Hello WWEF brethren and sistren (real word, trust me). I am here to introduce to you an interactive story based game. I give you the scenario, and you start your story. You write it however you'd like, within the confines of reality/the set scenario. You are 100% the character. Once you reply, I will reply to your post with different choices for you to make, and depending on those choices, you will succeed/fail or live/die. Once I say "continue with your story", you my proceed until your next group of choices is given. What happens to you/your character is up to 50/50 chance, I do not choose what happens to you. Feel free to ask any questions, and have some fun.
Ok, so here is the scenario.
Everything is as it is on the day you are reading this post.
You woke up, did your daily routine, everything was perfectly normal for you.
You go to sleep at whatever time you usually go to sleep.
In the morning, you wake up and everything seems awkwardly calm and quiet, so you begin to go about your day.
You take your morning shower, eat your breakfast, get dressed, etc.
You open your door, and instead of seeing people, cars and various animals, there is not a living thing to be found.
Your car is out of gas.
Your neighbors door opens, he/she walks out and drop to the ground after looking at you.
You run over to help when you are met with the sudden realization that a human-like figure is standing at their door, growling like an animal.
Your neighbor wakes up and is also growling like an animal after appearing to be dead.
They both turn their attention to you.
You are in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, what do you do? How do you realistically survive until your time is up? Do you survive at all? What sequence of events do you take until you ultimately die? Or will you be one of the few that defies the odds and actually make it?
Your story starts below.