Give me 5 reasons why Samoa Joe sucks

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Aug 4, 2007
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Richmond VA
i think joe played the unstoppable badass in ROH better than Taker did in 2002-2003...

but overall Taker is better: gimmick wise, drawing power, wrestling ability... plus you have to take into account that Taker is like 45 thats why i say his wrestling ablilty is so damn good. i think joe has some good mic skills, its just seems like they are present in TNA, in ROH he rocked on the mic. but thats not to say that Joe wont be as good if not better by the time hes been in the business as long as taker has.

kane is defiantly not, joe straight up rapes kane in every category...

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
If your trying to say Undertaker & Kane are better wrestlers than Joe, you have to be brain dead.
You wanna know why Joe is better lets look at the facts shall we?
3 of the last 4 five star matches; you wanna know who has been involved in them Samoa Joe. Just to clarify they were Joe Vs Kobashi, Joe Vs Punk II and Joe Vs AJ Vs Daniels. Kane's never put on a freakin 5 star match in his life and Undertaker put on one and that was against Michaels in the HIAC match.

And to the Person who said CM Punk sucked on the mic (forgot who it was) you are a dead set the biggest moron, you obviously haven't seen his ROH promos, because if you did you wouldn't be saying that, trust me. I don't really Joe sucks on the mic anyways considering IMO he has put on the best Promo of the year; When he was leaving ROH.

The way i look at it is the best wrestlers in the world at the moment are Bryan Danielson, Ricky Marvin and Samoa Joe.

the dark knight

If your trying to say Undertaker & Kane are better wrestlers than Joe, you have to be brain dead.
WWE, ECW, WCW, ROH are not wrestling. im talking about who's more entertaining in the ring. and in that case, joe is not. maybe he's better than smackdown's kane but when you watch kane's matches in 2002-2003, fuck joe and his 100 pound head.

if you like wrestling so much go watch the olympics.

3 of the last 4 five star matches; you wanna know who has been involved in them Samoa Joe. Just to clarify they were Joe Vs Kobashi, Joe Vs Punk II and Joe Vs AJ Vs Daniels. Kane's never put on a freakin 5 star match in his life and Undertaker put on one and that was against Michaels in the HIAC match.

ill say it again, triple threat match wasnt joe vs joe vs joe got it? AND, i'd rather watch the tlc match from raw when kane won over those other matches you mentioned.

undertaker is 5 times better in the ring, i dont fucking care about submissions and circus tit bouncing and other roh "clap clap clap" moves. oh, and the HIAC match involved kane so....:) lol

And to the Person who said CM Punk sucked on the mic (forgot who it was) you are a dead set the biggest moron, you obviously haven't seen his ROH promos, because if you did you wouldn't be saying that, trust me. I don't really Joe sucks on the mic anyways considering IMO he has put on the best Promo of the year; When he was leaving ROH.
hahhhaha if you read my post you'll read what i mentioned. I DID WATCH HIS FUCKING PROMOS FROM ROH AND THEY STILL SUCKED! they're more like cena promos to me....

The way i look at it is the best wrestlers in the world at the moment are Bryan Danielson, Ricky Marvin and Samoa Joe.



Honestly, when I first saw Joe in TNA I wasn't impressed but there were four matches that I saw that changed my mind:
Destination X 2006- Ultimate X Match- VS AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels, plus the infamous "CM Punk Trilogy" (VIA Youtube/DVD) ever since then he has been one of my favorites.

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
WWE, ECW, WCW, ROH are not wrestling. im talking about who's more entertaining in the ring. and in that case, joe is not. maybe he's better than smackdown's kane but when you watch kane's matches in 2002-2003, fuck joe and his 100 pound head.

if you like wrestling so much go watch the olympics.

Kane has never ever i repeat ever been better than Joe; Joe has more Ring Psychology in his big toe, then in Kane's whole body, and then you just go on with petty insults.

We all care about whos intertaining in the ring, but if you don't care about the actual wrestling itself, why are you on a wrestling board!?!

ill say it again, triple threat match wasnt joe vs joe vs joe got it? AND, i'd rather watch the tlc match from raw when kane won over those other matches you mentioned.

Lol that the funniest thing i've heard all year; what do you think the Undertaker match was Undertaker Vs Undertaker?!?

Matches are always going to have 2 or more people in them, to try and say Joe doesn't derserve it because it had other people in the match is the most moronic thing i've ever heard. When was the last time you seen someone put on a 5 star match with themselves lol!

undertaker is 5 times better in the ring, i dont fucking care about submissions and circus tit bouncing and other roh "clap clap clap" moves. oh, and the HIAC match involved kane so....:) lol

How is Undertaker better in the ring? i don't get it, Joe is alot more versatile
in his moveset then the undertaker but you try and say you don't care about it lol, he's still better; amongst the petty high school insults.

hahhhaha if you read my post you'll read what i mentioned. I DID WATCH HIS FUCKING PROMOS FROM ROH AND THEY STILL SUCKED! they're more like cena promos to me....

Wow just wow, if you did watch them and you still think he sucks your more idiotic then i originally thought.


Joe is arguably one of the best Big Men in Pro wrestling today, the best IMO are him & Abyss; Taker who from 1997-2002 was the best ever IMO, hasn't been the same; wear & tear on his body caught up to him. Kane is the best big man in the WWE but his age is catching up to him and has jobbed out all his credibilty; after he lost the mask he has lost a step or two. Abyss & Joe are both incredibly mobile & athletic for there size.

Ironically the two best Big men in North America are in TNA... and WWE is who focus more on The Roided up Lashleys & Masters' of the wrestling world. Go figure

the dark knight

Kane has never ever i repeat ever been better than Joe; Joe has more Ring Psychology in his big toe, then in Kane's whole body, and then you just go on with petty insults.
kane was always better than joe when he was masked. ring psychology? hulk fucking hogan has better ring psychology than joe has. kane has better too, look at the crowd's reaction in his matches. AND AGAIN, some of kane's matches with his mask were better than a lot of joe's matches. thats just in matches, if you wanna compare them superstar to superstars, kane 10-1 joe

We all care about whos intertaining in the ring, but if you don't care about the actual wrestling itself, why are you on a wrestling board!?!
if you care about who's more entertaining in the ring you would've chosen taker.

the shows we watch is not fucking wrestling, its scripted pro wrestling. i dont give 2 shits about the 1000000 moves joe has. if so, orton's headlock > joe's moveset.

1 match, entertainment (exciting match, no need for towel dancing) > olymipcs match/ chuck norris

this is a pro wrestling board, if it was wrestling you would've read threads about russian cocksuckers who you dont even know their names.

Lol that the funniest thing i've heard all year; what do you think the Undertaker match was Undertaker Vs Undertaker?!?
taker vs hbk. 2 of the greatest ever.

lets say we have the best match in history, and add horsnwoggle under the ring and let him appear once every 10 mins. will that make horngswoggle a 5 star matches superstar? it wasnt joe who made the match 5 stars...

Matches are always going to have 2 or more people in them, to try and say Joe doesn't derserve it because it had other people in the match is the most moronic thing i've ever heard. When was the last time you seen someone put on a 5 star match with themselves lol!
you didnt get it did you? read above

How is Undertaker better in the ring? i don't get it, Joe is alot more versatile
in his moveset then the undertaker but you try and say you don't care about it lol, he's still better; amongst the petty high school insults.
versatile? thats the only thing i didnt keep saying about cena! you dont fucking need 1000 moves! undertaker has a lot of moves and how he use them in his matches, is what makes the matches great.

joe = stuntman

stop giving me this shit about insults, you need to do so sometimes.

Wow just wow, if you did watch them and you still think he sucks your more idiotic then i originally thought.
i guess cena's interview with himself was the best promo ever >_>


please straight edge, dont get me started on abyss.

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
kane was always better than joe when he was masked. ring psychology? hulk fucking hogan has better ring psychology than joe has. kane has better too, look at the crowd's reaction in his matches. AND AGAIN, some of kane's matches with his mask were better than a lot of joe's matches. thats just in matches, if you wanna compare them superstar to superstars, kane 10-1 joe

On a whole Samoa Joe has put on alot better matches then Kane, you cannot argue that.

'Kane 10 - Joe 1" whats this suppose to mean, how do you get that?

if you care about who's more entertaining in the ring you would've chosen taker.

the shows we watch is not fucking wrestling, its scripted pro wrestling. i dont give 2 shits about the 1000000 moves joe has. if so, orton's headlock > joe's moveset.

1 match, entertainment (exciting match, no need for towel dancing) > olymipcs match/ chuck norris

this is a pro wrestling board, if it was wrestling you would've read threads about russian cocksuckers who you dont even know their names.

Joe is Entertaining in the ring your just to blind to see this, Lol Joes Moveset < Orton's headlock, I swear your losing brain cells by the second...

By the way i think you mean sports entertainment not Professional wrestling other wise do you have any idea how stupid that sounded. "This is a Pro Wrestling board, not a wrestling board"

taker vs hbk. 2 of the greatest ever.

lets say we have the best match in history, and add horsnwoggle under the ring and let him appear once every 10 mins. will that make horngswoggle a 5 star matches superstar? it wasnt joe who made the match 5 stars...

AHHHH are you trying to say Joe was under the ring and popped his head out every 10 minutes, jesus christ have you even watched the match?!? Joe was a huge part of that match, all the wrestlers in it held up there own, otherwise it wouldn't have been a freakin 5 star match.

What are you going to tell me next Punk wrestled him self for 60 minutes?

i guess cena's interview with himself was the best promo ever >_>

Whats this got to with anything?!?!.........


Aug 11, 2007
Reaction score
kane 1998-2002 = 9/10
2002-losing the mask = 9.5/10
kane losing the mask - moving to smackdown = 8/10
kane smackdown - now = 7/10

joe - anytime = 5/10

1)why would you care much about ring skill?
2)the 5 star match joe had wasnt a single match
3)i judge by who entertainms me the most
4)if you really think that joe is better than taker then you should stop watching wrestling. joe is no where near taker in any aspect, not even ring skills. its not about how many headlocks you have...
Once again your displaying your own opinions as absolute fact. Kane was about an 8 when he debuted, and after the IC title feud with HHH,he went down to an 7,then he lost the mask and he started sucking like never before.

And what the fuck are you talking about,Joe vs Punk in ROH got 5 stars and I think Joe vs Kobashi got 5 stars too,not sure about the last one.

Joe was so awesome in ROH that even when he was a heel the people cheered for him. Why? Cuz his hardhit style was something the people had never seen in the US. But one thing I do agree with. Joe gets owned by Taker mic skill wise. But still,Kane and Taker are both so damn slow, while Joe is a damn fast guy for his size. I dont wanna watch some slow ass giant use fake moves,like well I dont know....hmm maybe like Oldschool. That move so sucks.
Joe has one of the greatest movesets in history,and the facewash looks quite realistic. Joe can sell way better than both Taker and Kane combined. The only two things Joe lacks are mic skills and a great gimmick. Well,nah he has a great gimmick, a big fat Samoan guy whos gonna fuck you up. And WWE had to copy him. Thats how great Joe is.

And on the crowd reaction thing, I've never heard Takers gonna fuck you up,or Takers gonna kill you. Never heard Kanes gonna kill you. But I have heard Joes gonna kill you. The fans love Joe to death.

I now see that this board has a horde of WWE marks roaming around,claiming their opinions as fact. And I guess if theyt like seeing the same match over and over again "goughtakergough" fiune,do so,but dont come telling me how awesome it is to watch the same match over and over and over again.


Aug 4, 2007
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Richmond VA

actually mazz it looks like there is one WWE mark doing that, but you will find that at every forum

Ace of Spades

New Member
Aug 11, 2007
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Beaverton, OR
well....not too many haters so far lol..


honestly, how can anyone hate him, he freakin had a 5 star match in TNA and ROH, he is easily one of the best in the world today and if you dont believe me check out his matches, they are always great.

Actually, he's only had one ***** match and that was with CM Punk in ROH. He's NEVER had a 5 star match in TNA. Ever.

But besides that, most of you, if not all of your, are fucking Blue when it comes to wrestling.

First off, Kane was never a better wrestler than Samoa Joe; he was a better entertainer. Kane was so limited in the ring, it's not even funny. Just because he has a louder reaction in front of anywhere from 5,000-20,000 people instead of 1,000 or less doesn't mean anything. Give me 10 or more moves that Kane uses on in a regular match and a ***** match and we'll start actually comparing who's better between him and Joe.

Secondly, Joe is a better wrestler than The Undertaker has ever been. Taker had the privilege of having one of, if not the greatest gimmicks that wrestling has ever seen. Having that means instant stardom, no matter what your moveset is like. While Taker has never had a ***** classic, he's had a **** 1/2 with Angle. But just because that match was better than any Angle/Joe match doesn't mean Taker was the sole reason. It could be Angle/Joe just didn't mesh as well as Taker/Angle did, thus leading into a slightly disappointing series between them.

Joe is definitely one of the top 10 workers in the business. In terms of pure wrestling, I have to rank Bryan Danielson number one. He busts his ass and never disappoints with his matches. Coming in at number two would be a tie between Angle and Punk. Both are outstanding on the mic (to say Punk's mic work isn't great is just stupidity; go look at Kane's mic work and get back to me), followed by Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels and then possibly KENTA.

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Actually, he's only had one ***** match and that was with CM Punk in ROH. He's NEVER had a 5 star match in TNA. Ever.
But besides that, most of you, if not all of your, are fucking Blue when it comes to wrestling.

First off, Kane was never a better wrestler than Samoa Joe; he was a better entertainer. Kane was so limited in the ring, it's not even funny. Just because he has a louder reaction in front of anywhere from 5,000-20,000 people instead of 1,000 or less doesn't mean anything. Give me 10 or more moves that Kane uses on in a regular match and a ***** match and we'll start actually comparing who's better between him and Joe.

Secondly, Joe is a better wrestler than The Undertaker has ever been. Taker had the privilege of having one of, if not the greatest gimmicks that wrestling has ever seen. Having that means instant stardom, no matter what your moveset is like. While Taker has never had a ***** classic, he's had a **** 1/2 with Angle. But just because that match was better than any Angle/Joe match doesn't mean Taker was the sole reason. It could be Angle/Joe just didn't mesh as well as Taker/Angle did, thus leading into a slightly disappointing series between them.

Joe is definitely one of the top 10 workers in the business. In terms of pure wrestling, I have to rank Bryan Danielson number one. He busts his ass and never disappoints with his matches. Coming in at number two would be a tie between Angle and Punk. Both are outstanding on the mic (to say Punk's mic work isn't great is just stupidity; go look at Kane's mic work and get back to me), followed by Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels and then possibly KENTA.

Actually Joe has had a 5 star match in TNA; the Joe Vs AJ Vs Daniels match at Unbreakable 2005.
He has also had two other 5 star matches in, Joe Vs Punk II and Joe Vs Kobashi.
Just thought i'd clear that up.
P.S Where is Ricky Marvin on your list?