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The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The MCMG vs. E&C- Angle vs. Punk vs. Morrison is a close second as is the Battle Royal...

Worse Match: Big Daddy V vs. Abyss- Not a horrible match but nothing great either. I'm not really a big fan of Big Daddy V or Abyss so I couldn't really get into this match as much as the others.

Best Interview/Segment: N/A

Worse Interview/Segment: N/A

Additional Comments/Feedback: This show was alright though like every other BTB there is room for improvement. I think the promos need quite a bit of work. They seem to just be all over the place and not very much in character. With Jericho's I could see Jericho saying much more than one line and MVP's wasn't too in character. Morrison's interview had potential but again it seemed all over the place to me. Just a little constructive criticism...no hate...I'm looking forward to the next show though and if you'd like feel free to check out The Commencement.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Geeze, Inferno is hilarious! I put an interview with The Rock in it....and it made me crack up!:):):):):):) LOL!


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Tonight. Cause i got work in an hour and im not exactly finished. But it will take me no longer than 20 minutes to finish it.

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
we want the show we want the sh:schmoll: ow

Show up in 20 minutes or I quit


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Lmao, its not done...well sort of is, just need to add a few stuff. And your going to quit?.......do what you need to do man.


Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Presents: Thursday Night Inferno #1 ( LIVE in Calgary,Alberta ) 12/6/07

HCW Inferno's theme hits "Let The Body's Hit the Floor"

Fireworks decend on stage ( Crowd cheers )

JR: Welcome! to the debut of Thursday Night Inferno!
Jerry: Right, tonight should be very exiting, when we see a NEW HCW CHAMPION!
JR: Right, we also saw Y2J become the new HCW World Champ on Implosion!
Jerry: Well, lets get to the first match, o wait theres a video package.

Video: I video airs of 2 nights ago on Implosion, when Umaga came in and costed Rellik his match with Bobby Lashley.


RVD's theme hits!!! ( Crowd goes wild )
RVD comes out stretching his arms, as he walks to the ring.

Jeff Hardy's theme hits!!! ( Crowd goes nuts!! )
Jeff Hardy comes out with pyro, and is hyped for his match.

Umaga's theme hits!! ( Crowd boo's!!! )
Umaga comes in, pissed off and ready to kill RVD and Jeff.

Bell Rings:

Umaga runs at Jeff, but Jeff is smart, and dodges his run. Umaga then turns around, and RVD does a swinging leg kick to Umaga. Umaga then got mad, and grabbed RVD by the head, but Jeff ran off of RVD's back and clothsline'd Umaga. Umaga the fell to the ground, as RVD then punched Jeff. RVD took a few punches on Jeff, untill Jeff got mad and started to punch RVD. Umaga then got back up and ran at RVD, and hit his clothsline on him, sending him threw the air. Jeff then went to punch Umaga, but Umaga then used his headbut move, almost splitting open Jeff's head. Umaga then went ontop of the turnbuckle, and jumped off and hit the Samoan Splash on Jeff Hardy. RVD then ran at Umaga but Umaga hit his Samoan Spike to RVD. Umaga then saw Rellik running to the ring, as Umaga ran out of the ring to fight him. Jeff then crawled to the turnbuckle, as RVD was laying out cold. Umaga and Rellik were fighting outside on the ramp, as Jeff Hardy goes to hit the Swanton Bomb to RVD. RVD then dodges it, and climbs the turnbuckle and is ready for him to hit his 5-Star Frog Splash. RVD then hits it on Jeff Hardy, as Rellik throws Umaga into the crowd by the ramp. RVD goes to pin Jeff,
1..2..3!! RVD then gets the first win of the night!!!!

RVD then got his hand held high, as Jeff got up to Congradulate him. But Jeff then kicked RVD in the ribs, and hit his brother's Twist Of Fate finisher on RVD. Jeff then walks out of the ring, as he sees Rellik walking on the ramp. Jeff then runs to Rellik and shakes his hand. Rellik then holds Jeff's hands high as they both walk out.

JR: Wow! i cant belive that Rellik would actually make it here to Inferno!
Jerry: the fued is sure getting started! i wonder what will happen about it?
JR: King, i dont want to know!
Jerry: Ya me either, i can sure see it leading to the hospital.

The camera then points to a door in a long hallway, and on the door it has the nameplate of Christmas Shop or drop. ( crowd cheers ) All of a sudden, Booker T comes walking down a hallway in a Referee shirt, and sees the door. He then walks in to find Cryme Tyme selling merchandise.

Shad: Hey! JTG, we got a customer!!!
JTG: Yo, welcome to Cryme Tyme's Christmas Shop OR Drop!
Shad: Heres where you can buy all your crazy ass merchandise, for good dam prices!
JTG: Well want the Money, Money....ya! ya! ( crowd laufghs )
Shad: So, homie you buy anything?
Booker: You saying, that i can buy from this...this shop?
Shad: Well, thats what it is man, you buy some kool Booker Merch?
Booker: Well what you got with me on it?
Shad: We got the latest Booker T Wrestling Gloves for 100$
JTG: Fo Shizzle!
Booker: I dont have 100$ on me right now brotha's, but i got 50?
JTG: Woooo, 50$? Ya, man done!

*Booker T hands the money to JTG, and then Shad gives the gloves to Booker*

Shad: SOLD! for 50$
JTG: We got the Money, Money...YA! YA!


Promo: Dont miss HCW Tuesday Night Implosion Next week! What will happen with the new HCW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho? Will there be a match announced for the Upcoming HCW PPV: No Limit? Find out on Tuesday Night Implosion!

JR: Welcome back to HCW Thursday Night Inferno!
Jerry: We just saw RVD beat Jeff Hardy and Umaga, all help from Rellik.
JR: Rellik interfiered and costed Umaga the match, but Umaga did the same 2 nights ago!
Jerry: Haha, we also saw Cryme Tyme open up a shop in the back for the superstars!
JR: ( Laufhgs ), they just sold Booker T gloves for 50$....i wonder if they are crap?
Jerry: We will find out, cause tonight Booker is the ref!
JR: Right, it will be JBL .vs. Goldberg and Booker T as referee.
Jerry: Well, heres the second match and it is Kane .vs. Mark Henry .vs. Snitsky!


Snitsky's theme hits!!! ( Crowd cheers!! )
Snitsky comes down to the ring with a mean look on his face.

Kane's theme hits!!! ( Crowd cheers and boo's!! )
Kane comes in with pyro and is looking dead at Snitsky.

Mark Henry's theme hit!!! ( Crowd Cheers!!! )
Mark Henry comes in looking all toufgh and enters with silence.

Bell Rings:

Kane runs at Henry, but Henry dodges it and punches Kane. Snitsky then runs in for action, when Kane uppercuts him, and Henry pushes Kane away from him. Kane then runs back with a big boot to Henry, and Snitsky goes under the ring to grab a weapon. Henry then gets mad, and clothsline's Kane, knocking him hard to the floor. Snitsky then grabs a chair, and enter's the ring behind Henry, and hits the chair over Henry's back. It doesnt hurt him, and Henry turns around and kicks Snitsky in the ribs, and grabs the chair. He then swings at Snitsky, as the chair connects with his head, denting it severly. Kane then gets up from the powerful clothsline, and runs at Henry, and grabs him by the throat, and is ready to do his Chokeslam. Henry then dodges it and kicks Kane in the balls, but the ref dint see, as hes taking care of Snitsky. Henry then crawls under the ropes and is looking for a weapon, and he gets the ring bell from Lillian Garcia's table. Kane then looks at the ring bell, as Henry enters the ring with it. Kane then runs at Henry, and he hits a big boot on him, but his foot hits the bell, and the bell hits Henry in the face, knocking Henry to the ground. Snitsky then is back up and grabs Kane, and headlocks him. Kane then picks up Snitsky and slams him on his back, sending Snitsky outside of the ring. Then Kane runs out of the ring, and takes off the cover to the Announcer Tables, as JR and King are open for danger. Kane then grabs Snitsky by the throat, and Chokes him high, and Hits the chokeslam right threw the announcer table, as Snitsky is hurt badly. Kane runs back in the ring, still to find Henry hurt on the side of the turnbuckle, and then Kane picks him up and chokes him, and is getting ready to chokeslam Mark Henry, untill Henry dodges it and knees Kane in the head, and Henry then picks him up, and is ready to hit the Falling Powerslam. Henry then goes for the pin to Kane,
1..2..Kane breaks the pin, as he gets back up with anger. Kane chokes Henry, and picks him up a little high, and Chokeslams Mark Henry! Kane goes for the pin to Henry,
1..2..Henry breaks the pin! Kane then hits a Leg Drop on Henry, as Snitsky is starting to get himself back up. Kane then overpowers Henry, as he hits a devastating Clothsline on Henry again. Snitsky is back up as Henry gets back up. Kane then chokes them both! And he hits a Double Chokeslam on Henry and Kane as the crowd is amazed!!! Kane then goes to pin Snitsky,
1..2..3!!! Kane takes the win and is the New HCW Hardcore Champion!!!

Kane then is handed the Hardcore title, as he celebrates. He then lifts his hands, and then hits them down, as Pyro goes off from the turnbuckles.

JR: I Cant belive what im seeing, Kane is the New HCW Hardcore Champion!
Jerry: He deserves it from that Double Chokeslam.
JR: Our table is gone from this match...geeze.
Jerry: Snitsky was chokeslamed threw our announcer table ladies and gentlmen.
JR: Well, we got 2 matches left, and their both exiting!
Jerry: Right, up next is JBL .vs. Goldberg!


Promo: A man with one thing on his mind......returns next week to Inferno!! A man that likes to play the game....a man whos a 10 Time World Heavyweight Champion.....He's the cerebal assasin, TRIPLE HHH! Next week!!!!

JR: Triple H is coming back!
Jerry: He is a great wrestler in the ring thats for sure!
JR: I cant wait till next week now!

Maria is backstage with The Rock:

Maria: Hey ladies and gentlmen, im here with HCW Superstar....The Rock!
Maria: So Rock, why are you here tonight?
Rock: Finally, THE ROCK..HAS COME BACK...TO CALGARY ALBERTA! ( crowd cheers )
Rock: Why is the Rock here? The Rock is here to get the HCW Championship...dint you look at the dam card?
Maria: Yes, but there is 5 other men....isnt that hard?
Rock: Maria, let me tell you something about those 5 men, first about Undertaker. Undertaker is nothing but a pile of trash to The Rock, he can come down to the ring, with his eyeballs rounded behind his 33 pound head, and his Mickey Mouse tatoos, and when he does come he can shine his head up real nice, turn it sideways and stick it straight up his big fat Candy-Ass! Next is Brock? Brock Lesnar...the same pile of trash that i beat at SummerSlam? wow he aint a challenge...his name is Cock Lesbian. Next, Batista. If he wins, its because that man took 1000 god dam steroids, and when he hits the batista bomb, you will and i mean will, hear an explosion....thats Batista's monkey penis exploding from all those steroids...Next, is.....H..B..K. The Has Been Kid. He is not some type of kid anymore, hes a 5 foor 11 gorilla who stunted his growth. Next and last but not least, the rapper John Cena. The dude who cant stand the own weight of his chains and necklasses around his god dam neck? That man thinks hes the great one....well il tell you something Cena, why dont you take your necklasses and shine them up real nice and stick them up your pimped sideways Monkeys ass!!! ( crowd is bursting in laufghter )

JR: ( JR and King are laufghing )......that was funny.
Jerry: Wow, he can sure crack me up JR.
JR: Well, the next match is JBL .vs. Goldberg.
Jerry: I wonder if those gloves that Cryme Tyme gave him will help Booker?


JBL's Theme hits!!! ( Crowd boo's!! )
JBL comes in a limo, with his hat and he tries to act cool, but the crowd aint buying it.

Goldberg's theme hits!!! ( Crowd goes wild!!! )
Goldberg comes in with massive cheer from the crowd, as Goldberg isnt scared of JBL.

Booker T's theme hits!!! ( Crowd cheers!! )
Booker T then comes in with a ref shirt on, and the crowd is looking at his new gloves.

Bell Rings:

Booker then keeps a close eye on JBL, cause JBL is a cheater. JBL then runs at Goldberg with feirce anger, as Goldberg trips JBL. ( crowd cheers ). JBL then backs away from Goldberg, as Booker T is ready for fighting. JBL then goes for another run at Goldberg, but Goldberg punches him in the face. JBL then backs away again. ( crowd boo's ). Goldberg then gets sick of this, and he runs at JBL, as he grabs JBL and throws him across the ring. Goldberg then grips JBL's head in for a headlock. Goldberg then grabbed JBL, and picked him up and squeezed him tightly. Booker counted....1...2....3...4..Goldberg let go. Goldberg then walked over to Booker T, and said "Dont tell me what to do!". Booker then kicked Goldberg in the stomach, and tried to hit the scissor kick, but Goldberg dodged it and JBL Hit his Clothlsline to Hell on Goldberg. JBL then went for the pin, as Booker tapped fast,
1.2.3!! JBL is the New Inferno Champion!!!

Booker T then looks at Goldberg and laufghs. JBL then gets handed the title, and JBL celebrates. Goldberg is pissed, as when JBL walks out, Goldberg then sneeks behind Booker and kicks him straight in the balls, as Booker is injured. Then all of a sudden, Cryme Tyme comes out and runs to the ring. They walk to Booker and Shad takes off Booker T's gloves. Then Cryme Tyme looks at an audience member holding 100$'s cash. They then give the gloves to the audience member, and the member gives Cryme Tyme the money. JTG then starts singing " We got the Money,Money..Ya!Ya! ". Booker was mad for wasting his 50$.

JR: ( Laughfs ) Well, Cryme Tyme made 150$ tonight.
Jerry: Booker bought the gloves from Cryme Tyme, and Cryme Tyme stole them and sold them
JR: What you expect? im not buying anything from them.
Jerry: Well, up next, its the main event....the HCW Championship is on the line!!!
JR: We will see what turns out here, cause i think The Rock has pissed them all off.


Promo: Dont Miss HCW's first PPV, No Limit! Live Sunday, December 23rd 2007. It doesnt matter if your Naughty or Nice!

JR: Thats right! HCW's first PPV, No Limit.
Jerry: Im curious to see what matches there will be on the card for No Limit?
JR: Me too! I wonder what will happen With the Umaga situation?
Jerry: Well, right now its the HCW Title match.


John Cena's theme hits!!! ( Crowd cheers and boo's )
John Cena comes in with chains around his neck, and hes hyped up.

Batista's theme hits!!! ( Crowd cheers!!! )
Batista comes in with massive pyro, and is ready to kick ass.

Brock Lesnar's theme hits!!! ( Crowd cheers and boo's )
Brock Lesnar comes in all pissed of from what Rock said.

HBK's theme hits!!!! ( Crowd cheers!!! )
HBK comes in with pyro, and is pissed from what The Rock said about him.

The Rock's theme hits!! ( Crowd goes wild!! )
The Rock comes in smiling at all 4 men in the ring, as he enters.

Undertaker's theme hits!! ( Crowd also goes nuts!! )
Undertaker comes in slowly, as fire pyro hits, and The Rock and all others arnt scared.

Bell Rings:

All of them pretty much run at Rock, exept Cena. There all getting a few punches on Rock, untill Brock tells them that they should all work together to eliminate Rock so its just them 5. So Undertaker decided to go first, and he picks up Rock, and Hits Rock with a TombStone Piledriver. Then Batista picks him up and lifts him and Hits Rock with a Batista-Bomb. Cena isnt doing anything, hes just watching this unfold, as Brock picks him up and then hits Rock with a PowerSlam. Rock is injured, as HBK is tuning up the band, and is ready to hit Rock with an Superkick, untill Rock moves out of the way, and HBK Superkicks Brock Lesnar. Rock then RockBottom's HBK. Cena then makes a move, to help Rock. Cena then sneeks up to Batista, and picks him up and hits Batista with an F-U. Rock and Cena then turn around and look at Undertaker. Cena then decides to go pin HBK, and Rock RockBottom's Undertaker,
1..2..3!! HBK is eliminated from the Battle Royal.
Brock then got up, as Cena ran at him and hit him to the ground, then got ready for the STFU. Rock then pinned Batista,
1..2..3!!! Batista is eliminated from the Battle Royal.
There are now 4 men left, Untill Undertaker ends the party, but Chokeslaming Cena. Rock then ran at Taker, but Taker then lifted him up for a Last Ride. Then, Taker hit the last ride on Rock, and Rock landed on Cena. Brock then ran at Cena, and Sphered him, and Brock pinned him,
1..2..3!! Cena is now eliminated from the Battle Royal. Cena then quickly pulled out his Brass Knuckles and hit Brock Lesnar over the head with them, then The Rock RockBottom'ed Undertaker. Rock then went to pin Brock,
1..2..3!! Brock was eliminated from the Battle Royal.
Its now down to Undertaker and The Rock. One of these men will be the New HCW Champion. Rock then kicked Taker in the groint, and DDT'd him. Taker then just got back up, and then Taker choked Rock. Then picked him up by the throat, and Chokeslamed The Rock. Rock then got back up quickly, cause he dint want to get pinned, so Rock then got kicked and Taker grabbed his arm, and walked to the turnbuckle. He then was going to hit the Old Skool, but Rock threw him off and Clothslined him at the same time. Taker is hurt, as Rock then taunting the crowd for The People's Elbow. Rock hits the move on Taker, and pins him,
1..2..3!! The Rock is the New HCW Champion!!!!

The Crowd is going wild!!! Rock then is handed the HCW Title. Taker then rises behind Rock's back and when Rock turns around, Taker Chokeslams Rock. Taker then grabs the Mic,

Taker: You.....and me.....at NO LIMIT!!!

Taker then walks out leaving the crowd in shock.

JR: OMG! Taker just chokeslamed the new HCW Champion!
Jerry: O wait, look at this, something is happening backstage!

Backstage in Vince McMahon's office:

Coach: Hey Vince, the shows over.
Vince: I see that Coach.
Coach: But, what are you going to do about Taker and Rock?
Vince: What you mean?
Coach: Taker wants Rock at No Limit?
Vince: hmmmm, that is what will happen, at No Limit, HCW's first PPV, it will be Undertaker .vs. The Rock for the HCW Championship.

Inferno goes off air, as the crowd is left in shock.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: The Monster's match for the Hardcore Championship, great to see Kane wins 'coz I can't really imagine Henry as a Hardcore champ

Worst Match: Goldberg vs. JBL, just curious 'bout the backgroung of the Inferno though

Best Promo: definitely Rock's promo! Second is the Booker/Cryme Tyme, it's quite funny when they snatch back the gloves from Booker and sell it to the fans.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: Great show man! I haven't really checked some of the wrestlers hype/promos before the show <sorry> but I think some wrestlers do deserve their win on their matches. Now, it's The Rock vs. Undertaker on the next PPV, this could be sweet!


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
Best Match: Main Event great match not exicted to see the Rock Champion but its your fed

Worst Match: Goldberg vs. JBL just a horrible match no background to it I was confused why there was a special ref or anything. Why would Booker attack Goldberg this match just shouldn't have taken place in the first show

Best Promo: Rock's promo a little bit too much cock jokes though

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: Great show the matches were wll wrriten but I think some sort of backstory should have been pposted.