Mood Request Thread

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Official Preview Guide:

Total iMPACT!
Focus Point of the Week:
Last week on iMPACT!, we saw the TNA World title race rev up, as TNA’s World Champions “the Icon” Sting came out to address the TNA fans on his Victory Road win. However, the party was quickly spoiled by “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe. Joe thought that the ending to Victory Road was controversial and that he deserved to be Sting’s first opponent. Before anything could be settled, the former TNA World Champion “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles quickly came to the ring to do as Samoa Joe was, trying to be the number one contender after he lost it to Sting 2 weeks ago at Victory Road. AJ started putting Joe down with insults, so Joe quickly got physical, but the pacifist Sting is, he tried to stop the fight, but Joe fired back at Sting as well. Jim Cornette comes out of the tunnel on crutches due to his “tumble” at Victory Road, but he just didn’t have crutches, he had his body guard Lance Hoyt, and the Chairman of Roode Inc, Robert Roode with him as well. Cornette changed the landscape of the world title scene by organizing a little tournament that would pin AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Lance Hoyt, and Robert Roode against one another to see who would get the shot at Sting at Hard Justice. The first match pinned AJ Styles taking on Robert Roode to see who would advance to the Number One Contender’s match, after interference by both Lance Hoyt and Ms. Brooks, AJ somehow pulled out the victory after the Styles Clash on Roode. This week Samoa Joe will take on Lance Hoyt to see who will face AJ in the number one contender’s match, will Jim Cornette’s body guard see another victory since he defeated Monty Brown at Victory Road? Will Samoa Joe gain redemption after the unfair ruling in the World title match? Tune into iMPACT! to find out!


Main Event:

Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett vs. TNA World Tag Team Champions LAX

Winner Advances to the TNA World Championship’s Number One Contender’s match to Face AJ Styles
Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt

Christian Cage vs. Scott Steiner

The X-Division Main Event for Hard Justice will be announced by Jim Cornette

Chris Harris will finally speak on the recent suspension of James Storm.

*SPOILER*: Rhino and Raven have been in the hospital for the past week due to the Naturals’ brutal onslaught. Rhino is in very serious condition and Raven has a very serious concussion and head scars. Rhino and Raven will most likely not be seen in action in the future.
Jun 10, 2007
Reaction score
awsome preview, I hope you let Joe win the tournament and become TNA Heavyweight Champion....but we'll see. LAX vs Angle and Jarret should be good. Overall, im really looking forward to read your Impact! and i'll definately try to review it once you post it!

check out TNA-the future of pro wrestling if you want...

PS: I think you should have Jarret and Angle become tag champs, and then Jarret turns on Angle and have this whole "Whats gonna happen to the tag titles" since the tag champs are rivals....just a suggestion lol

The Rated R CMStar

It is too bad that about Rhino and Raven. Main Event should be amazing. Really hoping you push Lance Hoyt here, but it is not likely to happen. Also, maybe RVD and Sabu may jump to TNA. Who knows write?


Well I am not sure about RVD and Sabu, Sabu more than RVD, because I built this BTB with one rule, only include current or former TNA stars, so if they were in TNA at one point they will pop up.


Another Great preview......I wonder If Cages "phone buddy" will pop up?

Cant wait for IMPACT!!!

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Impact is looking great usual I'll be reading looking forward to Angle and Jarrett vs. LAX as well as Joe vs. Hoyt...


Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
Awesome shows, awesome previews. I'm jazzed for the next Impact and I'm really into the #1 Contender Tournament.


ive been reading this BTB for the last few days and i have to say its pretty damn good you should work for wwe or tna lol



Pyros go off as SoCal Val blows you a kiss and the iMPACT! theme plays.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Samoa Joe is the first one out of the tunnel on iMPACT!.

Welcome to iMPACT! right here only on Spike TV! We are kicking things off here with a bang with one of our two main events kicking off iMPACT! this week! Don West, are you ready for Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt!?!?!?!

West: Mike, I am psyched for this match, who will face AJ here next week on iMPACT!?

Lance Hoyt’s music hits as Jim Cornette’s enforcer comes out of the tunnel accompanied to the ring by Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks.

Winner Advances to the Number One Contender’s match for an opportunity to face Sting for the TNA World title at Hard Justice.
Samoa Joe vs. Lance Hoyt w/ Robert Roode and Ms. Brooks

Joe leans on the turnbuckles as Lance Hoyt starts to move in. Joe gets into a fighting stance and they lock up. They move around the ring and then Joe twists Hoyt’s arm around his back and puts the pain on Hoyt. Hoyt goes to his knees. Joe releases the hold then axe kicks Hoyt right in the spine. He bounces off the ropes and delivers a huge flying big boot to the mug of Hoyt. He covers Lance 1…2…kickout! Joe feels the energy off the crowd, but Lance tugs on his tights and Joe goes through the ropes to the outside. Robert Roode signals he wants no part and walks away from Joe with his hands up as the ref screams at him do keep backing up. Ms. Brooks runs behind Joe and smacks him in the back of the head with her clip board.

Tenay: Oh, come on ref! Stop watching Roode and start watching his CEO!

West: Mike, when it comes to the TNA World title, you need to do anything to win, even if it means some cheap moves by interference, remember as long as the ref doesn’t see it, it’s not illegal.

Joe gets up and looks at Ms. Brooks. Lance exits the opposite side of the ring and hides by the apron. Ms. Brooks runs from Joe around the ring and Joe is in hot pursuit. Ms. Brooks runs past Lance and when Joe comes after her he is greeted by a huge clothesline by Hoyt. Hoyt picks him up off the ground and rams him spine first into the apron. He follows up with a cheap slap and then knees him in the gut. He rolls him in the ring and positions him so his head hangs off the apron. Lance stands on the apron and attempts a huge leg drop, but Joe rolls into the ring, nobody home for Hoyt. Lance quickly gets back into the ring to get greeted by a combination of backhand slaps, axe kicks to the legs, and followed with a huge spin kick taking down the big man. Joe goes for the pin on Hoyt, 1…2…kickout! Joe picks him up and hurls him into the corner. Like a runaway train Joe charges and smashes Hoyt into the corner causing Lance to fall straight to the mat. Joe goes across the ring, but Roode trips him from the outside. Joe goes down and Lance crawls towards him. He gets to him and rolls him over to cover Joe 1…2…kickout! Hoyt picks up and lands a few shots on him then whips him across the ring. Hoyt looks for a big boot, but Joe ducks and slides under Hoyt, getting up and getting him into the Kokina Clutch from behind. Hoyt bends forward elevating Joe and backs up ramming him into a corner breaking the hold. Hoyt holds his throat and the ref checks on him. Joe catches his breathe hanging on the rope, Roode comes up from behind and chokes him up on the rope pulling him down. Hoyt takes him and whips him across the ring and connects with a big boot. Lance pins Joe 1…2…3!
WINNER: Lance Hoyt

Tenay: WHAT!?!?!? Lance got the pin on Joe?!?!? Lance faces Styles?!?!?!

West: We just saw it right before our eyes here Mike! Lance Hoyt pinned Joe 1…2…3! I am in utter shock! Of course, with repetitive interference by Roode and Ms. Brooks, there were very slim chances of Joe winning to begin with!

The ref goes to raise Hoyt’s arm, but Hoyt pushes the ref on his back and Roode and Brooks come in the ring and raise each other’s hands. Jim Cornette appears on the big screen sitting in his office chair.

Cornette: Wow, congratulations Lance Hoyt, my boy I knew you had it in you. Therefore next week right here on iMPACT! We will see who will get the chance to fight Sting, the TNA World Champion, in 3 weeks at our Hard Justice PPV! Oh and Samoa Joe, my deepest regrets, you’ll get ‘em next time, hopefully…

Tenay: Oh yea, real sincere Cornette!


Leticia is backstage with Sting.

Leticia: Sting, just now, we have now figured out who will be competing in the number one contender’s match to face you at Hard Justice, it will be AJ Styles vs. Lance Hoyt, what are your thoughts?

Sting: Well, this is the thing Leticia, in this horrible state of TNA, that keep in mind is controlled by Jim Cornette, isn’t the greatest place to be at this point. You have Robert Roode and Lance Hoyt, undeservingly main eventing, while you have guys like Monty Brown and Samoa Joe, accomplished athletes in their own right, in the gutter. Then you have AJ Styles, AJ, listen to me, I know this is “your world title” but it just happens to be on my shoulder. AJ Styles, if you win next week, and that’s a big if, it will be an honor to go one on one with you, and defeat you. Because afterall, it doesn’t matter if you’re AJ Styles, Robert Roode, Lance Hoyt, Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, anyone! Because there is only one Icon in this business and you’re looking at him baby, it’s Showtime!


PROMO: Bound For Glory Tickets on Sale Now!


Christian Cage busts into Jim Cornette’s office.

: Cornette! What the hell is this!?!?!? Cornette, I am damn sure not stepping into the ring with Scott Steiner tonight! No chance in hell, who makes the matches around here!?!?!?!

Cornette: Hey, who the hell do you think you’re talking to? Cage, what the hell is wrong with you, don’t talk to me like that!

Cage: Hey Cornette I am not facing Scott Steiner tonight, I am still hurting from the four way, I can’t I am sorry. It’s just not going to happen.

Cornette: Fine if you are going to cry about it, it’s your choice. You step into the ring with Steiner and everything is topsy tervy, or you don’t wrestle tonight and you don’t receive a paycheck this week, the choice is yours.

Cage: Well….uh….well now. Thank you Mr. Cornette for the choice you gave me.

Cornette: Christian I damn sure you choose the right thing, choose what’s best for Christian, like you always do.

Cage: Yea…thanks Cornette.

Cage walks out of his office and is greeted by the Alpha Male Monty Brown.

Cage: What the hell are you doing here???

Brown: Waiting for someone.

Cage: Oh yea, like I am supposed to believe that! What are you stalking me or something?

Brown: No Cage it’s not like that bro, but I just heard your conversation with Jimbo, seems like you are in a little bit of a bind huh?

Cage: It’s none of your business Alpha Male so get out of my way!

Brown: Fine, but if you aren’t going to wrestle Scottie tonight, I would say you are, well, quitting.

Cage: Hey, listen, I wasn’t the one who quit at Victory Road here Brown!

Brown: So I take it you are going to wrestle Steiner tonight?

Cage: Umm, uh, yea! Monty I will! I will show you a little thing called heart, the heart to stay in it once it gets tough!

Brown: Can’t wait to see it buddy.

Monty Brown pats him hard on the back and Cage has to catch his breathe. Cage’s phone rings.

Cage: If we are (takes a big gasp of air) done here, let me answer this!

Cage opens his cell phone and Brown walks away.

Cage: Well, buddy, how you been? So what’s the status? You jumping ship soon?

Cage walks away talking.

PROMO: Hard Justice hype.

Kevin Nash’s music hits as Kevin Nash comes to the ring along with Senshi.

: Hey, Senshi, dude! Guess what?

Senshi: What is it Kev?

Nash: Jim Cornette gave me the privilege of announcing the main event for Hard Justice! You know, since I am a huge part of the success of the X-Division, he also gave me the privilege of actually making the match! So, let me just say…

Christopher Daniels’ music hits as the Fallen Angel comes to the ring.

Hey, Chris, what’s with the party crash?

Daniels: Nash, shut up, listen up, and keep your mouth shut! I came out here to stop you from ruining Hard Justice. We all know that you could make any match you want, so what is stopping you from making the match Senshi vs. Jay Lethal with one arm tied behind Lethal’s back huh? I came out here just to make sure that I am in the match!

Nash: Jeez Chris, I didn’t know you were like this man. All up on me like this, giving me the sense that you think I am a bad guy! Jim Cornette gave me strict instructions…

Jay Lethal’s music hits as the X-Division Champion comes to the ring.

: Hey, now, ohhhhh yeeaaaaa, someone said something about a party? Well you can’t have a proper, ohhhh, X Division party without the X Division Champion Black Machismo! OHHHHH YYYEAAAA! DIG IT!

Nash: Hey Randy calm down here man. As long as the gang is all here, Jim Cornette’s instructions specifically said that I was to make a match involving all 3 of you guys for that X-Division title.

Lethal: Oh yea, is that right Kev, because I know for a fact both of these guys are after my gold!

Daniels: Wait what are you talking about Jay???

Lethal: Ohhhh yeaaaa, never mind, let’s here the match Big Daddy Cool!

Nash: Let’s get ready, everyone stand up in preparation to give me a round of applause for this one.

The fans start cheering Ultimate X! Ultimate X! Ultimate X!

Nash: Hey, you guys almost ruined it! Now at Hard Justice it will be the X-Division Champion Jay Lethal, Black Machismo, defending his belt against the Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels and the Warrior Senshi! Isn’t that one hell of a match?

Daniels: Wait, that’s it, I knew you were full of…

Nash: Did I say that was it? No I didn’t! Because, in addition to that 3 way match, there will be a special guest referee, so gentlemen, please direct your attention to the big screen.

On the screen is a huge 3….2…1…then comes a big picture of Kevin Nash.

Nash: HELL YEA! It’s me baby, special guest referee right here! I had you all going didn’t I? Yea Big Daddy Cool returns to PPV as a special guest referee!

Jerry Lynn’s music hits as the X-Division Pioneer returns to TNA. He runs into the ring. The fans are screaming Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

: Nash, let me be the first to say, shut the hell up! You have been terrorizing the X-Division for long enough! In this ring right now, I have respect for each one of these guys, except you Kev. I just happened to come out of Jim Cornette’s office, it was sort of a surprise visit, so he was overjoyed to this old X-Division Pioneer, and he gave me a little bit of information. He wants me on the Hard Justice PPV, he said he didn’t care what I did, but I had to be there. He was telling me what the PPV was going to have carded that night, it was pretty good, but I happened to see your big stupid ass in with the X-Division again! So, I asked him if I could, well take your spot as the guest referee, and well, he said if that’s what I have to do, it’s done, and well here I am, I am now the special guest referee for the X-Division 3 Way at Hard Justice!

Nash: You can’t do that Jerry! It’s me, didn’t you see the whole thing on the screen?

Lynn: Nash that sucked, you know it, I know it, the iMPACT! Zone knows it, and everyone around the world knows it!

Nash: Well, Jerry, thanks for taking my spot, you aren’t going to get away with this you know that!

Lynn: Nash, don’t start, I got a flight to catch, nice seeing you guys, well not you as much Nash, so I will be seeing all you guys at Hard Justice!

Tenay: Oh my god! Jerry Lynn at Hard Justice! I can’t believe it!

West: Nash’s plan totally blew up in his face! I love every minute of this!


Jeremy Borash is backstage with “Wildcat” Chris Harris.

JB: Jeremy Borash backstage with “Wildcat” Chris Harris. Now Chris this is the first appearance you are making since that behind the scene situation causing the indefinite suspension of your partner, one half of AMW, the “Cowboy” James Storm. Chris, I am like everyone else, I want to know what’s next for you? Take a hiatus from TNA? Go into singles competition? What?

Harris: Jeremy, let me address the James Storm situation before anything. No matter what the rumors are, or whatever you have been hearing, it’s all lies. I don’t know what Storm has been up to recently, he never called me back, he traveled by himself mostly, let me just say whatever James was up to, I had nothing to do with it. Some fans have been saying I was involved, but I wasn’t, I am here to wrestle, no more, no less. That brings me to my next point, if I am here to wrestle, there will be no taking hiatus, there will only be action coming out of this Wildcat! That’s why at Hard Justice, I will be making my singles debut! That’s right, if I am physically able, there will be nothing stopping me from being there at Hard Justice!

JB: Well, you heard it here first, Chris Harris, debuting in singles competition at Hard Justice!


Scott Steiner’s music hits as Big Poppa Pump comes to the ring.

: Don, I feel so bad for Steiner, he accidentally put DDP in the hospital with a chair shot to the back of the head.

West: Yea, he must be feeling really bad now, but that kind of stuff happens in this business, you have to just move on like he is doing here tonight!

Christian Cage’s music hits as the Instant Classic comes to the ring.

Scott Steiner vs. Christian Cage

Scott Steiner flexes his muscles trying to intimidate Cage. Cage goes right up to Scottie and slaps him in the face. Scott holds his cheek and smiles then pushes Cage’s face and Cage falls backwards. Steiner goes down and gets Cage in a headlock, Cage counters into a head scissors. Steiner counters and pulls Cage up, Cage still with his legs around him, and Steiner plants Cage straight onto the mat into a pin 1…2…kickout! Steiner picks Cage up and whips him into the corner. Steiner runs towards him, but Cage gets his legs up and gets a flying head scissors on Scottie. Cage pins him 1…kickout! Cage puts Steiner in a vertical chin lock. Steiner panics. He starts elbowing Cage in the gut and pulls his legs down ground Cage and Steiner mounts on top landing shots on Cage. Steiner grabs his by the head and body slams him. He lands a big leg drop on Cage and then covers 1...2…kickout! Steiner picks him up and whips him across the ring scoring a hip toss on Cage. Cage bounces up holding his back. He comes up and turns around into a huge clothesline by Steiner. Steiner mounts on Cage’s back, but Cage escapes sliding out of Steiner and the hold going out of the ring. Cage gets up on the apron and Steiner goes to knock him off, but Cage elbows him in the gut. Cage springboards off the top rope from the apron into a cradle roll up pin on Steiner 1…2…kickout! Cage maneuvers out and dropkicks Steiner who is sitting up. Cage covers him again 1…2…kickout! Steiner gets up and Cage bounces off the ropes and gets a bulldog on Steiner. Cage points out to his peeps in the audience as he picks up Steiner. Scott quickly pushes him away with great force into the ref knocking him out. Steiner goes up to Cage and Cage low blows him. Cage smiles and starts laughing.

Monty Brown rushes down the ramp sliding into the ring.

Without Cage knowing, Brown pops up behind him, and whips him across the ring connecting with a huge Pounce on Christian. Monty shakes the ref to. Steiner gets up and gets on back of Cage locking him in for the Steiner Recliner. Monty stands on the outside tapping on the canvas screaming “QUIT! QUIT!” After a long time, Cage’s face turns blue and Cage taps to Steiner.
WINNER: Scott Steiner

Tenay: Wow, what big talk Cage was talking earlier, he could sure talk the talk, but he proved he can’t walk the walk!

West: Oh, man, Mike, Cage must be furious at Monty Brown right now, well, atleast, once he regains his consciousness!

PROMO: Team 3D hype.


: Replay of the confrontation between Angle and Jarrett last week.

Tenay: Are you ready for our iMPACT! Main Event, Don?

West: Mike, I have been waiting all night!

LAX’s music hits as the TNA World Tag Team Champions come to the ring.

Jeff Jarrett’s music hits as the King of the Mountain comes to the ring.

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Angle comes down the ramp pausing before he enters the ring.

LAX vs. Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle

Homicide looks to be starting off for LAX, but Angle and Jarrett can’t seem to agree on who will start it off. Homicide goes over to the bickering two, and he pushes both of them. Angle and Jarrett look at him then push him away. Homicide comes back unloading on Kurt. The ref signals for the bell with Homicide and Angle starting off. Homicide is still unloading on Angle, but Angle powers back picking him up and slamming him down. Angle gets on back of Homicide and slaps the back of his head. Homicide flips him off of his back and elbow drops him. Homicide picks his arm and maneuvers into a cradle for the 1…2…kickout! Homicide kneels up, but Angle kneels up as well. Homicide tries shooting Angle, but Angle counters and nails several shots on Homicide. Both men get up still exchanging blows. Angle backs up and shoulder blocks him. Angle runs to the ropes, but Hernandez pulls down on the rope causing Angle to fall out of the ring. Hernandez goes outside and picks up Angle hurling him back into the ring. In the distance, you can see Jarrett laughing. Homicide goes to cover Angle 1…2…kickout! Homicide picks up Angle, but Angle fires back with forearm uppercuts. Angle hooks him and nails a belly to belly suplex on Homicide catapulting him across the ring into his corner and Hernandez tags himself in. Hernandez rushes in and clotheslines Angle. Angle gets right back up and is clotheslined again. Hernandez picks up Angle and whips him across the ring following up with a scoop slam into a pin on Angle 1…2…kickout! Hernandez picks up Angle by the head and headbutts him. Angle drop toe holds him from the mat and grounds Hernandez. He goes for the Ankle Lock, but Hernandez pushes him and Angle falls into a corner. Hernandez goes to bulldoze Angle in the corner, but Angle moves and Hernandez hits the turnbuckles hitting his head on the ring post. Angle gets Hernandez hooked and connects with a German Suplex. Angle now crawls over to Jarrett to finally get the tag. He struggles. Jarrett puts his hand out to tag and right when Angle is going to tag Jarrett takes his hand away and walks off the apron up the ramp. Angle is stunned.

Tenay: What the heck? Jarrett you snake! Go back, help Kurt!

West: Well Mike, when you think about it, why would you help your arch enemy?

Hernandez pulls Angle in by the ankles and stomps the hell out of him. He gets his legs and slingshots Angle into the corner and bounces back and Hernandez connects with the Border Toss. He tags in Homicide and he comes in circling Angle.

Team 3D’s music hits as Team 3D stands at the top of the iMPACT! Zone.

Homicide is distracted as Hernandez runs up the ramp to confront Team 3D. Brother Ray and Brother Devon charge at Hernandez. Angle clips Homicide legs and locks in the Ankle lock. Angle is half conscious and grapevines his legs. Homicide taps.
WINNER: Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrett

West: Wow, Angle was practically in a handicap match and he still won! I can’t believe it!

Tenay: I know, lets catch fans up to speed, Jarrett was going to tag, but decided to woos out and go up the ramp. Team 3D came out of the tunnel and distracted Hernandez allowing Angle to get the Ankle lock on Homicide! This was incredible!

Hernandez and Team 3D battle down the tunnel. Jeff Jarrett appears out of the opposite tunnel watching as Angle has his arm raised by the referee.

Tenay: What a great show, we will see you next week for TNA iMPACT!


TNA Wrestling presents TNA Hard Justice LIVE! on PPV!

X-Division Championship (Jerry Lynn as Special Guest Referee)
“Black Machismo” Jay Lethal * vs “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. “The Warrior” Senshi

“The Wildcat” Chris Harris debuts in single’s competition!​

The Rated R CMStar

Best Match: Main Event

Worst Match: All were amazing, even for TNA.

Best Promo: Monty Brown/Christian Cage

Worst Promo: Chris Harris one

Addicional Comments: You actually made Lance Hoyt win! I was so expecting this. Now it is time to push Chris Harris and give the X division title to Christopher Daniels


dang awesome show!

Best Match- MaiN Event

Worst Match: N/A

Best Promo: Monty Brown/Christan Cage

Worst Promo: Chris Harris'

Addicional Comments: Awesome show, I like the Brown/Cage feud that you are building up and pushing Chris Harris, hope Leathel keeps his belt

overall 9/10

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: LAX/ Jarett&Angle

Worst Match: n/a

Best Promo: Monty Brown/Cage

Worst Promo: Chris Harris

Additional Comments: another great show! good to see how you push your superstars.. keep it up!