"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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^B/C You are on crack, like I said before :)

Montana, What do you think TNA and ROH have to do to get up to pace with WWE and maybe overtake them? What do you think they have to do?

Great One

what are your thoughts on another Triple H title run, could it help the business? Would you enjoy it and would it entertain you?

I'm also curious what are your other reasons for thinking Triple H is "greedy"?

Yawn to HHH comeback. No it wouldnt help the business. There would be some entertainment value for sure. Im not discrediting him, I would just perfer to see guys like Kennedy and CM Punk gets pushed. Or even the Hardys. Even after the draft its the same raw, just added a few SD guys. So i think the wwe needs some radical creative thinking. Giving HHH the belt is the opposite of that. (dusty rhodes to book raw, demote steph)

Greedy, mainly because he looks out for his friends more so than talent. Like im going to comeback and beat booker t, then ill beat Orton for the wwe championship. Wrestlers should have zero say in booking. And HHH should be kissing HBK's ass. HBK did more for HHH than anyone i can recall in the US. Hogan sure as hell didnt make Brutus. The Rock didnt make anyone, Stone COld didnt. But HBK turned HHH into a all around talent. Im HBK Biased so i guess we will never agree. Basically it seems like he wants to always be the star.
Remember how Batista got over though? Being the first to cleanly beat HHH in a singles match after his huge title streak, that got Batista over massively. Don't you think the same could happen again, for maybe Kennedy, CM Punk, or even Lashley. I agree, giving HHH the title isn't exactly radical thinking, but I think it is something safe to drop back on instead of say, giving Lashley or Kennedy the title too soon. A jump to SD would be GREAT as well... but I doubt it'll happen.

Well, I don't get why people always claim they know who his friends are and etc. backstage unless you actually KNOW him... so I think that claim is kind of bullshit, as a matter of fact nothing can really be confirmed, I think Batista could be the only accurate example, but it's not like he's the only one he's put over. Ok, I'll agree 100%, HBK played a big role in "making" Triple H and I think that's understood between the two, but what got Austin/Rock so big in Attitude Era? A very good heel, and that was TRIPLE H. He got them both over so ridiculously much (although he wasn't the only one, Vince played as big as or bigger role in getting Austin over and of course Taker), but yeah, The Rock and Austin obviously wouldn't make anyone (peaks of their career... retired early) and we all know Hogan is a piece of shit... then again Triple H has also helped HBK in times of his life and of course Ric Flair, so it can be argued either way if he's greedy. Also, I like both HBK and HHH almost equally. ^^

-Lately we've been hearing a lot of shit that the WWE is about to see a "big change" with all of the recent things that have happened, such as... the Benoit incident, USA complaints to WWE, sudden ratings drop, Vince McMahon early return, etc. Do you actually think this is true? Are we going to see a new WWE very soon over the next course of months?


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Aug 3, 2007
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How will Chuck Palumbo debut in WWE? And how quickly before he wins his first title?

Beer Money Army

Recently Umaga look's like he is turning Face after Raw.. DO you think he will gain more popularity or will he end up with the same factor with other monster/big guys when they turned face??

I.E. Yokozuna turn Face in 96 didn't hear much of him... KANE he's been face numerous but jobs a bit, Big on the same note when he is a face.Same with Snitsky and there is a Few....

lol those benoit question i think i was plastered when i type those lol....


May 11, 2007
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montana,here in India wwe shows gets aired 2 weeks after the show originally happens..so have to get the updates from wwe.com all the time..is there any website where i can watch the shows as and when it happens?? will be really helpful..
and do you have any idea when wwe will be back in India for some shows??now that Khali is champ on SD,it will bring lots of fans for the shows..


do u think Cody can beat Orton someday?? if it happens,Dusty will be the happiest dad on this planet..

Sure. Both are very young, i would expect it. Im sure Dusty is happy to see both of his son's wrestling. Win/Losses dont matter.

If a nuclear warhead dropped on Undertaker's head, would he no-sell it?

When does he no sell? Besides that was his old gimmick, i mean his nick name is the dead man. But to answer you question, he would be knocked out, then rise up.

Montana, What do you think TNA and ROH have to do to get up to pace with WWE and maybe overtake them? What do you think they have to do?

Thats one of the problems. They gotta stop worrying about the competition, or else they'll end up like WCW or ECW, or The AWA. I say just keep running a profitable business until the time is right to strike. As bad as the wwe is now, they can still cream roh or tna if they wanted. I really do think tna has to sit back and wait ofr the wwe to continue to make mistakes. When Stephanie has full control....that is the time to strike the wwe. Vince is too compettive.

Also another theory would be that TNA folds, in that case, ROH would gain a good amount of notable guys. If this were to happen, they must strike while the iron is hot. But like i said, worry about your own product first, the rest will take care of itself. And to be honest, running hte #2 wrestling company, isnt that bad at all. You can be #2 or #3, and still be a winner.

Do you actually think this is true? Are we going to see a new WWE very soon over the next course of months?

No, not at all. Vince may return, but to be honest, WHY. The is no logical reason for him to return. NONE. I know vince is thinking HHH will save the day. I think we may see a little more attitude. We may see jericho return, but i really dont see anything drastic, to surprise me. They may try more gimmick matches on raw. Perhaps a major belt change. (which the product has been missing) But i think the wwe will try minor things, and realistically the ratings arent that bad.

How will Chuck Palumbo debut in WWE? And how quickly before he wins his first title?

He did like 3 weeks ago, he won his debut vs. Kenny Dyskstra. He won a second match as well. I dont see any titles this year. Maybe in 2008, but dont look for him to become a big star. He's more of a vetern the wwe is using to fill up some roster space. If he gets over, who knows. But i think after a while, it will be same old boring Chuck. Personally i think he's best in a tag team.

Recently Umaga look's like he is turning Face after Raw.. DO you think he will gain more popularity or will he end up with the same factor with other monster/big guys when they turned face??

Yeah, it will work to start, but eventually it will lead no where. Much like the monsters you listed. Rikishi, Yoko, every somoan wrestler, just about. If used right, he may get over, but i think it was too early to turn him face. (wtf were they thinking) The only reason he was getting cheered cause we really hated marella. I would have liked to see him move on SD, during that draft 2-3 months ago. if that were the case, Umaga would be world champ. (which is much more deserving than Khali)

montana,here in India wwe shows gets aired 2 weeks after the show originally happens..so have to get the updates from wwe.com all the time..is there any website where i can watch the shows as and when it happens?? will be really helpful..

You best bet, is to just download the whole show. Normally you can do so on this site. If i miss a show, i just check out wwe.com they have videos of the main happenings. Just highlights, but its still pretty good. As far as a site, i believe someone said Stickam has it, which i have no clue on how to get it on there. Ill let you knwo if i get more info on that, but wiating two weeks is not that bad. If you just stay away on wrestling sites.

and do you have any idea when wwe will be back in India for some shows??now that Khali is champ on SD,it will bring lots of fans for the shows..

Good question, as of now, no tours are planned. It wouldnt surprise me if they wwe were to go there late this year, or 08. If there is any good in the Khali title run, its gaining another peice of the globe ( in India) yet another untapped market in the wrestling world.


May 11, 2007
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now that Khali is big on SD and Sonjoy Dutt being a permament feature in TNA X Division,do u see WWE and TNA tapping in some more talent from India and other countries ( eg. Umaga from Fiji )??


now that Khali is big on SD and Sonjoy Dutt being a permament feature in TNA X Division,do u see WWE and TNA tapping in some more talent from India and other countries ( eg. Umaga from Fiji )??

no. When someone is ready they will be brought in, but i dont see them going out of their way to bring in talent from india. As of right now the wwe has a ton of international talent. Probably the most in history. There has even been talk of hte wwe spliting up into international brands down the road. So there would be a european verison of the wwe, and mexican/pacific brand. If they do go all the way iwth that, look to see them sign a good amount of international talent, but this is a long ways away, and i dont think its a good idea. They also have a jamacian guy coming in probably some time this year named koffi kingston. Basically a jamacian verison of elijah burke, hes alright.

As far as tna goes, they dont have much, and really they dont need much. I think thye are still trying to gain fans in the states, which is a must, before you look outside. (with a american based company)


May 11, 2007
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montana..couple of questions..
1) i want to post a thread on the latest UFC pay per view..where should i post it here??
2) do u think Benoit should be inducted in WWE HAll Of Fame??


1) i want to post a thread on the latest UFC pay per view..where should i post it here??

Probably sports would be the best place.

2) do u think Benoit should be inducted in WWE HAll Of Fame??

no, he was really good but the dude knocked off himself and his family. I mean, Randy Savage can't even get in the hall of fame. Chris Beniot only won one world championship in the wwe. Maybe if like hulk hogan killed his family, then i could see a chance of him being inducted, but not Beniot. He didnt do enough to overlook the murder case.


Do you think its Khali gimmick as a really big giant that is making him suck, or he really can't wrestle?


Do you think its Khali gimmick as a really big giant that is making him suck, or he really can't wrestle?

Its kinda both. I mean his moveset is sooo limited as it as, being 500+ lbs so it doesnt really make sense for him to be doing arm bars, and head locks, you know. But at the same time, i want him to do more than just a chop and a kick. I think Khali is slightly better than he is letting on. I think he will open up his moveset more, when he is in a big match. I guess we gotta wait for the wwe to give him the go.

I also think Khali will beat Batista at SummerSlam. Which then he will hold the belt until the Undertaker returns, and Taker , takes his belt back.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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1. Why other people think that it would be gay if AJ Styles goes to WWE? I really don't know why???

2. You know, I am looking forward to a Hardy/Edge match at WM24 for the WHC title, What do you think about it? Is it really impossible?


will vince's return to raw next week spice up things in the WWE ratings on US TV RAtings??

Ehh, it may increase for a few weeks, but after SummerSlam the slump will likely continue. Once Monday Night Football hits, the wwe will be even more concerned. As far as the product, i dont see it chanigng too much. I dont see anything drastic happening. I see minor adjustments, in the short term. More gimmick matches on raw. Some silly divas segments. perhaps a little more attitude injected into john cena. Thats about it. Dont forget hhh returning, and the game will save the wwe.

1. Why other people think that it would be gay if AJ Styles goes to WWE? I really don't know why???

Because AJ Styles is a good wrestler. The wwe will make him change up his "style" of wrestling. Moves will be banned and he won't have as good of matches as in TNA. Not to mention the fact that he won't be a star in wwe either. He would be a cruiserweight, and now that noble has taking over the CW division, it had its first interview a few weeks ago. Before that none of them were allowed on the mic. So bottomline it would be interesting to see how wwe uses him, but AJ styles is best in TNA. Thats his home kinda you know. Plus, if the wwe wanted AJ Styles, they should just sign his clone Matt Sydal, whom is a free agent right now. Both these guys are about equal in the ring.

2. You know, I am looking forward to a Hardy/Edge match at WM24 for the WHC title, What do you think about it? Is it really impossible?

I would like to see it myself, but all the chips have to fall in the right place. They somehow have to get the title off of Khali, to Edge by Wrestlemania. Which means another face has to beat Khali, (Taker) or Khali gets injuried. Knowing our luck, there is zero chance of Khali getting injuried as champ. But I'd say Edge vs Hardy would be the second best match SD could put on at WM. I think Edge vs Taker would be more classical and epic. So if Undertaker gets injuried, who knows. Don't forget about Rey Mysterio, who wont be that far out of the WHC picture.