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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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1992 WON MOTY: Super Powers Series - Day 8 - All Asia Tag Team Championship: The Can-Am Express (Dan Kroffat & Doug Furnas) (c) vs Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi
These streamers actually feel like they mean something instead of when ROH does them :mark: This fuckin RULES! Can-Am Express heel work is fucking amazing as they try and wrestle a slow American style match, while the other team do their typical Japanese high impact offense, and they all four work so well together. Kikuchi and Kobashi are so crazy over the crowd starts chanting their name after almost every move either of them do. IDK why but the Japanese announcer just said “Sportscenter” lol. Really good back and forth match for awhile until it breaks down and Furnas first military presses Kikuchi over the top rope, and then over the rail outside to a table :mark: Can-Am Express hit a Hart Attack move for a near fall, then Kroffat locks in a painful af looking Boston crab. They work Kikuchi over for a while, shutting down a few comebacks, and the crowd is just begging for Kobashi. At one point Kobashi tries to interfere but it takes three kicks to the face until Kroffat lets go of another Boston Crab :mark: Kobashi finally gets the hot tag and it’s AMAZING! Cheap interference allows Can-Am to get control back though, but we get another amazing spot where Kobashi tags Kikuchi, hits an enzuguri on Kroffat, and then Kikuchi hits a diving headbutt for a two count :mark: Can-Am Express is able to hit a Doomsday Device, but it only gets a two count and holy fuck this crowd is hot now. Kobashi and Furnas end up outside the ring while the other two are legal inside, and Kobashi hits a SNAP DDT ON THE OUTSIDE :mark: Back in the ring, Kroffat is going for a Superplex, but Kobashi stops him and they hit a doomsday device of their own only its a dropkick instead of a clothesline, Kobashi then slams Kikuchi onto Kroffat for the win OH SHIT NEVER MIND KROFFAT KICKED OUT BRUH THAT SHIT TRICKED ME I THOUGHT IT WAS FOR SURE OVER WHAT A FALSE FINISH! :mark::mark::mark: Furnas ends up hitting a beautiful Frankensteiner, but Kikuchi breaks up the pin before it even starts. Another NICE false finish with Kobashi almost pinning Kroffat after a superkick and powerslam combo, then another after a double arm DDT, until Kobashi finally hits his Moonsault for the win HOLY SHIT THE LAST 10 MINUTES OR SO OF THAT MATCH WERE FUCKING AMAZING :mark: I loved everything about this, opening was fast-paced and fun, then you had good heel heat with Can-Am working over Kikuchi and then you think it’s gonna end like 4 different times before the final ending and each false finish just gets better and better. Way better than both those tag matches that won MOTY in ‘91.

PWI MOTY: SummerSlam - WWF Intercontinental Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs The British Bulldog
This is a 20 minute Bret Hart showcase since Bulldog is blazed out of his mind so S/O Hart for carrying him through this classic. Hart’s technical skills are absolutely amazing, and the crowd pops for everything Bulldog does, so that’s great. Bulldog obviously uses his power when he has the upper hand which isn’t often and Hart’s bumping is just phenomenal in this. They have some really fun pinning combinations early on which is a good foreshadowing for how this one ends. I’m 5 minutes in and already tired of them showing Diana Hart-Smith. Hart starts getting more violent, kinda playing the heel to this British crowd without changing his style too much, and it works really well. Vince McMahon calls a reverse atomic drop a reverse piledriver WHAT :lmao Hart ends up hitting a super weird dive to the outside and works over Bulldog for a bit that I feel like wasn’t scripted whatsoever and Hart is just trying to make something. Now McMahon calls a russian legsweep a neckbreaker :side: Hart holds a sleeper hold on the ropes for like five 4-counts while obviously telling Davey what to do next :lmao Bulldog finally starts fighting back after like 15 minutes of straight Hart offense and fucks up a military press slam by throwing Hart right into the ropes :lmao that looked painful af at least so it’s a recovered botch. Hart bumps like crazy to make the few moves Bulldog can do look super painful, and this crowd is hot af for the Bulldog now. Really nice near fall where Hart kicks out of Bulldog’s running powerslam :mark: Heenan on commentary says the only man he knows that could get up from these moves is Ric Flair :lmao Bruh they really let Bulldog get all the way on the top rope for a superplex, but fuck it worked and was a nice spot for a near fall. Hart locking on the Sharpshooter from his back is probably top five spots of all time :mark::mark: Bulldog fights out and the ending finally comes with him pinning Hart during a sunset flip attempt for the win and a HUGE POP :mark: Yeah Bulldog probably didn’t remember the opening sequence of this by the time he won the belt, but fuck it the match is still fun to watch thanks to Bret being a fucking legend. It got a little boring when Hart was just working over him for awhile, but once the action picked back up at the end, I really loved the finishing sequences. Bret being pissed at losing before shaking Bulldogs hand could be some great buildup for his eventual crybaby heel turn :side: Long-term booking lmao

WON WMOTY: Halloween Havoc - NWA World Heavyweight Championship (w/ Harley Race & Kensuke Sasaki as Guest Referees): Masahiro Chono (c) (w/ Hiro Matsuda) vs Rick Rude (w/ Madusa)
So each guy got to pick a referee for some reason, and I know Chono is working hurt here, but I think Rude could be as well. Rude doesn’t even have his mustache anymore :( Race wins the coin toss so he gets to be the referee in the ring. The crowd starts chanting “We want Flair” right when the match starts :lmao Bruh Ventura and JR are killing me on commentary already they’re easily gonna be the best part of this. Bruh this is literally just all rest holds, like there’s been absolutely nothing to comment on for 10 minutes. Chono tries to lock in the STF for like 5 minutes straight, but Rude blocks his head. Rude hits like legit a top 5 regular piledriver of all time, and that joins the commentary as being the only notable moments. Bro Randy Orton would watch this match and be like “really they’re still doing headlocks.” The crowd has been dead the entire match, and they start popping like crazy during a 5 minute sleeper hold spot, so I think there’s a fight or something off camera bc they’re dead again a few seconds later. Chono accidentally kicks Race right in the face, so Sasaki helps Race and during this Chono ends up throwing Rude over the top rope onto Sasaki so both refs are hurt :lmao Rude hits the Rude Awakening, but no ref can make the count. Chono locks on the STF and Sasaki gets in the ring and rings the bell bc Rude tapped out. BUT WAIT Race says Rude actually won bc he saw Chono throw Rude over the top rope which is illegal again in WCW thanks to Bill Watts. So Rude actually wins….but it’s by DQ so the result doesn’t matter :lmao fuck this bullshit. After the match, Sasaki and Race argue and Sasaki ends up taking out Race and Rude to the biggest pop of the match other than whatever happened during the sleeper spot.

BONUS: Best commentary exchange from Halloween Havoc

JR (after Rude is talking shit to Chono): Well I don't see how that does any good considering Chono doesn't speak English
Ventura: How do you know he's not speaking Japanese?
JR: Because I know Rude doesn't speak Japanese, Jess.
Ventura: Every Minnesotan knows how to speak Japanese and English Ross, that's why our economy is so good
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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1993 WON MOTY: Dream Slam II - Two Out of Three Falls for the WWWA World Tag Team Championship: Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada (c) vs Dynamite Kansai & Mayumi Ozaki
Each team has a smaller wrestler in Toyota and Ozaki and a power fighter in Yamada and Kansai so that should be a great dynamic, plus you have Toyota being the GOAT womens wrestler of all time, so I expect this to be great. They all start out in the ring at one time and FUCKING INSTANTLY Kansai hits a brutal crucifix sitout powerbomb on Yamada for the first fall :lmao that took 12 seconds so the match really starts with the second fall. Kansai/Toyota is REALLY fun, they do the power vs speed dynamic fucking perfectly. Same goes for Yamada/Ozaki, just not quite on the same level. Kansai/Yamada is pretty good power vs power bc they’re super stiff with each other, eating some BRUTAL fucking kicks. Ozaki/Toyota is your typical Japanese junior stuff, still pretty fun to watch for sure. Kansai goes to lock in a Sharpshooter on Yamada at one point and STEPS ON HER FUCKING HEAD BEFORE LOCKING IT ON :mark: It breaks down with Kansai and Ozaki both hitting dives to the outside, and double diving headbutts on Toyota for a close two count :mark: BRUH TOYOTA GETS THROWN TO THE ROPES by KANSAI AND SOMEHOW TURNS IT TO A MOONSAULT ON THE OUTSIDE ONTO OZAKI AS YAMADA TAKES OUT KANSAI :mark: The ending of the first fall is a lot of fun, all four hit germans before Toyota gets the fall with a weird electric chair drop on Kansai. Secon fall would have been a great match on its on for sure, but now we’re tied at 1-1. The loser of the fall has to start again so the third fall starts super fast paced with Toyota & Yamada trying to finish Kansai off quickly. Ozaki breaks up pins so weekly compared to when Kansai comes in with stiff head kicks :( These Toyota springboard moves come out of NOWHERE :mark: I lowkey kinda just wish this was Toyota/Kansai, the other two are fine, but they’re exchanges are easily the best. The third fall is some great back and forth action with each wrestler showcasing their offense, lots of brutal looking strikes and holds. It looked like Yamada was setting up for a vertebreaker before Ozaki interfered OH SHIT IS THAT HER FINISHER :mark: Nice false finish as Ozaki is literally dead after some big moves, but Kansai breaks it up. Toyota/Ozaki do a cradle roll spot UGH never liked that probably because Eugene ruined it. The ending sequence was really fun, it’s mainly the challengers hitting a lot of big moves on Toyota and trying to keep Yamada from interfering before hitting a Doomsday Device variation where Kansai hits a Crucifix Powerbomb as Ozaki comes off with a clothesline from the top rope :mark: That was really fucking good, a few spots looked a little awkward, but overall that was like 40 minutes and easily one of if not the best women’s match I’ve ever seen other than Melina vs Alicia Fox of course :side:

PWI MOTY: Monday Night Raw - WWF Intercontinental Championship: Shawn Michaels (c) (w/ Diesel) vs Marty Jannetty
Diesel’s outfit is so clean, too sweet. LOL at Jannetty still just using The Rockers gimmick. Jannetty worries about Diesel even though he is just standing there, so Michaels takes advantage with a cheap shot, and we get a super fast paced opening sequence, and Randy Savage on commentary calls this one of the greatest matches he’s ever seen after 45 seconds :lmao ICOPRO :side: This is a really good match for sure, they have really good chemistry and Michaels heel work is really great with Jannetty playing the babyface role really well. GREAT FUCKING SPOT where Jannetty misses a dive, but Jannetty lands on his feet and hits a NICE DDT for the pinfall, but Michaels’s foot was on the rope. Diesel comes in pissed, as the crowd goes nuts bc the bell has already rung and the announcers act like Jannetty won. We come back from commercial to them brawling outside the ring and the announcers explain that Bobby Heenan on commentary showed the refs the replay so they restarted the match :lmao McMahon and Savage try and talk shit to him for that but he just claims to be an honest man :lmao Anyway, this is some more great back and forth action, but they take another commercial as both men are down. Back from the break, Michaels is in control, as some guy in the crowd tries to start a “WHOOP THERE IT IS” chant, but a “Jannetty” chant wins out instead. Jannetty fights back and crotches Michaels over the ropes, and then we get a really nice sequence towards the end with Jannetty getting some great near falls. He measures Michaels for a superkick, but Michaels does Andre’s rope spot, but then is able to get undone in time to dodge Jannetty, sending him over the top rope REALLY FUCKING HARD :mark: Diesel then rolls in Jannetty without the ref seeing and Michaels pins him lol wut. That was a really great match, especially for this era of RAW, ending was a little meh but didn’t take away from the overall match too much.

WON WMOTY: Survivor Series - 4-on-4 Survivor Series Elimination Match: Bam Bam Bigelow, Bastion Booger, & The Headshrinkers (Fatu & Samu) (w/ Afa & Luna Vachon) vs The Bushwhackers (Butch & Luke) & Men on a Mission (Mabel & Mo) (w/ Oscar)
Booger and Headshrinkers come out eating Thanksgiving food and bananas and shit. I guess Doink the Clown picked the face team, so they all come out wearing Doink facepaint and wigs BRUH what the fuck am I doing. Why TF is Doink not on his own Survivor Series team, even the announcers say they expected it to be Doink and three other clowns :side: The crowd starts chanting “We want Doink” before this starts as Afa is still eating some kind of animal outside the ring. Booger tries to get a bite from one of the Headshrinker’s bananas, so Luke bites his ass. Samu comes in and starts biting the Doink’s balloons, but one had a liquid in it so he gets rolled up by Luke for the first elimination and now there’s water everywhere :lmao Fatu gives Booger a banana and rubs one on his head for some reason, but then Booger gets distracted by the banana and Mabel who I don’t think was legal eliminates him. BRUH Fatu comes in with a fucking cooked Turkey and hits Butch in the head with it :lmao the ring now has water, bananas, and turkey all over it as Mo comes in the ring with his scooter just riding around while Fatu and Butch are wrestling. Bigelow has enough and breaks the scooter :lmao Fatu had the pin, but got distracted by a banana so Butch comes in and they do some weird spot with a bucket where Fatu was supposed to slip on the banana pill, but that was fucked up anyway Fatu is eliminated by once again someone that isn’t the legal man. Bigelow is the only man left on his team, there’s food all in the ring. Butch ends up throwing confetti on Luna from a bucket and this distraction causes Mabel to hit a splash on Bigelow and all four men cover him bc that’s legal :no: As Bigelow is leaving, Doink appears on the tron and talks shit to him.
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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1994 PWI & WON MOTY: WrestleMania X - Ladder Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship: Razor Ramon (c) vs Shawn Michaels (w/ Diesel)
Michaels make a point to go around the ladder during his entrance while Ramon goes right under it :mark: This starts out pretty fun, Diesel takes out Ramon early with a clothesline and yells at Earl Hebner “DID YOU SEE SOMETHING” :lmao Hebner still kicks him out tho so it’s a true one-on-one match. Ramon ends up going for the Razor’s Edge early, but Michaels flips him over the top rope onto the exposed concrete that Ramon exposed earlier. We get our first ladder at about 7 minutes or so, and shit really starts picking up :mark: The way they use the ladder as a weapon just looks so much more brutal than normal ladder matches probably bc this ladder was picked up from Lowe’s the night before more than likely. Michaels goes for the belts, but Ramon pulls his pants down exposing his ass, so Michaels kicks him down and hits an elbow drop with his ass out :mark: Michaels then hits that iconic splash off the ladder we’ve seen a million times. Michaels makes another grab at the belts, but this time Ramon pushes the ladder over so he hits the ropes. Really cool shot with both me down and we get a look from above with the belts swaying about. We get some more brawling outside with the ladder, including Ramon slingshotting Michaels into the ladder. The crowd gets hot af as Ramon has a chance to climb for the belts for the first time, but Michaels jumps off the top rope to stop him and the ladder falls right on Michaels’s back :mark: Both guys end up on the ladder and it gets all fucked up when Ramon throws Michael off so they both fall. Michaels hits a superkick that neither announcer calls Sweet Chin Music yet, and then a piledriver that both announcers thought was going to be the Razor’s Edge :lmao Michaels then hits a splash using the ladder to slam it onto Ramon :mark: Michaels tries to get the belts again, but Ramon pushes the ladder off and Michaels ends up getting his foot caught in the ropes so Ramon climbs and wins with Michaels watching the whole time :lmao Really good especially for the first Ladder match since these two had nothing to go by. We get way crazier ladder stuff later, but that shouldn’t discount this match at all IMO as it’s still super fun to watch. I’m a fan of the ending as well, thought it was pretty unique to have Michaels watch him climb and take the belts but not be able to do anything.

WON WMOTY: Survivor Series - 4-on-4 Survivor Series Elimination Match: Clowns R’ Us (Dink the Clown, Doink the Clown, Pink the Clown, & Wink the Clown) vs The Royal Family (Cheesy, Jerry Lawler, Queasy, & Sleazy)
One of Doink’s little people come out with a Burger King crown on :lmao so Lawler and Doink can only wrestle each other and the little people can only wrestle each other like a mixed tag match. The crowd starts chanting “Burger King” probably bc Lawler told them not to before the match started :side: Doink and Lawler start out, and they actually do some pretty good comedy work with Lawler trying to mirror Doink’s spots but it not working well for him. The ref doesn’t do anything at all to try and keep anyone from interfering he’s just standing there since there hasn’t been a single pin yet other than when Doink counted his partners on Lawler that obviously didn’t count. The comedy is fun for like two minutes, but now I’m so tired of this. Dink then gets on Doink’s shoulders so Lawler gets on top of Sleazy :lmao That obviously doesn’t work so he drops Lawler on his face. It’s been like 8 minutes and Lawler and Doink still haven’t tagged out. Bruh I think Lawler just pretended to take something out of his trunks and hit Doink with it, but I don’t think he actually had anything :lmao The little people are brawling out of the ring as Doink hits a crossbody, but Lawler rolls through to eliminate Doink at like 10 fucking minutes in :lmao So now that Doink is out basically Lawler is to since he can’t wrestle the others. The Clowns then do more comedy shit with Lawler’s guys that isn’t funny to me or the crowd, but we’re actually getting tags now. Lawler helps Queasy eliminate Wink without the ref seeing. Lawler then helps Cheesy eliminate Pink, so only Dink is left, but Pink goes under the ring so Wink probably is under there too. Dink is the only little guy that can work tbh, so his little comeback is really fun, but more Lawler interference allows Sleazy to eliminate him. WHY TF DID THIS GET SO MUCH TIME UGH! After the match, Lawler talks shit to his partners and says “I hate short people” :lmao The three clowns that hid under the ring then come out and the 6 little people chase Lawler out of the arena until Doink comes out and pies Lawler in the face. Cut like 12 minutes from this and you could have had a decent comedy segment but the match itself last like 18 fucking minutes for no good reason.


Nov 13, 2010
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I loved that midget match.....Dave Meltzer would've watched Ace Ventura and
harped on driving with a broken windshield is impossible.


Dreams are Endless
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I wish they would have done more tagging in and out before Doink was eliminated, it got awkward af after that


Nov 13, 2010
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Dave would watch Superman and rant about how nobody can recognize him because of the glasses
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Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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1995 WON WMOTY: Battle 7 - Final Countdown BVD Tournament Semifinals: Sting vs Tony Palmore
So this Palmore guy is a kickboxer and has boxing gloves on, but Sting doesn’t so this is him trying to do kickboxing and Sting awkwardly blocking. He knocks Sting down so the ref starts counting, but earlier Sting suplexed him so this definitely isn’t a kickboxing match, maybe Palmore has to win by kickboxing rules and Sting has to win by wrestling IDK. Sting gets a third takedown and this time is able to lock in the Scorpion Deathlock for the instant win :lmao bruh this felt way longer than 4 minutes, do not watch.

PWI MOTY: WrestleMania XI - WWF World Heavyweight Championship (w/ Guest Ring Anouncer Nicholas Turturro & Guest Timekeeper Jonathan Taylor Thomas): Diesel (c) (w/ Pamela Anderson) vs Shawn Michaels (w/ Jenny McCarthy & Sycho Sid)
The thottes that each guy comes out with look fine af. Michaels tries to take a cheap shot during Diesel’s entrance, so he throws him over the top rope and finishes his entrance :mark: They do the big guy vs little guy dynamic really well though it’s a little different since Michaels is the heel here, but he sells so well and makes Diesel look super strong as he’s just launching Michaels across ring. At one point Diesel misses a big boot so Michaels Cactus Clotheslines them both over the rope, but then skins the cat back in the ring and dives outside from the top rope :mark: Michaels keeps harassing this poor camera man :lmao Diesel’s ribs get banged up after colliding into the post outside, but Michaels can’t win with him outside the ring as the challenger, so the heel being a smaller challenger makes this for a much different match than usual. Michaels works the ribs in the ring and it’s alright, not as good as Diesel’s offense earlier by any means. Diesel is able to power out of most of Michaels’s bigger moves, but can’t mount a real comeback due to his ribs. They do one of the better sleeper hold spots with Diesel finally getting more shots in after breaking it up. Diesel pulls Michaels’s pants down to show his obligatory WrestleMania ass, but we’re also getting some more great Diesel offense and Michaels selling now. So Hebner went to get out of the ring to keep Sid from interfering and fucked up his ankle so he’s down :lmao Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music, but since the ref’s down, Diesel is able to kick out at two after Hebner crawls in the ring. Sid exposes the metal part of the turnbuckle as Hebner tires to decide whether to sell his knee or ankle. Really cool spot where Diesel catches Michaels off the ropes into a brutal looking sidewalk slam. Diesel tries to slingshot Michaels into the exposed turnbuckle, but he was way too far away so Michaels hits the middle one lol Diesel wins by hitting a kinda fucked up Jacknife. Really fun match for sure, IDK if it needed all 20 or so minutes though, may have been better around 15 mins or so. Oh shit JR is in the WWF now as he tries to interview Sid and Michaels after the match. All the celebrities celebrate with Diesel as we still have to prepare for the main event of Lawrence Taylor/Bam Bam Bigelow next.

WON MOTY: G* Top - WWWA World Singles Championship: Manami Toyota (c) vs Kyoko Inoue
This starts off insane, Toyota gets thrown from the top rope to the floor like 30 seconds in, and then Inoue locks on some brutal looking submissions. This is really fucking good, Inoue’s holds and strikes look absolutely deadly with Toyota’s selling, but anytime she gets an opening, Toyota is able to hit a springboard attack or something, it’s just never enough to mount a comeback. At one point Inoue tries to hit a springboard move, but Toyota meets her with a dropkick to the back as she came off the ropes :mark: Toyota’s offense is really fun as well, a lot of running dropkicks followed by working the legs and some more cool submission holds that I’d always give my characters on video games. We get a lot of back and forth action now with fun counters and brawling outside the ring where Inoue ends up clotheslining Toyota on top of some fans. Back in the ring, Toyota hits an amazing Tiger Suplex off of a fake Irish Whip, but Inoue is able to keep control after a couple reversal sequences. Side note I love when Japanese crowds clap when wrestlers get rope breaks lol reminds me of tennis or some shit. Inoue is able to stuff a few Toyota comeback attempts until Toyota goes for like a reverse hurricanrana off the top rope, but they fucked up and Inoue lands on top of Toyota’s head FUCK that looked painful. This lets Inoue keep control where she does a giant swing outside where fans had to move out of the way to not be hit by Toyota :mark: Toyota finally fights back and hits three moonsaults in a row for a super close near fall :mark: I think the ring announcer just announced that we’re at the 30 minute mark. They end up outside again where Toyota hits a diving dropkick and then she gets a table that doesn’t look like any sort of breakaway WWE one, and hits a splash from the top to the outside which obviously doesn’t break the real table lol. Toyota then hits two piledrivers on the exposed concrete :mark: You can tell the crowd thinks this could end at any point with as loud as they get for each two count. Toyota goes for a superplex at one point, but Inoue reverses it into just a brutal powerslam from the top rope :mark: Inoue finally hits her Niagra Driver that she’s been going for all match and we get a SUPER late two counts :mark: Inoue has really gotten the best of Toyota towards the end, she just can’t finish, really good storytelling. Inoue hits her Victoria Driver this time, but Toyota bridges out of the pin :mark: Toyota then busts out her big moves with the Japanese Ocean Bomb for a two counts as well. Inoue is able to hit a suplex over the ropes to the outside, but Toyota recovers and hits some dives before both girls make it back in at a count of 18. The last 5 minutes or so are really good, back and forth, with lots of counters and Toyota hitting some amazing german suplexes. Inoue ends up hitting a DDT from the apron to the floor :mark: She quickly tries to finish it with another Niagra Driver, but Toyota kicks out, and before either can set anything else up the time ends. Wow that was fucking amazing, I don’t care for hour long draws too much, but this match was fun af, easily the best women’s match I’ve ever seen.
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Nov 13, 2010
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Diesel and HBK weren't even better than LT vs Bam Bam


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Having Shawn/Diesel over Bret/Diesel from SSeries :MJ:


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Dreams are Endless
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Hey guys don't worry I got Bret/Shawn for an hour coming up this next year :side:

Also Meltzer started awarding MMA fights of the year starting in 97 so I'll probably watch those too, won't really review them since ya know its a real sport but I'll mention how the overall fight was and such
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Nov 13, 2010
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MMA fights were shit until 2001.

Only one worth a shit was Shamrock/Taktarov in 95.


Dreams are Endless
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1996 WON WMOTY: Uncensored - Doomsday Cage Match: The Alliance to End Hulkamania (Arn Anderson, The Barbarian, Lex Luger, Meng, Ric Flair, The Taskmaster, The Ultimate Solution, & Z-Gangsta) (w/ Jimmy Hart, Miss Elizabeth, & Woman) vs Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage
Schiavone explains the rules that they end up not following at all during the match, but theoretically Hogan and Savage are supposed to make their way down the cage by beating winning like a gauntlet. At least we get Michael Buffer announcing :mark: The cage is like 3 levels with a ring at the bottom. The announcers are wondering where tf Brian Pillman is since he’s a Horseman, but I’m pretty sure he left the company lol. Anderson and Flair start in the top cage, and the floor is also a cage, so they don’t really do much other than punches and some slams on the cage. Z-Gangsta and Ultimate Solution never showed up during the entrances BTW. IDK WTF Anderson is wearing, like some all black jumpsuit lol. Heenan says this surpasses the Super Bowl and the World Series because he’s never seen anything like it :lmao Anderson and Flair both lock in Figure-4s in the first spot of note during the match. Flair throws something down to the next level as Hogan and Savage throw some kind of powder. They got through the trapdoor to the next level, so Flair and Anderson are supposed to be out. The second level has the Faces of Fear, Luger and Taskmaster in it, so they’re just brawling with chains and stuff. You can barely see shit with these camera angles. The announcers keep mentioning that Z-Gangsta, Ultimate Solution and Pillman haven’t shown so I looked it up and YES PILLMAN LEFT THE COMPANY WHY DO THEY KEEP BRINGING UP SOMEONE THAT LEFT :lmao Hogan locks Meng and Barbarian in the cages to keep it even with Luger and Taskmaster right now. They end up out on the scaffolding that they used to climb up and Hogan attempts to murder Taskmaster by pushing him off :lmao Hogan and Sullivan take a shortcut using the scaffold down while Luger and Savage are fighting with the others just looking on bc they can’t do shit :lmao Luger, Taskmaster, Hogan, and Savage completely leave the Doomsday cage and make their way to the regular ring so fuck the rules I guess :lmao Hogan and Taskmaster make their way back to the Doomsday cage as the other guys climb down too, and they’re just brawling in front of it now hitting each other with any weapon they can bc I feel like none of this was planned beforehand. Luger/Hogan and Taskmaster/Savage pair off and it’s really just more shitty brawling in and out of the regular ring, ignoring the Doomsday cage. Schiavone points out how no one has tries a pin or submission yet :lmao The Ultimate Solution and Z-Gangsta finally come out :lmao were they just chilling in the back? They bring Savage and Hogan back to the bottom ring of the Doomsday Cage which I think was where they were supposed to be the whole time if the Gauntlet thing was followed. Lol this got infinitely worse when they came out and I didn’t even think that was possible, but they can’t do shit right :lmao c’mon Deebo. They try to recreate No Holds Barred with a Hogan/Z-Gangsta staredown, UGH Deebo never learned how to do any other moves. Anderson and Flair make their way back with Anderson wearing regular tights now assuming that’s bc he’s not going to be bumping on a cage now so this dude went back and changed :lmao The Booty Man comes out and gives Hogan and Savage fucking frying pans and they just start hitting everyone in the head with them :lmao Luger makes his way in, takes out both guys, then takes out a loaded glove to hit Savage, Savage ducks, but Luger fucks up I think and makes it look like he purposely hit Flair so Hogan and Savage win :lmao BRUH you could just tell when they were improvising and it was like half the match. The announcers expect us to believe that Luger participated in this whole match, trying to murder Hogan and Savage just to decide to turn on the Alliance at the end :hm: Maybe bc he blames Flair for getting him into this joke of a match IDK

PWI MOTY: WrestleMania XII - 60-Minute Iron Man Match for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Bret Hart (c) vs Shawn Michaels (w/ Jose Lothario)
Already saw a “shitman” sign :lmao Shawn’s entrance tho :mark: Hart gives his own son his glasses like he doesn’t already have multiple pair :side: So this is just slow af because they’re pacing themselves for the full hour way too obviously. Nothing is bad by any means, it’s just all good at best with nothing great happening. They channel their inner Dory Funk and Jack Brisco with the slow burning rest holds for just so long. The quicker exchanges we get every now and then are fun, and they do a good job showing how evenly matched each guy is, but it’s still all just decent-good and nothing really worth commenting on. About 15 minutes in, they start brawling outside the ring and Michaels accidently hits Sweet Chin Music on the timekeeper and he gets stretchered out during some more rest holds :mark: Michaels starts working over the shoulder really well, slamming Hart into the post at one point, and Vince McMahon keeps saying how we’re about to see the first decision because of a shoulderbreaker :lmao It picks up about 30 minutes in where Earl Hebner takes ref bump, but no bullshit happened bc he recovered before the next pin attempt, so I guess that was refreshing. The first real near fall comes after a piledriver by Hart, and the crowd was hot af for that. Hart ends up out of the ring trying to avoid Sweet Chin Music, but Michaels meets him off the top rope onto the floor right in front of Stu Hart :mark: Michaels takes a nasty bump as Hart backdrops him over the top rope :mark: The match has flowed really well up until this point (40 minutes or so in), starting slow with holds, progressing to be much more violent throughout. Hart turns his attention to Michael’s back setting up for the Sharpshooter, really good stuff. Michaels takes another nasty bump over the top rope and lands on top of Lothario :mark: Hart goes out and then throws Michaels into Lothario again :lmao Lawler calls Hart his own worst enemy for breaking up a count out, but then corrects himself and says “well not as long as I’m still alive” :lmao Hart just starts beating the fuck out of Michaels with about 10 minutes left (still tied 0-0), but Michaels asks for more :mark: Hart goes for the Sharpshooter for the first time with 6 minutes left, but Michaels is able to stay out of it for now. At 57 minutes in Michaels does his forearm smash kip-up spot :mark: The crowd is super loud during these lasts few minutes of regulation, and that makes the near falls so much fun. Hart is able to lock the Sharpshooter in finally with only 30 seconds left, but Michaels is able to last until time runs out :mark::mark::mark: We go now to sudden death as ordered by president Gorilla Monsoon, so you know Bret gets his GOAT upset face and goes back in the ring to finish off Michaels, but Michaels is able to hit Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere :mark: Both guys end up standing at the same time, and Michaels hits another one THE BOYHOOD DREAM HAS COME TRUE :mark: I enjoyed this actually a lot more than I remembered, the first half was nothing special at all, and I’m not a fan of the 0-0 tie in regulation, it would have had the same effect if they were tied 1-1 going into sudden death, I mean fuck people watch Iron Man matches to see multiple falls, not a match lasting over an hour with only one. But the last 30 minutes and especially the closing moments were so fucking good, definitely probably causes people to overrate the match because it’s the last thing on their minds about it, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I still really enjoyed this match.

WON MOTY: AJPW Budokan Show - World Tag Team Championship: Jun Akiyama & Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Johnny Ace & Steve Williams
Dr. Death and Mr. Excitement Big Johnny :mark: But real talk, Akiyama & Misawa’s tag team run during this time was so amazing, so I’m super excited for this. Misawa is easily the most over guy in this one, the crowd reacts to him so much more than the others. His interactions with the others are amazing too, but honestly all the pairings in this one are really fun to watch. What really shines in this one is the double team work that each team does, watching them work together is by far the most entertaining parts of the match. Stiff Dr. Death strikes are STIFF :mark: Ace’s mean mug face has me dying :lmao He works so well in this one, but I can only think about his authority figure run a few years ago lol Akiyama/Williams are legal for awhile, and this allows for a nice hot tag for Misawa where he takes out both guys to a super hot crowd. Each team breaks out some big moves about 12 minutes in, and the americans get a few near falls. Williams hits such a brutal looking Backdrop Driver on Akiyama, but they still can’t put the champions away, mostly because pins keep getting broken up bc this is Japan. Ace and Williams hit a Doomsday Device on Misawa, but Williams rolls Akiyama back in the ring instead for Ace to cover :lmao Ace hits an ACE CUTTER OUT OF NOWHERE AND DOES THE RANDY ORTON FREAK OUT THING HE DOES BEFORE AN RKO :mark: the he hits a powerbomb, but Misawa breaks up the pin, and everyone is in the ring again, just hitting power move after power move with near falls :mark: Misawa hits a Tiger Driver outside the ring on Williams, but they can’t finish Ace off, until finally he stays down after an Exploder Suplex by Akiyama. This was really fucking good, all involved were really good and no one was really overshadowed. The ending felt just a little flat compared, would have preferred a double team move honestly just bc there were so many good double team moments throughout.
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Nov 13, 2010
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Hogan and Savage singlehandedly murked two major factions in one match.....no wonder they needed the nWo