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May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Amazing preview AJ Styles against Monty Brown should be amazing, also the Angle segment will be good. Please check out my BTB TNA Going For Glory.


Nice Preview, the "Crowning" should be good lol. AJ/Brown is bound to be good. Also looking forward to what Kurt does. MCMG will probobly be put in a 3 way match. As always ill be reading/reviewing.



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Hello TNA Wrestling fans and welcome to TNA iMPACT! Mike Tenay, Don West here ringside. Don, this Sunday, TNA No Surrender on PPV, so many unanswered questions!

West: I totally agree Mike Tenay; No Surrender is shaping up to be humungous! I can relate when you say unanswered questions! I mean Jeff Jarrett will be in action, but Jim Cornette is hand picking his opponent, who can it be? Plus the new TNA World Tag Team Champions, Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy, what will their role be at No Surrender?

Tenay: Well Don, we might be ready to find out as you can see a table in the middle of the ring with the TNA World Tag Team Championships on it. I have a feeling it’s time for Team 3D to crown our new tag champs!

Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come down the ramp.

: Devon, you know why we’re here, I certainly know why we’re here, and all these pathetic excuses for fans here know why we’re here. Last week, I admit, I my move was a little premature, you see I made a little deal that if we lost our tag titles last week, me and my Brother Devon, would crown Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage new TNA World Tag Team Champions. See we come from Philly, we play by our own rules, but our rules we do keep hold of, and one is never break a promise! So, eventhough this turns out stomachs, please, Jeff, Christian, can you please come down to the ring, please?

Jeff Hardy’s music hits as the TNA World Tag Team Champions Jeff Hardy and Christian Cage come to the ring.

: Well now, with all these decorations and that beautiful gold on the table there, looks like a little party going on around here huh Jeff?

Hardy: Looks to me like you are right Christian my man…

Ray: Yea, yea, yea, cut the crap Christian; don’t humiliate us more than we won’t already be after tonight! Listen, Christian, Jeff, I have to say something right here and right now. Just because me and my brother are going to crown you new TNA World Tag Team Champions here tonight doesn’t mean that we won’t be riding up your asses to get them back! Just because we have a little rematch clause in both of our contracts, we are going to do it a little like this. After we “crownâ€￾ you guys, you better hold onto those belts, because you won’t have them much longer. Devon, we never really got a chance to talk about this, so I was thinking, when would you like our little rematch with Sigfreed and Roy?

Devon: Well, Brotha, I happen to be free Sunday night…

Ray: My sentiments exactly. I might have to check my calendar, but trust me, I can open it up to kick you two guys’ asses any day of the week.

Cage: Did you come out here and yap your gums jiggling your neck fat everywhere or did you come to put the strap around the Instant Classic and the Charismatic Enigma? Ray, because it looks to me like you just came from the buffet, because you aren’t really in that sort of a rush, if you haven’t eaten yet, trust me, your fatass wouldn’t even be here right now…

Ray: Ha, ha, ha, pretty funny Captain Charisma, whatever the hell that means, and for your information, yea I did eat, and would you please cut it with the fat jokes damnit!

Cage: Alright, looks like I touched a nerve, or in your case an artery…anyways…let’s get this little party started shall we?

Brother Ray and Brother Devon grab the belts off the table and pause and look at their former tag titles. Ray looks at the crowd and they are booing 3D out of the building. Cage is hysterical in laughter and Jeff smiles. Cage puts his arms up and points to his waist.

: Put my damn belt around this gorgeous waist monkies!

Brother Ray is the first to put on the gold around Cage’s waist. He slips it around him and snaps it in the back. He tells Devon to do the same. Devon goes to put it around Jeff, but pauses.

: Devon, just put the belt around him…

Devon smiles then spins Hardy around and Devon nails Hardy in the skull with the championship gold. Cage turns around and Ray lays out the Instant Classic. Devon rips the table clothe off the table.

: Devon!!!...Get another table!

Devon runs outside and gets a table from underneath the ring and sets it up. Devon goes in and picks up Jeff Hardy and Team 3D 3D’s him through the table. Cage tries to escape, but Devon pulls him by the tights and gets him up and Team 3D sends him through the second table.

: Yea, Cage, that’s how you roll huh? What’s that Jeff? Sad you didn’t jump off a ladder tonight? Well stick that in your juice box and suck it! Well, it isn’t that bad Jeff, because even though you are lying unconscious on the mat right now, you will probably hear this one. Our little rematch at No Surrender, well it’s not your normal match. I believe TNA calls it a “Full Metal Mayhemâ€￾ match? Well, from where we come from, we call it a TLC, Tables…Ladders…and chairs!!! Hey Sigfreed and Roy, don’t bother picking yourselves up, because you’ll be laying flat on your backs this Sunday…


Tenay: Oh Don, did you hear that? Full Metal Mayhem at No Surrender! That sure answered our questions!

West: Mike this is unbelievable!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Samoa Joe.

Jeremy Borash here with the Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe. Joe, huge match coming up tonight, you will be taking on Jim Cornette’s tandem of Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode, some are calling it the Hard Justice rematch, your thoughts?

Joe: My thoughts Jeremy? Once again JB wants to get into the mind of Samoa Joe, well you know what there’s a little too much traffic going on up there at the moment. You see, TNA won’t stop putting the screws on good old Samoa Joe. They screwed me out of titles, they screwed me out of title shots, they put me through unimaginable pain, Sting tells me I am immature, I have a huge match at No Surrender, and they keep sending you to chase me down and trying to get my thoughts, which they love hearing so much, is there a problem there JB? Yes, I think there is! So I think you can understand that I am a little preoccupied at the moment…

JB: Well Joe, I just wanted to get your views on the Bound For Glory Gauntlet at No Surrender!

Joe: The Gauntlet match, that’s all you wanted Jeremy? Are you going to cry? Well let’s get one thing straight, win or lose this Sunday, I will be the main event at Bound For Glory one way or the…

Jeff Jarrett walks in and interrupts Samoa Joe.

: Excuse me Joe? Did you say you were going to be in the main event at Bound For Glory, well that’s pretty funny because I don’t see you in it other than if you would be the one across from me in that ring.

Joe: Jeff, you actually think you are title worthy? Jim Cornette must be playing you like a fool too, Jeff, you lost match after match, and you think Cornette is going to make it that easy for you to get back into the title hunt? Don’t think so Jeff.

Jarrett: Well, Joe, you can play your little Samoan Mind Games, but I got another meeting with the boss, so I got to jet over there, if you still want to talk, meet me after the show, because I just don’t have the time for you now…Glad talking to you gentlemen, Borash, next time I see you, do me a favor and get a real suit!

Jarrett walks away.

: Well Jeremy, if both of us are right, you just might see Jarrett-Joe at Bound For glory, but I doubt that, I highly doubt that one…

Joe walks away


Tenay: Well Don, this Sunday at No Surrender, we will have the most innovative match in pro wrestling today, that’s right, it’s the return of Ultimate X!

West: Yes Mike, this Sunday at No Surrender, Jay Lethal will defend his X-Division Championship against not just one, not just 2, but 3 other men! Jay Lethal will take on Senshi, Christopher Daniels, and Jerry Lynn, the X-Division Pioneer! This is incredible! However, tonight we will get a little preview, next up is Jay Lethal vs. Senshi vs. Christopher Daniels! Jim Cornette has given Jerry Lynn the night off after the assaults by Kevin Nash that he has been suffering for weeks. With that said, let’s get to the action!

Senshi’s music hits as the Warrior comes down the ramp with Kevin Nash by his side.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the Fallen Angel comes to the ring.

Black Machismo’s music hits as the X-Division champion Jay Lethal comes to the ring.

Jay Lethal vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash

Jay Lethal and Daniels start talking to each other and Senshi wants in, but Daniels throws him aside. They point at Senshi like they are going to attack him. Senshi runs in but Daniels and Lethal double clothesline him. Lethal covers Senshi 1…but Daniels taps him on the shoulder and Lethal gets up. They start arguing. Senshi gets up and double dropkicks them both. Daniels flies over the top rope. Senshi goes to work on Lethal and sits him up in the corner. He launches himself up using the top rope then jets himself down dropkicking Lethal in the corner. Senshi pulls him up and whips him across the ring and gets a leg drag on Lethal. Daniels gets up on the top rope and cross bodies onto Senshi, but in landing, Senshi shifts the weight into a pin on Daniels 1…2….kickout! Lethal gets up and pushes Daniels over and hammers Senshi across the back and connects with a Russian Leg Sweep. Daniels runs over to Lethal and hurls him between the 1st and 2nd ropes. Daniels goes to work on Senshi. He picks him up and gets a spinning backbreaker on Senshi pinning him 1…2…kickout! Daniels picks him up and swings him across the ring. He bounces off the opposite side charging at Senshi and nails a flying clothesline on him. Daniels picks up Senshi, but on the opposite side of the ring Lethal appears on the apron. He springboards off the top rope and double missile dropkicks Daniels and Senshi, this time Senshi gets catapulted out of the ring. Lethal and Daniels get up at the same time. Lethal puts his hand out for Daniels to shake it, Daniels pauses and then finally shakes his hand and they lock up. Daniels gets a headlock on Lethal, but Jay pushes him towards the ropes and gets a standing Hurricurana on Daniels into a pin 1…2…kickout! Lethal puts a double arm to chin lock on Daniels in the middle of the ring. Senshi appears in back of Lethal and gets a beautiful axe kick right to the spin of Lethal. He dives over Lethal’s back landing a leg drop on Daniels into a pin 1…2…kickout! Lethal goes for a clothesline, but Senshi ducks and hooks his arms down to the mat for a pin 1…2…kickout! Daniels gets up and bulldogs Senshi then nails an insuguri on Lethal. Daniels signals for the BME on Senshi. He goes up top, but Nash appears with a chair in hand on the apron and distracts both the ref and Daniels. Nash freaks out and throws the chair and hurls it into the ring. Senshi grabs it and shoots it right into Daniels spine. Senshi slides the chair out of the ring and Daniels tumbles down the corner. Senshi goes up for the Warrior’s Way. Lethal runs up the turnbuckles and interrupts Senshi. He backdrops Senshi off the top turnbuckle and Senshi crashes on his back. Lethal gives a straight kick to Nash knocking him off the apron and Lethal is confused who to hit the elbow on. He pauses and doesn’t know. Senshi is farthest from Lethal and Daniels is right in front of him. He launches and decides to nail Senshi with the Elbow pinning him 1…2….3!
WINNER: Jay Lethal

Tenay: Great win by Jay Lethal! I was a little worried, because of the miscommunication between Lethal and Daniels, I would have thought he would nail the elbow on Daniels, but he made the right decision in my mind Don!

West: Yes, Mike Tenay, he really showed respect for Daniels here, and he also socked it to Kevin Nash, even his little tricks couldn’t stop our X-Division Champ! Just wait until No Surrender when Jerry Lynn comes into the mix, we might see a new X-Division champ!

Jay Lethal goes over to help Daniels. Daniels welcomes to sympathy and raises Lethal’s hand in victory.


Leticia is backstage with the Alpha Male Monty Brown.

I am here with the Alpha Male Monty Brown who tonight will go one on one with the Phenomenal AJ Styles in our main event his evening. Monty what are your thoughts on this huge match tonight?

Brown: Well Leticia when you are trying to survive in the Serengeti, you have to step up to the plate a lot. You need to sit right on top of that food chain to get through to the next day. When that next day comes you have to do it all over again, just to keep your spot! The Alpha Male has been waiting a long time ever since coming back to TNA to get his title shot and I am closer than ever. However, I have to jump one more hurdle before getting to the golden temple of treasure deep in that jungle, and that hurdle is AJ Styles! See Leticia, it’s just like fending for yourself in the Seregeti, the Alpha Male must do what he has to do day by day to stay on top of that food chain, and today AJ is trying to pull me off the top. Well, now, what does the Alpha Male have to do to stop this little field mouse? Well, I have to give him a PPPOOOUUUUNNCEEEEE!!!!!...Period! And that’s what’s up.


VIDEO: Shane Douglas and the Naturals are walking from their car in a parking lot. The camera turns to the sign that says Orlando Hospital.

Douglas: Well boys, here we are.

Stevens: Shane, what the hell are we doing here? I mean if I wanted to visit a hospital, I would have visited my grandma…

Douglas: Damnit Stevens, are you that dense? Don’t you know who is here? This is where Raven and Sabu’s good pal Rhino is! Don’t you two remember the vicious beating that only my boys could have handed out to Rhino? Of course you do, we smashed his throat with that chair on iMPACT! Well, now, I just thought we would pay him a nice little visit. Raven and Sabu want to play games, well I couldn’t think of a better move…

The camera moves in Rhino’s room in the hospital and the nurses are trying to hold back Shane and the Naturals, but Andy and Chase shove them out of the room and close the door.

: Well, well, well, hey looks guys it’s Rhino! How you feeling War Machine, they treating you nice here? Aw look Andy, he got a picture of his family right here by the window, aw look at your daughter, she wants daddy to come home soon probably doesn’t she? Yea…too bad she is going to have to wait awhile!

Shane Douglas clocks the picture across Rhino’s skull. And the Naturals start beating the crap out of him. Shane grabs the cord from his IV and chokes him with it.

: yea, you like that you bastard? Huh? Answer me Bitch! Chase get him!

Chase gets on top of the bed and mounts punches on top of Rhino.Andy Douglas finds a small doctor’s mirror and runs and breaks it over Rhino’s face busting him wide open.

: Damn Andy, kind of violent don’t you think, damn with all the blood and what not, come on, don’t you know his daughter is probably watching?

A Douglas: Well Sorry Shane, I didn’t find anything wrong with it…

Douglas: You know what? Me neither!

The Naturals and Shane Douglas go on one side of the hospital bed and flip it over, Rhino crashing on the floor in a pool of his own blood.

: Ha, Ha, hey guys, think we sent a message to Raven and Sabu?

Stevens: Shane, they definitely got the message.

Tenay: Oh, my Lord! How can they do that to a hospitalized man Don?

West: In my 5 years of being here in TNA, I thought Rhino’s first beating was bad, but come on what are you showing by beating up the man in the hospital, this turns my stomach Mike, I can’t believe this!

Tenay: Jeez, I can’t stomach Shane and the Naturals anymore this is horrible! Anyways, in an attempt to change the mood here in the iMPACT! Zone, coming up next is a Hard Justice Re-Match, Samoa Joe will take on both Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt, Jim Cornette’s, well, enforcers! Let’s take a look, I can’t believe what Shane did!

VIDEO: Highlights from Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode from Hard Justice.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Jim Cornette’s personal enforcer comes down the ramp.

Robert Roode’s music hits as the Founder of Roode INC. hits the stage along with Ms. Brooks.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes to the ring.

Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt

Lance Hoyt starts off the match. Joe just stares right through him. Hoyt goes for an early advantage with a clothesline, but Joe ducks and spins him around. He nails a combo of hard axe kicks, slaps, back hand chops, then finishes with a huge spin kick grounding the big man. Joe turns right around to Robert Roode, who was looking to ambush Joe from behind. Roode puts his leg back onto the apron and points starts talking trash to Joe. Hoyt gets up and reverse clotheslines Joe. Joe goes down and Hoyt starts stomping him to the mat. Hoyt picks up Joe by the head and starts bouncing his head off the turnbuckle in his corner. Hoyt turns Joe around and knees him in the gut slamming him into the corner. He tags in Roode and Roode and Hoyt swing Joe across the ring and attempt a double clothesline, but Joe ducks and bounces off the ropes again. Joe goes for the double clothesline on Cornette’s lackeys, but they duck this time, Joe bounces off the ropes again and Roode and Hoyt grab Joe’s legs and send him up face planting him on the mat. Roode and Hoyt grab the legs of Joe’s and swing him up and push him down on his knees. The ref tries to send Hoyt back into his corner, but Hoyt pushes the ref on his back and Hoyt and Roode just destroy Joe. Roode picks him up and whips him across the ring bounces off the ropes and Hoyt delivers a huge big boot to Joe almost knocking him out. The ref gets back up and tries to get Hoyt back in the corner and Hoyt finally gives in. Roode covers Joe 1….2…kickout! Roode can’t believe it he covers again 1…2…kickout! Roode gets him up and kicks him in the gut. He sets up for the Pay-Off, but Joe turns and slides out the back and pushes him into the referee knocking him out. Hoyt runs in and Samoa Joe nails a Samoan Drop on Hoyt. Roode gets up and Joe drop kicks him. Joe walks outside to the annoucer’s table and grabs a steel chair. He turns around and Ms. Brooks is there trying to stop him.

Tenay: Joe, don’t do it! You know what happened at Hard Justice! Joe you can’t harm a woman!

West: This is what I have been talking about Mike, this is the side of Joe no one knows about, he is hungry for that title and he wants it bad!

Tenay: Yes, but what kind of impression is this going to have on Sting, it certainly will just prove he is right! Don’t hurt Ms. Brooks Joe!

Joe looks like he is going to cream Ms. Brooks with the chair, but he pauses and pushes her out of the way and makes his way back to the ring. Ms. Brooks is relieved. She runs after Joe and gives him a low blow from behind. Roode and Hoyt run out from the ring and they all start beating up Joe. Roode picks up the chair and nails Joe right on the shoulder. Hoyt starts nailing shots on Joe’s forehead.

Sting’s music hits as the lights go out in the iMPACT! Zone.

: Lights out here in the iMPACT! Zone, is Sting here? I can’t see anything!

The lights turn back on and both Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt are knocked out. Joe gets up and doesn’t know what happened. Ms. Brooks has no clue either but looks like she is going to nail Joe with the clipboard., but Joe catches the clipboard before it could touch her. He throws the clipboard up the ramp and Ms. Brooks runs away in fear. Joe grabs Robert Roode and hurls him into the ring, then grabs Hoyt and does the same. Joe runs across the ring and backsplashes onto Robert Roode. He grabs Hoyt and puts him up on the top turnbuckle. He signals for it and then gets Hoyt up for the Muscle Buster. He nails the Muscle Buster on Lance Hot just as the ref comes to. Roode gets up, but Joe jumps on his back pulling him down and locks in the Kokina Clutch on Roode. Robert Roode has no choice, but to tap out.
WINNER: Samoa Joe

Tenay: Wow with a little help from Sting, or whatever that was, Joe seemed to pull out another victory over Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode! See, you can be championship material without destroying everything it your path Joe!

Joe stands in the ring while the ref raises his hand in victory.



Joe is running down the hallways of the iMPACT! Zone looking for Sting. He is about to pass Jeff Jarrett who is at the coffee pot, Jeff turns around and stops him.

: Hey, Joe, we have got to stop meeting like this!

Joe: Stick it Jarrett, do you know where Sting is? I need to get a hold of him!

Jarrett: Sting? You want to talk to Sting? About what? Did he just hand you a title shot and not me? What’s going on here, because he has been doing a lot of that sort of thing recently? Do you know something I don’t?

Joe: Jesus Jeff, the world doesn’t revolve around the King of the Mountain! Stop thinking so highly of yourself! I really need a word with the Stinger, if you don’t know where he is, then I have no use for you, what the hell are you doing here anyway? I thought you had a meeting to get to with Jim Cornette?

Jarrett: Ah, Joe, foolish, foolish, man that you are. While you were almost going to beat the crap out of poor defenseless Ms. Brooks out there, I was in my meeting, and just to keep you posted, since your world apparently revolves around the King of the Mountain, everything is going as planned. Jim is just going to bring in someone, probably doing a little of a job, I get the 3, I go home happy and I get my title shot before Bound For Glory, Joe I am in a perfect position right now…

Joe: Perfect position huh? Well, looks like I am not the only fool around here, good to know, now where the hell is Sting???

AJ Styles’ music hits as the Phenomenal One comes to the ring.

Tenay: Look here Don, it’s the Phenomenal AJ Styles, he will compete in the Bound For Glory Gauntlet match this Sunday, he had several shots to regain his gold, but couldn’t, let’s see if AJ could run the Gauntlet and land himself at Bound for Glory in the main event!

West: Before that of course, AJ will have to take a little side trip to the Serengeti!

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes down the ramp.

Monty Brown vs. AJ Styles

Brown and AJ meet face to face in the ring. AJ slaps Monty right on the chest and Monty doesn’t even feel it. He says this is my Serengeti and slaps AJ on the chest. AJ almost falls backwards. AJ says this is my company, I am Mr. TNA, then slaps Monty back on the chest. Monty looks like he felt something, but then pushes the Phenomenal One and AJ lands on his back as the crowd laughs. AJ backs up and tries to call time out, but Monty gives him a quick knee to the face then pins AJ 1…2…kickout! Monty picks up AJ and whips him across the ring, but AJ counters and whips Monty, but Monty counters and finally whips AJ into a corner. Monty charges and nails a shoulder thrust to the gut of AJ Styles. Monty whips AJ to a rope and goes for the Pounce, but AJ holds onto the ropes and runs out of the ring. Monty laughs and then chases after him. AJ runs around the ring and hides next to the apron out of Monty’s view. Monty comes running around and AJ plants him with a clothesline. AJ starts stomping Monty on the outside. He picks him up and drapes his arms on the barricade and begins to hard chop him. Monty counters and grabs AJ by the neck and reverses slamming AJ onto the barricade and hard chops AJ. Monty grabs AJ and whips him into the steel steps, but AJ counters and Monty crashes into the steps. AJ gets back into the ring to break the ring out count, but runs right back out and picks up Monty. AJ pulls him over to the ring and tries slamming his head on the apron, but Monty counters and slams AJ’s skull off the apron, then rams him spine first into the apron. Monty gets AJ in a bear hug and whips him left and right, then rams him into the steel ring post. The fans are fully behind Monty Brown. Monty grabs him a shoves him into the ring. Monty covers AJ 1…2…kickout! AJ tries crawling away from Brown, but Brown grabs AJ’s leg. AJ flips and then kicks Monty away. AJ gets up and nails an insuguri on Brown. AJ runs and bounces off the ropes and nails a flying spinning back elbow to the Alpha Male. AJ stares and smiles at the camera waiting for Brown to get up. Brown gets to his feet and AJ nails a beautiful Pele’! AJ covers Brown 1….2…kickout! AJ picks up Brown, but Brown nails shots to the mid section. Brown gets him locked and gets a double underhook suplex on AJ. AJ springs off the mat in pain. AJ gets up and Monty whips him across the ring and goes for the Pounce, but AJ jumps over Monty countering the Pounce. AJ has a problem and Monty has a problem stopping, but both manage. AJ turns around and kicks him in the gut and set him up for the Styles Clash. Monty counters and spins his arm and throws him into the ropes. Brown bounces off the ropes and nails the Pounce on AJ! Monty pins AJ 1…2…kickout! Brown can’t believe it. Brown picks up AJ, and AJ clocks him with a huge right. AJ smiles and thinks he has it in the bag, but Brown whips him across the ring and nails yet another Pounce, but AJ counters last minute and drops to the mat tripping Brown, Brown goes down hard. AJ goes up top and nails the Spiral Tap on Brown. AJ pins Monty Brown 1…2…3!

Tenay: What a brutal battle between AJ and Monty, that was amazing!

Samoa Joe’s music hits as the Samoan Submission Machine comes down the ramp.

: What the hell? What is Joe doing back out here? We’ll be right back!


Tenay: We are back from commercial and Joe has cleared the ring of both Monty Brown and AJ Styles, what is this about Don?

West: I don’t know Mike, Joe is unpredictable as of late!

Joe: Well, I am tired of waiting! Stinger, I tried looking for you, but suddenly you make yourself scarce after tainting my match huh? Well, this doesn’t settle with Samoa Joe, so I want you to come out of that tunnel right now!

Sting’s music hits as the TNA World Champion comes out of the tunnel.

: Alright Joe, I am here, the Stinger is here, now what the hell do you want, because I want to know why you want me, because I don’t really have anything to say to you Joe!

Joe: Well, Sting, champ, in my match earlier, after all that crap you spit at me last week, why the hell would you help me?

Sting: Well Joe…

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Champion comes to the ring.

: Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on? Seriously? Joe you chump, you come out here taking my time on this program, to talk about complete bullshit. I am a Gold Freakin’ medalist, I am the number one contender! I am going to be the next TNA World Champion, the title that I never lost! You, Joe, want to come out here and spoil my time, with your mindless dribble coming out of that fat yap of yours? Please, let the professionals get what needs to be done, finished, talk to me after I am TNA World Champion…

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

: Joe, Kurt, I don’t know if you know what’s going on backstage, but word is that neither of you will be the TNA World Champion, because I will be the next champion!

Joe: Jeff what the…

Angle: …Hell are you talking about?

Sting: Hold the phone, before this madness goes any further. Joe I will address you at another time. Angle, this is between you and me, for this title this Sunday, and Jarrett, I am not sure you know what you are talking about. Kurt beat you at Hard Justice, I beat you 2 weeks ago, and still you think you deserve this belt? I hope Jim Cornette hires the devil himself to kick your ass this Sunday because that’s the only person fit to put you in your long awaited place.

Angle: Jarrett, get the hell out of my ring right now, after I have kicked your ass time in and time out, you don’t deserve to breathe the same freakin’ air as me!

Joe: I am not one for talking, I am one for fighting, Sting if you won’t answer my question now, I am going to beat it out of you, I told you for weeks to watch your back…

Angle: Listen Joe, I got nothing against you, but Sting needs to be 100% for this Sunday, you aren’t going to jeopardize his well being for your stupidity!

Jarrett: Hell you are all insane, the King of the Mountain is going to make a fool out of you all when I become TNA World Champion!

Jim Cornette’s music hits as Jim Cornette comes out of the tunnel with Lance Hoyt.

: Damnit Jarrett, after our 2nd meeting you are still whining about whatever it is you are saying, you are really starting to piss me off, so you know what I am going to do? I am not going to wait until No Surrender, because your opponent this Sunday is right here in the iMPACT! Zone tonight! Yea that’s right! Who wants to see Jeff Jarrett’s opponent for this Sunday huh?

Jarrett: That’s fine Jimmy, I am not afraid, it’s probably some punk kid from right here in Orlando…

Cornette: Yea Jarrett, he is 17 years old and is skin and bones, you should know me better than that. I have to go so I am going to leave you all with this man, good night gentlemen…

Abyss’ music hits as the Monster Abyss returns to TNA wrestling for the first time since Final Resolution in January.

Oh My God Mike Tenay do you see that!


Abyss trudges down the ramp into the ring. The fans are going insane. Joe slowly get out of the ring, followed by Angle, then Sting. Jarrett is shaking in his boots. He turns to Angle, Joe, and Sting for back up, but they are already halfway up the ramp. Jarrett turns to Abyss and smiles and puts his hand out, but Abyss grabs him by the throat and chokeslams Jarrett signaling the return of Monster Abyss!

: What a night, Jarrett vs. Abyss this Sunday, the Bound for Glory Gauntlet and Sting vs. Kurt Angle, plus much more at No Surrender!


TNA Wrestling Presents TNA No Surrender LIVE! on PPV!

[COLOR="redâ€￾]TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Bound For Glory Gauntlet Match
Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

TNA X-Division Championship
Ultimate X
“Black Machismâ€￾ Jay Lethal* against “The Warriorâ€￾ Senshi, “The Fallen Angelâ€￾ Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneerâ€￾ Jerry Lynn

House of Fun Match
Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas[/COLOR]​


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: Joe/ Hoyt and Roode


BP: The end and opening promo. Both great


Add. comments: You've impressed yet again with your shows. Keep it up, can't wait for no surrender!


Best Match: Main Event

Worst Match: Joe/Roode and Hoyt

Best Promo: Cage and Hardy/3D opening segment. It was pretty predictable what was gunna happen, but the announcement of the "TLC" match was amazing. Only 2 ppl missing from that one. :)

Worst Promo: The first Joe/Jarrett one

Overall Rating: 9/10

Comments: Well, yet another great show by XBA. Nice job heading into No Surrender. Im kinda stale on Joe and Roode and stuff, but maybe its just b/c I really dont care for All the matches at No Surrender should be great. Cant wait man!!! :good:


Best Match: Brown/Styles

Worst Match: Joe/Roode and Lance Hoyt

Best Promo: Opening Promo

Worst Promo: N/A

Overall: I can't wait till your next show...even though I prefer WWE to TNA and ROH, I really like this thread and I can't wait till the TLC Match and The House of Fun match...No Surrender is shaping up to be a great PPV and this iMPACT was awesome.....9.5/10


Best Match- Styles/Brown

Worst Match- N/A

Best Promo- Team 3D/Cage/Hardy

Worst Promo- JB/Joe

Additional Comments: Dang XBA, you really outdid yourself. I think that No Surrender is going to kick some major ass! Ill definetly read/review. My predictions will be posted also.

Overall: 9.5/10

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Bound For Glory Gauntlet Match
Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

TNA X-Division Championship
Ultimate X
“Black Machism” Jay Lethal* against “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn

House of Fun Match
Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas

The Rated R CMStar

BM: Main Event

WM: The X-Division Match(just to put one up there)

BP: The opening and the end of the show

WP: None

AC: I agree with Peepshow, that Joe/Roode is stale, but since I feel that feud is over now, it doesn't matter. I really see Joe winning considering his tension with Sting.

Antonio Bank$

New Member
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Bound For Glory Gauntlet Match
Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

TNA X-Division Championship
Ultimate X
“Black Machismâ€￾ Jay Lethal* against “The Warriorâ€￾ Senshi, “The Fallen Angelâ€￾ Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneerâ€￾ Jerry Lynn

House of Fun Match
Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Styles/Brown

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: The Opening one is really good...

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: wow! another great show man! No Surrender looks really great! I am checking it out!



TNA Wrestling Presents TNA No Surrender LIVE! on PPV!

Official TNA No Surrender Preview Guide:

TNA Wrestling returns to PPV this Sunday with the No Surrender Extravaganza! No Surrender comes to you LIVE! from Orlando, Florida in the iMPACT! Zone at 8 e/ 5 p and you can only see it by ordering this event through your PPV or Cable provider! Don’t miss out on this crucial stop on the road to TNA Bound For Glory!

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* defends against Kurt Angle
Ever since both “The Icon†Sting and “The Olympic Gold Medalist†Kurt Angle arrived here in TNA, fans have forever dreamed about the moment they would clash over the coveted TNA World Heavyweight Championship, and finally the loyal TNA fans’ prayers have been answered as Sting defends his TNA World Championship against Kurt Angle only at No Surrender this Sunday! This originated right after Sting graciously granted the King of the Mountain Jeff Jarrett a title match after Jarrett was begging for one and coincidently when Angle happened to have the night off. Most thought it was Angle who should have gotten the title match, but after the dust settled Sting retained his title against Jeff Jarrett, but it was then Kurt Angle that was the first one out of the tunnel and laid out the challenge to Sting. Most think the Stinger is to flexible with granting title shots to whomever he thinks deserves one, but with Jim Cornette trying to run a good show, it’s no surprise he had no problem with this match. A true Clash of the Titans is about to take place as Sting defends his belt against Kurt Angle for the first time ever at TNA No Surrender this Sunday, don’t miss out! Order Now!

Bound For Glory Gauntlet Match
Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode
With the Biggest PPV of the year TNA Bound For Glory in Chicago coming up this October, everyone on the TNA roster desires that coveted spot in the lime light of the main event. So many want that spot, but only one man could be number one contender at the end of the night. Jim Cornette settled this problem with a Number One Contender’s Bound For Glory Gauntlet match with the winner advancing to Bound For Glory to challenge the TNA World Champion for the gold. One man in this match who looks to break out of the mid card is the Wildcat Chris Harris, the former 6 time TNA World Tag Team Champion has been on a role since breaking away from AMW, he has wins over Scott Steiner for one, plus he has a little alliance going with the Phenomenal AJ Styles, who too, is in this Gauntlet match. They have been up and down as of late, many think Chris Harris and AJ Styles try to out do each other, but they appear to be on the same page, can they team up and take out the rest of the competitors and then battle between themselves for the Bound For Glory Spot? The Alpha Male has been on a rampage since breaking into TNA, he has literally made TNA the Serengeti, but can he really call himself the Alpha Male if he doesn’t have the gold around his Alpha Waist? Well he can accomplish his goals at No Surrender this Sunday, but is TNA really ready to have a Serengeti Make-Over? Two men who have destruction synonymous with their names are Jim Cornette’s lackeys, Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt, besides beating up Monty Brown and Samoa Joe, they both have their sights set on the TNA World Championship, will either of them accomplish their ultimate goal at No Surrender? The one man everyone thinks deserves the TNA World Championship is Samoa Joe; however Sting, the TNA World Champion, thinks of it in another light. Due to his recent actions destroying Robert Roode, brutalizing Lance Hoyt, and putting his hands on a defenseless woman, Ms. Brooks, Stinger thinks Joe is acting immature and is not caliber material. Will Joe prove the Stinger wrong and run the Gauntlet to prove he deserves to be champion, or will someone knock Joe off and accomplish their dream? No Surrender is the only place to find out!

TNA World Tag Team Championship
Full Metal Mayhem: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs!
Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D
Sure you have seen them do it in other promotions, but you have never seen it in TNA. For the first time ever, Christian Cage, Jeff Hardy, and Team 3D meet in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match, Full Metal Mayhem, to the TNA fans, in TNA Wrestling! This all started as Christian Cage brought in a mystery guest to be debuted in his very own Peepshow! It turned out to be his long time friend Jeff Hardy, who hasn’t been seen in TNA for nearly 3 years, Jeff blazed into TNA with a huge ovation that night, but it was soon spoiled by Team 3D. Brother Ray and Brother Devon were disgusted that TNA was giving precious air time to Christian Cage and the “Drug Addict†Jeff Hardy. After that long night was over, Team 3D issued the challenge, due to their over the top confidence, to Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy to a TNA World Tag Team Championship match that Cage and Hardy had the opportunity to pick when and where, and the date was set 2 weeks later on iMPACT! when the two teams fought for the gold. After a Frog Splash from Christian Cage and a Swanton by Jeff Hardy on Brother Ray, Jeff pinned Ray to claim the TNA World tag team champions for the first time in both of their careers. In a premature bet, before their match, Team 3D said if they were to be beaten, they would crown Cage and Hardy new Tag Champs the following week, but it didn’t really go down like that. They were about to put the belts around Cage and Hardy at the ceremony last Thursday, but 3D fought back 3D’ing both Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy through 2 tables, then laying out the challenge, a Full Metal Mayhem: TLC match for the World Tag Team Championships at No Surrender. Which TLC Pioneers will emerge victorious at No Surrender? Order this great event to find out!

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss
After losing to Kurt Angle in a Falls Count Anywhere match at Hard Justice last month, Jeff Jarrett was still determined that he was better than Angle because he defeated him 1…2…3 at Victory Road. He said that he was done with Kurt, that he was moving on, to the TNA World Championship, coincidently when Angle was absent from iMPACT! Sting came out in an attempt to shut up the King of the Mountain, but while trying to, Sting granted him a TNA World title shot to keep Jarrett happy. Many thought this was a bad move by Sting, but after the dust settled Sting still emerged champion. Jeff went straight to Jim Cornette after he heard Angle was getting the next shot and demanded he was to be added, but Jim Cornette laid it on the table that Jeff Jarrett was on one hell of a losing streak and didn’t deserve it. However, Cornette struck a deal with Jarrett, if Jeff was to defeat a hand picked opponent of Cornette’s choosing at No Surrender, he would get a TNA World title match sometime before Bound For Glory. Jeff couldn’t keep his mouth shut about gloating he was going to be champion, so Jim Cornette put a stop to it by revealing his opponent a little early. He revealed Jeff Jarrett would be facing the Monster Abyss at No Surrender. Abyss hasn’t been seen since Final Resolution in January, what does Abyss have in store for the King of the Mountain? Find out this Sunday!

TNA X-Division Championship
Ultimate X
“Black Machism†Jay Lethal* defends against “The Warrior†Senshi, “The Fallen Angel†Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer†Jerry Lynn
This rivalry that has consumed the X-Division has also consumed the wrestling world as 3 X-Division competitors will get it on one more time for X-Division gold, but this time they are going to lock up with an X-Division Pioneer as well, and this time it will be an Ultimate X match! Jerry Lynn has been beaten and battered week after week by Kevin Nash and TNA Management and Jim Cornette has had enough of it. They worship Jerry Lynn backstage for being a road agent and active wrestler so they gave him a break and it landed him in the X-Division title race. Jim Cornette has forbidden Kevin Nash to be in Senshi’s corner this Sunday due to tension with Jerry Lynn. That’s not the only heated rivalry here, in the past few weeks Jay Lethal and Christopher Daniels have had some sticky situations with each other. They are best of friends, but Jay Lethal’s X-Division gold always gets between the two. Daniels main goal is being X-Division champion, but can he put his friendship with Lethal aside to reclaim his title? Order No Surrender to find out!

House of Fun Match
Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas
From a simple rivalry to a hardcore war, that’s what this conflict has resulted to. The Naturals and Shane Douglas won’t let up on Shane’s former hardcore buddies,they put Rhino in a hospital in critical condition, then Raven wouldn’t take that sitting down and brought in Sabu back into TNA to fight back. They pulled one over on the Naturals and that didn’t sit well at all with Shane Douglas. Shane got so disturbed he made this personal after hearing that Raven challenged them to a House of Fun match at No Surrender; he took this fight to a hospitalized War Machine. He brought the Naturals to the Orlando city hospital to “visit†Rhino. They ended up beating the hell out of him, smashing a glass picture over his skull, choking his with the IV cord, then flipping the hospital bed over further destroying the War Machine. No word has been said on Rhino’s condition, as too, no words have been exchanged as to how Raven and Sabu have reacted to this horrible event. You will see these two teams go to war in a House of Fun match this Sunday, who will emerge victorious?

The only way to find these answers and witness one of the best TNA shows you will ever see is to order TNA No Surrender right now!


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Nice preview. It looks like you put a huge amount of effort into that and if that was a real PPV that would've persuaded me to buy. Here's my predictions...

Sting* defends against Kurt Angle
I think if Sting will drop the title toanybody Angle is the man.

Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode
Joe Vs Angle would be good for BFG but I reckon Monty Brown could also get the win.

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D
Cage and Jeff won't drop the titles just yet...

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss
Abyss will definately get the win unless Jarrett cheats to win imo

“Black Machism” Jay Lethal* defends against “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn
Anyone can win this but I'm choosing Senshi

Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas
I can see the Naturals getting a shock win


Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal* vs. “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn

Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas

Great card man. Like Switchy said, if this were actually on PPV, I would buy it, no doubt. I DK about just 6 matches, but hey, you always make it work :) Keep it up, and I know the PPV will deliver

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nice Preview! here are my Predictions:

Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal* vs. “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn

Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
I haven't really gotten into this thread, but seeing this card I'll hit you up with a review when you post No Surrender

Sting* defends against Kurt Angle

Monty Brown vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Harris vs. AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt vs. Robert Roode

Christian Cage and Jeff Hardy* defend against Team 3D

Jeff Jarrett vs. Abyss

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal* vs. “The Warrior” Senshi, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, and “The X-Division Pioneer” Jerry Lynn

Raven and Sabu vs. The Naturals w/ Shane Douglas