LogicalWMD....I'm calling you out son.

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Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
I'm the role model, you're a thug

^^^This isn't about John Cena. This is about the Chain Gang standing up for whats right. John Cena just happens to be the one man who symbolizes all that we stand for.

You know the third part of the Chain Gang crede? Well If you don't let me remind you. It's RESPECT. LogicalWMD has violated one of the three Chain Gang commandments that hold us together as a civilization. He has blatently failed to respect his fellow IWF members. He has gone as low as to terrorize the younger members of this forum. The Chain Gang won't stand for it.

You're standing up for civilization? I read and ooze civilization while you're a thug. You want to condone the perverse, filthly speach of these aimless kids? I discourage it and show them how a gentleman uses the language and make it sting so the lesson sticks. Go and win cheap heat from these foul-mouthed kids who seem hellbent for the trash pile of humanity by encouraging the course they seem to be on. I'M the RIGHT EXAMPLE, A GENTLEMAN GENIUS STUD, WHILE YOU'RE A THUG.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
You're standing up for civilization? I read and ooze civilization while you're a thug. You want to condone the perverse, filthly speach of these aimless kids? I discourage it and show them how a gentleman uses the language and make it sting so the lesson sticks. Go and win cheap heat from these foul-mouthed kids who seem hellbent for the trash pile of humanity by encouraging the course they seem to be on. I'M the RIGHT EXAMPLE, A GENTLEMAN GENIUS STUD, WHILE YOU'RE A THUG.

Here is where you are incorrect.

Our language as it is spoken now would've been considered "filthy speech" two hundred years ago. Dialects, and slang are hardly anything new. Our languages much like anything else evolve over time.

Yes, perhaps some of us percieve this as a step backwards, but that is impossible to judge at this juncture. Only history will be able to say whether this is a positive or neagtive choice.

Furthermore whilst I applaud your command of the english language, you have yet to learn the niceties of proper debate. Anybody can belittle someone, but it takes a true mastery of the language to be able to couch your jibes within the realms of proper speech.

Unfortunately I appear to be wrong about you. You aren't quite the challenge I thought you would be.

Ah, c'est la vie.

Perhaps one day.


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score

Here is where you are incorrect.

Our language as it is spoken now would've been considered "filthy speech" two hundred years ago. Dialects, and slang are hardly anything new. Our languages much like anything else evolve over time.

Yes, perhaps some of us percieve this as a step backwards, but that is impossible to judge at this juncture. Only history will be able to say whether this is a positive or neagtive choice.

Furthermore whilst I applaud your command of the english language, you have yet to learn the niceties of proper debate. Anybody can belittle someone, but it takes a true mastery of the language to be able to couch your jibes within the realms of proper speech.

Unfortunately I appear to be wrong about you. You aren't quite the challenge I thought you would be.

Ah, c'est la vie.

Perhaps one day.

Excuse me MonkeyStyle, but you seem to be confused. You don't come claiming victory over me when there's no match up between the 2 of us. If we are pitted, I'll address you. But this is between CenaMark and me. Your are functus in this matter, That you don't understand that reflects on your addled brain. But to address you deep reflection on the devolution of language, swearing has its place. Just not as a substitute for nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. To call someone a smurf to indicate disagreement is just Blue. To call someones mother a whore because you don't like them is a sign of someone who is just angry at the world or mothers. If you'd like to open a HIAT with me be my guest. But let the corpse CenaMark try to rise for the dead. Somkeone of folklore is said to have done that some 2000 years back. This friend of yours is not the stuff of folklore anymore than you are stuff of folklore on linguistics.

But for your snotty little boy last sentence claiming victory out of a few passages of nicely written nonsense, I'd send words of good will to you. You are a thinker but you think too much of your thought capacities to tax them and see your thoughts through. A few nicely flowered passages saying nothing effectively more than your dislikes amount to no more than emotive complaints. Nowhere did you express more than discomfort and go on to whine.

But I detect a capacity for genius beyond that laziness. You're clearly a very intelligent young man, which your facility with the word makes clear. Any of my remarks cdoncerning the quality of discourse in this forum would not be directed at you. Only the intellectual dishonesty and laziness in the instant post stands condemned.

I don't know what you're doing or what you're goals are. I'd encourage you to aim high in the professions, academia, or business. Good luck and cheers.

I'll send you my thoughts on language and Orwell in a PM


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
Reaction score
Ottawa, ON
Excuse me MonkeyStyle, but you seem to be confused. You don't come claiming victory over me when there's no match up between the 2 of us. If we are pitted, I'll address you. But this is between CenaMark and me. Your are functus in this matter, That you don't understand that reflects on your addled brain.

You are indeed correct, my presence was not required nor asked for, however being the person that I am, I offer up my opinions whenever I see fit. Surely you of all people won't be able to disagree with that.

But to address you deep reflection on the devolution of language, swearing has its place. Just not as a substitute for nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. To call someone a smurf to indicate disagreement is just Blue. To call someones mother a whore because you don't like them is a sign of someone who is just angry at the world or mothers.

Ahh, I believe then I misunderstood what you meant by the destruction of our language. I apologize. However I would disagree with you regarding the whole angry at the world issue. I believe it is more an issue of a lack of motivation to respond to someone who is so set in their ideals that they are not willing to consider the fact that they just might be wrong.

If you'd like to open a HIAT with me be my guest. But let the corpse CenaMark try to rise for the dead. Somkeone of folklore is said to have done that some 2000 years back. This friend of yours is not the stuff of folklore anymore than you are stuff of folklore on linguistics

That is no longer up to me. If you wish to step up to the plate and see if you can hit one out of the park off me that's up to you. However if I were you I would strongly consider just backing off.


Thats it..I can't take anymore..You forced this on yourself IllogicalWMD.

I'm gonna have to bust out a freestyle.

"Illogical you best just shut your mouth,
No One cares about your Mansions or your wealth.

The Chain Gang just won't be stopped,
Now shut your mouth before you get dropped.

With my fist, right to your face,
I'll hit you so hard you'll become an extint race."


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
You are indeed correct, my presence was not required nor asked for, however being the person that I am, I offer up my opinions whenever I see fit. Surely you of all people won't be able to disagree with that.

Ahh, I believe then I misunderstood what you meant by the destruction of our language. I apologize. However I would disagree with you regarding the whole angry at the world issue. I believe it is more an issue of a lack of motivation to respond to someone who is so set in their ideals that they are not willing to consider the fact that they just might be wrong.

That is no longer up to me. If you wish to step up to the plate and see if you can hit one out of the park off me that's up to you. However if I were you I would strongly consider just backing off.

See edit

the dark knight

*walks in*


*walks out*
best post in this thread so far .
Here is my first, last and best offer. If you join my side you will get your choice of the following four items;

1. Replica WWE Spinner Belt

2. Hustle Loyalty Respect Spinner Pendent w/Gold crusted Lanyard

3. Chain Gang Assault Battalion T shirt (sizes Kids or XXXL)

4. A copy of "The Marine" signed by John Cena's neighbors friend

Take your pick and choose wisely.
u should've offered a chick .
Alright, you win.
monkeystyle! bad you hehe! you know that im always on your side!! why you didnt ask me?! :(

Let me give you a hand with 8 fingers (monkeystyle) and make the show interesting ;)

CenaMark, im with you dude, i guess i need to stop uploading media for a second and pay some attention to this for a while! Damn it, poor you newbie.
im supposed to take WS side but am not this time . sorry :(
I was originally, at birth, a poor black child!
are u sayin u were black at birth and now ur white ? are u michael jackson ?

the dark knight

sorry for the double post . edit button stalls firefox .

Thats it..I can't take anymore..You forced this on yourself IllogicalWMD.

I'm gonna have to bust out a freestyle.

"Illogical you best just shut your mouth,
No One cares about your Mansions or your wealth.

The Chain Gang just won't be stopped,
Now shut your mouth before you get dropped.

With my fist, right to your face,
I'll hit you so hard you'll become an extint race."

mouth and wealth do not rhyme .

Wrestling Station

TDK, you trader!! lol i guess i should have had offered Kane media for you eh?!


mouth and wealth do not rhyme .

It's not about Rhyming, its about artistic expression.

You can see my frustration with IllogicalWMD's conceded ways in that line.

There are no rules in freestyling, some people choose to rhyme one word with the same word or not rhyme at all.


Looking forward to it.

Also as to my profession at the moment I am a professional student/bitter tech support agent, who'll have a nice master's degree in Psychology in a little over a month.

Whatever happened with that Psych paper you were writing about the forum?

the dark knight

TDK, you trader!! lol i guess i should have had offered Kane media for you eh?!

trader? i did not join logical . i just said i cant be in cenamark's corner :p beside am the special guest ref remember? u should be the 2nd ref .
oh and btw , if u wanna offer me media, just look at my replies in vip section :(