Page 1: Rugrat wants to rattle Banez
Page 2: Odo ‘happy’ to lynch Smark or Sky
Page 3: Smark not sure Sky has done anything to warrant a happy to lynch this early, Barry and Sky think Smark is town, Jeff starts wagon on myperogative saying he looks weird compared to last game.
Page 4: Jeff prods people to join his wagon twice. Smark and then Rugrat join
Page 6: Barry not a fan of Sky reading Jeff town already and has him as null, wants to look at Sky.
Page 8: Barry and Jeff get into argument over what jeff has done do far. Doesn’t appear to be scum/scum.
Page 9: Smark gives Barry a town read and consolidates it in further posts
Page 10: HoL votes Barry for calling himself worthless
Page 13: HoL pressures MP for giving jokey answers to jokey questions after saying he’d be back to answer questions earlier, CP doesn’t likes Odo’s play.
Page 14: MyPerogative votes magic and gives his reasoning, Banez calls him town for going after magic
Pages 15-27: Not much of relevance. Long winded arguments, can say Smark and Lethal are not knowinblgy aligned from it. Banez votes Rugrat for trolling and Jeff defends him by saying he trolls more as town. Rugrat pushes Banez
Page 29: Barry makes a case on Banez, calling his posts trash, Banez refuses to claim
Page 35: Haza wagon starts, Rugrat prefers to look at Skybox or MyPerogative but then puts sky in blue once Haza says the masons are legit
Page 36: MP says we should look at Smark and Odo to make sure the meta reads are correct and he really doesn’t like Magic.
Page 38: Barry, Odo and Rugrat start CP wagon.
Page 39: Barry susses HoL for not claiming double voter?
Page 47: Smark votes and pushes a CP wagon
Page 48: Rugrat doesn’t see the point in a CP wagon
Page 52: Sky doesn’t want to lynch CP