Sucks that so many wrestlers are due back at the same time, limits what the writers can do. Bed N Breakfast, Sheamus, Orton....
Sucks that so many wrestlers are due back at the same time, limits what the writers can do. Bed N Breakfast, Sheamus, Orton....
Sheamus is top heel material, as a face he's borderline racist lol. His gimmick is him saying fella and having white skin.
Lol wasn't that in Finlay's theme song?
Reigns fucked your mom, we get it kid.Still better than Reigns.:
Reigns fucked your mom, we get it kid.
Hasn't Reigns already gone over Orton?
Well, as far as DB, his mic skills I would say are better then Reigns, especially last week's promo, but he's really not that great either.
Actually a pretty spot on observation. The dude is a walking IWC cliche. He has to wait for the Internet to tell him who to hate and who to mark for. I think they have a monthly newsletter.CM Bryan is Wrestlingforum incarnated. CENA 2.0!!! C M P U N K !
Actually a pretty spot on observation. The dude is a walking IWC cliche. He has to wait for the Internet to tell him who to hate and who to mark for. I think they have a monthly newsletter.