My all-time list changes constantly (like except for the first two the rest are pretty exchangeable. So expect a lot of honorable mentions [also I ignored diva's though a few would make it to honorable mentions]). Also, this is completely off the top of my head.
All-time . . .
I. Undertaker (any one of his not done by Limp Bizkit are contenders but this one is probably my favorite)
II. Shawn Michaels (like both versions about equally)
III. Kane (similar to Undertaker, just about all of his could've made it here).
IV. Rick Martel (surprisingly, this isn't the only Rick Martel theme that popped into mind but the other is a tag team and on the honorable mentions)
V. Chris Benoit
Honorable mentions: Edge, Christian (I do like the Story Of The Year's cover, but I find it vastly inferior compared to this version), Strikeforce (Strangely, the fact that this is terrible as a theme is a big part of why I rank it this high [also the main reason I limited it to honorable mention]), Billy Gunn (yes, both), Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle (the WWECW version was awesome), Vince McMahon, & CM Punk (yes, both).
Current . . .
I. Mark Henry (In fairness, this should at least be in the honorable mentions of all-time)
II. Jack Swagger
III. Brock Lesnar
IV. Um, Punk's.
V. Um, Curtis Axel (haven't heard the most recent one [he got another version like a week after debuted right?] so I'll just place him here for the time being).
All-time . . .
I. Undertaker (any one of his not done by Limp Bizkit are contenders but this one is probably my favorite)
II. Shawn Michaels (like both versions about equally)
III. Kane (similar to Undertaker, just about all of his could've made it here).
IV. Rick Martel (surprisingly, this isn't the only Rick Martel theme that popped into mind but the other is a tag team and on the honorable mentions)
V. Chris Benoit
Honorable mentions: Edge, Christian (I do like the Story Of The Year's cover, but I find it vastly inferior compared to this version), Strikeforce (Strangely, the fact that this is terrible as a theme is a big part of why I rank it this high [also the main reason I limited it to honorable mention]), Billy Gunn (yes, both), Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle (the WWECW version was awesome), Vince McMahon, & CM Punk (yes, both).
Current . . .
I. Mark Henry (In fairness, this should at least be in the honorable mentions of all-time)
II. Jack Swagger
III. Brock Lesnar
IV. Um, Punk's.
V. Um, Curtis Axel (haven't heard the most recent one [he got another version like a week after debuted right?] so I'll just place him here for the time being).