Donnie watches NWA-TNA 2004

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Eric Young & Bobby Roode-15/10/04



I remember reading about this in PWI and seeing pics of the show and learning about TNA. Would be another year and half before i found Google Video and XWT and downloaded my first TNA show. So, this has a special place in my heart.

Awesome as hell opening video as TNA will became fucking incredible at this over the next few years.

Match#1 20 Man X-Division Gauntlet for the Gold
#1Frankie Kazarian
#2 Sonjay Dutt
Ugly and sloppy as fuck
Young TJP
He's awesome as fuck, so of course he and Sonjay have zero chemistry.
He kills them all with chair shots and poses.
#5-Jarelle Clark
Hell yeah
Awesome little run of offence.
DW is shocked no has been thrown out. Bless
Fuck off
Clark hits the 630 on Puma
#7-Michael Shane
shazrian team up to throw out Puma
They toss Clark as well
Miayamoto is tossed as well
#8-Hector Garza
He doesn't add a ton to this
This match really sucks
#10-Mikey Batts
Bland stuff from him.
#11-Alex Shelley
He dropkicks Sonjay out.
Kaz backdrops Parka out
#12-Matt Sydal
Fuck yeah
Awesome stuff with Shelley like this is IWA-MS
#13-Sonny Siaki
He drops Kaz on his head with a Belly to belly LMAO
He throws Nosawa out.
Garza is laying on mat and Batts runs towards him and Garza lifts him with his legs and it sends him out and over.
Garza hits Shelly with a gross lungblower and Shelley rolls out onto the floor
#14-Jason Cross
Holy shit, this lineup is dire.
#15-Shark Boy
Shell Yeah
#17-D Ray 3000
He helps Sharkie beat everyone up.
Match is stil bad
Siaki double closelines them out.
Fuck you
Go be a good human and donate a kidney to your sister so you have to retire, you nice man.
#18-Amazing Red
Cross throws out Shelley.
He's rad and high as fuck, but he's not saving this
He fights Shane like this is ROH 2002
#20-Chris Sabin
He's beaten up by Sonny.
Spanky helps Sabin closeline Sonny out
Spanky rana's Shane out
We get a fucking Tower of Doom
Cross is thrown out by Psych
Red rana's Psych out.
Kaz throws Red out
Sabin counter the slice bread and throws Spanky out.
Garza throws Sabin out.
Kaz vs Hector is really basic and fine, but it's the worst match they could have picked given the fact they're both fine and basic, and you know, not fucking awesome.
Garza win with a fancy pin.

Horrible start to the show, let's hope it's not a sign of things to come.

In the back, Kid Kash yells at the Nats that he's the leader and they need to shut up and listen to him. Hey, thought he died.

Match#2 The Naturals, Kid Kash & Dallas vs Erik Watts, Johnny B Badd, Simon Diamond & Ron Killings
What in the living fuck is this doing on your first PPV, guys. Horrendous shit for 4 minutes, and i wish i still drank and could forget i ever saw this. Truth beats a Nat with his Pedigree

In the carpark, a limo arrives and the driver tells Shane to fuck off.

Abyss has been locked away for 24hrs with no food or water. TNA kidnapping people to force them to work the show is true TNA

Match#3 Mascarita Sagrada vs. Piratita Morgan
Why is this on PPV. Like, for real why is this on the show and not two TNA contracted wrestlers. Fine enough for two minutes, but it's a baffling choice. MS wins with a cool rollup.

In the back, 3LK cut a 3lK promo. The highlight is the promo being sponsored by Backyard Wrestling 2. Loved that game.

Dusty is winning the vote. RIGGED.

Scott Hall walks out for some mic time. HEY YO. He says it's not a secret he never says no to a party and that's why he's here. He says Kev won't be here tonight, and you can trust him. He's the guy who invented the ladder match and no one is more interested in the main even than him. May the best Jeff win. This could have been an email, Scott.

Hype for 3LK/Canada.

Match#4 Bobby Roode & Eric Young (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs Konnan & BG James (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
TC have their working boots on for our first not horrible affair of the show. 3LK are bad as always, but TC take huge bumps and carry the control seg by laying a fun beating on BG, so it's good enough for me. Konnan has a bad hot tag on his end, but we get some good bumps from TC. Truth chases off D'Amore and it allows Konnan to hit Roode with the facebuster to win the titles.

Raven demands he be let out so he can hurt someone.

Piper's Pit time. Piper talks about all the times he's nearly been killed over the last 30 years and how he's a legend of pro wrestling. He's going to stand up and show how a man acts, and he introduces Jimmy Snuka. Oh shit. Piper says they can have a fight, but he needs to say something that has haunted him for 21 years. Jimmy is in a league of his own, and he's the only true great. Nobody could have taken that coconut shot and got back up except him, brother. Everyone has to pay the Piper INCLUDING HIM AND TAKES A COCONUT OUT OF HIS JACKET AND TELLS HIM TO EVEN THE SCORE. HOLY SHIT YES. He turns his back and demands he hit him over and over again, but Jimmy just stands there. Piper starts to talk, but Kid Kash comes out now and says he's putting Snuka over for doing nothing. Fuck off. Kash gets in his face and talks shit for a while. He and SHAZARAIN attack snuka, and Piper makes the save for his old enemy. Sonjay Dutt runs down and cleans house, but Kash decks him with the coconut. Piper chases him off. 50/50 on that being amazing and also terrible.

Monty is going to kill everyone in his path and end their roads.

TNA is now running the WWF promos where the wrestlers talk about their real life athletic backgrounds.


Trinity gets a hype video after the las two weeks. Lol

NYC are in the ring for some terrible promo time. long story short it's Jacqueline off her WWE release.

Match#5 Jacqueline vs Trinity w/NYC
So bad and awful, and has zero fucking place on this show. Trinity wins with her Moonsault.

Dusty is still winning the vote.

In the back, Triple X talk to Hudson. Daniels says they did things the wrong way in the last few moths, they need to be beating people up. Skipper says it's a new day for XXX. Daniels says the only way out is too beg and plead not to die.

Hype for Monsters Ball.

Match#6 Raven vs Abyss vs Monty Brown (Monsters Ball)
Fucking finally a goddamn match on this show....and it's mostly a fine little fight between the 3 of them without much plunder or blood. FUIOERHAWJFARVNBSRTDEFSZCZX. It's an ok affair for them, but it's a giant turd on an already forsaken show in what should have been a slam dunk. Raven is mostly cast aside for the other two and neither man is really killing themselves like they should be, so taking out the best guy is a bad idea. there's a fucking ref bump in a gimmick match as well, so what the actual cunting fuck. Monty pins Raven with a pounce (no caps, fuck him) through a table to win.

In the carpark, Don Harris makes Douglas leave the limo alone.

Hype for AJ/Petey

I'd make the gag about AJ needing to save the show, but the damage is done.

Match#7 Petey Willams (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
AJ and Petey do a really cool version of Lynn/RVD on mat for the opening minute, and it's the best because AJ is actually amazing and gets how to do it correctly. He hits dat dropkick and a gorgeous dive right onto Petey, and really fucks him up. Petey hits a flash jawbreaker to take over for a moment, but they opt for a classic back and forth which is much cooler, and smarter than letting Petey control. AJ breaks out the Spider German in a super cool moment, as it's such a rare thing to see, even from a man like AJ. Awesome comeback where he fucks Petey up some more and gets closer and closer to winning. Petey finally lays in shots and looks good at points, but he still fucks up the timing on stuff and leaves AJ with his dick in his hands at points. AJ counters the Destroyer by holding on to him and hitting an Alabama Slam into the bucks in a gnarly moment.Some bullshit hits with a belt shot, but AJ kicks out and the Zone erupts for the first time in hours. They fight on the top rope and D'Amore holds onto AJ's leg and it lets Petey throw him off and he hits a sick top rope Canadian Destroyer to win.

It won't save this show, but God Bless AJ fucking Styles.

Post match, AJ kills D'Amore with the Pele and bails before the heels can get to him.

Jeff Jarrett is getting ready with Scott Hall.

Hype for XXX/AMW

Match#8 Triple X vs America's Most Wanted (Last Team Standing)
It's actually under Texas Deathmatch rules because TNA fucks everything up. They also work legal tags which i HAAAAATE so fucking much as you'll see in everything i cover. Just kill each other, you assholes. Storm's bad wheel holds him back and gets him isolated and it's a good control seg, but it's not the amazing shit we're used to seeing. Just feels really off. Storm is out first after a chair shot to the bad knee renders him unable to make the 10 count. Harris shoves Skipper out of the ring and hits a sweet top rope legdrop to get rid of Daniels. Skipper is legit concussed and it really falls apart as Harris is forced to take it easy on him. Of course, they could have ended the match on it, but this is what wrestling was like before Benoit, sadly. Harris beats Skipper with the Cationic on a chair (Skiper kicks out, but the ref counts 3 to save his life) and that's that.

Post match, Daniels kills Harris with a chair shot and then hits Storm as well, He handcuffs them together and beats the hell out of them with chair shots.

Dusty wins the vote, which means Russo has legit quit TNA and now the peak happens before he ruins it all.

Match#9 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Jeff Hardy (NWA-TNA Worlds Championship-Ladder Match)
-Jeff is painted in dark goo and looks like he walked off the set of the Hulk.

-Hardy is again amazingly sloppy and is off his rocker tonight as he misses a ton of stuff, or is late on things.
-TNA cheaped out on the ladder and it refuses to cooperate when they need it to, which is not going to help matters.
-Jeff Jarrett ends up painted green as well.
-Jeff fucks up the flatliner and ends up hitting the worst STO ever as Jarrett falls backwards instead of forward.
-Hardy botches the ladder leg drop and nearly breaks his legs, and is clearly fucked up as a result.
-It stop him from bumping on stuff properly, so Jarrett is forced to manhandle him into stuff because of the unintentional sandbagging.
-Jarrett climbs up and has to wait for Jeff to get into position, so he looks like a complete clown not grabbing the title when he can.
-DW covers by saying Jarrett could sense Jeff was behind him and knew he would be caught. God Bless, man.
-Jeff botches the swanton and smacks the back of his head off the mat.
-Scott Hall shows up and kills Hardy with the Outsiders Edge.
-The match doesn't end on this, which is bad.
-Hardy hits a ladder legdrop which sends a ladder straight into Jarrett's jaw.
-Hall sits on a chair on the outside and just chills for a while.
-Hardy fucks up the Twist of Fate off the ladder and nearly breaks his arm as a result.
-Jarrett is shoved off the ladder and he tries to crotch himself on the ropes, but he's too far out and his leg hits the ropes at a horrifying angle.
-Scott gets involved again, but he refuses to bump and instead just stumbles around on the outside and looks near death when he finally goes down off a Hardy dive.
-Jeff and Jeff fall off the ladder onto the ramp and Hardy lands feet first in what i imagine would SUCK.
-Kevin Nash finally shows up (without a beard) with two guitars, and hey, he hands one to Hall and predictably turns on Hardy as they kill him with shots and Jef brains him as well, and then grabs the title to mercifully end my pain.
-One of the worst main events ever.

Post match, Nash gets the mic and says he wondered why Jeff was painted green tonight, but he must have been green with envy when he stood next to him at a urinal today. LOL GOT EM BECAUSE NASH HAS A HOG. He says they took over like always and made money (hey, i saw that one) he tells anyone with a sack to fight them, AND AJ STYLES WALKS OUT. He takes out Hall and Jeff with a closeline and a Pele, and he dropkicks Nash out of a powebomb attempt. He goes for the clash, but Nash boots him in the face. 3LK try to help but they get nuked as well. Macho Man Randy Savage's music hits and he shows up and points at them to close the show.


One of the single worst PPV's ever, and maybe not even on the top 10 list of the worst ones TNA will ever put on. Jesus Christ.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions;3 Live Kru-7/11/04

November 12th, 2004
Impact Zone

THE SHOW OPENS WITH RAVEN THROTTLING LARRY ZYBSZKO. HE DEMANDS A REMATCH WITH MONTY, AND LARRY SAYS HE CAN HAVE IT BUT DON'T COME CRYING TO HIM LATER. Raven drops the catchphrase's (including the awful "Welcome to the Terrordome" one) but fuck yeah that's how you open a show.

In the ring, Tenay covers the happening of the PPV before he gets interrupted by NW0 2000. Hall says he loves to party and make money and he can't think of a better place than this. Nash gets the mic and recaps all the fucking history of how they met, WWF and then forming the NWO, and legit kills 5 minutes with this boring stuff. He dubs them the Kings of Wrestling, which we will not be using out of respect for the real ones. Jarrett says they left Savage in a bloody heap after the PPV, and then promises to take out of some favourite sons by the end of the night.

Match#1 3 Live Kru vs Jason Static, Justin Cage & Scotty Mathews
30 second squash.

A limo arrives in the back.

Match#2 SHAZARIAN & Kid Kash vs Hector Garza, Psicosis & La Parka
90 seconds of stuff before Kash breaks the coconut on Garza's head to steal it.
Fuck off.

Monty hype video.

Match#3 Raven vs Monty Brown
Raven's leg is hurt after Monster's Ball, so Monty mostly beats the crap out of him for 3 minutes. Really good beating and offence from Monty, and i wish he had done this on the PPV when it counted, but there's a reason Monty never really made it in TNA and it's not all on bad booking. He hits the Pounce to murder Raven but it sends him flying into the ref, so Abyss comes out and murders Monty in revenge. BUT FUCKING DDP COMES THROUGH THE CROWD AND HITS RAVEN WITH THE DIAMOND CUTTER LIKE IT'S WCW 1998. Monty makes the pin and steals it.

I actually forgot he showed up and feuded with Raven, and now i'm upset because it means more bullshit before Raven finally meets destiny.


Sabin/Petey hype video. Sabin says he knows the counter to the Destroyer.

Shane is with Petey. Williams says he goes back a long way with Sabin and he's going to learn what AJ learnt, there is no counter.

Match#4 Chris Sabin vs Alex Shelley
God yeah. Only 2 minutes because this episode sucks shit, but a rad sprint with Shelley doing a thousand awesome things and looks like the best in the world as always, before Sabin fights back and kills him with the Cradle Shock.

Post match, Petey rushes the ring and attacks Sabin. He goes for the finish, but Sabin counters by dropping down to his knees and he deadlifts him into the Shock.

In the back, DDP says Raven knows why he's here. Nevermore.

Recap of Jeff vs Jeff. Even in highlight form it's lame as fuck.

Match#5 AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs The Naturals
Same standard "AJ carries this douchebag for 5 minutes" match as always. AJ wins with the Clash, and hopefully this team is fucking dead.

Post match, NWO 2000 make their way out on the ramp, and Jarrett slides in from behind and lays out the faces with chair shots. Hall kills Styles with the Edge while Nash kills Nero with the Jackknife.

Horrible episode.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions;3 Live Kru-7/11/04

November 19th, 2004
Impact Zone

The show opens in the car park with NWO 2000 beating up X-Division guys, and we see 3LK being loaded into an ambulance. Amazing Red does the Rey lawn dart spot in a really sad moment of TNA trying to recreate magic.

NWO 2000 come out and Hall and Nash join commentary for another original bit

Match#1 Jeff Jarrett vs J-Rocc
50 second Slapnuts squash. Stroke does it.

In the back, a limo arrives.

In the back, Shane Douglas finds XXX standing in the 6 sided cage that's been set up. Daniels says they're the better team and have shown it every damn time. They don't fear the cage and they won't be nice, they'll end this once and for all. Skipper opens the door and dares AMW to find them and fight.

NWO 2000 are still on commentary.

Match#2 America's Most Wanted vs NYC w/Trinity
Goddamn it, i was done with this in 2003, you fucking bastards. AMW at least squash them as they damn well should, and even beat up Trinity for being the worst. Jarrett gets in AMW's face, so they deck and the NWO attack them for the DQ

All 5 of the heels beat the shit out of AMW and drag them to the back and throw them in the cage for Triple X to beat up. Awesome angle if nothing else.

NW0 2000 invade the production truck and are now running the show. TNA is hitting every good and bad NWO story bit tonight, and i fear how this might end.

Recap of Sabin having a counter for Petey.

Match#3 Bobby Roode & Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore vs Mikey Batts & Jarrelle Clark
Very fun showcase for TC thanks to Bobby being sick as hell and the jobbers bumping and dying as they should. Sabin walks out and watches on the stage. Petey wins with the Destroyer on Mikey

Post match, Sabin rushes Petey this week and they have a fight, and baw gawd Sabin counters it again into the Shock.

In the back, a limo arrives and NWO 2000 go out to meet it.

In the carpark, NWO 2000 find all the limos are empty.

Recap of DDP's debut.

Match#4 Raven vs Johnny B Badd
Raven is wearing a gladiator helmet for some reason. Also, WCW 1992 wants their match back. Raven looks bad for the first time in his TNA run as he's a step behind on everything, and doesn't have the normal fire and snap. Mero is hideous as hell, and i wish i was blind tbh. The ref gets bumped and Raven hits the Evenflow, but that pesky fuck DDP comes down and hits him with the Diamond Cutter. Mero pins Raven in one of the worst moments in the history of pro wrestling.

In the back, Douglas finds DDP and asks why he's attacking Raven. DDP says that piece of trash has been living rent free in his head for the last two years, and rents due. Stuck Mojo ass motherfucker.

Match#5 Abyss vs Kevin Jones
The hooded figure watches on the catwalk above the ring. Abyss murders the kid and wins with the fucking Pounce to send a message

Post match, Abyss makes the ref count 3 again and then goes out and gets a back of Tacks. Monty runs down and hits the big man with a chair and they have a cool fight. Monty runs him off and holds the ring.

In the back, Shane finds Raven. He pissed about this and says this is all Erik Watt's fault that this ever happened. WHAT THE FUCK. He challenges DDP to a match at Turning Point. I hate this so much.

In the ring, Dusty Rhodes is standing by. He talks about some footage and says he wants to see it. He then makes XXX vs AMW a loser splits up match. Yeah lets kill off a team in an already baron wasteland, you moron.

Match#6 SHAZARIAN & Kid Kash, vs Sonjay Dutt, Sonny Siaki & Hector Garza
Gets nuked to shit because of add breaks and we get maybe a minute of action. Goddam crime if you ask me. Kash hits Sonny with the coconut to steal another one

Post match, NWO 2000 attack everyone and lay them out. AJ, Nero and Randy Savage walk out and get in the ring. Randy hits Jarrett with one punch and JJ does an insane bump for it. Savage gets the mic and challenges them to a 6 man at Turning Point.

Another terrible episode
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions;3 Live Kru-7/11/04

November 26th, 2004
Impact Zone

In the back, AJ and all the babyface X-Division guys sneak up to the NWO locker room. D-Ray knocks on the door AND AJ STYLES PUNCHES HALL IN THE FUCKING FACE AND LETS OUT A MASSIVE ROAR AS HE AND THE BOYS RUN OFF. HELL YEAH THAT'S MY ACE.

Match#1 America's Most Wanted vs NYC.
Oh sweet, a much needed rematch after last week. Have i mentioned TNA 2004 is one of the worst years i've reviewed?????. This is nearly 5 minutes and mostly bad as NYC control and suck a ton of shit. AMW thankfully win with the Death Sentence at least.

In the back, Dusty makes AJ vs Hall for the main event. He also makes Jarrett vs Monty for the NWA title next week.

We get a scroll of text on the screen saying that WWE shot an add for the upcoming Royal Rumble, so TNA wrestlers showed up with balloons and cookies and something happened. WWE is going to sue them if they show the footage, but TNA wants the fans to vote on what to do. NO

Match#2 Chris Sabin vs Petey Willams vs Micheal Shane
Super rad 4 minute spotfest. Smart to put Shane here as not to give anything away, and to his credit he works very hard and is no longer bad at all. Sabin gets rid of Shane and counters again into the Shock on Petey to beat the champ clean in the middle.

Raven comes out to the ring with that fucking helmet on again and wrestles for 10 seconds before DDP runs down and the match stops. Page gets the mic and says when he retired it was Raven going around saying he made him, maybe it was the other way round. Page says he once thought of him as a brother and would have done anything for him. They trained to become world champion, and he tasted it 3 times. (So, did Raven you asshole) He says they partied with Kim the night he won the title, and maybe that's why he's here. He's walking around with a knife in his back with Raven's hand on it. He twisted it and broke the shank off. I guess Raven slept with her at some point? Raven says he needs to talk to Watts about this. Page has so many knives in his back he can't even tell which is his. He says some people need to be saved as he points to Page. Two hooded dudes gets in the ring and try to attack Page, but he fights them off and kills them with Cutters.

Match#3 Kid Kash vs Hector Garza
Fine enough 3 minutes for these two. Wish Kash was doing more than feuding with low card X guys, but he's pissed off TNA for the last time and i get it. Shazarian try to help Kash, but they fuck it and superkick him and Garza steals it

Match#4 Bobby Roode vs Ron Killings
It's announced that Truth is also one third of the tag champs and will be wrestling on the PPV, so wooooooo. Really good 3 minutes as TNA refuses to give anyone bar the main event any more, so they go nuts with what they get. They have a wonderful back and forth with a lot of close calls and shit. BG fights off EY, and Truth beats Roode with his sit-out Pedigree

Match#5 AJ Styles vs Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash.

Scott looks terrible as all hell, and is clearly not in shape to be anywhere near a ring, let alone near AJ Styles. AJ does his best to carry him with huge bumps and great offence to counteract Hall bringing nothing to this, and looking near death the entire time. Hall and Nash help each during the control seg as neither dude has a new idea. AJ's comeback is as good as it can be. Nash tries to help, but he gets thrown out by the ref. Nero runs down and dropkicks Hall and hurts himself off it lmao. AJ hits a wicked Forearm to the back of Hall's shitty head and goes for the Clash, but Jarrett gets in and brains him with the guitar and Hall steals it.

Post match, Savage brings out every baby face in the company to run them off. TNA is just ripping off WWE's sick as babyfaces vs Evolution, and i wish was just watching that instead.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions;3 Live Kru-7/11/04

December 3rd, 2004
Impact Zone

Tonight; Jarrett vs Monty for the world title.

Match#1 Triple X vs Amazing Red & Sonjay Dutt
Sick as hell 5 minute sprint from 3 of the best dudes in the world, and Sonjay not fucking much up and just doing the 3 cool things he can actually do well. Daniels takes Red's head off with a nasty lariat and XXX have one last killer control seg on him. Good little hot tag from Dutt before the match breaks down. They all go nuts again and Skipper murders Red with a superkick as he's trying to hit the Code Red, and Daniels makes the pin to steal it.

In the back, AMW cut a promo about the match and how they'll end this forever.

Hype video for XXX/AMW.


Match#2 Abyss vs Matt Mayor & Vance Desmond
Awesome Abyss murder as always. Really not looking forward to him becoming terrible in 2007. For now we enjoy the monster.

Recap of the ending of last weeks Impact.

(Fake) Kings of wrestling make their way for some promo time, and Hall looks hideous and bad again, and it's super shitty to rag on a dead man with a thousand demons. But, like, goodness this man should not be out here. Fucking TNA. Hall says they're going to take those j-brons to school. Nash does a terrible Elvis impression and sings an even worse song about Monty Brown being a loser, and i now hate him as well. Hall grabs a camera as Nash says they're going to take over. Hall follows him out to the crowd.

Match#3 Chris Sabin vs Kid Kash
Only 3 minutes and not all that great as it's mostly Kash eating him up and looking like he doesn't really give a shit. Sabin goes for the Cradle Shock, BUT KASH GETS OUT AND ROLLS HIM UP WITH THE TIGHTS TO WIN. WHAT THE FUCK TNA. WAY TO KEEP SABIN STRONG


Recap of the terrible Raven/DDP feud. Never thought i'd type that.

DDP makes his way out with his WCW theme in full, and that's at least one awesome thing in TNA's favour. Raven runs out and brains him with a trash can and they have a decent fight, but Raven still looks to be hurt as he doesn't have that fire to him. Raven bails from a Cutter attempt, and then we get a shot of Watts in the crowd. Fuuuuuuck

JB does the intros for the world title match to give it that big match feel. Also, Monty has his ribs taped. Uh Oh

Match#4 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Monty Brown (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Monty is now beloved by the fans, so he uses some sick power to pinball Slapnuts around the ring. He misses a shoulder block and flies out of the ring and hits the rail to fuck his back up, and we get a good Jarrett control seg. Despite how abysmal this run as been, (and will continue to be until Planet Jarrett is fully formed) he can still fucking rule in ring when he gives a shit. Really good work on the ribs with some classic basics, and Monty does a good selling as a babyface for the first time at it. Monty has a fun comeback kicking the shit out of Jeff all over the place. His selling goes away, sadly, but it's not enough to bother me. The bullshit hits with a ref bump leading to a guitar shot and a stoke, which Monty kicks out of. He hulks up and looks to have it won, but Hall runs down and fights him. Monty kills him with a Pounce (Which Hall flatbacks off in a weird choice), but Jarrett gets a chair and kills him with shots to win.

Post match, Jarrett points to the video wall and we see Hardy and AJ knocked out cold. The camera then finds Randy Savage standing over them and looking concerned and shit, and then headlights turn on in the distance and the engine revs as the show closes. Guys, i think Randy and Christine killed the babyfaces.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions;3 Live Kru-7/11/04



One of the worst intro videos i've ever seen.

in the carpark a limo arrives with some asshole doing a Vince McMahon impression and another one doing Triple H. Abyss shows up with balloons, so fake H spits water on him and asks what game he's playing. Fucking die.

Match#1 Ron Killings & BG James (c) vs Bobby Roode & Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Hell yeah, this rules a ton. Truth vs the kids is a great, great matchup as he finally gets uncorked again and works his ass off, and the heels are game as hell for him. EY catches him with a dropkick to crotch him and TC take over for another fun control seg. Good double teams and Roode clobbering him a ton, and Truth sells his ass off. BG has a hot tag that doesn't suck as he's trying hard for the first time in a long time.The match breaks down as always and D'Amore causes a distraction that lets Johnny Devine (who is really a mascot at this point) hit BG in the back of the head with the flag to help TC steal the titles back.

In the back, Dusty hypes up the main event just so he can get his shitty face on TV.

Hype video for team Kash vs team Sonjay.

Match#2 Kid Kash & SHAZARIAN w/Traci vs Sonjay Dutt, Sonny Siaki & Hector Garza
What a horrible looking babyface team. Good lord, guys. Really fun opening flurry with all the dudes trying as hard as possible and the lame guys actually looking good sprinting around the ring and going crazy on PPV as this is the big time and all that. Garza starts botching shit and looks awful once it slows down, so he get his ass kicked for being the dirt worst. The other two do well for themselves and this is the best Siaki has EVER looked in his life. Traci trips Sonjay to cause the isolation and SHAZARIAN lead the charge working on his arm. Tenay says he dislocated it a few months ago and it's very smart on their part. But the really smart part is Sonjay selling the work like a pro wrestler. Really good selling as he holds it against his side and it stops him from using it. SHAZARIAN are great shitheads again, and i wish they had a title run because they rock in this role. Awesome comeback from Sonjay as he fights like hell while selling the arm!!! Garza has a bad hot tag looking slow and tired, and it's crazy how bad he's gotten. Dive train happens and Sonjay is LAUNCHED by Sonny in a sick as hell one. Garza beats Kaz with the Torneo

Kid Kash never tagged in, and i assume he's in the dog house again.

In the back, the corpse of Savage cuts a promo about the big match.

In the back, D'Amore says he chose Petey over Sabin because he's a winner and he only backs winners.

Hype for Monty/Abyss.

Monty challenges him to fight on the stage and the big man meets him there to start the match.

Match#3 Monty Brown vs Abyss (Serengeti Survival Match)
Pin, submission, or throwing someone on thumbtacks gets the win. Awesome fight around the Zone (need to rewatch Stalker) with both throwing good right hands and smacking each other with plunder for some of that sweet brain damage and violence. Abyss has a fun control seg and has now added a nice big boot to his offence. Monty sells well again and he's growing a face, so of course TNA will ruin all of this in two months with a super dumb heel turn. Monty hits him in the dick with a chair and beats the living fuck out of him on his comeback, and Abyss is not a coward as he takes unprotected chair shots to the head. They go back and forth and both dudes murder the hell out of each other, and the crowd is super hot for it all. Monty misses a Pounce and smashes his head off a table in a moment of sheer horror and joy of a bump. They both get tack out of bags and go for the kill, and Monty rips of Abyss' shirt and Alabama Slams the back of his fucking head into the tacks to win. Fuck yeah.

In the back, the fake Vince and H smash some stuff with sledgehammers. Way to make yourselves look like the biggest geeks ever.

Match#4 Johnny B. Badd & Irish Pat Kenney vs. The NYC w/ Trinity (Special Referee: Jacqueline)
Not 100% sure if this is the worst match of the year as there has been some shit, but this is 8 minutes and not a second of it is good, so it might just be. Disco hates Jacqy because of their WCW history so he's a shitbag to her, so she ends up slamming him and Badd hits the TKO to win.

In the carpark, Jarrett and the Outsiders attack Savage and throw him into a car that speeds off and Jeff says it's now two vs three.

Hype for Raven/DDP

Erik Watts joins commentary to make things a little worse. Granted, he's better than Tenay at talking, but that's not a compliment.

Match#5 Raven vs Diamond Dallas Page (Raven's Rules)
They get into a big brawl right away and the ref is kicked in the face by Page when he tries to stop it, so he's dead and stuff. They fight all over the crowd and it's not bad at all, even with Page being 150 at this point. Watts talks about beating DDP out for the 91 rookie of the year, which is incredibly funny actually. They get back in Raven take over thanks to his stupid gladiator helmet being smashed into DDP's face over and over. Good control seg with Raven hitting all the good bits and Page doing a nice job of selling and bumping for a man whose been out of the ring for 2 plus years. DDP makes a comeback and fucks up Raven's lip with a punch and busts him open. Raven kicks out of the Cutter in a real big moment, then Page kicks out of the Evenflow. No, don't like that. Watts gets in the ring and fights off Raven's hooded dorks with chokeslams. He turns on Page with a closeline and goes for another chokeslam, but Page counters into the Diamond Cutter. Page then counters another Evenflow into the Cutter to win.

I'd be more angry about Raven losing, but i've accepted TNA is just really fucking dumb and Raven is sort a bitch who kept going along with this shit instead telling them to fuck off because he wants that belt very badly.


Hype for Sabin/Petey

Match#6 Petey Williams (c) w/Scott D'Amore vs Chris Sabin (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
This is 18 minutes in a massive show of faith in two young kids in the biggest title match on the show, and they live up to it. Really great back and forth to start with lots of counters and momentum shifts from two dudes who know each other so well after training together for years and years. They tell a great story of Petey having a counter for the Cradle Shock as he counters it twice, and Tenay righty says maybe Sabin forgot how well Petey knows him instead of the other way round. They have a killer fight on the outside AND SABIN POWERBOMBS PEEY INTO THE GUARDRAIL AND THEN CLIMBS INTO THE CROWD AND DIVES OVER THE FANS AND THE RAIL ONTO PETEY. FUCK YEAH. Williams finally drops him throat first on the ropes to cut him off, and we get a super fine control seg with some bullshit D'Amore spots in between because this fuck has to take away from his boys at all times. Sabin's selling and attempted comebacks rock, as do Petey's cutoffs. I don't know if Petey is now a good wrestlers, but he's fucking rad on this night. Sabin has a wonderful top rope overhead belly to belly to finally comeback and kicks the shit out of his old friend. He hits a siiiiiiiick Liger Bomb for a nutty close call, and then he hits a wild fucking summersault dive over the ring post. They both go nuts again trying to end it and Petey locks in maybe the single worst Sharpshooter ever out of a Cradle Shock counter. Like, one that's so bad that even the Rock would shake his head in disbelief. Sabin fights out and hits an insane spike piledriver for another wild close call. Sabin counters the Destroyer, but D'Amore gets involved it allows Petey to hit Sabin with knucks to steal it.

Match#7 AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs Jeff Jarrett & The Outsiders.
AJ is not only tasked with carrying Nero like always, but he's also asked to get something out of 2004 Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. Jarrett is at least here to offset the other 3, and he and AJ are magic like always, so it's not all bad. AJ bumps big for the old guys and actually forces them to bump for him. Nero (who is now painted green and purple) has a good hot tag and looks like he cares again, so that's swell. He gets cut off and the Outsiders control, which is not swell at all. Bad boring old man cheating and shit, and it's crazy to think Nash is going to be amazing again in two years because this run is awful. AJ has a fake hot tag and gets isolated by them, but it's good because it's 2004 AJ Styles bumping like a complete fucking nutcase for them, and making all their lame stuff look good as possible. Nero has another fun hot tag before the nonsense unfolds. Hall pulls the ref out and kills Hardy with a guitar shot, but the ref is died. Savage shows up having killed his kidnappers, i can only assume. He has a hot tag that's all punches and they look good to his credit. He locks in a sleeper on Jarrett, and the other two lock in ones on the Outsiders, and Savage punches Jeff in the face off an attempted sunset flip and pins him off that in his final ever match.

Randy will quit TNA in the next 3 days after he finds out Jarrett is planning on beating him at the next PPV, and he's not doing that bullshit. So, fare thee well.

TNA Final Resolution 16/1/05

We finally see the awful footage of TNA wrestlers showing up at the Royal Rumble PPV commercial taping (the famous Westside Story one) 3LK, Douglas, Abyss and Traci show up with cookies and a blured out Rey Mysterio hangs out with his old buddy Konnan. Lame as fuck and zero need for anyone to ever see this.

Hype for AMW/XXX

Match#8 America's Most Wanted vs Triple X (Six Sides of Steel-Losing team must disband forever)
HERE WE FUCKING GO. We get the classic wonderful crazy fight to start one last time and now we have the cage in place to play with, they go nuts and use it to murder each other in new and cool ways. Daniels is busted wide open right away and gets a fucking gusher of a cut that leaks all over his face in a great and sick visual. AMW kick the shit out of him for all of sins of the past, and they fuck Skipper up as well for being a little prick. Storm really stands out here as he's violent and mean, and has some classic babyface fire that's even cooler than what he's shown. Skipper smashes his face against the cage and busts him open in revenge, and then XXX handcuffs Harris to the ropes (the cuff was hidden by a towel in a great moment of heel creativity) and go to work on Storm. AMAZING control seg with a mix of cheating and as much violence as they can come up with. Storm dies on everything and takes one of the meanest beating in company history as he bleeds like a goddamn stuck pig and stains the mat. Daniels uses the cuff key to rip the skin on Storm head open some more. and then they smash him face first into the cage to be even bigger cunts than normal. They further kill him with double teams, but Storm keeps kicking out over and over, and the beating gets worse as a result. Storm kills Daniels with a spear and gets the key to let Harris out, AND HE GOES INSANE WITH THE MOTHER OF ALL CHRIS HARRIS HOT TAGS AND STORM COMES BACK TO LIFE AND JOINS IN, AND AMW SLAM THEM OVER AND OVER INTO THE CAGE AND UNLOAD A GODDAMN BEATING. XXX somehow surivve it all and turn the tide again and go for the kill on AMW. They even steal the Death Sentence, but AMW won't die on this fucking night. Daniels sends Skipper up to the top for something, but Storm follows and kills him with an insane powerbomb off the top, and somehow Skipper kicks out. Harris and Daniels fight on top of the cage as Skipper climbs to the top on the other side and then...


THE FUCKING CAGE RANA WALK HAPPENS AND 20 YEARS LATER IT'S STILL THE DAMNDEST MOMENT IN TNA HISTORY. They fuck each up with the Tower of Doom, and Harris is the first man back up and he batters the shit out of both them and he handcuffs Daniels to the ropes in revenge, and now Skipper is finally all alone. AMW toss the key into the crowd and murder Skipper with the fucking Power Plexxx as the final fuck to end the feud and kill of Triple X forever (well, until 2007) Still, a goddamn classic and easily a top 10 TNA match of all time.

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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Bobby Roode & Eric Young-5/12/04

December 10th, 2004
Impact Zone

Tonight, AJ vs Garza in a number one contenders match.

Match#1 Christopher Daniels vs Mikey Batts

Miley comes out to Sabin's music in a funny TNA fuckup. Awesome Daniels showcase as his amazing heel singles run beings. He's selling the cage match all while beating the shit out of this plucky little shit trying to beat an Angel. Angel Wings kills the kid.

Post match, Daniels hits the kid with the Last Rites.

In the back, DDP arrives and is confronted by the Outsiders. Hall says he thought he would be bigger, and Page says it's thanks to TV. Nash laughs and says he thought he was dead. Hall makes fun of Raven kicking out of the cutter, and Page says the second one got it done unlike them. Nash tells him to stay out of their business and they'll stay out of his. Oh no, don't tell me.

In the back, Douglas is with Team Canada. They all cut promos about their success as of late and how they now own TNA. D'Amore says they need one piece of gold to complete the set, and Jarrett can considered himself served. It's time for a Canadian world champ. Not till 2006, dude.

Match#2 SHAZRIAN w/Traci vs America's Most Wanted
Fuck yes. Gets nearly 8 minutes and it rocks a ton. SHAZARIAN target the hurt Harris right away and beat his ass, and his selling is tremendous. SHAZRIAN's rise to being good has been wild as hell, but i'm here for it. Awesome work on the ribs with knees and punches that look like brutal as shit, and you can't ask for more than that if basics is your thing. Storm has a killer hot tag and beats the crap out of them before it all breaks down. Shane is taken out and Kaz is beaten with the Death Sentence

Monty Brown hype video

Match#3 Monty Brown vs Disco Inferno

Tenay meets Monty at ringside. Monty says coming close isn't good enough, but Jarrett now knows who the alpha male of this world is. He's been through hell over the last few weeks, but he's still standing. He tells Nash to stay out of life because he's an endangered species. Someone is getting pounced at Final Resolution.

Jeff Jarrett makes his way out for his promo time, and i can't wait to watch Memphis, WWF and WCW so i can not hate him as much i do in 2004. He's the still the champ and all that jazz (helps that he books himself this way) and he's ran off anyone and everyone who has tried to challenge him. Legit the same promo he's cut since October of 2003, because an uninvented hack. He stats there is no left or worthy enough to challenge him at Final Resolution, so he's not defending the title. Dusty Rhodes comes out on the stage with a contract that he says Vince Russo signed before he left, and he's wrestling at the PPV. We will find out in a few short days who he's fighting.

In the back, Douglas finds DDP. Shane demands to know what's going with Watts, but Raven walks over and says Page doesn't know about Watts and the thing. OH MY GOD SHUT THE FUCK UP.

After the break, Raven walks over to Watts and hugs him. HE TURNED ON YOU LIKE 3 DAYS AGO, YOU FUCKING MORON SON OF A BITCH. Watts says he doesn't respect Page and he will feel the respect. FUCK YOU AS WELL.

Match#4 AJ Styles vs Hector Garza (#1 Contenders Match)
Garza winning two matches in the last two months has got him this spot because TNA is the worst. AJ does everything in his power to carry him to the best match of this doomed run (we'll get there in 05). Awesome offence and big bumps as always, and he makes sure Hector doesn't fuck too much up because he's a nice man who doesn't have bad matches 99% of the time.. As always, AJ should just let these chosen losers hang themselves, but he's not going to doing as much as it's needed. Hector works the leg and we get some sick AJ selling, and it's awesome as Hector can have a thing to focus on. He makes a sick comeback while selling it, and beats the dogshit out of him. They fight on top and AJ hits a superplex, but Garza hooks the legs when they hit and gets the 3 in one of my most hated finishes.

Fuck it, at least they kept AJ strong for once.


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Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Bobby Roode & Eric Young-5/12/04

December 17th, 2004
Impact Zone

Tonight, Jarrett vs Garza for the worlds title.

Match#1 Sonny Siaki & Johnny B Badd vs The Naturals
Nice to see the Nats back, even if against one of the worst possible teams TNA can put together. This is awful as you'd expect as the faces are horrid (Sonny only cares on PPV) and the Nats can only do so much. The Nats beat Badd with the Warrior/Rude finish.

In the carpark, Dusty is sitting on a pickup truck that now serves as his office in a wonderful bit. He says Jarrett will defend the title no matter what. Traci walks on and congratulates him on the PPV and sucks up to him. She offers to be his secretary, and he tells her to come up and helps him with some paperwork. She jumps up and "falls" on to his lap, and Dusty says this will work out good as he pervs on her when she goes to answer his phone.

Match#2 Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore vs Jeff Hardy
Hey, a match that should have been a thing in 2010/11 with Roode winning the title as a babyface, but it's not to be. Nero looks really good for once as he's sober and not fucking around (nor is he painted like an asshole), and Roode is sick as hell like always. Bobby shoves him off the top right away and Jeff takes a gross bump into the rail, and Bobby beats the shit out of him in his best control seg thus far. Great work on the neck mixed with some wicked shots, and good Nero selling for the first time in his run. He makes a fun comeback and hits all shit clean and good, and you don't need more than that. He beats Bobby with the Swanton.

Dustin Rhodes makes his return to face Johnny Swinger. Love to see nepotism is still running strong for the Rhodes family.

Match#3 Dustin Rhodes vs Johnny Swinger
Dustin is a little rusty after a few months away, but he's still Dustin Rhodes and he's going to make it work eventually. (Black Reign notwithstanding) He sells well for Swinger's lame offence before he makes a comeback and pinballs him around. Bulldog ends it

In the back, Dustin is standing by with Douglas. He's says TNA in the best fed in the world and he's inspired after the PPV, and he's here to win the world title for the first time in his life just as his daddy did.

Recap of the DDP/Raven/Watts bullshit.

Watts comes out for a squash match, but in the ring DDP kills the jobber with the Diamond Cutter. He dares Watts to get in and fight him for presumably sleeping with Kim, as he only lets Bischoff do that. Erik refuses and leaves the scene like a big old bitch.

Recap of Garza beating AJ.

Match#4 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs Hector Garza (NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)
Very good Jarrett carry job for once. He couldn't do with Nero (i doubt even AJ could do it a second time) but he do it here as he dies on the opening flurry and makes Hector's lame stuff look killer for once. Really good selling for it all, and his control seg is all basic and mean as Garza doesn't deserve his full effort after being terrible since he came back, so fuck him. Decent comeback for Garza with Jeff doing the bulk of the work like the rest of the match. The bullshit hits when the Outsiders get involved and the ref refuses to DQ to save the title. Hector gets rid of them and goes for the Moonsault, but Jarrett hits him with the Guitar to win.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
WA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Bobby Roode & Eric Young-5/12/04

December 24th, 2004
Impact Zone.

Tonight; Team Canada vs AMW.

In the ring, Dusty and Traci are standing by, Dusty starts to talk but JJ interrupts because these two somehow think this terrible feud is actually good for TV rather than building AJ, or another face to end this shit once and for all. Jarrett demands to know who he's facing at the PPV, so Dusty makes a triple threat elimination match at the PPV for the #1 contendership, and the winner will face him in the main event. Not really fair, but whatever. He names Monty as the first challenger, and then DDP as the second to confirm my fears. The third man is BIG SEXY KEVIN NASH. OH SHIT. Kev shrugs and seems happy as Jeff is concerned. Very short and good segment for once. Keep it like this for the love of God.

Match#1 3 Live Kru vs Cassidy O'Reilly & Brandon Thomas
Bad showcase despite Truth's best efforts to carry it. He wins with his bad Pedigree. Hate that he;'s using that fuckheads move as it's both lame, and makes him look like a geek.

In the back, DDP and Watts confront each other. Erik is mad that he's gotten another title shot, so Page slaps his chest and laughs that he's never had a shot. He walks off as Raven walks on and says Watts is being treated like a punk. Watts screams that he'll take care of it.

Match#2 Abyss vs David Young.
45 second murder of DY

Roddy Piper comes out for the "pit" with Hector Garza. Hector has a translater with him to make it really hard for Piper to do his normal bit, and it all dies a death. Hector blames Hall for costing him the title, and hey the Outsiders come out to confront him for talking shit. Hall tells him to bring it, not sing it. He hands him a guitar and tells him to play some Elvis or any hit, so Hector brains him and takes out Nash. He hits Hall with a second one just to do it. This is meant to set up a PPV match with the two to run back the famous WCW angle, but Garza gets busted at the border with steroids like a clown and he loses his TNA gig. TNA will then be forced to pick another famous screwup to take his place.

In the back, Douglas is with Petey and D'Amore. It's announced that Petey will defend against two x division wrestlers in Ultimate X Match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Petey says there is no better way to show he's the best than winning the biggest match TNA has, and this no sweat and he's a class above the rest. Shane also says if AMW win they'll get a title shot at the PPV. Shane says this is proof that Dusty hasn't let his resentment go of all things Canadian. He says this all a moot point as there will be no challengers left at the PPV.

Match#3 AJ Styles vs Johnny Devine w/Scott D'Amore.
DW says we will get qualifying match for UX over the next few weeks, which is a killer way to showcase the division. This is a killer AJ showcase as he takes a complete nothing mascot and beats the piss out of him, and drags him to the best match of his life. He gives Devine a control seg and sells all the lame offence really well before he easily comes back and ends his life with the Styles Clash.

In an office somewhere in the baclk,Kid Kash meets Dustin Rhodes, He insults his old man being a fat turd and whatnot, before he pats Dustin on the belly and laughs as he walks off. "Well, that's a hell of a thing to say to me" Tombstone 1993. AIR BITE.

Match#4 Bobby Roode & Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore vs America's Most Wanted

AMW finally get back to doing what they do best after 6 months of the blood feud finally ended, and TNA remembers they're the best they have by a wide margin. Sick opening flurry as they match up fantastically with TC right away, and give us a glimpse of the future. We get jip'd on the control seg because of the add break, but what we do see of the beating of Storm is very good. Harris has a short but awesome hot tag before the breaking down happens. AMW beat EY with a rollup to secure the title shot that they were always getting.

In the back, Jarrett yells that this won't happen no matter what Dusty thinks. He storms off, and Hall says Nash has held the WWF and WCW titles but never the NWA title, and it might be time to get paid. We hear grunting in the background and we find Abyss has buried someone under a table.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X Division Champion; Petey Willams-11/8/04
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; Bobby Roode & Eric Young-5/12/04

December 31st, 2004
Impact Zone

After two years of this, i am FINALLY up to the last show of 2004. Thank you as always for joining me on this ride and allowing me to post these reviews for you complete sickos.

In the back, Dusty tells Traci to deliver some papers to Don Harris. He walks off and Trinity walks on and yells at her for being a bitch. Traci says she's not even on the show, so Trinity steals the papers and walks off as Traci shouts she has copies of them. I don't think that's true, actually.

Match#1 AJ Styles, Johnny B Badd & Sonny Siaki vs Elix Skipper & The Naturals
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS TNA????? Like, i have no words for how insane and random this actually is, but i'm embracing the weirdness. AJ vs the heels is rad as fuck as you'd expect, and it easily makes up for the other two ghouls in this match. AJ takes a great shitkicking from them and Elix steps up in a big way now that's he alone, as he's mad and viscous as hell with all his offence. Badd has a BAD hot tag, but the heels take big bumps to cover, and AJ gets back in right away and kills Skipper with a dive to cover for it. Badd beats a Nat with a top rope Frankensteiner.

Roddy Piper will be at Final Resolution.

Match#2 Christopher Daniels vs Micheal Shane w/Traci & Kazarain
Tenay announces the show will be moving to 4pm on Friday's, which will be the death of this come May 05. Random heel vs heel matchup, but the fans embrace Daniels and they smartly change it up and have him work face for one night against a complete little bastard. Traci causes a distraction and Shane has a fun control seg with all his good basics and some sick Daniels selling. Angel makes a fun comeback. Traci accidentally distracts the ref as Shane hits the superkick, AND HE LOSES HIS SHIT AND KNOCKS HER OFF THE APRON. Daniels rolls him up to steal it.


Match#3 Dustin Rhodes vs Marco Cordova w/Kid Kash

Short and decent little Dustin showcase to start his feud with Kash. He wins with a Jay Driller

Post match, Kash attacks and we get a fun fight before Dustin runs him off.

DDP makes his way out and says he's here to win the world title and have some fun with the boys. His best friend is Erik Watts and he wants to know what happened, so he's asking him to come out here and talk about this. The hooded dudes run in and attack Page, and he easily beats the crap out of them. He unmasks them and it's Raven and Watts. UH FUCK. Page hits the Cutter on Watts as Raven bails. Raven gets the mic and says that's the type of man Page is, and he would set him on fire just to light his cigarette. Page will pay for all of this for the rest of his. PLEASE FUCKING SAY WHAT HE DID, I'M BEGGING YOU.

Jarrett & The Outsiders come out for some mic time. Hall is still dressed in the Elvis gear and i only imagine they taped all of these shows on the same day, or he's been so fucked up he never changed his clothes between the PPV and this show. Normal bad promo from him before Monty comes out and drops his normal promo about this being the Alpha Male's time to shine and win the world title. He then leads the fans into chanting "NEXT WORLD CHAMP" in a cool bit.

Match#4 Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash vs Hector Garza
Thankfully only 4 minutes so neither guy can mess it up too badly. Hall again looks sooooo bad, and Hector is gassed to the gills and moves really slowly for a high flyer. Bad back and forth for a while before Hector takes out Nash with a dropkick. It allows Hall to crotch him on the top and hit the Razors Edge to win.

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Feb 1, 2021
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02; AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn
03; Triple X vs America's Most Wanted

TNA 2004 Feud of the year

Way easier to give this than last year as it was a baaad year for the most part and the only good feuds included AJ or AMW, so not a shock that this won. It was a perfect storm of angry pissed off old man vs Insanely talented upstart who is now the fucking man and can't be denied. Every match was rad as hell and it had as close to a perfect ending at we could have gotten from TNA booked by Vince Russo.


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Best matches of the year

Triple X vs Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine *** (26/5/04)

Jerry Lynn vs. Mr. Aguila vs. Taichi Ishikari vs. Eric Young *** (26/5/04.Ladder Match)

Abyss vs D-Lo Brown *** (28/1/04)

Monty Brown vs Abyss *** (5/12/04. Serengeti Survival Match)

Abyss vs Sabu *** (21/7/04. Falls count anywhere)

Team TNA vs Team AAA *** (11/2/04)

The Naturals vs Christopher Daniels & Low Ki *** (31/3/04)

Jack Evans vs Hector Garza *** (10/3/04)

Petey Willaims (c) vs Chris Sabin *** (5/12/04. NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)

AJ Styles (c) vs Frankie Kazarian *** (11/6/04. NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)

Triple X vs The New Franchises *** (21/1/04)

AJ Styles vs Amazing Red vs Chris Sabin vs Kid Kash vs Alex Shelley vs Frankie Kazarain *** (1/10/04)

America's Most Wanted vs. Triple X*** (18/8/04Best of Three Series - Match #2)

Chis Harris & Elix Skipper (c) vs James Storm & Christopher Daniels *** (24/9/04. NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)

The Amazing Red vs Sonjay Dutt *** (19/5/04)

The Naturals (c) vs America’s Most Wanted *** (21/7/04. NWA-TNA World Team Championships-SIX SIDES OF STEEL)

Frankie Kazarian (c) vs AJ Styles *** (9/6/04. NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)

AJ Styes vs Alex Shelley *** (17/9/04)

Petey Williams (c) vs AJ Styles *** (5/11/04 NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)

America's Most Wanted vs The Naturals *** (30/6/04)

Raven vs Chris Harris *** (14/4/04)

Triple X vs America's Most Wanted *** (13/8/04. Best of 3 series, match#1)

AJ Styles (c) vs Abyss *** (25/2/04 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championship. Double Tables Match)

AJ Styles (C) vs Chris Harris *** (12/5/04. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

AJ Styles vs Kid Kash *** (8/9/04. Double Tables Match)

AJ Styles (C) vs Chris Harris vs Ron "The Truth" Killings vs Raven *** (19/5/04.NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. Deadly Draw)

AJ Styles (c) vs Ron Killings *** (28/4/04. NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)

Terry Funk & The Sandman vs The Gathering *** (4/2/04)

AJ Styles vs Michael Shane *** (14/7/04)

AJ Styles vs Elix Skipper vs Chris Sabin vs Michael Shane *** (4/6/04. X-Division #1 Contenders match)

America’s Most Wanted vs Triple X ***1/4 (25/8/04. Best of Three Series-Match#3)

AJ Styles vs Raven vs Abyss vs Ron Killings ***1/4 (31/3/04)

The Naturals vs America's Most Wanted ***1/4 (14/7/04. Ladder match-Title Shot & Clothes vs Gutcheck list)

AJ Styles & Ron Killings vs Kid Kash & Dallas ***1/4 (1/9/04. Asylum Street Fight)

AJ Styles (c) vs Elix Skipper vs Amazing Red, vs Michael Shane vs Frankie Kazairan vs Chris Sabin ***1/4 (30/6/04. NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)

AJ Styles vs Abyss ***1/4 (3/3/04 Falls Count Anywhere)

AJ Styles vs Kid Kash ***1/4 (4/8/04)

The Red Shirts (c) vs AJ Styles ***1/4 (4/2/04 NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)

Raven vs Sabu ***1/2 (4/8/04. No DQ)

AJ Styles (c) vs Frankie Kazarian vs Michael Shane ***1/2 (28/7/04. NWA-TNA X-Division Championship-Ultimate X)
Michael Shane (c) vs Low Ki vs Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels ***1/2 (7//04NWA-TNA X-Division Championship. Ultimate X)

Ron Killings (c) vs AJ Styles vs Chris Harris vs Raven vs Jeff Jarrett ***1/2 (2/6/04.NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship. King of the Mountain)

AJ Styles vs Abyss **** (17/3/04 #1 Contenders Ladder Match)

AJ Styles vs Kid Kash **** (18/4/04 Street Fight)

AJ Styles (c) vs Raven **** (5/5/04 NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Championship)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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2002; America's Most Wanted
2003: America's Most Wanted (2)

2004 Tag Team of the Year.

Another horrible year for tag wrestling as it sucked so bad that The Gathering lead for 5 months after they both left. Just a sad and horrible state of affairs that was almost saved by AMW and Triple X being amazing. So, yeah, to the shock of no one we have 3 time winners.



Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels-35
The Naturals-31
Bobby Roode & Petey Williams-17
The gathering-13
Abyss & Alex Shelley-12
Kid Kash & Dallas-12
Bobby Roode & Eric Young-8
James Storm & Christopher Daniels-8
AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy-7
Sabu & Sonjay Dutt -6
Amazing Red & Chris Sabin-6
Chris Harris & Elix Skipper-6
Lo Ki & Chrsitopher Daniels-5
James Storm & Dusty Rhodes -4
Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine-3
BG James & Ron Killings-2
Chris Sabin & Sonjay Dutt-2
BG James & Konnan-2
AJ Styles & D-Lo Brown-2
Bobby Roode & Johnny Devine-1
Red Shirts-1
Mikey Batts & Jarrelle Clarke-1
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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2002: AJ Styles
2003: AJ Styles (2)

2004 Wrestler of the Year.

The last two years AJ had this shit in the bag with not much of a fight from anyone else, and in a year when he was well and truly the only saving grace 99% of the time, there was no way this could go any other possible way. This is his award to lose up until 2010



Chris Harris-76
James Storm-69
Christopher Daniels-69
Elix Skipper-66
Chris Sabin-65
Michael Shane-58
Frankie Kazarian-48
Monty Brown-47
Petey Williams-42
Kid Kash-42
Bobby Roode-42
Sonajy Dutt-38
Chase Stevens-36
Andy Douglas-36
Ron Killings-34
Amazing Red-32
Alex Shelley-28
Jeff Jarrett-26
Eric Young-24
Jerry Lynn-24
Hector Garza-20
Jeff Hardy-19
CM Punk-15
Julio Dinero-15
Abismo Negro-15
Juventued Guerra-13
Johnny Devine-12
Shark Boy-12
D-Lo Brown-12
BG James-12
Sonny Siaki-10
David Young-8
Jarrelle Clarke-7
Kevin Northcutt-7
Shane Douglas-7
Jason Cross-6
Jack Evans-6
Joe Legend-6
Dustin Rhodes-6
Terry Funk-5
Teddy Hart-5
Scott Hall-4
Chad Collyer-4
Heavy Metal-4
Roderick Strong-4
Simon Diamond-3
Mikey Batts-3
Kevin Nash-2
Diamond Dallas Page-2
Ruffy Silversteine-2
Jimmy Rave-2
Balls Mayhoney-2
Disco Inferno-2
Johnny Swinger-2
Mikey Whipwreck-2
Matt Stryker-2
Dusty Rhodes-2
Kushiba Kamen-2
LA Parka-2
Chris Vaughn-2
Nigel McGuiness-2
Johnny B Badd-2
Erik Watts-1
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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TNA 2004 Conclusion

Mother of God this was one of the single hardest years of wrestling i've ever reviewed. The highs were wonderful (AJ, Raven/Sabu, Bobby Roode, Sabin, Shelley XXX/AMW) but the lows like letting Jeff Hardy on TV and main eventing a PPV, Jarrett's stranglehold on the title, the worst midcard thus far, and Russo being in charge to name a few made this truly dire for the majority. It was so bad it took me two years to actually finish it, which is not something i ever want to do again for any review (and it's not an issue as i'm in a good place), but this was a fucking test. Thankfully it's over and we have the next 18 months of peak TNA (and the WWF reviews) to make everything right. Onwards and upwards from here.

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