogan circle around the middle of the ring before locking in a collar elbow tie up. Hogan locks Flair in a side headlock and spins around to Flairs side, grabs his arm, and takes Flair down with a drop toe hold. Hogan attempts to lock on a hammerlock but Flair scrambles and manages to get a hold of the bottom rope. Hogan backs off as Flair gets to his feet. Flair frustrated walks towards Hogan and shoves him right on the chest one more time. Flair holds up one hand up in the air and says come on! Hogan meets Flair in the middle of the ring and he lifts one hand. Their hands lock over head and the other lock by their side. With them both locked in a Greco Roman knuckle lock Flair yells out in pain as he slowly starts to bend at the knees. Right before Flair falls to his knees he kicks Hogan in the gut. Hogan hunches over and Flair pushes Hogan into a corner. Flair breaks the knuckle lock and lands a hard knife edge chop to the chest of Hogan. Hogan looks at Flair with wide eyes and lands a hard right hand to the face of Flair. Hogan grabs the Hand of Flair and pulls him into the corner. Hogan begins to unleash multiple right hands before whipping Flair across the ring and into the corner. Hogan dashes at Flair and hits him with a clothesline. Flair steps out of the corner and falls to the mat. Flair gets on his knees and begs Hogan off. Hogan picks up Flair to his feet and presses him against the ropes. Hogan whips Flair across the ring and attempts the Big Boot but Flair holds onto the top rope and slides out under the bottom rope to the outside. Hogan follows Flair and Flair runs around the ring and slides in under the bottom rope. Hogan slides back in right behind Flair but as he gets up he receive a knee lift to the face from Flair. Flair picks up Hogan and pushes him into a corner. Flair leans back and lands a thunderous knife edge chop on the chest of Hogan. Flair lands another hard chop across the chest of Hogan Flair follows it up with a precise right hand to the jaw. Flair pulls Hogan out of the corner and lands a snapmare takedown. Flair stands up and back up against the ropes and takes a few steps leaps up and lands a knee drop right across the face. Flair stands up and backs up against the ropes again and attempts another knee drop but Hogan sits up. Flair and Hogan get to their feet at the same time and Flair begs off Hogan as he walks into a corner. Hogan lands a huge right hand and than climbs up on to the second turnbuckle and begins to land right hands to the face of Flair. The crowd counts along 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10! Hogan gets off the ropes and whips Flair across the ring into the corner. Flair walks out of the corner only to be caught with a clothesline from Hogan. Flair rolls to his knees and once again begs off Hulk Hogan. Hogan walks towards Flair and grabs him by the hair and begins to pick him up to his feet but Flair pokes him in the eye with his thumb. Flair gets to his feet and pushes Hogan up against the rope. Flair leans way back and knife edge shops Hogan sending him over the top rope and down to the floor. Flair struts in the ring and shouts “Wooooooâ€￾. Flair climbs through the middle and top rope and hops down to the floor where Hogan is on his hands and knees. Flair grabs Hogan from behind the head and picks him up to his feet. Flair drags Hogan over to the guardrail and slams Hogan’s face right into it. Flair picks up Hogan off the floor once again and rolls him into the ring underneath the bottom rope. Flair hops onto the ring apron and enters the ring. Hogan begins to sit up but Flair stomps Hogan in the face sending him onto his back once again. Flair backs up against the ropes and lands a rolling knee drop across the face of Hogan once again. Flair picks up Hogan to his feet and pushes him into a corner. Flair chops Hogan right across the chest. Flair attempts another chop but Hogan blocks and answers back with a right hand. Flair chops Hogan again but Hogan retaliates with another right hand. They begin to exchange chops and right hands until Hogan gains the momentum and begins landing continuous right hands. Hogan lands one more right hand and knocks Flair down. Hogan picks up Flair and pushes him in the corner. Flair pokes Hogan in the eye once again and Hogan backs away. Flair walks out of the corner and behind Hogan and catches him with a roll up. Flair puts his feet on the middle rope as the referee counts 1…2…and Hogan kicks out. Once Hogan sits up Flair sits up and locks in a reverse chin lock and slips it into a sleeper hold. Flair wrenches in on the sleep hold as Hogan begins to fade. Flair pulls Hogan down so they are lying on the mat as Flair still applies the sleeper hold. The referee checks Hogan’s hand and it is limp. The referee picks up Hogan’s arm and lets it go and it falls to the mat 1… The referee picks up Hogan’s hand again and it drops down to the mat 2…The referee picks up Hogan’s hand once again and lets it go but it remains raised in the air as the finger waves back and forth. Hogan picks himself up to his knees and than to his feet as Flair still applies the sleeper hold. Hogan lands two elbows to the midsection of Flair which caused him to release the sleeper hold. Hogan runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Hogan knocks down Flair with a shoulder block. Flair gets right up and Hogan pushes him against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Flair bounces off the ropes and gets caught with a big boot. Hogan looks to the crowd and moves back and bounces off the ropes. Hogan attempts the legdrop but Flair rolls out of the way. As Hogan lay flat on the mat Flair got to his feet and grabbed the leg of Hogan and stepped over attempting the Figure Four Leg Lock but Hogan lifts hi other leg and pushes Flair off. Flair gets up and picks up Hogan to his feet. Flair locks in a front facelock and than picks him up for a vertical suplex. Flair lands the vertical suplex and Hogan stands straight up waiting for Flair to get to his feet. Flair gets up and turns around and looks at Hogan already standing. Flair begins to beg off Hogan lands a boot to the face of Flair knocking him down to the mat. Abyss is seen walking down the ramp with James Mitchell. Abyss hops onto the ring apron and Hogan lands a right hand knocking Abyss to the floor. The referee is looking to Flair as abyss gets to his feet once again. Abyss wraps the chain across his hand and walks along the side of the ring. Hogan is still looking down to Mitchell and telling him to beat it when Abyss comes from Hogan’s blind spot and nails him with the steel chain right in the knee. The referee leans through the ropes and sends Abyss to the back. Meanwhile Flair crawls up behind Hogan, who is clutching at his knee and barely standing, and lands the low blow. Hogan falls to the mat and Flair rises to his feet and grabs the leg of Hogan. Flair steps over and lays down locking in the Figure Four Leg Lock on Hogan in the middle of the ring. Hogan leans to one side to reverse the pressure. Hogan finally turns Flair over but Flair uses that momentum and rolls them again so the pressure is still on Hogan and the Figure Four is still being applied. Hogan reaches for the ropes and they are a hands length away. Flair continues to pour on the pressure on the legs of Hogan. Hogan pushes himself towards the ropes and he is just a fingertip away from the ropes. Flair arches his back upwards and Hulk Hogan taps out to the Figure Four Leg Lock.

Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and gentlemen your winner by Submission the Nature Boy Ric Flair!â€￾

Jim Ross: “That damn Abyss and Mitchell have come down and ruined an amazing match up! Damn them both to hell!

Jerry Lawler: “Calm down J.R. either way Ric Flair picks up the submission victory over Hulk Hogan.

Jim Ross: “Well the anticipation has been built up every week and now it has culminated to this match up. Triple H, the Undertaker, one on one.

Triple H vs. the Undertaker​

Lillian Garcia: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Greenwich, Connecticut weighing in at 260lbs the Game Triple H!

(Triple H appears on the stage as “Them Gameâ€￾ by Motorhead plays. Triple H walks down the ramp with a sledgehammer in hand. He walks along the ring and than hops up onto the ring apron. Triple H turns to the crowd and takes a sip from a water bottle. Triple H spits it over the crowd and flexes. He enters the ring and the referee takes the sledgehammer from him and puts it under the ring.)

Lillian Garcia: “And his opponent from Death Valley, weighing in at 305 pounds the Undertaker!â€￾

(The druids file out on the stage and walk down the ramp holding torches. One by one they walk along the ring until they have it surrounded. Triple H looks around constantly as the druid chant slowly comes to a stop. A gong sounds twice and the Undertakes music hits. The druids raise their torches into the air as the Undertaker appears on the stage. Undertaker slowly walks down the ramp looking at Triple H in the ring. Undertaker stands in front of the ring and gazes inside and than turns and walks up the steel steps. Undertaker pauses in front of the steel ring post. Undertaker holds out his hands and quickly raises them as the light flash on. His eyes are rolled into the back of his head as he stands in front of the post. The druids begin filing out up the ramp. Undertaker walks onto the ring apron and enters the ring. Undertaker takes off his trench coat and than his hat. Undertaker looks towards Triple H and he rolls his eyes into the back of his head once again. Undertaker walks towards the middle of the ring as does Triple H.)

Triple H and the Undertaker stare each other down in the middle of the ring. Triple H throwing the first right hand and Undertaker quickly retaliates with a right hand of his own. They both begin to exchange heavy right hands until Undertaker gains the advantage and they quickly lock into a collar elbow tie up. Undertaker pulls Triple H into a side headlock. Undertaker synchs in the side headlock briefly taking Triple H to one knee. Triple H gets back to his feet and backs Undertaker against the ropes and pushes him off. Undertaker bounces off the ropes and Triple H knocks down the Undertaker with a stiff clothesline. Triple H picks up the Undertaker and presses him against the ropes. Triple H whips Undertaker but Undertaker reverses it. Triple H bounces off the ropes and runs into a back body drop from the Undertaker. Triple H rolls to his feet quickly and walks right into a right hand from the Undertaker. Triple H’s knees buckle a bit as he stumbles backwards into a corner. Triple H attempts to walk out of the corner but the Undertaker grabs Triple H by the throat and pushes him back into the corner. Undertaker measures and lands a huge right hand to the face of Triple H. Undertaker picks up Triple’s H a bit and measures once again before driving his elbow into the face of the Game. Undertaker measures once more and drives his right hand into the jaw of Triple H. The referee tells Undertaker to get him out of the corner and Undertaker turns to the referee and he quickly backs off across the ring. Undertaker walks back to Triple H only to receive a right hand from Triple H. Triple H pulls the Undertaker into the corner and hits him with a few right hands and a knee lift to the gut. Undertaker buckles over a bit and Triple H quickly puts his head in between his legs and attempts to hook the arms for the pedigree but the Undertaker lifts Triple H over his body and over the top rope crashing to the floor below. Undertaker stands there staring at Triple H as he lies on the floor slowly starting to get up. Undertaker exits the ring through the middle and top rope and stalks Triple H on the outside. Undertaker waits as Triple H gets to his feet and Undertaker comes from behind and grabs Triple H from behind the head. Undertaker slams Triple H’s face into the guardrail. Undertaker still holding onto Triple H rolls him into the ring but leaves his head hanging off the ring apron. Undertaker backs up and measures before driving the elbow right into the temple of Triple H. Undertaker pulls Triple H out some more so his neck is hanging off the ring apron. Undertaker hops up onto the ring apron and takes a few steps back. Undertaker holds onto the top rope as he walks and lands the leg drop cross the throat of Triple H. Triple H rolls into the ring and holds his neck as the Undertaker climbs onto the ring apron and into the ring. Undertaker picks up Triple H and wrenches his arm holding it in a wrist lock. Undertaker backs up to a corner and begins to climb the ropes. Undertaker walks the top rope when Triple H pulls him down and tosses the Undertaker across the ring. Triple H gets to his feet quickly and walks over to the Undertaker and picks him up to his feet. Triple H pushes Undertaker against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Triple H attempts a clothesline but Undertaker ducks under the arm of the Game. Undertaker bounces off the ropes again but is caught with high knee to the face from Triple H. Undertaker gets back up to his feet quickly as does Triple H. Undertaker backs up against the ropes and Triple H charges him and pushes him against the rope. Triple H whips the Undertaker across the ring and the Undertaker bounces off the ropes. Undertaker runs right into a back body drop from Triple H. Undertaker lies flat on his back while Triple H stands tall and holds his arms out flexing to the crowd. Triple H screams “So this is the Deadman what a joke!â€￾ Triple H turns to face the Undertaker. As Triple H walks towards the Undertaker the Undertaker sits straight up. His head snaps and his angered eyes lock onto the eyes of Triple H. Undertaker stands up as Triple H backs up a bit. Triple attempts to suddenly run at Triple H with a clothesline but the Undertaker ducks under the arm of Triple H. Undertaker grabs Triple H by the throat and picks him up off of his feet and tosses him into a corner. Undertaker stays on Triple H landing a hard right body shot followed by a head shot. Undertaker backs up half way across the ring and than darts at Triple H and attempts the big boot but Triple H rolls out of the way and the Undertaker straddles the top turnbuckle. Triple H bounces off the ropes and runs at the Undertaker and clotheslines him off the top rope and down to the arena floor. Triple H rolls under the bottom rope and walks to the Undertaker. Triple H kneels before the Undertaker and begins unleashing straight right hands to the face of the Phenom. Triple H picks Undertaker up off the floor and rolls him into the ring under the bottom rope. Undertaker gets to his knee as Triple H walks towards him. Undertaker explodes with a clothesline knocking both men down to the mat. Undertaker crawls over to Triple H for the cover 1…2…and Triple H quickly gets a shoulder up. Undertaker rises to his feet and picks up Triple H to his feet. Undertaker lands a right hand to the face of Triple H. Triple H stands on uneven feet as the Undertaker lands a reverse elbow shot to the jaw of Triple H. Triple H backs up against the ropes and explodes nailing the Undertaker with a clothesline. Triple H picks up the Undertaker and pushes him against the ropes. Triple H whips Undertaker across the ring and the Undertaker bounces off the ropes. Triple H bends down for another back body drop but the Undertaker catches him with a DDT. Undertaker rolls Triple H over for the pin 1…2…and Triple H kicks out. Undertaker slowly gets up and picks up Triple H to his feet as well. Undertaker lifts his knee into the chest of Triple H and whips him into a corner. Triple H walks out of the corner and right into a sidewalk slam from the Undertaker. Undertaker picks up Triple H to his feet and whips him once again into the corner. Undertaker walks around the ring until charging at Triple H and splashing him in the corner. Triple H hooks his arms around the top rope to stay on his feet as the Undertaker walks across the ring again. Undertaker charges at Triple H once more and connects with the running splash in the corner. Triple H stumbles out of the corner and Undertaker picks him up onto his shoulder. Undertaker drops him face first across the top turnbuckle and runs across the ring. Undertaker bounces off the ropes and as he closes in on Triple H, Triple H picks up the Undertaker and lands the spinebuster. Triple H lies onto of the Undertaker and the referee counts 1…2…and Undertaker gets a shoulder up. Triple H slowly gets to his feet as does the Undertaker. They stare off in the middle of the ring as Triple H throws a right hand which Undertaker follows up with a right hand as well. They both lock into a collar elbow tie up and Undertaker lifts the knee to the sternum of Triple H. Undertaker turns Triple H around and pulls his head back on locks in a dragon sleeper. Undertaker synchs it in as the referee checks Triple H’s limp arms. The referee holds up an arm of Triple H and lets it fall 1. The referee picks up the arm of Triple H and lets it fall 2. The referee picks up the arm of Triple H yet again and lets it fall but Triple H keeps it halfway up. Triple H turns his body and wraps his arms around the waist of the Undertaker and picks him up off the mat and slams him down for yet another spinebuster. Triple H rolls off of the Undertaker as he tries to catch his breath. Triple H rolls over and throws an arm over the chest of the Undertaker. The referee counts 1…2…and Undertaker rolls a shoulder up. Triple H gets to his knee and sits the Undertaker up and locks in a rear naked choke. Triple H synchs it in as Undertaker rolls up to his knees but Triple H keeps the pressure on him. Triple H rises to his feet with the hold still locked on. Undertaker throws a right hand to the gut of Triple H followed by a left. Triple H releases the hold and Undertaker nails Triple H with an uppercut. Triple H stands there dazed and Undertaker rises to his feet and runs backwards and bounces off the ropes. Undertaker than lands the big boot to the jaw of Triple H sending him through the ropes and to the outside once again. On the outside Triple H’s arm goes underneath the ring and slowly pulls out the sledgehammer. Triple H stands with his back to the ring holding the sledgehammer in front of him as the Undertaker walks towards the ropes. Undertaker reaches over the top rope and grabs Triple H by the hair. Triple H holds the sledgehammer by he handle and swings upwards and nails the Undertaker on top of the head. The Undertaker stumbles backwards out on his feet as Triple H drops the sledgehammer and rolls back into the ring. Triple H gets to his feet and gives Undertaker a boot to the mid section. Triple H sets up Undertaker for the pedigree and nails it. Triple H rolls the undertaker over who has blood streaming down from the top of his head and covers him. 1…2…and the Undertaker barely rolls a shoulder up. Triple H gets up enraged at the referee and backs him into a corner. Triple H finally turns around and see’s the Undertaker sit up with blood flowing down his face. Triple H stomps on the face of the Undertaker knocking him back down to the mat. Triple H gets on his knees and begins to pound his fist into the open wound on top of the Undertaker’s skull. Triple H stands up with blood covered tap on his right hand and he picks up the Undertaker to his feet. Undertaker suddenly reaches out and grabs Triple H by the throat. Undertaker throws Triple H’s arm over his shoulder and picks him up. Undertaker slams Triple H down with a chokeslam. Undertaker falls on top of Triple H and the referee counts 1…2…and Triple H rolls a shoulder up. The Undertaker slowly gets to his feet as he lifts his arms up and moves his thumb across his throat signaling for the tombstone. Triple H slowly gets to his feet and turns to the Undertaker. The Undertaker picks up Triple H onto his shoulder. Undertaker moves Triple H in front of him and lands the Tombstone piledriver. Undertaker crosses the arms of Triple H and pins him. The referee counts 1…2…3!

Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner the Undertaker!â€￾

Jim Ross: “The Undertaker returns victorious over Triple H here tonight at Hallowfest!â€￾

Jerry Lawler: “Triple H claims he wasn’t afraid of the Undertaker but I bet he is now.â€￾

Jim Ross: “The Undertaker has got his revenge but now ladies and gentlemen it is time for our main event. The World Heavyweight Championship is on the line

World Heavyweight Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Shawn Michaels​

Lillian Garcia: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the World Heavyweight Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Victoria Texas, weighing in at 252lbs Stone Cold Steve Austin!â€￾

Austin walks down the ramp with a serious look on his face. He keeps his eyes focused on the ring as he walks down the ramp. Austin climbs up the stairs and enters the ring. Austin climbs to the middle rope of every corner and flips off the audience.

Lillian Garcia: “And his opponent from San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 225lbs he is the World Heavyweight Champion the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!â€￾

Shawn Michaels appears on the ramp and walks from one end to the other looking at the crowd. Michaels walks to the middle of the stage and drops to his knees. Michael’s looks up to the heavens as the pyro shots off behind him going off in a row back and forth. Michaels hops up onto his feet and walks down the aisle moving from side to side touching the hands of his fans. Michaels hops onto the ring apron and enters through the middle and top rope. Michaels takes off the World Title and hands it to the referee as he takes off his chaps and chained vest. The bell rings.

They both walk to the middle of the ring and begin to the throw right hands. They lock in a collar elbow tie up and Austin pulls Michaels into a side head lock. Michaels backs Austin up to the ropes and pushes him off. Austin bounces off the rope and nails Michaels with a shoulder block. Michaels gets up and they meet in the middle fo the ring once again. Austin and Michaels begin exchanging right hands and Michaels gets the better of Austin and lands three right hands in a row. Austin lifts his knee up and hits Michael’s right in the chest. Austin pushes Michaels against the ropes and whips him across the ring but Michaels reverses it. Austin bounces off the ropes and takes Austin over with an arm drag takeover. Michael’s attempts and armbar but Austin rolls onto his stomache. Michaels than attempts a hammer lock but Austin gets to his feet. Michael than locks in a wristlock and wrenches the arm. Austin ducks under and reverses the wrist lock and locks it in on Michaels but receives a right hand to the face for his trouble. They lock in a collar elbow tie up and Austin grabs the arm of Michaels and locks in a wrist lock. Michaels ducks under and grabs Austin in a wrist lock. Michaels reaches foreword and pulls Austin into a side headlock. Michael drops to a knee and takes Austin to the mat with a side headlock takeover. Austin rolls onto his stomache with Michaels still applying the side headlock. Austin rises to his feet slowly with Michaels still cranking on the pressure. Austin picks up Michaels and drops him down in back suplex. Michaels unrelenting does not let go of the side headlock and rolls to a sitting position still applying the pressure. Austin slaps the mat and slowly gets to his knees. Austin gets to his feet with Michaels still applying the pressure. Austin pushes Michaels against the ropes and pushes him off. Michaels bounces off the ropes and ducks under a clothesline attempt from Austin. Michael’s bounces off the ropes once again knocks Austin down with a clothesline of his own. Michaels runs to the side and bounces off the ropes yet again and Austin rolls to his stomache. Michael’s steps over Austin’s body and bounces off the ropes and runs at Austin. Michael runs right into a back elbow from Austin. Austin runs into the ropes bounces off and flips Michaels off right before dropping his elbow right across the face of Michaels. Austin stands up and grabs an arm of Michael’s and attempts what appears to be a triangle choke but Michaels grabs the arm of Austin and and pulls on him. Austin falls over Michaels and onto the mat. Michaels instantly shifts his body and grabs Austin in a reverse chin lock. Austin rolls to his knees turning Michael’s hold into a side headlock. Austin grabs the hair of Michaels and gets to his feet. They stand in the middle of the ring and Austin once again grabs the hair of Michaels and pulls him to the ropes. Austin pushes Michaels off and Michaels bounces off the ropes. Michaels bounces off the ropes and knocks Austin down with a clothesline. Michaels runs to the side and bounces off the rope and Austin rolls onto his stomache. Michael’s steps over Austin and bounces off the ropes once again. Austin stands up and bends over as Michaels runs towards him. Michaels leaps over Austin and catches Austin with a sunset flip. Austin carries the momentum over and rolls onto his knees. Austin grabs the legs of Michaels and attempts to turn him over in a Boston Crab. Michael’s gets one leg free and kicks Austin in the chest causing him to let go of Michaels other leg and back up against the ropes. Michaels rolls and gets to his feet and lifts up his right leg just a bit as Austin turns around. Michael begins to go for Sweet Chin Music but Austin ducks through the middle and top rope and onto the outside of the ring. Austin walks along the outside of the ring and Michaels quickly comes after him. Austin turns and lands a right hand to the face of Michaels. Austin grabs Michaels from behind the head and walks him over to the steel steps. Austin slams Michael’s face into the steel steps and than Austin picks up Michaels head and slams it into the ring apron. Michaels falls to one knee as Austin rolls into the ring. Michaels climbs up onto the ring apron where he is met with a right hand from Austin knocking him back down to the arena floor. Michaels walks around a bit before climbing back onto the ring apron. Austin gives Michaels a boot to the mid section and catches him in a front facelock. Austin picks Michaels up for a vertical suplex but Michael shifts his body and lands on his feet behind Austin. Michaels wraps his arms around the waist of Austin and pushes him up against the ropes. Austin wraps his arms around the top rope and holds on. Michael’s rolls away from Austin and Austin turns to hit Michaels with a clothesline. Michaels lands a drop toe hold on Austin and moves to Austin’s side and locks in an armbar. Austin uses his free arm to reach for the bottom rope and he does so. The referee counts 1…2….3…4 and Michael’s finally breaks the hold. Michael’s backs away across the ring allowing Austin to get to a vertical base. Austin and Michaels meet in the middle of the ring in a collar elbow tie up. Austin kicks Michaels in the mid section and pushes him against the ropes. Austin whips Michaels but Michaels reverses it. Austin bounces off the ropes and is sent over Michaels with a back body drop. Michaels goes for the cover 1…2…and Austin kicks out. Michaels stand up and attempts a leg drop but Austin moves out of the way. Austin gets to his feet and attempts to drop and elbow but misses as Michael’s rolls out of the way. Michaels gets to his feet by the time Austin gets to one knee. Michaels grabs Austin’s arm in a wrist lock and turns it into a hammerlock and force Austin down to the mat. Austin gets to his knees and slowly rises to his feet. Austin reaches up with his free arm and grabs the hair of Michaels. Austin takes Michaels over in a snapmare backs up bouncing off the ropes. Michaels rolls to his stomache and Austin steps over Michaels. Austin bounces off the ropes and knocks Michaels down with another shoulder block. Austin runs to the side and Michaels manages to get to his feet. Austin ducks under a clothesline attempt by Michaels and bounces off the ropes yet again. Michaels stands his ground and lands a straight kick to the mid section of Austin as he nears him. Michaels runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Michaels ducks under a back elbow attempt by Austin and bounces off the ropes again. Michaels runs at Austin but Austin leaps up and catches Michaels in Lou Thez press. Austin begins to unleash a flurry of right hands to the face of Michaels. Austin gets up and flips off the audience. Austin goes to mount Michaels again for another series of punches but Michaels Grab Austin from behind the head and rolls him up into a small package. 1…2…and Austin kicks out. They both get up but Austin grabs the legs of Michaels and takes Michaels to the canvas with a double leg take down. Austin flips over holding the leg of Michaels 1…2…and Michaels arches his back up lifting Austin as well. Michaels turns his body over and hooks the arms of Austin and turns his body again and takes Austin to the mat with a back slide pin 1…2…and Austin kicks out. Austin and Michaels get up at the same time and Austin lifts a knee to the abdomen of Michaels. Austin pushes Michaels against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Michaels bounces off the ropes and runs at Austin but Austin side steps Michaels and grabs him behind the head. Austin runs with Michaels and throws him over the top rope. Michaels holds onto the top rope and attempts to skin the cat but as he is pulling up, he receives a straight boot to the back of the head sending him chest first into the guardrail. Austin rolls to the outside and picks up Michaels to his feet. Austin picks up Michaels for a scoop slam but instead of slamming him onto the ground, Austin slams Michaels back first across the guardrail. Austin levels Michaels so his body stays on the guardrail and drives an elbow into the throat of Michaels. Michaels falls back onto the ground at ringside. Austin picks up Michaels to his feet as Michaels is hunched over clinging at his back. Michaels grabs Austin around the waist and shoves him knee first into steel steps. Austin falls to the ground and clutches at his knee and Michaels remains on one knee clutching at his back. Michaels finally stands up and picks up Austin from behind the head and gets him to his feet. Michaels roll Austin in under the ropes. Michaels slides into the ring and picks up Austin to his feet. Austin answers with a right hand to the get and pushes Michaels against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Michaels bounces off the ropes and ducks under a clothesline from Austin. Michaels bounces off the ropes again and attempts a flying forearm but Austin ducks it and Michaels crashes and burns on the canvas and rolls out of the ring and down to the arena floor. Austin rolls to the outside and picks up Michaels to his feet. Austin rolls Michaels into the ring under the bottom rope. Austin rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and attempts to pick up Michaels but he receives a right hand. Michaels gets to his feet only to be knocked right down again by a short arm clothesline from Austin. Austin goes straight for the cover 1…2…and Michaels rolls a shoulder up. Austin sits u and flips off the referee in frustration and picks up Michaels to his feet. Austin takes Michaels over with a snapmare and Austin backs up to a corner. Austin hops up to the second rope and dives off lands an elbow drop across the face of Michaels. Austin goes for the cover again 1…2…and Michaels just barely rolls a shoulder up. Austin crawls behind Shawn Michaels and locks in a sleeper hold as they lay on the mat. Austin synchs in the sleeper hold as the referee gets down to ask Michaels if he submits. Austin puts both of his feet on the second rope applying more pressure as the referee is looking to Michaels. Austin takes his feet off the ropes as the referee looks up. The referee goes back to seeing if Michaels wants to submit and Austin puts his feet back on the middle rope. The referee looks up and notices Austin’s feet on the ropes and calls for Austin to break the hold. Austin gets up and backs the referee into a corner. Michaels slowly gets to his feet as Austin turns around. Michaels lands a right hand to the jaw of Austin. Austin answers back with a right hand and they both begin to exchange right hands in the middle of the ring once again. Michaels gets the better of Austin and lands three punches in a row. Austin is unsteady on his feet as Michael’s moves back and bounces off the ropes. Michaels knocks down Austin with a shoulder block and runs to the side bouncing off the ropes again. Austin rolls onto his stomache and Michael steps over him. Michaels bounces off the ropes yet again and Austin side steps Michaels but Michaels hops over and reverses it on Austin and throws him over the top rope. Austin is slow to get up as he readjusts his knee brace. Austin gets up and attempts to climb up onto the ring apron but gets a baseball slide to the chest from Michaels for his effort. Austin gets up and climbs onto the ring apron as Michael’s walks around the ring getting fired up. Michaels meet Austin on the ring apron and hooks him in a front facelock. Michaels picks up Austin for a vertical suplex back into the ring but Austin shifts his body and lands on his feet behind Michaels. Austin turns Michaels around and unleashes three right hands and presses Michaels against the ropes. Austin whips Michaels across the ring and Michaels bounces off the ropes. Michaels lands a flying forearm on Austin knocking him down to the canvas. Michaels nips up and holds his back for a moment before Austin gets to his feet. Austin walks right into a series of right hands from Shawn Michaels. Michaels pushes Austin against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Austin bounces off the ropes and runs right into a back body drop. This causes Michaels to hold his back for a second before turning his focus on Austin. Michaels picks up Austin to his feet and lands a reverse atomic drop on Austin. Michaels backs Austin into a corner and whips him across the ring. Michaels charges Austin but Austin moves out of the way and Michael’s runs chest first into the top turnbuckle. Austin turns Michaels around and lands a few right hands to the face followed up by a boot to the mid section. Michaels falls to the mat and Austin begins to stomp a mud hole in the chest of Michaels. Austin picks up Michaels to his feet and whips him across the ring. Michael leaps up onto the second rope before hitting the turnbuckles and leaps backwards catching Austin with a crossbody. Michaels hooks the leg 1…2…and Austin kicks out. They both get to their feet at the same time and Austin knocks down Michaels with a short arm clothesline. Austin picks up Michaels and backs him into a corner. Austin places a boot to the chest of Michaels which sends Michaels down to the canvas and his head resting on the bottom turnbuckle. Austin begins to stomp away once again on the chest of Michaels. Austin places his foot on the throat of Michaels and the referee counts for Austin to break the hold 1…2…3…4…and Austin finally breaks the hold. Austin goes in between the ropes to the outside and walks over to the time keepers table. Austin grabs a steel chair and walks into the ring. Austin walks over to the corner and lifts it above his head ready to strike down on Michaels but the referee grabs the chair out of Austin’s hands. Austin turns around and begins to scream at the referee until Austin finally blasts the referee with a right hand. Michaels gets to his feet as Austin turns around to face Michaels. Michaels comes at Austin with Sweet Chin Music but Austin catches Michael’s foot. Austin thrown Michaels foot down and kicks him in the mid section. Austin flips Michaels off and hit the Stone Cold Stunner. Austin lies on the mat for a moment before slowly turning over and covering Michaels. The referee is still knocked out and Austin hits the mat three times. Austin gets up and picks up the referee. Austin is screaming in his face before he kicks the referee in the stomache and gives him a Stone Cold Stunner. Michaels has crawled over to the ropes and used them to pick himself up. Austin turns around and is blasted with Sweet Chin Music. Michaels gets on his knees and covers Austin and hooks the leg. A referee from the back comes out and counts 1…2…3!

Lillian Garcia: “Ladies and gentlemen here is your winner and still World Heavyweight Champion, The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels!â€￾

The bell rings and the referee rushes into the ring holding the World Heavyweight Championship. Shawn Michaels stands on his feet and takes the World Heavyweight Championship in one arm as the referee raises the other.

Jim Ross: “Shawn Michaels retains the World Heavyweight Championship here at Hallowfest! My god what a performance by these two athletes. I could not think of a more spectacular way to end this amazing pay per view!â€￾
Jerry Lawler: “I could not agree with you more J.R. these two gave it there all here tonight. A match to surely—wait a second J.R. look!â€￾

Austin is seen stirring on the mat as he crawls towards the steel chair. Michaels is applauding the fans as he climbs up to the second rope holding the title above his head. Austin gets to his feet and has the steel chair in his hands. Austin takes one step towards Michaels and the entire arena blacks out. When the lights come on again Austin is laid out flat on the mat. Sting is standing over Austin and pointing the bat at Michaels. The lights go out one more time as the arena screams with excitement seeing Sting. The lights come back on and Sting is gone and Michaels stands in the ring holding his title with an unconscious Austin lying on the mat.

Jim Ross: “Oh my god! Sting has just sent a message to the World Heavyweight Champion! And that message is your next!â€￾

Jerry Lawler: “What a night it has been here at Hallowfest! I cannot wait for tomorrow night!â€￾

Jim Ross: “We will see you folks tomorrow on Anarchy goodnight from Hallowfest!â€￾

-Broadcast over-

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Taker/Michaels and the First Blood Match, man! to tell you honestly, it's really hard for me to pick which one is the best match of the night. I also like the opening match and the Taker/HHH match, but I decided this two is the best! lol...

Worst Match: I think it's the Women's Championship Match, yet it is still a great match.

Additional Feedbacks: What a show you've got there man! All matches were well done and it's a great read even that it's sooooo loooonggg! lol... This BTB is great when it comes to a full detailed and lenghty matches, Great Job guys!

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
B Match - Hard to choose for me the main event just beats the first blood match in my opinon.

W Match - NA

A Comments - Every match was great there man enjoyed reading them all, i would say put in a couple of promos but, the matches where good enough by themselves, good effort and keep up the good work.

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Really hard choice, First Blood Match, Main Event and Triple H vs Taker were amazing, no way I can pick one match between those three.

WM:If I had to pick one, Chyna vs Maria, and only because I am not a fan of women wrestling, because the writting quality is just great.

BP: Lax's first one.

AC: Great PPV, I just ended my PPV and thought those were lenghty matches, and I come and see this...Damn! Great PPV, with amazing writting for all the matches and really a good read.


Active Member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
SWA News


Active Member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score

Jim Ross: "Ladies and gentlemen we welcome you live to Monday Night Anarchy and tonight we bring you a showcase of our newly acquired Anarchy superstars!"

Jerry Lawler: "Not to mention J.R. we are going to witness the severe aftermath of Hallowfest!"

Jim Ross: "Indeed so, if you joined us last night folks you saw just as much amazing action as we did. Last night titles changed hands, goals were stopped and history was made!"

Jerry Lawler: Yeah, but right now we are going to see one of those titles that just changed! it is time for the new X Division Champion!"

Chris Sabin vs. ?????​

Lillian Garcia: "On the way to the ring, the X Division Champion Chris Sabin!"

Chris Sabin: "Alright since tonight is my first night as X Division Champion I would like to prove that I am a fighting champion. So I would like anyone from the back who wishes to challenge me to come out right now.

(G.M. Walker's music hits as he appears on the stage holding a microphone.)

G.M. Walker: "Chris this is very noble of you and I respect you for it but we cannot have the X Division title up for grabs every night. Instead how about we compromise, whoever challenges you and beats you in your open invitation gets an X Division championship match at the next Pay per View. Does that sound fair to you?"

Chris Sabin: "Yeah I think that is a fair compromise."

G.M. Walker: "Good well I am glad you agree. Well I just signed a superstar to Anarchy this weekend and I think he is up for a challenge right now. And since the X Division is about no limits than I guess there is nothing wrong with him taking you on. Everyone allow me to introduce the War Machine Rhino!"

Lillian Garcia: "And the challenger from Detroit Michigan and weighs in at 270lbs Rhino!"

(Rhino walks down the ramp with his hands raised in the air and slides into the ring under the bottom rope.)

Sabin and Rhino lock in a collar elbow tie up but Rhino breaks the hold and lands a kick to the mid section of Sabin. Rhino grabs the arm of Sabin and locks in a wrist lock. Rhino lands a few right hands to the bicep of Sabin and wrenches the arm of Sabin once more. Sabin rolls on the mat on his back and than rolls over onto his knees Pushes up to a headstand than flips to his feet and wrenches the arm of Rhino. Rhino turn and lands a straight right hand to the face of Sabin. Rhino pushes Sabin against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Sabin bounces off the ropes and catches Rhino in a head scissors takedown. Rhino and Sabin get up at the same time and Rhino lands another boot to the mid section of Sabin. Rhino pulls Sabin against the ropes and whips him across the ring. Sabin reverses it and sends Rhino across the ring. Rhino bounces off the ropes and shoulder blocks Sabin and knocks him right down to the mat. Rhino runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Sabin rolls to his stomache and Rhino steps over him. Rhino bounces off the ropes yet again and Sabin leap frogs over Rhino. Rhino bounces off the ropes yet again but is caught by an arm drag from Sabin. Sabin gets up and picks up Rhino to his feet and pushes him against the ropes and attempts to whip him across the ring. Rhino reverses it and Sabin bounces off the ropes. Rhino bends down to give Sabin a back body drop but Sabin leaps over him and attempts a sunset flip. Rhino resists and runs forward and bounces off the ropes. Sabin rolls to his stomache and pushes up to his feet and leaps up and nails Rhino with a dropkick. Sabin gets to his knees and rolls Rhino over onto his back and covers him. The referee counts 1…and Rhino powers his way out shoving Sabin off. Sabin gets to his feet first and walks over to Rhino who is on one knee. Sabin lands a forearm shot to the side of Rhino's head. Sabin picks up Rhino to his feet and shoves him into a corner lands another forearm shot to the face of Rhino. Sabin grabs the arm of Rhino and whips him across the ring into another corner. Sabin runs at Rhino and leaps up and lands dropkick to the chest of Rhino. Rhino holds onto the top rope to hold him up. Sabin gets to his feet and runs back against the ropes. Sabin bounces off the ropes and runs at Rhino but Rhino catches Sabin with a reverse elbow. Sabin backs up and Rhino hops up and sits on the top turnbuckle. Sabin gets to his feet and leaps up and lands a kick to the side of the head Rhino. Rhino teeters on the top rope as Sabin gets to his feet again and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. Sabin leaped up and landed a hurricanrana on Rhino. Sabin rushes over to Rhino and crawls on top of him and hooks his leg for the pin. The referee counts 1…2…and Rhino gets a shoulder up. Sabin gets to his feet and picks up Rhino to his feet and lands a forearm shot to the side of Rhino's head while pushing him against the ropes. Sabin whips Rhino across the ring but Rhino stops in the middle of the ring and pulls Sabin up onto his shoulders. Rhino drops down in a Samoan Drop. Rhino sits up and leans back onto the chest of Sabin and hooks his leg. The referee counts 1…2…and Sabin gets a shoulder up. Rhino rolls up to his knees and than rises to his feet. Rhino picks up Sabin to his feet and lands a knee lift to the gut of Sabin. Rhino follows it up with a forearm to the back of a hunched over Sabin. Rhino locks Sabin in a front facelock and than throws his arm over his neck. Rhino picks up Sabin in a delayed vertical suplex. Rhino finally drops Sabin down on his back. Once again Rhino crawls on top of Sabin and pins him. The referee counts 1…2…and Sabin kicks out. Rhino rolls to his feet and picks up Sabin to his feet as well. Rhino lands a forearm shot to the back of Sabin once again. Rhino grabs Sabin around the neck and takes him over with a snapmare. Rhino drives his knee into the back of Sabin and locks in a rear chin lock. Sabin rolls to the side and than to his feet. Rhino keeps the chin lock on and Sabin drives his elbow into the gut of Rhino. Sabin follows up with two more elbows and Rhino finally releases the hold. Sabin lands a right hand and leaps up and catches Rhino with a hurricanrana. Both men lie on their backs as the referee begins to count. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…and Rhino and Sabin manage to get to their feet at the same time. They walk towards each other and Sabin lands a knife edge chop onto the chest of Rhino. Rhino answers back with a right hand to the face of Sabin. Sabin and Rhino begin to exchange lows until Sabin ducks under a right hand from Rhino. Rhino turns around and is knocked down to the mat by a clothesline from Sabin. Rhino rolls to his feet and to Sabin but runs right into a reverse atomic drop from Sabin. Sabin turns around and runs towards the ropes. Sabin jumps to the second rope and spring boards off the rope and lands a back elbow to the face of Rhino. Sabin nips up to his feet and stands waiting for Rhino to roll to his feet. Rhino gets to his feet and Sabin lands a boot to the mid section of Rhino. Sabin pushes Rhino into a corner and attempts to whip him across the ring but Rhino reverses it. Sabin hits the corner and Rhino charges at Sabin but Sabin lands a spinning back kick to the gut of Rhino. Sabin hops up and sits on the top turnbuckle and pulls Rhino to him and locks him in a front facelock. Sabin leaps off and lands a tornado DDT on Rhino. Sabin immediately goes for the cover on Rhino and the referee counts 1…2…and Rhino rolls a shoulder up. Sabin gets onto one knee and catches his breath and Rhino rolls to his feet. Sabin lands a forearm shot to the head of Rhino and runs back against the ropes. Sabin bounces off the ropes and runs at Rhino but Rhino side steps Sabin and grabs him behind the head and runs him to the ropes and tosses him over the top rope. Sabin holds onto the top rope and lands on his feet on the ring apron. Rhino turns and runs at Sabin and shoulder blocks him into the gut. Sabin flies off the ring apron and his back crashes into the guardrail. Rhino rolls out of the ring and begins to search underneath the ring. Rhino grabs a table from underneath the ring and tosses it into the ring. Rhino turns to Sabin and picks him up off the floor and rolls him under the bottom rope and into the ring. Rhino slides in under the ring and picks up Sabin to his feet. Rhino grabs the arm of Sabin and attempts to pull him into a clothesline but Sabin ducks under the arm of Rhino. Sabin lands three right hands to the face of Rhino and whips him into the corner. Rhino hits the corner and Sabin runs at Rhino and land a flying forearm to the face of Rhino. Sabin pulls Rhino out of the corner and kicks him in the gut. Sabin runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Sabin leaps up and dropkicks Rhino right in the side of the head. Rhino falls to his gut and Sabin rolls him over and hooks the leg. The referee counts 1…2…and Rhino kicks out. Sabin picks up Rhino to his feet and Rhino picks up Sabin off the mat and slams him down with a spinebuster. Sabin crawls over to a corner and reaches for the ropes to help himself up Rhino walks over to the table and picks it up. Rhino sets it up in a corner. Rhino turns and walks over to Sabin and picks him up to his feet. Rhino turns Sabin around and whips him across the ring and Sabin this the table back first. Rhino bends down and charges at Sabin attempting the gore. Sabin moves out of the way and Rhino gores through the table and chest first into the middle turnbuckle. Sabin ducks behind Rhino and rolls him up. The referee counts 1…2…3!

Jim Ross: "A surprise appearance by the War Machine Rhino! I didn't even know he was apart of the trade!"

Jerry Lawler: "I think the general manager picked him up as a free agent! Well regardless Rhino is now on Anarchy!"

Jim Ross: "Well ladies and gentlemen later on tonight you have a huge main event! The Icon Sting takes on the Hitman Bret Hart."

G.M. Walker: "Oh yeah don't worry everything will be fine. Look I have the utmost confidence in you. Yeah good luck on Friday night. Knock em dead kid."

(G.M. Walker hangs up the telephone and the a loud ruckus is heard outside and the door slams open. Brock Lesnar walks into the GM's office with his hand taped up and a knee brace on.)

Brock Lesnar: "What in the hell do you think your doing? Why am I not in a match against that son of a bitch Nash tonight?!?"

G.M. Walker: "Brock you're in no condition to be competing here tonight after your First Blood match last night with Jarrett. Your hand is wrapped up from punching through the guitar last night, your knee is braced up thanks to running them into the steps, and I know that your ribs are taped up from that Jackknife powerbomb on top of the steel steps from Nash."

Brock Lesnar: "I don't give a shit what the doctors say! I want Nash tonight!"

G.M. Walker: "Brock I just cannot let that happen."

(Security files into the office.)

G.M. Walker: " These security guards will escort you out of the building. Enjoy your night off Brock."

Kevin Nash vs. Dallas​

Nash and Dallas lock into a collar elbow tie up. Nash begins to back Dallas up in a corner but Dallas reverses it and Nash is pinned in the corner. The referee calls for a break between the two and as Dallas slowly pulls away he grabs Nash by the head and lands a knee lift to the abdomen of Nash. Dallas lands two more knee lifts to the abdomen of Nash and follows it up with two knife edge chops. Dallas steps back and lands two boots to the gut of Nash before grabbing his arm and whipping him across the ring and into a corner. Dallas charges at Nash only to be caught with a back elbow. Nash lands a right hand to the side of the head of Dallas. Nash pushes Dallas by the chest against the ropes and attempts to whip him across the ring. Dallas reverses it and Nash bounces against the ropes. Dallas runs back and bounces against the ropes and as they run to each other, Dallas lifts a foot and lands a big boot to the chest of Nash. Nash falls flat on his back and Dallas stands and waits for Nash to stand up. Nash gets onto one knee and finally gets to his feet and Dallas jumps up and lands a dropkick to Nash. Nash backs up and falls through the middle and top rope to the outside. Nash walks along the outside as Dallas stands posturing in the ring. Nash walks around the ring and climbs up the steel steps and steps over the top rope. Nash and Dallas approach each other for a collar elbow tie up but instead Nash lands a knee lift to the gut of Dallas. Nash stands Dallas and lands a straight right hand to the jaw of Dallas. Nash pushes Dallas into a corner and lands three knee lifts to the gut of Dallas, Nash than follows that up a back elbow shot to the jaw. Nash pulls Dallas out of the ring and hoists him up onto his shoulder for a body slam but Dallas shift shifts weight and lands on his feet behind Nash. Dallas lands a forearm shot to the lower back of Nash and than picks him up and drops him down for a back suplex. Dallas rolls over and goes for the cover on Nash 1…2…and Nash rolls a shoulder up. Dallas picks up Nash and pushes him into a corner. Dallas lands a boot to the mid section of Nash and whips him across the ring into a corner. Dallas charges at Nash only to receive a boot to the face. Dallas backs up and Nash walks out of the corner and picks up Dallas by the side. Nash drops Dallas down with a sidewalk slam and hooks the leg. The referee begins the count 1…2…and Dallas rolls a shoulder up. Nash picks up Dallas to his feet and backs him against the ropes. Nash whips Dallas across the ring and Dallas bounces off the ropes. Nash attempts a clothesline but Dallas ducks under the arm of Nash and bounces off the ropes again. Dallas leaps off his feet and knocks Nash down with a flying shoulder tackle. Dallas quickly crawls on top of Nash and the referee counts 1…2…and Nash gets a shoulder up. Dallas gets tp and begins to argue with the referee as Nash gets too his feet and stumbles into a corner. Dallas walks over to Nash and grabs his wrist and attempts to whip him across the ring. Nash reverses and sends Dallas into the corner and follows it up with a big clothesline. Nash pulls Dallas out of the corner and pushes him against the ropes. Nash whips Dallas across the ring and Dallas bounces off the ropes. Dallas runs right into a big boot to the jaw from Kevin Nash. Nash looks around smiling and takes his straps down. Nash holds up his arm signaling for the jackknife. Nash walks over to Dallas and picks him up to his feet. Nash than shoves Dallas's head in between his legs and lift him up for the jackknife. Nash throws Dallas down hitting the jackknife powerbomb and goes for the cover. The referee counts 1…2…3!

(Kevin Nash exit's the ring and grabs a microphone and enters the ring once again.)

Kevin Nash: "I came here to Anarchy to rise to the top. I am not here to make any superstars like this kid here or Brock Lesnar. See I am a living legend in this industry and I do not have time to waste on these small timers. Now listen up everyone back there in the locker room. I…"

(Brock Lesnar is seen running through the crowd and hops over the guard rail. Lesnar slides into the ring and Nash turns and drops the microphone. Nash attempts a bit boot but Brock Lesnar manages to duck under the leg of Nash. Nash turns around and Lesnar picks up Nash onto his shoulders. Brock sets up for the F-5 but his ribs give way under the weight and Brock crashes down to one knee. Nash lands on his feet and shoves the head of Lesnar in between his legs. Nash picks up Lesnar and slams him down to the mat with a thunderous Jackknife power bomb. Nash stands over a battered Lesnar as the screen goes dark.)

-Commercial Break-

Voodoo Kin Mafia vs. Paul London and Brian Kendrick​

B.G. James and Paul London start out trading lefts and rights and B.G. comes out on top and London by the head and drags him to his corner and slams his head into the top turnbuckle. B.G. grabs the head of London again and slams it into the top turnbuckle of his corner. B.G. walks away and turns to Brian Kendrick and begins to talk a little trash and Kip James grab London in the corner and begins to choke him. Kendrick attempts to get into the ring to stop it but the referee tells him to get back onto the ring apron. B.G. pulls London out of the corner and locks him in a side headlock. B.G. takes him over with a side headlock takeover and synchs it in. London picks his leg up and wraps it around the head of B.G. and brings him down in a head scissors. London lifts his leg and slams it down across the face of B.G. and London gets to his feet as B.G. rolls to his hands and knees. London lands a series of forearm shots to the face of B.G. backing him up into a corner. London pulls B.G. out of the corner and attempts a right hand but B.G. blocks it. B.G. lands a little shake, rattle, and roll on London and London falls backwards and turn and lands throat first across the middle rope. B.G. backs up and bounces off the ropes. B.G. hops in mid air and lands all his weight on the back of London. Kendrick rushes into the ring but receives a right hand to the face from B.G. B.G. takes London by the head off the middle rope and into their corner. B.G. looks at the crowd a moment before going back to the corner. Kip lands a hard right hand to the back of London's head. B.G. walks over and lands a boot to the mid section of London. London falls to his knees and Kip walks along the ring apron a bit as the referee turns around. B.G. grabs London from behind the head and pulls him to the middle of the ropes. B.G. grabs the wrist of London and whips him across the ring. London bounces off the ropes and baseball slides in between the legs of B.G. B.G. turns around and is caught with a dropsault from London. London rushes to his feet and runs to the corner and tags in Kendrick. Kendrick climbs up to the top rope leaps off the top rope and lands a double stomp to the chest of B.G. London rolls over B.G. and goes for the cover while Kendrick runs over to Kip and lands a leaping leg lariat knocking Kip off the apron. The referee counts 1…and B.G. gets a shoulder up. London rolls B.G. onto his stomache and grabs his wrists. London places his foot in the middle of the back of B.G. and locks in the Mexican Surfboard. Kendrick runs bounces off the ropes and lands a dropkick to the face of B.G. London runs at Kip who is back on the ring apron and baseball slides in between the legs of Kip to the outside. London pulls the legs of Kip off the apron but Kip lands on his feet and turns around and blasts London with a right hand. Kip than grabs the head of London and slams it into the guardrail. Kip slides into the ring under the bottom rope as Kendrick begins to pick up B.G. to his feet. Kip lands a clubbing forearm to the back of Kendrick and picks him up for a back suplex. B.G. gets to his feet and Kip sets up Kendrick for a power bomb on the shoulders of B.G. B.G. drops Kendrick down for the power bomb and Kip puts his hands on the shoulders of Kendrick driving him down harder. B.G. goes for the cover and the referee counts 1...2...and Kendrick gets a shoulder up. Kip backs up and Kendrick rolls to his hands and knees and eventually gets to his feet. Kip runs at Kendrick and catches him with the Fame Asser. B.G. backs up and lands a knee drop on the temple of Kendrick. London slides into the ring but Kip stops him with a big boot to the face. Kip picks up London in a cobra clutch and than picks him up and slams him down. B.G. covers Kendrick and the referee counts 1...2...3!

Jim Ross: "What a huge victory for B.G. and Kip James right here on Anarchy!"

Jerry Lawler: "They plowed right through London and Kendrick. And you got to believe they got their sights set on the World Tag Team Champions!"

-Commercial Break-

Jim Ross: "Well ladies and gentlemen it is time for our main event of the evening! The Icon Sting who made his Anarchy appearance last night at Hallowfest!"

Jerry lawler: "And what an appearance it was! He knocked out Stone Cold Steve Austin in within a few seconds! Than he sent a message to the World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels!"

Sting vs. Bret Hart​

Sting charges at Hart and lands a boot to the mid section followed by a clubbing forearm to the back of the neck and than a right hand to the face combination which sends Hart down to the mat. Hart gets right back up onto his feet on to be knocked back down with a right hand. Sting picks up Bret Hart and backs him into a corner and lands another right hand. Sting ascends to the second rope and grabs Hart by the hair and begins to hammer down on him with right hands. The crowd counts as Sting hits Hart in the face 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…9…10! Sting pulls Hart out of the corner and directly into a right hand to the gut. Hart hunches over and Sting lifts Hart up and lands a reverse atomic drop. Sting grabs Hart from behind the head and tosses him to the outside through the middle and tope rope. Sting exits the ring and grabs Hart behind the head and picks him up to his feet. Sting places a kick to the ribs of Hart and than picks him up too his feet. Sting drags Hart over to the steel ring steps and drives him head first into the steps. Sting keeps his grasp on the head of Hart and than drives Hart ribs first into the steel barricade once more. Sting picks up Bret Hart and rolls him into the ring. Hart gets to his feet as Sting slides into the ring under the bottom rope. Hart begins to stomp on the back of Sting and than drops an elbow across the back of the neck. Hart picks up Sting to his feet and pushes him against the ropes. Hart lands a hard right hand to the gut of Sting and whips him across the ring. Sting bounces off the ropes but catches hart with a flying clothesline. Sting gets to his feet and runs to the side and bounces off the ropes. Sting leaps into the air and lands an elbow drop to the chest of Hart. Sting crawls on top of Hart for the pin. The referee counts 1…2and Hart gets a shoulder up. Hart rolls to the ropes and uses them to help get to his feet. Sting rises to his feet and turns Hart around and scoops him up and slams him down with a body slam. Sting walks to the ropes and steps onto the second rope. Sting tries to leap off that rope and land a knee drop to the face of Hart but Hart rolls out of the way. Hart gets to his feet as Sting holds his knee while resting on the other. Hart lands a boot to the chest sending Sting to his back. Hart grabs both legs of Sting and spreads them open and head butt's Sting right in the lower abdomen. The referee tells Hart to watch it and Sting rolls to his hands and knees and slowly rises to his feet. Sting leans against the ropes once eh gets to his feet and Hart lands a forearm shot to the lower back of Sting. Hart lands another forearm shot to the back of Sting before backing up and kicking the legs right out from under him. Hart walks away a bit as Sting lies on the mat. Sting rolls to his hands and knees and rises to his feet once again only to receive a forearm shot the back. Hart turns Sting around and lands a straight right hand to the gut of Sting. Hart picks up Sting from the side and slams him down across his knee with the backbreaker. Hart backs up into a corner and stands on the middle rope and leaps off attempting an elbow drop but Sting gets his boot up and hits Hart right underneath the chin. Sting rolls to his feet and picks up Hart across the waist and backs up. Sting drops Hart chest first across the top rope and Hart falls to the mat. Sting grabs the feet of Hart and steps through, turns him over and locks in the Scorpion Death Lock. Hart reaches his arm out and easily grabs the bottom rope. The referee goes to Sting and tells him to break the hold. The referee begins to count when Sting doesn't break the hold 1…2…3…4…and Sting finally releases the hold. Sting rolls Hart over and goes for the pin 1…2…and Hart kicks out. Sting picks up Hart to his feet and lands a right hand to the side of Hart's head and Hart backs into a corner. Sting approaches Hart in the corner Hart lands a boot to the gut of Sting followed up with a right hand to the side of the head. Hart grabs the head of Sting and lands a head butt. Sting back up against the ropes and Hart lands a shot to the gut once again. Hart grabs Sting in a front facelock and pulls him to the middle of the ring. Hart hesitates for one moment and than drops down with a DDT. Hart goes for the cover on Sting 1…2…and Sting kicks out. Sting sits up as Hart rises to his feet. Hart grabs Sting by the hair and lands a right hand to the side of Sting's face. Sting stands there unaffected with a plain look on his face. Hart lands another punch but Sting is still unaffected by it. Sting picks up Hart and lands a reverse Atomic Drop on Hart. Sting follows that up with a knife edge chop across the chest. Sting grabs the arm of Hart before he falls to the mat and whips him into a corner. Sting walks across the ring and charges at Hart and lands a Stinger Splash. Sting walks away and than charges for another Sting Splash but Hart moves out of the way. Sting goes chest first into the top turnbuckle and backs away from the corner. Hart chop blocks Sting and Sting falls to the ground. Hart grabs the legs of Sting and immediately goes for the Sharpshooter. Hart manages to turn Sting over and lock it in. Sting reaches for ropes but there are none near by. Sting lifts himself off the mat and reaches back and grabs the foot of Hart. Sting pulls with all his might and Bret falls face first onto the mat releasing the legs of Sting. Sting grabs the legs of Hart and pulls his own legs out from under Hart and sits up. Sting crosses the legs of Hart and locks in the Scorpion Death lock. Hart reaches for ropes but just like with Sting there are none around. Hart attempts to pull the same reversal Sting did but Sting has his feet too far forward for Hart to reach.

(Hart's hand lifts to tap out when the lights go out in the arena. When the lights come on Stone Cold Steve Austin is standing in the ring holding a steel chair. Austin runs towards Sting who lets go of the Scorpion Death Lock and gets blasted in the face with a steel chair. Once Sting is on the ground Austin mounts Sting and begins to land a series of right hands to the face of Sting. Shawn Michaels runs down the ramp and pulls Austin off Sting and they both begin to trade right hands to the face. Michaels gets the advantage and backs up lifting his leg a bit and Austin turns and slides out of the ring under the bottom rope. Austin stares at Michaels in the ring and Sting rises to his feet and kicks Michaels in the middle of his back. Sting pulls Michael's head back and drops down with a Scorpion Death Drop. Sting stares at Michaels and than Austin on the outside of the ring and the lights go dark. )

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Of course, Sting vs Bret Hart

WM: Dallas vs Kevin Nash, not a fan of any of those, but again the writting was great.

BP: G.M. Walker/Brock Lesnar

WP: Kevin Nash

AC: Another great show, Sting is certainly shooting for the gold, and I see a triple Threat in the way

Triple H15

New Member
Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
hye man great work with this thing. I love the Sting vs Bret Hart match. It is truly just great writing. Keep up the good work. Also check out WWE Home Of Champions match card is up and results will be up either later today or early tomorrow.


Active Member
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
Riots Music Video: With Ozzy Osbourne’s “I Don’t Wana Stop†playing heavily in the background, several clips of some of Riot’s current superstars like Shelton Benjamin, Raven, and Abyss among others are shown performing their finishing maneuvers. Pictures of People rioting in the streets are shown during the Music video to illustrate the violence and hardcore nature of this product. Other stars like current SWA Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton, are shown hitting the RKO to another fellow Riots superstar, John Cena, as he flashes the “Word Life†Hand signal to the cameras. MVP taunts as if he’s “Baaaaaaalin†at a nightclub then the cameras turn to Bryan Danielson locking in a Cattle Mutilation to Delirious forcing him to tap out with the tactic of submission. The Music Video then ends with current SWA World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle taunting as if he’s just won his Olympic gold medal as he is on his knees with his arms fully extended and angrily celebrating. While he holds his Title Belt in his hand as the music video fades to black as the music video ends.

The crowd is up on their feet inside the Nassau Coliseum with not one person sitting. They are cheering raucously with the music blasting over the speakers and the cameras going around the Arena showcasing some of the illustrated signs that a few select fans have brought with them tonight. One sign shows Kurt Angle applying the Ankle Lock to Christian Cage as the intensity that is shown in Kurt Angles face is bulging through the veins lined in his neck. While another sign shows a cartoonish version of Abyss tearing through chains as the cameras then turn from the fans over to the top of the stage where the music of Riots General Manager, Nick Malone in “ Forgive Me†by Versus the World blares over the Speaker as the crowd roars with approval upon his appearance.

“Forgive Me†by Versus The World

(General manager, Nick Malone comes out to the top of the stage with a big smile across his face as he feels rejuvenated to be home infront of the greatest fans in the world and his hometown crowd as he holds a microphone still standing up at the top of the stage. Nick Malone salutes the crowd by bowing for them as they continue to cheer as loud as they can for his appearance. Mr. Malone walks down the ramp and shakes the hands of the crowd as he walks around the ring and continues to greet the fans as he grabs the Microphone and walks over to the Steel Steps.)

Mr. Malone: Without each and everyone of you I would not be here, these dedicated wrestlers would not be here and SWA would not be here without the support that you the fans bring to the table.

Mr. Malone then walks inside the ring and starts clapping the fans for their appreciation for Professional Wrestling. Nick Malone settles himself inside the middle of the ring and waits to speak as the chants of his name gets louder and louder. Nick Malone conducts himself living a dream come true about to address his hometown crowd about tonight’s inaugural debut for Riots.

Mr. Malone: Liiiiiiiiive, tonight in the heart of Long Island, in the epicenter of Riots is the Nassau Coliseum and my Home Town, infront of all of you deserving and gracious fans is the reason why I came back. When I took my sabbatical from professional wrestling, it kept digging at my soul and whatever I tried to do could never replace the rush that I would get when I walked out onto that very ramp and saw all of you screaming fans. In those seats cheering, booing but reacting to how you responded because like each and every one of you, we are all Wrestling Fans at the very core which is why we are all here tonight. Now as a wrestling fan at the pure of heart, what would a show be without some quality matches? I’m guessing that show would be Anarchy but that’s for another day and another story and besides, they just threw one hell of a PPV in Hallowfest.

Mr. Malone laughs a little at the joke he just made as he composes himself once again before he ends his speech. Nick then raises the microphone back up to his lips as he looks at the crowd once more.

Mr. Malone: Titles are held with the highest respect. Reputations are regarded with victories and tonight, those claims can begin with matches that will take place right inside this very ring. Such superstars like the “Canadian Destroyerâ€, Petey Williams;

Mr. Malone gages the crowd response after he said Petey’s name as the kids in the crowd heavily boo while the hardcore fans cheer crazily for his sick finisher which is a derivative of a sick flipping piledriver.

Mr. Malone: How about……. Randy Orton your Riots Intercontinental Champion?

Nick then judges the crowd response once again as the crowd gives another 50/50 response about Randy Orton as Nick seems reluctant to find a consensus on a guy that everybody here inside of the Nassau Coliseum can agree on until he voices the name.

Nick Malone: Nigel McGuinness?

As the crowd roaringly approves of the British Bastard as Nick Malone cracks a congenial smile as he then waits for the crowd to clam down as he sought and found his correct answer.

Nick Malone: Without a further ado, I’d like our referee for the following contest AKA Nick Patrick to bring out the beautiful and finely refurbished, Riots Cruiserweight Title to be highlighted for our following contest.

Nick Malone then begins to leave the ring as he hears the opening theme music to the first participant in this Cruiserweight bought with the appearance of the diabolical master of the Brain Buster in Kid Kash. Nick Malone makes his way back up the entrance ramp as the camera doesn’t pay any attention to the GM but focuses on Kid Kash coming out beyond the curtain and walking down to this ring.

Fatal 5 Way: Billy Kidman vs. Kid Kash vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Low Ki vs. Petey Williams​

“Kid Kash Theme Musicâ€

(Kid Kash walks down the ramp, taping up his wrists as he looks back at the newest General Manager of Riots in Nick Malone. Kash stops the GM to properly introduce himself as Kash feels that the occasion is all his to gain as he offers his hand to shake as Kash has an honest grin on his face. Nick Malone looks down at Kash’s hand and shakes it as Nick Malone wishes Kid Kash Good Luck in this match as the cameras then highlight the illustrious past of the Cruiserweight Title as Kash continues to make his way down to the ring. Kid Kash doesn’t pay any attention of the fans against the barriers and walks around the side of the ring as he takes one glance up at the ref and makes his way around the ring to get a personal look at the shimmering and vacant title belt. Kid Kash then rolls inside the ring and shakes the ropes to test the durability as he looks back at the referee as he then takes a quick look back at the crowd with disgust as he herd a insult come across his way.)

“Bite of the Dragon Musicâ€

(The lights inside the Nassau Coliseum fade out as a silver spotlight shines down up against the rampway. Low Ki arrives up against the ramp way as the Asian Warrior strides down the ramp as Kid Kash does not seem to be too impressed. Low Ki hears some cheers from the crowd but ignores it as he rolls inside the ring and never lets his guard down. Low Ki has an intense focus with the Warrior’s Way almost staring a hole right through the chest of Kid Kash as the ref tries to restrain Low Ki before the bell rings. Kid Kash continues to taunt Low Ki as Low Ki waits for the perfect opportune moment to exact his vengeance. Low Ki then posts himself up against the turnbuckles and squats waiting for the next opponent to walk down that ramp to suffer an agonizing fate.)

“Jerry Lynn Theme Musicâ€

(The Minnesota veteran looks at the competition standing inside the middle of the ring and feels invigorated to give a performance that the crowd will experience a veteran that still has enough talent to show the world what Jerry Lynn is made of. He walks down the ramp and shakes the hands of the fans as the crowd gives Jerry a warm reception as he shakes his head and puts his game face on knowing the talent in the middle of this ring could give him a world of trouble. Jerry is up to the task as his veteran leadership could very well will him to victory against the younger and savvy wrestlers. Jerry slides inside the ring and walks over to his corner separated apart from Low Ki and Kid Kash. Jerry Lynn then takes a deep breath and breathes into his hand.)

“Billy Kidman’s Theme Songâ€

(Kidman comes out to the crowd with the attitude to achieve the victory as he salutes the crowd. Kidman looks to be very energetic and happy to be fighting for the Long Island crowd infront of this very important battle to determine and consider future options about challengers for the Cruiserweight Title which is currently vacated. Kidman looks down at the three other men as he shakes the hands of the small kids and fans against the barriers. Kidman then holds up a sign showing Billy Kidman flipping through the air as the master of the Shooting Star Press. Kidman taunts aggressively as he then walks up the steel steps and then runs across the apron as he runs and jumps up against the turnbuckle. He taunts like he wants the Cruiserweight Title as he has that glimmer in his eye as he then sets himself on the top rope and then does a 360 flip in the air and lands on his feet standing pat inside the ring. Kidman takes off his vest and then prepares himself for battle as they all wait on the final participant to come down to the ring in Petey Williams.)

“Canadian National Anthemâ€

(Followed by Coach Scott D’Amore, the “Canadian Destroyerâ€, Petey Williams makes his way out to the ring wearing a Red Canadian baseball Jersey as Petey receives a big time heel response. Petey looks to be enjoying the hate given by the Long Island, New York crowd as Petey seems to be oozing with Confidence as Coach D’Amore keeps filling Petey with confidence. D’Amore can’t stop praising what a technical master Petey is inside the squared circle basically saying that these 4 other competitors are no match for the Canadian Destroyer. Petey then takes off his baseball Jersey and runs and slides inside the ring as Petey settles inside the ring as he basically taunts everybody inside of it getting them pissed off as the match can now begin.)

Kid Kash then walks up behind Petey Williams as Kash taps Petey on the shoulder as Petey acts as if nothings wrong as Petey turns around and gets a hard knife edged chop right across the chest by Kid Kash. Jerry Lynn joins the fray and gets involved as he grabs onto Kid Kash while Billy Kidman latches onto Low Ki. Jerry Lynn takes a hold of Kid Kash and kicks Kid Kash in the midsection and nails a couple of hard clubs right across the back of Kid Kash as Petey Williams gets back up to his feet and teams up with Jerry Lynn to double team Kid Kash. Jerry Lynn Irish Whips Petey Williams into Kid Kash as Petey nails Kash with a hard running clothesline as Petey then quickly gets onto the apron as Kash groggily takes a couple steps towards the ropes as Petey jumps high into the air and catches Kid Kash with a Slingshot double knee gutbuster. Jerry Lynn then takes a hold of Kid Kash and sets Kid Kash up for a Running sit-out powerbomb but Low Ki nails a devastating Black Magic right to the back of the head of Jerry Lynn as Kid Kash drops down to the mat. Billy Kidman then charges towards Petey Williams and nails a sharp dropkick right to the mouth of Williams that hit him so hard, it even knocked Petey right outside the ring. Billy then quickly turns around and grabs a hold of Kid Kash and hoists Kash up onto his arms and then positions him as Kidman then flips Kash over from a fireman’s carry into a Neckbreaker over his knee. Low Ki then looks at Kidman as Kidman looks to be unaware of Ki’s location as Low Ki springboards himself off the ropes and nails a sharp enzuigiri right to the back of the neck of Kidman. Low Ki then quickly gets back up to his feet as he looks at a wobbling Kidman down to one knee. Low Ki sets himself and screams loudly as Low Ki delivers Two stiff kicks to the chest followed by a high-speed roundhouse kick to the head of a kneeling Kidman almost knocking him out cold. Petey Williams then comes back inside the ring and bum rushes Low Ki as Petey nails a hard club right to the back of Low Ki knocking him down. Petey then waits for Low Ki to get back up to his feet as Low Ki slowly turns around as Petey charges and jumps up into Low Ki’s arms and in a Tilt-a-whirl counter maneuvers himself with Low Ki into a Russian legsweep. Jerry Lynn waits for his time over on the apron as he watches Petey Williams get back up to his feet and taunts for the Country of Canada as the fans boo Petey’s taunt as Coach D’Amore continues to flaunt how great of a wrestler Petey Williams is. Jerry Lynn waits and scouts for Petey to turn around as Jerry leaps through the air and nails a hard Air raid crash as Petey turned around at just the right moment for Jerry to execute his maneuver. Billy Kidman slowly gets back up to his feet as he quickly grabs Jerry Lynn and hoists Lynn up and then slams Jerry Lynn down in the middle of the ring for a B.K. Bomb. Kidman holds down Lynn for the cover as the ref counts the 1………2…….. but Kid Kash nails a low dropkick right to the face of Kidman to break the cover. Kid Kash goes for the cover on Jerry Lynn as the ref counts again for the 1………2…… but Jerry Lynn kicks out much to the chagrin of Kid Kash. Low Ki then gets back up to his feet as Low Ki grabs a hold of Kid Kash as Low Ki locks in a Ki Krusher on Kid Kash knocking Kid Kash out cold. Jerry Lynn then gets back up and quickly kicks Low Ki into the sternum and quickly positions Low Qi and lifts Low Ki up and drives Low Ki head first into a Cradle Piledriver. Billy Kidman then turns around right into the arms of Jerry Lynn as Lynn kicks Kidman into the midsection and positions him for a Powerbomb as Kidman gets hoisted up into the arm with the hold from Jerry Lynn as Kidman breaks free out of the hold from Lynn looking to deliver a sit-out powerbomb as Kidman delivers a Kidman Factor to the face of Jerry Lynn. Kidman then quickly gets back up to his feet and runs towards the turnbuckles and positions himself up against the turnbuckle as he looks down at both Jerry Lynn and Low Ki as Kidman leaps through the air and connects with a thunderous Shooting Star Press. Petey then quickly slides back inside the ring and looks back at Kidman as Petey kicks Billy into the midsection and positions Kidman for and delivers a sickening Canadian Destroyer. Petey then wraps up Billy Kidman for a pinning position as the ref counts the 1………2…………3.

Petey rolls out of the ring amid the mess of 4 other men laying flat on their backs as Petey looks at the Cruiserweight Title and taunts as if he’s gonna be the next Cruiserweight champion whenever that time comes as Coach D’Amore welcomes Petey with welcomed arms as Petey just won the match on behalf of Team Canada. Low Ki and Kid Kash look disgusted at what just transpired as they rolls out of the ring and look with disgust over at Jerry Lynn and Billy Kidman laid out inside the middle of the ring.

The cameras then turn to view the backstage area where the World Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle is walking around backstage anxiously looking for his tag team partner in Chris Jericho. Kurt Angle looks into the distance almost squinting as he observes in the distance, Delirious, squatting and silently not saying a word as Kurt Angle looks confused.

Kurt Angle: Delirious?

Delirious doesn’t say a word and keeps his intense stare looking over at the white wall infront of him as Kurt waits to hear for an answer from the enigma that is Delirious. Kurt Angle walks closer cautiously because Kurt doesn’t know if Delirious will or could snap at any moment.

Kurt Angle: Ummm, Do you speak any English? Then what about Spanish? That seems to be a popular language these days with all the Latino’s?

Kurt Angle waits for an answer from Delirious as Delirious still doesn’t say one word as Kurt expects an answer from this ticking, inordinent, time bomb as Kurt is standing right infront of Delirious now getting impatient on waiting for an answer. Kurt angle then dangles one of Delirious head bands hanging off the top of his mask as then all of a sudden, in a rush of energy, Delirious jumps up and looks straight into the eyes of Kurt Angle.

Delirious: balahedghqjhdsfjh dhjrfewv bahedhj Kurt Angleeeeeeeee, World Heavyweight Champiiiiiii Championnneyyyy bleudghefeeeeheu what dooo you aaaaaaaaa wanthehehe? You ahedhjgeghehjg hjjeuihdsg disrespected meeeee before…

As Delirious looks frustrated, as he then seems to angrily observe Kurt Angle’s reaction. Delirious is breathing heavily as he looks back at Kurt Angle as Kurt tried to understand what was being said before by Delirious in that rant.

Kurt Angle: Chill out there guy…or thing, whatever you seem to be. I just wanted to welcome you to Riots. I know it can sometimes be a humbling experience meeting a champion of my caliber right before your very eyes and I know it can be a shock or even surprise to see your hero right before you very eyes. All I wanted was not to make you angry my friend but to find the whereabouts of Chris Jericho. I hope there’s no hard feelings between the two of us my friend.

Delirious: Blahehahahah ahahahahhehxdhah Mr. Angle hehahdhahbfha jkhjbvnbmb njbhjggu hvfhfghg eh oh eh oh eh oh ehoho ho oh Riots premier. Jkarhehjwekjer Riots is Kurt ehihgfhhhhh ahggfghhh Jerichoooooo. Jericho esta Downnnnannndn There.

Kurt Angle looks perplexed as he looks back at Delirious as Delirious looks happy as Delirious gives the World Heavyweight Champion an awkward hug. Kurt Angle then gently and cautiously pats the back of Delirious as Kurt Angle then walks in the direction of what Delirious tried to tell him. Delirious looks ecstatic as he holds his thumbs up for Kurt Angle as he insists that Jericho is down there.

Kurt Angle: I always knew you understood Spanish.

Delirious backs up unknowing of his surroundings as he accidentally bumps into the Big Show as the Big show was holding a cup of coffee as Delirious bumps into Big Show who spills his hot coffee onto of himself. Delirious looks deathly afraid like it was an accident as he slowly turns around and looks scared stiff as he looks up at the massive size of the Big Show.

Big Show: Your gonna wish you never made that fatal mistake as the only thing that will be Delirious will be the savage massacre that I will do by breaking and shattering your bones. That will truly be the only Delirious thing to be conjured up into this match. I’ll see you in the ring.

The Big Show walks away from the camera as Delirious looks shook in his shoes as Delirious stands in his place as the cameras cut to a fade of black ending the scene as a match between Big Show and Delirious is next as we head to a commercial break.

--Commercial Break—

Big Show vs. Delirious​

“Big Shows Theme Musicâ€

(We come back from a commercial break to see Pyro explode from the top of the stage as the 7’1, 450 lbs. Monster makes his way out to the top of the stage as the crowd is booing the Big Show’s appearance as the angry sneer that is on the Big Shows face isn’t disappearing anytime soon. The Big Show threatens to attack the fans if they continue to annoy him any more as they keep yelling at the Giant of Riots. The Big Show walks down the ramp and gets down to the foot of the ring as his size 24 boot then steps onto the ring apron. The Big Show uses his frying pan like hands to pull down the ring ropes as he is still standing on the ground with one foot on the ring apron as he pulls himself up. The Big Show then steps over the ring ropes showing his impressive size to the world as Delirious has the unenviable task to try and take down this mastodon of impressive size and strength. The Big Show then taunts raising his huge hand up in the air to taunt for his finishing maneuver, the Chokeslam. The Big Show then lowers his hand as he looks pissed off waiting for Delirious.)

“Dante’s Infernoâ€

(Haling from just beyond the Edge of Sanity, Delirious makes his way out to the top of the stage as the crowd gives him an outstanding ovation as Delirious continues to ramble. He looks over at the Big Show and gets fired up anticipating this match after the initial shock, Delirious is ready to face off against the Big Show. Delirious then runs down the ramp as the crowd continues to chant Delirious name. The Big Show ignores the fans response as Delirious slides into the ring as the next referee to contest this match-up is standing right in the middle of the ring and tells the time keeper to ring this bell and make this match official.)

Delirious charges with all of his might towards the impenetrable force-field that is the Big Show as Delirious tries to take the big man off his feet. Delirious tries to splash himself onto the Big Show with a leaping lariat but the Big Show just cashes him as the Big Show then just positions Delirious into the sidewalk position. The Big Show then drops Delirious on his back almost seemingly like a 5 story drop at the height that Delirious was off the ground. Delirious agonizes in pain trying to conceal how much pain that sidewalk slam hurt the back of Delirious as Big Show puts on an empty and expressionless grin. The Big Show then gets back up to his feet and taunts at how motionless Delirious looks as Delirious sells how badly the backdrop really was as he is still on the mat and on his back as the Big Show picks Delirious back up to his feet as Delirious can barely move. The Big Show then pushes Delirious up against the turnbuckles as Delirious can barely move as the Big Show holds and exposes Delirious chest. The Big Show then tries to quiet down the fans as puts his finger up to his mouth and shushes the crowd. The Big Show then raises his huge Frying-pan like Oven-mit and then slams it up against the exposed chest of Delirious as the sound of the smack could be herd all throughout the arena. The imprint of the smack is left visible all across the Chest of Delirious as Delirious looks out of it and to be winded but then Delirious screams with pure emotion at the Big Show showing that he wont go down without a fight showing his defiance against the Big Show. The Big Show then gives Delirious a hard and heavy headbutt right to the mask of Delirious as Delirious flounders back up against the turnbuckles but then wakes up and screams once again at the Big Show saying he wont go down. The Big Show then backs himself up against Delirious as Delirious tries to punch the Big show from behind as it has no effect on the Giant of Riots. The Big Show then rams his but right into the midsection of Delirious almost squashing the life out of Delirious up against the turnbuckles. Delirious then can’t respond as the wind was sucked out of him. The Big Show then picks Delirious up and drags the lifeless body of Delirious towards the center of the ring as the Big Show then Irish Whips Delirious against the ropes as Delirious runs up and bounces off and against the ropes as Delirious looks up against the Big Show as Delirious then ducks a Big Boot thrown by the Big Show as Delirious then waits for the Big Show to turn around as Delirious jumps up into the air and locks in a vertical Octopus applying pressure down on the neck of Big Show. The Big Show almost looks like he can’t move as Delirious still continues to apply pressure down on the neck of the Big Show as the crowd wills on Delirious to try and get the Big Show to tap out as Delirious continues to wrench on the arm of the Big Show holding onto the leverage that he has. The Big Show then uses his power and strength to break the hold and swings Delirious around in his arms as the Big Show then wraps a cement like grip around the Neck of Delirious and lifts Delirious up into the air and then Chokeslams Delirious right across his knee almost in a Chokeslam backbreaker type maneuver to Delirious as Delirious now looks lifeless as the Big Show then holds Delirious over his knee. The Big Show then wraps his hand around the neck of Delirious once again and lifts Delirious back up to his feet and then raises Delirious once more with Big Show’s hand around Delirious Neck as the Big Show then slams Delirious down to the mat for a Chokeslam as the Big Show then covers the lifeless body of Delirious as the referee makes the count for the 1………2…….3.

The Big Show then stands right back up and looks over the lifeless carcass of Delirious laid out on the middle of the canvas. The Big Show just looks down and shakes his head as he then places his big boot over the chest of Delirious and puts pressure down on Delirious as he steps over Delirious as Delirious could not even breath. The Big Show thinks about walking away from the ring as he steps half way through the ropes as the commentators go over the replays of the ruthless Chokeslams that the Big Show gave to Delirious as the Big Show slowly turns his head and looks at Delirious Slowly stirring about slowly crawling and trying to get back up to his feet. The Big Show doesn’t seem to be satisfied as he walks right back into the ring as The Big Show picks Delirious back up to his feet and locks Delirious into a Cobra Clutch choking the life out of Delirious as the Big Show then lifts Delirious up into the air and breaks Delirious over his knee for a Cobra Clutch Back Breaker. Big Show then leaves the ring, as he looks satisfied at his handy work. Big Show then exits the ring and walks with his back to the ring not looking back at the carnage that he left of Delirious as the referee’s check on Delirious condition. The refs slowly and gently roll Delirious out of the ring carrying him up against the ramp.

The cameras then view MVP getting a hot rock massage inside of his locker room as the cameras then view the masseurs rubbing MVP’s back to gently smooth the muscles in his body as the Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton, storms into the room and almost looks enraged at the treatment that he’s getting right before a very big match.

Randy Orton: What in the hell are you doing? Do you have any idea that we have a huge match coming up next? Don’t get me wrong here but where’s your team player membership?

MVP then gets off the massage table with the white towel stuck around his waist as he addresses the Intercontinental Champion right infront of his face as he realizes that he’s involved in an 8 man tag match next on Riots.

MVP: What you need to do is slow your roll and don’t ever come into my room disrespecting me or how I do my things cause right now your straight up haitin on my style on how I get my business done and I don’t appreciate that. The next thing you need to do is that when your as pampered and talented as MVP is that then you’ll receive the finest treatment possible. Now, I didn’t sign up for this little shindig either so if you think I’m happy with this then your sadly mistaken. Now I’ll do what I have to do to get my job done and then once I prove my status as to why I am Riots Highest Paid, Playa Maid, Half Man Half Amazing Superstar and then, after I’m done proving my points it would look so bad to add to my Bling-Bling that Intercontinental Title that’s slung over your shoulder….â€Champâ€.

Randy Orton: I thought we were on the same TEAM? MVP, I know what you can do but if you want to prove that your worthy of even being in my league then you need to seriously step your game up. There’s a reason why I’m a champion. Its because I didn’t have to get treated like a bitch to earn this. I earned my rank with this company and whether you want to realize it or not, until you’ve shown me just how “Talented†you really are then you don’t deserve to even be in the same ring as me much less deserve any of the shit that this company is paying for you to receive out of that lucrative contract of yours. Your right, I’ll see you in the ring….Team Mate.

As Randy Orton goes to walk out of MVP’s Locker Room MVP looks pissed off at what Orton just said to him. MVP then looks at the masseuses walk out of his locker room as well with the equipment.

MVP: Oh yeah, were team mates for tonight but I’ll be gunning for you Orton. I’ll take your Title, I’ll take your dignity, I’ll take your fame and then I’ll we’ll see who will be laughing last when I get my shot at fame because I’m a true M……..V…P.

The cameras cut away from MVP’s Locker Room to show Nigel McGuinness training outside of his locker room practicing jab combinations and European uppercuts. Nigel knows of the repercussion that this match has on he and his team mates. Nigel then looks into the distance and sees Bryan Danielson walking into his frame of view as Bryan offers a thought of friendship and solidarity to extend his hand towards

Bryan Danielson: Nigel, we’ve battled all over the world. Put stitches each other’s head in Chicago, bled into buckets in London, England. Put on Matches of the Years in Japan but the point is that whenever we went out there whether it was friend or foe we managed to put on a match that the fans felt satisfied about when they left the arenas and went home after the event. Tonight we get to prove that the heart, the determination and effort we put into our matches on the independent circuit was worth the ticket of getting our contracts and receiving our dreams of getting to wrestle on the big stage of S.W.A. Whether it was for Anarchy or Riots, we both know that our talent alone had a good shot of getting us into this company. With our skills combined with Samoa Joe and CM Punk, were the factors that will make the “Superstars†of our opponents look like amateurs.

Edge then enters into the frame as he looks at both Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson respectively as Edge is ready for the 8 man tag match. Edge has a cocky grin on his face, as the mastermind of Rated R feels very confident about his chances in this match.

Edge: I know who both of you guys are. Yeah, now I remember it. You’re my butler Nigel and you’re my limo driver Bryan and wow, I never got the chance to formerly introduce myself to you guys. A formal introduction onto MY show of Riots as your looking at the next Intercontinental Champion. To cut aside the jokes, all 7 of us have something to prove in that match tonight. I know that the opportunities will come few and far between. Now I’ve seen what you are capable of but for the simple fact that the both of you have never had the chance to perform under those bright lights on the big stage. We are gonna give it are all out there but whatever you try to pull out there, I’ll be 6 moves ahead of whatever you try to do. When my hand is raised pinning either of you saps then I’ll sign your ticket personally back down to the minor leagues where the both of you belong.

Samoa Joe and CM Punk then come from the other side of the hall and sees Edge trying to bash Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness as Samoa Joe and CM Punk back up their team mates.

Nigel McGuinness: Let me tell you something Sunshine. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t in it to win it. So if your tricks and ploys want anything to take anything away from our skills and livelihoods then you’ll just have to try harder than that Rated R Superstar.

Samoa Joe: You know Edge, I’ll take a personal pleasure when I snap, crackle and pop your bones all throughout your body. Think of it as a personal hobby of mine. And if Umaga wants to get involved, you tell that Samoan Bulldozer that I’ll give him an Ass Whopping Samoan Style and apart of that, you’re lucky I’m being held back by 3 of the greatest team mates that Riots has yet to recognize.

CM Punk: You know something Edge, the one guy I wanted to fight so badly that it made my blood boil every time I saw him on Riots were you. The Way you’d flaunt your Rated R virtues made me sick and I’ll be more than happy to make my Riots debut from Anarchy showing you that my virtues will conquer over all of the 7 deadly sins that you love to follow. With this opportunity, I will make the most of it and I don’t care whether its you, Randy Orton, Umaga or MVP on who I have to pin but I along with Nigel McGuinness, Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe will get our hands raised at the end of that match and that’s a promise. Why? Because we’ll earn it with our skills, durability, effort, determination and will to win and that’s a promise.

Edge then walks away pissed off as his ploy to try and dampen the spirits of his opponents failed to work as Edge then walks away as the camera cuts to see the smiling faces of the Indy Stars that have finally made it to the big stage in the form of McGuinness, Danielson, Punk and Samoa Joe. As we cut to a commercial break with the screen slowly fading to black.

--Commercial Break—

WWE Stars (Randy Orton, MVP, Edge, & Umaga) vs. Indy Stars (CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuinness, & Bryan Danielson)​

“Umaga’s Theme Songâ€

(Umaga pounces out to the top of the stage coming from beyond the curtain as this savage beast looks at the crowd and angrily yells in Samoan. Umaga walks down the ramp with his arms extended as the camera that’s walking infront of Umaga gets a close up of the heavily taped up thumb of Umaga where Umaga wouldn’t be afraid to nail that Samoan Spike right into the corarted artery of his opponents throat as Umaga makes his way down to the ring. Umaga then gets over to the steel steps as he kicks it with furious anger as Umaga takes giant steps on it once at a time as he gets up onto the apron and enters the ring as he looks at the ring announcer and referee and threatens to attack them both with his Samoan Spike as he aggressively pounces towards them as they both get chased out of the ring in fear of Umaga’s intensity and rage. Umaga then poses, as the crowd heavily boo’s the Samoan Bulldozer.)

“Metalingus by Alterbridgeâ€

(Smoke begins to billow from atop of the stage as the Rated R Superstar comes out to the top of the stage and looks aggressively over at the Long Island Crowd as he wipes his chin. Edge seems to be seething with aggression as he looks down at Umaga as he gnashes down on his teeth. Edge then poses up at the top of the stage as his streams of pyro shoots out from atop of the Riots Titan Tron as Edge looks superior to everybody else in the crowd as Edge is loving this moment right now. Edge then puts on a smirking grin as he looks over at the crowd as he’s walking down the stage and taunts for himself as he threatens to smack a fan that’s agitating Edge. Edge then looks back at Umaga as Edge takes a running start about in the middle from the middle of the ramp as he runs down and slides beneath the bottom rope and slides inside the ring as Umaga bulges his eyes as he looks at Edge knowing he’ll have partners in this match as Umaga keeps screaming in Samoan. Edge then stands back up and tries to talk to Umaga in English as Edge takes off his black leather trench coat.)

“I’m Comin by Sikk the Shockerâ€

(MVP comes out to the top of the stage through his air flatted entrance and looks at Edge and Umaga as he has on his $10,000 Glasses as he then smacks the ramp way and taunts how good he is infront of the crowd as the crowd gives MVP a 70% Boo while 30% of the crowd cheer’s MVP entrance as Edge tries to tell Umaga that MVP is their teammate. MVP then looks over at both of his team mates and thinks of it as no big deal as he still taunts for himself as the crew (not shown on camera) deflates the floated air entrance as MVP makes his way into the ring as he still taunts for himself as he takes off his Bling-Bling. MVP then slaps the hands of his team mates as Team WWE waits for their “Captain†and current Intercontinental Champion, Randy Orton.)

“Burn in my Light by Mercy Driveâ€

(The Intercontinental Champion comes out to the top of the stage with the Intercontinental Title smoothly around his wait. Orton looks over at his 3 Teammates and on the premier edition of Riots, he knows that the entire spotlight is on the Legend Killer. Randy Orton has an intense grin on his face as he waits up at the top of the stage as he then pauses and then poses up at the top of the stage in the Legend Killer Taunt as a stream of Golden pyro falls behind Randy Orton up at the top of the stage. Randy Orton then breathes in his own arrogance and greatness as he then breaks out of his pose and poise and then looks down at MVP, Umaga and Edge as he likes his chances of protection in this match. Randy Orton then walks down the ramp and looks at the disgusting fans that have filled out this entire Nassau Coliseum, as Orton knows that nobody can replicate his greatness. Orton then loosens his golden title from around his waist as he walks over to the steel steps. Orton walks up step by step as then he climbs up the turnbuckles and does the Legend Killer taunt once more as his team mates look on unimpressed with the way Orton is showcasing himself. Orton then hops off of the turnbuckle and hands his title belt over to the referee to place over at the time keepers area.)

“London Bridge is falling Downâ€

(Nigel McGuinness comes out to the top of the stage and receives quite a warm welcome from the Long Island fans. Nigel wipes his nose and looks at all of his 4 opponents and taps his shoulders to signify that he’s ready for a brawl. Nigel slaps some of the fans hands as he makes his way down the ramp but as he gets down to the foot of the ring he doesn’t instantly get inside as he takes a moment and waits as he looks back to whose going to be coming out at the top of the stage.)

“Final Countdown by Europeâ€

(Bryan Danielson comes out to the top of the stage as he also receives a good welcome from the Long Island crowd for which he’s defended the ROH Title many times in this very same area. Bryan looks down at Nigel McGuinness as he feels pretty damn good about his chances. He makes his way down the ramp. He sides with Nigel McGuinness before he enters the ring as they wait for the third member of their team to make it down to the foot of the ring with them.)

“CM Punk’s Theme Songâ€

(CM Punk comes down to the top of the stage followed by Samoa Joe as they together get a reception that nearly blows the roof off of the Nassau Coliseum because of their abilities to perform inside the middle of the ring. CM Punk and Samoa Joe look at Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness as they look over at their current opponents who aren’t backing down as their still standing in their corner inside the ring as Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson meet up at the foot of the ring as they converse on their strategy to begin the match as Edge, MVP and Umaga all side on the apron as Randy Orton doesn’t know that his teammates have chosen him to start it off as Orton stands alone inside the middle of the ring. Joe, Punk, McGuinness and Danielson then make their way inside the ring as the ref explains to both teams the rules of the match before they get underway. The ref then signals the timekeeper to ring the bell, as this match is official.)

With Randy Orton starting the match off for his side, there doesn’t seem to be any cohesion between the members on his side as they all want the glory for themselves while on CM Punk’s side, every body is working together to achieve a common goal and that is to make an impacting statement during this match to get the victory and prove why they should be worthy of receiving an Intercontinental Title shot. Samoa Joe will start it off for his side as Samoa Joe and Randy Orton circle around each other as Orton looks around at the 7 other possible opponents that he could be facing for his Intercontinental Title as Randy Orton gets towards the side of Bryan Danielson, Nigel and CM Punk and Orton takes the time to disrespect Bryan Danielson by slapping the taste right out of his mouth as this enrages Bryan Danielson as the ref has to restrain Danielson from getting some revenge on Randy Orton as Samoa Joe just shakes his head as Orton turns around and gets clocked right in the back of the neck with a C.C.S. Enzuigiri almost knocking Orton out but he stays right onto his feet as Samoa Joe gets right back up and grabs a hold of Orton before he falls down as Joe lifts Orton up into the air and brings Orton down with a thunderous Inverted atomic drop, as Samoa Joe then runs as fast as he can into and bounces off the ropes as he charges towards Orton and hits a devastating single leg running front dropkick to knock the Orton down and finishes Orton off by performing a running senton to the prone Randy Orton as Samoa Joe goes for the cover as the ref counts the 1….2….. But it is broken up by MVP coming in to break the count as MVP retreats back over to his side. Samoa Joe looks pissed off that MVP would so something like that as he drags Randy Orton over to his side as he looks over at Bryan Danielson as the crowd is raving for Danielson to get tagged in. Samoa Joe then slaps the hand of Bryan Danielson as Bryan Danielson feels the rush and intensity of the Long Island crowd as Randy Orton breaks free of Samoa Joe’s grip as Orton runs back over to his corner and tags in Edge to fight Bryan Danielson. Danielson doesn’t look very surprised as he then turns his focus to go against Edge as Danielson and Edge lock up in the middle of the ring. Danielson takes advantage of the lock up with Edge as Danielson quickly positions himself and lifts Edge over his head for a Regal-Plex Bridging in position for a pin as the ref counts the 1…2…. But Edge nails a hard right hand right into the ribs of Danielson to break the hold. Edge then gets right back up to his feet as he holds his back as Danielson holds his ribs as Edge waits for Danielson to get right back up to his feet Edge then looks at Danielson slowly turn around as Edge charges towards Danielson jumps up and nails a spinning heel kick right to the jaw of Danielson as Danielson quickly recovers and holds onto the heel of Edge as Danielson positions Edge’s heels together and maneuvers into a Mexican surfboard as Edge agonizes in pain. Edge tries to roll himself towards the ropes to break the hold but can’t as Danielson holds Edge still in position. Danielson lets Edge go as Edge slowly tries to make it back up to his feet. Danielson looks down at Edge and then at MVP as Danielson taunts for either MVP or Orton to get back inside the ring as Danielson grabs a hold of Edge and delivers a European Uppercut one that you would normally see from Nigel McGuinness as Danielson pushes Edge up against the turnbuckles as Danielson posts edge and then delivers a hard knife edged chop right up against the chest of Edge as Danielson does this over and over again. Danielson then grabs a hold of Edge and flips Edge over his head into a Dragon Suplex. Bryan then goes for a Pin as the ref checks to see Edge’s arms still on the mat as he makes the count of the 1……..2…… but the pin is broken up by Umaga. Umaga then picks Bryan Danielson back up to his feet and delivers a deadly blow of a throat thrust knocking Danielson back down as the re tries to get Umaga to go back into his corner as Edge gets back up to his feet and shakes the cobwebs out as he then kicks Danielson right in the back of his head as Danielson is gasping for air. Umaga then goes back into his corner as Edge is choking Danielson’s air compasity from his body without the ref acknowledging the hold as its must have been 10 seconds by now without the ref checking as Edge applies more and more pressure. Edge then breaks free of Danielson as Edge then tags in Umaga as Umaga enters inside the ring and looks down at the body of Danielson as Umaga yells in Samoan as Umaga looks at Samoa Joe as the two lock eyes with one another as Umaga then takes a hold of Danielson. Umaga then punches Danielson square in the head as Umaga continues to punch Bryan in the head as Danielson gets lower and lower against the turnbuckles as Umaga continues to weaken Bryan Danielson as Bryan can't slowly even move. Umaga then back himself in the opposite diagonal direction. Umaga screams loudly and charges towards Bryan Danielson as Danielson can barely move as Umaga rams his ass right into the face of Danielson almost knocking himself out cold with the Samoan Wrecking Ball. Umaga then grabs Danielson and drags his body towards the center of the ring as he looks over at the turnbuckles. Umaga looks down at the unconscience body of Bryan Danielson as Umaga walks over to the turnbuckles. Umaga climbs each turnbuckle, as he looks down at Danielson still not moving as Umaga controls his balance. He leaps off of the top rope and flies through the air trying to land a Samoan Splash but Danielson rolls out of the way as Umaga seems motionless. Danielson slowly crawls over to his side as Umaga awakes and rolls over towards his side, as it’s a race to make the tag. Danielson faintly touches the hand of Nigel McGuinness to make the tag as Umaga touches the hand of MVP as Nigel then gives MVP a hard European Uppercut knocking him off his feet. Nigel then picks MVP back up and locks in a Keylock Driver as Edge enters the ring as Edge tries to nail a flying forearm into the forehead of McGuinness as Nigel ducks and grabs Edge by his arm and puts Edge into the position of the Divorce Court as he drops Edge right onto his arm. Randy Orton then comes on inside the ring as Orton tries to lock in a Headlock on Nigel as Nigel fights on the positioning of Orton as Nigel pushes Orton off of him as Orton bounces off the ropes and charges right back towards McGuinness as Nigel then drives a hard lariat right into the chest of Randy Orton as the sound of the smack could be herd throughout the arena. MVP then gets back up to his feet and waits for Nigel McGuinness to turn around as MVP kicks Nigel in the Midsection and sets Nigel up for the PlayMaker MVP taunts for himself as Samoa Joe sees Umaga trying to get back inside the ring as Samoa Joe charges and kicks Umaga out of the ring all together as Samoa Joe and Umaga brawls on the outside of the ring as CM Punk enters the ring now. CM Punk waits for MVP to turn around as CM Punk hoists MVP onto his shoulders. MVP tries to avoid what could be the inevitable as CM Punk securely holds MVP then lifts him off of his shoulder and drives a knee right into the jaw of MVP knocking him out cold for a GTS. Nigel then rolls over MVP for the cover as CM Punk dropkicks Edge from breaking up the cover as the ref counts the 1…………2………..3.

CM Punk, Nigel, Bryan and Samoa Joe walk back up the entrance rampway as Randy Orton holds his Intercontinental Title as he is arguing with every member of his team inside the middle of the ring as he taunts against MVP for letting Nigel McGuinness get the pin. Orton leaves in dismay as MVP then argues with Edge as Umaga can’t even speak any English as he is bleeding from the battle with Samoa Joe on the outside. Our cameras then cut to Christian Cage walking backstage to have a little pow wow meeting with his tag team partner for tonight’s main event in Bobby Roode of Team Canada.

Christian Cage: Ahhhhh the Canadian Enforcer, and the Canadian Prime Minister of Professional Wrestling. How ya do and How ya Be?

Coach Scott D’Amore: Christian, it is a complete pleasure to have my Canadian Enforcer team with you to get a leg up over that American Bastard, Kurt Angle. I know you grew up in our Country, The Great Northern Way. It’ll be our civic duty to provide you the victory here tonight. It won’t only just be a morale victory but a victory for all of Canada.

Christian Cage: I like the plans fellas but I think I may have something better. If we can take out a leg from the body it’d be off’ly hard to stand on. That’s why if we take out the energy we’ll kill the source before it even gets started. So if we can take out ½ of the tag team then we should be good to go and easy to pick that’s why we take out Jericho, Angle can’t handle the both of us. You see what I’m saying? Once Kurt is done spilling his dribble to “Jerifilth†then we’ll get the advantage or “Leg Up†on the competition so lets get going.

Christian Cage along with Bobby Roode and Scott D’Amore walk towards the direction of where they last saw Jericho as Kurt Angle is currently talking to Jericho about their match tonight as their Tag Match is next on Riots.

Kurt Angle: Jericho, I know we haven’t always seen eye to eye in the past, but for my sake tonight lets just get through this without any problems. Plus, I don’t need any of your crap weighing my abilities down in the middle of the ring.

Chris Jericho: Hold it right there Ass Clown. You need hold your ego in check when you knock onto my door. I’m helping you out tonight because we both hold one thing in common and that if there’s one person we both dislike then that’s that Bastard Christian Cage. I’m doing this to help you. I’m doing this, not because I’m a Kurt Angle fan and far from it. That’s why I don’t blab about Fozzy 24/7 like you do for your Olympic Gold Medal. I’d think everybody would be a little bit annoyed if they herd the same boring thing always talking about themselves 24/7 without backing it up. Now I’ll be your tag team partner tonight but once this match is over maybe we’ll see what the future holds when I prove why I should be your next challenge for that World Heavyweight Title.

Kurt Angle: The only thing I’m asking from you is to bring you’re a game and if and I say this as a big IF. If we win tonight then I’ll think about it for Riots next PPV, Season Beatings.

Kurt Angle then begins to walk away as he has the World Heavyweight Title slung over his shoulder as he walks away from an angry Chris Jericho. Kurt Angle walks away into the distance as Coach D’Amore, Christian and Bobby Roode gang up behind Jericho without any warning. Jericho slowly turns around as Christian is holding a Steel Chair. Christian raises the chair up above his head and swings the chair as hard as he can right into the head of Chris Jericho knocking Jericho out Cold. Bobby Roode then starts to stomp down on Chris Jericho’s back.

Coach Scott D’Amore: I guess you didn’t see that Betrayer. You stand for everything that we hate and we will decimate anything at any cost that stands in our way to present our Canadian Way of life even if it means having to take down a Benedict Arnold like yourself.

Christian Cage: Hey…….Hey Jericho? You feeling ok? You feeling ok? Do you think you’ll be able to compete? How many fingers am I holding up? If that’s the case here is some More.

Christian then raises the chair up once more as Bobby Roode positions Jericho sitting up against an equipment case. And swings the chair against Jericho’s face sending another devastating shot to Chris Jericho. Christian then throws down the chair as Christian Cage, Bobby Roode and Coach Scott D’Amore then depart to go and make their entrance for the Main Event.

Christian Cage & Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho​

“Olympic Gold Medallist Theme Songâ€

(Kurt Angle comes out to receive a mixture of cheers and boos as Kurt Angle comes out to the crowd with his World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Kurt Angle Taunts for the fans and his World Heavyweight Title. Kurt Angle then holds his arms up as his three streams of Pyro shoot out behind him up and over at the top of the stage as Red, White, and Blue Pyro glimmers in the background. Kurt walks down the ramp as he tries to shake some of the fans hands but some of the fans refuse until he yanks on some of the kids hands and slaps it anyway. Angle then rolls into the ring and rubs his 1996 Olympic Gold Medal. Angle then rolls himself into the ring and taunts for the crowd as he heavily and intensively pats his chest. Angle then tears off his shirt and hands his World Title back over to the referee whose about to call this match.)

“Captain Charisma’s Theme Songâ€

(Christian Cage, Bobby Roode and Coach D’Amore walk beyond the curtain and look at Kurt Angle as Christian is thoroughly rubbing his hands together in delight seeing the World Heavyweight Champion primed for the picking. Christian and Bobby Rood surround the ring as Angle looks intensively at both men as he seems to be surrounded. Christian and Bobby Rood sly like a fox jump up onto the apron trying to catch Kurt Angle. Kurt Angle then backs up as Coach D’Amore tries to trip Kurt Angle but Kurt Angle breaks free as Bobby Roode tries to get a sneak attack against Kurt Angle only to have a punch right in the mouth knocking Bobby Roode down as the ref sounds the bell as the match begins)

Kurt Angle grabs a hold of Bobby Roode, as Christian Cage seems hesitant to do something as D’Amore is yelling at Christian to attack Angle. Angle doesn’t know what happened to Jericho, as his mindset is that he’s in this for himself and to do this by himself. Kurt nails a European Upper cut right to the Jaw of Bobby Roode as Bobby Roode backs up against the turnbuckles Kurt then grabs a hold of Bobby Roode and gives Bobby Roode a Headbutt as Kurt seems to be in full control of this match at this point. Kurt then Irish Whips Bobby Roode from the corner as Bobby Roode runs right off into a clothesline. Kurt Angle then grabs a hold of Bobby Roode’s head and laces him in a Rear naked Choke. Christian Cage comes into the ring and breaks the hold from Kurt Angle as Kurt breaks off of Roode. Kurt Angle then gets back up and looks and gets distracted by Christian Cage as Bobby Roode gives Kurt Angle a Low Blow to break the momentum. Bobby Roode then grabs a Hold of Kurt Angle and rams his shoulder into the steel ring post. Bobby then picks Kurt up from his side and hits Kurt with a Rotating belly to back suplex side slam. Bobby then tags in Christian Cage. Christian then comes in and locks Angle in a Cloverleaf submission position. Coach D’Amore pulls away the ropes as the ref demands that Coach D’Amore get ejected from the match as he is ranting and raving. Christian Cage then grabs a Steel Chair with the Ref Distracted as he tries to do a One-Man Conchairto. Christian then raises the chair as out of the corner of his eye he sees a pissed off Chris Jericho hobbling down the ramp as he slides into the ring and charges and takes down Christian with a tackle as the two are brawling inside the ring as Bobby Roode slides back inside the ring. Kurt Angle then looks angry at the confrontation that Jericho and Christian have found themselves in. Kurt Angle turns around as Roode kicks Angle in the midsection and positions Angle in a Fisherman’s position. Roode then hits Angle with the Payoff and still holds Angle in a pinning predicament as the ref counts the 1………2………3.

Roode and D’Amore celebrate wildly as they just had Roode pinning the World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho looks pissed off as he hobbles and rolls inside the ring as Angle is holding his back and his World Heavyweight Title. Christian, Roode and D’Amore celebrate up at the top of the stage. Jericho tries to tell Kurt that they attacked him before the match as Kurt doesn’t seem to phased like he felt that Jericho played him for a fool. Kurt Angle storms off leaving Jericho in the middle of the ring as Jericho answers back and keeps yelling at Kurt as Kurt gives Jericho the Middle Fingers as he holds the World Heavyweight Title around his shoulder as Kurt leaves back up the ramp with his back to Jericho as Jericho looks pissed off as well in disbelief as to how childish Kurt Angle is acting. The show then slowly fades to black as the Riots logo is shown to end the show.

The Rated R CMStar

I have always love the way you post the news on your BTB. I will be checking Riots
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