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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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The show opens with CM Punk coming out exciting the crowd, he tells everyone that tonight he wants to make sure the goal of MEW is brought to life and that everyone has FUN! He then got a bit more serious as he told Mr. Perfect that he won't be this happy go lucky come main event time because he was going to show him just why they call him "The Best In The World". With that Mark Henry came out and Punk left the area. He stood near the entrance starring at Henry who looked fierce, Al Snow & Steve Blackman came out breaking the tension however as they made Punk laugh a bit heading to the ring with their cart filled with weapons!


Mark Henry vs Head Cheese (Al Snow & Steve Blackman)

Henry was met with a barrage of weapons flying at him as the match started! It didn't have too much of an effect on him so Snow & Blackman slid in and went on the attack! They weren't much of a threat when it came to a hand to hand fight though. Henry went on to dominate both of them, as he went to finish the match by World's Strongest Slamming Snow onto a steel chair however Steve Blackman would rise up and begin to take Henry down a bit with a Kendo Stick! It gave Snow long enough to sneak out of the ring and grab.... HEAD!!! Blackman was stopped and tossed over the top just in time for Henry to turn around and get smacked with Head! It dazed him a bit as Snow shook Head in the air with the fans chanting for the mannequin body part! This alone was enough time for Henry to recover and grab Snow squashing him with a huge Bear Hug! Snow tapped out.

Post match Henry would lay Snow out with a World's Strongest Slam anyways, and do the same to Steve Blackman! He did what he said he was going to do and made sure everyone knew just how much of a threat he was.


The Broski's Of Destruction (Hawkins & Ryder) vs The DudeBusters (Croft & Barreta)

Before the match the two teams shook hands. They made it clear that they wanted a simple clean match and that's what it was for the most part, however it seemed to become much more competitive later on! It becomes a very "catch as catch can" wrestling match with some double team moves from both sides being implemented.

After taking a boot to the face in the corner from Barreta, Croft is running towards Hawkins for a follow up boot but he slides under it and grabs his leg tripping him! Ryder runs in knocking Barreta off the apron, and as Croft gets up he's met with a Double Spear from The Broski's! 1-2-3!

After the match the two teams meet in the ring..... and shake hands! They all raise each others arms in a united celebration! The crowd is confused and begins to boo all them as the men begin to hug each other, it seems they've come together as one big unit! They now have more then 3 men and the Trios Tournament is only a week away!

Jimmy Jacobs and Sami Callihan met in the middle of the ring before their match, Jacobs asked Sami to change his ways like he did and turn his life around. He tells Sami his current attitude will get him nowhere but drive him insane. Sami tells Jacobs that HE'S ALREADY INSANE! With that he takes Jimmy out with a huge clothesline!


Jimmy Jacobs vs "New Horror" Sami Callihan

Jacobs tries to stay calm with The Killing Machine but Sami doesn't care to listen to anything Jacobs has to say when their in the middle of a match! Eventually Jacobs snaps and unleashes on Callihan with a flurry of blows! Jacobs knocks Sami silly with spinning wheel kick! Sami isn't sure what's going on as Jacobs jumps at him locking on his guillotine choke that he calls "END TIME"! The ref picks up and drops Sami's hand as he calls the match, Jacobs is the winner!

Jacobs holds on for a few extra seconds but then let's go remember he's a changed man. Jacobs stares at a downed Callihan who's holding his throat as he swipes his hair through his fingers... right behind him slides in none other than RAVEN~! Slowly and without a care in the world Raven turns Jacobs around and plants him with his signature Raven Effect DDT! Raven then steps over him and kicks Callihan in order to wake him up a bit before dropping out of the ring and grabbing a microphone... He goes into the stands and sits on the stairs with the microphone...

Raven tells everyone that the reason he isn't wrestling tonight is because he told the guys that run this place that he won't be wrestle a match until they book him in something he likes. He'll start working when he gets a shot at a title! Sense the Trios Championship is going to be the first belt made around here he's building an army to take it! He tells Sami to follow him, it's the only way. Sami exits the ring and follows Raven up the out from the crowd.


Dean Malenko vs Akira Tozawa vs Joey Ryan

Joey Ryan brought Becky Bayless to ringside with him and tried to annoy his opponent's as he made out with her in a very "sleazy" manner, though these men couldn't be bothered in this match as it seemed almost as if they had some sort of history based on how they went at it! Tozawa and Malenko tore each other apart with Ryan sometimes trying to keep out of the way but this would end with whoever was left standing between Tozawa & Malenko going after him and Ryan would defend himself. A solid three man spot that wasn't the usual tower suplex took place when Malenko was in the corner pounding away with the crowd counting to 10 but before he got their Joey Ryan grabbed him in position for a Power Bomb but instead Tozawa off the top took him away with a hurricanrana also causing Ryan to twist inside out and fly to the mat! Malenko would meet his end when Joey Ryan and Tozawa aligned to hit him with a Superkick from Ryan launching him over for a German Suplex from Tozawa! As he went for the bridge however Ryan would pull him off and throw him over the top rope covering the lifeless body of Malenko himself! 1-2-3!

Tozawa didn't take kindly to this as he rushed back into the ring afterward and started to beat the holy heck out of Ryan! Scorpio Sky would run down get Joey out of their however! Leaving a recovering Malenko & Tozawa to do more battle! Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuji Nagata would come down to give Tozawa the upper hand but this was quickly followed by Jimmy Jacobs & Johnny Curtis coming down to oppose them! With that Joey Ryan & Scorpio Sky would leave them to their fight but as they tried The Pitbulls and Scotty Riggs would stop them and they would chase the two men out of the building~!



Mickie James / AJ Lee / Kaitlyn / Candice LaRae vs Sarita / Taylor Wilde / Rachel Summerlyn / Jessica James

These girls fly around with a lot of fun spots in this match! Sarita and Mickie particularly get into it and take a lot of the attention as they brawl big time! It seems they've taken up a possible rivalry in this in this 8 man match. Outside of Mickie, The Chickbusters (AJ & Kaitlyn) and Candice LaRae seem to make a real connection. Sarita got out of dodge away from Mickie when she became legal and tagged in her partner Taylor Wilde, Taylor was surprised by being thrown in there and upset with Sarita this gave Mickie an opening for a Jumping DDT! 1-2-3!

Sean O'Haire came out to the ring and told everyone that they were lucky he was here. He said Willie Mack was nothing but a hick and the only reason people cheered for him was due to their guilt they feel from their ancestors slaving the black man. He told them not to feel bad, to let go, it wasn't their fault for what "the man" did so very long ago, consider themselves forgiven. O'Haire told them all they should thank him for lifting them of their worries and they should cheer him which many did. Willie Mack simply stood there laughing.


Sean O'Haire vs Willie Mack

O'Haire acted like he was pretty civilized most of the time but did not mind getting down and dirty! Willie Mack seemed pretty cool but after the comments made by O'Haire but in reality he was extremely pissed and he took it out on O'Haire! Mack at one point went to go high risk but O'Haire stopped this and took advantage of the heavy man being up so high placing him on his shoulders and went for his Reverse Death Valley Driver but Mack quickly found a way to counter with a DDT! O'Haire knew what he would have to do to win this now! He beat Mack down no matter how hard he fought back and took to the skies finishing things up with his Seanton Bomb! 1-2-3!

The commentary talked about just how perfect the Seanton Bomb was as Nick Dinsmore strolled out down the ramp and starred at O'Haire who just looked at him weird as... Josh Matthews left commentary to try and get some words with O'Haire but he passed. Matthews then asked Dinsmore what he was doing out here, Dinsmore told him that when he saw the Seanton Bomb he didn't see Sean doing it... he saw Jesus himself! He believes that Sean O'Haire is Jesus!


Money Inc. (DiBiase & IRS) vs RockNES Monsters (Yuma & Goodtime)

The much less experienced Monsters give the seasoned veterans a good go around in this match! Even with Goodtime being as big if not bigger then their opponents they still had a much valuable speed advantage but Money Inc. made sure this didn't hurt them too much as they kept things to the mat, as much as possible. Yuma was taught a lesson for going high risk as he springboard towards DiBiase only to meet an elbow to the face! Just when it seemed like RockNES were about to catch a break with Goodtime going to Death Valley Driver Yuma onto DiBiase from the top rope... IRS shoved them down! Yuma went to the outside and Goodtime fell into the ring! DiBiase took advantage and quickly put him in the Million Dollar Dream! He tapped.

It was now time for the main event, the match everyone bought tickets to see. The match was announced very formally with both men meeting in the middle of the ring almost nose to nose as they were announced. The two shook hands as the bell rang...

Main Event

CM Punk vs Mr. Perfect

The match was very technical for the most part but in the most epic of ways. Perfect tried to stay on top of Punk which eventually annoyed him so much that he just let out of flurry of strikes - slaps and kicks with a big kick to the head finishing things off! 1-2- NO! Perfect wouldn't go down this easily. Hennig would get back to his feet and get payback for the stiff kick with a forceful dropkick right to the nose in return! These two obviously didn't like each other at this point as they were nose to nose in anger.

Things were nothing less then intense from that point on! A battle of submissions became the game as both picked a body part to work and bot would race to lock on a respected submission! It was CM Punk who would get his Anaconda Vice on first as Perfect had nowhere to go in the center of the ring! Hennig would roll Punk over but he would hold on so he would continue the rolling until he reached the ropes. Not long after Perfect would seize the opportunity as Punk whined to the fans about not being able to get the submission and he would chop down the knee before locking Punk firmly in the Figure Four Leg!! Punk looked to be in an insane amount of pain but lucky for him in his tired state Perfect never took the time to move Punk away from the ropes! Punk would reach them in a matter of seconds, it didn't look like he would've survived otherwise!

In the midst of battle as Hennig ran towards Punk he would thrust him onto his shoulder in position for the GTS!!! His leg that was picked apart would give out on him however.... this didn't stop Punk from mustering up the strength only a short time later and holding him up this time while he dropped Perfect down to meet the knee for his GTS!!! BUT NO! Perfect would make sure to avoid the knee and instead quickly put Punk in a small package~! 1-2-3..........NOT QUITE! A PerfectPlex was all that was left and everyone knew it was coming! Just then however.... everything seemed to stand still except one man.... the man that bulldozed Curt Hennig out of his boots! KEVIN STEEN! The ref didn't know what to do with this but he didn't want to stop the contest but Steen obviously wanted him to, so instead the ref was a victim as well being put down with a Package Piledriver!

Kevin Steen grabbed a microphone and walked around the ring with Punk sitting there starring at him simply in awe of what was happening, not knowing how to react. Steen told everyone that he isn't Raven, he wasn't not wrestling by choice like him, instead he wasn't wrestling because he wasn't booked! He said he was teaching the bookers a lesson, if they don't give him what he wants he'll fuck up everything they try to build!

Steen told Punk to his face that all his campaigning about fun was total bullshit, this is wrestling fun isn't a main priority if it was they wouldn't be in competition! He told Punk that he's become a pussy and it made him sick and almost saddened him... Punk was on his knees listening to all of this looking up at Steen as he read his sermon, without warning Steen knocked him out with a sick boot to the face! Steen yelled into the air "HOW'S THAT FOR FUN MOTHERFUCKER?!" before leaving with the fans split on cheering him and booing him!
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Bad News Booty

It’s Ghetto Blaster Time, Fool
May 22, 2011
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very fuckin nice...Raven rebuilding his flock is awesome...Sean OHaire is in fact Jesus so Dinsmore is right about that...Money Inc are players and should get the win for sure...I just hope that Steen v Punk doesn't push Mr P out of the title picture
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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
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Thank you very much for the comment Booty! Don't worry about Perfect, he's still going to be on top with all of this. Steen did attack him first giving him a "coward win" didn't he? ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
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Excellent show and I can't wait to see what you do with Dudebusters and Broski's .
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Postman Dave

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2011
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Broski's of Destruction is a great name, hope you do great things with both them and the Dudebusters. Steen/Punk is a natural rivalry and it should be AWESOME!