sorry i messed up coloring
1. Tearjerker - Galleon, 2x Bodyguard - Died N2
2. Big Man -deepwolf candidate
3. Jeffatron - likely vetted mason
4. JuiceTearjerker#2 - lean scum (juiuce's noob tunnel on jeff is classic noobscum imo)
5. Char Aznable - lean scum
6. PHEN0M - Eolia, Vanilla Townie - Lynched D2
7. OdoLaughable Chimp - probably town (i flipped on this overnight and was going ot watch him)
8. Alco - lean scum
9. Darth Lethal - probly town
10. TheRedPrince - neutral,, should have bene modkilled
11. Banez - Miuscha, Vanilla Townie - Lost a duel D2
12. Showtime - frozen, probably scum
13. Sexpun T'Come - likely vetted mason
14. Raidokken - Cain Fact, Survivor - Lynched D1
15. Hohenheim of Light - probly town
16. Rugrat - probbaly town
17. MyPrerogative - im going to flip 3x watcher
In the immortal words of Ernie Ladd:
"Bundy, ya big fat piece of shit. We bring you in here, we bring guys in to get ya over, and whaddya do, you dumbed yourself right outta position."