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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Good update, looking forward to iMPACT! And a good mainevent, but Jeff Jarrett and Aj Styles on a team? hmmmmm.....


YES!!! Cant wait for the PeepShow!!!!!

I agree the AJ/Jarrett Tag Team is a little interesting, but hey, you always make it work.

Im also interested to see who the new aquisition is........

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Preview looks great should be an awesome show...curious as to who the newest signee is...

The Rated R CMStar

Preview is awesome, you certainly made everyone curious to see your new superstar. Should be a good show
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
nice, I wonder who the new wrestler is. Looks like an amazing Impact! comming up, i'll definately read it and i'll drop in a review!

as always, keep up the great work



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: Welcome everyone, Mike Tenay, Don West, here ringside for possibly one of the biggest iMPACT!’s to date! Don, tonight, listen to this, it will be the TNA World Champion Sting teaming with Kurt Angle! They will take on Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles, two TNA vets right there. I have no idea how these 4 men will coexist in the same ring!

West: When you look at the history between this group of men, it’s a huge part of TNA history, I can’t wait!

Jerry Lynn’s music hits as the special guest referee for the following match comes down to ringside.

: Don, this man right here, undoubtedly made the X-Division what it is today!

West: too bad Kevin Nash wants to take all the credit!

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as The Fallen Angel makes it to the ring.

Senshi’s music hits as Senshi comes to the ring accompanied by Kevin Nash.

Christopher Daniels vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash (Jerry Lynn as Guest Referee)

Both Daniels and Senshi stare down Jerry Lynn. Lynn nods his head at both of them then claps his hands to get things under way and the bell rings. Senshi and Daniels lock up quick, Senshi gets behind Daniels and nails a reverse DDT. Senshi bounces off the ropes and goes for a leg drop. Nobody home for Senshi as Daniels rolls out of the way. Both get up as Daniels nails a missile dropkick right to the mug of Senshi. Daniels covers 1…kickout! Daniels sits him up and slaps a headlock on him. Senshi counters and gets his legs around Daniels’ neck for a head scissors submission. Daniels flips his shoulders pinning Senshi’s shoulders to the mat as Lynn counts 1…2…kickout! Daniels and Senshi rise into a pause and fighting stance as the crowd chants TNA! TNA! TNA! They lock up, Senshi whips Daniels into the ropes and goes for a sidewalk slam, but Daniels gets up out of the slam and counters into a swinging head scissors catapulting Senshi across the ring. Senshi gets right back up and runs towards Daniels, but Daniels hurls him up over the top rope, but Senshi lands on the apron. Daniels turns around and Senshi monkey flips Daniels over the top rope and Daniels lands right behind Senshi. Daniels goes for a German suplex off the apron, but Senshi holds onto the ropes, he back elbows Daniels in the face and Daniels retreats to the floor. Senshi pulls out a beautiful springboard moonsault off the second rope onto Daniels. Jerry Lynn begins to count them out. 1…2…3…Senshi delivers a huge kick to the back of Daniels’ skull. He still counts 4…5…Kevin Nash comes from behind and smacks Jerry Lynn with a steel chair. Senshi throws Daniels in the ring and Senshi and Nash circle their prey. Daniels gets up and Nash cracks him over the skull with the chair. Senshi covers as Nash counts 1…2…3!
WINNER: Senshi

Nash and Senshi have Lynn and Daniels down. Nash picks up Jerry Lynn and is looking for the Jackknife.

Tenay: I knew it! Nash couldn’t sit and watch Lynn take his spot! Nash you can’t do it! The X-Division Pioneer made the X-Division! You can’t!

“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal’s music hits as Lethal runs to the ring with a steel chair and his title.

Lethal slides into the ring and takes a swing at Nash, but Senshi and Nash slide out of the back door. Lethal drops his belt and points the chair at Nash and Senshi who are running up the ramp. Jay Lethal goes to help Jerry Lynn. Daniels gets up and stumbles around, then picks up the X-Division title. Lethal turns around after sliding Lynn out of the ring to medics. Daniels holds up the X-Division title in front of him. The fans are screaming TNA! TNA! TNA! Daniels throws the belt to Lethal and walks out of the ring keeping his eyes locked on Lethal.

West: Wow, what a sign of disrespect by Daniels, chucking the belt in the face of Lethal, we have seen this a couple weeks ago, looks to me like friendship doesn’t matter to Daniels anymore, it’s all about the gold now!

Tenay: Well, its official, 3 way this Sunday for the X-title, but who will the special guest ref be? Is Jerry going to be alright?


Leticia is backstage with Chris Harris.

Leticia: I am here with Wildcat Chris Harris, who this Sunday will debut in singles action for the first time since his singles run a couple years back. Chris, now that you have broken away from tag action, do you think you can run with the big boys?

Harris: Leticia, don’t be fooled by the critics out there, I have been wanting this ever since I came into wrestling, now that I am finally getting my chance I will milk it for all that its worth! The wrestling world will know that name Wildcat, not only for having one of the greatest TNA Tag Team careers, but for being a World champion, that’s what my eyes are on, the TNA World championship, and Hard Justice marks the first stop on this road to gold…

AJ Styles walks in and pushes Leticia aside.

: Wow, Chris Harris! I can’t believe it, I am standing in the presence of the future TNA right here ain’t I?

Harris: Damn right AJ.

AJ: Well, this is how it goes, Hard Justice will be golden, that’s for sure. You start your “Path to the Championship” which can go either way, because you sure as hell don’t look like no champ to me, while my title match against Sting, is a sure fire. I will walk out of Hard Justice with the gold I never lost. Chris, maybe at the end of the night, I might stop by your locker room, you winning or losing doesn’t matter, I will walk right in there and maybe let you hold my title, how does that sound?

Harris: AJ, listen, I don’t need to be ridiculed here. I am Chris Harris, I know my word doesn’t mean much around here, but my actions will. I don’t care who I face, hell, I am begging anyone to face me this Sunday! All I know is that I will be walking out a winner, you winning or losing doesn’t matter, because your AJ Styles, you are accomplished, you could have another title shot anytime, but I am Chris Harris, this is do or die, if I don’t win this Sunday, my dreams are toast…

AJ: Well, kid, we’ve been here since the beginning, and for the first time I see your determination. You have the balls, let’s see you follow through, if you can…

AJ walks away whistling.

Harris: You’ll see, you’ll all see.


Tenay: Don, for the past few weeks, we have seen a lot of “distractions” to say the least on Joe’s vision of getting a shot at the belt. It all revolves around Jim Cornette, referees, Lance Hoyt, or Robert Roode, and sometimes, it involved more than just one of those options! Joe can’t seem to catch a break!

West: I know Mike, and he told Sting to watch his back, but why? Sting really didn’t do anything to him, Joe just might be acting like a little bit of a loser here Mike, I don’t know!

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes out carrying a dented steel chair that was used to cream Hoyt and Roode last week.

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Hoyt comes out of the tunnel along with Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks.

Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt w/ Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks

Joe charges at Hoyt early on taking him down with a huge clothesline. Joe stares at the crowd and gets a mixed reaction. Joe picks up Hoyt and whips him into a corner, Hoyt almost turning inside out barely keeping himself inside the ring. Joe runs at him and gets a flying heel kick causing Lance Hoyt to crash and burn on the mat. Roode talks trash to Joe on the outside and Joe provokes him to come in and do something while Hoyt gets up. Hoyt comes from behind and forearms Joe. Joe goes down and Hoyt sticks his boot on his back and pulls the rope up choking Joe. Hoyt releases at the 4 count. Hoyt starts stomping Joe down as Roode screams at Joe from the outside. Hoyt turns around runs across the ring. Joe sits up in the corner. Hoyt runs towards Joe and attempts a big boot, but Joe slides out and Hoyt gets hung up in the corner. Joe runs bounces off the ropes and clotheslines Hoyt over the top rope. Roode goes to help Hoyt as Joe exits the ring and goes to Hoyt, and Roode backs up. Joe slings Hoyt over the barricade and hard chops him. He then whips him sternum first into the apron. Joe goes for the Kokina Clutch on the outside, but Hoyt slips out, turns around, and nails a cheep chin cracker on Joe. Hoyt runs around the ring escaping Joe. Joe finally gets in the ring, a little woozy, and Hoyt gets in on the opposite side and runs towards Joe and nails a bulldog. He pins Joe 1…2…kickout! Hoyt sits up and starts choking Joe with his forearm, but once again releases at the 4 count. Hoyt gets up and delivers quick stomps to Joe and raises his arms to an ovation of boos. Lance picks up Joe and whips him across the ring. Joe flies back, Lance going for the big boot, but Joe counters and ducks, bounces off the ropes again and nails Hoyt with a flying knee. Roode gets up on the apron and the ref argues with his to get down. Joe runs in and knocks Roode off, but Hoyt runs behind Joe, Joe slips out the side, Hoyt goes front first into the ropes and Joe waits for the right time and rolls him up for the pin 1…2…3!
WINNER: Samoa Joe

The ref raises Joe’s hand as Roode freaks out on the outside. Joe grabs his chair and is about to walk up the ramp until he sees Roode running after him on the big screen, so he turns around and smacks Roode over the head breaking open the wound from last week. Joe laughs and runs back into the ring. Hoyt gets up and Joe throws the chair at Hoyt wrapping it around his skull.

Joe: Listen, I don’t care what it has to take, hell…

Joe unwraps the chair from Hoyt’s skull and sets it up as best as he can and sits down.

Joe: …it could take all night, but I am not moving until I am granted the main event this Sunday, so Jimmy, I am high-jacking your show, and until you give me what I want, I can knock the hell out of anyone you send after me!

Jim Cornette’s music hits as Jim comes out of the tunnel and stands at the top of the stage.

: Who in the hell do you think you are!?!?! Let me give you a reality check buddy, I call the shots around here, I am the boss, I am your boss! You don’t boss me or anyone else around! You better thank God I am not going to fire you right now for your behavior lately!

Joe: Cut the crap Cornette, you came out here to give me what I want; otherwise I wouldn’t be looking at your ugly face, so get on with it!

Cornette: Shut up! I am not going to fire you Joe, nor am I going to give you what you want! What I am out here to do is to whack some sense into you, and I am not giving you the satisfaction of an option! Normally it’s the easy way or the hard way, but I am just giving it to you the hard way! You see, you can ask Monty Brown about doing things the hard way, because at Victory Road he had to deal with me the hard way and your fate will be no different! Therefore, at Hard Justice, you Samoa Joe will face Lance Hoyt! You Samoa Joe will face Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode, in a handicap match!!!

Tenay: Oh, Samoa Joe might be a little over his head! Monty Brown couldn’t even take those guys down! This doesn’t smell that great if you ask me Don!

West: Mike, believe it or not, I sort of agree with Jim’s decision on this one, Joe hasn’t been himself lately and it’s about time he pays the piper!

Joe stands up and shakes his head. Lance Hoyt gets up and Joe cracks him over the head with the chair once more busting him open. Joe pulls Hoyt up by the hair, bloody face and all, pointing at Jim Cornette threatening him from the ring.


Jeremy Borash is backstage with the Naturals and Shane Douglas.

JB: Jeremy Borash here with the team that will issue an open challenge to any team in the wrestling world that is courageous enough to accept. I am talking about Shane Douglas’ boys the Naturals.

Douglas: That’s right Jeremy! These are the boys that are the future of TNA Tag teams, these guys were the tag scene in the past, but oh boy, these guys are Franchised, I don’t know if you are aware of what that means! That means they were trained by the best in the business, the Franchise himself, me, Shane Douglas!

Stevens: That’s right Shane-O, you have given the world to us, but there is someone else who me and Andy over here would love to thank for our success, no disrespecting you of course Shane-O, but I would love to thank Rhino and Raven, whom without the Naturals probably wouldn’t be here today!

A.Douglas: That’s right Chase. I hear our little boy Raven is has been released from the hospital, well, we know he won’t be showing his face around here, because we will send his sorry ass right back in there!

Douglas: That’s right Andy, and don’t think we forgot about Rhino, he is still rotting in there so he won’t shuffle his fatass down that ramp anytime soon!

JB: So I presume that you guys are confident about your open challenge this Sunday?

Douglas: Confident isn’t the word Jeremy, confident isn’t the word…

The Naturals and Shane Douglas walk away leaving JB by himself as Team 3D comes behind him.

Ray: Jeremy, shame what cocky teams we got huh? Those punks think they run the place, well they’re not taking everyone down with them, if they are going down, we will be the ones knocking them, just like LAX this Sunday, right Devon?

Devon: ohhh myyyy Brothhhaaaa, TESTIFY!


Christian Cage is walking down the hallway getting ready for the first ever Peepshow in TNA History. His phone rings and he picks it up.

Cage: Hey buddy, how you been man? …Haven’t talked to you in awhile…that’s great yea, so how’s the signing going?...Didn’t imagine to hear anything else…that much money?...That salary is high, well didn’t expect anything less…great man…alright, see you in what? Couple days? A Week? Well, we’ll iron out the details, but yea I am just about to go out and do the Peepshow, so catch ya later…bye.


Tenay: Don, now we have seen this before in the wrestling world, but we have never seen anything like this in TNA! The Instant Classic Christian Cage debuts the Peepshow! Now!

West: This will be great!

Christian Cage’s music hits as the Instant Classic comes to the ring.

: Damn, I pulled out all the stops for you people, look at this set! I got a couch, hell I got a lamp looking thing, nice touch, and I guess TNA was too cheap to give me a plasma, but hey, this company has a budget you know? We don’t throw money around like everyone else out there! So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, well, no one under the age of 13, because otherwise it might be to risqué, but anyways, welcome to the Instant Classic Christian Cage’s exclusive segment, designed to provide facts and get to the bottom line of things around he, the often imitated, never duplicated, that’s right, for the first time in a 6 sided ring, I give you the Peepshow!

The crowd boos.

Cage: Hey, looks like you fans are blind, because you are looking at the brightest star in the business, damnit respect me! Eh, forget you guys, I came out here for one reason, and one reason only. For the past weeks, I have had a little bit of a confrontation with The Alpha Male Monty Brown, and I just wanted to clear things up, so Monty, bro, can you just come out here, I really need to get something off my chest…

Monty Brown’s music hits as the Alpha Male comes down the ramp.

: Monty, I am really glad you’re here.

Brown: The pleasure is all mine Christian.

Cage: Well, that’s, yea, well Monty this show is designed to solve problems, right? So, let’s get this straight, Monty what the hell is your problem disrespecting me like this? What did I ever do to upset you? I don’t understand!

Brown: Is that what you have to say to me? Well, I got something to say to you, peace, I am out of here…

Cage: No, no, no Monty, you aren’t going anywhere, maybe we got out on the wrong foot, sorry, here sit down, it’s leather…

Brown: Fine Christian, let’s get on with it.

Cage: Alright, let’s review, I run into you in the locker room a couple weeks ago, why did you decide to get up in my face like that?

Brown: Cage, I didn’t get up in your face, you were trying to flex your muscles and tell me why you were better than me, then you proceeded to call the Alpha Male a quitter, son, what part of that did I get up in your face?

Cage: Son, ha, that’s funny, well, boy, what about the time you were stalking me in the hallway huh? Over hearing my conversation with Jim Cornette, huh, what about that?

Brown: The Alpha Male was waiting for someone, that’s what I told you in the first place, Cage, I got to tell you, this interview, is just making you look like an ass!

The crowd cheers.

Cage: Hey, hey, hey, who’s the host here huh? I don’t care what the hell Captain Charisma looks like right now because, quite frankly, it has no reason to even be brought the hell up, so moving on, why the hell did you screw me out of that match last week with Scott Steiner huh?

Brown: Cage, you came into the Serengeti by awakening the fire under me, no one calls me a quitter, there are no quitters where I come from!

Cage: You mean the jungle Monty? Personally I think you are a few tools short of a toolbox!

Brown: Cage, I am going to make this very clear, you don’t like me, and I really don’t like you, I seriously want to beat the hell out of you throughout the iMPACT! Zone right now, but I am trying to be a gentleman about it, so why not settle this at Hard Justice?

Cage: You want the Instant Classic at Hard Justice?

Brown: Yea Cage, you aren’t going to “quit” on me now are you?

Cage: No, Monty, I hope you bring your A game, because you’re going to need it!

Monty stares down Cage and exits the ring, Cage pulls him back and nails the Unprettier on Brown as the crowd boos. He pats himself on the back and exits the ring.

Tenay: What payback by Christian Cage! Cage and Monty go at it this Sunday! I can’t wait!


AJ Styles is talking with Jeff Jarrett.

Jarrett: Listen, Styles, tonight, it’s a huge match, not only for me, but both of us. Listen here boy, we haven’t exactly been on the same page at all times, just hear me out. We can help each other out, from paper, this Sunday you have more to gain in your match that I do, so I will concentrate on Sting, you know helping you out, and maybe you can throw an extra Styles Clash on Angle?

AJ: Jeff, I appreciate what you are trying to do, but Kurt is insane, I don’t want to touch him, if it was between Sting and Angle, I would do my own job before even taking 3 steps towards Angle if you know what I mean!

Jarrett: Come on Styles, what do you have to lose, it’s a guarantee that you’ll main event someone, how about helping out a guy who paved your way?

AJ: Jarrett, I always bring my A game, but we need something more here to take these guys…

Samoa Joe walks by and Styles stops him.

: Joe! Joe! Joe! Listen we got a little situation!

Joe: I am listening Styles, what’s the problem?

Jarrett: Styles, I got a way with words, let me take this one. Tonight we have a little…

Joe: Let me guess Jeff, you want me to take out Angle and Sting right? Since I am “best friends” with Angle, and since I am this close to beating the crap out of Sting? Listen, Jeff, I am going to tell you one thing, you too Styles, you two, tonight, have nothing to worry about…

Joe walks away.

AJ: Jeff, what did that mean?

Jarrett: Your guess is as good as mine…


VIDEO: Bound For Glory 2007 has been sold out!

Tenay: Don, this coming October, Bound For Glory ’07, it’s sold out and it’s going to get a little warm in the Windy City that night!

West: When you think of Bound For Glory’s of the past, you have to think of Rhino, winning the gold for the first time, the epic Monster’s Ball matches, and of course last year Sting winning the World title! This one will be nothing short of it’s reputation that’s for sure!

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

AJ Styles’ music hits as the Number One Contender to Sting’s World title comes to the ring.

Sting’s music hits as the TNA World Champion comes down the ramp.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as the Olympic Gold Medalist comes down to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett and AJ Styles vs. Sting and Kurt Angle

AJ and Sting start off the match. Sting laughs at Styles and tags in Kurt, because he knew from the interview AJ wanted nothing to do with Angle. Angle runs in and shoulder blocks Styles. Styles gets up and Angle whips him across the ring and connects with a huge scoop slam. Angle gets up and screams as he picks up Styles. He whips him towards his corner and tags in Sting. Angle picks him up and slams him gut first onto Sting’s knee. Sting covers AJ 1…2…kickout! Sting picks up Styles, but Styles rakes the eye and nails some axe kicks. He nails a big drop kick and begins to crawl over to Jarrett. Sting gets up and grabs his Ankle, flips him over and tries to get the Scorpion. Styles pulls his legs back and pushes Sting away. Styles jumps and tags in Jarrett. Jarrett cautiously comes in and clotheslines Sting. Sting gets up and tries a clothesline, but Jeff ducks and slaps a headlock sleeper on him. Sting elbows Jarrett in the ribs and throws him into the corner. Sting runs and goes for the Stinger Splash, but Jarrett moves and gets a roll up on Sting 1…2…kickout! Angle is on the apron and wants Jarrett. Jarrett laughs and drags Sting to his corner and tags in Styles. Styles springboards into a drop sault onto Sting. AJ pins Sting 1…2…kickout! Styles picks him up and sets him in the corner. Styles runs across the ring and back into a flying knee on Sting followed up with a bulldog. AJ covers Sting 1…2…Angle runs in and breaks the pin. He then runs across the ring nailing Jarrett off the apron. He turns around and AJ tries to kick him, but Angle catches the leg and connects with a scoop suplex. Angle gets on the turnbuckles pointing at Jarrett on the outside, but the ref gets him down and pulls him back to the corner. Sting walks over and tags in Angle to a huge ovation. Angle runs in and clotheslines AJ, AJ gets up, and Angle connects with a huge German Suplex. AJ rolls in pain. Jarrett gets back on the turnbuckle and sees AJ coming towards him. AJ tags in Jarrett and Jarrett stands in his corner not moving a muscle as Angle begins to laugh.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe comes running down the ramp, but stops when he gets to the ring. He smiles and walks back up the ramp.

: Joe! Joe! Joe! He is walking up the ramp? He chose not to help out AJ and Jarrett! Good for you Joe!

Jarrett panics and tags AJ back in. Jarrett slides out of the ring and up the ramp just like Samoa Joe.

West: He is pulling the same thing that he did with Kurt a couple weeks ago!

Angle laughs and AJ stands on the apron trying to bring him back. Angle flips AJ back in the ring. AJ scrambles around the ring then he turns around and he is face to face with Sting. Angle gets behind him and nails the Olympic Slam AJ. Angle tags in Sting then runs out after Jarrett. Sting comes in and slaps the Scorpion Death Lock on AJ. AJ taps out to the pain.
WINNER: Kurt Angle and Sting

Tenay: Wow, what an incredible show! This match was incredible, but could this be the scene this Sunday Night Don? Could AJ tap to Sting? Order Hard Justice and find out!


TNA Wrestling presents TNA Hard Justice LIVE! on PPV!

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Sting* vs. AJ Styles

Falls Count Anywhere
Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle II

Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt and Robert Roode

TNA World Tag Team Championship
LAX* vs. Team 3D

Monty Brown vs. Christian Cage

X-Division Championship (Jerry Lynn as Special Guest Referee? Questionable after the actions of Kevin Nash, we will keep you posted.)
“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal * vs. “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “The Warrior” Senshi

The Naturals Open Challenge to Any Tag Team in the Pro Wrestling World

“The Wildcat” Chris Harris debuts in single’s competition!​

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Jarett/Styles vs. Angle/Sting

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Cage's Peepshow segment w/ Monty..

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: another great Impact XB! I really liked your main event and the Peepshow Segment! nice job! I am really looking forward to Hard Justice!


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
Best Match: Jarett/Styles vs. Angle/Sting

Worst Match: Daniels/Senshi, it was OK, just not the best

Best Promo: Return of the PeepShow

Worst Promo: N/A

Rating: 8.7/10

Additional Feedback: OK, XBA, you kick MAJOR @**! No lies! The promos are great, the matches are good, and the show altogether is just too good. Don't quit, man, I'm serious.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Mainevent

Worst Match: None

Best Promo: Peep Show was good, and Joe/Cornette was good. You always do a good job on Cornettes promo's.

Worst Promo: n/a

Add.Comments: Good show and a good lead to Hard Justice. 8.5/10


Best Match: Jarett/Styles vs. Angle/Sting

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Cage's Peepshow segment w/ Monty....I also liked the AJ/Harris Segment

Worst Promo: n/a

One of the best shows in History man. With the PeepShow, you cant go
