Your favorite short lived superstars?
I loved that he wasn't a typical heel when he showed up. He was just a guy from the Middle East who wanted to break down stereotypes about his people after 9/11. Obviously he was still treated like shit by the fans which to me was hilarious and sad at the same time. It was a great job by WWE of holding up a mirror for the fans to look at themselves in, and i hope they were ashamed.
eventually of course he became an over the top terrorist type gimmick, which would have been awesome but ofc UPN is Blue and still ran the episode of SD in the UK that had him attacking the Undertaker the same day as those terrorist attacks there... BRILLIANT. I still think they could have salvaged it without completely pulling the plug.
I'm sure his star would have dimmed by now, but he could still be a midcard staple as a heel. On a roster with so much blandness he would really stick out