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Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Great preview XBA, thinks are really heating up as we approach BFG. XXX/MCMG should be a huge match but my main focus is on Sting. I knew you were gonna turn either him or Joe heel and I'm glad that it was Joe that you did make heel and I'm looking forward to seeing where this is going...



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Welcome everyone to TNA iMPACT! We are just 10 days away from TNA’s Biggest PPV of the year, TNA Bound for Glory, where “The Iconâ€￾ Sting will defend his TNA World Championship against he number one contender Samoa Joe! Mike Tenay and Don West here ringside, and Don, you were right here with me when we saw the betrayal of Samoa Joe when he nailed Sting with that superkick heard around the world, Don, what has happened to Samoa Joe?

West: Mike, this man’s head is so complex, I have been saying it for months that Samoa Joe wasn’t himself, and now his actions justify my theory. However, Samoa Joe is finally getting what he wanted, so his plan must be going as planned!

Sting’s music hits as the TNA World Champion comes down the ramp.

: Mike, this is Sting’s first public appearance, the very first time he shows his face to the wrestling world since last week, this man must have a lot to say, I can’t wait to here it.

Sting: As TNA World Champion, there is always a target on my back. Anybody who’s anyone is gunning for me and my World Championship. I made a mistake; I am going to be the first to admit it. I should have seen it coming, for weeks, Joe has been dropping me hints, “Oh yea Sting, watch your back champ, watch your back!â€￾ but the thing is…I didn’t listen, and of course the entire wrestling world saw the repercussions. I didn’t see it coming, because I never thought Samoa Joe would have done something like that, after winning the Gauntlet and defeating Jeff Jarrett among others, it appeared Joe proved me wrong, but it seems to me, I was right since the start. I was right about Samoa Joe not being Championship material; it seems to be that I was right about Samoa Joe being immature. Right when I thought Joe proved me wrong, it turned out that I was right all along. Joe, champions don’t act like that, champions go into matches with nothing but respect for one another, and you showed that you have no respect for me, of for this title, Joe, there is no place for you in this business and I am going to prove myself right once again, when I defeat you, Samoa Joe, at Bound for Glory for my TNA World Championship. Joe, I tried to tell you, but you just wouldn’t listen, just like I wouldn’t, looks like we have more in common than we thought. Joe, now, I am going to have to show you the path of righteousness, because at Bound for Glory Joe, it will most definitely be SHOWTIME!!!

Tenay: Huge words from the Stinger, do you think Joe got the message Don?

West: If Joe was listening, since he isn’t here tonight, I know he is watching, he is most likely plotting his next move Mike Tenay, because it’s like a chess game and Sting just made the next move!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with “Wildcatâ€￾ Chris Harris.

Jeremy Borash here with the Wildcat Chris Harris! Chris, huge match right here tonight, you are going one on one with the returning Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner!

Harris: Well Jeremy, when I entered singles competition a few months back after AMW parted ways, I knew I had to face bigger and harder challenges as time went on, and this one is no different. I fought Scott before Jeremy, and I have a pretty good idea of what I am going into, so that’s all I can do.

JB: Well Chris you have to count in the factor that Scott Steiner was out due to legal issues, which involved his final match, coincidently which was against you Chris, I don’t know what you have to say about it, but I am thinking this isn’t going to be the same old Scott Steiner tonight.

Harris: Well Jeremy, it doesn’t matter what Scott Steiner I face here tonight, because it’s all in the experience and challenge of being in this business. I can face an easy opponent one week and fight the strongest opponent the next, whatever this business throws at me, I am going to triumph! The Wildcat is here to be world champion, and anyone who gets in the way of that will feel how wild this cat really is!

AJ Styles walks into the picture and both men stand within inches of one another having an epic stare down.

: So Chris, looks like you have a “bigâ€￾ match coming up. The word “bigâ€￾ only relating to Scottie’s arm, because that’s the only big thing about this match. Listen Chris, we have our differences, big differences, if you think fighting Scott Steiner is big for you, you haven’t seen anything yet. I have won Ultimate X’s, King of the Mountain’s, hell, I am the only Triple Crown in TNA, and if you want a big match, face it, you are getting one. You are facing the most accomplished athlete in this business today, you are facing the Phenomenal One, you are going one on one with AJ Styles at the big one, Bound for Glory!

Harris: Listen AJ, you don’t need to keep flapping your lips, listen AJ, I know I am not at the level that you are at, I probably never will be, that’s pretty obvious, but the closest I can get to being “Phenomenalâ€￾ is pinning your ass at Bound for Glory…

AJ: Oh, you think it will be that easy?

Harris: AJ, you keep being so confident it will become your weakness, and then, yea, it will be that easy.

AJ: We’ll see Wildcat, if Scott doesn’t finish you tonight, which you better pray for, I will finish you at Bound for Glory and your dreams will go straight to the gutter. See you at Bound for Glory…oh and good luck tonight…

AJ walks off as Chris watches him in dismay


Triple X’s music hits as Primetime Elix Skipper, Senshi, and the X-Division Champion the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels come to the ring.

Motor City Machine Guns’ music hits as Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley come to the ring.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Triple X w/ Christopher Daniels

Sabin and Senshi start the match off. They lock up fast. Senshi puts Sabin in a side headlock, but Sabin shoots Senshi across the ring and Senshi bounces back off the ropes and Sabin pulls off a standing Hurricurana into a pin on Senshi 1…2…kickout! Senshi sits up and Sabin delivers a straight axe kick to the spine then runs to the ropes and bounces back dropkicking Senshi right in the face laying him out again. Sabin backflips into a dropsault onto Senshi into a pin 1…2…kickout! Sabin picks him up, but Senshi explodes with right chops to the sternum of Sabin. He repeatedly chops him then arm drags him into an arm lock. Sabin lies back, then springs up breaking the lock then connects with a spin kick on Senshi laying him out. Sabin lunges and tags in Shelley. Senshi gets up and Shelley springboards off the top rope into a missile dropkick on Senshi. Senshi gets up and runs towards Shelley, but Shelley connects with a sidewalk slam into a pin on Senshi 1…2…kickout! Shelley goes onto the apron and springboards form the apron over the top rope into backsplash on Senshi. Shelley springs up and gets a huge pop from the crowd, but Primetime appears on the top rope in his corner and jumps connecting with a huge bulldog off the top rope. Primetime runs and clocks Sabin off the apron with a forearm. Sabin lands on his feet on the outside while Senshi picks up Shelley and whips him over the top rope almost landing on Sabin. Primetime and Senshi go to the ropes looking for a double cross body, but Motor City Machine Guns pulls their legs from underneath them and drag them out of the ring and then connect with hard chops on both Senshi and Skipper. Sabin gets down on one knee and Shelley sets Skipper up and sends him down groin first on Sabin’s knee connecting with a huge Atomic Drop double team. Shelley throws Senshi back into the ring and slides in the ring himself. Shelley grabs him and sets him up for the Overdrive, but Daniels gets on the apron and starts arguing with the referee.

Black Machismo Jay Lethal runs down the ramp.

Lethal runs towards Daniels and trips him up knocking him off the apron and starts brawling with him on the outside. Shelley turns back towards Senshi and sees him running towards him. Shelley ducks and Senshi goes into the ropes front first and Shelley takes advantage and gets a roll up on Senshi 1…2…3!
WINNER: Motor City Machine Guns

Tenay: What an upset Don! Motor City Machine Guns have just defeated Triple X!!!

West: This is incredible Mike Tenay! It might have turned out a different way if it wasn’t for Black Machismo, Daniels just couldn’t keep his nose out of the ring, but thank god Lethal made the save!

Lethal gets in the ring and raises Shelley and Sabin’s arms in victory. Triple X meets at the ramp and walks up the ramp retreating.


Lance Hoyt is at the water cooler backstage talking to Eric Young.

: Yea Lance, I couldn’t believe how you speared Robert Roode through that wall, that creep had that coming to him for awhile!

Hoyt: I know, that poser thinks he would get away with taking my job, no chance in hell. I got that off my chest so now I have my sights on that Battle Royal, you are in there too right Eric?

Young: Why, yes, yes I am…

Leticia runs up to Lance Hoyt.

: Lance! Lance! Jim Cornette said to me to tell you if you don’t get to his office right now you might be suspended, it sounds like you are in real hot water!

Lance walks off shaking his head towards Eric Young and starts laughing.


Brother Ray and Devon are backstage.

: We are Team 3D. Me and my brother, Devon, are the best damn tag team in pro wrestling history. We have won every major Tag Team Championship that this sport has to offer. Our accomplishments are endless! We have taken on and taken out every single Tag Team that professional Wrestling has dealt out over the years, if not once, then twice! Jim Cornette sees our destruction and what capabilities me and my brother have, but still we get no TNA World Tag Team title shot. Hell, we have even taken out the TNA Tag Team Champs, Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, a.k.a the Pussy and the Crack Head, but still we aren’t granted that title shot. Cornette still goes with the Alternative to grant the Naturals with the Number One Contender Spot. So, me and my brother have talked about it, and there is still one obstacle we have to accomplish before being named the number one contenders, and that’s to take out the number one contenders. Hell, TNA, we have taken out the champs, if you don’t want us taking out the other half of your Bound for Glory tag title match, you better slap our names on that card, because if you don’t, we will be the only tag team able to hold those tag titles without laying in a hospital bed!



Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male explodes out of the tunnel.

Shane Douglas’ music hits as the Franchise makes his way to the ring.

Are you ready for the Monster’s Ball preview Don? These four men in this tag team match will all compete in the 4th annual “fall classicâ€￾ we like to call Monster’s Ball in just 10 days at TNA’s Biggest show of the year Bound for Glory!

Raven’s music hits as Raven comes out of the tunnel.

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss makes his way down the ramp.

Shane Douglas and Monty Brown vs. Raven and Abyss

Raven and Monty Brown start off the match. Brown connects with hard right hands nailing Raven and then sets him up and nails him with a belly to belly early on in the match. Raven springs up in pain and hangs onto the ropes as Brown charges and clotheslines Raven over the top rope. Brown points to Abyss and motions to come get some. Abyss screams to try to intimidate Brown, but while Brown is messing with Abyss Raven s slides back into the ring behind him and clubs his in the back of the head with a vicious forearm. Raven gets on Brown’s back and delivers several shots to the back. Brown turns over and flips Raven on his back and then unloads some hands of his own on Raven. Brown gets up and stomps Raven down. He drags him by the arm and sits him up in his corner. He tags in Shane Douglas and both men stomp the lights out of Raven. Shane picks him up and nails a sidewalk slam modified into a backbreaker on Raven for the pin 1…2….kickout! Shane sits him up and twists his head for a submission move. Raven fades as Douglas puts more pressure on him. Raven begins to show life and gets up. He elbows Shane in the gut breaking the hold and delivers a straight back elbow to the jaw. He kicks him in the gut and sets him up for the Raven Effect, but Shane counters and twists the arm, but Raven counters and spins him around then nails the Raven Effect on Shane Douglas. Raven covers Shane Douglas 1…2….Monty Brown runs in and breaks the pin. He puts the beatdown on Raven. Shane picks him up and delivers some blows and then tackles him over the top rope. Brown starts pacing fast across the ring staring at Abyss. The fans start chanting Abyss’ name as Abyss charges into the ring. Abyss goes for a clothesline but Monty ducks and bounces off the ropes looking for a Pounce, but Abyss catches him and nails a huge Black Hole Slam on Monty Brown.

Tenay: For the third week in a row Monty Brown has been planted on the canvas with a Black Hole Slam at the hands of Monster Abyss! This is unbelievable!

Raven all of a sudden pulls out a barbed wire bat from underneath the ring and nails Douglas in the ribs and Shane goes down. The ref calls for the DQ.
WINNER: Shane Douglas and Monty Brown by DQ

West: You better get out of the way when Abyss and Raven have weapons, it won’t turn out good!

Abyss signals to Raven to get something, then Raven pulls out a bag from underneath the ring and throws it in the ring. Shane gets up to run away as Raven runs after him with the barbed wire bat. Abyss grabs the bag and dumps it out unleashing thousands of tacks. He grabs Brown by the throat and motions for a choke slam. He sets him up, but Brown slips out the back and launches Abyss towards the ropes for the Pounce, but Abyss counters and whips Brown to the ropes and then goes for a Black Hole Slam, but Brown counters out of it and slides out of the ring just in time.

West: Oh man Mike Tenay if Monty Brown would have never gotten out of the ring, he would have went back first into those tacks!

Tenay: Well I don’t think it will be that easy to escape Abyss come Bound for Glory Don! Monster’s Ball 10 days away at Bound for Glory!!!


Jeremy Borash is in front of Kurt Angle’s locker room waiting to get a word.

Jeremy Borash, here waiting here for a word with wrestling’s only gold medalist Kurt Angle who in just 10 days will collide with Jeff Jarrett for the rubber match between the two, but this time, as we found out last week from Jim Cornette, will be in 6 Sides of Steel.

The door opens and Kurt Angle comes out looking focused.

: Kurt Angle can I get a word, huge match coming up at…

Angle puts his hand over Jeremy’s mouth.

: Borash, listen, just close your freakin’ mouth. At Bound for Glory I will indeed fight Jeff Jarrett, and yea, it will be in 6 Sides of Steel. Borash, I believe you are talking to the wrong guy, you should be talking to big mouth himself Jeff Jarrett. You see, I am getting my wish, I wanted Jeff Jarrett in the ring one more time, the 6 Sides of Steel is icing on the cake. I understand I screwed him out of the number one contender shot, but in the long run he cost me way more, the actual TNA World Championship. Borash, I am Kurt Angle, I am a freakin’ Gold Medalist, I am an 11 time World Champion, I have done everything there is to do here in TNA, let alone every single other pro wrestling organization, I have beaten up the biggest and baddest guys, if you are trying to get to me being afraid of this match, you got another thing coming. If you want to hear what I have to say, you will just have to wait until later tonight, because I will call out Jeff Jarrett, then everyone will see I am telling the truth, I am not afraid of this match, but Jeff Jarrett, if that yellow belly comes out, it will be a whole different story…



Jim Cornette is sitting in his office on the phone.

: Yes I know, Bound for Glory is going to be great, it leaked online that Christopher Daniels and Black Machismo would go at it for the X-Division Championship which is a dream match in itself let alone the TNA World Championship Sting defending against Samoa Joe…

Lance Hoyt walks in.

: Mr. Hoyt, just who I wanted to see, well looks like you value your job more than I thought, because you sure didn’t show it last week when you almost paralyzed my new body guard. Let me just ask you one thing Lance, is this about jealousy, are you jealous of Robert Roode? Is that why you destroyed him by spearing him through the wall last week? Is it his money? Is it his woman? Or is it he took your job?

Hoyt: Is this the reason you had me come here, to answer you pathetic little questions Cornette? If so, I am leaving right now…

Cornette: No Lance, I wouldn’t think of it. You see I know you and Roode both are signed up for that Battle Royal at Bound for Glory, but I feel that won’t settle your differences, because both of you could, dare I say, lose, so I have come up with a little match. Seeing is how Robert Roode will be back next week, I have set up a one on one match between you two for next week, a couple days before Bound for Glory…

Hoyt: Is that the best you can do Cornette, I got to tell you, ever since I showed my outs, you have lost your touch…

Cornette: You didn’t let me finish Hoyt, because your match next week will have a stipulation. You see, whoever wins next week will have the final entry into this little Battle Royal at Bound for Glory, giving you the best chance out of everyone that night to get that World Title Opportunity.

Hoyt: Well Jim, here I thought you lost your touch, well I guess I will be seeing you next week right?

Cornette: Yes Mr. Hoyt, I will be seeing you next week, because there is another stipulation I forgot to mention…

Hoyt: What would that be?

Cornette: I will be special guest referee…so good luck next week, because you sure as hell will need it.

Chris Harris’ music hits as the Wildcat comes to the ring.

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump returns to TNA Wrestling after his brief legal situation a month and a half ago.

Chris Harris vs. Scott Steiner

Steiner pumps his arms flexing trying to intimidate Harris, but Harris doesn’t move a muscle. Both men walk into the center of the ring and stand face to face. Steiner laughs and then demolishes Harris with a huge clothesline. Harris gets up, but Steiner connects with another huge clothesline. Harris gets up yet again, but Steiner connects with a scoop body slam. Steiner pulls out the push ups bobbing up and down next to Harris. Steiner mounts on top of Harris and connects with huge shots. Steiner bends down and grabs him by the neck and pulls him up showing his strength. Steiner kicks Harris in the gut and whips him towards the turnbuckles, but Harris counters and whips Steiner sternum first into the turnbuckles. Steiner bounces back and Harris grabs him by the head and tights and sends him out of the ring between the second and third rope.

AJ Styles appears out of the tunnel watch Harris’s match.

Harris grabs Steiner’s head, but Steiner elbows him in the gut and takes Harris’ head and slams it off the steel steps. Steiner bear hugs him and rams Chris Harris spine first into the steel ring post. Steiner whips Harris into the barricades, but Harris counters and whips Steiner back into the steel ring post head first. Harris grabs Steiner and whips him towards the barricade, but Steiner counters and whips Harris into the guard rail. Steiner grabs a chair out of the audience.

Tenay: Oh Lord! It’s like déjà vu all over again Don! This is how Scott was suspended the first time!

Steiner backs up a little and makes a running attempt to smack the chair across Harris’s skull, but Harris gets his boot up and kicks the chair into Steiner’s skull. Scott doesn’t fall but stumbles a little then Harris connects with a huge spear! Steiner crashes down and the chair goes flying towards the ramp. Harris gets on top of Steiner and connects with several shots to the head busting Big Poppa Pump open. AJ runs down the ramp and grabs the chair. Harris doesn’t see AJ since his back is facing the Phenomenal One. Harris gets up and sees AJ with the chair up right as he was about to swing it and Harris kicks AJ in the midsection and hurls AJ into the steel ring steps. Harris turns around and Steiner clocks him with a big boot. Steiner whips Harris into the ring. Steiner pumps his arms and locks in the Steiner Recliner. The ref sees Harris fading and calls for the bell.
WINNER: Scott Steiner

Tenay: The odds were totally stacked against Harris, I am not surprised the Big Bad Booty Daddy picked up the win!

Steiner keeps the Steiner Recliner locked in as AJ comes into the ring. Steiner releases and AJ Styles shakes his hand then Steiner walks up the ramp. AJ picks Harris up and nails him with the Styles Clash. Styles stands up and laughs at his accomplishment.

Tenay: AJ Styles has definitely sent his message to Chris Harris! I can’t imagine what frame of mind this adds to Styles’ already pompous persona!


VIDEO: History Between Jerry Lynn and Kevin Nash

Tenay: Yes Don, it is confirmed, Jerry Lynn, the X-Division Pioneer, will compete against Big Sexy Kevin Nash at Bound for Glory, last week Nash accepted Lynn’s challenge, and now it will be what it is being called an “Who Made the X-Division?â€￾ You’re Fired! Match! The Winner will officially be named the true X-Division Pioneer while the loser will be fired!

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes to the ring.

: Well Kurt said earlier tonight he would call out Jeff Jarrett about the 6 Sides of Steel: Angle-Jarrett III at Bound for Glory, I can’t wait to see if Jarrett will show!

Angle: I have waited all night for this, and I plan on taking advantage. Let’s see now, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett, the two most historic icons in the history of TNA Wrestling. Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett, the two men who have had one hell of a smash mouth rivalry together, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett, the two men who most definitely have a score to settle. Let’s get one thing straight. Jeff, the scoreboard reads one to one. You won the first match, I won Falls Count Anywhere, we are now on the final chapter Jeff, the final chapter of Angle and Jarrett. This time, you cannot weasel your way out of this, skip over me and jump into the title picture, it’s not about titles Jeff, if it could it probably would, but it’s about nothing but respect now, you and me have a score to settle, so Jeff get your ass out here now!

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes down the ramp.

: Well Kurt, I am honored for such the honored and glamorous introduction, you were so confident I wouldn’t show, sorry to rain on your little parade Kurt, but I am here, same circumstances at Bound for Glory. I am not afraid of the 6 Sides of Steel just like you are. That doesn’t scare me, you don’t scare me.

Angle: Well Jarrett, looks like we got that out of the way. I don’t fear you, and you don’t fear me. Jeff, listen, when I said it wasn’t about titles; I wasn’t telling the whole truth. You and me, we run on being TNA World Champion, you know it and I know it. In order to get any closer to that TNA World championship, one of us will have to step down, and that’s where this “6 Sides of Steelâ€￾ really comes in at. Are you following?

Jarrett: Hell Kurt, hell yea I am following. Are you proposing that only one man will be able to walk out of that steel structure at Bound for Glory?

Angle: That’s exactly what I am freakin’ talking about. Nothing is going to stop me from tearing your limbs off and breaking your damn ankle. Jeff, I am telling you right now that I am not going to be responsible for what I am going to do to you at Bound for Glory…

Jarrett: Hell Kurt, you are really scaring me now, what’s next, are you going to dress up like a ghost and pop out from the bushes, it is that time of year you know. Kurt, the King of the Mountain will do whatever he damn pleases in the cage even if that means putting you on the shelf, if it means becoming TNA World Champion. You screwed me out of my shot at the belt…

Angle: You screwed me out of the damn title you son of a bitch!

Angle runs and takes Jarrett down and delivers straight shots to the skull. Angle grabs Jarrett’s ankle and slaps on the Ankle Lock. Security rushes the ring and separates the two.

: It has broken down here on iMPACT! We’ll see you next week when…wait, something is happening backstage…


The Naturals are seen in the parking lot both sent through a table each. The camera turns towards the left and it shows Team 3D laughing. Brother Ray puts his arm around Brother Devon and both walk towards their truck.

: Don! Those are the Naturals! Team 3D have just taken out the TNA World Tag Team Champions, plus the number one contenders!

West: It looks like Team 3D weren’t patient with negotiations. What is going to happen Mike?!?!?


TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals

X-Division Championship
Christopher Daniels* defends against "Black Machismo" Jay Lethal

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?â€￾ You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)


Best Match: MCMG/XXX

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: Sting's opening promo

Worst Promo: Cornette/Hoyt

Comments: Another great show XBA, I was wondering if you were still alive because the thread was a little slow...then I see the show posted, I can't wait for BFG...I'm gonna blow my brains out because of the wait lol

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: MCMG/Triple X

Worst Promo: n/a

Best Promo: Jarett/Angle

Worst Promo: Cornette/Hoyt

Additional Feedbacks: Once again, another great show, good things are shaping up for BFG and I can't wait for it.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: Douglas/Brown Vs Raven/Abyss
WM: If any it would be Steiner/Harris

BP: Angle/Jarrett
WP: Young/Hoyt. I found it interesting still though...

Additional comments: To be honest it was a great show but it didn't live up to my expectations. I was ok with the promo's but you only had 3 matches and none of them were that long but BFG is shaping up to be great! :)


Best Match: MCMG/Triple X

Worst Match: None really, but if I had to pick, Id say Shane Douglas and Monty Brown vs. Raven and Abyss

Best Promo: Jarrett/Angle

Worst Promo: N/A

Overall Rating: 9/10

Comments: Well, this was prolly not one of your best shows of all time, but definetly not horrible. Im saddened to not see Cage or Hardy on the show, but still a good job in continuing that. Great job on the Angle/Jarrett rivalry as well. Hope Angle kicks his ass. And finally, please, PLEASE, whatever you do, dont put the belt on Joe. I beg you. LOL, good show as always though. :good:

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: MCMG/Triple X - kick ass match man, I would have loved to have watched it.

Worst Match: Shane Douglas match, I hate him

Best Promo: Jarrett/Angle - I truly marked out for this, this is a well written feud

Worst Promo: N/A

Overall Rating: 8/10

Comments: Good show, you have lots of well-written segments, including jarrett/angle which is a friggin awesome feud. God matches this week too.



Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
In one of the biggest weeks in TNA Wrestling History, the final stop on the Road to Bound for Glory comes to you LIVE! this Thursday as TNA iMPACT! comes to you only on SpikeTV! As Bound for Glory approaches rivalries will come to a head in a big way! The biggest rivalry in TNA History is the Bound for Glory main event as Samoa Joe and the TNA World Heavyweight Champion Sting. Last week, Samoa Joe was not in the iMPACT! Zone and Sting had some interesting things to say, but come this Thursday the Samoan Submission Machine, and Number One Contender, will be in the ring, let alone in action. In the history of iMPACT! there is no main event greater than the main event this Thursday. Spark will fly as rivals will clash in the ring at the same time. This Thursday, on the brink of Bound for Glory, the TNA World Champion Sting will team up with the Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle and the Wildcat Chris Harris to take on the Number One Contender for the TNA World Championship, the Samoa Submission Machine Samoa Joe, the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett, and the Phenomenal AJ Styles! Tune into iMPACT! this Thursday to not miss a beat as we draw closer to Bound for Glory this Sunday night!


Main Event:
Sting, Kurt Angle, and Chris Harris vs. Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarrett, and AJ Styles

Monty Brown vs. Abyss

Winner Getting Final Entry in the Bound for Glory Battle Royal
Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode (Jim Cornette as Special Guest Referee)

Will Team 3D be named TNA World Tag Team Champions after destroying the Naturals and Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy?

Jerry Lynn talks about “Who Made the X-Division?”

Now that Jay Lethal has the Motor City Machine Guns behind him, the sides are even between him and Triple X, what’s next?

Scott Steiner will be LIVE! in the iMPACT! Zone

Plus Much More!

TNG: Total Non-Stop Gossip :
Bound for Glory is expected to be a major success due to ticket sales and the fanfest festival in Chicago all week long so far, it is predicted to be the biggest TNA event financial wise as well as in terms of size.


Great Preview....I'm really looking forward to Brown/Abyss. That should be a kick ass match

DANTE savage

Sep 19, 2007
Reaction score
awesome preview, you are the heavyweight champ of BTB, I am now dedicated to reading each show and can't wait for Bound For Glory.

Sting, Kurt Angle, and Chris Harris vs. Samoa Joe, Jeff Jarrett, and AJ Styles

Abyss Vs. Monty Brown

Winner Getting Final Entry in the Bound for Glory Battle Royal
Lance Hoyt(I hope) vs. Robert Roode (Jim Cornette as Special Guest Referee

would be much appreciated if ya could check out my BTB man



TNA iMPACT! Final Week: Before Bound for Glory Summary

Due to the SpikeTV SCREAM AWARDS, TNA iMPACT! was cancelled, here is the news and happenings as we head off to Bound for Glory this Sunday! Keep in mind this iMPACT! will air this Saturday night on Spike at 10/9 ct followed by Road to Glory 2007, a half hour program highlighting the best that this year’s Bound for Glory has to offer.

Jim Cornette refereed Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode to see who would get the final spot in the Bound for Glory Battle Royal. After a huge onslaught by Robert Roode, Jim Cornette wanted to put the exclamation mark on Lance Hoyt by getting a chair. He put it down and turned his back so there would be no DQ if he didn’t see it. Roode picked up the chair but Hoyt cracked him with a big boot sending the chair into his face. Cornette overjoyed with happiness after the sound of the chair shot, Lance covered him, and without knowing Cornette counted 1…2…3! Lance Hoyt got the victory, the final spot in the Battle Royal, and the last laugh on Cornette and Roode.

Jerry Lynn summarized his whole career and proclaimed that this is the biggest match and means everything to him, not only will he lose what he built, the X-Division, but he will also lose his job, Jerry knows that it won’t be easy, but he will try his best like always.

Motor City Machine Guns and Jay Lethal were backstage when the X-Division champion Christopher Daniels came from behind and wanted to talk to Lethal alone. He said that the games are over and as long as Triple X would promise not to interfere with the X-Division title match at Bound for Glory, Motor City Machine Guns would do the same. They agreed and shook hands, but Daniels kept the grip and pulled Lethal in and had one final epic staredown.

Monty Brown has been Black Hole Slammed by Abyss for several weeks, and this week was no different, after a long fought battle, the match resulted in Abyss once again Black Hole Slamming Monty Brown for the win. Afterwards Shane Douglas came out and started beating up Abyss, but Raven came out causing Brown and Douglas to retreat.

Team 3D came into Jim Cornette’s office assuming they would be named TNA World Tag Champions, but Jim Cornette didn’t like their attitude and said that they were impressive in taking out both the champs and the challengers, so the match at Bound for Glory will be the TNA World Tag Team Championships Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage vs. the Naturals and Team 3D in a 3 way match for the gold.

In the main event Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, and Samoa Joe took on Kurt Angle, Sting and Wildcat Chris Harris. Mid stream in the match, Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett once again brawled their way out of the iMPACT! Zone leaving AJ, Joe, Harris, and Sting off in the match. Behind the ref’s back came none other than Scott Steiner to take out the Wildcat. He and AJ Styles beat Chris Harris up and down the iMPACT! zone stands leaving Joe and Sting to fend for themselves. In what was said to be the greatest meeting in iMPACT! history, it was indeed Samoa Joe who made Sting tap out to the Kokina Clutch.


TNA World Championship
Sting* defends against Samoa Joe

6 Sides of Steel
Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against the Naturals and Team 3D

X-Division Championship
Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels

Monster’s Ball
Shane Douglas vs. Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown

AJ Styles vs. Chris Harris

“Who Made the X-Division?” You’re Fired! Match
Jerry Lynn vs. Kevin Nash

15 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Getting a World Title Shot Whenever He Wishes)


Damn it Spike TV. Fuck the SCREAM Good summary and I can tell BFG will be great. I hate to say this, but GO STING!!! :p


Aww fuck the Scream awards...trash the awards TNA style....with some drunk driving by Kurt j/k, but I can't wait for iMPACT....expect a review from yours truly.