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the dark knight

they can fire cody or send him to smackdown, that way ted's all alone so he can turn on orton without cody in the picture and get over.


All I have to say is....THIS is the A-show?...really guys.........really?
What an absolutely HORRIBLE show....AGAIN.


As an Orton fan Raw still fucking sucked! I mean more handicap matches? Only good thing about it was it kept me thinking if Ted was going to turn or not? Mvp segment was ok to and santina backstage. Everything else was shit. Smackdown is now my #1 show.


Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
The best thing about Raw at the moment is Santino/Santina. I think that says it all.

the dark knight

^^actually it was one of those moments you'd wanna gag.

terrible show tbh. there was nothing during the entire thing that remotely caught my attention.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
Shit show this week there matches were MEH. MVP lounge was OK i really hope they push MVP he is great on the mic he isn't too bad in the ring either. Santino was funny i love his stuff. Batista really is shite on the mic he fumbles his lines he does that stupid grunty laugh every time he gets on the mic, He is awful. He really needs mic skill lessons. Personally i miss HHH/HBK i know it wont make the show any better for other ppl but it will for me :). As far as wrestling goes SD is no1 show at the moment IMO.


I did not enjoy last night's show at all. Maybe I lowered my standards after the train wreck that was last week's episode, I don't know. I guess I'm a sucker for undercard development of some sort (ignoring the continued burying of Rhodes & DiBiase). Right now though, Raw's main event picture is sad. They need HBK back like yesterday.

Last night was a solid night overall for Orton, but Batista didn't really cut the type of money promo that leads you to believe that the WWE title means much of anything to him. He just comes off as a guy who is simply out for revenge. Cena's promo was typical of the direction that they're taking this character, at least they're giving Miz a chance to say a lot of stuff that most fans are thinking at this point. Big Show is what he is, a big waste of space.

The fact that there really isn't a main eventer on Raw that I like much at all plays a part in my line of thinking, but I just do not find this current group of main event superstars as a whole to be entertaining. If they continued to showcase the midcard and tried to build up the tag team division I think I'd be happier with what Monday nights have to offer on a weekly basis, but as it stands, Smackdown top to bottom is head and shoulders above Raw. Right now I'd rank them like this:

1. Smackdown
2. ECW
3. Superstars
4. Raw

On the bright side, it could be worse if HHH were around feuding with someone like Big Show. So much for the draft beefing up Raw. I guess we'll see what happens when another guy im fond of (Kennedy) returns.

Moonlight Drive

Bad show, but I've gotta say, Batista actually looked really good in my eyes when he went nuts on Orton. He definitely shouldn't have gotten the advantage going into a PPV though.


they can fire cody or send him to smackdown, that way ted's all alone so he can turn on orton without cody in the picture and get over.

I'd hope they have something more exciting/creative up their sleeve than that tbh.... 6 months to set up a faction which did little more than of consequence than beat HHH in a 6 man tag match (and only AFTER he'd losrt clean to HHH at WM)? ...No need to state how hard that would suck!

This weeks show:

Batista still sucks.
MVP & Regal - Mmmmmmmmmmm. :y:
US title scene, in general, looks pretty sweet.
Santina: LOL
Kendrick: And you deserve a title shot (in kayfaybe) why exactly???
Rey v Jericho: YAY!

verdict: Weak, but functional pre-PPV show.


I think the raw after will be a better one, 2 weeks til OnS/Etreme rules ppv. Must be a good ppv, im calling hhh vs orton vs batista in a HIAC.


^^^A HIAC of THAT magnitude would almost definately be saved for Summerslam or another such 'prime' PPV.

I'm just expecting the majority of Jday matches to be repeated with stips and REALLY wanna see Punk v Umaga in some kind of no DQ environment.

MC Rae

Jul 13, 2007
Reaction score
United kingdom

Erm, noumenon pretty much sums up my opinion of the show;
THIS is the A-show?

This is just WEAK. The Orton/Batisita thing is okay but nowhere near good enough, it just seems like a half-baked version of the HHH/Orton feud we saw over the WrestleMania period. Just an average way to go into an average PPV that hasn't really ignitied an undying urge in me to fork out £14.95.

The one tiny bright spark of the show for me was THE Brian Kendrick and him announcing he's wanting a partner... hang on, there's must have been something more interesting on the show?... wait, NO. That was it.

Cena has become more annoying than usual in this role and frankly Cena/Show sounds about as interesting as watching paint dry. Oh wait there was the other bright spark of the show, MIZ 3 CENA 0. Go Miz.

SmackDown! > RAW

the dark knight

^^^A HIAC of THAT magnitude would almost definately be saved for Summerslam or another such 'prime' PPV.
naaaaaaaaaaaaah, not always. actually, the only 3 HIAC matches that were on the big four were the last two + wrestlemania's taker vs BBM. other than those 3, its always on normal PPVs.

and what do you suggest with ted? he cant turn on orton with cody just matter how it goes it'll always be as boring as randy's headlocks.


naaaaaaaaaaaaah, not always. actually, the only 3 HIAC matches that were on the big four were the last two + wrestlemania's taker vs BBM. other than those 3, its always on normal PPVs.

On the contrary I've NEVER seen a 3-way HIAC match.

TDK on more than one occasion of late: "I haven't read most of the thread", "Can't be arsed" etc....

That much is becoming quite apparent.