Edge who? Jeff Hardy who?

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At the time of Austin 3:16, Rocky Maivia was still fresh and new. They were very essential to his frowth IMO


Were we? It definately did more for Batista though, it was basically the heart of what his face run was.

It could be argued that Batista winning the title from HHH after leaving Evolution did more for him. Orton did more while in evolution (defeating Rock N Sock at WM, winning the WHC, legend killer gimmick)


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Blackpool, England
It could be argued that Batista winning the title from HHH after leaving Evolution did more for him. Orton did more while in evolution (defeating Rock N Sock at WM, winning the WHC, legend killer gimmick)

That's what I meant but to me it is still Evolution helping him.

Great One

So you're of the opinion that despite being two of the most successful tag teams ever, that all of them would be sitting pretty much where they are right now regardless?

Does that mean that their popularity as tag teams is irrelevant to their success?
I guess I shouldn't have just quoted that, since that was a reply to MizMasta saying Shawn, Rock, etc. needed a team to get over. The Hardy's are practically nowhere right now, so it's hard to hold them in high regard, but they would be completely nobodies if not for the Hardy's. Like I said in my post, they got over on COOL MOVES as a TAG TEAM. Edge and Christian, however, are far more talented, and are both known for their stints out of the E&C. Christian, being more known for his run in TNA, and of course Edge in the Rated R era. That said, Edge and Christian definitely would still be practically the same as today. E&C are rarely even alluded to as it is, like that one dude brought up earlier.


People knew Hardy and E&C would be big when they feuded in 1999. Without Gangrel and the Hardyz turning on Michael Hayes and E&C, no one would sit there and say "yeah, these guys have the potential to stick around"

Lets put it like this, if Christian, Edge, Matt, and Jeff came into WWE trying to make a name for themselves as singles competitors, they would not still be here. Maybe, one of them might still be a big deal but lets face it, it would have been a lot harder to established themselves


I think both would have still gotten ahead. I mean, look at Matt and Jeff. Jeff was always the better one, the more popular one....he didn't need Matt whatsoever. It could have been just him and Lita or even him by himself and I still think he would be as big, or pretty close to being as big, as he has gotten. His in ring ability would have gotten him noticed, anyways.

Christian, I think a bit different about. He has been alone for a while now and did great in TNA and is now doing great in WWE but I think being with Edge and having the persona he had really helped get his name out there and put him over. The Brood were pretty cool but they were more liked once they dropped Gangrel and started doing shit like the 5 second pose. It was funny, it was entertaining, people wanted to watch it. If he had come alone, I just don't know if people would care as much. It's a possibility but it would depend on what persona he would decide on to get people to notice/care about him.


Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!
Does anyone think that the Captain Charisma character is just an extension, or maybe evolution is the better word, of the E&C version of Christian?

What about Edge? Did anyone see glimpses of the Rated-R Superstar in the Edge character from the 5 second pose days?

Double J

Feb 27, 2009
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I don't think the tag team is the make or break factor, it just helps the brighter of the two stars stand out even more when paired with someone. That simple.

This. To my knowledge The Hardyz and E&C are the only two tag teams as of late that both members of the tag team where able to make great singles careers.

Believe me, Rock would have gotten over...Farooq or not. If you think any differently you're crazy.

I think it was good timing that the Nation was there to boost Rocks career a little faster, but I doubt that they were essential to it.

Actually The Rock was like John Cena at the start. He was pushed pretty hard as a face even though he was still rough in the ring and won the IC title, but he was so boring that fans eventually turned on him, remember the "Die Rocky Die" and "Rocky Sucks" chants?

He was injured and came back as part of the Nation. Now it was clear that WWF wanted to push Rocky so I agree he would eventually get over, but it would of been much harder without the Nation there. Rock was able to take the stables ideas and theme and use that as a way to insult the audience and slowly become "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment".

Edge and Christian, however, are far more talented, and are both known for their stints out of the E&C. Christian, being more known for his run in TNA, and of course Edge in the Rated R era. That said, Edge and Christian definitely would still be practically the same as today. E&C are rarely even alluded to as it is, like that one dude brought up earlier.

Honestly I think Christian is big in WWE now because of his TNA stint. Now no doubt his tag team days is what got him started but he was never that over as a singles guy and never really taken that seriously. Even his last stint in WWE he was just kinda "there" half of the time. Then he jumps to TNA and Main Events the entire time he's there and treated like he was one of WWE's top guys. That builds up a fan base for him and when he returns he's a mid-card main eventer (Hell I don't know what you'd call him). Point is, if he hadn't jumped to TNA he'd probably still be in WWE the entire time but I doubt he'd be as popular as he is now.

Lets put it like this, if Christian, Edge, Matt, and Jeff came into WWE trying to make a name for themselves as singles competitors, they would not still be here. Maybe, one of them might still be a big deal but lets face it, it would have been a lot harder to established themselves

Most likely Edge would be the only one to stand out on their own. The Hardys and Christian would be to "small" for Vince to take serious and at the time they showed up weren't great wrestlers nor very good on the mic. They'd just be like the other light heavyweights in the WWE and just midcard.


Honestly, if Christan never would have had his TNA run I highly doubt that the iwc would be holding him in such high regard. Honestly, before he jumped to TNA and was showcased as 'The Guy' I never could have seen him as a WWE main eventer tbh.


Without a doubt there would be no Edge or Jeff Hardy if they didn't start in the tag division first. There are two classes of main event stars, some get their solely on their own while others need someone else (tag partner) to help them with the first couple steps towards becoming a main event.


Without a doubt there would be no Edge or Jeff Hardy if they didn't start in the tag division first. There are two classes of main event stars, some get their solely on their own while others need someone else (tag partner) to help them with the first couple steps towards becoming a main event.

I stilll honestly think Jeff would have been at almost the same level if he had come alone. The Hardy Boyz were an awesome tag team but Jeff was always the bigger star, anyways, and Matt was just 'the brother'.

Maybe it's just me thinking that way, lol.