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Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Looks like another good edition, 6 man should be pretty cool.

I'm also interested on how you write the bullrope match, that should be a great read for Apocalypse

The Rated R CMStar

BTW Power 10

1. Mark Henry
-He has destroyed everyone in his path, just ask Triple H.

2. Edge
- He is the first World Heavyweight Champion of BTW, do we need another reason.

3. Mr. Kennedy
- Kennedy destroyed Edge in his search of gold. What will be next?

4. Christian Cage
- He signed Mark Henry as his Problem Solver, did you see Cage with more problems?

5. Goldberg
- He attacked Lesnar to get the upperhand on his match.

6. Big Show
- Has been on a role proving himself worthy to be the Continental champ

7. Brock Lesnar
- He enter in a brawl with Goldberg

8. Triple H
- Has been destroyed by Henry every time they faced up.

9. Test
- He showed his spirit at Busted Open beating three challengers.

10. Sabu
- Interfered in the Number One Contenders Match gor his title.

This is my first Power 10. There will be one after each show.

Wrestling Station

what i like about your show is that you are always updating it.. Which makes us get attracted to it... Thats what a Good GMer should do IMO.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
agree to WS, I think CMS always updates his BTB everyday, good work! Your Top 10 is good and I am curious if Mark Henry could have a title match in the future lol...

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW
General Motors Place
Vancouver, Canada

“The Show†plays as The Big Show comes out. He enters the ring, does the title taunt moving his hands around his waist and stares at the stage.

JBL: Welcome Ladies and Gentleman, as you can see, we went right to the action, as Big Show is fighting Rikishi tonight.

Styles: Yes, The Big Show on the last weeks has been a man on a mission. Let’s take a look.

(Video recap of the Big Show and Test rivalry, while the video airs Test and Rikishi enter the arena, and Rikishi enters the ring.

1st match: Big Show vs Rikishi w/Test

Rikishi circles around The Big Show, just after that they enter in a test strength. Big Show tries to push Rikishi away but he is massive too and doesn’t move too far away. They restart comparing their forces, Rikishi gets the upperhand and tries to get The Big Show in a headlock, but The Showster reverses it and connects a big knee. Rikishi then gets up but gets connected by a clothesline. He again gets up but gets clotheslined one more time. Rikishi shoes his resilience getting up one more time but he gets a big boot incrusted in his face.

The Big Show looks to the outside of the ring and does the title sign one more time to Test, The Big Show then continues his total control in the match by lifting Rikishi and hitting a powerslam. The Showster then dash to the ropes and hits a devastating leg drop. The Show lifts his arm up as the he gets a mixed reaction from the crowd. He then grabs Rikishi`s arm and drags him near to the corner, he kicks Rikishi in the head one time and then climbs to the top rope. Paul Wight measures his opponent and being backward to him he lets him go using the ropes and hits a splash. He goes for the cover: 1…2…, Rikishi miracously gets his shoulder up. Test in the outside of the ring gives a smile with relief. In the ring The Big Show complains to the referee about a slow count. Meanwhile Rikishi starts recuperating. The Show turns around to continue his attack but gets a sidekick from his opponent. Rikishi still a little groggy celebrates his accomplishment as he grabs Paul and throws him to the corner. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Rikishi goes to the opposite corner. Rikishi then approaches his opponent methodically and then applies the Stinky Face.

Test is obviously enjoying this entire match from the outside of the ring as he insults The Big Shows and lifts his title celebrating. Rikishi starts spanking himself and then he stares at his right leg, taunting for his Sidekick. The Showster gets up spitting and cleaning his mouth and nose. Rikishi goes for the Sidekick but The Big Show grabs Rikishi`s leg and showing his amazing power he throws Rikishi to the air and catches him and connects the Showstopper in mid-air. He then goes for the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Big Show pins Rikishi.

Test is angry as The Big Show invites him to enter the ring. The Show is announced officially the Number One Contender and Test gets his title up as we go to a commercial break.


JBL: Well, that was a quick start of the show wasn’t it?

Styles: Yeah, and how about that? Now it’s official. Big Show vs Test at Apocalypse. But tonight we are packed with action.

JBL: Yes, we will have Randy Orton vs Vince McMahon, a Falls Count Anywhere between Triple H facing the Instant Classic, the one and only Christian Cage, and our main event Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy and Goldberg facing Lesnar, MVP and Edge and as we just been informed, Crushing C will be making some major announcements about Apocalypse as we are this show and another one from this blockbuster PPV.

Styles: But as right now Ladies and Gentleman, as you know, last week Sabu interfered in the Number One Contenders Match for the Tag Team Championships.

JBL: Crushing C is supposed to make an announcement concerning this later on tonight, but right now we will have a triple threat match between one member of each team involved in this melee

2nd Match: CM Punk vs Albert vs Sabu

Albert comes out to his music receiving almost no crowd reaction. He is representing the M and A connection.

“Arabian Beat†plays as Sabu comes out wearing his Tag Team Title. He is still wearing some bandages from his burnings at Busted Open. He does his entrance and enters the ring.

“This Fire Burns†plays as CM Punk comes to the biggest pop of them all. He is representing the Straightedgers. He enters the ring and stares at Albert showing no intimidation and does the title taunt on Sabu’s face as the match gets underway.

Albert retrieves from the starting action as Sabu and Punk get it on. They start comparing strengths until Sabu’s shows his athleticism and does a roll-up backwards getting himself separated from Punk and hits a dropkick to the knee. Punk gets up but gets grabbed by Sabu that hits a bulldog. He then hits a moonsault on Punk.

JBL: Damn, Sabu is on fire.

Sabu does his Magician of Arabia taunt but gets clotheslined out of a sudden by Albert. The crowd boos enormously as Albert grabs Sabu and does a military slam to the outside of the ring, leaving inside only Punk and Albert. The former prince waits Punk to get up, CM finally gets up and gets connected by a big boot. Albert puts his foot on top of Punk as the referee starts the count, 1…2…, suddenly Sabu appears and breaks the pin hitting a springboard clothesline. Sabu rushes himself toward Punk and goes for the cover: 1…2…, Punk kick out, Sabu gets up immediately and goes for the cover on top of Albert: 1…2…, Albert pushes Sabu away.

Punk and Albert get up and stare at each other. Punk then delivers a right kick to the calf of Albert, then a left kick and finally knocks Albert down one more time with a jumping kick to his head. Sabu dashes himself toward Punk but CM counterattacks with a sidekick that surprises and knocks down Sabu. Punk taunts for the crowd as he waits for someone to get up. Albert gets up and tries to attack CM, but the straightedge superstar ducks his punch and throws Albert to the outside of the ring. He then realizes about Sabu, that had taken advantage of that time to recover. Sabu climbs to the top rope, but CM Punk quickly joins him there and start trading punches. Punk hits a combination of elbow smashes to get the upperhand. He then gets to his feet on the top rope and hits the Pepsi Plunge to a great crowd pop.

Styles: OH MY GOD!!!

JBL: I thought I never would have the chance to see that move in my entire life.

Punk covers Sabu: 1…2…3.

Result: CM Punk defeats Sabu and Albert.

Punk celebrates with the crowd and does the title taunt one more time as we go to commercials.


We go backstage with all three teams arguing about who should get the title match at Apocalypse. Crushing C enters the locker room and interferes the discussion before it gets physical.

Crushing C: What is this all about?

RVD: We wanna know who were are facing at Apocalypse?

Punk: Damn right, we wanna know who are the contenders.

Albert and Sabu then mumble something.

Crushing C: Ok, I was going to make this announcement later on tonight, but seeing that you can’t wait to know who will challenge for the titles, I will tell you my decisions right now.

Maven: Hell yeah you are!

Crushing C: Ok, at Apocalypse, it will be BTW Tag Champions Rob Van Dam and Sabu (they both stare at each other viciously), will face Maven and Albert!

Maven and Albert celebrate the announcement but get interrupted quickly by Crushing C.

Crushing C: But they will also face CM Punk and Colt Cabana, as at Apocalypse it will be a Triple Threat Tag Team Match. See you later pals.

We return to the ring with all three teams staring.

JBL: You all heard it, Triple Threat Tag Match.

Styles: Apocalypse is shaping to be a hell of a PPV.

“Burn in my Light†plays to the arena as Randy Orton enters the arena. He does his entrance and enters the ring waiting for Vince Mcmahon. But instead of Vince Mcmahon, on the Titantron we see Crushing C.

Crushing C: Whoa, whoa. I know you were supposed to face Vince Mcmahon in a match tonight. But that’s just not gonna happen.

Crowd boos.

Crushing C: You see, I am tired of WWE interfering with BTW, which takes me to my next point: The Apocalypse card. As I am announcing the official Apocalypse card for the PPV happening in a week from Sunday.

Crowd cheers, and Randy Orton gets out of the ring and goes backstage

Crushing C: Let’s start with the World Title match. As you know, it will be a Texas Bullrope match, between Edge and Mr. Kennedy. But that’s the only match confirmed. Tonight I am announcing the rest of the card.

Crowd cheers again

Crushing C: Over the past weeks, Goldberg and Lesnar have been brutalizing each other, so, at Apocalypse we will have both wrestlers in a Last Man Standing match.

Crowd goes wild showing their approval.

Crushing C: Next, both Jeff Hardy and Test will defend their titles, as we will have Jeff Hardy facing MVP for the Extreme Championship and Test facing his new Number One Contender The Big Show for the Continental Title. And as you found out before , we will have a Three Way Tag Team Match between RVD and Sabu, Maven and Albert and the Straightedgers for the Tag Team Titles.

Crushing C takes a pause to see the crowd reaction.

Crushing C: With that announced, I still have three more matches to book. We will also have CMS battling Elijah Burke in a Loser Leaves Company match. Also, to finally get rid of the Mcmahons, we will have a handicap match, between Vince and Shane Mcmahon vs Randy Orton, and finally, Mark Henry has been manhandling Triple H just to satisfy Christian Cage, so, at Apocalypse we will have Christian Cage and Mark Henry teaming up to take on Triple H and a partner of his choice, thank you very much, that would be all.

We are shown Triple H walking to the ring.


We return with Triple H stretching as Christian Cage finalizes his entrance and enters the ring, Earl Hebner rings the bell.

3rd match: Triple H vs Christian Cage

Triple H hits some punches. Triple H throws Cage into a shopping trolley. BIG clothesline on Cage. Running knee lift from Triple H. Cage kicks Triple H in the gut to reverse the momentum. Christian Cage slams HHH onto a trash can lid. Reverse DDT on HHH. There's a two count on the pin. HHH pushes out of a Christian Cage hold. Spinebuster by Triple H. Hooks the leg for a two count. DEATH VALLEY DRIVAH~! by Triple H just KILLS Christian Cage! Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Triple H misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Cage hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. They brawl to the outside and into the crowd. HHH takes a back suplex on the outside and appears to be in excruciating pain! Hooks the leg for a two count. Leg trip from Christian Cage sends the opponent down to the floor. They wind up back in the squared circle. HHH pushes out of a Christian Cage hold. HHH slams Christian Cage down and motions to the crowd. Mark Henry comes running down the aisle with a chair! Cage goes to irish whip Triple H into the ropes. Henry jumps onto the apron with the chair...but Triple H reverses! Collision between The World Strongest Man , Cage, and the chair! Christian Cage staggers back into a roll up! 1...2...3! It's over! Christian Cage and Mark Henry try to beat down Triple H, but end up getting run out of the ring by a furious Triple H. They leave quickly before they end up taking any more punishment.

Result: Triple defeats Christian Cage.

JBL: Well, he finally made it. It was about time he managed to win once in a while.

Styles: And he could not have chosen a better moment. This match wasn’t even about competition, it was an attempt to beat out Triple H, but he outsmarted everyone, and at Apocalypse, he will have a partner to even the score. But, who would it be?

We go to commercials as Triple H taunts to the crowd over the bodies of his two opponents.


JBL: Ladies and Gentleman, it is time for our main event, the 6man Tornado Tag Match.

Styles: And it is going to be a hell of a match.

Main Event: Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy and Goldberg vs MVP, Edge and Brock Lesnar.

“Loaded†plays to the arena as Jeff Hardy enters. He highsteps on the stage showing his title. He runs to the ring where he waits to the rest of the competitors.

“Kennedy†plays as Mr. Kennedy comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He enters the ring and does the title taunt as he salutes Jeff Hardy.

We go backstage to the entrance of Goldberg. Goldberg starts making his way to the ring as the crowd chants his name. He shows his intensity and a moment of tension breaks as he stares to Mr. Kennedy.

BTW staff quickly sets the blow-up tunnel. “I’m coming†starts playing as MVP comes out of the tunnel. He gets booed all the way to the ring, where he tries to enter but cowardly gets out waiting for his partners.

“Metalingus†plays as Edge comes down to the ring through a veil of smoke. He raises his title over his head letting tons of pyro come out. He joins MVP.

JBL: Well Styles, here comes the pain!

“Here Comes the Pain†plays as Lesnar jogs on the stage and then runs to the ring, where he cleans house. Edge and MVP quickly enter the ring as the ref rind the bell.

Brock Lesnar and Jeff Hardy kick it off. Hardy tries to use his speed to gain the upperhand against the Minnesota original, but Lesnar catches him and pushes him away. Jeff rolls and gets up and continues his valiant effort. He connects some punches and a dropkick but Lesnar doesn’t fall. He retaliates and connects a big clothesline. Lesnar pumps his muscles taunting for the crowd. He then lifts Jeff Hardy up and flapjacks him making his throat hit the ropes. Hardy stays up complaining about it and Brock catches him hitting a Belly-to-Belly.

MVP is anxious asking Lesnar for the tag. Brock, not very happy about it, tags MVP that enters the ring acting very confident and cocky. He sees Jeff crawling trying to get up. Porter dashes to the ropes and hits a kick to the head of his opponent. MVP looks extremely confident and hits his trademark Ballin’ elbow. He goes for the pin: 1…2…, Mr. Kennedy enters and kicks MVP to break the pinfall. Montel complains to the referee but quickly restarts the attack on the BTW Extreme Championship.

MVP shows his wrath throwing Jeff to the corner. He taunts for the crowd before he goes for any attack. He finally goes for the Player’s boot but Jeff miracously gets out of the way. MVP turns and gets connected by a DDT. Both men are down. The referee starts the count: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…, Jeff and MVP drag themselves to the corner, MVP tags Lesnar back in, and Jeff doing an amazing leap to tag Goldberg, who gets an enormous crowd pop.

Both behemoths start trading blows. They compare each other strengths. They release each other and stare down. One more time they compare strengths and Irish Whip each other to the ropes, and connect a shoulder block on each other, both remaining on his feet. Lesnar shows his frustration and moves to his corner apparently to tag one of his partners, but he returns and cheap shots connecting a surprise blow to Goldberg. Goldberg reacts very angry and hits a sidekick to Lesnar, who falls to the canvas. Bill explodes and goes to the corner taunting for the spear, Lesnar starts getting up, but when Goldberg pretends to hit the spear, Kennedy tags himself in. Kennedy says that he is ending the match by himself. Meanwhile, Lesnar does a quick tag to Edge that runs toward Mr. Kennedy and hits a spear.

He taunts for the crowd receiving a mixed reaction. Kennedy gets up shaking up the pain, and tries to make a tag to Goldberg, but he responds that he is making the “work†by himself. Jeff gets a little more aggressive and delivers a kick to the gut.

Mr. Kennedy frustrated turns around and gets speared by Edge, the ref starts the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Edge pins Kennedy

JBL: Damn Goldberg and Hardy, they cost Kennedy the match.

Styles: Mr. Kennedy said he didn’t need any help, so his partners decided to test his word. The challenger learned a lesson from his partners tonight.

JBL: Yeah right, this night is done for me.

Styles: Tune in next week, as we go live with the last show before Apocalypse.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Hardy, Kennedy & Goldberg vs. MVP, Edge & Brock Lesnar

Worse Match: HHH vs. Cage

Best Segment: Crushing C's Announcement

Worse Segment: N/A

Additional Comments: A pretty good show...loved the main event and the only reason I put Cage/HHH as the worse match is because I felt like it could've been a bit longer at least that's what I think but keep up the good work.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Jeff Hardy, Mr. Kennedy and Goldberg vs MVP, Edge and Brock Lesnar.

Worse Match: All matches are good, but I think the CM Punk/Albert/Sabu match is the least.

Best Segment: Crushing C

Additional Comments: Your show is good, great job, your HHH/Cage is a unique and a good feud. Anigma is right, you should make the match more longer, Overall, a great show! keep it up!

The Rated R CMStar

BTW Power 10

1. Edge(up)
- Managed to score the winning pinfall in the 6man Tag Team Match on his challenger.

2. Mark Henry(down)
- He tried to aid his boss Christian Cage but instead had to run away from Triple H.

3. Triple H(up)
- For the first time he stood up to Mark Henry, pinning Cage by the way, sending a message to both opponents

4. Brock Lesnar(up)
- He was impressive in the 6man Tag Match and his team won the match.

5. Big Show(up)
- He defeated Rikishi and gain a title match at Apocalypse

6. Goldberg(down)
- If he wants to elevate in this list, he better get some action, what he didn't got at the main event last BTW.

7. Mr. Kennedy(down)
- He acted extremely cocky and payed the price of his attitude with a spear.

8. Christian Cage(down)
- He didn't just lost against The Game, but his Problem Solver caused him even more problems, making him run out of the ring

9. CM Punk(new)
- Defeated members of his opponent tag teams and introduced to BTW the Pepsi Plunge.

10. Randy Orton(new)
- The Legend Killer makes his way to the Power 10 after beating Shane Mcmahon two weeks away and knowing his faith against father and son in Apocalypse.

Apocalypse is only one BTW away, stay tune

The Rated R CMStar

Monday Night BTW Preview

One last show before Apocalypse, what will happen between the World Champion Edge and his challenger Mr. Kennedy? Will the champion be able to defeat his contender, or will Kennedy send a message to the Rated R Superstar?

Last show Crushing C announced that Goldberg and Brock Lesnar will battle in a Last Man Standing at Apocalypse, will they settle their score on that night, and will they confront at Monday Night BTW?

MVP and Big Show will also get at Apocalypse a shot to get some gold. Will they be able to continue their roll beating one more opponent sending a message to Jeff Hardy and Test?

We found out last week that we will also have at Apocalypse at Loser Leaves Company match, between rookies CMS and Elijah Burke, how will they clash at Monday Night?

Almost since its beginning Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon have been interfering in BTW. Crushing C gave Randy Orton the mission to get them out of the company, he will get the chance to do it at Apocalypse, but what impact will the Mcmahons do on what could be their last appearance in BTW.

Triple H and Christian Cage have been feuding with each other for a while now, with Triple H getting the upperhand until Busted Open, but after that and with the entry of Mark Henry, Cage and his Problem Solver had been destroying the Game. But last week Triple H managed to analiate both men for the first time, what will happen next week between this three man, and at Apocalypse will it be Game Over for Triple H? And will we know who is the mistery partner of Triple H?
Tune in the show this monday.

Apocalypse Card:

Texas Bullrope Match for the World Heavyweight Champion
Edge(c) vs Mr. Kennedy

Last Man Standing
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar

Tag Team Match
Christian Cage and Mark Henry vs Triple H and ???

Handicap Match(if Randy Orton wins Mcmahons must not appear ever again on BTW)
Randy Orton vs Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon

BTW Extreme Title Match(NO DQ)
Jeff Hardy(c) vs MVP

BTW Continental Match
Big Show vs Test(c)

BTW Tag Team Title Triple Threat Tag Team Match
RVD and Sabu(c) vs Straightedgers vs M & A

Loser Leaves BTW match
CMS vs Elijah Burke

Announced by BTW.com by the text messaging system

Grudge Match
Rhino vs Rikishi

Presentation of the two newest BTW signees.

Please post your predictions and who do you think are the newest signees

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
nice preview, looking forward to Apocalypse, here's my predictions:

Texas Bullrope Match for the World Heavyweight Champion
Edge(c) vs Mr. Kennedy

Last Man Standing
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar

Tag Team Match
Christian Cage and Mark Henry vs Triple H and ???

Handicap Match(if Randy Orton wins Mcmahons must not appear ever again on BTW)
Randy Orton vs Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon

BTW Extreme Title Match(NO DQ)
Jeff Hardy(c) vs MVP

BTW Continental Match
Big Show vs Test(c)

BTW Tag Team Title Triple Threat Tag Team Match
RVD and Sabu(c) vs Straightedgers vs M & A

Loser Leaves BTW match
CMS vs Elijah Burke

Grudge Match
Rhino vs Rikishi

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Texas Bullrope Match for the World Heavyweight Champion
Edge(c) vs Mr. Kennedy

Last Man Standing
Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar

Tag Team Match
Christian Cage and Mark Henry vs Triple H and ???

Handicap Match(if Randy Orton wins Mcmahons must not appear ever again on BTW)
Randy Orton vs Vince Mcmahon and Shane Mcmahon

BTW Extreme Title Match(NO DQ)
Jeff Hardy(c) vs MVP

BTW Continental Match
Big Show vs Test(c)

BTW Tag Team Title Triple Threat Tag Team Match
RVD and Sabu(c) vs Straightedgers vs M & A

Loser Leaves BTW match
CMS vs Elijah Burke

Grudge Match
Rhino vs Rikishi

I have no idea who the newest signees could be...

The Rated R CMStar

BTW.com: Breaking News

As for nobody is a secret the great relationship between Born To Wrestle Federation and brother company World Wrestling Entertainment, Matteo Quintavalle, CEO of BTW and Crushing C have decided to cancel tonight's show, to pay tribute to late Chris Benoit. BTW signal tonight will be linked to USA Network as they air a special Monday Night RAW making a tribute to Benoit. As for now, Apocalypse PPV is still scheduled to be live this sunday from Toyota Center this Sunday.

Chris Benoit: 1967-2007

The Rated R CMStar

BTW.com Presents:

Benoit Tribute Show:


Crushing C: As on T.V WWE airs on their and our signal, BTW is presenting on its web page a tribute show with Benoit's best matches and moments, enjoy, and for Chris, Rest in Peace you legend!

ECW: Benoit vs Sabu (Benoit breaks Sabu's neck and gets his nickname, the crippler)


Japan: Jushin Tunder Liger vs Chris Benoit


WCW: Eddie Guerrero vs Chris Benoit


WWE: Royal Rumble 2004: Last Part


ECW: Benoit Last Match: Elijah Burke vs Chris Benoit


WCW: Dean Malenko vs Chris Benoit


Radicalz debut on WWE RAW:


WWE: Wrestlemania XX: Highlights with Benoit winning World Title


Crushing C: This was a show to give a tribute to a great wrestler, but first of all a great man. Chris Benoit will live for ever in our memories. Rest in peace Benoit!