Vote Count
MyPrerogative | 3 (Jeffatron, Tearjerker, Sexpun T'Come) |
Tearjerker | 2 (Showtime, Darth Lethal) |
Sexpun T'Come | 1 (Odo) |
Odo | 1 (TheRedPrince) |
Showtime | 1 (MyPrerogative) |
Banez | 5 (Rugrat, Hohenheim of Light, Raidokken, Grim) |
Jeffatron | 1 (Juice) |
Rugrat | 1 (Banez) |
~15 hours remaining in Day 1.
With 17 alive it takes 9 votes to lynch.
@Alco @PHEN0M @Big Man @Juice @TheRedPrince
I shouldn't be outposting any of you. More activity or any activity at all would be much appreciated.

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