God damn Ryback needs to get off the telly. His commentary was pants yesterday I'd rather suffer Khali than him.
Until this dumbass feud with Sandow they actually made me happy to see Khali, Every time he was in the ring something amazing would happen, We'd get a massive Shellshock. We'd get the biggest Cesaro swing to date. We'd get a sweet-looking RKO with incredible height. Khali has his place as a barbell, but what can you do with Ryback? He's a big guy but he isn't large and imposing enough that being lifted for a Go to Sleep is all that great of an accomplishment... He's been humanized enough that they really have their work cut out for them for us to see him as a wrecking ball again... Why is he still here?
Iirc one of the main reasons Low Ki got released was that nobody wanted to work with him. He worked way too stiff, but I don't remember him injuring anyone. (Someone confirm or deny that) So if they could release someone who at least has the wrestling ability to appeal to someone, why keep Ryback around who couldn't possibly appeal to anyone?