I didn't even say decent, I said surprisingly good. Not gonna lie that movie was sad as fuck. I thought it was well done and stayed true to the source material better than most book movies. I expected it to just be another movie from a popular teen book that had poor acting and relied on the book to sell it (which probably helped TFioS as well), but I enjoyed most of it. I don't really get how it's insulting to people that have their diseases either. If anything it presents them with something more realistic. Life sucks and then you die so you might as well make the best of it while you have your chance.
Won't go into too much detail, but I thought it was overly sentimental, and made its characters look like cardborad cut outs. Plus I just found them annoying, and if you find them annoying you are just not going to buy into the film full-stop. The scene in the Anne Frank House was just crap to try and link the experience of having cancer with going through the Holocaust is just cheap. The only things which saved the film for me, were the lead performance, and Williem Defoe's mad Dutch accient!
I respect that it worked for you, as it has for many.