Mood Request Thread

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hey mike whats going on? good btb as always, just gonna leave this here

Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal* vs. “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn

Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Havent reviewed in awhile because I havent had time but I will read and review No Surrender. Its hard to do picks cause I havent read a show from you in a bit, but by how you book, Ill make some picks.

Sting over Angle
Samoa joe
Cage and Hardy
Jeff Jarrett
Christopher Daniels
Raven and Rhino


New Member
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
5 stars very well done i am a big fan of TNA so i love your storys and matchs.

Check out my UWF


The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
No Surrender looks great, heres my predictions.
Sting defends against Kurt Angle

Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal
vs. “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn

Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas



VIDEO: Highlights of all of the competitors in the Bound For Glory Gauntlet match for the Number One Contender to the TNA World Champion at Bound For Glory.

Pyros go off as the No Surrender Theme plays and SoCal Val blows a kiss.

Tenay: Welcome everyone to TNA No Surrender, we are here LIVE! in the iMPACT! Zone with a worldwide audience, Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside for what is looking to be one hell of a show! DE, are you ready for No Surrender?

West: Mike, up and down the card, there is not one match that I could pass up, this is a great card tonight and I can’t wait for it! I mean, Sting defends his TNA World Title against Kurt Angle, what is viewed by most as a dream match here in TNA, plus we have a Bound for Glory Gauntlet, winner getting the Spot to face the World Champion at our biggest PPV Bound For Glory next month! With so many other matches here tonight, we also can’t forget about Full Metal Mayhem, plus Ultimate X returns here tonight! I can’t wait!

Tenay: Let’s get things started!

The Naturals’ music hits as Shane Douglas and the Naturals come down the ramp.

Looks like we are having a House of Fun to start things off Mike, this has gotten very personal with these two teams! Raven and Sabu have yet to be heard from ever since the Naturals destroyed Rhino, in critical condition already, in that hospital just outside Orlando earlier this week!

Raven’s music hits as Raven and Sabu come down the ramp.

House of Fun
The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas vs. Raven and Sabu

Shane Douglas and the Naturals huddle outside the ring thinking up their game plan. Raven and Sabu look up at all the weapons suspended in mid air and Raven climbs the corner and takes down a chair and kendo stick. He gives the chair to Sabu and Raven takes the Kendo stick to the outside. Sabu sets up the chair by the ropes and runs across the ring and back catapulting off the chair onto the top rope and cross bodies on top of all 3 of the Naturals. Andy gets up and stumbles around and meets Raven outside and Raven cracks the Kendo stick across his skull. Chase gets up and moves towards Sabu, but Raven tosses the stick at Sabu. Sabu catches it and cracks it across Chase’s skull. Shane gets up and he finds himself right between Raven and Sabu. Shane gets on his knees and begs for mercy. Raven laughs and gets him by the throat. Andy and Chase get up and blindside Raven and Sabu. Chase grabs Sabu by the hair and clocks his skull off the steel steps. Andy grabs Raven and knees him in the gut and throws him into the ring. Andy sits up Raven and axe kicks him in the spine, then doubles back and axe kicks him across the chest. Andy grabs the chair and bounces off the ropes and drops the chair onto Raven’s skull, then leg drops onto the chair onto Raven’s skull. Andy covers Raven 1….2….kickout! Chase hurls Sabu into the guard rail. Chase grabs the kendo stick and cracks it across Sabu’s skull. Chase starts choking Sabu by the throat and then whips him into the ring. Raven gets up and then Andy and Chase attempt a double clothesline, but Raven ducks. The Naturals bounce off the ropes and collide with Raven who double clotheslines them. Raven gets up and yanks a chain from the suspension cables holding the weapons. Raven hurls it up in the air and then whips it across Chase’s back. Andy gets up and then Raven wraps it around his neck and starts choking him. Sabu grabs the steel chair and Raven releases the chain and Sabu throws the chair into Andy’s skull wrapping it around his head and Andy goes down. Chase gets up and Raven goes for a knee swipe while Sabu clotheslines him, nailing the double team on Chase Stevens. Raven pins Stevens 1…2…kickout! Raven goes up the turnbuckles and grabs a garbage can. Chase gets up and Raven jumps off the top rope slamming the can over Chase’s head. Raven drops the can and Sabu DDT’s Chase onto the garbage can. Sabu covers Chase 1…2…Andy dives in and breaks the count. Sabu and Andy start brawling and they go up and over the top rope. Shane Douglas gets on the apron and starts screaming at Raven. Raven goes over and grabs Shane by the collar and starts screaming at him. Chase gets up and grabs the dented up garbage can and slams it over Raven’s back. Andy low blows Sabu and drop toe holds him into the metal ring post. Andy quickly runs into the ring. Chase nails Raven again with the garbage can and then Andy and Chase nail the Natural Disaster on Raven, Chase pins Raven 1…2…3!
WINNER: Naturals

Tenay: What the? Ref, come on! Shane Douglas that rat has done it again! If he would have never distracted Raven, this match would have come out way different, the Naturals were getting destroyed the whole match!

West: Well that’s why Shane Douglas is such a useful tool ringside.

Tenay: Yes Don, you can say that again, Shane Douglas is a Tool!

The Naturals walk up the ramp as Shane walks back into the ring.

Shane: Well now, looks to me like this is the same scene I saw in that hospital! RAVEN! You lose! It’s over. We beat you at your own game, you and I have nothing left to say or do, I am going to take the Naturals to an all new height! TNA World Tag Team Champions! You, nor anyone else, can stop us now!

Shane gives a hard slap to Raven and holds his arms up in victory as he walks up the stage as well.


Jeremy Borash is backstage with The Alpha Male Monty Brown.

: Jeremy Borash backstage here with the Alpha Male Monty Brown, Monty, huge match tonight, big chance for you to headline TNA’s Biggest show of the year, your thoughts?

Brown: Jeremy, you have no idea how stoked the Alpha Male is to be at the top of the food chain my friend! The Serengeti is a happy place right now, but it would be even happier if I land myself the number one contender spot and the chance to become TNA World Champion! However I have seen and done things many can’t duplicate, hell the Alpha Male was in the Super Bowl….TWICE! I have done it all in this business in that horrible stint I had in the other crap, and the Alpha Male didn’t come here by choice, it was destiny, the law of the jungle brought me here! I cannot deny the law of the Serengeti and tonight I claim my spot, my rightful spot at the top of the TNA Food Chain!

VIDEO: Bound For Glory Chicago, IL, SOLD OUT!

Tenay: Don I still know tonight it’s a Bound For Glory Gauntlet and this match is for all the marbles, I know one man who wishes he was in that match, that’s the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett!

West: I know Mike, he will do anything to land himself in the title hunt, but Cornette wouldn’t give, so he put Jarrett in this match with a mystery opponent which last Thursday was found out that it was the one and only Monster Abyss!

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes down the ramp hesitantly.

: What the hell is going on around here? I mean I am the most decorated athlete in this company, hell, let alone the whole wrestling world! I have held gold in every single company I have ever set foot in! This company was built by me and runs through me, and Jim Cornette would sit on his fat ass and just shut me out of the title hunt, then throw me into a match with a Monster! I am the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett! If I can’t have the title nobody will!

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss comes to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

Jeff Jarrett puts a smirk on real fast and extends his hand out to Abyss to shake it in the tradition of sportsmanship. Abyss puts his arms up and then down in his signature taunt. Abyss slaps Jarrett’s hand out of the way and grabs him by the throat. Abyss hurls him by the neck into the corner. Abyss runs and clotheslines him in the corner and then whips him across the ring into another corner. Abyss charges and bull dozes Jarrett into the corner. Jarrett falls down sitting down in the corner. Abyss runs across the ring and charges at Jarrett booting him in the face catapulting Jarrett’s head far back. Abyss walks to the center of the ring and taunts Jarrett. Jarrett gets up but slides out of the ring. Abyss goes over to the top rope and tries to grab Jarrett’s head, but Jeff pulls Abyss’ head and hangs him up on the top rope. Jarrett comes back in the ring and clotheslines Abyss. Jarrett covers Abyss…kickout! Jarrett is mad he didn’t even get a one count. Jarrett sits him up and puts him in a chin lock. Abyss gets up with Jarrett still on his back locking the hold. Abyss rams Jarrett backwards into the corner breaking the hold. Abyss grabs him by the head and head butts him then whips him across the ring by the head. Jarrett bounces off the canvas and finds himself sitting up, but Abyss big boots Jarrett in the face. Abyss covers Jarrett 1…2…Abyss pulls Jarrett’s shoulders off the ground. Abyss pulls him up and whips him across the ring, Jarrett bounces off the ropes and Abyss catches him and sets him up for the Shock Treatment, but Jarrett slides out of the back. Jarrett hooks the leg and goes for the Stroke, but Abyss pops right out of it and gets him by the throat and nails a huge chokeslam on the King of the Mountain. Abyss looks at Jarrett on the mat and shakes his head. Abyss walks out of the ring. Abyss looks underneath the ring and pulls out a big black bag. The crowd goes insane that they know what’s inside the bag. Abyss comes back in the ring and dumps out the bag revealing thousands of thumb tacs. Jarrett starts crawling towards the ropes to escape the Monster Abyss. Abyss grabs Jarrett’s leg and pulls him back into the ring and then elbow drops Jarrett’s spine. Abyss gets up and grabs Jarrett by the head and whips him against the ropes and then nails a huge Black Hole Slam on Jarrett landing in the thousands of thumb tacs. Abyss covers Jarrett 1…2…3!

Tenay: Wow! Jarrett just went back first onto those tacs!

West: Abyss has defeated the King of the Mountain! That means only one thing Mike! Jeff Jarrett cannot be in the title match at Bound For Glory!

Abyss walks up the ramp and pyros go off signaling Abyss is back in business here in TNA. Jeff Jarrett is seen motionless with a million tacks stuck in him as the referees are surrounding him.


Jerry Lynn is backstage talking with Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage, the TNA World Tag Team Champion.

Yea guys I have been watching you since you guys won the straps and you guys are very impressive, especially you Jeff, you can pull things some X-Division guys can’t even do!

Hardy: Well thanks Jerry, it means a lot coming from a legend as yourself!

Cage: Hey, hey, hey, but if it wasn’t for the Instant Classic, Jeff wouldn’t be here now would he? I mean I got him in here, I literally, well, handed him the tag title…

Hardy: Handed me the tag title? Wait what?

Lynn: Hey guys, listen, to be tag team champions, one man isn’t responsible it’s a team effort and both of you make an amazing team, don’t forget that!

Cage: Yea sorry Jeff, forget what I said, we have a huge match tonight let’s not forget that it’s Full Metal Mayhem!

Kevin Nash walks into the scene.

Jeff, Christian, mind if I have a minute with Jerry Lynn?

Cage: Nah, Kev, go right ahead let me just get out of your way…

Lynn: What the hell do you want Nash, I thought Cornette didn’t even want you in the building tonight!

Nash: Jerry listen, just listen, for all those things I have done to you in the past I am truly, truly sorry, I mean those amazing beat downs that I dealt you from the incredible physique as of mine, I just want to say that it was a bad move by myself, for that I am sorry, will you except my apology?

Lynn: You mean, you are just dropping this? You and me, over? Just like that?

Nash: So will you except my apology?

Lynn: Well…yea Kev, it’s all good man…

Nash: Thanks Jerry, I just came here tonight to tell you that, you got a big match to get to and I am pretty much done here, that’s all I wanted to say…

Lynn: Umm, yea, sure I got to go get ready…

Lynn walks away.

: Yea, go get them out there!

Nash’s smirk turns to look of mischief as Jerry walks down the hall.

VIDEO: History of Ultimate X.

Tenay: Don, TNA is the only company that you can see the most innovative matches in wrestling today, and one of those matches are especially Ultimate X! Four steel posts around the ring with cables forming a huge X above the ring with the X-Division belt in the middle, there’s nothing else like it! Coming up next Black Machismo Jay Lethal will defend his X-Division gold, the same belt he has had since Slammiversary, against Senshi, Jerry Lynn, and Christopher Daniels!

Jay Lethal’s music hits as the X-Division Champion Jay Lethal comes to the ring.

Senshi’s music hits as the Warrior comes to the ring.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the Fallen Angel makes his way down the ramp.

Jerry Lynn’s music hits as the X-Division Pioneer comes to the ring.

X-Division Championship
Ultimate X
Black Machismo Jay Lethal* vs. Senshi vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Jerry Lynn

All four men circle around the ring separately. Daniels walks over the Lethal and tries to make an alliance. Lethal and Daniels scream at on another and then Senshi walks over to both of them and start screaming he is in the match as well. Senshi shoves both men, but they still argue amongst themselves. Lynn comes from behind and backdrops Senshi. Lynn runs up the corner and onto the metal post. Lethal and Daniels spot him and run after him. The grabs a leg each and powerbomb him to the canvas. Daniels runs up the corner and onto the metal structure, but Lethal pulls him back down by the tights. Daniels pushes Lethal and starts screaming at him once again. Lynn gets up crouching low to the ground and Senshi bounces off the ropes and jumps off Lynn’s back and double dropkicks Lethal and Daniels sending them over the top rope. Senshi jumps onto the ropes and climbs the steel beams. He gets to the top and is about to move across the cables, but Jerry Lynn runs over to the corner and scales it. Lynn grabs Senshi’s boot and drags him down and Senshi drops and gets hung up on the ropes groin first. Lethal and Daniels are duking it out outside and Lynn jumps from the top of the steel beam cross bodying onto Daniels and Lethal. The crowd starts chanting TNA! TNA! TNA! Jerry Lynn comes up and smiles at the fans who are showing their utmost respect for him. Senshi bounces off the ropes and baseball slides Jerry Lynn. Senshi grabs Lynn and whips him into the ringpost, but Lynn counters last minute and whips Senshi into the post instead. Lynn runs into the ring and scales the steel posts. Daniels whips Lethal into the steel steps and runs up an adjacent post. Lynn gets to the top and dangles from the cable and makes his way to the center. Daniels dangles from the cables and moves out as well. Daniels kicks his legs up and kicks Lynn. Lynn almost loses his grip, but hangs on and kicks Daniels back. Daniels swings his legs onto Lynn’s shoulder looking for a Hurricurana, but Lynn lets go and powerbombs Daniels down to the mat from the cables. Lethal gets up and scales the structure now. He goes up, but Lynn meets him in the corner. Lynn grabs him and sets him up for a powerbomb and powerbombs Lethal from the corner onto the mat. Lynn goes up once again to the top and grabs the cable and goes to get the gold. Senshi emerges on the apron and springboards off the top rope and connects with a flying forearm on Lynn, knocking him to the mat. Lethal and Daniels get up at the same time exchanging blows as they rise. Lethal kicks him in the gut and bounces off the ropes and gets a running swinging neckbreaker. Lethal begins to climb to the steel to retain his belt. Lethal gets to the cables and begins to maneuver out to the center. Lynn and Daniels nod to one another and grab each of Lethal’s leg and pulls him down from the cables, Lethal lands doing the splits on the mat as the fans go crazy. Senshi bounces off the ropes and gets a flying double clothesline on Daniels and Lynn. Senshi gets up and the fans are booing him. Senshi goes to the corner and climbs up the steel. Senshi grapevines his legs around the cable and begins to move towards the belt. Jay Lethal climbs to the top rope and jumps towards Senshi grabbing him by the ribs. Lethal swings from Senshi while Senshi tries desperately to hold his and Lethal’s weight. Jerry Lynn runs up the corner and onto the cable as fast as he can and begins to crawl towards the belt. Daniels gets up and grabs Lethal’s legs and sets him up for a powerbomb. Lethal tries so hard to hang onto Senshi, but he breaks and Daniels gets the powerbomb. Senshi is inches from the belt but all of his strength is depleted from holding on to the rope. Lynn swings himself on top of the cables and sit atop for a few seconds before wrapping his legs around the cable and hangs upside down from the cable. He grabs Senshi’s head form and sets him up for a diamond cutter and nails it releasing himself from the cable and dragging Senshi down headfirst. The fans are so loud the walls are shaking in the iMPACT! Zone. Daniels gets on top of the turnbuckle and nails the BME on Jay Lethal. All men are down at this point. Jerry Lynn pops up and the fans are chanting JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! Lynn climbs the turnbuckles and gets on the cable and moves out, everyone is down and the title seems to be in the palm of his hand.

Kevin Nash runs down the ramp with a steel chair in hand.

: Kevin Nash?!?!? What the hell! I thought he was leaving No Surrender earlier!

Nash comes in and nails Lynn with a steel chair across the spine and Lynn falls off the cables crashing on the mat. Senshi gets up and hugs Kevin Nash. He is so happy he turns around and looks up at the belt, then he turns around at Nash and Nash nails him with the steel chair.

West: He just turned on Senshi! Oh my God Mike did you see that?!?!?


Nash exits the ring and walks up the ramp. Daniels gets up and looks around. Lethal gets up and is met face to face with Daniels. Lethal still a little woozy from the BME, Daniels pats Jay on the back in respect, then Daniels nails him in the gut and plants him with the Angel’s Wings. Daniels runs up the turnbuckles and up the steel, then hangs from the cables and the fans are booing harshly at Daniels and he grabs the belt.
WINNER: new X-Division Champion Christopher Daniels!

Tenay: Don the Fallen Angel is now our new X-Division Champ! Lethal’s reign has been tarnished!

Daniels sits atop the Ultimate X holding up the X-Division titlein victory as Lethal looks so disappointed watching this unfold.


Jeff Jarrett is lying stomach first on a bed in the medical room backstage where doctors are prying the tacks out of his back.

: Oww damnit, not so hard! I swear once I get out of this bed…

Leticia walks into the room with a microphone.

: Excuse me Jeff? Care to say a few words about what happened out there tonight?

Jarrett: Do I have a few words, hell I can write a War and Peace novel of what I have to say! TNA is screwing me over again and again, and this time they went too far! They won’t put me in the title hunt, they deny me of the Gauntlet spot, they put me in some crappy match at No Surrender, my opponent happens to be Abyss, I wasn’t even close to being the main event, he sent me back first into tacks, he didn’t get disqualified, and now I have no hope of being in the main event at Bound For Glory, that’s pretty much what is going through my mind here Leticia!

Leticia: Seems pretty harsh Jeff, any clue to what your next move is going to be?

Jarrett: My next move? My next move? Trust me I have been thinking long, OWWW that one hurt, and hard about my next move, and I have this to say, if I can’t be champion, no one will!

VIDEO: History of Jeff Hardy in TNA and his return to TNA in the Peepshow.


TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Sting defends against Kurt Angle

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem: TLC

Christian and Jeff Hardy defend against Team 3D

Bound For Glory Gauntlet
Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles


hey mike... good opening... heres what I think so far:

best match: Christopher Daniels winning X Div championship

worst match: N/A so far of what you wrote, and sticking with it lol

best promo: lynn/hardy/cage... really good

worst promo: n/a

ADD COMENTS: So far mike... wow... good ppv... keep it up bro... lookin forward to the finale of it


"Oww damnit, not so hard! I swear once I get out of this bed…"

^^^ROFL, thats gotta be quote of the night.

BFG in Chicago.....I wish that was happinen in real life....:(

Anyway, great X match, and Ill be doin a full review after its finished. Keep it up man


Great first part XBA.Glad you got it up and it was a hell of a read.I could post a review but there wasnt too many matches so I will wait til the end.Ultimate X was fucking nuts man.The Nash thing was weitd but great.
You really did good there,great job and Ill be reading:)

The Rated R CMStar

I will give you my full review when you post the complete show, but the opening is going great. Good job and we can start right now the count down for Bound For Glory


May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Cant wait for my second part, great X Division Match Daniels as the champ. I will be reading part 2 and I will put a review up.

Check out WWE It all Begins Again but dont bother reading the first three pages as the fourth page is the only good part.


Great First Part as always XBA, I'll be reading and review the other parts...I can't wait



Tenay: Don we were all taken by surprise when the Instant Classic Christian Cage brought back the Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy into TNA Wrestling, let alone when they won the TNA tag belts. One thing remains the same though Don, Team 3D have been hot on their case since then and tonight Team 3D could seal off the 2 weeks reign of Cage and Hardy, it’s Full Metal Mayhem time!

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come to the ring.

Christian Cage’s music hits as one half of the TNA Tag Team Champs come down the ramp.

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the other half of the TNA World Tag Team Champs comes to the ring.

TNA World Tag Team Championships
Full Metal Mayhem: TLC
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* vs. Team 3D

Jeff claps his hands to get the fans behind him and Cage. Ray screams to the fans to shut up and then all men look at the belts hanging above the ring. Devon goes and takes down Cage while Ray goes after Hardy. Devon picks Cage up and scoop slams him. Ray picks up Hardy and rams him into the corner. Ray whips Devon into Hardy, but Devon switches it up and whips Ray into Hardy bulldozing him into the corner. Devon bounces off the ropes and elbow drops Cage. Ray and Devon pick up Cage and whip him into the ropes, Cage bounces back and Team 3D lifts him up, but Cage shifts his weight and counters into a double DDT on Team 3D. Jeff Hardy climbs the top rope and springboards off the top rope springing backwards onto both members of Team 3D with a moonsault splash. Cage goes outside the ring and throws a chair inside the ring. He grabs another from under the ring and brings it in. Cage throws his chair to Jeff and picks up the second on the mat. Ray gets up and Cage smacks him with the chair, then he turns around and Jeff smacks him with the chair. Ray turns back around and Cage motions like he is going to hit him again, but Ray turns around just to run into another chairshot by Jeff laying out Brother Ray. Devon comes in and blindsides Jeff from behind. Cage goes to hit Devon with the chair, but Devon ducks and backdrops Cage. Devon grabs the chair and then throws it at Jeff Hardy knocking him down. Devon goes over to Cage and grabs him, but Cage uppercuts him. Cage lands a swinging neckbreaker on Devon, but then gets up and Ray clobbers him with a clothesline. Brother Ray slides out of the ring and grabs a ladder. He has a hard time carrying it, but puts it horizontally on the apron. Jeff gets up and baseball slides into the ladder pushing it into Ray knocking him down. Ray gets up and Hardy springboards from inside the ring into a cross body on Ray on the outside. Cage walks over and grabs a chair. He places it under Devon’s head. He then walks across the ring for the other one and signals for a con-chair-toe. He walks over to Devon, but Devon counters and grabs the chair from under his head and swings it cracking Cage in the head grounding Cage. Jeff puts the ladder on top of Brother Ray on the outside and climbs up to the top rope looking for a Swanton. Devon spots him and throws his chair at Jeff Hardy nailing him in the back and Hardy flies off the top and lands right on the steel guard rail. Brother Ray picks up the ladder and slides it into the ring. He and Devon pick it up and rams it into Christian Cage. They put the ladder down and Brother Ray slaps Devon’s chest…


Devon goes outside the ring and pulls a table out from under the ring. He slides it into the table as Brother Ray picks Cage up and nails his signature Bubba Bomb on the Instant Classic. Brother Ray slaps Devon again…


Devon goes outside while Ray sets up the table. Jeff Hardy emerges on the apron behind Brother Ray and climbs to the top turnbuckle and jumps off mid air bulldogging Ray through the table. Devon slides the table into the ring and comes into the ring. Devon runs right into a superkick by Christian Cage. Jeff Hardy runs to the outside and grabs the ladder. He slides it into the ring and sets up the ladder in the corner. Brother Ray gets up and is met with an Unprettier by Cage. Jeff climbs the ladder and Swantons onto Brother Ray from atop the ladder! Cage goes outside and grabs another table and slides it into the ring and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Devon gets up and beats up Cage he whips him into the corner hard and Cage goes down. Hardy gets up and charges at Devon, but Devon catches him and spinebusters him. Ray gets up and signals to Devon for the 3D. Devon whips him towards the ropes but on his way back running dropkicks Devon. Cage comes behind Ray and slams his head on the table. Cage goes up top onto the third rope and frog splashes onto Brother Ray through the table! Devon finally gets up and Hardy cuts him off by throwing him over the top rope. Cage slides the ladder into the middle of the ring and positions it under the belts. Cage climbs the ladder and then Hardy climbs the other side and both retrieve their belts retaining against Team 3D.
WINNER: still TNA World Tag Team Champions Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy!

Tenay: This is for everyone who thought Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy couldn’t work together as a team! They have and they have done it again keeping their tag titles!

West: This is amazing Mike, they really prove a lot of critics wrong! This blows my mind, Cage and Hardy walking out of No Surrender TNA Tag Champs!


AJ Styles and Chris Harris are talking backstage.

: Chris now listen, tonight is our big chance, I can get back in the title hunt, but you can break into the hunt for the first time in your career! This is big for both of us, but only one of us could win, so this is my plan, you listening?

Harris: Yea, I am, but let me just say first of all, I really appreciate what you have been teaching me over the past few weeks, wrestling moves and mind games, this is great stuff AJ, I just want to thank you for this!

AJ: No, Chris, thank you, ever since I was jacked out of the title hunt, you gave me a purpose, so thank you! Now back to business. My plan is…

Tenay: Wow, sounds like AJ and Wildcat Chris Harris are on the same page!

VIDEO: Highlights of the events leading up to this Gauntlet match.

West: Well Mike, this is it, it’s crunch time for these 6 following gentlemen! They all have a shot to land their number one contender spot at Bound For Glory next month to face the TNA World Champion!


-2 Men start out the match.
-Every 3 Minutes another man enters the match.
-You can only be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope.
-Final 2 participants compete and the first to make their opponent pin or submit wins.

Tenay: Let’s bring out the participants!

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Jim Cornette’s personal enforcer comes out the tunnel.

Robert Roode’s music hits as Robert Roode comes out of the tunnel.

Wow, look who is going one on one first in this match! Jim Cornette’s buddies Hoyt and Roode going head to head first here tonight!

Bound For Glory Gauntlet:
Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode
Hoyt and Roode hesitate to fight as they are the best of friends, but they shake hands and lock up. Roode gets Hoyt in a head lock, but Hoyt battles back and counters with a huge backdrop on Roode. Hoyt bounces off the ropes and goes for a leg drop, but nobody home as Roode slides out of the way. Hoyt gets up holding the back of his leg, while Roode bounces off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but modifies it and swings around for a DDT on Lance Hoyt. Roode picks Hoyt up and drags him over to the ropes. He lifts him up and tries to put him over the top, but Lance gets the best of him and then clubs him across the back and stays inside the ring. Hoyt whips Roode across the ring and on Roode’s way back Hoyt powers him over with a hip toss into an arm lock. Roode tries to power out of it and gets to his feet elbowing Hoyt in the ribs. Roode gets an arm drag on Hoyt, then Hoyt pops up and Roode clotheslines him.

3:00: Next Entrant
Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes to the ring and joins the match

Monty Brown gets in the middle of the ring and screams in ferocity. Roode looks at Brown and Brown turns around a looks at Roode. Hoyt gets up and exchanges stares with Brown then Hoyt and Roode look at Brown and start double teaming him. Hoyt holds Brown while Roode takes shots to the midsection. Hoyt spins him around and knees him in the gut. Roode and Hoyt double DDT the Alpha Male. Hoyt and Roode get up raising their arms in a premature victory stance, but Roode turns on Hoyt grabbing him by the head and tights and throwing him over the top rope.


Hoyt looks so disgusted as he walks back up the ramp and Roode waives bye to him. Brown comes from behind and whips him across the ring and nails a huge POUNCE! on the founder of Roode Inc.

6:00 Next Entrant
AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes to the ring.

Brown tries picking up Roode, but turns his attention to AJ. Styles is on the apron and springboards connecting with a Phenomenal Arm on the Alpha Male. Brown gets up and AJ dropkicks him. Roode gets up and AJ lands a standing Hurricurana on him. Brown gets up and AJ grabs him and brings him towards the ropes and tries getting the Alpha Male over. He clocks him on the back and still tries, but Monty swings his legs onto the apron and forearms AJ in the face. AJ turns around holding his face and Roode comes in and nails the Pay-Off on the Phenomenal One. Roode runs towards Brown, but Brown ducks and shoulders him in the gut through the second and third rope. Monty sets him up for a suplex on the apron. He goes for it, but Roode counters and tries suplexing Monty back in the ring. Monty counters and almost gets him over the rope, but Roode counters again and suplexes Monty back into the ring over the ropes.

9:00 Next Entrant
Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.

Joe storms in the ring and clotheslines Roode. AJ gets up and Joe Samoan Drops him. Monty gets up and stands behind Joe breathing down Joe’s neck. Joe turns around and tries to punch him, but Monty blocks and connects with a series of shots followed by a belly to belly suplex. Roode goes after Brown German Suplexing him. AJ comes over to Roode and clubs him across the back, but Roode counters and flips him over his back and AJ gets hung up on the ropes. Roode tries to get him untangled and over the rope but struggles. Hoyt re-emerges from the other side of the ring gets behind Roode and takes him over the top rope, AJ staying on the apron.

ELIMINATED: Robert Roode

Hoyt big boots Roode on the outside and then walks up the ramp to a surprising ovation.

12:00 Next Entrant
Chris Harris’ music hits as the Wildcat comes to the ring.

Harris explodes in the ring alternating punches to both Brown and Joe. Harris clotheslines Brown, then turns back around and clotheslines Joe. AJ walks over to him and signals to Brown. They pick him up and Harris nails the Catatonic on the Alpha Male. Then AJ goes up top and nails a frog splash on Brown as well. Wildcat and AJ grab Monty Brown and whips him up and over the top rope.


AJ claps his hands in amusement. They turn around and Joe runs towards them, AJ quickly ducks out of the way and Harris is left there and Joe clotheslines Harris over the top rope. Harris gets up on the outside and looks at AJ saying…

ELIMINATED: Chris Harris

Harris: AJ! What the hell happened to our pact?!?!?

Bound For Glory Gauntlet Final
AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe
AJ shrugs his shoulders at Harris and laughs as Samoa Joe delivers a straight vertical back kick to the spine grounding Styles. He covers AJ 1…2…kickout! Joe picks up AJ and hurls him back into a corner.

Tenay: He is manhandling the Phenomenal One, but who can blame him, remember that rivalry they had earlier this year, there is still bad blood between these two men!

Joe connects with a combination of hard chest chops, back hand chops, and axe kicks to decimate AJ Styles. Joe puts AJ up on top for the Muscle Buster, but AJ pushes him away. Joe wanders to the middle of the ring and AJ jumps off connecting with a missile dropkick on Samoa Joe. AJ covers Joe 1…2…kickout! AJ sits Joe up and puts him in a head lock. Joe gets up quick and drags AJ by the head sending him over his back crashing onto the mat. AJ sits up and Joe runs across the ring and gets a flying big boot to the skull of AJ. AJ gets up and stumbles around and Joe lands another Samoan Drop on AJ Styles. Joe gets up and taunts the crowd to a mixed reaction. Joe goes back to Styles, but AJ lifts his book cracking Joe in the skull. Styles pops up and gets an Insuguri on Joe. AJ goes up top and signals for the Spiral Tap. Joe springs up and hangs on the third rope dropping Styles groin first onto the top turnbuckle. Joe hurries and locks him in for the Muscle Buster and goes for it, to nail it on AJ. Joe quickly slaps on the Kokina Clutch and after a long struggle AJ Styles taps out.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

Tenay: Samoa Joe is Bound For Glory! He is going to the main event to compete for the TNA World championship!

West: I am so surprised Joe pulled out the victory! I wonder who he’s going to face next month, we’ll find out soon! As a matter in fact, the TNA World Championship match is next!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with the TNA World Champion Sting.

: Jeremy Borash backstage here with the TNA World Champion, who is about to go out into that very ring to defend his belt, yes, I am here with the Icon Sting! Stinger, larger than life match-up coming up next against the best wrestler in the world today, Kurt Angle, this is huge for you! This is the deciding title match to see who goes to Bound For Glory, you thoughts?

Sting: Jeremy, I swear we have had this conversation before, you ask me the exact same questions before every one of my title matches and I give you the same answer. However, this one is different, because Bound For Glory is on the line, and I have never faced someone with the skills as Kurt Angle, so, no, you won’t be hearing the old man speech from me here tonight! It’s No Surrender! It’s Showtime! Jeremy, can you hear those fans screaming my name? Those fans are waiting for me to step out of that tunnel and defend this belt, but, there’s also an iMPACT! Zone full of Kurt Angle fans, no disrespect intended. I am not looking at this as a title match, many people think that Kurt should be the champion, others think I am rightfully the champ, I am not here to prove to Kurt Angle that I deserve this belt, but I want all the fans to know that their champion is not slipping, their champion is not off his rocker, but their champion is as great as he ever was, or better.

JB: Well I have another question for you Stinger before you big match…Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe, as you probably seen, won the Bound For Glory Gauntlet, therefore naming him the number one contender, what are your thoughts about this matter?

Sting: I am not going to cloud my head, Jeremy, with the thought of Samoa Joe, he won, maybe I didn’t give him enough thought, but I am not going to address him right now, when I retain the title tonight, you and me have a date, this Thursday, win or lose as a matter in fact, you will get my thoughts on Samoa Joe this Thursday on iMPACT!

VIDEO: Legacies of Kurt Angle and Sting.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes down the ramp.

Sting’s music hits as the Stinger and TNA World Champion come to the ring.

: I can feel the tension! Sting wants to prove to these great fans that their champion is not a washed up old has been, he is as great as he ever was, and I for one will never count Sting out! No, not with the history I have with him!

TNA World Championship
Sting* vs. Kurt Angle

Sting and Angle step into the center of the ring and meet face to face. Sting nods to Angle and Angle nods back. The ref holds up the TNA Championship as both men look at the belt. Angle gets a quick kick to the ribs and clubs him across the back then locks him in for a German Suplex, but Sting hooks his foot countering it. He turns around and gets Angle hooked and nails a DDT on Angle. Sting puts a reverse headlock on Angle and picks him up. He swings his arm over his shoulder and goes for a suplex. Angle counters and goes for a suplex of his own, but Stinger counters as well. Sting switches it up and nails a swinging neckbreaker on the Olympic Gold Medalist. Sting covers Angle 1…kickout! Sting picks Angle up and whips him across the ring, but Angle counters and whips Sting against the ropes then nails a huge belly to belly on Stinger. Sting gets up and runs right into another belly to belly from Angle. Angle crouches down looking for another, Sting gets up and Angle hooks him a third time, but Stinger counters and sandwiches his face with his arms. Angle breaks it and Stinger dropkicks Angle’s knees grounding him. Sting bounces off the ropes and big boots Angle, who was on his knees. Sting covers Angle 1….2…kickout! Sting picks him up and puts him in the corner. Sting reins chops onto Angle’s chest one after another. He knees him in the gut and whips him across the ring, but Angle counters and whips Sting against the ropes. Sting comes back and Angle drop toe holds him and Sting hits the mat chin first. Angle quickly grabs the ankle and goes for the Ankle Lock, but Sting hurries and grabs the ropes. Angle lets go and starts pressing Sting’s head down onto the bottom rope choking him. The ref starts counting and Angle breaks the hold at 4. Angle drags him into the center of the ring and pins him 1…2…kickout! Angle picks him up and gets behind him and goes for a German, he flips him up, but Sting lands on his feet, he grabs Angle from behind and goes for the Stinger Death Drop, but Angle counters and pulls Sting’s legs from under him and flips him over and grabs his Ankle and locks in the Ankle Lock. Sting panics and is about to tap out. Sting flips over and kicks Angle away and Angle runs into the referee knocking him out. Angle turns around and tries to get the ref to his feet. Sting tries again to get behind him and get the Stinger Death Drop, but Angle counters, and spins around, he grabs him and hooks him and nails the Olympic Slam on the Stinger. He covers Sting…but the ref is still knocked out. Angle can’t believe it, he continues to fight the ref to get up while Sting is out cold.

Jeff Jarrett runs down the ramp with his back all taped up with a guitar in hand.

It’s Jarrett!!! What the blazes is he doing out here? I thought he was in pain!

Jarrett slides into the ring behind Angle and cracks him over the back with the guitar. Angle rolls in the ring in pain. Jarrett raises his guitar holding up the peace sign.

Jarrett: I told you Kurt! If I couldn’t be champion…NOBODY WOULD!

Sting rises and stares at Jarrett. Jarrett screams to pin Angle, but Sting won’t budge. He continues to scream at him. Jarrett wakes up the ref and still screams at Sting. Jarrett pushes Sting and then Sting fights back. Sting lands the Stinger Death Drop on Jarrett as the fans give him a standing ovation. Angle rises and doesn’t know what happened, and realizes he is still in the match. He attempts to blindside Sting, but Sting turns around and pulls his legs from underneath him and locks in the Scorpion Death Lock. Angle panics, the ref is in perfect position as Angle taps out.
WINNER: still TNA World Champion “The Icon†Sting!

Sting raises the belt while standing above Jarrett and Angle’s bodies.

Tenay: What a night Don! What a match! This was a true showing of what kind of champion we have! He wouldn’t let Jarrett ruin his match, so he got revenge nailing the Stinger Death Drop on Jarrett, and then locking the Scorpion on Angle to retain his title!

West: Mike I couldn’t agree more, but now we are off to Bound For Glory where as we know now it will be Sting taking on Samoa Joe! This is amazing!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Sting vs. Kurt Angle

Worse Match: AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Best Interview/Segment: Sting Interview

Worse Interview/Segment: AJ Styles/Chris Harris Segment

Additional Feedback: Sting vs. Joe at Bound For Glory should be awesome. Great show, XBA. Keep up the phenomenal work, man.


Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Belfast, Ireland
BM: Ulitimate X

WM: Jarret Abyss

BP: Jarret in the medical room

WP: Styles/Harris

Addtional: That PPV was off the charts cant wait to see what you will do for BFG