How does Vince McMahon feel now? He has to feel like crap. I mean you mock you're own death and try to play it serious. In the process, whether intentionally or not, you mock the death of Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, and any professional wrestler who has died. And what does Vince get last week? The death of Sherry. Not that she is relevent in today's wrestling world, but she is considered a legend as far as ladies in wrestling are concerned. Vince keeps running the storyline and now what do we have? Chris Benoit and his family dead. I cant help but think and believe that Vince brought this upon himself by running this ridiculous and disgusting storyline. It's sad it's going to take a life to end it. As far as Chris goes, RIP to one of the greatest technical wrestlers, ever, hands down. RIP to his wife Nancy, who will ever forget the Woman and Kevin Sullivan stoyline ten years ago that turned real? And RIP to thier son. Chris will sincerly be missed, just like Eddie and the others.