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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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There were more PPV quality matches on that Impact than Hardcore Justice tbf


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact August 19, 2010 - Rank Neglect

Well, fuck. Last Impact we got good old-fashioned faction wars, with Fortune turning out to hate EV2.0 for some reason. It's the classic TNA Originals vs. Old Guys, but this time the old guys are the faces. And on top of that, we've got a second faction war on the backburner, with Sting, Nash and co. vs. Abyss and whoever "they" are. But Abyss also hates all faces, so he's the nexus point between all faction wars. Sting and Nash also happen to be against Hogan, Bischoff, and jarrett, so that's another wrinkle. This booking really is confusing.

Anyway, we cold open to Jeff Hardy and Abyss, who started fighting before the start of the broadcast. At least that's simple. They brawl out of backstage and in to the Impact Zone proper, where they've already partly filled the hard camera side. Abyss attacks his adversary with a mop (which makes me wonder: why didn't they get Perry Saturn in for HardCORE Justice, even in a non-wrestling role?). They get a brief shot of some Karen shocked at Abyss' actions. Part of Hardy's torso is blurred out for some reason. The brawl continues for about five minutes until they reach a fans' queueing area, and then Gunner and Murphy show up to hold off only Hardy. So, are these two part of "they"? More importantly, why haven't they been fired for such obvious bias?

Bischoff out to no music, just a chorus of boos (oddly, when he isn't explicitly heel). His pretending to care about RVD and be distraught by what he's seen is so wooden. I can't tell whether he's legitimately bad acting or fake bad acting. Over the sound of Bisch cursing the names of Flair and Abyss, we get footage of the attack and RVD being rushed to a "local medical facility". Abyss' attack was borderline homicidal. Therefore, Abyss is only 1/3 as good as Sabu, as he needs to be suicidal and genocidal first. Weird flashing lights over the crowd.

Basically, they've had to vacate the World Heavyweight Championship, and there's going to be a tournament among the top 8 of the current rankings, starting tonight and wrapping up at Bound for Glory. Love me a good old-fashioned tournament arc, when it makes sense, that is. He leaves without actually mentioning what the rankings are, which is the great thing. He's pretty much admitted that the rankings don't exist.

Match 1: Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Terry - World Title Tournament First Round Match

I'm amazed Terry made the top 10. He's billed at 6 foot 4, though as I've noticed before, he seems to be about the same height as the average wrestler. Jeff's limping more than usual and in street clothes, which makes me think of a possible upset. I do want to see an upset, though I don't want Terry to benefit from it. Tenay hasn't been told about the other three matches - another confirmation that the rankings are basically made up. This match is just... ugly. Hardy is not the type to carry his opponents, so we get to see Terry's lack of wrestling ability in full view. Twist of Fate and Swanton (of which Hardy does not get all) mercifully kill off this match in about 3 minutes. The teenage girl demographic is pleased.

Fortune are here. I guess Doug Williams is officially in now? The goldfish contingent of the audience is being catered to for the first time in a good while, as we get the same footage of the Fortune/EV2.0 brawl, just in a more dramatic video package. Hogan is thinking about quitting after RVD's murder by Abyss. Oh, no. Please don't go. You are so important to this show. This place would be worse without you gone. With that absolute shitstorm of sarcasm out of the way, we're on to match 2 already. The last few shows have been match-heavy, and I'm more okay with that than I'd expect.

Match 2: Jay Lethal vs. Mr. Anderson - World Title Tournament First Round Match

Lethal is once again in "happy to be here" mode. These two matches have been face vs. face (even though Rob Terry cannot get a pop to save his life), which is odd. I hope you enjoy 30 seconds of feeling-out period in TV matches, because that's what we get. "If you do not want to be the champion, you shouldn't be here -Taz. Which means that either Hulk Hogan shouldn't be here (correct) or he wants to be champion (...worryingly, also correct). Anderson hits a Green Bay Plunge which looks like Lethal was more leaning into it than trying to escape it. Anderson stumbles away and avoids a dropkick by pure accident, then hits the Mic Check for three. That was... also very short.

Christy interview time, and she's in an oddly close-up shot as she's talking to Angelina Love. Apparently she's got backup. We're supposed to be surprised who this backup is. Then we get some content from ReAction, where MCMG talk about winning, and the fact that they'll win again and again. I do like Sabin's extended machine gun metaphor during this promo, though. They're gonna be in a match next week.

Match 3: Angelina Love (c) vs. Madison Rayne - for the Knockouts Championship

There's that "Knockouts Ladies Championship" name again. Madison abandons all pretense of being aligned with anyone but biker lady before arriving on the back of her motorcycle. She's treating this woman as a lackey, despite the biker lady being the only reason why she held the belt past Victory Road. You know she could just throw you off the motorcycle on the way back, right? To the surprise of no one except Tenay and Taz, Velvet is Angelina's backup. This starts as a pure brawl, where each member of the match is only fighting with the other's corner girl. They REALLY want us to follow Dixie Carter on Twitter and Facebook.

Madison reckons she got three from her hump facebuster, and screams that as loudly as possible. Angelina hits an inverted stunner, a move which I don't think I've seen before. Velvet neutralises the biker lady, Angelina hits the Botox Injection and retains. It seems that Velvet and Angelina are friends again. TBP Originals reunion? I'd mark. But we don't get much of this before Madison and biker lady attack them both from behind. Time for yet another recap of the EV2.0 situation.

And top of the second hour, we see Fortune in the ring. First thing first, Ric Flair confirms that Matt Morgan and Doug Williams are officially in the group. Sixtune? I love how Flair used to pretend that being in Fortune depended on you winning so he could kick Desmond Wolfe, and yet he hires Matt Morgan, a man who has not won a match on his own merits for months. Then he goes off on an old man rant, burying EV2.0 and inviting them to kiss all 7 members' asses. AJ Styles gets on the stick and basically says what I'm thinking: that Fortune are the faces here and they did more to earn a spot than these old guys ever did.

Dixie Carter is out... I don't like that Dixie Carter is a character in her own show. Not only does she know nothing about wrestling, she knows nothing about acting either. The badly crocked bunch of ECW guys behind her... have been signed to contracts? Why? This was supposed to be the last stand. Flair has to toss in some misogyny so the fans remember that his side is "supposed to be" heels. Dreamer and Foley treat him like an idiot. Essentially, the upshot of this is that it's Dreamer vs. Styles tonight, and the fans' intelligence has been well and truly insulted. I do like the touch of Foley exposing Flair as a drunk old bastard who called him up begging for a contract.

Kurt Angle's fight up the top 10 is apparently over, as it's just a tournament now. He doesn't seem fazed. That's just 1 less match he has to work and not lose, after all. Time for match number 3 already.

Match 4: Douglas Williams vs. Kurt Angle - World Title Tournament First Round Career Threatening Match

Doug Williams, the X Division Champion, holding the World Championship... I don't think it's ever mentioned that Kurt Angle has also held both belts simultaneously. Angle is apparently favourite to win because has history with tournaments, including a little-known tournament known as the Olympic wrestling tournament. This is just... two really good mat guys, and I don't have much to nitpick. A sign in the crowd just says "SMEEK". Maybe that means something to someone. Like Jag Thindh.

Not much happens in this one, to be honest, as quality as it is. Maybe because they get four minutes maximum. Williams hits a top rope uppercut - it's highly notable, honestly, that he was able to hit a top rope anything. Especially since he's afraid of heights. Finish is the Chaos Theory countered mid-roll into an ankle lock. That looks cool.

Anderson is a face and cares about RVD. I've just realised: the fact that Styles was available to face Tommy Dreamer tonight means he's not in the top 8 and therefore not in the tournament. So, the current TV champ isn't in the top 8 but the guy who dropped it to him is? What is this logic? Apparently it's based on career history as well as fan voting... but Terry would lose in both aspects. Fuck it, it's Vince Russo. You're not supposed to think about it. Let's move on to the next segment, which is...

...more old people talking. Oh, no. Sting and Nash are out here. Nash says there's no one in this business he respects more than Kevin Nash Sting, and he's still in wrestling because he loves money the business. Very mixed reaction, some might say "Cena-esque". "We were on the verge of greatness, we were this close" -Nash, sort of. Out comes jarrett, which pretty much starts an argument of "no u". They both know that Hogan is good for the company, apparently. jarrett brings the greatest threat yet: he threatens to get in the ring.

Speaking of people who shouldn't get in the ring, enter Hogan! He flicks the Vs. "The spotlight is not shining on you two" -Hogan. Maybe if the name "Hulk" were causing issues he could call himself Hypocrite Hogan. When they're about to fight, lights out and on again. No, it's not the Sandman this time. It's Fortune beating on everyone. So we've got too much faction war going on to count. The cavalcade of old guys talking continues, with EV2.0 trying to get on the same page. Why yes, Tommy Dreamer, I can understand why it must be hard to team with a man who threatened to take your wife and kids away. Stevie Richards heals all emotional wounds, though. Except mine. He causes mine.

Match 5: Matt Morgan vs. D'Angelo Dinero - World Title Tournament First Round Match

Jeez, that blood spurt sound effect again. No more please. "Eden Rocks" sign in the crowd. Pope's money rain rating: voluminous. it's only now I notice that the entrance walkway isn't there anymore. I miss the walkway. It was a nice walkway. The saga of dorky white kids getting Pope's sunglasses continues.


Theoretically, this is easy for Morgan given their recent pushes. Both have been booked badly, it's just Pope has been booked worse. Morgan does that leg-up foot choke. Eh, it looks better when Gail Kim does it. Pope tries to sunset flip a man much larger than him. Again: faces are idiots. Morgan tries that ring post Carbon Footprint, fails, crotches himself, eats a ring post DDE, and loses. Those two new signings to Fortune are looking pretty stupid right now, aren't they, Flair? Apparently the four semi-final matches are set for No Surrender. Would make sense.

Short package of Mick Foley talking about EV2.0 and Fortune. It's one of those rare variations of an I Am Going To Win The Upcoming Match promo: the We Are Going To Win The Upcoming Feud promo.

Match 6: AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer

Bell rings with 7:40 to go. Come on, you've got to give your main events some time. Dreamer does a rolling move off the apron that looks slow as hell but gets TNA chants. "We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all flips are created equal" -this crowd, probably. When Dreamer's asked to wrestle and not be hardcore, he kind of falls down. For example: he's indignant that rope breaks exist in this match. Wounds being reopened is a good spot, I'm happy to see it as long as it doesn't damage these wrestlers' health. "I GOTTA KILL HIM! I'LL KILL HIM!" -AJ, trying to heel it up so he doesn't accidentally get cheered by fans who are sick of EV2.0. Taz is about as scared to mention death as an early 2000s anime dub producer.

Pele kick produces the same "Ole" chant as last week, and the Impact Zone crowd even make the effort to sound like a drunk football crowd. Nice touch! Dreamer has this won, but he's distracted by an EV2.0 vs. Fortune brawl breaking out. Abyss shows up to Black Hole Slam Dreamer, and AJ takes advantage before even checking to see what's going on. When he does, he produces a gurn which is among the greatest gurns I've ever seen.


Brawl continues into TNA ReAction while Abyss fucks off into the crowd. So... are AJ and Abyss on the same side? Who knows? Who cares? I do, as I'll have to for the next year and a half of programming. See you next Impact.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Saturn wasn't at Hardcore Justice bc he was missing from the face of the Earth at the time I believe


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact August 26, 2010 - Gang Warz, But Worse

Our latest foray into the tangled, messy web of alliances and rivalries that is Impact around this time of year starts with a video package reminding us that Fortune are quite big, and EV2.0 are also quite big. And what happens when two big stables exist? FIGHT! Episode title is "Hogan's Cavalry" -fuck me, there's not another faction showing up, is there? Apart from "them"? Bischoff and Dixie are in the back, and the smiling mug is trying to convince Dixie not to do an announcement and let him handle it. Say what you like about Eric Bischoff, but he knows more about the business than Dixie Carter does.

Against Bisch's wishes, Dixie heads to the ring, while we're reminded that they REALLY want us to follow her on Twitter and Facebook. She spends about 3 minutes trying to sift through her scripted speech about "TNA is cool I guess", before she can call out Ric Flair. Ric's first instinct is, of course, to hit on Dixie. The old man's failed to be a good mentor, so he's suspended (ooh, suspended! He's shaking in his boots!). Fortune get to stick around, though, because they were around before him. Flair says he and Fortune are one and the same, which, to be fair, could be said for AJ Styles recently.

The customary brawl is started, as it turns out, by Dixie's husband, who tries to attack Flair. Well, it could be Dixie's husband. For all I and the crowd know, it's just some nobody. Anyway, Fortune dogpile him and Hogan makes the save with the aid of four unattached babyfaces (Angle, Hardy, Anderson, Pope). He overturns the suspension of Flair because...??? Guess because he'd rather solve things in the ring like the decrepit old child he is. Flair responds by... claiming Fortune are "them"? There's more wrinkles in this story than on his old body. Match is set for later: four of Hogan's guys vs. four of Fortune. And just when we think the segment is done, EV2.0 show up to attack Fortune from behind! A three-sided stable war? Seems like too much.

Seems they've cleared up during the ad break. Angle's being interviewed, fellow faces at his side, talking about taking control of TNA for Dixie. "That's what we're going to do, right?" I'd have loved if all of them were like "uh, actually..."

Match 1: Orlando Jordan vs. Samoa Joe

Jordan is from Miami. That seems like a trollish location for someone called Orlando. He's wearing a Samoa Joe action figure around his neck, and outright grinds on SoCal Val this time. I feel terrible for her, even out of kayfabe. Commentary is taking the announcement that "they" are Fortune at face value. This starts with Jordan completely getting murdered until he gets a rope break by grinding his ass on Joe. His need to do weird shit (like lick his action figure) does prove his downfall when Joe fucks him up again. Muscle Buster finishes it. This is exactly as long as Orlando Jordan matches need to go in future.

Random appearance by Jeff jarrett interrupts Samoa Joe's exist from the ring, and Tenay says he's facing Kevin Nash tonight. Oh fuck, no. It's been 5 years since Joe joined TNA, and it's been 4 years since he was last treated as an actual threat. "I've helped a lot of young guys" - jarrett, who helps people by beating them up, underpaying them, and firing them. Long story short, jarrett wants Joe as backup for his match against Nash. Joe says no. Like a sane person.

Match 2: Jeff jarrett vs. Kevin Nash

Nash puts a chair in the ring but then proceeds to beat on jarrett on the outside instead. He breaks the referee's 10-count, then chooses to put his opponent back inside the ring... What was the point of that? Kevin Nash matches, as well as being the cure for insomnia, are poorly thought-out apparently. A decent amount of spots are directed around an exposed turnbuckle, which is something you don't really see these days. A sleeper-held Nash accidentally bumps the ref, which lets Wolfpac Sting in for a bat shot on jarrett. It's not often I say that a Kevin Nash win was a good result, but... Bischoff comes out to Hogan's music, allowing Hogan himself to hit Sting with a chair. I love that! Hogan was always the most heelish face.

More Hogan stuff, and he's talking to Tommy Dreamer. "Don't go after Fortune tonight, go after Abyss" is the plan, apparently. Even though if Ric Flair's to be believed, Abyss is on the same side as Fortune.

Match 3: Beer Money, Inc. (James Storm/Robert Roode) vs. FBI (Guido Maritato/Tony Luke)

We segue straight from Hogan insisting that EV2.0 not face Fortune, into EV2.0 facing Fortune. Jobber entrance for FBI. This match was apparently important enough that if any member of the two stables interferes in this match, they're fired. Which is a strange stipulation because this match is a glorified squash, with FBI getting next to zero offense. Tony Luke has "TM" on his tights. Finish is a DWI to said Tony, followed by a beer bottle, Last Call and second DWI to rub salt into that very Italian wound. Hope you enjoyed FBI, because this is their final match with TNA. They're gone after this taping. Sandman's also gone; he no-showed this taping and hasn't been seen in TNA since. EV2.0's very quickly losing this faction war.

In between segments, we get a match graphic that reminds us that Fortune was officially spelled "Fourtune" around this time. There's a reason why I use this spelling. Because it's better. EV2.0 are mid-team talk, and Stevie Richards is super hyped. He looks like he's about to kill a man. You know, like Marty Jannetty potentially killed a man. "Abyss' head on a stick" - surely you could just put it on top of Janice? For the irony.

The ORIGINAL Beautiful People make their entrance at the top of the second hour! "Oh, it's trumpeting tonight" -Taz. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Velvet's conquest of way-too-tight figure-hugging dresses claims yet another victim. The camera tries its hardest to get an upskirt. Angelina's idea of delivering a promo is shouting constantly and in the same tone of voice. A big part of this is to call out Madison. She arrives on biker lady's bike, to which Velvet responds by screaming something to the effect of "look, the entrance ramp is right there!". She's apparently going to sue the original TBP for gimmick infringement... please, no. Not another battle for the letter T. Madison says Velvet is her little bitch, which reminds me of JB being New Jack's bitch. Sadly.

MCMG are in the back, ready to fire up some Green Day Rock Band (Shelley plays guitar on medium, and Sabin's drums aren't even connected). We also find out in this throwaway promo that Magnus and Desmond Wolfe are a team now. Speaking of the two arbitrarily thrown together Englishmen, we get a vignette of them (and a very unwilling Chelsea) out shopping. "No, Chelsea, you ate yesterday!" -Wolfe, prioritising. Magnus becomes the most recent person to use the Cockney rhyming slang "Bristols" unironically. Chelsea takes their credit card at the end. "No limit, huh?" -Chelsea, about to buy all of the erotic literature in Florida.

Match 4: Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin) vs. Generation Me (Max Buck/Jeremy Buck)

This has the potential to be a great match if it actually gets time. Taz informs us that the Magnus/Wolfe team is called "London Brawling". "Moror City/Let's go Bucks" dueling chants. This is full of ridiculously well-synced double team moves. Lights feel oddly dimmer. I like it. Widow's peak ref complains about Shelley standing on his opponent's face. You're just jealous that your hair isn't like these four's, aren't you? Shelley gets pushed to the outside and lands on his feet, which seems like it must be an ankle destroyer. Taz calls an upset when Jeremy goes for the pin, then acts surprised when Sabin kicks out.

An assisted middle-of-the-rope moonsault sends the crowd wild. What follows is a completely wild sequence of moves that I have no idea how to write about, and I couldn't do justice even if I did have an idea. What I can say is after a More Bang for Your Buck attempt, Sabin holds Jeremy down so Shelley can hit a double foot stomp to the back, of which he gets none. Finish sees the Guns win with that neckbreaker/crossbody. Guns/Bucks is a killer combo, I wish they were on PPV and the match with Wolfe and Magnus was on TV. This didn't get nearly enough time. We're reminded that Green Day Rock Band is actually sponsoring this match. You did good, Harmonix.

Time for a Ric Flair old man rant, which Sting curtails with a baseball bat choking. Flair vs. Nash/Sting... it's like the last decade never happened. A video package about the "Shore" coming soon, which tells us nothing about who they are and why they're ripping off the hot new fad. The card for No Surrender is partially run down, and I've got to say, I don't like the shaky-cam applied to all the match graphics. Also, AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer in an I Quit Match is apparently happening. Not like it was ever hinted.

We then get backstage footage of a brawl between Abyss and Stevie Richards, which is not at all well lit, so I couldn't tell you what's happening. All I know is, Abyss takes out Stevie, and professes he wants to Janice everyone. Next thing we know, Rhino's in the ring, with Abyss in hot pursuit. Seems Rhino could see what was going on better than I could. The brawl goes all over the Impact Zone, into the press area, then Abyss gets Gored on the stage. They sell a Rhino leg injury. How do you know that's why he's limping? Maybe it's just the standard-issue ECW limp.

Before the main event, we get AJ Styles talking about how Fortune Is Going To Win The Upcoming Match, which doubles as a rant on Dixie Carter. We also get one of Heel AJ's catchphrases about building this house.

Match 5: Fortune (AJ Styles/Kazarian/Douglas Williams/Matt Morgan) vs. Kurt Angle/Jeff Hardy/Mr. Anderson/D'Angelo Dinero

A good old face vs. heel multi-tag main event. You love to see it. Also, the version of Fortune's theme that incorporates Ric Flair's theme. You love to hear it. They make a lot of the fact that Hogan's team is made up of the four finalists in the world title tournament. "Ladies and gentlemen, and Fortune" -Anderson. Pope's money rain rating: underwhelming. He's wearing a face mask - ahead of his time! We don't get to see Pope hand off his sunglasses to a dorky white kid because Angle and Hardy's entrances are judged to be more important.

The only problem with face vs. heel multi-tag main events: there's really not much development is there? It's just a cavalcade of stock spots. Commentary boils it down to Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair again, which is helpful, as they tell us how they feel about their actual wrestling talent. Crowd wakes up when Hardy is tagged in. An extended 3-minute sequence involves Fortune surreptitiously kicking the shit out of Hardy. Even Flair. Angle's the hot tag du jour, which leads to a "signature move chain" spot. One of my favourite parts of these kinds of matches. Finish is the Angle Slam, but Pope blind tags himself in and gets the pin. Nice way to sell that tension!

After the match, predictably, Beer Money show up and it starts a 7v4 beatdown until three members of EV2.0 show up. Sabu sandwiches Doug WIlliams' head between a chair and a table, then leg drops the table, missing Williams entirely. Bless the man, he still sells it. That's the last 3 Impacts in a row that ended in a mass brawl. Clearly the ECW guys are a bad influence. See you on the go-home, for more indiscriminate fighting!


Dreams are Endless
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Green Day Rock Band :heston


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact September 2, 2010 - A Shift in Fortunes

The opening package is centred around Hardy/Angle vs. Anderson/Pope. Hardy and Pope aren't happy with partnering with their opponents at No Surrender, but Anderson and Angle are fine with it. It's attitudes like that that get wins. Episode title is 10.10.10 - the date for BFG. It's almost like they only see this as a transitional PPV... The Beautiful People are out of the intro. This has to be the greatest casualty of the feuding between Velvet and Madison.

And we open straight up with some Hogan! Because you gotta have Hogan, and Bischoff. That's what popped the rating in 1997, and absolutely nothing has changed since then! They're accompanied by Miss Tessmacher - see? Every cloud has a silver lining. This guy in the crowd looks like a rejected member of the Dudleys.


Hogan's in enthusiastic mood about TNA's homegrown talent, and how he's going to bury them all eventually. "We've got four guys, we call the Fatal Four". So this faction has a name now? Or are they a faction? It's hard to tell with factions coming and going every week. Each of them gets a separate entrance. Hogan names the Creatures of the Night and the Congregation, but not the Assholes. Is this discrimination? The long-haired, gender neutral-looking kid who got Pope's sunglasses a couple of weeks ago is here, and still has the sunglasses! Continuity! Hogan wants the next champ to raise the bar - because RVD wasn't raising the bar? Did being torn to bits by Janice revoke his raising the bar card?

Speaking of Janice, Abyss comes in through the crowd and threatens SoCal Val. Stop the Val abuse, please. Come on. Abyss is here about "them". Turns out, it's not Fortune! "Them" actually being Fortune would somehow be both too obvious and a ridiculous swerve at the same time. Abyss gets basically no reaction when saying "they" will come at Bound for Glory on 10/10/10. Part of their plan is to remove Dixie Carter and take out the current main event scene - I'll drink to that, Abyss bro. They go straight to commercial after Hardy starts attacking Abyss. Why? Did Hardy do something so brutal that it couldn't be shown? Or maybe he decided to get high right in the middle of the ring. When we come back, a goldfish memory video package reminds us of the only current Knockouts feud.

Match 1: Madison Rayne/Biker Lady vs. The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky/Angelina Love)

Both entrances happen at the same time to the same music, which is a nice touch. "I love deuces" -Taz. Velvet brings the heart-shaped riding crop! I was hoping that would come back, given that I made it Velvet's signature weapon in my BTB. This starts as an extended brawl (or a catfight, given the lack of intensity of Madison's moves). Biker lady, with her under-helmet mask, is channelling La Luchadora a few years in advance. An overlong sequence ensues where Madison is comically trapped between her former teammates. Riding crop spanking is denied by the biker lady's attack. We're a good two minutes removed from these four first getting physical before the opening bell rings, and I doubt the actual match will last any longer than two more minutes.

I have no idea why biker lady's outfit has a large boob window. Who am I kidding, I know why. Angelina hits a spear that at least looks more impactful than Edge's does, simply because she's not doing it on people with 50+ pounds on her. Ref distraction, helmet shot, Madison pins Velvet. Ho hum. What we really want to know is the biker lady's identity. She just... unmasks herself. And it's Tara! First of all, I noticed weeks ago, from the boob window. Second, why would you do this? The biker lady identity has not been officially forced into retirement by a match stipulation. Why would you change your identity from someone who can contractually wrestle to someone who can't?

We come back from commercial to see Stevie Richards in the back talking about facing Abyss. He's going to stand out from the rest of EV2.0, apparently. Is this friction? Are EV2.0 losing more members, again? This is a pretty one-sided war against Fortune, in that case. We then get... a recap about Abyss using stuff that was on ReAction. Why? Why are you wasting time on this go-home show, with so few matches already booked? We're informed that RVD has been cleared to speak next week. The best part about this? There's no Impact next week. It's been pre-empted for seemingly no reason. Someone's going to be watching a Gangland marathon completely stoned, and ask themselves "Uh... Where's RVD?".

Match 2: Abyss vs. Stevie Richards

Abyss refuses to use the entrance ramp like a normal Monster. For the second time today, a match starts late because the competitors brawl on the outside at first. We're informed quite offhandly that it's Abyss vs. Rhino at the PPV, and that's almost all the commentators can talk about. "Pumbling" -Taz, who runs with the word pumble for a while. An attempt by Abyss to use a steel chair leads to him pushing away the referee, which means he doesn't see a Stevie Kick with the chair in Abyss' face. All we know is... Stevie Richards has won. Against the harbinger of "they". Does the word momentum mean anything to Vince Russo?

Abyss goes for the post-match attack because that's what heels do. We get picture-in-picture to the back where security are trying to hold Fortune away from Mick Foley, who's taken a pretty bad beating. At least this means he probably won't be wrestling tonight. Another attempt to use Janice is thwarted, this time by... Brian Kendrick? The commentators are every bit as confused as I am.

We go backstage to see Anderson, who can't believe that just a few months after beating up Pope in an altar boy's uniform and taking him out of main event contention, the two haven't made up. Anderson reckons it's Pope's problem. For his part, Pope thinks Anderson's about to screw him over. Not an unfair bet at all. The graphic for this match says "Fatal 4 Clash" - they're really going with that name. This is going to be a stable, isn't it? Oh, no.

Speaking of stables, EV2.0. As we get a look at them already in the ring, the crowd only cares for Sabu. Dreamer wants to fight Fortune because Foley got a bad ankle. There's a significant number of people cheering for Fortune and "woo"ing for Flair. AJ Styles' face is bright red. Like, seriously. Holy shit. His shouty promo reveals to us that Douglas Williams' challenger at No Surrender is Sabu. Remember when the X Division was dedicated to bright young talent? The upshot of this is that: 1) there's going to be a Fortune vs. EV2.0 4-on-4 match, and 2) AJ has just provided Tommy with audio of him saying the words "I quit", leaving Tommy the opportunity to screw him over. You've worked with Ric Flair, AJ! You should know these tricks!

We get a segment of Jeff jarrett talking to Samoa Joe. He's acting pretty faceish, which makes me want to talk about something. As far as I know, no crowd has bought jarrett as a face. He's just... inherently not likeable. There's just something consistently slimy about him, and that's out of kayfabe as well as in it. Joe's not buying it either. "I know who else is going to show up" -Sting to Nash, immediately before a random backstage guy pops his head into shot from out of nowhere.


See, if Russo booked long term, this guy would show up months later and save Sting and Nash from an attack. Anyway, Sting and Nash are trying to tease out Hogan, I guess. jarrett gets another promo to camera, where he teases an arrival too, hoping for someone to help him. It's too coincidental. Almost like they know how this storyline is going to go in advance...

Match 3: Sting vs. Jeff jarrett

I'd say "hope this doesn't end in a beatdown like at Sacrifice", but you know what? Fuck it. I'd be much happier to see a beatdown than to see a long past-it Sting wrestling a Jeff jarrett that I'm pretty sure no one wants to see. jarrett's tron looks very heelish. Wolfpac Sting out in a T-shirt. "He might try to do some shenanigans in Sting's side" -Taz. I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Nash successfully trips jarrett 3 times in this match, and the referee doesn't notice any of them. Come on. How is that possible? The referee must be bought out by Sting's faction. You know what they say: once is unfortunate, twice is suspicious, three times is a pattern. Sting wins off the back of the third one, because yeah. Taz echoes my sentiments.

Nash and Sting beat on jarrett after the finish, and it takes jarrett being choked with a baseball bat to draw out Hogan successfully. Turns out, though, jarrett's saviour is none other than Samoa Joe! He makes Nash look like a fool and then challenges Sting, who refuses to fight him. "You're in the wrong place at the wrong time" -Sting, who refuses to explain why that might be. Another video package for "Shore" which again does nothing to clarify what it is and why. Apparently the No Surrender card will define who takes control of TNA... I'm glad that's not really true. Imagine an EV2.0 only show.

There's "you suck" chants throughout the card rundown, and it's eventually revealed that this is because London Brawling are in the ring. "Queer Money and the Motor City Capped Guns" - was "Machine Gays" too on the nose? Desmond Wolfe takes the opportunity afforded to any British heel on a US show and says the word "wankers" early on. "Thanks, babes" -Magnus, receiving the mic from Wolfe. Huh??? Actually, Magnus isn't terrible, I can see him slowly growing a personality. I can't wait for Alex Shelley to get a blond streak, so it's easier to tell him apart from Sabin from behind. "The only tag teaming you two have been doing lately is with each other" -Sabin, a big fan of the gay joke.

Wolfe fits another British-specific word in there by saying "poofs". Magnus does "sonny jim" references to a guy four years older than him. Chelsea seems especially pleased at Shelley's offer of $10 and a dog tag for some time with her. "She needs the money" -Sabin explaining why Chelsea is in TNA with Wolfe. Wolfe makes the classic dumbass heel mistake of letting Chelsea on the mic, who takes the time to tear right into his tiny penis (not in that way). The two argue, then London Brawling beat up the guns, then Wolfe goes back to arguing with Chelsea. Priorities!

EV2.0 are in the back, trying to work out just who they'll send for their tag team match. No Mick (and no Guido and Tony - continuity!) means they're pretty stuck for choice. Until Brian Kendrick shows up! That's a nice touch. Kendrick saving Stevie Richards was probably his audition to join EV2.0. The only problem is... Brian Kendrick being part of EV2.0 makes no sense. He wasn't even in the WWE version of ECW. Sure, he'd have fit in in the original ECW, with his brand of batshittery and no-limits style, but this stable clearly wasn't designed for people to join on merit.

A TNA Live ad reveals they're working the Hammerstein Ballroom and the ECW Arena on two consecutive days later in September, which makes me sigh in frustration at the idea of more EV2.0. We get to hear from Hardy and Angle briefly, where they each state their case on why they are Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

Match 4: Fortune (AJ Styles/Kazarian/James Storm/Robert Roode) vs. EV2.0 (Tommy Dreamer/Rhino/Sabu/Brian Kendrick) - Elimination Match

Tenay tells us that on ReAction, we'll get the story of Tara being the biker lady. They must have been pretty quick to have already edited that together, about an hour after it happened. Sabu is crazy over. Which is why he's unceremoniously eliminated two minutes in. At least it allows him to build to his inexplicable X Division match by brawling with Doug Williams. Kazarian tries a dropkick but just lands flat on his back, which looks delightfully silly. The pace advantage of Brian Kendrick vs. everyone else in this match is just so noticeable. Which is why they try to slow him down and have him play Ricky Morton. At least he eliminates Kazarian. And then... chokes out AJ and attacks the referee. The booking in this match is interesting. Not good, but interesting.

A brawl breaks out, and when we come back from commercial, they've somehow cleaned it up. Mick Foley, however, is still on the ramp somehow, like he was just before the break, even though he's supposedly got a fractured ankle. Guess Kendrick's disqualified now. Rhino's Gore looks like it rips the soul out of Storm's body, but the pin's broken by Roode. We're denied a second Gore by Abyss showing up, and in the process getting Rhino counted out. A pretty cool spot occurs where Dreamer DDTs Roode, causing AJ's forearm attempt to miss entirely and hit Storm, and allowing Dreamer to pin both members of Beer Money. Okay, that's hype.

Dreamer shrugs off a Styles Clash like it's nothing, then locks in a crossface, allowing Ric Flair to care about rope breaks for probably the first time in his career. Taz sells a cross-arm breaker as being incredibly deadly, which is refreshing after hearing him talk nonsense most of the time. Finish is overbooked as hell: Foley attacking Ric Flair, Matt Morgan looking silly, AJ raking the eyes and pinning Dreamer. Fortune still haven't been booked strong at all, as 3 of the EV2.0 falls in this match were a DQ, an count-out, and an eye rake, whilst 3 members of Fortune were pinned clean. Hopefully that changes soon. This got real time, which leaves almost no time for the main event...

Match 5: Jeff Hardy/Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson/D'Angelo Dinero

Pope's money rain rating: meh. We don't get a clean shot of the kid who got Pope's sunglasses, but at least she was African-American this time. You've got to make a change from dorky white kids, you know? Bell rings with 6:30 to go - that has to be a new record for cutting it fine. Pope and Anderson arguing means the former can get suplexed by Angle straight off the bat. Pope delivers a kick to Hardy's face that feels very shoot. Taz stutters through a commentary remark for what feels like a year. Pope uses a knee drop. How is a knee drop without the knee pad supposed to be better than one with? Seems like it wouldn't be worth, with how much it hurts the user.

A double hot tag gives us a bit of Angle/Pope, but not enough. Finish is nice - Hardy takes out Angle by mistake, Anderson Mic Checks Angle, but Pope steals the pin. Crowd likes this. Push Pope, please. Naturally, this causes the former partners to brawl. Hardy and Angle, when they've woken up, think "Well, when in Rome" and brawl with each other too. Nice build for No Surrender. See you there.

Next up: No Surrender

Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - World Title Tournament Semi-Final Career Threatening Match
Mr. Anderson vs. D'Angelo Dinero - World Title Tournament Semi-Final Match
Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin) (c) vs. London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe/Magnus) - for the World Tag Team Championship
Douglas Williams (c) vs. Sabu - for the X Division Championship
AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer - I Quit Match
Abyss vs. Rhino - Falls Count Anywhere​


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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No Surrender 2010 - No Surrender to EV2.0 Extreme-ism

Bound for Glory is going to be super important, and TNA wants us to know this. Which is why this last PPV before BFG is divided pretty evenly between "throwaway randomness" and "building to something at BFG". Case in point? Cold open to when the four semifinalists in the World Championship tournament arrived at the Impact Zone. Huh. I never took Mr. Anderson as the "first in, last out" type.

Opening video package is interesting. "I want to do something no one else has done, go through the top 10" -Angle. There'd only been a top 10 for about an hour before you had the idea, so that's not an achievement. Anderson acting pretty heelish, which feels about right as an Orlando crowd could never boo Pope. Hardy is an apologist for Hogan and Bischoff putting them through hell - foreshadowing? Angle gets the final word as well as the first one, letting us know how he is Going To Win The Upcoming Match. Opening graphics are quite gritty. It's interesting how next year, Victory Road and No Surrender effectively switch aesthetics.

We open with the Tag Team titles - and an announcement that apparently happened already. London Brawling are out of the match because of a personal issue. As we know now, this was Desmond Wolfe's Hepatitis B diagnosis that ended his career. I'll miss him. He was always the Brit in TNA with the most personality. Turns out they've got a replacement, and it makes a match on a previous Impact actually matter. Feels like a while since a match involving these two mattered...

Match 1: Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley/Chris Sabin) (c) vs. Generation Me (Max Buck/Jeremy Buck) - for the World Tag Team Championship

It feels sad, honestly, that the Bucks can only get a tag title shot as a last minute backup. JB doesn't even announce their surnames. "You can sense the buzz out here" -Taz, on a crowd who can't really decide on what chant to open with. Eventually they settle on "Motor City" with literally one guy responding with "Let's go Bucks". This starts with a surprising amount of mat-based chain wrestling from two teams who are usually high flyers. Douglas Williams would be proud, if he hadn't run off the entire X Division so badly they're getting Sabu to face him tonight. How do you tell the Bucks apart? I have no idea. Double missed dropkick and a staredown draws TNA chants, because apparently anything can get TNA chants now.

Tenay uses the name "Generation Me" as an opportunity to take a shot at entitled millennials. The first flip of the night comes from the Bucks when one tumbles on to Alex Shelley's outstretched arm while the other's holding it. That's actually a cool idea for a move! They then do something similar, but with a double stomp. We're four minutes in before the Guns bring out one of their stock double team spots. Shelley breaks out a rocking horse hold, which looks theoretically unbreakable. I don't get how you don't just pass out from the pain in one of those. You can't even move your arm to tap. "His brother was getting contorted, like a pretzel that was contorted" -Taz.

Sabin's clothesline appears to be avoided by one of the Bucks temporarily phasing into a different dimension. Shelley gets hit with a neckbreaker on the apron, which is cue for commentary to talk about his neck issues. The ridiculously one-sided dueling chants are back. The Bucks engage in actual storytelling, going for repeated head and neck moves on Shelley. Who says they're just spot monkeys? I get the feeling that this was the storytelling for the London Brawling match before that was called off. Finally Sabin gets a hot tag. Alex "neck issues" Shelley inexplicably goes for a suicide dive. Bucks botch some sort of double team move and commentary can't make any sense of it.

Eventually, Skull and Bones finishes this very good match. Certainly better than watching 2010 Magnus wrestle. Bucks are now officially heeling it up, going for the extended beatdown, DDTing Shelley on to the floor and causing him to be carried off by medical staff. I'm actually afraid that that might be legit for a good second. Tenay essentially goes "Speaking of injury-causing attacks, RVD's injury caused this tournament". Wow. "Kurt Hangle" -Tenay. Next up is "the lone singles championship match tonight at No Surrender" - two reactions to that.
  1. Why isn't AJ vs. Dreamer for the TV Championship?
  2. So you're telling me there's still a chance for a Knockouts Tag Team Championship match?
Match 2: Douglas Williams (c) vs. Sabu - for the X Division Championship

They struggle to come up with a backstory for this match beyond "one of them is Fortune, the other is EV2.0". Sabu's theme doesn't even sound like I remember Sabu's TNA theme sounding. Doug Williams, for that matter, has a new theme, which sounds like it's ripping off "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" or something like that. Taz calls it "Techno-Euro-Englo" music. "USA" chants for a guy who dresses as an Arab Sheik for a living. It's literally 2:30 in before anyone starts moving at more than 1 mile per hour. Maybe that HardCORE Justice match and that bizarre early elimination on Thursday completely removed the zip from Sabu's step.

Sabu flies to the outside, and the camera zooms on his face as he visibly calls a spot. He then brings out a table, and at no point is a disqualification mentioned other than that Earl Hebner isn't happy. Maybe it's ECW rules, where DQs only happen when you want them to happen. Sabu visibly botches a hurricanrana and commentary sell it as a counter. Chair comes out - Earl Hebner is fine with some chair spots, but not others. Also: an open nut shot from Williams that Hebner doesn't give the DQ for. I genuinely chuckle at Williams' extremely delayed sell of a springboard DDT.

Crowd is uncharacteristically dead for an X Division match. Maybe that's the problem with turning your excitement division into a slow paced mat division. And ye gods, is this ever slow paced. The biggest heel in this match is the referee for denying a springboard crossbody with a chair step-up. Sabu tries to leg drop a table that Williams is barely even on, and looks stupid (and probably destroys his tailbone) for it. Finish involves a denied chair shot by Williams followed by a belt shot while the ref's back is turned. Williams retains. Thank fuck that's over.

Time for Christy to interview Mr. Anderson. It's a very weird one from Anderson - he admits he doesn't care about Pope's mistrust and brushes off this match in favour of the final at BFG, which feels heelish. But then he appeals to the fans, which is face. I think he may have turned twice in the same promo. Ken "Big Show" Anderson. Christy is suitably disturbed - only partially because Anderson's shouting in her face.

Match 3: Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky

Crowd pops for the Beautiful People's theme, until they realise it's heel Madison coming out on Tara's bike. Got to say: leather does a lot for Madison. And she and Tara kiss! This is interesting, because TBP themselves only teased the kiss. Being more solidly heel causes you to PDA more, I guess. The theme continues to run as TBP Classic come out together. Where's Lacey Von Erich? What happened to her? Commentary compares Velvet Sky's entrance to Lou Thesz as the match starts. There's a "Masturbation" chant, I think? I hope I didn't hear that right. "That's one hot gopher" -Taz. One other thing I hope I'm not hearing right - mild piped-in crowd to hide the fact that the real crowd is dead.

Taz remarks how Andrew Thomas (the widow's peak ref) always gets the Knockouts matches. There's a reason for that - they don't trust Slick Johnson to do them anymore. Velvet does what can be charitably described as a spear. Story of this match is pretty much defined by Tara's interference stopping Velvet from winning. Of course, by the time I notice the pattern, it's taken out from under me, as a helmet shot is denied by Angelina. A simple DDT finishes it and brings the victory. So, Velvet "The Snake" Sky., I guess? Maybe this will finally settle the issue of who gets to use TBP's music from now on. And bring Madison's best entrance music.

Christy interview number 2, and it's with Jeff Hardy. Teenage girl demographic pops for this. He keeps it short, informing us he's doing it for the Rob and also lets his wet hair drip down. Maybe that's the secret of why he's found so attractive. Teen girls dig wet hair.

Match 4: Abyss vs. Rhino - Falls Count Anywhere

Rhino has always looked like his limbs are too short for his body. He's also blessed with the advantage of knowing how a Falls Count Anywhere match works, attacking Abyss outside the ring. They almost immediately brawl to the back, and soon after make it out on to the grounds of Universal Studios proper. Sadly, this really creative concept isn't explored, as they punch each other a bit in the shadow of a rollercoaster before making it back in. Trust 2010 TNA to tease something actually interesting and then snatch it away from us. Rhino gets hit by the garbage can he'd propped in the corner before they brawled to the back. There's a Scottish flag in the crowd. I feel bad for my fellow countryperson, having watched the last two matches.

We get our first "holy bleep moment" as Tenay calls it, as Rhino successfully tosses Abyss through a less solid part of the set. They're crawling around deep under the stage, when it soon becomes Abyss 2, Cameramen 0. Crowd absolutely HATES that they can't even see half this match. Like, there's open revulsion while Tenay and Taz try to talk through it. "We can't see" chants are dissuaded by Rhino getting absolutely bowled through the other side of the stage. Abyss has his ECW limp in full force. He does something I've legitimately never seen before, and picks up a guardrail to use as a weapon.

Abyss eventually goes to get Janice (but never uses it), and when he gets back, gets hit by the Gore and... kicks out. Huh. Thought the Gore was a protected finish still. Apparently the Black Hole Slam isn't protected either! We really are just burying finishers here. Commentary tries to sell the idea that Abyss is thrown off by the crowd rooting against him. This unstoppable monster is insecure about fans chanting for Rhino. Anyway, teased Gore into the propped-up guardrail sees Rhino rush right into it instead, Black Hole Slam, Abyss wins. That's about right. Seems that "they" are going to be booked better than EV2.0 (though that isn't an achievement).

We've got a video package for a match I'm pretty sure wasn't announced in advance. "Hogan's got the power, he's got the stroke" -Nash. Wait, I thought Jeff jarrett had the Stroke? jarrett thinks Nash and Sting suck in the ring. One out of two isn't bad.

Match 5: Kevin Nash/Sting vs. Jeff jarrett/Samoa Joe

Nash and Sting out to the Band's porno music. Wait, is Sting a member of the Band now? I hope not. He's in a T-shirt, anyway. One of the teenage girl demographic is very happy with jarrett's entrance. There's an extended sequence where the referee tries to remove the big black bat from Nash and Sting's possession. As for the match, I'll be honest: there is absolutely nothing interesting about old ex-nWo guys arguing about the same thing ten years later. I'm completely unable to get invested, especially when one of the teams is a 50 year old guy and a guy who couldn't even wrestle in his heyday. And their opponents include Jeff jarrett. Commentary recognises this, talking at length about the wider storyline rather than the match.

This is atrociously slow-paced, especially when jarrett's in the ring. To make matters worse, just when we think there's going to be a hot tag to Joe, turns out the referee was distracted so he couldn't see it. And once Joe does get in legally, he takes himself out of matters with a suicide elbow to Nash. It's as if they want us to suffer. A possible botch between the two men with a combined age of 94 does what it needs to and gets jarrett into the corner, where he uses the bat. Heel foreshadowing? The crowd likes it, though. Joe - the legal man, remember? Why wasn't he counted out? - comes in with the Coquina Clutch to finish. Thank fuck that's over. That's the second time I've said that this show.

Video package time again, and it's all about EV2.0 vs. Fortune. So Dreamer vs. Styles next. At least Dreamer doesn't have to work a proper wrestling match this time. Why should we be rooting for EV2.0 anyway? They're all a bunch of old guys who keep losing. Oh yeah, because nostalgia wins every time. Sigh.

Match 6: AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer - I Quit Match

It's not lost on me that since this is an I Quit match, a PPV titled No Surrender is pretty much guaranteed to feature someone audibly surrendering. Unless it's a swerve like that Velvet/Angelina match a few months back. Again: why isn't this for the TV Championship? Styles hides in the side of the stage so he can jump Dreamer with a belt shot, but fails... Way to book your TNA Original heels strong. "I don't think Dreamer has ever said I Quit" -Taz. I've checked, and this is true. He was 4-0 in I Quit matches at the time. Dueling chants are disturbingly even (disturbingly for Russo). Our first "ask him" moment causes AJ to shout "You suck, Tommy Dreamer" into the mic before landing an elbow shot that he could have landed several seconds ago.

AJ tries to drop an elbow but misses and looks stupid. I've got to be honest: I dislike I Quit matches compared to regular hardcore matches. Especially when they don't lean into the no-DQ stip like this match isn't. There's too much pissing around with a microphone. AJ calls himself the "Prince of Phenomenal", as if he didn't have a good nickname already. Dreamer actually does something hardcore, unplugging a light and beating and choking AJ with it. Styles Clash across the concrete floor is teased, which is potentially terrifying. Imagine if the move was botched Yoshi Tatsu-style. "They're all confused" -Taz on the fans chanting for AJ.

Dreamer tries to Pillmanize AJ's arm with a leg drop, which I imagine must hurt the user more if it's done on a steel chair. He's visibly clutching his tailbone afterwards. I like the attention to damaging AJ's shoulder, though. AJ's innovating some violence of his own, providing a bit of guardrail-based offense. If you're keeping score at home: that's 2 bouts of guardrail offense to 2 cameraman bumps to 2 painfully slow matches. AJ stalls forever on the Figure 4 and looks silly when Dreamer fights him off. Then he goes for that old classic: the ring post Figure 4. After so many Figure 4s, Dreamer's legs are practically gone. Actual psychology!

Both of these guys' bodies must be so fucked up. Dreamer gets a fork. "Use the fork" chants, as opposed to "use the Force" from last PPV.

...but AJ manages to Pele it out of his hands while I struggle to get that song out of my head, and then suicide dives into a kendo stick shot. That looked fucking nasty. Dreamer strips down to actual ring gear for some reason. Eventually, AJ has the fork and stabs Dreamer in the eye, which looks scarily close to being legit. You can see him actually dig the fork into Dreamer's eye... and Dreamer quits for the first time in his career. Fuck, that was distressing. And it also makes EV2.0 look even more pathetic.

Christy interview number 3, and now it's Kurt Angle. He just tells us how he is Going To Win The Upcoming Match. I'm left wondering how they handle the stipulation for this match if Hardy's so over and Angle won't be made to retire.

Match 7: Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - World Title Tournament Semi-Final Career Threatening Match

Strange that this doesn't main event, with how much more open it seems. "Massive ovation" for Jeff Hardy, even though no one outside the teenage girl demographic seems to give a shit. Crowd feels dead for Angle too. They seem exhausted after matches that, outside of Guns/Bucks, have been either bad or extremely uncomfortable. Speaking of uncomfortable, there's a very long shot of Dixie Carter in the crowd in which she expresses no emotion at all. Or maybe we're supposed to infer the emotion from what she's looking at. (Apparently this is called the Kuleshov effect - thanks to @Christian Cage for helping me out.) Commentary says there's a security risk to Dixie, despite her never having been attacked, unlike Ric Flair.

Early dueling chants are the male contingent chanting for Angle and the teen girls chanting for Hardy, which sounds about right. Opening two minutes is just headlocks, which makes perfect sense considering what Angle's strategy should be. Sorry if this is sounding really dry. When matches are actually well-structured and don't have high spots, I don't have much to say. Angle's powerbomb looks like he's tossing Hardy to the ground as hard as he can, which is frightening... Referee seems to be checking legitimately whether Hardy's OK. Taz actually manages to fit in some good commentary about how Angle's strategy involves wearing down the neck.

The crowd chants something involving the word "fuck" or "shit" or something. I don't know, except that my video of the PPV has turned instantly into a storm of bleeps, even chopping up the commentary. Hardy walks into a belly-to-belly suplex like an idiot. We get an overhead shot of a superplex and Taz gives a shoutout to the director, calling him by name. I'd agree - it looks cool. I feel like I legitimately hear Hardy whoosh through the air when he misses a Swanton. That's how you know he's sober. If this were the Hardy at Victory Road '11, you'd probably hear a slide whistle sound as he fell.

Hardy hits a Whisper in the Wind where his foot goes straight into Angle's face, very visibly at that. Commentary notices. Then Angle takes a Twist of Fate and Swanton on the outside. "Our audience, half of them don't realise what they just saw" -Taz, trying to explain away the oddly quiet crowd for such a ridiculous spot. We get another look at Dixie Carter, and Taz interprets her neutral face as concern. There's that Kuleshov effect, right there! When they eventually get back into the ring, they do that stock "punch each other while looking exhausted" spot, before Hardy rushes into an attempted Twist of Fate. Playing possum, or just a failed attempt at psychology? You could argue either way.

14 minutes in, we get our first successfully hit finisher in the middle of the ring, a Swanton... and Angle kicks out. Another Swanton... and Angle kicks out. A third... Angle gets the knees up. Way to protect your finishers. It makes me wonder: why didn't Angle put his knees up the first time? This allows a series of ankle locks, with Hardy countering repeatedly, but eventually getting grapevined. One single ankle lock continues for two minutes solid until...

...the bell rings for a time limit draw? That's odd, considering that there was no announced time limit for this match, but there was for AJ/Dreamer. "The referee has declared this match" -JB, who doesn't clock that the referee looks every bit as confused as I do. The crowd hates this, having their perfectly good match interrupted like this... The cameras try to get a shot of Dixie emoting, but instead just get a shot of SoCal Val emoting. "Five more minutes" chant, telegraphing Eric Bischoff coming out to announce that exactly that will happen.

When the bell rings again, Kurt continues to attack that ankle that must be made of fucking powder by now. Angle's attempt to perform an over-grip ankle lock causes a pinning predicament. I love that - when a submission attempt puts your opponent's shoulders down and it turns into a pin attempt. Feels very real. How can Hardy stand up at this point? We get a ringside shot of Bischoff, who's probably explaining to Dixie Carter what a "wrestling match" is. An extended period where Angle looks like being counted out ends with him coming in, a double clothesline, and both men lying pretty much dead on the floor - aside from a brief arm-drape pin attempt by Angle - before the overtime ends.

"Five more minutes" say the crowd again, and Bischoff agrees with them, continuing to insist that we have a winner. How long can this go? This has to be my longest single match writeup yet. Hardy's pretty much a ragdoll. We get another sequence where Angle gets beaten up on the outside and almost counted out. The difference this time is that he gets a cut on his forehead. Hardy gets in a Boston crab, and the blood is fucking pooling around Angle's head. Jeez. Despite that absolute gusher, he ends up putting on one more ankle lock, but Hardy holds on until the end. But Bisch informs us that there won't be a third overtime, because Angle's bleeding too badly. So that's how they're going to handle this. A cop-out. That was a hell of a match, but it ends so flatly.

Christy interview number 4 is for the poor bastard who's expected to follow that up - the Pope. "Christy, you fine red-haired piece of porcelain doll" -Pope, a man of taste. He uses Anderson's "asshole" imagery to make a bit of toilet humour that I won't repeat here. The tale of the tape and buildup gives me a good bit of time to think: why is this main eventing over Hardy/Angle?

Match 8: Mr. Anderson vs. D'Angelo Dinero - World Title Tournament Semi-Final Match

Anderson forgoes the pre-match promo, which is a strange choice given that the crowd needs to be re-hyped. Pope's money rain rating: agreeable. Crowd feels dead on their feet after the absolute stunner of a match we've just witnessed. Only three or four people guy can muster up the "asshole" chant for Anderson. This match between two guys who were absolutely nurtured in the mid-2000s sanitised WWE style starts with a surprising amount of mat grappling. "That's a sitout, by Anderson" -Taz, who thinks we are blind. Pope pulls off a flying armbar, which looks cool and could have been a finisher not long ago.

Anderson pulls out spin kicks which are very RVD-esque. Fitting. Taz talks about having won a TV title with a shoulder issue, and it inspires me to write about the time I fell off a bunk bed and injured my shoulder. I'm okay now, but sometimes my right shoulder slides out of its socket just a little bit. Pope does a really lame kickout which I only realise is meant to be selling the shoulder injury when commentary talks about it.

It's so obvious that these two are trying to have a worthy main event, but it's just not possible, not after Hardy/Angle. A flying shoulderblock gets mild TNA chants. Pope attempts to perform a high spot to the outside, but... even commentary says that it looks like it hurts him more. I lose count of how many Mic Check and DDE teases happen in the latter minutes of this match - including a Mic Check by Pope. The one that eventually hits is kicked out of, but a missed DDE into a Mic Check eventually finishes it. This... wasn't anything to follow the last match, so why was it made to?

Anderson calls out his mic and does a quick promo to make sure the crowd is sent home happy as Pope becomes an afterthought. I think this is the last time he's even considered worthy of a title shot. Anderson almost says "Asshole" instead of his own name, which is rather amusing. Overall? Some really good matches, and some matches involving Kevin Nash and Sabu. See you on Impact.
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Dreams are Endless
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I really fucked with the Angle/Hardy match tbh, it's wild. Def shoulda main evented. Pope/Anderson sucked


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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WWE Superstars September 9, 2010 - Wait, What?

You heard right. As they mentioned multiple times during No Surrender (but not, oddly, during the last Impact), there is no Impact for this day. It's been pre-empted for a Gangland marathon, of all things. So I thought, why not have a little bit of fun and watch the other show that aired on Thursday nights at the time? Yes, that's right - we're watching WWE Superstars. (You can see it for yourself, officially, on YouTube!)

I love the WWE Superstars intro. It's full of wrestlers you have absolutely no chance of seeing on this show under any circumstances. They're all on Raw or SmackDown. They only called this show "Superstars" because "Lower-Carders and Jobbers" wasn't that marketable. Crowd seems into it, anyway. There's a noticeable gap in the commentary just before the first match, as if they cut out some sort of mention of a sponsor.

Match 1: R-Truth vs. William Regal

R-Truth really hasn't changed that much in the past 10 years, physically or in terms of character. And he's about similarly over. Speaking of men who are a lot older than they look, Regal. He responds to Truth's rap by introducing a rap of his own - in which he forgets the words midway through. Was that legitimate? It looked legitimate, because he seems genuinely proud of himself for getting it eventually. After the match eventually starts, we get USA chants. If this were a continuing storyline, we'd get a rap battle between American rappers and actual British rappers. That would be silly fun, if the crowd wouldn't completely shit on it for not being wrestling.

We're reminded that Night of Champions is soon. Night of Champions is a pretty silly concept for an event. "A night where every WWE title is defended" - isn't that just admitting that you don't see some of the championships as important enough to be defended regularly? After some fairly standard action, we go to a break, with an ad for said PPV event. There's so much weird shit in this: from the announcer having a bad Irish accent because Sheamus is the title holder, to declaring a "six-pack challenge" with only five men announced.

We come back from commercial with Regal having taken control, injured Truth and put him in a headlock. It's a taped show, why pretend it's live? Even at this age, Regal still has it, wow. Truth gets a standard battle-back segment, his What's Up kick misses, but he wins with a roll-up anyway. Why do I get the feeling that I've already seen the best match on this show?

We get a recap of the first episode of NXT Season 3 - the all-women's season. I'm reminded of how much has changed for WWE's women in the past 10 years, given that the first challenge for these rookies was to do a dance-off in heels and tight dresses. Also, it's odd that AJ had by far the worst upcoming promo given what a talker she went on to become, and Naomi with straight hair just feels... wrong. All of this is apparently a lead-in to a mixed tag match where the males are shadowed by their NXT rookies. Cena does a "don't try this at home", followed by a trailer for the movie Legendary.

Match 2: Goldust/Gail Kim vs. Primo/Jillian Hall

Aksana accompanies Goldust, and AJ accompanies Primo. Fuck, it feels insulting to say that AJ was the rookie to Primo's veteran. You can really see the regret and self-hatred behind Gail's smile. AJ's already mastered skipping to the ring. With rapping Regal and Jillian, this truly is a night of dreadful heel musicians. Gail naturally runs rings around Jillian. We're reminded of the big Divas/Women's Title unification match at Night of Champions, with Melina and one of LayCool. I don't have an opinion as to whether the wrong person won... but the wrong belt won that one. Again, fairly standard Superstars match, Eat Defeat to Jillian and Final Cut to Primo wins it for the faces.

Brief promo for Undertaker vs. Kane for Big Gold at Night of Champions, followed by a bizarre appearance of something called WWE Poker. Wow... WWE was on some real shit in the year 2010.

Match 3: The Dudebusters (Trent Baretta/Caylen Croft) vs. Curt Hawkins/Vance Archer

Feels sad, really, to see all four men in this position. Especially Croft - we never really saw anything from him outside of the WWE machine. Jobber entrance for the unnamed tag team. Both sides have pretty cool entrance themes. Archer is a tall motherfucker who would be a lot more threatening if he bulked up. "Curt Hawkins and Trent Baretta forming a sort of New York Wrestling Connection" -I see what you did there, commentators. On Hawkins' attempt to call himself the Prince of Queens: "I think he should be Flushing that moniker away". This is a match full of wordplay and I'm here for it!

Baretta with a hot tag. I love the "big guy catching a small guy attemping a crossbody" spot, it's underrated. Doesn't help Archer much as an unbalancing by Croft lets Baretta deliver a tornado DDT for the win. I said it last paragraph, and I'll say it again: Vance looks like he could have made it in WWE if he were more muscular. But here he is, jobbing to a team that will be broken up at the end of the year when Croft is released. Sad.

We get a long video package about Kane, which overall feels like padding. Unmasked Kane feels wrong. We get a bit of an insider segment regarding the John Cena film, Legendary. They say it's on a "limited engagement". That's PR-speak for "we couldn't get enough cinemas to run this turd". The making-of is largely uninteresting and only serves to waste my time, like any WWE Studios film. How did they get Danny Glover in for this? How much money did he need? Turns out I was wrong about the Six-Pack Challenge match - the earlier ad just didn't mention Chris Jericho at all.

Match 4: The Big Show vs. Luke Gallows

Oh yeah, the Straight Edge Society was a thing at the time. They really fucked that one up, right? They show a clip of CM Punk giving a GTS to Gallows after losing a handicap match to Show on SmackDown, so I doubt his intent to beat the giant will develop into anything consequential. Gallows waxes lyrical about being Better Than You. He feels very misplaced here. They reshow that Irish accent ad - I was right, they forgot to show Jericho. It's not until after the break that Beeg shows up. They really want us to follow Dixie Carter WWE on Twitter, and Facebook, and YouTube. As well as the WWE Universe website, which would shut down by the end of this year.

As for the match... yeah, it's a squash. Gallows' offense is very limited before he's toppled by the KO Punch. It feels like it takes longer for Show to get down for the pin than it does for him to actually beat his opponent down. The big, slow, immobile lug cuts a post-match promo about how he's Going To Win The Upcoming Match and rid the WWE of the SES. Crowd is hyped for this. Oh, the days where everyone wasn't so smarky and faces could get over. There's an odd nostalgia for them. See you next Impact.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Dudebusters tag match is the main reason I kept watching this era Superstars, got better in 2011 when McIntyre became a regular and guys like Justin Gabriel and shit


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact September 16, 2010 - As I Was Saying...

After that refreshing bit of interruption, it's time to return to the mystical land of Or-Lan-Do to see what the dark lord Ru's'So has prepared for us. Oh yeah, this is the fallout show for No Surrender, and they focus on the 30-minute banger between Hardy and Angle during the opening video package. Hardy claims he's never pulled off a Swanton to the outside - is that true? I doubt it. The episode's title is "One More Time", and when we reach the Impact Zone, Hardy and Angle are already in the ring. I don't like where this is going.

Neither do I like the sound of Eric Bischoff's entrance music. It's good entrance music, just... on principle, I don't like anything that could signal the arrival of Mr. Smiling Fucking Mug 2010. At least he's got Miss Tessmacher with him. The majority of Bisch's speech is very noticeably stalling for time, praising Mr. Anderson and the Angle/Hardy match, and putting both men over in a way that feels very facetious. The upshot is that the Bound for Glory match is going to be a three-way. Way to say something in three minutes when you could have taken ten seconds.

Just when we think this opening segment can't go on longer, Dixie Carter shows up! She continues to waste time by putting Angle and Hardy both over. "Thank you both" chants - that's new. The meat of what she's about to say - with her unmoving, stiff face - is that she's overturning Bisch's decision and Hardy/Angle are going to have another match tonight, with no time limit. The problem with that is... power struggles. Gotta hate them, especially when you've got the issues between EV2.0 and Fortune, and EV2.0 and Abyss, and Sting/Nash and Hogan, and Sting/Nash and jarrett, and "them" and the whole of TNA... I'm going to need a pinboard with faces connected by strings at this rate.

Vignettes time! Pope is pissed at the replay of the Angle/Hardy match... even though he lost his own match and has no say in this. And he's pals with Sting and Nash now. Meanwhile, a camera guy is in Tommy Dreamer's hometown trying to harass into saying something about how EV2.0 got their asses kicked (again) at the last PPV. While he's at a fueling station.

Match 1: Kevin Nash vs. Samoa Joe

Hit the porno music! I honestly get a bit scared whenever time limits are mentioned in Kevin Nash matches. They showed repeatedly this year that they're willing to take a match to time, so... Sting and jarrett each accompany their No Surrender partners to the ring. Crowd is easily behind Joe, even breaking out "Joe's gonna kill you" chants. They talk about Hulk Hogan's surgery, and they really want us to follow him (not Dixie for a change) on Twitter. "You can get updates at Twitter dosh" -Tenay. On the outside, Sting starts to fight with Joe, and jarrett starts to fight with Nash, and everyone gets counted out. Oddly, crowd chants "let them fight" and is hot for them fighting. They even pop for jarrett jumping off the apron into the melee of wrestlers and security. Is that the first real pop he's had?

We go backstage to a TBP segment... sort of. It's Madison, Tara, and Lacey in a towel. Lacey has no idea whether she's on Madison's side or Velvet's, and neither do we. "Stop thinking, you'll hurt yourself" -Madison. Nash and Sunburn Steve are just getting started, apparently. This is going to be a feud for a while. Also, we get a reference to 10.10.10 for the first time in a long time!

Match 2: Douglas Williams (c) vs. Jay Lethal - for the X Division Championship

It feels like Jay Lethal has fallen pretty far since he was facing Ric Flair and mingling with the Top 10... The rationale for this is that on Xplosion, Lethal beat Williams in a non-title match... using a Lethal Injection neckbreaker that visibly missed. Doug Williams back to the old British Invasion theme. He hits a really clean gutwrench suplex. "Dueling chants", but only one guy is chanting for Doug. I hate how "USA" is the only chant these fans can think of when there's a non-American heel. Doug isn't even emphasising "British, therefore better" that much.

This is actually a cool match. Chaos Theory countered, Lethal Combination hits, but... only two. Elbow drop also misses. I like the callback to Black Machismo, but come on. You gave Doug way too much time to roll away. It's okay, though, because he hits the Lethal Injection for the win! New X Division Champion - Jay Lethal. Why wasn't this the No Surrender match? Why did you let Sabu botch like hell for 13 minutes when you have clearly shown that an actual star can have a much more effective match in four? Lethal gets confetti of the kind that hasn't been seen since RVD. A push? I guess not, but still.

We go backstage when Abyss is seen beating the shit out of somebody, and makes noises that sound oddly sexual. Kurt Angle stands against a brick wall and lets us know that he's Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

Match 3: Taylor Wilde/Hamada (c) vs. Madison Rayne/Lacey Von Erich - for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship

The challengers enter to TBP's music but aren't announced as TBP. First genuine laughter of the night happens as Madison and Tara ride out on the motorcycle and Lacey is awkwardly jogging beside them. "I make it rain all over Madison" sign in the crowd. Ew. She's clearly more interested in Tara anyways, judging by their entrance. Hamada goes for a spank on Taylor. I guess, if you can't beat them... "Why can't I smack someone's ass?!" -Taz. These two are sadly utterly heatless, and that's down to the continued booking of the Knockouts division by TNA.

As for the match... it's an extended murder of Lacey whenever she's in. Apparently she's back from injury, not that I missed her. Madison has to grab her wrist in order to make the tag. Lacey at one point does a back handspring into an elbow, which is yet another part of her repertoire of "simple moves with pointless flips added before". Even Taz doesn't get it. The supposedly powerful double suplex only gets 1. Hamada's big boot misses but Lacey sells it anyway. Finish is a Samoan drop/neckbreaker combo, and the champs retain.

Madison screams at Lacey like only she can until Lacey snaps and pushes her. Tara and Madison beat on Lacey but the least effective Beautiful Person is saved by Angelina and Velvet. The confetti from the Jay Lethal celebration is still there. The crowd really likes this new combo of face TBP (the first time TBP are faces?). In a couple of ultra-quick backstage segments, Tommy Dreamer's going to say something to Fortune, and Jeff Hardy's Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

The first of this is going to be resolved immediately, as Tommy Dreamer comes out in a suit. His ECW limp is barely even noticeable. "EV2.0 is not here" -Dreamer. This shouldn't be surprising, given how they were 0-3 at No Surrender. When the Fortune theme hits (the one with the Flair intro), two kids silently start rocking out. Yes, that's right, it's the return of random kids in the crowd!


SoCal Val holds the ropes for Flair to enter, in a way that suggests more "valet" than "neutral ring girl". "Morgan sucks" chants completely unprovoked, other than the fact that Morgan is in the ring. Is he getting X-Pac'd? I hope so. Dreamer's looking pretty pathetic as he's almost begging AJ and Fortune to make this one-sided feud stop. He's meant to be the face, but he looks like a loser. He even buries his teammates in an attempt to get in the good books. I lose count of how many times he mentions WWE, too. All in all, it's pretty sad. The crowd can only get behind Tommy when AJ puts him over.

...and then AJ starts beating on Dreamer. The other members of Fortune are naturally hesitant to follow, but eventually do so. This is yet another feud where TNA has the heel/face dynamic all wrong. Who should come out, though, but Brian Kendrick ready to save Dreamer. He gets beaten up, though. After being destroyed, he has the audacity to talk about the usual nonsense he talks about and calls out Fortune. Also, he's a descended God according to himself. "That's blasphemous", Flair is probably thinking, despite calling himself God before. After the break, we find out who accepts the challenge.

Match 4: Brian Kendrick vs. Matt Morgan

...and it's Morgan in a sweaty suit. This starts off looking like it's going to be a hell of a squash, with Morgan doing his standard Morgan spots without even dressed to wrestle. Kendrick being ragdolled. However, at one point he gets to his feet, blindsides Morgan with a kick to the head and gets a quick three! This did what it did, I guess, with them putting over the EV2.0 vs. Fortune feud continuing. Morgan's pissed that he got a loss when he's not ready and that he ruined his suit. "KENDRIIIIICK" -Morgan, quite a lot during the post-match promo.

Pope is looking for Bischoff, Tessmacher says he's in a meeting, to which Pope responds by hitting on her. We're also reminded that RVD's soon to be showing up for the first time in a month Harmless segments there. What's next is not so harmless. Abyss in an actual TORTURE CHAMBER, branding a guy with an actual BRANDING IRON, so he has "10.10.10" BURNED INTO HIS SKIN. I'm not even going to put over the fact that this is the debut of Janice's lesser-seen cousin, Bob the branding iron. (Fun fact: Bob and Janice are named after Dixie Carter's parents.) It's just too silly that you could get away with actual branding as a TNA wrestler. Or maybe not, considering to whom Abyss is answering...

For the record, the RVD appearance is just a conversation via telephone that I can barely hear over the sound of TNA's music. He still considers himself the champ, which is probably out of kayfabe given his attitude to dropping to anyone who wasn't at their peak over a decade ago. He'll be back next week, though! There's yet another stalling tactic. They're clearly so scared to run out of dates on his contract.

Generation Me out to promo! Is that a first? This may also be the first time I'm easily able to tell them apart, with Max's douchey polo-shirt-with-sunglasses-in-the-neckline look and Jeremy's open flannel shirt. They mention the rule that you lose the championship if you can't defend it in 30 days, which I'm pretty sure only applies when TNA wants it to. The point is that Alex Shelley isn't coming back apparently. I like these Bucks. They play the part of entitled millennials well. Chris Sabin's tempted out to beat them both up, but suffers the natural consequences of being in a 2v1 against heels. Bucks do a double version of the Randy Orton rope hung DDT - like a double suplex, how is that more effective than just one guy doing it?

We finally get a date when we'll have a clue what "Shore" is. It'll be October 7. And then we get the opening video package from earlier tonight. Maybe it's changed a little, I couldn't tell, my eyes glazed over.

Match 5: Jeff Hardy vs. Kurt Angle - World Title Tournament Semi-Final Career Threatening Match

Only 5 matches? That's unusually low for this rewatch so far. Jeff Hardy's facepaint and wet hair make him look like a southern states indy guy who never made a living except by killing himself on the daily. If WWE had never picked him up, maybe that's what would have happened. Match starts with 11 minutes to go, but they still take a full minute to even lock up. They seem to be taking it slow-paced, just like the No Surrender match. That's generally not how TV matches work. The confetti from the Jay Lethal celebration is still there. Dixie Carter looking on at this match with her expressionless face.

Angle decides to go high risk with a slingshot crossbody that looks like it'll miss for far too long. Anderson out on commentary. Disappointingly, he doesn't start out by being an asshole to his potential opponents. Hardy looks like he's going for a Swanton but hits a flying nothing; Angle goes for a moonsault crossbody but it looks more like a neckbreaker. So many false finishes here - a straps-down ankle lock doesn't do anything. Hardy hits a Swanton, Angle gets the knees up, but commentary doesn't acknowledge it. Ref is bumped by a Whisper in the Wind, and we need a second ref out. Oh, I see where this is going. What I don't see coming is this match bleeding out of Impact and into ReAction. It's a first here! I should stop here, but I found a YouTube link of this ReAction, so...

The match continues as it left off, with a process of wearing down. Dueling chants are absolutely HUGE. Anderson wants to put "head asshole" on his resume, according to Taz. This Hardy really seems to like outside-of-ring beatdowns and skull-related facepaint. We get an interesting "from over Anderson's shoulder" camera angle at one point. Angle has Hardy in that grapevined ankle lock, both refs are out, and each notices that one of the men has their shoulders down. 1, 2, 3... double pinfall! I have no idea why neither ref deferred to the other, given that they can both clearly see each other from this position...


Bischoff shows up, talks with Dixie over the break, and by the time they get back they seem to have figured it out. The smiling fucking mug grabs a mic and tells everyone that they've agreed to go with his plan, that it's going to be a three-way after all. Whereas Dixie's making her first ever emotive expression - confusion, or possibly disappointment. Either way, it's indicating that this was absolutely not what they agreed on. While she takes her leave to sell that backstage trouble in paradise, and the fans have no idea how to sustain their reaction, I'll leave you with the face that tells you how I feel about most of Russo's booking. See you next Impact.



Apr 17, 2019
Reaction score
The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact September 23, 2010 - Dixie vs. Bischoff vs. Our Sanity

Our opening package focuses on the huge match at Bound for Glory, and the fact that Dixie is so obsessed with the idea of a singles match that she's created friction with Bischoff. I hate that I'm taking Bisch's side. Episode title is a little odd. "They say... only the strong will survive". I have no idea what that could be referring to. Unlike the very talking-heavy last episode, this episode we go straight into a match!

Match 1: Abyss vs. Rob Terry

Rob Terry's entrance is pre-empted (if you have to ignore a wrestler's entrance, make it Rob Terry's) with footage of RVD being held back from running in and taking out Abyss. Silly RVD! That's how you get torn to pieces and injured again! Abyss makes a "10.10.10" sign with his hands which looks pretty silly. Yeah... this is a match between Abyss - who is not a carry artist - and Terry, who just isn't a wrestler. To be fair, he's big. He does manage to lift Abyss for the running powerslam, but it's kicked out. We get picture in picture of Hardy and RVD covertly heading to the ring, and still commentary has no idea what the motive could be. In the end Abyss picks up a guardrail and blasts Terry with it, drawing the DQ.

The extended beatdown ends when RVD, limping and heavily bandaged, comes out through the crowd with a steel chair. While he's met by Gunner and Murphy as security, Abyss picks up Janice. This leads to a rather funny scene, with more security - themselves carrying steel chairs - showing up to back Abyss off and send him to the back. That's the sort of dedication to your job that you don't see elsewhere. Speaking of humorous moments involving security and steel chairs, RVD just says "fuck it" and hits Gunner with his chair in order to get through.

RVD's on the mic, wanting to talk to Eric Bischoff. After the break, it seems he got his wish. "When I was in California, trying to focus" -RVD. That's "trying to focus" as in "RVD was pulled over in 2006 while trying to focus". Basically, his gripe is that he didn't get to participate in this tournament while badly injured. This leads to two announcements: he wants the first title shot at the tournament winner (this is sensible, and even Bischoff admits it), and he's going to be cleared on 10.10.10 so he wants to fight Abyss at Bound for Glory (again, this is suicide!). The smiling fucking mug agrees to both these turns, and they have a smiling fucking handshake.

Tenay and Taz tell us that in two weeks, we're getting another special Impact! This time it's "Before the Glory". This doesn't mean the Bischoff segment is over, as the Pope comes out. Glittery sign for Pope in the crowd! He has a complaint of his own, and it's the same one as last week - Angle and Hardy are through to the final even though they didn't win, he didn't win, so he should be through to the final? That's not how it works, Pope. Should have thought of that before losing to Anderson. You just look stupid this way. They're apparently going to discuss this better in the back, rather than as a promo. That's merciful.

It's time for an "earlier today" Beautiful People segment, as grumpy face Lacey is just moping behind Velvet and Angelina in their dressing room. She eventually explodes to tell us why - because she made the mistake of losing while teamed with two heels, and doesn't recognise that. Velvet hasn't seen Lacey this angry before - probably because she hadn't yet shown the intellectual capacity for anything other than blissful ignorance. The Pope/Bisch discussion was more of an argument than a promo but it tells us one thing - Pope will be considered for the title match if he can beat Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe, who is siding with jarrett and against Sting and Nash, with whom Pope has been talking...


Match 2: Jeremy Buck vs. Chris Sabin

Sabin taped up from the attack last week and no Shelley... The way that things are being stacked against the Guns, it makes it clear that they're winning the feud. Max's interference is seen by the referee, who sends him to the back. Afterwards, it's very much fast-paced Gun/Buck action, though Sabin spends most of the match selling the shoulder/neck area. Jeremy does the "charge at the opponent into the corner and get kicked" spot, which would be okay, except he does it again. Guess the heels are holding the idiot ball tonight. After getting destroyed all match, Sabin hits an enzuigiri and a roll-up for the win! Doesn't do him much good, though, as Max comes back in and the two give him that double Randy Orton DDT again. I like the idea of another Guns/Bucks match at BFG.

After a brief ad for a DVD about TNA's Asylum Years, they waste time showing clips from last week's ReAction, where the Pope and Jeff jarrett don't seem to like each other. It is indeed, all coming together. The only problem is... yeah, it's wasted time. It doesn't add all that much, and they already showed it on ReAction anyway. They had to move part of an Impact match to ReAction for time reasons. Answer me this: wouldn't they have enough time to fit in the entire match if they didn't show clips from ReAction? The paradox thickens.

Match 3: Taylor Wilde/Hamada (c) vs. The Beautiful People (Velvet Sky/Lacey Von Erich) - for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship

TBP's entrance feels uneven without a second rope-rider like Madison. Everyone in the crowd looks stone-faced at the champs' entrance, which is sad and an indictment of their booking. "Taylor's got a face for radio" -Taz, the noted image of handsomeness. Match starts out fun and back-and-forth, but then again it features Lacey Von Erich. Hanada misses a moonsault. Do moonsaults ever actually land? "Look at this small package" -Taz, who frightens me for a moment. It sounds like there's a crow being sexually abused in the crowd or something.

"She took some blow in her mouth" -Taz on Lacey. The jokes write themselves. Lacey attempts a hurricanrana, but botches it so hard that the commentators have no idea what it was even supposed to be. Velvet and Hamada get kicked out and the referee gets distracted, which allows Madison to give a helmet shot to Lacey's head and damage the empty space where her brain should be. Taylor/Hamada go over, and it's a sad moment. Because this is the last match for Lacey Von Erich. Not just in TNA, but... ever. To commemorate the legendary career of this former Knockouts Tag Team Champion, i'm announcing a new DVD!

The Best of Lacey Von Erich!
Featuring all of those magic moments:
  • Her debut!
  • Her Knockouts Tag Title win!
  • Uh...
  • That time she took a bathroom break that accidentally worked in the faces' favour
  • That time she forgot how cards work
  • Uh... I don't know
  • Guess we can include the match where she botched the least
  • She was in Wrestlicious right? Maybe we can put some of that in there
  • And more!

Gotta say, I'll miss you Lacey, you walking dumb blonde joke. Velvet continues to caress Lacey as she lies prone on the mat, like a soldier tending to a fallen comrade in their last moments. I'm getting too sentimental about this.

Thankfully, ready to break me back into my usual tone of derision is the arrival of EV2.0! And Raven is with them now! Guess that feud from HardCORE Justice was less important than not losing to Fortune. Another time wasting segment comes in the form of a video package about Jesse Neal's career, followed by Dixie Carter joining the commentators to announce a $100,000 battle royal at Before the Glory featuring everyone who's booked for BFG. Wait, even RVD, who isn't cleared? They really want us to follow Dixie Carter on Twitter and Facebook.

Match 4: D'Angelo Dinero vs. Samoa Joe

Pope's money rain rating: okay, but he kind of ignores it. He takes off his sunglasses but doesn't give them to a child this time, despite an obvious target - the dorky gender-neutral kid - being clear in view. There's something called the "Bound for Glory Sweepstakes" which you can enter with special code words. Code 1 is "BOUND". Gee, I wonder what Code 2 (on ReAction) will be? Pope, by the standards of someone who's supposed to be a world title contender, is really wrestling from underneath here. "Flying forearm" -Taz on what looks more like a shoulder tackle. Crowd is really divided on Pope, which is odd given that he hasn't yet turned heel except in backstage segments.

The massive anti-Hogan storyline tumour soon asserts itself. Actually, I'm not being fair there - his name is Jeff jarrett. Soon, Sting and Nash follow to beat him up. Pope goes for some sort of fireman's carry move, which is stupid as (1) Joe's much heavier than him, and (2) if Joe falls off it gives him the perfect setup for the Coquina Clutch. Which it does, and Pope passes out. RIP Pope's main event status. He's left KO'd in the ring while Nash/Sting vs. jarrett/Joe unfolds.

Christy's roaming around in the back, and wants to talk to Tommy Dreamer. Apparently EV2.0 made him remember who he was - I'm going to guess that he realised he was a loser clinging to a dead brand to stay relevant. He drops two massive bombshells out of nowhere - we're getting Fortune vs. EV2.0 in Lethal Lockdown at BFG, and tonight there's going to be an AJ Styles vs. Sabu ladder match which will decide who gets the advantage. "Something that we accelerate" -Tommy, master wordsmith.

Oh, hey, it's an Anderson talking segment. We get to listen to him cut his only promo. He does his unnecessary introduction, then he calls out Angle. Hey, remember that feud? Three decent-to-good matches and an atrocious steaming pile of build. One guy tries to start an "Angle sucks" chant. Anderson plugs his merch. "We're not here to play politics" -Anderson, who is in a company with some of the most notorious backstage politickers in wrestling history. He also makes reference to Dixie Carter's lack of testicles. Angle admits that he appreciates Anderson's disingenuous-looking face promo. He talks a lot about retirement, but basically he's Going To Win The Upcoming Match.

Ric Flair backstage with Fortune. The plan is seemingly to get rid of EV2.0 forever in Lethal Lockdown. You're already halfway there. Remember the FBI? Then some sort of drinking thing happens. I don't get it. "Shore", whatever that is, and whyever we have to give a shit about it, is happening in 2 weeks' time. Nash, Sting and Pope in their war room in the back, and it's strongly implied that both men have slept with Miss Tessmacher for info. Video package hyping up Fortune vs. EV2.0, and explaining what Lethal Lockdown is, as if we don't know from Lockdown.

Match 5: AJ Styles vs. Sabu - Ladder Match for the advantage in Lethal Lockdown

This is our main event, as it turns out, with 20 minutes left to go. I assume that that means there's going to be some sort of talking segment afterwards, because they're clearly not giving this any sort of time. Sabu's sky-pointing makes sense, as he's actually pointing to something. AJ enters to Fortune's theme, but Sabu doesn't enter to EV2.0's theme. Crowd is behind AJ. Sabu gets a very nice looking headscissors takeover. "AJ, he is a whale oil machine" -Taz. You'd think he'd be more partisan towards his ECW brethren. AJ straight up tosses a ladder, then gets a ladder dropkicked right into his shoulder. Sabu joins the "yeeted a ladder club" - but he was trying to hit AJ with it, at least, and he gets more air on the ladder, so maybe that's better.

They go to commercial immediately after Mick Foley shows up to watch. As soon as we fade back in, we get Sabu tossing a chair full force into AJ's face. Even commentary is shocked by the instant action. Sabu nails all of those chair-step-up spots. The actual match, though, takes a backseat to Flair and Matt Morgan beating on Mick Foley. Tommy Dreamer shows up, is blindsided by Kazarian, and then it's an all-out Fortune/EV2.0 brawl on the outside. Sabu forgets about actually winning the match in order to springboard onto a bunch of security. The brawl spills into the ring, with a series of finishers, before a James Storm beer bottle shot screws Sabu and he assists a half-dead AJ. Fortune have the advantage!

We get a brief talking bit between Hardy and RVD, which is fairly standard, but ends with Abyss taking out the camera guy and attacking Hardy. One commercial break and video package about "they" later, Hardy's being carried unconscious to the ring. Abyss says he's going to tell RVD why he's brought Hardy with him, though the answer is obviously "to lure him out". A big part of "their" battle plan, apparently, is to kill RVD. And to reveal themselves on 10.10.10. Eventually, of course, RVD is successfully lured out, steel chair in hand, which sparks a brawl. A brawl of which RVD is on the wrong end...

...and which spills over to ReAction. It's very short, though, with Ink Inc. making the save. So I don't have to talk much about ReAction this week, thankfully. See you next Impact. By the way, the second code was "GLORY". You're welcome, people who want to enter 10 year old contests.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Lacey :will

ReAction was a great concept btw, bit ahead of it's time if you think about it


Apr 17, 2019
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The Impact Zone, Scotland
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Impact September 30, 2010 - Tales of the Expected

The opening video package tells us this - Abyss is annoyed that RVD isn't dead from being attacked about a month ago, and "they" didn't prepare him for this eventuality. Must be a really shitty takeover stable that doesn't account for failed murder. "10.10.[no audio]" -Abyss. Episode title is "Eliminating the Monster"... I kind of doubt that! Angle's on the phone to Hogan, and apparently Hogan wants him to win specifically. Obviously - Angle stands for what Hogan stands for (American patriotism and old guys overstaying their welcome). After this, we get to watch him standing on his special raising platform...

...transitioning into his participation in the opening segment! Nice segue! Angle briefly mentions Hogan being injured again before moving on to saying why he is Going To Win The Upcoming Match. But again. These shows really run together. He's going to remove the cancer of Abyss from TNA. Is this 2002? They talked about cancer a lot in 2002. That cutting out is going to happen in a totally random cage match between Angle and Abyss tonight. What Abyss has to say is just a backstage brawl. Our friend the ticker shows up... oh wait, it's a totally different ticker. At least it tells us something useful this time, including the announcement of a tag team match with the "Beautiful People" name on the line. Then it says the same in Spanish! I like this new ticker!

Meanwhile in the backstage brawl, road agents and security are dividing Angle from Abyss. They're still trying to do it after the break... and it isn't working. What useless security they are. Maybe Gunner and Murphy were among them. "I got your number" -Angle. Is that number "10.10.10", by any chance?

Match 1: Beer Money, Inc. (James Storm/Robert Roode) vs. EV2.0 (Tommy Dreamer/Rhino) - Lumberjack Match

Turns out the "lumberjacks" here are just members of Fortune and EV2.0, so I'm expecting this to devolve into a mass brawl just like last week. Again: shows running together. There's a pretty funny spot where Roode rolls out of the ring, is accosted by Sabu, and has to roll right back in again. James Storm hits a really clean enzuigiri. Roode, for his part, does a pretty clean move where he whips Rhino to the ropes and quickly catches him with a knee to the stomach. Commentary plugs Mick Foley's new book. Going by what reviews I could find, it's really not that good.

I get the feeling that Rhino is not the person who should be taking the punishment, he should be the hot tag. Dreamer's better at looking pathetic, anyway. Dreamer pulls out a crossface, and... yeah, I referenced the Chris Benoit thing during the HardCORE Justic writeup, I'm not going to do it again. Roode and Rhino both go out to the floor, and that starts the Fortune vs. EV2.0 mass brawl I expected. The finish is an absolute clusterfuck. AJ spits something in Dreamer's eyes, Brian Kendrick takes him out, Storm hits a Backstabber and only gets 2, Dreamer hits the Dreamer Driver and scores the win.

Sabu takes the opportunity to do a ridiculous chair-assisted dive into the crowd. Mick Foley tells everyone to stop fighting, because he wants to plug his new book talk to Ric Flair. "Did you say you want to talk to Ric Flair, the Wrestling God?" -Ric. "Are we on the air?" -also Ric. This man has no idea where he is. What Mick wants to do is challenge Ric to a match... on live television... next week. God Flair help us all. Ric responds by bullying Mick's new book. Mick says Ric brings out the best in him... then the two men bust themselves open hardway by punching themselves in the head. That's not "the best" of anyone.

Can you overbook a promo? It sounds like it. Flair says Dreamer put him over. Then Foley puts him over. "I love that about you. Your balls are big again" -Flair on Foley. These two men sound exhausted just from the promo. It's going to be a Last Man Standing match, and if Flair loses, he'll kiss Foley's ass. "And Ric Flair don't kiss nobody's ass". Has Ric Flair ever lost a Kiss My Ass match? Help me out here. Anyway... yeesh. That was a rough promo, and the match next week is going to be even rougher.

Mr. Anderson is talking to Bischoff about favouritism by Hogan - he called Angle, but not Anderson. Bisch looks at him and talks to him like he's an idiot. The friendly ticker is back. "I have confidence in you - that's why I fed you to Samoa Joe" -Bisch. MCMG are shown walking out for a match they're not involved in. Good to see they recovered, though.

Match 2: Ink Inc. (Shannon Moore/Jesse Neal) vs. Generation Me (Max Buck/Jeremy Buck)

Max does a Triple H point to the belt they stole from Sabin. Even as the weaker half of the weaker team in-ring, Jesse Neal still looks super impressive. They've still not gotten the fluid stains out of the mat. Max gets a flying nothing and tweaks his knee. He way oversells it, so I think it's legit until Jeremy uses the opportunity to beat down Jesse Neal. Today's edition of "impressive Bucks double team moves" is a lifted dropkick. Moore makes the hot tag, and my least favourite member of 3 Count looks like he's about to get the face win until Max does a slingshot kick-in-the-nuts. MCMG save the punks from further humiliation.

Nice touch with Joe's promo, because we hear MCMG's theme in the background. "You're going to have to cut our heads off" -Alex Shelley. Considering what we saw on a fairly recent episode of SmackDown... yikes. "We waited four years" -yes, and you're going to be waiting ten years more for your second reign.

Match 3: Mr. Anderson vs. Samoa Joe

"Ken.Ken.Ken" -Mr. Anderson. Genuinely smiled - that's clever. Taz calls the upcoming match a "speed bump", "speedboat", and "steamboat" for Anderson, in that order. This is a strange face vs. face affair (if we're to take Team Hogan as faces - which is odd, considering Jeff jarrett is on it). Pope on commentary (yay!) with Nash and Sting flanking him (boo!). He ignores the initial requests to talk about his alliance with Sting and Nash to -shock!- actually commentate on the match! The following exchange then occurs:

Pope: Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's the guy with the big black bat?
Taz: Uh, that'd be Sting.
Pope: Wrong again! Ask Miss Tessmacher and she'll tell you it's the Pope.

I'm enjoying this episode, I don't know why. Even when Pope won't talk about siding with Sting and Nash, he's parroting the talking points about the magic act. As for the match, it's Joe committing murder but eating a surprise Mic Check and getting the pin. Sting and Nash are down. Taz notes that Nash is holding the big black bat - "Pope's not detachable" says our delightful guest commentator.

"Hogan lays in a hote-- in a hospital" -Nash, almost telling the truth by accident. The not-quite-Band is getting an actual face reaction. Pope makes Wolfpac references. This guy is such a great talker. Sting looks to be slipping into Joker mode early. The Impact Zone crowd came to see the bad guys - trust me, the Bad Guy was around for four months, and he was in a horrible state. Sting suggests they turn Nash/Sting vs. Joe/jarrett into a six-man, adding to each side the Pope... and Hulk Hogan?? Oh, no. Don't make Hogan wrestle again, please. Bisch is out, Tessmacher in tow. He calls out Sting, of all people, for being a self-centred backstage politicker. Hogan's going to be at Impact next week to answer the challenge, apparently. Sad. I liked the Impacts with no Hogan.

AJ Styles is ranting at no one in particular, though it's apparently meant to be a promo on Brian Kendrick to set up for a TV Title match. We get the typical ads for TNA Live events, but there's some substance to them now as there were two title changes. Yes, Amazing Red had a whole X Division title reign offscreen, gaining it from Jay Lethal then losing it 2 days later. See, I appreciate that it's supposed to make the live events matter, but really it just makes the X DIvision title feel meaningless. Also, where has Red been all this time? I've not seen him at all.

We get a backstage(!!) contract signing for the Knockouts match next week, with Tess telling Madison and Tara she has the power to fire them if they don't behave. Turns out, the one who can't behave is Lacey. Apparently they need a waiver to let Tara back into the ring... even though Tara's wrestled already. Maybe the mask makes it different? There's also going to be a four way, featuring "all four of you". Or in other words, this is what's happened to Lacey:

Anyway, they all need to be shown out by security, and Miss Tessmacher takes a phone call about "20 minutes" and "the usual".

Match 4: AJ Styles (c) vs. Brian Kendrick - for the Television Championship

TV championship being defended on TV - nice. Brian Kendrick coming out looking like a Bathrobe Jedi. Ric Flair shows up (with a bloody shirt - continuity) on commentary, but just hypes his upcoming match before heading to the ring. Matt Morgan also made it there without the camera noticing. Dueling chants are pretty divided. "It's not like a Batman tattoo, it's cooler" -Taz on AJ's ink. Neither man gets to show his real skill during this fairly short match, and it's blighted by interference by Flair and Morgan. At one point Kendrick eschews the idea of pulling a high-risk move on AJ to deliver a flying axe handle to Morgan on the outside. Ultimately, though, he gets interfered with and eats a Styles Clash. Kendrick is trying to grab at the ref.

Abyss promoing with Janice about he is Going To Win The Upcoming Match - and that the RVD match will be a Monster's Ball! Hype! The BFG Sweepstakes has already been won - if Richard G. from Calabasas, CA is reading this, congratulations. RVD's doing a promo outside - he's VERY obviously high, even wearing dark sunglasses. We get a hype package for next week's Impact while we wait for them to set up the steel cage...

Match 5: Abyss vs. Kurt Angle - Steel Cage Match

How does Abyss not hurt his shoulder when he slings Janice over it? Bell rings with 9 1/2 minutes to go. At least they can try to pop the rating for ReAction this way. It's emphasised on commentary how they're both under order to fuck each other up. Both seem to be playing it decently fast-paced, so we're not getting an overly drawn-out Angle/Hardy II thankfully. Angle completely yeets Janice over the cage and out of harm's way. I get that he means well, but... what if that had hit one of the production staff, or worse one of the fans? Lawsuits out the ass.

Commentary references Bob. What use is a branding iron if there's nothing to heat it up? The sight of blood is music to Abyss's ears, according to Taz. Didn't know synaesthesia was common among monster heels. Kurt has a nearly full crimson mask. When he's rolling through for an ankle lock, he seems to land awkwardly on his head. Speaking of dangerous moves, the Shock Treatment backbreaker. Kurt's bled so much that even the mat probably has a rating on the Muta scale. He tries to get the ref to unlock the cage, but changes his mind and decides to jump off the top instead. Because you don't ask Kurt Angle not to jump off a cage. This match bleeds into ReAction - what a cliffhanger. Or... cage hanger.

Abyss chokeslams the ref, followed by the most batshit spot that's ever been relegated to ReAction: he catches Angle in midair from the top of the cage and lands a Black Hole Slam. Holy fuck. With the ref bumped, Mr. Anderson shows up and brawls with Abyss for a bit. Someone clearly hit the "overbook" instruction on TEW, as Abyss tears the cage door off its hinges(!!) and goes to grab Janice. And then... nothing. The match just doesn't end. Lame. Still, an enjoyable episode, and I'll see you on Before the Glory, where it'll be a go-home and a supershow unto itself.

Next up: Impact: Before the Glory

Abyss vs. AJ Styles vs. Alex Shelley vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Chris Sabin vs. D'Angelo Dinero vs. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Jeff jarrett vs. Jeremy Buck vs. Kazarian vs. Kevin Nash vs. Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan vs. Max Buck vs. Mr. Anderson vs. Raven vs. Rhino vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Robert Roode vs. Sabu vs. Samoa Joe vs. Sting vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. ??? - Battle Royal for $100,000
Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley - Last Man Standing
Angelina Love/Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne/Tara - for the Beautiful People name​


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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They are almost here :mark: