Your Popular (And Not So Popular) Opinions

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WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
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La Florida
Okay, I'm not sure if this has been done here before, but I'mma do this anyway. Basically, you're going to state your own opinions on wrestling in general, regarding a superstar, PPV, promotion, whatever, regardless of how popular or unpopular it is among the IWC. They can be ridiculous, serious, heartfelt, whatever. I'll go so as to give you guys an idea of what I'm talking about.

~ To the contrary, I don't like a wrestler based on how good he/she is the ring. Sometimes, being good is entirely subjective. Some of my favorite wrestlers, such as Batista, Goldberg, and Ultimate Warrior, aren't very great in the ring, but I like 'em for their mere in-ring presence and character.

~ Mickie James and Traci Books are the most unattractive female wrestlers in Mainstream wrestling, IMO.

~ Lucha Libre is my favorite form of professional wrestling. From the folk heroes like Blue Demon, Santo, and Mil Mascaras, the great in-ring generals like Blue Panther, Ultimo Dragon (trained in lucha style), Ultimo Guerrero, Atlantis, and El Hijo De Santo, along with talent such as Cibernetico, El Elegido, Dos Caras Jr, Mistico, Volador Jr, and eccentric and recognizable faces like Rey Mysterio Jr, La Parka, Psicosis, and Konnan, I love it. The legends of the various masks, the tradition and importance they hold, the high flying nature of the wrestling, and the personalities all create a product I cherish more than any other wrestling out there. Not to mention, CMLL is the oldest professional wrestling promotion in the world.

~ Some of the guys highly regarded by the IWC such as Edge, MVP, Kennedy, and Cage, I consider 'em dull and boring. I do not like their characters, and I do not consider guys like Edge 'THE GREATEST HEEL OMGZ MIC SKILLS EPIC!'

~ Puroresu is beginning to grow on me. Guys like Kenta Kobashi, Jun Akiyama, and Mitsuharu Misawa OWN! My favorite japanese wrestlers are 1) Jushin Liger 2) Ultimo Dragon 3) Kenta Kobashi 4) Mitsuharu Misawa and 5) Masa Chono.

~ I consider the Attitude Era to be undeservingly highly regarded among wrestling fans. Now that I look back at it, the Attitude Era's wrestling product was kinda of terrible, with matches too often being on the outside. I'd say the storylines are basically what saved the Attitude Era, but compared to the 2000s actual wrestling product, it can't compare. Even the Federation Years of the 'E and early to mid 90s WCW had more classic matches than Attitude Era WWF.

~ I'm very cynical of second/third generational wrestlers, as I don't see the big deal in 'em debuting every five seconds. There was a thread made earlier about Reid Flair's debut. I honestly couldn't care less. If he's a good wrestler, awesome, but don't make a big deal out of his name. Guys like Ted DiBiase Jr and Cody Rhodes haven't really impressed me; they seem too much like carbon copies of Randy Orton. Guys like Dos Caras Jr, Randy Orton, The Rock, Mr. Perfect, Carlito, and Volador Jr. have earned my respect, however.

~ My favorite women's wrestlers as of now are Rain, Candice Michelle, Roxxi, Christy Hemme, and Taylor Wilde. I don't think Candice is as bad as people say she is, either.

I'll write in other opinions once I think of them. Also, you can comment on other people's opinions, but don't make a habit of actually arguing against their preferences and such.

Moonlight Drive

Pretty cool idea, here's some of mine

~Mr. Kennedy is extremely overrated. He can say his name into a mic 'ZOMG WORLD CHAMPIONZ~!'

~The Attitude Era is also overrated in my view, there were many brilliant points but there was a hell of a lot of incredibly ridiculous gimmicks and storylines (Mae Young/Mark Henry, Naked Mideon, Kennel from Hell, etc.)

~TNA will never be able to reach the level of WWE.

~Triple H doesn't hold other superstars down more than any other main eventer

~The WWE Hall of Fame is a joke

~The list of the greatest superstars of all time goes- 1) Shawn Michaels 2) Hulk Hogan 3) Ric Flair

I'll probably think of more later.


Good thread. Heres my opinions:

~Elijah Burke is not your God. He is a mediocre wrestler at best with meh mic skills and alright ring skills. He deserves a mid card reign in the future but nothing more. He wont win a world title, sorry. Although he deserves to be on TV at least.

~The WWE will get too comfortable and stop giving the best possible product soon, and nobody will be able to challenge them anyway.

~Triple H will equal but not go over Ric Flair's amount of World Title wins. And in my opinion he will deserve it.

~Mr Kennedy is terribly overrated by the IWC. His mic skills are repetitive and annoying while his in ring work leads him to constant injury.

~The Big Show deserves one more World Title reign. He has been a solid performer recently and is very devoted even losing those 60 pounds. He would be a great world champion and is currently going very well over on Smackdown.

~TNA will close within 5 years.

~People need to realise that wrestlers that can put on good matches are not automatically the best. There is a mix of the things that make a wrestler good but in pro wrestling, I think the biggest is draw. Taking those points into account, that is why Shelton Benjamin, Brian Kendrick, Paul London and to an extent MVP are not the greatest wrestlers in the WWE and definatley not World Title material.

~Batista will and should hold the title until Wrestlemania. He will then defend it against either Randy Orton or Batista.

~No Mercy was actually a really good PPV this year and has been underrated a lot. Those who say Cyber Sunday was better are idiots.

~Kelly Kelly deserves to be a future Womens champion as does Natalya.

~Had Torrie Wilson not retired, she would ave become Divas Champion.


Batista will and should hold the title until Wrestlemania. He will then defend it against either Randy Orton or Batista.

That's going to suck >_>

Rated R Stud

Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Very Good Topic...

~The Diva's Championship is a JOKE, It should of never been created, The Creserweight or Light Weight championship should of been Smackdown's fourth title.

~Mr Kennedy is OVERRATED, he can say his name twice in the Mic, and get's a huge reaction? whippi, He sucks, hes a SCSA/Rock wannabe.

~The Brian Kendrick will never get to the main event scene.

~Evan Borune will be the only Small High Flier to succeed in the WWE, Besides Rey Rey.

~Martty Jannetty will be dead within 2-3 years.

~If TNA contunies the way they're going, then in 4-5 Years, It'll be closed, and we'll be seeing TNA Matches on WWE 24/7 On Demand.

~The Undertaker has become OVERRATED, It's the same thing with him, he comes back, leaves, comes back again, it's just getting massivley annyoing, so is his Gimmick. I miss Badass/Evil Taker from the early days in 1990-1991.

~Sabu will also die within 2-3 years. Maybe Terry Funk as well.

~A HUGE, WWE Superstar will jump ship to TNA within 2009-2010.

~Jeff Hardy is gonna win the Royal Rumble, Probally win the Championship, and then Eventully once again screw up and get Fired.

~Shelton Benjamin will never get to main event, and will be Released within the next year-two years.

~Sting will retire some time next year.

~Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Hulk Hogan will have a match at WM25, No clue who they will be facing though.

Can't think of anymore, I will update this later, and put some more of my Opinons on here.


Sabu will also die within 2-3 years. Maybe Terry Funk as well.

I'm pretty sure that at this point in life, Funk IS death. Either him or Jake Roberts.


Jeff Hardy is easily the most overrated. He is only decent on the mic and he does way to many repetitive spots. Anyone who thinks Jeff is better than Matt on the mic is on crack. Matt Hardy>Jeff Hardy. Now don't get me wrong im beginning to like Jeff more but he shouldn't hold a world title for a long time until he is ready. Also a few changes in his moveset wouldn't hurt so he's not so damn repetitive.

Going to have to agree with the WWE Hall of Fame is a joke. No Savage,Sammartino,Owen, and many others=a shit hall of fame.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
Reaction score
La Florida
Yeah, WWE Hall of Fame is a joke. Sammartino refuses to be inducted because, well, even he says it's a joke and a disgrace. I mean, Vince doesn't induct guys who are on bad terms with him, and there are MANY worthy HOFers who are on bad terms with the guy.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Batista will and should hold the title until Wrestlemania. He will then defend it against either Randy Orton or Batista.

That's going to suck >_>


OK, so here we go.

~ TNA will become a viable product.

~ ROH produces much better wrestling than TNA and WWE.

~ Chris Masters is awesome. That's right, I said it. He could put on a pretty good match, and he had a good character.

~ Gabe Sapolsky is the best booker in the world.

~ Jimmy Jacobs has the best character in the world.

~ No one can touch AJ Styles as far as pro wrestling ability goes.

~ Big Show is a shit wrestler.

~ Triple H is the stalest thing in the world right now.

~ Kofi Kingston has a future in WWE.

~ Ted DiBiase is a future world champion.

~ If Jamie Noble could cut a promo, he would at the very least be upper midcard material in WWE.

~ NOAH is by far the best Japanese promotion, and has the second best wrestling in the world behind ROH.

~ Mistico is way better than Rey Mysterio.

That'll do for now.

Hometown Kid

- Japan has better wrestling than any American promotion with NOAH and NJPW being the 2 best. The top 3 American promotions outshine the rest though.

- Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke or MVP will never win a World title in WWE. (Unfortunately tbh)

- CM Punk is 1 of the most overrated wrestlers in the IWC ever since he joined WWE. His ROH days were spectacular but in WWE he has no mic skills and has even resorted to stealing the majority of entire movesets from Japanese wrestlers.

- AJ Styles is better in the ring and on the mic than Matt Sydal

- Triple H is the most boring in-ring worker to watch and he does the same promo almost every night he appears.

- Triple H will keep the WWE Championship until WM25 and beyond.

- TNA will surpass SD! in ratings by 2010.

- ROH will get a tv deal within 5 years .

That's it for now. >_>

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

-Batista, despite being ridiculous popular, is the biggest piece of shit walking the earth.

-Jake Roberts has lived about 10 years longer than I thought he would.

-Eric Bischoff is a genius. Yeah I said it.

-Bret Hart is overrated and a crybaby.

-Michelle McCool would not be getting the push she's getting if she wasn't blowing the undertaker.

-Chuck Taylor will be the breakout star of 2009 on the indy circuit.

-Vince Russo is a fucking tard who is running TNA into the ground.

The Rated R CMStar

- TNA will fail at building Samoa Joe and AJ Styles correctly as their true faces of the company, and will slowly die due to the retirement of their main event stars.

- Christian Cage will return to the WWE.

- Kurt Angle will wrestle ONE MMA match and lose in a very embarrasing way.

- Those who watch TNA and WWE for the...wrestling, are looking at the wrong industry quite frankly.

- Those who think that ROH will make it to a WWE level with their current product are death wrong.

- Paul Heyman is overrated. If he's so great, ECW wouldn't have died.

- Triple H does exactly what all the others main eventers in EVERY COMPANY do, but he's seen different thanks to his marriage.

- The new in ring style of Chris Jericho since turning heel is a step below from his in ring work as a face.

- SD is far better than RAW.

Chuck Taylor's Grenade

Paul Heyman was good from a creative standpoint. He just couldn't balance a checkbook and was a pathological liar.

Moonlight Drive

The main reason I feel the WWE Hall of Fame is like what you guys said, no Savage, etc., and the fact they have a celebrity wing is pretty dumb. And inducting underserving guys like Rocky Johnson & Peter Maivia over guys who deserve it just so The Rock would show up.


~Batista will and should hold the title until Wrestlemania. He will then defend it against either Randy Orton or Batista.

LOL, that would make Wrestling Station happy!